#ifndef __NCPP_SELECTOR_HH #define __NCPP_SELECTOR_HH #include #include "Root.hh" #include "NCAlign.hh" #include "Utilities.hh" namespace ncpp { class NCPP_API_EXPORT Selector : public Root { public: static ncselector_options default_options; public: explicit Selector (Plane *plane, int y, int x, const ncselector_options *opts = nullptr) : Selector (Utilities::to_ncplane (plane), y, x, opts) {} explicit Selector (Plane const* plane, int y, int x, const ncselector_options *opts = nullptr) : Selector (const_cast(plane), y, x, opts) {} explicit Selector (Plane &plane, int y, int x, const ncselector_options *opts = nullptr) : Selector (plane.to_ncplane (), y, x, opts) {} explicit Selector (Plane const& plane, int y, int x, const ncselector_options *opts = nullptr) : Selector (const_cast(&plane), y, x, opts) {} explicit Selector (ncplane *plane, int y, int x, const ncselector_options *opts = nullptr) { if (plane == nullptr) throw invalid_argument ("'plane' must be a valid pointer"); selector = ncselector_create (plane, y, x, opts == nullptr ? &default_options : opts); if (selector == nullptr) throw init_error ("Notcurses failed to create a new selector"); } ~Selector () { if (!is_notcurses_stopped ()) ncselector_destroy (selector, nullptr); } int additem (const ncselector_item *item) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE { return error_guard (ncselector_additem (selector, item), -1); } int delitem (const char *item) const NOEXCEPT_MAYBE { return error_guard (ncselector_delitem (selector, item), -1); } const char* previtem () const noexcept { return ncselector_previtem (selector); } const char* nextitem () const noexcept { return ncselector_nextitem (selector); } const char* get_selected () const noexcept { return ncselector_selected (selector); } bool offer_input (const struct ncinput* nc) const noexcept { return ncselector_offer_input (selector, nc); } Plane* get_plane () const noexcept; private: ncselector *selector; }; } #endif