#!/usr/bin/env bash # Report packages installing same file and not marked with # conflicts or replaces. # Without argument, find conflicts between packages in local # repository at hostdir/binpkgs and packages indexed in xlocate. # With single path as argument, read that local repository. # With -a flag, find conflicts between packages indexed in xlocate. if [ "$#" = 0 ]; then binpkgs="$PWD/hostdir/binpkgs" elif [ "$1" = -a ]; then all=1 elif [ -d "$1" ]; then binpkgs="$1" else echo "Usage:" echo "$0" echo " check packages in ./hostdir/binpkgs" echo "$0 path/to/hostdir/binpkgs" echo " check packages there" echo "$0 -a" echo " check all packages indexed in xlocate" exit 1 fi declare -A newly_built conflicts_cache providers_cache pairs owners repositories=("--repository=${binpkgs}" "--repository=${binpkgs}/nonfree") rv=0 template_exists() { [ -f "srcpkgs/$1/template" ] } partial_check() { [ -z "$all" ] } providers_of() { # print the pkgname and packages that `provides` it local pkgname=$1 if [ "${providers_cache[$pkgname]}" = '' ]; then local line provider_pkgver provided_pkgver provider_pkgname provided_pkgname local -A providers providers[$pkgname]=$pkgname while read -r line; do line=${line%%'('*} provider_pkgver=${line%': '*} provided_pkgver=${line#*': '} provider_pkgname=${provider_pkgver%-*} provided_pkgname=${provided_pkgver%-*} # comes from $(xbps-query -s $pkgname), so $pkgname can be substring if [ "$provided_pkgname" = "$pkgname" ]; then providers[$provider_pkgname]=$provider_pkgname fi done < <(xbps-query "${repositories[@]}" -p provides -R -s "$pkgname") # leading space ensures ${[]} != '' providers_cache[$pkgname]=" ${providers[*]}" fi echo ${providers_cache[$pkgname]} } conflicts_of() { # print list of packages that are _marked_ as conflicting with given one local pkgname=$1 if [ "${conflicts_cache[$pkgname]}" = '' ]; then local in_conflict provider local -A all while read -r in_conflict; do in_conflict=${in_conflict%'<'*} in_conflict=${in_conflict%'>'*} providers_of "$in_conflict" > /dev/null # executing in same process to fill cache for provider in $(providers_of "$in_conflict"); do all[$provider]=$provider done done < <(xbps-query "${repositories[@]}" -p conflicts,replaces -R "$pkgname") # leading space ensures ${[]} != '' conflicts_cache[$pkgname]=" ${all[*]}" fi echo ${conflicts_cache[$pkgname]} } conflict_between() { # exit successfully if packages are _marked_ as conflicting conflicts_of "$1" > /dev/null # executing in same process to fill cache case " $(conflicts_of "$1") " in *" $2 "*) return 0 esac conflicts_of "$2" > /dev/null # executing in same process to fill cache case " $(conflicts_of "$2") " in *" $1 "*) return 0 esac return 1 } list_newly_built_files() { # print one line per file in newly built packages # each line contains pkgname and file path local pkgver pkgname while read -r pkgver; do pkgname=${pkgver%-*} xbps-query "${repositories[@]}" -i -f "$pkgname" | sed s'/ -> .*//;'" s/^/$pkgname /" done < <(xbps-query "${repositories[@]}" -i -R -s '' | cut -d' ' -f 2) } list_interesting_files() { # list files potentially contained in more than one package # each line contains pkgver/pkgname and file path if partial_check; then list_newly_built_files else xlocate / | sed s'/ -> .*//' | grep -F -f <(xlocate / | cut -f 2- | sed s'/ -> .*//' | sort | uniq -d) fi } group_by_file_full() { # create associative array `owners` mapping file to list of packages # for packages potentially conflicting with newly built ones local pkgver file pkgname while read -r pkgver file; do pkgname=${pkgver%-*} if template_exists "$pkgname"; then owners[$file]+=" $pkgname" fi done < <(list_interesting_files) } group_by_file_partial() { # create associative array `owners` mapping file to list of packages # for all packages in xlocate local pkgname file ## newly built packages while read -r pkgname file; do owners[$file]+=" $pkgname" newly_built[$pkgname]=$pkgname done < <(list_newly_built_files) ## rest of repository while read -r pkgver file; do pkgname=${pkgver%-*} if [ -z "${newly_built[$pkgname]}" ] && template_exists "$pkgname"; then owners[$file]+=" $pkgname" fi done < <(xlocate / | sed s'/ -> .*//' | grep -F -f <(list_newly_built_files | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)) } group_by_pair() { # find package pairs owning same file and not marked as conflicting local pkg file a b while read -r pkg file; do for a in ${owners[$file]}; do for b in ${owners[$file]}; do if ! [ "$a" "<" "$b" ]; then continue fi if partial_check && [ -z "${newly_built[$a]}" ] && [ -z "${newly_built[$b]}" ]; then continue fi if ! conflict_between "$a" "$b"; then unset pair_files local -A pair_files eval "${pairs["$a $b"]}" pair_files[$file]="$file" pairs["$a $b"]="${pair_files[@]@A}" fi done done done < <(list_interesting_files) } print_out() { local pair file if [ "${#pairs[@]}" = 0 ]; then echo 1>&2 "No conflicts found in" "${repositories[@]#*=}" exit 0 fi while read -r pair; do rv=1 echo "${pair% *} and ${pair#* } conflict for" unset pair_files eval "${pairs[$pair]}" for file in "${pair_files[@]}"; do echo " $file" done | sort done < <(printf '%s\n' "${!pairs[@]}" | sort) } if partial_check; then group_by_file_partial else group_by_file_full fi group_by_pair print_out exit $rv