- FOP environment configuration file is:


  it is preconfigured as follow:


  note in FOPS_OPTS="-Xmx<your memory size>m" is preconfigured as 512 Mb
  if you want use a different amount of memory modify it according your

  According to my limited knowledge of FOP the configuration file for
  the part that produce the documentations reside in a different file in
  XML format, see an example in:


  For hint about this configurations see the proper page at:


  For hints on usign fop see:


  In this package I've included the full documentation in HTML format



  You may need to reboot to ensure that PATH is update correctly,
  for the impatients, if you want you can type

  $ . /etc/profile

  and check the PATH.


  The dictionaries for the hyphenationa are available on the package:


  The package install it in:


  as a jar file, see the offo-hyphenation documentation for more info.

  Some part of the code of FOP are not licensed under Apache-2.0,
  see in /usr/share/fop/lib/ for the licenses of this parts
  of code that for convenience are in the distribution of FOP.

  Happy FOPping!