Use release candidate because it's the latest 2.x release and md2gemini
requires 2.x. python3-jupyte_nbconvert isn't compatible with it yet [1],
unfortunately, so we need a new package.
Without Java support, LibreBase is severely limited in its
capabilities. This should put -Base on x86_64-musl at the
same parity as on glibc.
The reported issue was that -Base would not create a new
HSQLDB database, which relies on Java support.
So far, the udev rules contained in this package were manually
maintained, which is probably the reason that the necessary rules for
using the Moonlander keyboard with their training software, Oryx, wasn't
present. I've created a new package, wally-udev-rules, which fetches the
udev rules from the upstream repo instead. As the build process for
wally itself (which should not be confused with wally-cli) is completely
undocumented, I've not done this "properly" (which would be packaging
wally and having wally-udev be a subpackage of wally, which is then
depended upon by wally-cli) for now, but this is already a step in the
right direction IMO.
Closes: #30879 [via git-merge-pr]
The opencv update rolled into the Python 3.10 upgrade apparently broke
ABI and prevented digikam from launching. None of the other dependants
of opencv were obviously affected in some simple tests.
By default mpmath uses python's builtin long integers which are very
slow. Installing python3-gmpy2 makes it use gmp, mpfr, mpc for that,
which is asymptotically faster.
After a discussion in #33481 it was decided to add it to depends.
- remove INSTALL.msg; for plotting, mpmath itself gives a warning.
- Adopt.
Upstream 2.1.0rc1 builds on python3.10, last official version does not.
This package is used by python3-mpmath for multiprecission arithmetic.
If not installed, mpmath defaults to python bigints which are very slow.
For example: compute 1M digits of pi using sympy:
$ isympy # without python3-gmpy2
In [1]: %time a=pi.n(1_000_000)
CPU times: user 49.4 s, sys: 2.96 ms, total: 49.4 s
Wall time: 49.4 s
$ isympy # with python3-gmpy2
In [1]: %time a=pi.n(1_000_000)
CPU times: user 632 ms, sys: 5.99 ms, total: 638 ms
Wall time: 639 ms
Note that just installing python3-gmpy2 brings this improvement.
Arguably python3-gmpy2 could be made a dependency of python3-mpmath.
This reverts commit f91cea99ddace872a5cdf0ae5d93fcc15b2f3191.
- fix hostmakedepends
- make tests work
- adopt