we don't need to specify -mcpu where compiler default is used, preserve mtune though; do not -mno-altivec on ppc since altivec is not default in the first place and doing this will just break random things that explicitly enable altivec for runtime checked code; do not use -maltivec on either ppc64le or ppc64 since it's implied by their -mcpu's (power8 for ppc64le which is implicit, and 970 for ppc64 which is explicit) also remove -mlong-double-64 for musl targets as that's compiler default and it's not necessary to pass it; also remove -mabi=elfv2 for both ppc64le and ppc64 since it's implied default
BUILD PROFILES ============== This directory contains build profiles to set properties on native builds for a specific architecture: - XBPS_TRIPLET (the compiler triplet) - XBPS_CFLAGS (C compiler flags for host compiler) - XBPS_CXXFLAGS (C++ compiler flags for the host compiler) - XBPS_FFLAGS (Fortran compiler flags for the host compiler) - XBPS_RUST_TARGET (the compiler triplet for usage by cargo) These properties are also set in a cross environment, but the compiler flags are not added into the global flags. XBPS_RUST_TARGET is also exposed as RUST_BUILD instead of RUST_TARGET.