* packaging: s/libtinfo/Terminfo/g
* rust: add stddim_yx()
* rust: check for valid init in unit tests
* rust: serialize up tests
* constify notcurses_term_dim_yx()
* rust: add dim wrappers
* remove notcurses_resize() from public API #367
* call notcurses_resize() from notcurses_refresh() #367
Add four new fields to notcurses_options: margin_{tblr}, which requests margins to the top, right, bottom, and left. Render only within those margins, leaving the screen otherwise untouched (well, cleared if using the alternate screen). #293
As it turns out, we can't portably load the initial terminal contents
(there are some hacks of various EXTREME nature, but none of them are
worth it for the rather limited benefit). The O(1)-time damage
inference requires knowledge of what was previously present to
inibit unnecessary draws. We would then need some special cell value
indicating "not yet written to" to distinguish a purposeful null
cell from an initial cell. Again, we could do this, but for what value?
Finally, the idea of clearing new area on SIGWINCH was always flawed,
as we can't do that from a signal handler.
With the advent of direct mode #77, the reason for this largely goes
away in any case.