[input] replay only if midescape is not set #2455

This commit is contained in:
nick black 2021-12-12 01:14:33 -05:00 committed by nick black
parent b5ccc9d6a2
commit b77dedd791

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@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ load_ncinput(inputctx* ictx, const ncinput *tni, int synthsig){
if(ictx->ivalid == ictx->isize){
logerror("dropping input 0x%08x\n", tni->id);
logwarn("dropping input 0x%08x\n", tni->id);
@ -1898,16 +1898,12 @@ process_escapes(inputctx* ictx, unsigned char* buf, int* bufused){
int offset = 0;
int consumed = process_escape(ictx, buf + offset, *bufused);
// if we aren't certain, that's not a control sequence unless we're at
// the end of the tbuf, in which case we really do try reading more. if
// this was not a sequence, we'll catch it on the next read.
// negative |consumed| means either that we're not sure whether it's an
// escape, or it definitely is not.
if(consumed < 0){
int tavailable = sizeof(ictx->tbuf) - (offset + *bufused - consumed);
// if midescape is not set, the negative return means invalid escape. if
// there was space available, we needn't worry about this escape having
// been broken across distinct reads. in either case, replay it to the
// bulk input buffer; our automaton will have been reset.
if(!ictx->midescape || tavailable){
// if midescape is not set, the negative return means invalid escape.
// replay it to the bulk input buffer; our automaton will have been reset.
consumed = -consumed;
int available = sizeof(ictx->ibuf) - ictx->ibufvalid;
@ -1921,6 +1917,7 @@ process_escapes(inputctx* ictx, unsigned char* buf, int* bufused){
offset += consumed;
ictx->midescape = 0;
*bufused -= consumed;
assert(0 <= *bufused);