-sh: use the shell to execute the command (default)
-nosh: do not use the shell to execute the command (required if the command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from another user)
-bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)
-nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)
-stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-inclose)
-nostdin: do not create a pipe for stdin (default)
-buffer: display/send output of command on this buffer (if the buffer is not found, a new buffer with name "exec.exec.xxx" is created)
-l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)
-o: send output of command to the buffer (not compatible with option -bg)
-n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with option -bg)
-sw: switch to the output buffer (default)
-nosw: don't switch to the output buffer
-ln: display line numbers (default in new buffer only)
-pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)
-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)