2020-03-25 04:06:38 -04:00
This document attempts to list user-visible changes and any major internal
2020-04-05 20:13:37 -04:00
rearrangements of Notcurses.
2020-03-25 04:06:38 -04:00
2020-09-13 07:51:49 -04:00
* 1.7.3 (not yet released)
* The long-promised/dreaded Great Widget Review, normalizing behavior across
all widgets, has been effected. Sorry, there was no getting around this
one. Pretty much all widgets have slightly changed, because pretty much all
widgets previously behaved slightly differently:
2020-09-13 12:10:36 -04:00
* `ncselector_create()` and `ncmultiselector_create()` now take ownership
of the provided `ncplane`. On an error in these functions, the `ncplane`
will be destroyed. Otherwise, the `ncplane` is destroyed by
`ncselector_destroy()` or `ncmultiselector_destroy()`.
* `ncselector_create()` and `ncmultiselector_create()` no longer accept
`int y, int x` placement parameters. Just place the `ncplane`.
* `ncselector_options` and `ncmultiselector_options` have lost their
`bgchannels` members. Just set the base character for the `ncplane`.
2020-09-13 07:51:49 -04:00
* ...
2020-09-10 04:14:01 -04:00
* 1.7.2 (2020-09-09)
2020-09-06 12:56:16 -04:00
* Exported `ncvisual_default_blitter()`, so that the effective value of
`NCBLIT_DEFAULT` can be determined.
2020-09-06 22:58:31 -04:00
* Added `NCREADER_OPTION_CURSOR`, instructing the `ncreader` to make the
terminal cursor visible, and manage the cursor's placement.
2020-09-06 12:56:16 -04:00
2020-08-31 21:49:39 -04:00
* 1.7.1 (2020-08-31)
2020-08-31 19:39:07 -04:00
`cell_load_simple()` to `cell_load_char()`.
* Renamed `ncplane_putsimple()` to `ncplane_putchar()`,
`ncplane_putsimple_stainable()` to `ncplane_putchar_stainable()`,
and `ncplane_putsimple_yx()` to `ncplane_putchar_yx()`.
2020-08-30 04:43:27 -04:00
* 1.7.0 (2020-08-30)
* Added `notcurses_ucs32_to_utf8()` conversion helper.
2020-08-30 13:00:41 -04:00
* `ncdirect_init()` now takes a third `uint64_t flags` parameter. No flags
have been defined, and this parameter ought be set to 0.
2020-08-30 04:43:27 -04:00
2020-08-30 01:25:44 -04:00
* 1.6.20 (2020-08-30)
2020-08-29 15:50:45 -04:00
* Added convenience functions `ncplane_y()` and `ncplane_x()`, components
of longstanding `ncplane_yx()`.
2020-08-29 17:49:08 -04:00
* `ncreel` functions now generally call `ncreel_redraw()` themselves. This
includes `ncreel_add()`, `ncreel_del()`, `ncreel_next()`, and
`ncreel_prev()`. `ncreel_redraw()` need only be called to update tablets.
2020-08-29 18:38:28 -04:00
* In order to conform with CMake naming conventions, our CMake package is
now accessed as "Notcurses" rather than "notcurses".
2020-08-29 15:50:45 -04:00
2020-08-27 12:43:28 -04:00
* 1.6.19 (2020-08-27)
2020-08-26 14:07:16 -04:00
* Direct mode now places the terminal into "cbreak mode". This disables
echo and line-buffering of input. If this is undesirable, you can restore
the terminal state following `ncdirect_init()`, but this will break the
semantics of `ncdirect_getc()` and derivatives (due to line buffering).
* The notcurses input layer has been reproduced for direct mode, including
`ncdirect_getc()`, `ncdirect_getc_nblock()`, `ncdirect_getc_blocking()`,
and `ncdirect_inputready_fd()`. Mouse support is not yet available in
direct mode, but becomes possible through these additions.
2020-08-27 12:43:28 -04:00
* Some very subtle bugs on big-endian machines have been repaired. Be
aware that if your execution endianness does not match the endianness
assumed at build time, you're gonna have a rough go of it.
2020-08-26 14:07:16 -04:00
2020-08-25 18:24:19 -04:00
* 1.6.18 (2020-08-25)
2020-08-24 01:23:35 -04:00
* `nc_err_e` has been taken behind the shed and shot in the face. All
functions which once returned `nc_err_e` now return a bimodal `int`. Those
functions which accepted a value-result `nc_err_e*` no longer take this
2020-08-25 02:54:46 -04:00
* `notcurses_cursor_enable()` now takes two `int` parameters specifying the
desired location of the cursor. Both `notcurses_cursor_enable()` and
`notcurses_cursor_disable()` now return `int` rather than `void`.
* `NCOPTION_RETAIN_CURSOR` has been removed.
2020-08-25 03:52:12 -04:00
* `ncreader` now implements `NCREADER_OPTION_HORSCROLL` for horizontal
scrolling. In addition, the following functions have been added:
2020-08-25 17:28:29 -04:00
* `int ncreader_move_left(struct ncreader* n)`
* `int ncreader_move_right(struct ncreader* n)`
* `int ncreader_move_up(struct ncreader* n)`
* `int ncreader_move_down(struct ncreader* n)`
* `int ncreader_write_egc(struct ncreader* n, const char* egc)`.
2020-08-25 08:55:30 -04:00
* Added `ncplane_above()` and `notcurses_bottom()`.
2020-08-25 17:28:29 -04:00
* Added `ncplane_set_fchannel()` and `ncplane_set_bchannel()`.
2020-08-24 01:23:35 -04:00
2020-08-23 13:04:10 -04:00
* 1.6.17 (2020-08-22)
2020-08-23 01:00:00 -04:00
* `ncdirect_flush()` now takes a `const struct ncdirect*`.
2020-08-23 12:44:53 -04:00
* A `const char* title` field has been added to `ncplot_options`. If not
`NULL`, this title will be displayed to the right of any labels. Plot
data will cover the title, if present.
* `ncplot` no longer inverts `maxchannel` and `minchannel`. Speaking
of which, both of these fields are now plural, `maxchannels` etc.
2020-08-23 01:00:00 -04:00
2020-08-22 23:12:04 -04:00
* 1.6.16 (2020-08-22)
2020-08-16 15:41:13 -04:00
* `cell_simple_p()` has been removed. It is no longer a useful concept for
user code, and its presence is indicative of a likely error.
2020-08-18 08:41:55 -04:00
* `channels_blend()` has been removed. It wasn't really useful to users,
and was difficult to explain.
* `ncplane_mergedown()` has been renamed `ncplane_mergedown_simple()`. A
more general form, capable of projecting arbitrary subregions of the source
plane down to the destination plane. The source argument to
`ncplane_mergedown_simple()` is now `const`.
2020-08-20 17:37:12 -04:00
* `iprefix()` has been added, corresponding to `IPREFIXSTRLEN`. This ought
be used if you want binary prefixes without the 'i' suffix indicating
binary prefixes, which I predict will endear you to exactly no one.
2020-08-20 21:07:08 -04:00
* Added `channels_set_fg_palindex()` and `channels_set_bg_palindex()`.
Rewrote `cell_set_fg_palindex()` and `cell_set_bg_palindex()` in terms
of these two. This is possible because the palette index now overlaps the
RGB in a channel (they were originally in the attrword).
2020-08-21 02:27:58 -04:00
* Added `ncdirect_flush()`, mainly for the benefit of FFI that might not
have a native interface to `fflush(3)`.
2020-08-21 07:34:50 -04:00
* The `ncplot_options` struct has a new field, `legendstyle`. If the
dependent variable is being labeled, this style will be applied to the
legend. Without NCPLOT_OPTION_LABELTICKSD, this value is ignored.
2020-08-16 15:41:13 -04:00
2020-08-16 10:26:04 -04:00
* 1.6.15 (2020-08-16)
2020-08-15 19:25:08 -04:00
* Styles now work properly with `ncdirect`, which apparently has never
been the case until now :/.
* EGCs occupying four bytes or fewer when encoded as UTF8 are now
inlined directly into the `cell` structure. This should mean nothing
for you save less memory consumption per plane, and faster operation.
In the course of doing so, the `attrword` field of the `cell` structure
was renamed `stylemask`, and reduced from 32 to 16 bits.
2020-08-16 01:23:39 -04:00
* `notcurses_palette_size()` now returns `unsigned`.
2020-08-15 19:25:08 -04:00
2020-08-12 09:37:59 -04:00
* 1.6.12 (2020-08-12)
2020-08-09 17:40:59 -04:00
* `ncreel`s `tabletcb` callback function semantics are radically simplified.
No more worrying about borders that might or might not have been drawn;
simply fill up the plane that you're handed. This eliminates four of the
seven arguments to these callbacks. I hope the inconvenience of adapting
them is worth the elimination of complexity therein; I obviously think
it is =].
2020-08-05 21:26:32 -04:00
* `ncselector_redraw()` and `ncmultiselector_redraw()` no longer call
`notcurses_render()`. You will need to call `notcurses_render()` for the
2020-08-07 21:00:06 -04:00
display to reflect any changes. `ncselector_create` now binds the plane
it creates to the plane it was provided, and no longer checks to ensure
the widget can be fit within the borders of this binding plane.
2020-08-09 17:40:59 -04:00
* Added `ncplane_new_named()`, `ncplane_bound_named()`, and
`ncplane_aligned_named()`. These would be the defaults, but I didn't want
to break existing code. They might become the defaults by 2.0. Names are
used only for debugging (`notcurses_debug()`) at this time.
* Added `ncplane_parent()` and `ncplane_parent_const()` for accessing the
plane to which a plane is bound.
2020-08-12 09:37:59 -04:00
* The `notcurses` Rust crate (`rust/notcurses`) has been moved to
`dankamongmen/notcurses-rs` on GitHub, and removed from the tree.
Jose Luis will be leading development on this high-level wrapper.
2020-08-05 21:26:32 -04:00
2020-08-03 02:47:07 -04:00
* 1.6.11 (2020-08-03)
2020-08-02 23:45:58 -04:00
* `cell_egc_idx()` is no longer exported; it was never intended to be.
* 1.6.10 (2020-08-01)
2020-07-30 03:10:20 -04:00
* The `egc` member of `ncreader_options` is now `const`.
2020-07-26 23:00:16 -04:00
* 1.6.9 (2020-07-26)
* No user-visible changes.
2020-07-26 22:20:52 -04:00
* 1.6.8 (2020-07-26)
* No user-visible changes.
2020-07-26 21:25:52 -04:00
* 1.6.7 (2020-07-26)
2020-07-22 03:30:02 -04:00
* GNU libunistring is now required to build/load Notcurses.
2020-07-23 22:07:06 -04:00
* Added `ncmenu_mouse_selection()`. Escape now closes an unrolled menu
when processed by `ncmenu_offer_input()`.
2020-07-22 03:30:02 -04:00
2020-07-19 21:53:01 -04:00
* 1.6.6 (2020-07-19)
* `notcurses-pydemo` is now only installed alongside the Python module,
using setuptools. CMake no longer installs it.
* Added `notcurses_lex_blitter()` and `notcurses_str_scalemode()`.
2020-07-19 21:16:53 -04:00
* 1.6.5 (2020-07-19)
* No user-visible changes.
2020-07-19 20:09:14 -04:00
* 1.6.4 (2020-07-19)
2020-07-19 02:54:53 -04:00
* Added `notcurses_str_blitter()`.
2020-07-16 12:53:42 -04:00
* 1.6.3 (2020-07-16)
* No user-visible changes.
2020-07-15 23:34:25 -04:00
* 1.6.2 (2020-07-15)
* The option `NCOPTION_NO_FONT_CHANGES` has been added. This will cause
Notcurses to not muck with the current font. Because...
* Notcurses now detects a Linux text console, and reprograms its Unicode
to glyph tables and font data tables to include certain Box-Drawing and
Block-Drawing glyphs. This vastly improves multimedia rendering and
line/box art in the Linux console.
2020-07-12 03:20:50 -04:00
* 1.6.1 (2020-07-12)
2020-07-09 02:17:55 -04:00
* Added `notcurses_version_components()` to get the numeric components of
the loaded Notcurses version.
2020-07-05 07:14:07 -04:00
* Added `notcurses_render_file()` to dump last rendered frame to a `FILE*`.
2020-07-06 15:59:29 -04:00
* The `ncreel` widget has been overhauled to bring it in line with the
others (`ncreel` began life in another project, predating Notcurses).
The `toff`, `boff`, `roff`, and `loff` fields of `ncreel_options` have
Tons of work on ncreel (#776)
Tons of work on ncreel (#627, #749, #694)
Improve reel demo: get input wired up once more, avoid the FPS demo at bottom, print pointer and line count in each tablet, use new ncreel API. Improve notcurses-ncreel explorer: kill memory leaks (#694), draw tablets better, use new ncreel API. Fix bug in ncreel core where cruft could be left on the screen, via a very gross brute force algorithm. I'll likely come back and make this a bit less ghastly in the future #749. Remove weird one-off input system from ncreel, residue from outcurses. Make some of the normalizing changes speced out in #627
* ncreel: give each tablet an index, and print it #749
* reel: eliminate FIXME + param to insert_tabler() #749
* ncreel: label tablets with their adress to correlate against debugging logs #749
* more terminal environment variable notes
* TERMS.md: add Sakura, st
* ncreel: move legend out of reel proper
* ncreel_options: dump min/max_supported_rows/cols #627
* ncreel: remove weird one-off input layer #627
* ncreel: add ncreel_offer_input()
* reel demo: call demo_getc()
* reel demo: rig up input to demo main
* ncreel: drop ncreel_del_focused(), properly bind tablets
* reel demo: don't free up necessary plane
* ncreel: don't pull absolute locations of tablets
* ncreel: place tablets correctly in boundrel
* reel demo: add back support for left/right
* reel demo: restore thread movement
* ncreel: remove a great deal of complexity
* reel demo: stay out of FPS graph's way
* ncreel: give each tablet an index, and print it #749
* reel: eliminate FIXME + param to insert_tabler() #749
* ncreel: label tablets with their adress to correlate against debugging logs #749
* ncreel: move legend out of reel proper
* ncreel_options: dump min/max_supported_rows/cols #627
* ncreel: remove weird one-off input layer #627
* ncreel: add ncreel_offer_input()
* reel demo: call demo_getc()
* reel demo: rig up input to demo main
* ncreel: drop ncreel_del_focused(), properly bind tablets
* reel demo: don't free up necessary plane
* ncreel: don't pull absolute locations of tablets
* ncreel: place tablets correctly in boundrel
* reel demo: add back support for left/right
* reel demo: restore thread movement
* ncreel: remove a great deal of complexity
* reel demo: stay out of FPS graph's way
* reel: tighten up reel following redraw
* reel: fix upper-left corner of topless perimeter
* ncreel: print linecount, return clipped value
* reel: draw focused tablet relative to reel
* reel: brute force decruftification, how embarrassing #749
2020-07-09 02:02:23 -04:00
been purged, as have `min_` and `max_supported_rows` and `_cols`. There
is no longer any need to provide a pipe/eventfd. `ncreel_touch()`,
`ncreel_del_focused()`, and `ncreel_move()` have been removed.
2020-07-10 18:37:41 -04:00
* Added `ncdirect_hline_interp()`, `ncdirect_vline_interp()`,
`ncdirect_rounded_box()`, `ncdirect_double_box()`, and the ridiculously
flexible `ncdirect_box()`.
2020-07-10 23:41:26 -04:00
* Added `ncplane_putstr_stainable()`.
2020-07-05 07:14:07 -04:00
2020-07-04 22:40:32 -04:00
* 1.6.0 (2020-07-04)
2020-07-03 16:09:54 -04:00
* Behavior has changed regarding use of the provided `FILE*` (which, when
`NULL`, is assumed to be `stdout`). Both Notcurses and `ncdirect` now
try to open a handle to the controlling TTY, **unless** the provided
`FILE` is a TTY, in which case it is used directly. Certain interactions
now only go to a TTY, in particular `ncdirect_cursor_yx()` and various
`ioctl()`s used internally. Furthermore, when no true TTY is found (true
for e.g. daemonized processes and those in a Docker launched without
`-t`), Notcurses (in both full mode and direct mode) will return a virtual
screen size of 80x24. This greatly improves behavior when redirecting to a
file or lacking a TTY; one upshot is that we now have much-expanded unit
test coverage in the Docker+Drone autobuilders.
2020-06-30 00:07:32 -04:00
* `ncdirect_render_image()` has been added, allowing images (but not
videos or animated images) to be rendered directly into the standard I/O
streams. It begins drawing from the current cursor position, running
through the right-hand side of the screen, and scrolling as much content
as is necessary.
2020-07-03 16:09:54 -04:00
* `ncneofetch` has been rewritten to use `ncdirect`, and thus no longer
clobbers your entire terminal, and scrolls like standard I/O.
2020-06-30 00:07:32 -04:00
2020-06-28 16:18:57 -04:00
* 1.5.3 (2020-06-28)
2020-06-25 14:09:15 -04:00
* The default blitter when `NCSCALE_STRETCH` is used is now `NCBLIT_2x2`,
replacing `NCBLIT_2x1`. It is not the default for `NCSCALE_NONE` and
`NCSCALE_SCALE` because it does not preserve aspect ratio.
2020-06-28 01:53:42 -04:00
* The values of `CELL_ALPHA_OPAQUE` and friends have been redefined to
match their values within a channel representation. If you've been
using the named constants, this should have no effect on you; they sort
the same, subtract the same, and a zero initialization remains just as
opaque as it ever was. If you weren't using their named constants, now's
an excellent time to revise that policy. `CELL_ALPHA_SHIFT` has been
eliminated; if you happened to be using this, the redefinition of the
other `CELL_*` constants (probably) means you no longer need to.
2020-06-25 14:09:15 -04:00
2020-06-19 15:25:41 -04:00
* 1.5.2 (2020-06-19)
2020-06-17 19:39:37 -04:00
* The `ncneofetch` program has been added, of no great consequence.
2020-06-14 21:06:24 -04:00
* A `NULL` value can now be passed as `sbytes` to `ncplane_puttext()`.
2020-06-17 21:29:44 -04:00
* `ncvisual_geom()` now takes scaling into account.
2020-06-19 14:10:18 -04:00
* `notcurses_cantruecolor()` has been added, allowing clients to
2020-06-18 11:04:29 -04:00
determine whether the full RGB space is available to us. If not,
we only have palette-indexed pseudocolor.
2020-06-14 21:06:24 -04:00
2020-06-19 15:25:41 -04:00
* 1.5.1 (2020-06-15)
Rendering now does tripartite fallback to basecell
Each plane has a "base cell", which like all other cells is
initialized to the null glyph, opaque default foreground color,
and opaque default background color. Prior to this change, at
each cell of a plane, we decided whether to use that cell (the
"viscell") or the base cell depending on whether the viscell had
a non-null glyph. We now evaluate each component independently.
If the viscell has a null glyph, we use the base cell's glyph.
If the viscell has a default foreground, we use the base's fg.
If the viscell has a default background, we use the base's bg.
This was done because (a) it seems more intuitive (if I set a cell
to red, I expect red, not red iff there's a glyph in that cell
for this plane), and (b) because otherwise it was impossible to
do a multicolor overlay without blowing away underlying glyphs
(since without a glyph, you always reduced to the same base cell,
which could have only one fore- and background per render).
Existing code will need to change any instances where cells
lacking glyphs are colored, and those colors are not desired.
Since any such coloring had no effect before, it seems unlikely
that any ought exist (this did bring to light an instance in
the "qrcode" demo where we were staining overmuch of the plane).
This closes #395, the last big open worry regarding our API.
2020-06-11 23:01:10 -04:00
* The semantics of rendering have changed slightly. In 1.5.0 and prior
versions, a cell without a glyph was replaced *in toto* by that plane's
base cell at rendering time. The replacement is now tripartite: if there
is no glyph, the base cell's glyph is used; if there is a default
foreground, the base cell's foreground is used; if there is a default
background, the base cell's background is used. This will hopefully be
more intuitive, and allows a plane to effect overlays of varying colors
without needing to override glyphs (#395).
2020-06-09 05:00:08 -04:00
* `ncvisual_geom()`'s `ncblitter_e` argument has been replaced with a
`const struct ncvisual_options*`, so that `NCVISUAL_OPTIONS_NODEGRADE`
can be taken into account (the latter contains a `blitter_e` field).
2020-06-12 00:13:01 -04:00
* Added `ncuplot_sample()` and `ncdplot_sample()`, allowing retrieval of
sample data from `ncuplot`s and `ncdplot`s, respectively.
2020-06-13 22:24:50 -04:00
* Added convenience function `ncplane_home()`, which sets the cursor
to the plane's origin (and returns `void`, since it cannot fail).
* `ncplane_qrcode()` now accepts an `ncblitter_e`, and two value-result
`int*`s `ymax` and `xmax`. The actual size of the drawn code is
returned in these parameters.
2020-06-09 05:00:08 -04:00
2020-06-19 15:25:41 -04:00
* 1.5.0 (2020-06-08)
2020-06-07 05:08:46 -04:00
* The various `bool`s of `struct notcurses_options` have been folded into
that `struct`'s `flags` field. Each `bool` has its own `NCOPTION_`.
2020-06-06 21:38:05 -04:00
* Added a Pixel API for working directly with the contents of `ncvisual`s,
including `ncvisual_at_yx()` and `ncvisual_set_yx()`.
2020-06-08 03:01:58 -04:00
* Added `ncplane_puttext()` for writing multiline, line-broken text.
* Added `ncplane_putnstr()`, `ncplane_putnstr_yx()`, and
`ncplane_putnstr_aligned()` for byte-limited output of UTF-8.
2020-06-06 21:38:05 -04:00
2020-06-05 06:09:17 -04:00
* 1.4.5 (2020-06-04)
2020-06-05 03:47:13 -04:00
* `ncblit_rgba()` and `ncblit_bgrx()` have replaced most of their arguments
with a `const struct ncvisual_options*`. `NCBLIT_DEFAULT` will use
`NCBLITTER_2x1` (with fallback) in this context. The `->n` field must
be non-`NULL`--new planes will not be created.
2020-06-05 01:30:29 -04:00
* Added `ncplane_notcurses_const()`.
2020-06-04 22:47:38 -04:00
2020-06-01 16:18:56 -04:00
* (2020-06-01)
Fully general ncvisual layer (#647)
This represents an essentially complete rewrite of ncvisual and associated code. It had two major goals:
Improve the ncvisual API based off lessons learned, pursuant to the upcoming API freeze. In particular, I wanted to:
decouple ncvisuals from ncplanes. It should be possible to render a ncvisual to multiple planes, with different scaling each time. It should be possible to create an ncvisual without a plane, etc.
normalize the various ways of constructing an ncvisual -- file, memory, plane, etc.
Support multiple blitters, from 7-bit ASCII to Sixel. This required writing the blitters in several cases, and they're not yet in their final implementations (but the API is fine)
I have not yet unified Plots and Visuals, and might not, given that the Plot code works fine. We could at this point implement Plots in terms of Visuals, though -- the blitter backend range has been unified. Sixel is not yet implemented, though it is listed.
There is a new POC tool, blitter. It renders its arguments using all possible blitter+scaling combinations. Another new POC, resize, displays its argument, then resizes it to the screen size and displays that, explicitly making use of ncvisual_resize() rather than a scaling parameter to ncvisual_render().
This also eliminates some memory leaks and bugs we were seeing in trunk, and brings in Sixel scaffolding.
The C++ wrapper will also need patching back up; I cut most of it down while wrestling with this crap, urk.
Closes #638, #562, and #622.
2020-05-28 21:16:58 -04:00
* Got the `ncvisual` API ready for API freeze: `ncvisual_render()` and
`ncvisual_stream()` now take a `struct ncvisual_options`. `ncstyle_e`
and a few other parameters have been moved within. Both functions now
take a `struct notcurses*`. The `struct ncvisual_options` includes a
`ncblitter_e` field, allowing visuals to be mapped to various plotting
paradigms including Sixel, Braille and quadrants. Not all backends have
been implemented, and not all implementations are in their final form.
2020-06-01 02:33:33 -04:00
`CELL_ALPHA_BLEND` can now be used for translucent visuals.
Fully general ncvisual layer (#647)
This represents an essentially complete rewrite of ncvisual and associated code. It had two major goals:
Improve the ncvisual API based off lessons learned, pursuant to the upcoming API freeze. In particular, I wanted to:
decouple ncvisuals from ncplanes. It should be possible to render a ncvisual to multiple planes, with different scaling each time. It should be possible to create an ncvisual without a plane, etc.
normalize the various ways of constructing an ncvisual -- file, memory, plane, etc.
Support multiple blitters, from 7-bit ASCII to Sixel. This required writing the blitters in several cases, and they're not yet in their final implementations (but the API is fine)
I have not yet unified Plots and Visuals, and might not, given that the Plot code works fine. We could at this point implement Plots in terms of Visuals, though -- the blitter backend range has been unified. Sixel is not yet implemented, though it is listed.
There is a new POC tool, blitter. It renders its arguments using all possible blitter+scaling combinations. Another new POC, resize, displays its argument, then resizes it to the screen size and displays that, explicitly making use of ncvisual_resize() rather than a scaling parameter to ncvisual_render().
This also eliminates some memory leaks and bugs we were seeing in trunk, and brings in Sixel scaffolding.
The C++ wrapper will also need patching back up; I cut most of it down while wrestling with this crap, urk.
Closes #638, #562, and #622.
2020-05-28 21:16:58 -04:00
* Added `ncvisual_geom()`, providing access to an `ncvisual` size and
its pixel-to-cell blitting ratios.
* Deprecated functions `ncvisual_open_plane()` and `ncplane_visual_open()`
have been removed. Their functionality is present in
`ncvisual_from_file()`. The function `ncvisual_plane()` no longer has
any meaning, and has been removed.
2020-06-01 02:33:33 -04:00
* The `fadecb` typedef now accepts as its third argument a `const struct
timespec`. This is the absolute deadline through which the frame ought
2020-06-01 03:27:55 -04:00
be displayed. New functions have been added to the Fade API: like the
changes to `ncvisual_stream()`, this gives more flexibility, and allows
more precise timing. All old functions remain available.
Fully general ncvisual layer (#647)
This represents an essentially complete rewrite of ncvisual and associated code. It had two major goals:
Improve the ncvisual API based off lessons learned, pursuant to the upcoming API freeze. In particular, I wanted to:
decouple ncvisuals from ncplanes. It should be possible to render a ncvisual to multiple planes, with different scaling each time. It should be possible to create an ncvisual without a plane, etc.
normalize the various ways of constructing an ncvisual -- file, memory, plane, etc.
Support multiple blitters, from 7-bit ASCII to Sixel. This required writing the blitters in several cases, and they're not yet in their final implementations (but the API is fine)
I have not yet unified Plots and Visuals, and might not, given that the Plot code works fine. We could at this point implement Plots in terms of Visuals, though -- the blitter backend range has been unified. Sixel is not yet implemented, though it is listed.
There is a new POC tool, blitter. It renders its arguments using all possible blitter+scaling combinations. Another new POC, resize, displays its argument, then resizes it to the screen size and displays that, explicitly making use of ncvisual_resize() rather than a scaling parameter to ncvisual_render().
This also eliminates some memory leaks and bugs we were seeing in trunk, and brings in Sixel scaffolding.
The C++ wrapper will also need patching back up; I cut most of it down while wrestling with this crap, urk.
Closes #638, #562, and #622.
2020-05-28 21:16:58 -04:00
2020-05-22 09:18:39 -04:00
* 1.4.3 (2020-05-22)
2020-05-22 06:53:47 -04:00
* Plot: make 8x1 the default, instead of 1x1.
* Add `PREFIXFMT`, `BPREFIXFMT`, and `IPREFIXFMT` macros for `ncmetric()`.
In order to properly use `printf(3)`'s field width capability, these
macros must be used. This is necessary to support 'µ' (micro).
2020-05-22 06:56:02 -04:00
* C++'s NotCurses constructor now passes a `nullptr` directly through to
`notcurses_init()`, rather than replacing it with `stdout`.
2020-05-21 23:46:25 -04:00
* Added `USE_STATIC` CMake option, defaulting to `ON`. If turned `OFF`,
static libraries will not be built.
2020-05-22 06:53:47 -04:00
* (2020-05-20)
2020-05-20 15:32:27 -04:00
* Removed `ncplane_move_above_unsafe()` and `ncplane_move_below_unsafe()`;
all z-axis moves are now safe. Z-axis moves are all now O(1), rather
than the previous O(N).
2020-05-17 09:01:53 -04:00
* (2020-05-17)
2020-05-11 04:32:54 -04:00
* Added `notcurses_canutf8()`, to verify use of UTF-8 encoding.
2020-05-11 12:32:45 -04:00
* Fixed bug in `ncvisual_from_plane()` when invoked on the standard plane.
* `ncvisual_from_plane()` now accepts the same four geometric parameters
as other plane selectors. To reproduce the old behavior, for `ncv`, call
it as `ncvisual_from_plane(ncv, 0, 0, -1, -1)`.
* `ncvisual_from_plane()`, `ncplane_move_below_unsafe()`, `ncplane_dup()`,
and `ncplane_move_above_unsafe()` now accept `const` arguments where they
did not before.
2020-05-12 20:10:53 -04:00
* `notcurses_canopen()` has been split into `notcurses_canopen_images()` and
2020-05-16 20:06:33 -04:00
* `ncmetric()` now uses multibyte suffixes (particularly for the case of
'µ', i.e. micro). This has changed the values of `PREFIXSTRLEN` and
friends. So long as you were using `PREFIXSTRLEN`, this should require
only a recompile. If you were using `PREFIXSTRLEN` in a formatted output
context to count columns, you must change to `PREFIXCOLUMNS` etc.
* The `streamcb` type definition now accepts a `const struct timespec*` as
its third argument. This is the absolute time viz `CLOCK_MONOTONIC` through
which the frame ought be displayed. The callback must now effect delay.
2020-05-17 00:01:51 -04:00
* Mouse coordinates are now properly translated for any margins.
2020-05-17 02:14:27 -04:00
* `qprefix()` and `bprefix()` now take a `uintmax_t` in place of an
`unsigned`, to match `ncprefix`.
2020-05-11 04:32:54 -04:00
2020-05-10 22:21:01 -04:00
* 1.4.1 (2020-05-11)
* No user-visible changes (fixed two unit tests).
2020-05-10 21:39:02 -04:00
* 1.4.0 (2020-05-10)
2020-05-08 20:38:17 -04:00
* `ncplane_content()` was added. It allows all non-null glyphs of a plane to
be returned as a nul-terminated, heap-allocated string.
* `ncreader` was added. This widget allows freeform input to be edited in a
block, and collected into a string.
2020-05-08 20:58:00 -04:00
* `selector_options` has been renamed to `ncselector_options`, and
`multiselector_options` has been renamed to `ncmultiselector_options`.
This matches the other widget option struct's nomenclature.
2020-05-08 21:06:00 -04:00
* `ncplane_set_channels()` and `ncplane_set_attr()` have been added to allow
`ncplane` attributes to be set directly and in toto.
2020-05-08 22:33:39 -04:00
* `NULL` can now be passed as the `FILE*` argument to `notcurses_init()` and
`ncdirect_init()`. In this case, a new `FILE*` will be created using
`/dev/tty`. If the `FILE*` cannot be created, an error will be returned.
2020-05-09 04:45:51 -04:00
* A `flags` field has been added to `notcurses_options`. This will allow new
boolean options to be added in the future without resizing the structure.
Define `NCOPTION_INHIBIT_SETLOCALE` bit. If it's not set, and the "C" or
"POSIX" locale is in use, `notcurses_init()` will invoke
`setlocale(LC_ALL, "")`.
2020-05-09 08:41:03 -04:00
* All widgets now take an `ncplane*` as their first argument (some took
`notcurses*` before). All widgets' `options` structs now have an `unsigned
flags` bitfield. This future-proofs the widget API, to a degree.
2020-05-08 20:38:17 -04:00
2020-05-07 01:38:35 -04:00
* 1.3.4 (2020-05-07)
2020-04-29 05:44:22 -04:00
* `notcurses_lex_margins()` has been added to lex margins expressed in either
2020-05-04 11:05:52 -04:00
of two canonical formats. Hopefully this will lead to more programs
supporting margins.
2020-05-04 04:55:10 -04:00
* `ncvisual_open_plane()` has been renamed `ncvisual_from_file()`. The former
2020-05-04 11:05:52 -04:00
has been retained as a deprecated alias. It will be removed by 1.6/2.0.
* `ncvisual_from_rgba()` and `ncvisual_from_bgra()` have been added to
support creation of `ncvisual`s from memory, requiring no file.
2020-05-06 05:49:22 -04:00
* `ncvisual_rotate()` has been added, supporting rotations of arbitrary
radians on `ncvisual` objects.
2020-05-04 11:05:52 -04:00
* `ncvisual_from_plane()` has been added to support "promotion" of an
`ncplane` to an `ncvisual`. The source plane may contain only spaces,
2020-05-06 21:40:24 -04:00
half blocks, and full blocks. This builds atop the new function
`ncplane_rgba()`, which makes an RGBA flat array from an `ncplane`.
2020-05-06 22:21:22 -04:00
* The `ncplane` argument to `ncplane_at_yx()` is now `const`.
2020-04-29 05:44:22 -04:00
2020-04-26 21:25:23 -04:00
* 1.3.3 (2020-04-26)
2020-04-23 03:52:07 -04:00
* The `ncdplot` type has been added for plots based on `double`s rather than
`uint64_t`s. The `ncplot` type and all `ncplot_*` functions were renamed
`ncuplot` for symmetry.
2020-04-24 01:26:29 -04:00
* FFMpeg types are no longer leaked through the Notcurses API. `AVERROR`
is no longer applicable, and `ncvisual_decode()` no longer returns a
`struct AVframe*`. Instead, the `nc_err_e` enumeration has been introduced.
Functions which once accepted a value-result `AVERROR` now accept a value-
result `nc_err_e`. The relevant constants can be found in
2020-04-26 21:25:23 -04:00
* OpenImageIO 2.1+ is now supported as an experimental multimedia backend.
FFmpeg remains recommended. Video support with OIIO is spotty thus far.
2020-04-24 01:26:29 -04:00
* CMake no longer uses the `USE_FFMPEG` option. Instead, the `USE_MULTIMEDIA`
option can be defined as `ffmpeg`, `oiio`, or `none`. In `cmake-gui`, this
2020-04-25 15:52:23 -04:00
item will now appear as an option selector. `oiio` selects OpenImageIO.
2020-04-23 03:52:07 -04:00
2020-04-19 02:24:03 -04:00
* 1.3.2 (2020-04-19)
2020-04-18 07:11:33 -04:00
* `ncdirect_cursor_push()`, `notcurses_cursor_pop()`, and
`ncdirect_cursor_yx()` have been added. These are not supported on all
terminals. `ncdirect_cursor_yx()` ought be considered experimental; it
must read a response from the terminal, and this can interact poorly with
other uses of standard input.
2020-04-18 15:28:26 -04:00
* 1.3.1 unintentionally inverted the C++ `Notcurses::render()` wrapper's
return code. The previous semantics have been restored.
2020-04-18 07:11:33 -04:00
2020-04-18 00:35:15 -04:00
* 1.3.1 (2020-04-18)
2020-04-18 00:09:14 -04:00
* `ncplane_at_yx()` and `ncplane_at_cursor()` have been changed to return a
heap-allocated EGC, and write the attributes and channels to value-result
`uint32_t*` and `uint64_t*` parameters, instead of to a `cell*`. This
matches `notcurses_at_yx()`, and means they're no longer invalidated if the
plane in question is destroyed. The previous functionality is available as
new functions `ncplane_at_yx_cell()` and `ncplane_at_cursor_cell()`.
* `ncplane_set_base()` inverted its `uint32_t attrword` and `uint64_t channels`
parameters, thus matching every other function with these two parameters.
It moved `const char* egc` before either, to force a type error, as the
change would otherwise be likely to go overlooked.
2020-04-18 00:35:15 -04:00
* Scrolling is now completely implemented. When a plane has scrolling enabled
through use of `ncplane_set_scrolling(true)`, output past the end of the
last line will now result in the top line of the plane being lost, all
other lines moved up one, and the bottom line cleared.
2020-04-18 00:09:14 -04:00
* 1.3.0 (2020-04-12)
* No user-visible changes
* 1.2.9 (2020-04-11)
* No user-visible changes
* 1.2.8 (2020-04-10)
2020-04-11 12:39:31 -04:00
* `notcurses-tetris` now happily continues if it can't load its background.
2020-04-18 00:09:14 -04:00
* 1.2.7 (2020-04-10)
2020-04-10 11:22:26 -04:00
* Plots now always keep the most recent data to their far right (i.e., the
gap that is initially filled is on the left, rather than the right).
2020-04-18 00:09:14 -04:00
* 1.2.6 (2020-04-08)
2020-04-08 05:39:41 -04:00
* `ncplane_putsimple_yx()` and `ncplane_putstr_yx()` have been exported as
static inline functions.
2020-04-06 01:15:20 -04:00
* `ncplane_set_scrolling()` has been added, allowing control over whether a
2020-04-05 23:51:40 -04:00
plane scrolls. All planes, including the standard plane, do not scroll by
default. If scrolling is enabled, text output via the `*put*` family of
functions continues onto the next line when encountering the end of a row.
This does not apply to e.g. boxes or lines.
2020-04-06 01:15:20 -04:00
* `ncplane_putstr_yx()` now always returns the inverse of the number of
columns advanced on an error (it used to return the positive short count so
long as the error was due to plane geometry, not bad input).
2020-04-06 03:39:48 -04:00
* `ncplot_add_sample()` and `ncplot_set_sample()` have been changed to accept
a `uint64_t` rather than `int64_t`, since negative samples do not
currently make sense. Plots were made more accurate in general.
2020-04-08 05:39:41 -04:00
* `notcurses_term_dim_yx()` now accepts a `const struct notcurses*`.
* `notcurses_resize()` is no longer exported. It was never necessary to call
this in response to a resize, despite confusing documentation that could
have been read to suggest otherwise. If you're in a long block on input, and
get an `NCKEY_RESIZE`, just call `notcurses_refresh()` (which now calls
`notcurses_resize()` internally, as `notcurses_render()` always has).
2020-04-10 11:22:26 -04:00
* First Fedora packaging.
2020-04-05 20:13:37 -04:00
2020-04-18 00:09:14 -04:00
* 1.2.5 (2020-04-05)
2020-04-05 20:13:37 -04:00
* Add ncplot, with support for sliding-windowed horizontal histograms.
2020-04-06 01:15:20 -04:00
* gradient, polyfill, `ncplane_format()` and `ncplane_stain()` all now return
the number of cells written on success. Failure still sees -1 returned.
2020-04-05 20:13:37 -04:00
* `ncvisual_render()` now returns the number of cells emitted on success, as
2020-03-25 04:06:38 -04:00
opposed to 0. Failure still sees -1 returned.
2020-04-05 20:13:37 -04:00
* `ncvisual_render()` now interprets length parameters of -1 to mean "to the
2020-04-06 01:15:20 -04:00
end along this axis", and no longer interprets 0 to mean this. 0 now means
2020-03-25 04:06:38 -04:00
"a length of 0", resulting in a zero-area rendering.
2020-04-05 20:13:37 -04:00
* `notcurses_at_yx()` no longer accepts a `cell*` as its last parameter.
2020-04-06 01:15:20 -04:00
Instead, it accepts a `uint32_t*` and a `uint64_t*`, and writes the
attribute and channels to these parameters. This was done because the
`gcluster` field of the `cell*` was always set to 0, which was surprising
and a source of blunders. The EGC is returned via the `char*` return
value. https://github.com/dankamongmen/notcurses/issues/410
2020-03-25 04:06:38 -04:00
2020-04-18 00:09:14 -04:00
* 1.2.4 (2020-03-24)
2020-04-05 20:13:37 -04:00
* Add ncmultiselector
* Add `ncdirect_cursor_enable()` and `ncdirect_cursor_disable()`.