- TeX Live is free software see the files: /usr/share/licenses/texlive-bin/LICENSE.TL /usr/share/licenses/texlive-bin/LICENSE.CTAN ===================================================================== This package sets the location of TeX Live binaries and manual pages using the file: /etc/profile.d/texlive.sh. see http://www.tug.org/texlive/quickinstall.html for details Check if your PATH and MANPATH are updated correctly with: $ printenv You may need to reboot to ensure that the paths are updated correctly, for the impatients, if you want you can type $ source /etc/profile and check PATH and MANPATH. ===================================================================== To update you TeX Live installation use only the program /opt/texlive/${VERSION}/bin/<arch>/tlmgr. where <arch> is: - x86_64-linux ==> x86_64 architecture - i386-linux ==> i386 architecture see: http://www.tug.org/texlive/doc/tlmgr.html#EXAMPLES for the details and the documentation in WARNING: To avoid messing up your TeX Live installation, DON'T use the installation scripts in /opt/texlive-installer.