196 lines
7.0 KiB
196 lines
7.0 KiB
This patch is a fix for the errornous array boundary check introduced in commit 7e17c3f.
See: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vala/-/issues/1573
--- a/codegen/valaccodearraymodule.vala
+++ b/codegen.valaccodearraymodule.vala
@@ -583,8 +583,8 @@ public class Vala.CCodeArrayModule : CCo
CCodeExpression length_expr = new CCodeIdentifier ("length");
CCodeBinaryOperator length_check_op;
// add extra item to have array NULL-terminated for all reference types
+ length_expr = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.PLUS, length_expr, new CCodeConstant ("1"));
if (array_type.element_type.type_symbol != null && array_type.element_type.type_symbol.is_reference_type ()) {
- length_expr = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.PLUS, length_expr, new CCodeConstant ("1"));
length_check_op = CCodeBinaryOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL;
} else {
length_check_op = CCodeBinaryOperator.GREATER_THAN;
--- a/codegen/valaccodearraymodule.c
+++ b/codegen/valaccodearraymodule.c
@@ -3032,11 +3032,15 @@ vala_ccode_array_module_generate_array_d
ValaCCodeExpression* length_expr = NULL;
ValaCCodeIdentifier* _tmp57_;
ValaCCodeBinaryOperator length_check_op = 0;
- gboolean _tmp58_ = FALSE;
- ValaDataType* _tmp59_;
- ValaDataType* _tmp60_;
- ValaTypeSymbol* _tmp61_;
- ValaTypeSymbol* _tmp62_;
+ ValaCCodeExpression* _tmp58_;
+ ValaCCodeConstant* _tmp59_;
+ ValaCCodeConstant* _tmp60_;
+ ValaCCodeBinaryExpression* _tmp61_;
+ gboolean _tmp62_ = FALSE;
+ ValaDataType* _tmp63_;
+ ValaDataType* _tmp64_;
+ ValaTypeSymbol* _tmp65_;
+ ValaTypeSymbol* _tmp66_;
ValaCCodeFunctionCall* _tmp71_;
ValaCCodeExpression* _tmp72_;
ValaCodeContext* _tmp73_;
@@ -3170,35 +3174,31 @@ vala_ccode_array_module_generate_array_d
_tmp57_ = vala_ccode_identifier_new ("length");
length_expr = (ValaCCodeExpression*) _tmp57_;
- _tmp59_ = vala_array_type_get_element_type (array_type);
+ _tmp58_ = length_expr;
+ _tmp59_ = vala_ccode_constant_new ("1");
_tmp60_ = _tmp59_;
- _tmp61_ = vala_data_type_get_type_symbol (_tmp60_);
- _tmp62_ = _tmp61_;
- if (_tmp62_ != NULL) {
- ValaDataType* _tmp63_;
- ValaDataType* _tmp64_;
- ValaTypeSymbol* _tmp65_;
- ValaTypeSymbol* _tmp66_;
- _tmp63_ = vala_array_type_get_element_type (array_type);
- _tmp64_ = _tmp63_;
- _tmp65_ = vala_data_type_get_type_symbol (_tmp64_);
- _tmp66_ = _tmp65_;
- _tmp58_ = vala_typesymbol_is_reference_type (_tmp66_);
+ _tmp61_ = vala_ccode_binary_expression_new (VALA_CCODE_BINARY_OPERATOR_PLUS, _tmp58_, (ValaCCodeExpression*) _tmp60_);
+ _vala_ccode_node_unref0 (length_expr);
+ length_expr = (ValaCCodeExpression*) _tmp61_;
+ _vala_ccode_node_unref0 (_tmp60_);
+ _tmp63_ = vala_array_type_get_element_type (array_type);
+ _tmp64_ = _tmp63_;
+ _tmp65_ = vala_data_type_get_type_symbol (_tmp64_);
+ _tmp66_ = _tmp65_;
+ if (_tmp66_ != NULL) {
+ ValaDataType* _tmp67_;
+ ValaDataType* _tmp68_;
+ ValaTypeSymbol* _tmp69_;
+ ValaTypeSymbol* _tmp70_;
+ _tmp67_ = vala_array_type_get_element_type (array_type);
+ _tmp68_ = _tmp67_;
+ _tmp69_ = vala_data_type_get_type_symbol (_tmp68_);
+ _tmp70_ = _tmp69_;
+ _tmp62_ = vala_typesymbol_is_reference_type (_tmp70_);
} else {
- _tmp58_ = FALSE;
+ _tmp62_ = FALSE;
- if (_tmp58_) {
- ValaCCodeExpression* _tmp67_;
- ValaCCodeConstant* _tmp68_;
- ValaCCodeConstant* _tmp69_;
- ValaCCodeBinaryExpression* _tmp70_;
- _tmp67_ = length_expr;
- _tmp68_ = vala_ccode_constant_new ("1");
- _tmp69_ = _tmp68_;
- _tmp70_ = vala_ccode_binary_expression_new (VALA_CCODE_BINARY_OPERATOR_PLUS, _tmp67_, (ValaCCodeExpression*) _tmp69_);
- _vala_ccode_node_unref0 (length_expr);
- length_expr = (ValaCCodeExpression*) _tmp70_;
- _vala_ccode_node_unref0 (_tmp69_);
+ if (_tmp62_) {
} else {
--- a/tests/arrays/empty-length-0.c-expected
+++ b/tests/arrays/empty-length-0.c-expected
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ _vala_array_dup3 (Manam* self,
if (length > 0) {
Manam* result;
gssize i;
- result = g_new0 (Manam, length);
+ result = g_new0 (Manam, length + 1);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Manam _tmp0_;
Manam _tmp1_ = {0};
--- a/tests/generics/arrays.c-expected
+++ b/tests/generics/arrays.c-expected
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ _vala_array_dup1 (gpointer* self,
if (length > 0) {
gpointer* result;
gssize i;
- result = g_new0 (gpointer, length);
+ result = g_new0 (gpointer, length + 1);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
gpointer _tmp0_;
_tmp0_ = ((self[i] != NULL) && (g_dup_func != NULL)) ? g_dup_func ((gpointer) self[i]) : ((gpointer) self[i]);
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ _vala_array_dup2 (gpointer* self,
if (length > 0) {
gpointer* result;
gssize i;
- result = g_new0 (gpointer, length);
+ result = g_new0 (gpointer, length + 1);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
gpointer _tmp0_;
_tmp0_ = ((self[i] != NULL) && (g_dup_func != NULL)) ? g_dup_func ((gpointer) self[i]) : ((gpointer) self[i]);
--- a/tests/posix/empty-length-0.c-expected
+++ b/tests/posix/empty-length-0.c-expected
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ _vala_array_dup3 (Manam* self,
if (length > 0) {
Manam* result;
ssize_t i;
- result = calloc (length, sizeof (Manam));
+ result = calloc (length + 1, sizeof (Manam));
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Manam _tmp0_;
Manam _tmp1_ = {0};
--- a/tests/objects/property-array.c-expected
+++ b/tests/objects/property-array.c-expected
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ _vala_array_dup1 (Manam** self,
if (length > 0) {
Manam** result;
gssize i;
- result = g_new0 (Manam*, length);
+ result = g_new0 (Manam*, length + 1);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Manam* _tmp0_;
_tmp0_ = _manam_dup0 (self[i]);
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ _vala_array_dup2 (Manam** self,
if (length > 0) {
Manam** result;
gssize i;
- result = g_new0 (Manam*, length);
+ result = g_new0 (Manam*, length + 1);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Manam* _tmp0_;
_tmp0_ = _manam_dup0 (self[i]);
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ _vala_array_dup3 (Manam** self,
if (length > 0) {
Manam** result;
gssize i;
- result = g_new0 (Manam*, length);
+ result = g_new0 (Manam*, length + 1);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Manam* _tmp0_;
_tmp0_ = _manam_dup0 (self[i]);
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ _vala_array_dup4 (Manam** self,
if (length > 0) {
Manam** result;
gssize i;
- result = g_new0 (Manam*, length);
+ result = g_new0 (Manam*, length + 1);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Manam* _tmp0_;
_tmp0_ = _manam_dup0 (self[i]);
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ _vala_array_dup7 (Manam** self,
if (length > 0) {
Manam** result;
gssize i;
- result = g_new0 (Manam*, length);
+ result = g_new0 (Manam*, length + 1);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Manam* _tmp0_;
_tmp0_ = _manam_dup0 (self[i]);
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ _vala_array_dup8 (Manam** self,
if (length > 0) {
Manam** result;
gssize i;
- result = g_new0 (Manam*, length);
+ result = g_new0 (Manam*, length + 1);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Manam* _tmp0_;
_tmp0_ = _manam_dup0 (self[i]);