[kitty] rewrite compression using libdeflate #2314

This commit is contained in:
nick black 2021-11-14 00:40:43 -05:00 committed by nick black
parent d96cec38ff
commit ab6740758f
5 changed files with 86 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ jobs:
coreutils \
doctest \
ffmpeg \
libdeflate \
libunistring \

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ jobs:
libavcodec-dev \
libavformat-dev \
libavutil-dev \
libdeflate-dev \
libncurses-dev \
libqrcodegen-dev \
libswscale-dev \

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ jobs:

View File

@ -137,8 +137,6 @@ endif()
# feature_summary + set_package_properties to fail in one fell swoop.
set_package_properties(Threads PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED)
set_package_properties(ZLIB PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED)
# platform-specific logics
set(LIBRT_LIBRARIES wsock32 ws2_32 Secur32)
@ -168,6 +166,14 @@ endif()
find_library(unistring unistring REQUIRED)
set_package_properties(libunistring PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED)
check_include_file("libdeflate.h" HAVE_DEFLATE_H)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Couldn't find libdeflate.h")
find_library(libdeflate deflate REQUIRED)
set_package_properties(libdeflate PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED)
if(${USE_GPM}) # no pkgconfig from gpm
check_include_file("gpm.h" HAVE_GPM_H)
@ -231,7 +237,7 @@ target_include_directories(notcurses-core
@ -241,11 +247,11 @@ target_include_directories(notcurses-core-static
@ -256,7 +262,7 @@ target_link_libraries(notcurses-core
@ -268,12 +274,12 @@ target_link_libraries(notcurses-core-static
target_link_libraries(notcurses-core PRIVATE qrcodegen)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include <zlib.h>
#include <libdeflate.h>
#include "internal.h"
#include "base64.h"
@ -559,19 +559,17 @@ int kitty_commit(fbuf* f, sprixel* s, unsigned noscroll){
return 0;
static inline void*
zctx_origbuf(z_stream* zctx, int pixy, int pixx){
size_t blen = pixx * pixy * 4;
unsigned long b = deflateBound(zctx, blen);
return (unsigned char *)zctx->next_out - (b - zctx->avail_out);
// chunkify and write the collected buffer in the animated case. this might
// or might not be compressed (depends on whether compression was useful).
static int
encode_and_chunkify(fbuf* f, z_stream* zctx, int pixy, int pixx){
unsigned long totw = zctx->total_out;
unsigned char* buf = zctx_origbuf(zctx, pixy, pixx);
encode_and_chunkify(fbuf* f, const unsigned char* buf, size_t blen, unsigned compressed){
// need to terminate the header, requiring semicolon
if(totw > 4096 * 3 / 4){
if(fbuf_putn(f, ",o=z", 4) < 0){
return -1;
if(blen > 4096 * 3 / 4){
if(fbuf_putn(f, ",m=1", 4) < 0){
return -1;
@ -582,7 +580,7 @@ encode_and_chunkify(fbuf* f, z_stream* zctx, int pixy, int pixx){
bool first = true;
unsigned long i = 0;
char b64d[4];
while(totw - i > 4096 * 3 / 4){
while(blen - i > 4096 * 3 / 4){
if(fbuf_putn(f, "\x1b_Gm=1;", 7) < 0){
return -1;
@ -606,13 +604,13 @@ encode_and_chunkify(fbuf* f, z_stream* zctx, int pixy, int pixx){
return -1;
while(i < totw){
if(totw - i < 3){
base64final(buf + i, b64d, totw - i);
while(i < blen){
if(blen - i < 3){
base64final(buf + i, b64d, blen - i);
if(fbuf_putn(f, b64d, 4) < 0){
return -1;
i += totw - i;
i += blen - i;
base64x3(buf + i, b64d);
if(fbuf_putn(f, b64d, 4) < 0){
@ -628,33 +626,39 @@ encode_and_chunkify(fbuf* f, z_stream* zctx, int pixy, int pixx){
static int
finalize_deflator(z_stream* zctx, uint32_t* buf, fbuf* f, int dimy, int dimx){
assert(0 == zctx->avail_in);
deflate_buf(void* buf, fbuf* f, int dimy, int dimx){
// 2 has been shown to work pretty well for things that are actually going
// to compress; results per unit time fall off quickly after 2.
struct libdeflate_compressor* cmp = libdeflate_alloc_compressor(6);
if(cmp == NULL){
logerror("couldn't get libdeflate context\n");
return -1;
size_t blen = dimx * dimy * 4;
zctx->next_in = (void*)buf;
zctx->avail_in = blen;
unsigned long b = deflateBound(zctx, blen);
unsigned char* ztmp = malloc(b);
if(ztmp == NULL){
return -1;
// if this allocation fails, just skip compression, no need to bail
void* cbuf = malloc(blen);
size_t clen;
clen = libdeflate_zlib_compress(cmp, buf, blen, cbuf, blen);
clen = 0;
zctx->avail_out = b;
zctx->next_out = ztmp;
int zret = deflate(zctx, Z_FINISH);
if(zret != Z_STREAM_END){
logerror("Error deflating (%d)\n", zret);
return -1;
int ret;
if(0 == clen){ // wasn't enough room; compressed data is larger than original
ret = encode_and_chunkify(f, buf, blen, 0);
loginfo("deflated %juB to %juB\n", (uintmax_t)blen, (uintmax_t)clen);
ret = encode_and_chunkify(f, cbuf, clen, 1);
if(encode_and_chunkify(f, zctx, dimy, dimx)){
return -1;
return 0;
return ret;
// copy |encodeable| pixels to the buffer |dst|
// copy |encodeable| ([1..3]) pixels from |src| to the buffer |dst|, setting
// alpha along the way according to |wipe|.
static inline int
add_to_buf(uint32_t dst[static 3], const uint32_t* src,
int encodeable, bool wipe[static 3]){
add_to_buf(uint32_t *dst, const uint32_t* src, int encodeable, bool wipe[static 3]){
dst[0] = *src++;
if(wipe[0] || rgba_trans_p(dst[0], 0)){
ncpixel_set_a(&dst[0], 0);
@ -674,59 +678,22 @@ add_to_buf(uint32_t dst[static 3], const uint32_t* src,
return 0;
// copy |encodeable| pixels to the deflate state
// writes to |*animated| based on normalized |level|. if we're not animated,
// we won't be using compression.
static inline int
add_to_deflator(z_stream* zctx, const uint32_t* src, int encodeable, bool wipe[static 3]){
assert(0 == zctx->avail_in);
uint32_t dst[3];
add_to_buf(dst, src, encodeable, wipe);
zctx->next_in = (void*)dst;
zctx->avail_in = encodeable * 4;
int zret = deflate(zctx, Z_NO_FLUSH);
if(zret != Z_OK){
logerror("Error deflating (%d)\n", zret);
return -1;
return 0;
// writes to |*animated| based on normalized |level|
static int
prep_deflator(ncpixelimpl_e level, z_stream* zctx, int pixy, int pixx,
unsigned* animated){
prep_animation(ncpixelimpl_e level, uint32_t** buf, int leny, int lenx, unsigned* animated){
*animated = false;
return 0;
*buf = NULL;
if((*buf = malloc(lenx * leny * sizeof(uint32_t))) == NULL){
return -1;
*animated = true;
*animated = true;
memset(zctx, 0, sizeof(*zctx));
int zret;
// 2 seems to work well for things that are going to compress up
// meaningfully at all, while not taking too much time.
if((zret = deflateInit(zctx, 2)) != Z_OK){
logerror("Couldn't get a deflate context (%d)\n", zret);
return -1;
size_t blen = pixx * pixy * 4;
unsigned long b = deflateBound(zctx, blen);
unsigned char* buf = malloc(b);
if(buf == NULL){
return -1;
zctx->avail_out = b;
zctx->next_out = buf;
return 0;
static void
destroy_deflator(unsigned animated, z_stream* zctx, int pixy, int pixx){
free(zctx_origbuf(zctx, pixy, pixx));
// if we're NCPIXEL_KITTY_SELFREF, and we're blitting a secondary frame, we need
// carry through the TAM's annihilation entires...but we also need load the
// frame *without* annihilations, lest we be unable to build it. we thus go
@ -764,21 +731,20 @@ write_kitty_data(fbuf* f, int linesize, int leny, int lenx, int cols,
logerror("stride (%d) badly aligned\n", linesize);
return -1;
// we only deflate if we're using animation, since otherwise we need be able
// to edit the encoded bitmap in-place for wipes/restores.
z_stream zctx;
unsigned animated;
if(prep_deflator(level, &zctx, leny, lenx, &animated)){
uint32_t* buf;
// we'll be collecting the pixels, modified to reflect alpha nullification
// due to preexisting wipes, into a temporary buffer for compression (iff
// we're animated). pixels are 32 bits each.
if(prep_animation(level, &buf, leny, lenx, &animated)){
return -1;
uint32_t* buf = malloc(lenx * leny * sizeof(*buf));
unsigned bufidx = 0;
unsigned bufidx = 0; // an index; the actual offset is bufidx * 4
bool translucent = bargs->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_BLEND;
sprixel* s = bargs->u.pixel.spx;
int sprixelid = s->id;
int cdimy = s->cellpxy;
int cdimx = s->cellpxx;
uint32_t transcolor = bargs->transcolor;
const int cdimy = s->cellpxy;
const int cdimx = s->cellpxx;
const uint32_t transcolor = bargs->transcolor;
int total = leny * lenx; // total number of pixels (4 * total == bytecount)
// number of 4KiB chunks we'll need
int chunks = (total + (RGBA_MAXLEN - 1)) / RGBA_MAXLEN;
@ -797,10 +763,11 @@ write_kitty_data(fbuf* f, int linesize, int leny, int lenx, int cols,
if(totalout == 0){
// older versions of kitty will delete uploaded images when scrolling,
// alas. see https://github.com/dankamongmen/notcurses/issues/1910 =[.
// parse_start isn't used in animation mode, so no worries there.
// parse_start isn't used in animation mode, so no worries about the
// fact that this doesn't complete the header in that case.
*parse_start = fbuf_printf(f, "\e_Gf=32,s=%d,v=%d,i=%d,p=1,a=t,%s",
lenx, leny, sprixelid,
animated ? "o=z,q=2" : chunks ? "m=1;" : "q=2;");
lenx, leny, s->id,
animated ? "q=2" : chunks ? "m=1;" : "q=2;");
if(*parse_start < 0){
goto err;
@ -922,9 +889,6 @@ write_kitty_data(fbuf* f, int linesize, int leny, int lenx, int cols,
goto err;
bufidx += encodeable;
/*if(add_to_deflator(&zctx, source, encodeable, wipe)){
goto err;
// we already took transcolor to alpha 0; there's no need to
// check it again, so pass 0.
@ -940,8 +904,10 @@ write_kitty_data(fbuf* f, int linesize, int leny, int lenx, int cols,
// we only deflate if we're using animation, since otherwise we need be able
// to edit the encoded bitmap in-place for wipes/restores.
if(finalize_deflator(&zctx, buf, f, leny, lenx)){
if(deflate_buf(buf, f, leny, lenx)){
goto err;
@ -951,13 +917,13 @@ write_kitty_data(fbuf* f, int linesize, int leny, int lenx, int cols,
scrub_tam_boundaries(tam, leny, lenx, cdimy, cdimx);
destroy_deflator(animated, &zctx, leny, lenx);
return 0;
logerror("failed blitting kitty graphics\n");
cleanup_tam(tam, (leny + cdimy - 1) / cdimy, (lenx + cdimx - 1) / cdimx);
destroy_deflator(animated, &zctx, leny, lenx);
return -1;