0x5c cc27e8e6f7 common/travis/xlint.sh: print Github annotations
Turns xlint, version lint, and commit lint messages into warning or error
annotaions. All are printed with special highlighting in the action log and
summary. Xlint and version lint annotations are shown inline in the changes tab
and commit view. Annotations without line number are shown at line 1.
2022-05-05 21:34:11 +02:00

53 lines
1.5 KiB
Executable File

die() {
printf '%s\n' "$*" >&2
exit 1
GIT_CMD=$(command -v chroot-git 2>/dev/null) ||
GIT_CMD=$(command -v git 2>/dev/null) ||
die "neither chroot-git nor git could be found!"
rev_parse() {
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
"$GIT_CMD" rev-parse --verify "$1"
while test "$#" != 0
"$GIT_CMD" rev-parse --verify "$1" 2>/dev/null && return
return 1
base=$(rev_parse "$1" FETCH_HEAD ORIG_HEAD) || die "base commit not found"
tip=$(rev_parse "$2" HEAD) || die "tip commit not found"
for cmt in $("$GIT_CMD" rev-list --abbrev-commit $base..$tip)
"$GIT_CMD" cat-file commit "$cmt" |
awk -vC="$cmt" '
# skip header
/^$/ && !msg { msg = 1; next }
!msg { next }
# 3: long-line-is-banned-except-footnote-like-this-for-url
(NF > 2) && (length > 80) { print "::error title=Commit Lint::" C ": long line: " $0; exit 1 }
!subject {
if (length > 50) { print "::warning title=Commit Lint::" C ": subject is a bit long" }
if (!($0 ~ ":" || $0 ~ "^Take over maintainership " || $0 ~ "^Orphan ")) { print "::error title=Commit Lint::" C ": subject does not follow CONTRIBUTING.md guildelines"; exit 1 }
# Below check is too noisy?
# if (!($0 ~ "^New package:" || $0 ~ ".*: update to")) {
# print "::warning title=Commit Lint::" C ": not new package/update/removal?"
# }
subject = 1; next
/^$/ { body = 1; next }
!body { print "::error title=Commit Lint::" C ": second line must be blank"; exit 1 }
' || status=1
exit $status