Orbit is a tool used to create/build/run kore code in a more straight forward way. Right now, orbit can do the following: orbit create myapp orbit build myapp orbit run myapp All in the motivation of making it easier to get started with building Kore libraries and making life easier on the people hacking Kore things.
Kore (https://kore.io) is an ultra fast web server / framework for web applications developed in C. It provides a set of API functions you can use to build a dynamic library which is loaded into Kore directly.
Kore is an ideal candidate for developing robust, fast and safe web applications.
- Supports SNI
- Supports SPDY/3
- Supports HTTP/1.1
- Lightweight background tasks
- Built-in parameter validation
- Only HTTPS connections allowed
- Multiple modules can be loaded at once
- Built-in asynchronous PostgreSQL support
- Load your web application as a precompiled C library
- Event driven architecture with per CPU core worker processes
- Modules can be reloaded on-the-fly, even while serving content
- Kore is licensed under the ISC license
Platforms supported
- Linux
- OpenBSD
- FreeBSD
See https://kore.io/doc/#section1.1 for more information.
- [2014-08-25] Version 1.2 will be released
- [2014-03-01] Version 1.1 - https://kore.io/release/kore-1.1-stable.tgz
Building Kore
- libz
- openssl >= 1.0.1g
Requirements for background tasks
- pthreads
Requirements for pgsql
- libpq
Normal compilation and installation:
# git clone https://github.com/jorisvink/kore.git
# cd kore
# make
# make install
If you would like to build a specific flavor, you can enable those by setting a shell environment variable before running make.
- TASKS=1 (compiles in task support)
- PGSQL=1 (compiles in pgsql support)
- DEBUG=1 (enables use of -d for debug)
- KORE_PEDANTIC_MALLOC=1 (zero all allocated memory)
Example libraries
You can find example libraries under contrib/examples/.
The examples should be compiled using the supplied build.sh scripts and assume you have installed the header files using make install.
I apologize for unclear examples or documentation, I am working on improving those.
Bugs, contributions and more
If you run into any bugs, have suggestions or patches please contact me at joris@coders.se.
More information can be found on https://kore.io/