For deeper insights on the contents of template files, please read the [manual](./, and be sure to browse the existing template files in the `srcpkgs` directory of this repository for concrete examples.
When you've finished working on the template file, please check it with `xlint` helper from the [xtools]( package:
* for new packages, use ```New package: <pkgname>-<version>``` ([example](
* for package updates, use ```<pkgname>: update to <version>.``` ([example](
* for template modifications without a version change, use ```<pkgname>: <reason>``` ([example](
* for package removals, use ```<pkgname>: remove package``` ([example](
* for `common/shlibs` modifications, use `common/shlibs: <pkgname>` ([example](
If you want to describe your changes in more detail, add an empty line followed by those details ([example](
Pull requests are automatically submitted for Continuous Integration (CI) testing to ensure packages build on various combinations of libc and architecture.
Packages that take longer than 120 minutes or need more than 14G of storage to complete their build (for example, Firefox or the Linux kernel) will fail CI and should include `[ci skip]` in the PR title or body (the comment field when the PR is being opened) to avoid wasting CI builder time.
Use your best judgment on build times based on your local building experience. If you skip CI when submitting a PR, please build and cross-build for a variety of architectures locally, with both glibc and musl, and note your local results in PR comments.
Make sure to cover 64-bit and 32-bit architectures.
Runtime testing of packages and building with the `-Q` flag or with `XBPS_CHECK_PKGS=yes` set in the environment or `etc/conf` are strongly encouraged.
New packages will not be accepted unless they have been runtime tested.
`xbump` will use `git commit` to commit the changes with the appropriate commit message. For more fine-grained control over the commit, specific options can be passed to `git commit` by adding them after the package name.
After committing your changes, please check that the package builds successfully. From the top level directory of your local copy of the `void-packages` repository, run:
$ ./xbps-src pkg <pkgname>
Your package must build successfully for at least x86, but we recommend trying to build for armv* as well, e.g.:
$ ./xbps-src -a armv7l pkg <pkgname>
For further details, see the output of `./xbps-src -h`.
Once you have successfully built the package, you can [create a pull request](
When you make changes to your pull request, please *do not close and reopen your pull request*. Instead, just [forcibly git push](#review), overwriting any old commits. Closing and opening your pull requests repeatedly spams the Void maintainers.
comply with the our guidelines. At the moment not all packages comply with the rules, so if you update a package, it may happen that Travis reports errors about places you haven't touched. Please feel free to fix those errors too.
We recommend having only a single commit for pull request, so if you need to make changes in commits but already have a pull request, use the following commands:
A more powerful way of modifying commits than using `git commit --amend` is with [git-rebase](, which allows you to join, reorder, change description of past commits and more.
Alternatively, if there are issues with your git history, you can make another branch and push it to the existing PR:
Please abstain from temporarily closing a pull request while revising the templates. Instead, leave a comment on the PR describing what still needs work, or add "[WIP]" to the PR title. Only close your pull request if you're sure you don't want your changes to be included.