new unit test PixelCellWipePolychromatic

This commit is contained in:
nick black 2021-03-20 12:00:13 -04:00 committed by Nick Black
parent 51409439f6
commit 3a3baae753
5 changed files with 96 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -931,10 +931,6 @@ int sprite_kitty_annihilate(notcurses* nc, const ncpile* p, FILE* out, sprixel*
return 0;
int sprite_sixel_cell_wipe(notcurses* nc, sprixel* s, int y, int x){
return 0; // FIXME
int sprite_sixel_annihilate(notcurses* nc, const ncpile* p, FILE* out, sprixel* s){
struct crender* rvec = p->crender;

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@ -1,5 +1,52 @@
#include "internal.h"
// sixel is in a sense simpler to edit in-place than kitty, as it has neither
// chunking nor base64 to worry about. in another sense, it's waaay suckier,
// because you effectively have to lex through a byte at a time (since the
// color bands have varying size). le sigh! we work geometrically here,
// blasting through each band and scrubbing the necessary cells therein.
// define a rectangle that will be scrubbed.
int sprite_sixel_cell_wipe(notcurses* nc, sprixel* s, int ycell, int xcell){
if(ycell >= s->dimy){
return -1;
if(xcell >= s->dimx){
return -1;
const int xpixels = nc->tcache.cellpixx;
const int ypixels = nc->tcache.cellpixy;
const int top = ypixels * ycell; // start scrubbing on this row
int bottom = ypixels * (ycell + 1); // do *not* scrub this row
const int left = xpixels * xcell; // start scrubbing on this column
int right = xpixels * (xcell + 1); // do *not* scrub this column
// if the cell is on the right or bottom borders, it might only be partially
// filled by actual graphic data, and we need to cap our target area.
if(right > s->pixx){
right = s->pixx;
if(bottom > s->pixy){
bottom = s->pixy;
fprintf(stderr, "TARGET AREA: [ %dx%d -> %dx%d ] of %dx%d\n", top, left, bottom - 1, right - 1, s->pixy, s->pixx);
char* c = s->glyph;
// lines of sixels are broken by a hyphen. if we were guaranteed to already
// be in the meat of the sixel, it would be sufficient to count hyphens, but
// we must distinguish the introductory material from the sixmap, alas
// (after that, simply count hyphens). FIXME store loc in sprixel metadata?
// it seems sufficient to look for the first #d not followed by a semicolon.
// remember, these are sixels *we've* created internally, not random ones.
while(*c != '#'){
}while(*c == ';');
fprintf(stderr, "FOUND SIXMAP AT %zd\n", c - s->glyph);
return 0; // FIXME
#define RGBSIZE 3
#define CENTSIZE (RGBSIZE + 1) // size of a color table entry

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@ -269,27 +269,21 @@ int ffmpeg_resize(ncvisual* nc, int rows, int cols) {
auto ffmpeg_details_init(void) -> ncvisual_details* {
auto deets = static_cast<ncvisual_details*>(malloc(sizeof(ncvisual_details)));
memset(deets, 0, sizeof(*deets));
deets->stream_index = -1;
deets->sub_stream_index = -1;
if((deets->frame = av_frame_alloc()) == nullptr){
return nullptr;
auto deets = new ncvisual_details{};
deets->stream_index = -1;
deets->sub_stream_index = -1;
if((deets->frame = av_frame_alloc()) == nullptr){
delete deets;
return nullptr;
return deets;
auto ffmpeg_create() -> ncvisual* {
auto nc = static_cast<ncvisual*>(malloc(sizeof(ncvisual)));
memset(nc, 0, sizeof(*nc));
if((nc->details = ffmpeg_details_init()) == nullptr){
return nullptr;
auto nc = new ncvisual{};
if((nc->details = ffmpeg_details_init()) == nullptr){
delete nc;
return nullptr;
return nc;
@ -595,14 +589,14 @@ auto ffmpeg_details_destroy(ncvisual_details* deets) -> void {
delete deets;
auto ffmpeg_destroy(ncvisual* ncv) -> void {
delete ncv->data;
delete ncv;

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@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ auto oiio_destroy(ncvisual* ncv) -> void {
delete ncv->data;
delete ncv;

View File

@ -71,5 +71,41 @@ TEST_CASE("Pixel") {
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
SUBCASE("PixelCellWipePolychromatic") {
// first, assemble a visual equivalent to 4 cells
auto y = 2 * nc_->tcache.cellpixy;
auto x = 2 * nc_->tcache.cellpixx;
std::vector<uint32_t> v(x * y, 0xffffffff);
for(auto& e : v){
e -= random() % 0x1000000;
auto ncv = ncvisual_from_rgba(, y, sizeof(decltype(v)::value_type) * x, x);
REQUIRE(nullptr != ncv);
struct ncvisual_options vopts = {
.n = nullptr,
.scaling = NCSCALE_NONE,
.y = 0, .x = 0,
.begy = 0, .begx = 0,
.leny = y, .lenx = x,
.blitter = NCBLIT_PIXEL,
auto n = ncvisual_render(nc_, ncv, &vopts);
REQUIRE(nullptr != n);
auto s = n->sprite;
REQUIRE(nullptr != s);
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == nc_->tcache.pixel_cell_wipe(nc_, s, 0, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == nc_->tcache.pixel_cell_wipe(nc_, s, 1, 1));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == nc_->tcache.pixel_cell_wipe(nc_, s, 1, 0));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == nc_->tcache.pixel_cell_wipe(nc_, s, 0, 1));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));