- add NcChannel methods
- add the `NcChannelMethods` Trait to be able to use them,
since you can't implement methods over a primitive otherwise, unlike over a struct like NcPlane. And NcChannel is a type alias of `u32`.
- create more channel functions, to set the r,g,b separately.
- made some functions const
- add new rsleep![] macro, for rendering before sleeping.
- improve doc comments.
- fix previous commits.
- move tests to their own submodules
- move functions reimplementations to reimplemented submodule.
- remove types submodules and move them to their parent.
- add more NcPlane & Notcurses methods
- rename NcChar back to NcEgc, and NcCharBackstop tp NcEgcBackstop
- add ncpile_top & ncpile_bottom functions.
- fix Notcurses stdplane(_mut) methods
- make cell_load_char not return anything since it was always 1.
- create some more notcurses tests.
- rename `constructors` submodules to `wrapped`.
- fix ncplane_str so to accept &str.
- implement some rusty methods for NcPlane, as a POC.
- improve multiple doc comments.
- remove the use of inline code markings inside rustdoc [`links`],
because they are too visually distracting.
- Use descriptive language in the doc comments, instead of imperative.
- Rename NcChannels to NcChannelPair, for improved clarity.
- Improve more comments, add inner links.
- Improve some tests.
- separate tests and constructors into submodules for cells and channels
- separate tests and constructors into submodules for cells and channels
- add missing functions channels_set_bg_palindex & channels_set_fg_palindex
- fix bug in channel_palindex_p function
- wrap NCSTYLE_* constants
- add more missing cell tests
- improve many doc comments
- fix some types
- add ncplane_putchar_yx & ncplane_putchar static functions
- complete test for channel_default_p
- add more tests for ncplane
- separate tests and constructors into submodules for ncplane and notcurses
- make public FILE_NC & FILE_LIBC
- improve integration tests.
- clean & rustfmt
- add constant NCRESULT_OK, NCRESULT_ERR and use them to refer to
the NcResult values when appropriate
- add functions ncpile_create, ncpile_render, ncpile_rasterize
- add new script tools/blame-nick.sh
- upd script tools/function-summary.sh and the generated data
- upd bindgen version
- make a little change to ensure MSRV 1.40.0
- show MSRV (Minimum Supported Rust Version) in README
- show up-to-date state of crate dependencies in README
- update comments
Rename all bound types so that they start by Nc (and constants by NC),
except Notcurses:
- rename Cell to NcCell.
- rename CELL_* constants to NCCELL_*.
- rename Channel to NcChannel & Channels to NcChannels.
- rename CHANNEL_* constants to NCCHANNEL_*.
- rename Egc to NcChar & EgcBackstop to NcCharBackstop.
- rename Palette to NcPalette & PaletteIndex to NcPaletteIndex.
- rename IntResult to NcResult.
- rename Color to NcColor.
- rename Rgb to NcRgb.
- rename AlphaBits to NcAlphaBits.
- rename StyleMask to NcStyleMask.
- new type NcTime for timespec.
- rustfmt.
- fix notcurses_init unit test
- fix fn call name: `nplane_at_cursor_cell` → `ncplane_at_cursor_cell`.
- make LIBC_FILE & NC_FILE type aliases with doc comment.
- add lib module comment.
- improve direct-cursor example.
- fix full-text example and rename it to full-basics.
- add new alias `t_all` for running every test even if some fail.
- call it from `.drone.yml` to have more complete testing picture.
- add a new test for `notcurses_init` as the first test.
The notcurses FILE type (`NC_FILE`) is imported via bindgen as a struct,
while the equivalent Rust libc::FILE (`LIBC_FILE`) is an opaque enum.
Several methods are provided to convert back and forth between both types,
so it works both with rust libc operations and notcurses file I/O operations.
- new notcurses_debug() test as the first usage of `NcFile`
- new NcPlane & NcPlaneOptions constructors.
- new NcHoriz enum for NcPlaneOptions horiz parameter.
- Make NCPLANE_OPTION_HORALIGNED u64 for consistency with expected value type.
- make Notcurses `new()` constructor not output banners.
- add an additional constructor `with_banners()`.
- add new aliases for running examples silently.
- improve comments & run rustfmt.
- remove macros module and move macros to types submodules.
- document the macros.
- add ncmetric macros.
- add missing constants for NcVisual and ncmetric.
- add missing function ncstrwidth
- remove types/colors module and move the content to types/channel
- add more doc comments.
- separate the `types` module into submodules to improve clarity & maintenance.
- more constructors for NcMenu, NcMenuItem, NcMenuSection, NcMenuOptions.
- add more missing docs, specially for constants