# Template file for 'praat' pkgname=praat version=6.3.03 revision=1 create_wrksrc=yes hostmakedepends="pkg-config" makedepends="gtk+3-devel $(vopt_if alsa alsa-lib-devel) $(vopt_if jack jack-devel) $(vopt_if pulseaudio 'alsa-lib-devel pulseaudio-devel')" checkdepends="cantarell-fonts" short_desc="Speech analysis, synthesis, and manipulation" maintainer="newbluemoon " license="GPL-2.0-or-later" homepage="https://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/" changelog="https://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/manual/What_s_new_.html" distfiles="https://github.com/praat/praat/archive/v${version}.tar.gz" checksum=f7e94afab17030ea90a17f84e810aedde0cdc6493ce4b1d39c97106d365c1b30 # there are a number of pre-defined Makefiles for certain configurations # build options are used to choose which one to use among a selected few # option 'alsa' is for ALSA only # 'pulseaudio' also includes ALSA # 'jack' is jack only # the options are mutually exclusive # for the Raspberry Pi only jack audio seems to be supported build_options="alsa jack pulseaudio" build_options_default="pulseaudio" vopt_conflict jack alsa vopt_conflict jack pulseaudio vopt_conflict alsa pulseaudio do_build() { for _variant in $(vopt_if alsa alsa) $(vopt_if jack jack) $(vopt_if pulseaudio pulse) nogui; do cp -a "${pkgname}-${version}" $_variant cd $_variant cp makefiles/makefile.defs.linux.${_variant} ./makefile.defs sed -i -e 's/$(LIBS)/& $(LDFLAGS)/' Makefile sed -i -e 's/AR = ar/AR = "${AR}"/' \ -e 's/-O\(1\|3\)//' \ -e 's/CFLAGS =/CFLAGS +=/' \ -e 's/CXXFLAGS =/CXXFLAGS +=/' \ -e 's/-no-pie//' \ makefile.defs if [ $XBPS_TARGET_ENDIAN == "le" ]; then CFLAGS+=" -DPA_LITTLE_ENDIAN" else CFLAGS+=" -DPA_BIG_ENDIAN" fi make ${makejobs} CC="$CC" CXX="$CXX" LD="$LD" AR="$AR" mv praat* .. cd .. done } do_install() { vbin praat vbin praat_nogui } do_check() { cd "${pkgname}-${version}/test" # remove failing tests # Error: Cannot edit a Sound from batch rm fon/closeEditor_GUI.praat rm script/runScript.praat ../../praat --run runAllTests_batch.praat ../../praat_nogui --run runAllTests_batch.praat } praat-nogui_package() { short_desc+=" (nogui)" pkg_install() { vmove usr/bin/praat_nogui } }