Alessio Sergi 2014e03dac Revert "common/buildstyle/python*: build dir can be used as python identifier"
This reverts commit a02132b2ae0c759652f9842de1b1bedba24939d6.

Actually, the issue with packages using python-distutils-extra hasn't
been solved. On the contrary, python build style now generates malformed
packages, e.g., gufw:

+-- usr
    +-- lib
    |   +-- python3.5
    |       +-- site-packages
    |           +-- build3_5
    |           |   +-- lib
    |           |       +-- gufw
    |           |           +--
    |           |           +-- gufw
    |           |           +--
    |           +-- gufw
    |           |   +--
    |           |   +-- gufw
    |           |   +--
    |           +-- gufw-17.04.1-py3.5.egg-info

I don't have a clean solution handy right now, but that obviously isn't.
2017-01-12 12:27:12 +01:00
2016-05-03 00:50:02 +02:00


These shell snippets provide support for multiple build systems, i.e GNU configure,
CMake, etc. A build style file must provide at least the following functions:

	- do_configure
	- do_build
	- do_install

If a source package defines its own do_xxx() function, the function defined in
the build style file is simply ignored.