# Notcurses: blingful TUIs and character graphics
**What it is**: a library facilitating complex TUIs on modern terminal
emulators, supporting vivid colors, multimedia, threads, and Unicode to the
maximum degree possible. [Things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcjkezf1ARY) can be done with
Notcurses that simply can't be done with NCURSES. It is furthermore
fast as shit. **What it is not**: a source-compatible X/Open Curses implementation, nor a
replacement for NCURSES on existing systems.
for more information, see [dankwiki](https://nick-black.com/dankwiki/index.php/Notcurses)
and the [man pages](https://notcurses.com). in addition, there is
[Doxygen](https://notcurses.com/html/) output. To subscribe to the
[mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/notcurses), send an email
to notcurses+subscribe@googlegroups.com (the email contents don't matter). i wrote a coherent
[guidebook](https://nick-black.com/htp-notcurses.pdf), which is available for
free download (or [paperback purchase](https://amazon.com/dp/B086PNVNC9)).
i've not yet added many documented examples, but [src/poc/](https://github.com/dankamongmen/notcurses/tree/master/src/poc)
and [src/pocpp/](https://github.com/dankamongmen/notcurses/tree/master/src/pocpp)
contain many small C and C++ programs respectively. `notcurses-demo` covers
most of the functionality of Notcurses.
**If you're running Notcurses applications in a Docker, please consult
"[Environment notes](#environment-notes)" below.**

## Introduction
Notcurses abandons the X/Open Curses API bundled as part of the Single UNIX
Specification. For some necessary background, consult Thomas E. Dickey's
superb and authoritative [NCURSES FAQ](https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses.faq.html#xterm_16MegaColors).
As such, Notcurses is not a drop-in Curses replacement.
Wherever possible, Notcurses makes use of the Terminfo library shipped with
NCURSES, benefiting greatly from its portability and thoroughness.
Notcurses opens up advanced functionality for the interactive user on
workstations, phones, laptops, and tablets, possibly at the expense of e.g.
some industrial and retail terminals. Fundamentally, Curses assumes the minimum
and allows you (with effort) to step up, whereas Notcurses assumes the maximum
and steps down (by itself) when necessary. The latter approach probably breaks
on some older hardware, but the former approach results in new software looking
like old hardware.
Why use this non-standard library?
* Thread safety, and efficient use in parallel programs, has been a design
consideration from the beginning.
* A more orderly surface than that codified by X/Open: Exported identifiers are
prefixed to avoid common namespace collisions. Where reasonable,
`static inline` header-only code is used. This facilitates compiler
optimizations, and reduces loader time. Notcurses can be built without its
multimedia functionality, requiring a significantly lesser set of dependencies.
* All APIs natively support the Universal Character Set (Unicode). The `nccell`
API is based around Unicode's [Extended Grapheme Cluster](https://unicode.org/reports/tr29/) concept.
* Visual features including images, fonts, video, high-contrast text, sprites,
and transparent regions. All APIs natively support 24-bit color, quantized
down as necessary for the terminal.
* Portable support for bitmapped graphics, using Sixel, Kitty,
and even the Linux framebuffer console.
* Support for unambiguous [keyboard protocols](https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/keyboard-protocol/).
* "TUI mode" facilitates high-performance, non-scrolling, full-screen
applications. "CLI mode" supports scrolling output for shell utilities,
but with the full power of Notcurses.
* It's Apache2-licensed in its entirety, as opposed to the
[drama in several acts](https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses-license.html)
that is the NCURSES license (the latter is [summarized](https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses-license.html#issues_freer)
as "a restatement of MIT-X11").
Much of the above can be had with NCURSES, but they're not what NCURSES was
*designed* for. On the other hand, if you're targeting industrial or critical
applications, or wish to benefit from time-tested reliability and
portability, you should by all means use that fine library.
## Requirements
Minimum versions generally indicate the oldest version I've tested with; it
may well be possible to use still older versions. Let me know of any successes!
* (build) CMake 3.14.0+ and a C11 compiler
* (OPTIONAL) (OpenImageIO, testing, C++ bindings): A C++17 compiler
* (build+runtime) From [NCURSES](https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/announce.html): terminfo 6.1+
* (build+runtime) GNU [libunistring](https://www.gnu.org/software/libunistring/) 0.9.10+
* (OPTIONAL) (build+runtime) [libgpm](https://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/gpm/) 1.20+
* (OPTIONAL) (build+runtime) From QR-Code-generator: [libqrcodegen](https://github.com/nayuki/QR-Code-generator) 1.5.0+
* (OPTIONAL) (build+runtime) From [FFmpeg](https://www.ffmpeg.org/): libswscale 5.0+, libavformat 57.0+, libavutil 56.0+
* (OPTIONAL) (build+runtime) [OpenImageIO](https://github.com/OpenImageIO/oiio) 2.15.0+, requires C++
* (OPTIONAL) (testing) [Doctest](https://github.com/onqtam/doctest) 2.3.5+
* (OPTIONAL) (documentation) [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/index.html) 1.19.2+
* (OPTIONAL) (python bindings): Python 3.7+, [CFFI](https://pypi.org/project/cffi/) 1.13.2+, [pypandoc](https://pypi.org/project/pypandoc/) 1.5+
* (runtime) Linux 2.6+, FreeBSD 11+, DragonFly BSD 5.9+, Windows 10 v1093+, or macOS 11.4+
More information on building and installation is available in [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md).
### Wrappers
If you wish to use a language other than C to work with Notcurses, numerous
wrappers are available. Several are included in this repository, while
others are external.
| Language | Lead(s) | Repository |
| -------- | ----------------------------- | ---------- |
| Ada | Jeremy Grosser | [JeremyGrosser/notcursesada](https://github.com/JeremyGrosser/notcursesada) |
| C++ | Marek Habersack, nick black | internal |
| Dart | Nelson Fernandez | [kascote/dart_notcurses](https://github.com/kascote/dart_notcurses) |
| Python | nick black | internal |
| Python | igo95862 | internal |
| Rust | José Luis Cruz | [dankamongmen/libnotcurses-sys](https://github.com/dankamongmen/libnotcurses-sys) |
| Zig | Jakub Dundalek | [dundalek/notcurses-zig-example](https://github.com/dundalek/notcurses-zig-example) |
## Included tools
Nine executables are installed as part of Notcurses:
* `ncls`: an `ls` that displays multimedia in the terminal
* `ncneofetch`: a [neofetch](https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch) ripoff
* `ncplayer`: renders visual media (images/videos)
* `nctetris`: a tetris clone
* `notcurses-demo`: some demonstration code
* `notcurses-info`: detect and print terminal capabilities/diagnostics
* `notcurses-input`: decode and print keypresses
* `notcurses-tester`: unit testing
* `tfman`: a swank manual browser
To run `notcurses-demo` from a checkout, provide the `data` directory via
the `-p` argument. Demos requiring data files will otherwise abort. The base
delay used in `notcurses-demo` can be changed with `-d`, accepting a
floating-point multiplier. Values less than 1 will speed up the demo, while
values greater than 1 will slow it down.
`notcurses-tester` likewise requires that `data`, populated with the necessary
data files, be specified with `-p`. It can be run by itself, or via `make test`.
## Documentation
With `-DUSE_PANDOC=on` (the default), a full set of man pages and XHTML
will be built from `doc/man`. The following Markdown documentation is included
* Per-release [News](NEWS.md) for packagers, developers, and users.
* The `TERM` environment variable and [various terminal emulators](TERMINALS.md).
* Notes on [contributing](doc/CONTRIBUTING.md) and [hacking](doc/HACKING.md).
* There's a semi-complete [reference guide](USAGE.md).
* A list of [other TUI libraries](doc/OTHERS.md).
* Abbreviated [history](doc/HISTORY.md) and thanks.
* [Differences from](doc/CURSES.md) Curses and adapting Curses programs.
If you (understandably) want to avoid the large Pandoc stack, but still enjoy
manual pages, I publish a tarball with generated man/XHTML along with
each release. Download it, and install the contents as you deem fit.
## Environment notes
* If your `TERM` variable is wrong, or that terminfo definition is out-of-date,
you're going to have a very bad time. Use *only* `TERM` values appropriate
for your terminal. If this variable is undefined, or Notcurses can't load the
specified Terminfo entry, it will refuse to start, and you will
[not be going to space today](https://xkcd.com/1133/).
* Notcurses queries the terminal on startup, enabling some advanced features
based on the determined terminal (and even version). Basic capabilities,
however, are taken from Terminfo. So if you have, say, Kitty, but
`TERM=vt100`, you're going to be able to draw RGBA bitmap graphics (despite
such things being but a dream for a VT100), but *unable* to use the alternate
screen (despite it being supported by every Kitty version). So `TERM` and an
up-to-date Terminfo database remain important.
* Ensure your `LANG` environment variable is set to a UTF8-encoded locale, and
that this locale has been generated. This usually means
`"[language]_[Countrycode].UTF-8"`, i.e. `en_US.UTF-8`. The first part
(`en_US`) ought exist as a directory or symlink in `/usr/share/locales`.
This usually requires editing `/etc/locale.gen` and running `locale-gen`.
On Debian systems, this can be accomplished with `dpkg-reconfigure locales`,
and enabling the desired locale. The default locale is stored somewhere like
* If your terminal has an option about default interpretation of "ambiguous-width
characters" (this is actually a technical term from Unicode), ensure it is
set to **Wide**, not narrow (if that doesn't work, ensure it is set to
**Narrow**, heh).
* If your terminal supports 3x8bit RGB color via `setaf` and `setbf` (most
modern terminals), but exports neither the `RGB` nor `Tc` terminfo capability,
you can export the `COLORTERM` environment variable as `truecolor` or `24bit`.
Note that some terminals accept a 24-bit specification, but map it down to
fewer colors. RGB is unconditionally enabled whenever
[most modern terminals](TERMINALS.md) are identified.
### Fonts
Glyph width, and indeed whether a glyph can be displayed at all, is dependent
in part on the font configuration. Ideally, your font configuration has a
glyph for every Unicode EGC, and each glyph's width matches up with the POSIX
function's `wcswidth()` result for the EGC. If this is not the case, you'll
likely get blanks or � (U+FFFD, REPLACEMENT CHARACTER) for missing characters,
and subsequent characters on the line may be misplaced.
It is worth knowing that several terminals draw the block characters directly,
rather than loading them from a font. This is generally desirable. Quadrants
and sextants are not the place to demonstrate your design virtuosity. To
inspect your environment's rendering of drawing characters, run
`notcurses-info`. The desired output ought look something like this:
## FAQs
If things break or seem otherwise lackluster, **please** consult the
[Environment Notes](#environment-notes) section! You **need** correct
`TERM` and `LANG` definitions, and might want `COLORTERM`.
Can I use Notcurses in my closed-source program?
Notcurses is licensed under Apache2,
a demonstration that I have transcended your petty world of material goods,
fiat currencies, and closed sources. Implement Microsoft Bob in it. Charge
rubes for it. Put it in your ballistic missiles so that you have a nice LED
display of said missile's speed and projected yield; right before impact,
scroll "FUCK YOU" in all the world's languages, and close it out with a smart
palette fade. Carve the compiled objects onto bricks and mail them to Richard
Stallman, taunting him through a bullhorn as you do so.
Can I write a CLI program (scrolling, fits in with the shell, etc.)
with Notcurses?
flag (an alias for several
real flags; see notcurses_init(1)
for more information). You still must explicitly render.
Can I have Notcurses without this huge multimedia stack?
Again yes! Build with -DUSE_MULTIMEDIA=none
Can I build this individual Notcurses program without aforementioned
multimedia stack?
Almost unbelievably, yes! Use notcurses_core_init()
in place of notcurses_init()
, and link with -lnotcurses-core
Your application will likely start a few milliseconds faster;
more importantly, it will link against minimal Notcurses installations.
We're paying by the electron, and have no C++ compiler. Can we still
enjoy Notcurses goodness?
Some of it! You won't be able to build several executables, nor the NCPP C++
wrappers, nor can you build with the OpenImageIO multimedia backend (OIIO
ships C++ headers). You'll be able to build the main library, though, as
well as notcurses-demo
(and maybe a few other programs).
Use -DUSE_CXX=off
Do I want ffmpeg or OpenImageIO?
While OpenImageIO is a superb library for dealing with single-frame images,
its video support is less than perfect (blame me; I've been promising Larry
I'd rewrite it for several months), and in any case implemented
atop...ffmpeg. ffmpeg is the preferred multimedia backend.
Does it work with hardware terminals?
With the correct TERM
value, many hardware terminals are
supported. In general, if the terminfo database entry indicates mandatory
delays, Notcurses will not currently support that terminal properly. It's
known that Notcurses can drive the VT320 and VT340, including Sixel graphics
on the latter.
What happens if I try blitting bitmap graphics on a terminal which
doesn't support them?
Notcurses will not make use of bitmap protocols unless the terminal positively
indicates support for them, even if NCBLIT_PIXEL
has been
requested. Likewise, sextants (NCBLIT_3x2
) won't be used without
Unicode 13 support, etc. ncvisual_blit()
will use the best blitter
is provided (in
which case it will fail).
Notcurses looks like absolute crap in screen
doesn't support RGB colors (at least as of 4.08.00);
if you have COLORTERM
defined, you'll have a bad time.
If you have a screen
that was compiled with
, try exporting
as opposed to TERM=screen
Notcurses looks like absolute crap in mosh
Yeah it sure does. I'm not yet sure what's up.
Notcurses looks like absolute crap in Windows Terminal.
Go to Language Setting, click
"Administrative language settings", click "Change system locale", and check
the "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" option. Restart
the computer. That ought help a little bit. Try playing with fonts—Cascadia
Code and Cascadia Mono both seem to work well (quadrants and Braille both
work), whereas Consolas and Courier New both have definite problems.
I'm getting strange and/or duplicate inputs in Kitty/foot.
Notcurses supports Kitty's powerful
keyboard protocol,
which includes things like key release events and modifier keypresses by
themselves. This means, among other things, that a program in these terminals
will usually immediately get an NC_ENTER
event, and each keypress will typically result in at least two inputs.
Why didn't you just render everything to bitmaps?
That's not a TUI; it's a slow and inflexible GUI. Many terminal emulators
don't support bitmaps. They doesn't work well with mouse selection.
Sixels have a limited color palette. With that said, both Sixel and the
Kitty bitmap protocol are well-supported.
My multithreaded program doesn't see NCKEY_RESIZE
I press some other key.
You've almost certainly failed to mask SIGWINCH
in some thread,
and that thread is receiving the signal instead of the thread which called
. As a result, the poll()
is not interrupted. Call pthread_sigmask()
before spawning any
Using the C++ wrapper, how can I ensure that the NotCurses
destructor is run when I return from main()
As noted in the
C++ FAQ, wrap it in an artificial scope (this assumes your
is scoped to main()
How do I hide a plane I want to make visible later?
In order of least to most performant: move it offscreen using
, move it underneath an opaque plane with
, or move it off-pile with
Why isn't there an ncplane_box_yx()
? Do you hate
orthogonality, you dullard?
and friends
already have far too many arguments, you monster.
Why doesn't Notcurses support 10- or 16-bit color?
Notcurses supports 24 bits of color, spread across three eight-bit channels.
You presumably mean 10-bit-per-channel color. I needed those six bits for
other things. When terminals support it, Notcurses might support it.
The name is dumb.
That's not a question?
I'm not finding qrcodegen on BSD, despite having installed
Try cmake -DCMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES=/usr/local/include
This is passed by bsd.port.mk
Do you support musl?
I try to! You'll need at least 1.20.
I only seem to blit in ASCII, and/or can't emit Unicode beyond ASCII
in general.
environment variable is underdefined or incorrectly
defined, or the necessary locale is not present on your machine (it is also
possible that you explicitly supplied NCOPTION_INHIBIT_SETLOCALE
but never called setlocale(3)
, in which case don't do that).
I pretty much always need an ncplane
when using a
. Why doesn't the latter hold a pointer to the former?
Besides the massive redundancy this would entail, nccell
needs to
remain as small as possible, and you almost always have the ncplane
handy if you've got a reference to a valid nccell
I ran my Notcurses program under valgrind
/ASAN, and
it shows memory leaks from libtinfo.so
, what's up with that?
Yeah, the NCURSES Terminfo leaks memory unless compiled a special,
non-standard way (see the NCURSES FAQ). It shouldn't be a substantial amount;
you're advised not to worry overmuch about it.
I ran notcurses-demo
, but my table numbers don't match
the Notcurses banner numbers, you charlatan.
renders several frames beyond the actual demos.
When my program exits, I don't have a cursor, or text is invisible,
or colors are weird, ad nauseam.
Ensure you're calling notcurses_stop()
on all exit paths, including fatal signals (note that, by default, Notcurses
installs handlers for most fatal signals to do exactly this).
How can I use Direct Mode in conjunction with libreadline?
You can't anymore (you could up until 2.4.1, but the new input system is
fundamentally incompatible with it). ncdirect_readline()
still exists,
though, and now actually works even without libreadline, though it is of
course not exactly libreadline. In any case, you'd probably be better off
using CLI mode with a ncreader
So is Direct Mode deprecated or what?
It is not currently deprecated, and definitely receives bugfixes. You are
probably better served using CLI mode (see above), which came about
somewhat late in Notcurses development (the 2.3.x series), but is superior
to Direct Mode in pretty much every way. The only reason to use Direct
Mode is if you're going to have other programs junking up your display.
Direct Mode sounds fast! Since it's, like, direct.
Direct mode is substantially slower than rendered mode. Rendered
mode assumes it knows what's on the screen, and uses this information to
generate optimized sequences of escapes and glyphs. Direct mode writes
everything it's told to write. It is furthermore far less capable—all
widgets etc. are available only to rendered mode, and will definitely
not be extended to Direct Mode.
Will there ever be Java wrappers?
I should hope not. If you want a Java solution, try @klamonte's
Jexer. Autumn's a good
woman, and thorough. We seem to have neatly partitioned the language
Given that the glyph channel is initialized as transparent for a
plane, shouldn't the foreground and background be initialized as transparent,
Probably (they are instead by default initialized to opaque). This would change
some of the most longstanding behavior of Notcurses, though,
so it isn't happening.
I get linker errors when statically linking.
Are you linking all necessary libraries? Use
pkg-config --static --libs notcurses
(or --libs notcurses-core
) to discover them.
Notcurses exits immediately in MSYS2/Cygwin.
Notcurses requires the
Windows ConPTY
layer. This is available in Cygwin by default since 3.2.0, but is disabled
by default in MSYS. Launch mintty
with -P on
arguments, or export MSYS=enable_pcon
before launching it.
Can I avoid manually exporting COLORTERM=24bit
Sure. Add SendEnv COLORTERM
to .ssh/config
, and
to sshd_config
on the remote
server. Yes, this will probably require root on the remote server.
Don't blame me, man; I didn't do it.
How about arbitrary image manipulation here functionality?
I'm not going to beat ImageMagick et al. on image manipulation, but you can
load an ncvisual
from RGBA memory using
My program locks up during initialization.
Notcurses interrogates the terminal. If the terminal doesn't reply to standard
interrogations, file a Notcurses bug, send upstream a patch, or use a different
terminal. No known terminal emulators exhibit this behavior.
How can I draw a large plane, and only make a portion of it visible?
The simplest way is probably to create a plane of the same dimensions immediately above
the plane, and keep a region of it transparent, and the rest opaque. If you want the visible
area to stay in the same place on the display, but the portion being seen to change, try
making a plane twice as large in each dimension as the original plane. Make the desired area
transparent, and the rest opaque. Now move the original plane behind this plane so that the
desired area lines up with the “hole”.
It would consume a precious bit. You can use ncchannels_reverse()
to correctly invert fore- and background colors.
How do I mix Rendered and Direct mode?
You really don't want to. You can stream a subprocess to a plane with the
How can I clear the screen on startup in Rendered mode when not using
the alternate screen?
Call notcurses_refresh()
after notcurses_init()
returns successfully.
Why do the stats show more Linux framebuffer bitmap bytes written
than total bytes written to the terminal? And why don't Linux console
graphics work when I ssh?
Linux framebuffer graphics aren't implemented via terminal writes, but rather
writes directly into a memory map. This memory map isn't available on remote
machines, and these writes aren't tracked by the standard statistics.
What is the possessive form of Notcurses?
Notcurses'. I cite
Garner's Modern English Usage in its third edition: "POSSESSIVES. A. Singular
Possessives.…Biblical and Classical names that end with a /zəs/ or /eez/
sound take only the apostrophe." Some ask: is Notcurses then Biblical, or is it
Classical? Truly, it is both.
I just want to display a bitmap on my terminal. Your library is
complex and stupid. You are simple and stupid.
If you're willing to call a binary, use ncplayer to put an image,
with desired scaling, anywhere on the screen and call it a day. Otherwise,
call notcurses_init(), ncvisual_from_file(),
ncvisual_blit(), notcurses_render(), and
notcurses_stop(). It's not too tough. And thanks—your thoughtful
comments and appreciative tone are why I work on Free Software.
## Useful links
* [BiDi in Terminal Emulators](https://terminal-wg.pages.freedesktop.org/bidi/)
* [The Xterm FAQ](https://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.faq.html)
* [XTerm Control Sequences](https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.pdf)
* [The NCURSES FAQ](https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses.faq.html)
* [ECMA-35 Character Code Structure and Extension Techniques](https://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-035.htm) (ISO/IEC 2022)
* [ECMA-43 8-bit Coded Character Set Structure and Rules](https://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-043.htm)
* [ECMA-48 Control Functions for Coded Character Sets](https://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-048.htm) (ISO/IEC 6429)
* [Unicode 14.0 Full Emoji List](https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html)
* [Unicode Standard Annex #29 Text Segmentation](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29)
* [Unicode Standard Annex #15 Normalization Forms](https://unicode.org/reports/tr15/)
* [mintty tips](https://github.com/mintty/mintty/wiki/Tips)
* [The TTY demystified](http://www.linusakesson.net/programming/tty/)
* [Dark Corners of Unicode](https://eev.ee/blog/2015/09/12/dark-corners-of-unicode/)
* [UTF-8 Decoder Capability and Stress Test](https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-test.txt)
* [Emoji: how do you get from U+1F355 to 🍕?](https://meowni.ca/posts/emoji-emoji-emoji/)
* [Glyph Hell: An introduction to glyphs, as used and defined in the FreeType engine](http://chanae.walon.org/pub/ttf/ttf_glyphs.htm)
* [Text Rendering Hates You](https://gankra.github.io/blah/text-hates-you/)
* [Use the UTF-8 code page](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/globalizing/use-utf8-code-page)
* My wiki's [Sixel page](https://nick-black.com/dankwiki/index.php?title=Sixel) and Kitty's [extensions](https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/protocol-extensions.html).
* Linux man pages: [console_codes(4)](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man4/console_codes.4.html), [termios(3)](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/termios.3.html), [ioctl_tty(2)](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/ioctl_tty.2.html), [ioctl_console(2)](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/ioctl_console.2.html)
* The Microsoft Windows [Console Reference](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/console-reference)
* NCURSES man pages: [terminfo(5)](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/terminfo.5.html), [user_caps(5)](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/user_caps.5.html)
> “Our fine arts were developed, their types and uses were established, in times
very different from the present, by men whose power of action upon things was
insignificant in comparison with ours. But the amazing growth of our
techniques, the adaptability and precision they have attained, the ideas and
habits they are creating, make it a certainty that _profound changes are
impending in the ancient craft of the Beautiful_.” —Paul Valéry