# Template file for 'toybox' pkgname=toybox version=0.8.10 revision=3 create_wrksrc=yes short_desc="BSD-licensed alternative to busybox" maintainer="Orphaned " license="0BSD" homepage="http://www.landley.net/toybox" distfiles="http://www.landley.net/toybox/downloads/toybox-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=d3afee05ca90bf425ced73f527e418fecd626c5340b5f58711a14531f8d7d108 if [ "$XBPS_TARGET_LIBC" = "glibc" ]; then makedepends+=" libxcrypt-devel" fi post_extract() { mv toybox-${version} toybox cp -r toybox toybox-static } do_build() { export NOSTRIP=1 # toybox cd toybox make defconfig make ${makejobs} toybox # toybox-static cd ../toybox-static make defconfig make ${makejobs} LDFLAGS="-static" toybox } _rm_failing_tests() { # XXX: Some tests for du, find, grep, sed and tar fail rm tests/du.test rm tests/find.test rm tests/grep.test rm tests/sed.test rm tests/tar.test [ "$XBPS_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT" != void-packages-ci ] && return 0 # XXX: chattr, hostname,losetup, rmdir tests fail on CI rm tests/chattr.test rm tests/hostname.test rm tests/losetup.test rm tests/rmdir.test rm tests/rm.test } do_check() { msg_normal "Running tests for toybox...\n" cd toybox _rm_failing_tests make tests msg_normal "Running tests for toybox-static...\n" cd ../toybox-static _rm_failing_tests make tests } do_install() { vbin toybox/toybox vlicense toybox/LICENSE } toybox-static_package() { short_desc+=" - statically linked" pkg_install() { vbin toybox-static/toybox toybox.static vlicense toybox-static/LICENSE } }