mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 17:19:03 -04:00
[C++] API sync
Fixes: https://github.com/dankamongmen/notcurses/issues/1025 Added: * Direct: flush (`ncdirect_flush`) * Direct: getc (`ncdirect_getc_blocking` and `ncdirect_getc_nblock`) * Direct: getc (`ncdirect_getc`) * Direct: get_inputready_fd (`ncdirect_inputready_fd`) * NotCurses: align (`notcurses_align`) * NotCurses: ucs32_to_utf8 (`notcurses_ucs32_to_utf8`) * NotCurses: get_bottom (`notcurses_bottom`) * Plane: resize_realign (`ncplane_resize_realign`) * Plane: get_x (`ncplane_x`) * Plane: get_y (`ncplane_y`) * Plane: mergedown (`ncplane_mergedown`) * Plane: putwc_stained (`ncplane_putwc_stained`) * Plane: putstr_stained (`ncplane_putstr_stained`) * Plane: set_fchannel (`ncplane_set_fchannel`) * Plane: set_bchannel (`ncplane_set_bchannel`) * Plane: get_styles (`ncplane_styles`) * Plane: get_above (`ncplane_above`) * Reader: move_left (`ncreader_move_left`) * Reader: move_right (`ncreader_move_right`) * Reader: move_up (`ncreader_move_up`) * Reader: move_down (`ncreader_move_down`) * Reader: write_egc (`ncreader_write_egc`) * Visual: get_default_blitter (`ncvisual_default_blitter`) Fixed: * NotCurses: `cursor_{enable,disable}` must use `NOEXCEPT_MAYBE` * Plane: renamed `putcw` to `putwc`
This commit is contained in:
@ -175,6 +175,28 @@ namespace ncpp
return error_guard (ncdirect_double_box (direct, ul, ur, ll, lr, ylen, xlen, ctlword), -1);
bool flush () const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard (ncdirect_flush (direct), -1);
char32_t getc (ncinput *ni, bool blocking) const noexcept
if (blocking)
return ncdirect_getc_blocking (direct, ni);
return ncdirect_getc_nblock (direct, ni);
char32_t getc (const struct timespec *ts, sigset_t *sigmask, ncinput *ni) const noexcept
return ncdirect_getc (direct, ts, sigmask, ni);
int get_inputready_fd () const noexcept
return ncdirect_inputready_fd (direct);
bool canopen_images () const noexcept
return ncdirect_canopen_images (direct);
@ -151,15 +151,15 @@ namespace ncpp
return notcurses_cantruecolor (nc);
int cursor_enable (int y, int x) const noexcept
return error_guard (notcurses_cursor_enable (nc, y, x), -1);
int cursor_enable (int y, int x) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard (notcurses_cursor_enable (nc, y, x), -1);
int cursor_disable () const noexcept
return error_guard (notcurses_cursor_disable (nc), -1);
int cursor_disable () const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard (notcurses_cursor_disable (nc), -1);
void get_stats (ncstats *stats) const noexcept
@ -273,6 +273,16 @@ namespace ncpp
notcurses_debug (nc, debugfp);
bool align (int availcols, ncalign_e align, int cols) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard (notcurses_align (availcols, align, cols), -INT_MAX);
static bool ucs32_to_utf8 (const char32_t *ucs32, unsigned ucs32count, unsigned char *resultbuf, size_t buflen) NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard (notcurses_ucs32_to_utf8 (ucs32, ucs32count, resultbuf, buflen), -1);
Plane* get_stdplane () noexcept
return new Plane (notcurses_stdplane (nc), true);
@ -294,6 +304,7 @@ namespace ncpp
Plane* get_top () noexcept;
Plane* get_bottom () noexcept;
notcurses *nc;
@ -135,6 +135,11 @@ namespace ncpp
return plane;
bool resize_realign () const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard (ncplane_resize_realign (plane), -1);
bool resize (int keepy, int keepx, int keepleny, int keeplenx, int yoff, int xoff, int ylen, int xlen) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
int ret = ncplane_resize (
@ -232,6 +237,16 @@ namespace ncpp
ncplane_erase (plane);
int get_x () const noexcept
return ncplane_x (plane);
int get_y () const noexcept
return ncplane_y (plane);
int get_align (NCAlign align, int c) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard<int> (ncplane_align (plane, static_cast<ncalign_e>(align), c), INT_MAX);
@ -332,6 +347,19 @@ namespace ncpp
return move_above (*above);
bool mergedown (Plane &dst, int begsrcy, int begsrcx, int leny, int lenx, int dsty, int dstx) const
return mergedown (&dst, begsrcy, begsrcx, leny, lenx, dsty, dstx);
bool mergedown (Plane *dst, int begsrcy, int begsrcx, int leny, int lenx, int dsty, int dstx) const
if (dst != nullptr && plane == dst->plane)
throw invalid_argument ("'dst' must refer to a different plane than the one this method is called on");
return error_guard (ncplane_mergedown (plane, dst != nullptr ? dst->plane : nullptr, begsrcy, begsrcx, leny, lenx, dsty, dstx), -1);
bool mergedown_simple (Plane &dst) const
return mergedown_simple (&dst);
@ -439,17 +467,22 @@ namespace ncpp
// OK, this is ugly, but we need to rename this overload or calls similar to n->putc (0, 0, '0') will be
// considered ambiguous with the above `putc (int, int, char)` overload.
int putcw (int y, int x, wchar_t w) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
int putwc (int y, int x, wchar_t w) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard<int> (ncplane_putwc_yx (plane, y, x, w), -1);
// Ditto
int putcw (wchar_t w) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
int putwc (wchar_t w) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard<int> (ncplane_putwc (plane, w), -1);
int putwc_stained (wchar_t w) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard<int> (ncplane_putwc_stained (plane, w), -1);
int putstr (const char *gclustarr) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
int ret = ncplane_putstr (plane, gclustarr);
@ -482,6 +515,11 @@ namespace ncpp
return error_guard<int> (ncplane_putwstr_aligned (plane, y, static_cast<ncalign_e>(atype), gcluststyles), -1);
int putstr_stained (const wchar_t* gclustarr) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard<int> (ncplane_putwstr_stained (plane, gclustarr), -1);
int putstr_stained (const char* s) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
int ret = ncplane_putstr_stained (plane, s);
@ -705,6 +743,16 @@ namespace ncpp
return ncplane_fg_alpha (plane);
uint64_t set_fchannel (uint32_t channel) const noexcept
return ncplane_set_fchannel (plane, channel);
uint64_t set_bchannel (uint32_t channel) const noexcept
return ncplane_set_bchannel (plane, channel);
void set_channels (uint64_t channels) const noexcept
ncplane_set_channels (plane, channels);
@ -795,6 +843,11 @@ namespace ncpp
return ncplane_set_scrolling (plane, scrollp);
unsigned get_styles () const noexcept
return ncplane_styles (plane);
void styles_set (CellStyle styles) const noexcept
ncplane_styles_set (plane, static_cast<unsigned>(styles));
@ -825,6 +878,11 @@ namespace ncpp
return map_plane (ncplane_below (plane));
Plane* get_above () const noexcept
return map_plane (ncplane_above (plane));
bool set_base_cell (Cell &c) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
bool ret = ncplane_set_base_cell (plane, c) < 0;
@ -47,6 +47,36 @@ namespace ncpp
return error_guard_cond<bool, bool> (ret, ret);
// None of the move* methods should throw since their return value (0 - moved, -1 - not moved) appear to be
// purely informational, not errors per se. If we had `can_move*` functions then `move*` could throw exceptions,
// potentially.
int move_left () const noexcept
return ncreader_move_left (reader);
int move_right () const noexcept
return ncreader_move_right (reader);
int move_up () const noexcept
return ncreader_move_up (reader);
int move_down () const noexcept
return ncreader_move_down (reader);
bool write_egc (const char *egc) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE
return error_guard (ncreader_write_egc (reader, egc), -1);
char* get_contents () const noexcept
return ncreader_contents(reader);
@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ namespace ncpp
return error_guard (ncvisual_set_yx (visual, y, x, pixel), -1);
static ncblitter_e get_default_blitter (bool utf8, ncscale_e scale) noexcept
return ncvisual_default_blitter (utf8, scale);
void common_init (ncplane *plane, const char *file)
@ -50,6 +50,15 @@ Plane* NotCurses::get_top () noexcept
return Plane::map_plane (top);
Plane* NotCurses::get_bottom () noexcept
ncplane *bottom = notcurses_bottom (nc);
if (bottom == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return Plane::map_plane (bottom);
// This is potentially dangerous, but alas necessary. It can cause other calls
// here to fail in a bad way, but we need a way to report errors to
// std{out,err} in case of failure and that will work only if notcurses is
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ncreel_options NcReel::default_options = {
/* tabletmask */ 0,
/* tabletchan */ 0,
/* focusedchan */ 0,
/* flags */ 0,
/* flags */ 0,
Plane* NcReel::get_plane () const noexcept
Reference in New Issue
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