#ifndef __NCPP_NOTCURSES_HH #define __NCPP_NOTCURSES_HH #include #include #include #include #include #include "CellStyle.hh" #include "NCKey.hh" #include "NCLogLevel.hh" #include "Palette256.hh" #include "Plane.hh" #include "Root.hh" #include "_helpers.hh" namespace ncpp { class NCPP_API_EXPORT NotCurses : public Root { public: static notcurses_options default_notcurses_options; public: explicit NotCurses (FILE *fp = nullptr) : NotCurses (default_notcurses_options, fp) {} explicit NotCurses (const notcurses_options &nc_opts, FILE *fp = nullptr); // Must not move or copy a NotCurses instance because we have no way to guarantee validity of any other copy // when even a single instance is destructed as that operation would close notcurses. NotCurses (const NotCurses &other) = delete; NotCurses (NotCurses &&other) = delete; ~NotCurses (); operator notcurses* () noexcept { return nc; } operator notcurses const* () const noexcept { return nc; } static NotCurses& get_instance () { if (_instance == nullptr) throw invalid_state_error ("NotCurses instance not found."); if (_instance->nc == nullptr) throw invalid_state_error (ncpp_invalid_state_message); return *_instance; } static bool is_notcurses_stopped () { return *_instance == nullptr || _instance->nc == nullptr; } static const char* ncmetric (uintmax_t val, unsigned decimal, char *buf, int omitdec, unsigned mult, int uprefix) noexcept { return ::ncmetric (val, decimal, buf, omitdec, mult, uprefix); } static const char* qprefix (uintmax_t val, unsigned decimal, char *buf, int omitdec) noexcept { return ::qprefix (val, decimal, buf, omitdec); } static const char* bprefix (uintmax_t val, unsigned decimal, char *buf, int omitdec) noexcept { return ::bprefix (val, decimal, buf, omitdec); } static const char* version () noexcept { return notcurses_version (); } // This is potentially dangerous, but alas necessary. It can cause other calls here to fail in a bad way, but we // need a way to report errors to std{out,err} in case of failure and that will work only if notcurses is // stopped, so... // bool stop () { if (nc == nullptr) throw invalid_state_error (ncpp_invalid_state_message); notcurses_stop (nc); nc = nullptr; return true; } bool can_fade () const noexcept { return notcurses_canfade (nc); } bool can_open () const noexcept { return notcurses_canopen (nc); } bool can_change_color () const noexcept { return notcurses_canchangecolor (nc); } void get_stats (ncstats *stats) const noexcept { if (stats == nullptr) return; notcurses_stats (nc, stats); } void reset_stats (ncstats *stats) const { if (stats == nullptr) throw invalid_argument ("'stats' must be a valid pointer"); notcurses_reset_stats (nc, stats); } bool use (const Palette256 *p) const { if (p == nullptr) throw invalid_argument ("'p' must be a valid pointer"); return use (*p); } bool use (const Palette256 &p) const noexcept { return palette256_use (nc, reinterpret_cast(&p)) != -1; } bool render () const noexcept { return notcurses_render (nc) == 0; } bool resize (int *rows, int *cols) const noexcept { return notcurses_resize (nc, rows, cols) == 0; } bool resize (int &rows, int &cols) const noexcept { return resize (&rows, &cols) == 0; } void get_term_dim (int *rows, int *cols) const noexcept { notcurses_term_dim_yx (nc, rows, cols); } void get_term_dim (int &rows, int &cols) const noexcept { get_term_dim (&rows, &cols); } bool refresh () const noexcept { return notcurses_refresh (nc) == 0; } int get_palette_size () const noexcept { return notcurses_palette_size (static_cast (nc)); } bool mouse_enable () const noexcept { return notcurses_mouse_enable (nc) != -1; } bool mouse_disable () const noexcept { return notcurses_mouse_disable (nc) != -1; } CellStyle get_supported_styles () const noexcept { return static_cast(notcurses_supported_styles (nc)); } char32_t getc (const timespec *ts, sigset_t *sigmask = nullptr, ncinput *ni = nullptr) const noexcept { return notcurses_getc (nc, ts, sigmask, ni); } char32_t getc (bool blocking = false, ncinput *ni = nullptr) const noexcept { if (blocking) return notcurses_getc_blocking (nc, ni); return notcurses_getc_nblock (nc, ni); } char* get_at (int yoff, int xoff, Cell &c) const noexcept { return notcurses_at_yx (nc, yoff, xoff, c); } void drop_planes () const noexcept { notcurses_drop_planes (nc); } Plane* get_stdplane () noexcept { return new Plane (notcurses_stdplane (nc), true); } Plane* get_top () noexcept; private: notcurses *nc; static NotCurses *_instance; static std::mutex init_mutex; }; } #endif