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2019-11-21 06:55:05 -05:00
#include <notcurses.h>
#include "main.h"
class NcplaneTest : public :: testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
setlocale(LC_ALL, nullptr);
2019-11-21 06:55:05 -05:00
if(getenv("TERM") == nullptr){
notcurses_options nopts{};
nopts.inhibit_alternate_screen = true;
nopts.retain_cursor = true;
nopts.pass_through_esc = true;
nopts.outfp = stdin;
2019-11-21 06:55:05 -05:00
nc_ = notcurses_init(&nopts);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, nc_);
2019-11-21 07:46:19 -05:00
n_ = notcurses_stdplane(nc_);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, n_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
2019-11-21 06:55:05 -05:00
void TearDown() override {
EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_stop(nc_));
2019-11-21 06:55:05 -05:00
struct notcurses* nc_{};
struct ncplane* n_{};
2019-11-21 06:55:05 -05:00
2019-11-21 08:19:14 -05:00
// Starting position ought be 0, 0 (the origin)
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, StdPlanePosition) {
int x, y;
2019-11-22 22:47:12 -05:00
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
2019-11-21 08:19:14 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(0, x);
EXPECT_EQ(0, y);
2019-11-21 07:46:19 -05:00
// Dimensions of the standard plane ought be the same as those of the context
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, StdPlaneDimensions) {
int cols, rows;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &rows, &cols);
2019-11-21 07:46:19 -05:00
int ncols, nrows;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &nrows, &ncols);
2019-11-21 07:46:19 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(rows, nrows);
EXPECT_EQ(cols, ncols);
2019-11-21 06:55:05 -05:00
// Verify that we can move to all four coordinates of the standard plane
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, MoveStdPlaneDimensions) {
int cols, rows;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &rows, &cols);
2019-11-22 22:47:12 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
2019-11-21 08:19:14 -05:00
int x, y;
2019-11-22 22:47:12 -05:00
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
2019-11-21 08:19:14 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(y, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(x, 0);
2019-11-22 22:47:12 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows - 1, 0));
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
2019-11-21 08:19:14 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(y, rows - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(x, 0);
2019-11-22 22:47:12 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows - 1, cols - 1));
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
2019-11-21 08:19:14 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(y, rows - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(x, cols - 1);
2019-11-22 22:47:12 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, cols - 1));
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
2019-11-21 08:19:14 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(y, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(x, cols - 1);
2019-11-21 06:55:05 -05:00
// Verify that we can move to all four coordinates of the standard plane
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, MoveBeyondPlaneFails) {
int cols, rows;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &rows, &cols);
2019-11-22 22:47:12 -05:00
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, -1, 0));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, -1, -1));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, -1));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows - 1, -1));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows, 0));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows + 1, 0));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, rows, cols));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, -1, cols - 1));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, cols));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, cols + 1));
2019-11-21 07:46:19 -05:00
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, SetPlaneRGB) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_fg_rgb8(n_, 0, 0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_fg_rgb8(n_, 255, 255, 255));
EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_));
2019-11-21 07:46:19 -05:00
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, RejectBadRGB) {
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_fg_rgb8(n_, -1, 0, 0));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_fg_rgb8(n_, 0, -1, 0));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_fg_rgb8(n_, 0, 0, -1));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_fg_rgb8(n_, -1, -1, -1));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_fg_rgb8(n_, 256, 255, 255));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_fg_rgb8(n_, 255, 256, 255));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_fg_rgb8(n_, 255, 255, 256));
EXPECT_NE(0, ncplane_fg_rgb8(n_, 256, 256, 256));
2019-11-21 06:55:05 -05:00
2019-11-21 08:19:14 -05:00
// Verify we can emit a wide character, and it advances the cursor
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, EmitWchar) {
2019-11-23 18:34:06 -05:00
const char cchar[] = "";
2019-11-24 15:32:38 -05:00
cell c{};
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(cchar), cell_load(n_, &c, cchar));
2019-11-24 15:32:38 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(cchar), ncplane_putc(n_, &c));
2019-11-21 08:19:14 -05:00
int x, y;
2019-11-22 22:47:12 -05:00
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
2019-11-23 19:24:29 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(0, y);
EXPECT_EQ(1, x);
EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_));
2019-11-21 08:19:14 -05:00
2019-11-23 12:52:09 -05:00
// Verify we can emit a wide string, and it advances the cursor
2019-11-23 18:34:06 -05:00
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, EmitStr) {
const char s[] = "Σιβυλλα τι θελεις; respondebat illa: αποθανειν θελω.";
2019-11-23 19:24:29 -05:00
int wrote = ncplane_putstr(n_, s);
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(s), wrote);
2019-11-23 12:52:09 -05:00
int x, y;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &y, &x);
2019-11-23 19:24:29 -05:00
EXPECT_EQ(0, y);
EXPECT_NE(1, x); // FIXME tighten in on this
EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_));
2019-11-23 12:52:09 -05:00
2019-11-24 16:41:43 -05:00
2019-11-24 16:46:58 -05:00
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, HorizontalLines) {
int x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
2019-11-24 16:46:58 -05:00
ASSERT_LT(0, y);
ASSERT_LT(0, x);
cell c{};
cell_load(n_, &c, "-");
for(int yidx = 0 ; yidx < y ; ++yidx){
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, yidx, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(x - 2, ncplane_hline(n_, &c, x - 2));
int posx, posy;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &posy, &posx);
EXPECT_EQ(yidx, posy);
EXPECT_EQ(x - 1, posx);
cell_release(n_, &c);
EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_));
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, VerticalLines) {
int x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
ASSERT_LT(0, y);
ASSERT_LT(0, x);
cell c{};
cell_load(n_, &c, "|");
for(int xidx = 1 ; xidx < x - 1 ; ++xidx){
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 1, xidx));
EXPECT_EQ(y - 2, ncplane_vline(n_, &c, y - 2));
int posx, posy;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n_, &posy, &posx);
EXPECT_EQ(y - 2, posy);
EXPECT_EQ(xidx, posx - 1);
2019-11-24 16:46:58 -05:00
cell_release(n_, &c);
EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_));
2019-11-25 19:51:11 -05:00
// reject attempts to draw boxes beyond the boundaries of the ncplane
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, BadlyPlacedBoxen) {
int x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
ASSERT_LT(2, y);
ASSERT_LT(2, x);
2019-11-25 19:51:11 -05:00
cell ul{}, ll{}, lr{}, ur{}, hl{}, vl{};
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_rounded_box_cells(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl));
2019-11-25 19:51:11 -05:00
EXPECT_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, y + 1, x + 1));
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 1, 0));
EXPECT_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, y, x));
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 1));
EXPECT_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, y, x));
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y - 1, x - 1));
EXPECT_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, 2, 2));
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y - 2, x - 1));
EXPECT_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, 2, 2));
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, y - 1, x - 2));
EXPECT_GT(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, 2, 2));
EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_));
2019-11-25 19:51:11 -05:00
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, PerimeterBox) {
int x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
ASSERT_LT(2, y);
ASSERT_LT(2, x);
cell ul{}, ll{}, lr{}, ur{}, hl{}, vl{};
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_rounded_box_cells(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl));
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_box(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, y - 1, x - 1));
cell_release(n_, &vl);
cell_release(n_, &hl);
cell_release(n_, &ul);
cell_release(n_, &ll);
cell_release(n_, &ur);
cell_release(n_, &lr);
EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_));
2019-11-24 16:46:58 -05:00
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, PerimeterBoxSized) {
int x, y;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &y, &x);
ASSERT_LT(2, y);
ASSERT_LT(2, x);
cell ul{}, ll{}, lr{}, ur{}, hl{}, vl{};
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_rounded_box_cells(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl));
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_box_sized(n_, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, y, x));
cell_release(n_, &vl);
cell_release(n_, &hl);
cell_release(n_, &ul);
cell_release(n_, &ll);
cell_release(n_, &ur);
cell_release(n_, &lr);
EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_));
2019-11-24 16:41:43 -05:00
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, EraseScreen) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_));
2019-11-24 16:41:43 -05:00
// we're gonna run both a composed latin a with grave, and then a latin a with
// a combining nonspacing grave
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, CellLoadCombining) {
const char* w1 = "à"; // U+00E0, U+0000 (c3 a0)
const char* w2 = ""; // U+0061, U+0300, U+0000 (61 cc 80)
const char* w3 = "a"; // U+0061, U+0000 (61)
auto u1 = cell_load(n_, &cell1, w1);
auto u2 = cell_load(n_, &cell2, w2);
auto u3 = cell_load(n_, &cell3, w3);
ASSERT_EQ(2, u1);
ASSERT_EQ(3, u2);
ASSERT_EQ(1, u3);
cell_release(n_, &cell1);
cell_release(n_, &cell2);
cell_release(n_, &cell3);
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, CellDuplicateCombining) {
const char* w1 = "à"; // U+00E0, U+0000 (c3 a0)
const char* w2 = ""; // U+0061, U+0300, U+0000 (61 cc 80)
const char* w3 = "a"; // U+0061, U+0000 (61)
auto u1 = cell_load(n_, &cell1, w1);
auto u2 = cell_load(n_, &cell2, w2);
auto u3 = cell_load(n_, &cell3, w3);
ASSERT_EQ(2, u1);
ASSERT_EQ(3, u2);
ASSERT_EQ(1, u3);
EXPECT_EQ(2, cell_duplicate(n_, &cell4, &cell1));
EXPECT_EQ(3, cell_duplicate(n_, &cell5, &cell2));
EXPECT_EQ(1, cell_duplicate(n_, &cell6, &cell3));
cell_release(n_, &cell1);
cell_release(n_, &cell2);
cell_release(n_, &cell3);
cell_release(n_, &cell4);
cell_release(n_, &cell5);
cell_release(n_, &cell6);
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, CellMultiColumn) {
const char* w1 = "👨";
const char* w2 = "N";
auto u1 = cell_load(n_, &c1, w1);
auto u2 = cell_load(n_, &c2, w2);
ASSERT_EQ(strlen(w1), u1);
ASSERT_EQ(strlen(w2), u2);
cell_release(n_, &c1);
cell_release(n_, &c2);
// verifies that the initial userptr is what we provided, that it is a nullptr
// for the standard plane, and that we can change it.
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, UserPtr) {
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ncplane_userptr(n_));
int x, y;
void* sentinel = &x;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &y, &x);
struct ncplane* ncp = notcurses_newplane(nc_, y, x, 0, 0, sentinel);
ASSERT_NE(ncp, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(&x, ncplane_userptr(ncp));
EXPECT_EQ(sentinel, ncplane_set_userptr(ncp, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ncplane_userptr(ncp));
sentinel = &y;
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ncplane_set_userptr(ncp, sentinel));
EXPECT_EQ(&y, ncplane_userptr(ncp));
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_destroy(ncp));
// create a new plane, the same size as the terminal, and verify that it
// occupies the same dimensions as the standard plane.
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, NewPlaneSameSize) {
int x, y;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &y, &x);
struct ncplane* ncp = notcurses_newplane(nc_, y, x, 0, 0, nullptr);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ncp);
int px, py;
ncplane_dim_yx(ncp, &py, &px);
EXPECT_EQ(y, py);
EXPECT_EQ(x, px);
int sx, sy;
ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &sy, &sx);
EXPECT_EQ(sy, py);
EXPECT_EQ(sx, px);
EXPECT_EQ(0, ncplane_destroy(ncp));
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, ShrinkPlane) {
int maxx, maxy;
int x = 0, y = 0;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &maxy, &maxx);
struct ncplane* newp = notcurses_newplane(nc_, maxy, maxx, y, x, nullptr);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, newp);
while(y > 4 && x > 4){
maxx -= 2;
maxy -= 2;
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_resize(newp, 1, 1, maxy, maxx, 1, 1, maxy, maxx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
while(y > 4){
maxy -= 2;
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_resize(newp, 1, 0, maxy, maxx, 1, 0, maxy, maxx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
while(x > 4){
maxx -= 2;
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_resize(newp, 0, 1, maxy, maxx, 0, 1, maxy, maxx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_resize(newp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2));
// FIXME check dims, pos
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_destroy(newp));
TEST_F(NcplaneTest, GrowPlane) {
int maxx = 2, maxy = 2;
int x = 0, y = 0;
int dimy, dimx;
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc_, &dimy, &dimx);
x = dimx / 2 - 1;
y = dimy / 2 - 1;
struct ncplane* newp = notcurses_newplane(nc_, maxy, maxx, y, x, nullptr);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, newp);
while(dimx - maxx > 4 && dimy - maxy > 4){
maxx += 2;
maxy += 2;
// ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_resize(newp, 1, 1, maxy, maxx, 1, 1, maxy, maxx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
while(y < dimy){
// ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_resize(newp, 1, 0, maxy, maxx, 1, 0, maxy, maxx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
while(x < dimx){
// ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_resize(newp, 0, 1, maxy, maxx, 0, 1, maxy, maxx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_resize(newp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dimy, dimx));
// FIXME check dims, pos
ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_destroy(newp));