% tfman(1) % nick black % v3.0.0 # NAME tfman - Swank manual page browser # SYNOPSIS **tfman** [**-h**] [**-V**] files # DESCRIPTION **tfman** displays manual pages ala **man(1)** using the Notcurses (**notcurses(3)**) terminal UI library. # OPTIONS **-V**: Print the program name and version, and exit with success. **-h**: Print help information, and exit with success. files: Files to render. The following keypresses are recognized: * **Ctrl-L**: Redraw the screen. * **q**: Quit. * **k**/**up**: Move up by one line. * **b**/**pgup**: Move up by one page. * **j**/**down**: Move down by one line. * **f**/**pgdown**: Move down by one page. # NOTES # BUGS # SEE ALSO **man(1)**, **notcurses(3)**, **groff_man(7)**, **man-pages(7)**, **unicode(7)**