irc: add filters on raw buffer (closes #1000)

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2019-11-03 09:01:44 +01:00
parent 4a86ab55d8
commit 015ae4a94b
33 changed files with 2069 additions and 1394 deletions

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ New features::
* core: add support of modifiers in evaluation of expressions with "modifier:name,data,string"
* api: add modifier "color_encode_ansi" (issue #528)
* api: add modifier "eval_path_home"
* irc: add filters on raw buffer (issue #1000)
* irc: add option irc.look.display_pv_warning_address to display a warning in private buffer if the remote nick address has changed (issue #892)
* irc: add server option "ssl_password" (issue #115, issue #1416)
* irc: add "user" in output of irc_message_parse (issue #136)

View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
| irc | irc_privates | Private auf allen IRC Servern
| irc | irc_raw_filters | filters for irc raw buffer
| irc | irc_server | aktueller IRC-Server
| irc | irc_server_channels | Channels des derzeitigen IRC-Server

View File

@ -726,31 +726,42 @@ reason: Grund der Abmeldung
reorder <name> [<name>...]
open <name>|-all [<name>...]
del|keep <name>
raw [<filter>]
list: listet Server auf (ohne Angabe von Argumente wird diese Liste standardmäßig ausgegeben)
listfull: listet alle Server auf, mit detaillierten Informationen zu jedem einzelnen Server
add: erstellt einen neuen Server
name: Servername, dient der internen Nutzung und zur Darstellung; dieser Name wird genutzt um sich mit dem Server zu verbinden (/connect name) und um die entsprechenden Optionen anzupassen:
hostname: Name oder IP-Adresse des Servers. Optional kann zusätzlich der Port festgelegt werden (Standard-Port: 6667). Mehrere Adressen können durch Kommata getrennt werden
-temp: erstellt temporären Server (wird nicht gespeichert)
option: legt die Optionen für den Server fest (die Boolean-Optionen können weggelassen werden)
nooption: stellt die Boolean Einstellung auf 'off' (Beispiel: -nossl)
copy: erstellt eine Kopie des Servers
rename: benennt den Server um
reorder: Anordnung der Server ändern
open: öffnet den Serverbuffer, ohne eine Verbindung herzustellen
keep: übernimmt den Server in die Konfigurationsdatei (nur sinnvoll bei temporär angelegten Servern)
del: entfernt einen Server
deloutq: löscht bei allen Servern alle ausgehende Nachrichten, die in der Warteschlange stehen (dies betrifft alle Nachrichten die WeeChat gerade sendet)
jump: springt zum Server-Buffer
raw: öffnet Buffer mit Roh-IRC-Daten
list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed)
listfull: list servers with detailed info for each server
add: add a new server
name: server name, for internal and display use; this name is used to connect to the server (/connect name) and to set server options:
hostname: name or IP address of server, with optional port (default: 6667), many addresses can be separated by a comma
-temp: add a temporary server (not saved)
option: set option for server (for boolean option, value can be omitted)
nooption: set boolean option to 'off' (for example: -nossl)
copy: duplicate a server
rename: rename a server
reorder: reorder list of servers
open: open the server buffer without connecting
keep: keep server in config file (for temporary servers only)
del: delete a server
deloutq: delete messages out queue for all servers (all messages WeeChat is currently sending)
jump: jump to server buffer
raw: open buffer with raw IRC data
filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:
* show all messages (no filter)
xxx show only messages containing "xxx"
s:xxx show only messages for server "xxx"
f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected (message redirected)
m:xxx show only IRC command "xxx"
c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected
/server listfull
/server add freenode
/server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect
/server add chatspike,
/server raw
/server raw s:freenode
/server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo
/server copy freenode freenode-test
/server rename freenode-test freenode2
/server reorder freenode2 freenode

View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
| irc | irc_privates | privates on all IRC servers
| irc | irc_raw_filters | filters for irc raw buffer
| irc | irc_server | current IRC server
| irc | irc_server_channels | channels on current IRC server

View File

@ -726,7 +726,8 @@ reason: reason
reorder <name> [<name>...]
open <name>|-all [<name>...]
del|keep <name>
raw [<filter>]
list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed)
listfull: list servers with detailed info for each server
@ -745,12 +746,22 @@ nooption: set boolean option to 'off' (for example: -nossl)
deloutq: delete messages out queue for all servers (all messages WeeChat is currently sending)
jump: jump to server buffer
raw: open buffer with raw IRC data
filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:
* show all messages (no filter)
xxx show only messages containing "xxx"
s:xxx show only messages for server "xxx"
f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected (message redirected)
m:xxx show only IRC command "xxx"
c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected
/server listfull
/server add freenode
/server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect
/server add chatspike,
/server raw
/server raw s:freenode
/server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo
/server copy freenode freenode-test
/server rename freenode-test freenode2
/server reorder freenode2 freenode

View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
| irc | irc_privates | privés sur tous les serveurs IRC
| irc | irc_raw_filters | filtres pour le tampon de données brutes irc
| irc | irc_server | serveur IRC courant
| irc | irc_server_channels | canaux sur le serveur IRC courant

View File

@ -726,7 +726,8 @@ raison : raison
reorder <nom> [<nom>...]
open <nom>|-all [<nom>...]
del|keep <nom>
raw [<filtre>]
list : afficher les serveurs (sans paramètre, cette liste est affichée)
listfull : afficher les serveurs avec de l'info détaillée pour chaque
@ -744,7 +745,14 @@ nom_machine : nom ou adresse IP du serveur avec port en option (défaut : 6667
del : supprimer un serveur
deloutq : supprimer la file d'attente des messages sortants pour tous les serveurs (tous les messages que WeeChat est actuellement en train d'envoyer)
jump : sauter au tampon du serveur
raw : ouvre le tampon avec les données brutes IRC
raw : ouvrir le tampon avec les données brutes IRC
filtre : définir un nouveau filtre pour voir seulement les messages correspondants (ce filtre peut aussi être utilisé en entrée du tampon des données brutes) ; les formats autorisés sont :
* afficher tous les messages (pas de filtre)
xxx afficher seulement les messages contenant "xxx"
s:xxx afficher seulement les messages pour le serveur "xxx"
f:xxx afficher seulement les messages avec un drapeau : recv (message reçu), sent (message envoyé), modified (message modifié par un modificateur), redirected (message redirigé)
m:xxx afficher seulement les messages pour la commande IRC "xxx"
c:xxx afficher seulement les messages qui correspondent à la condition évaluée "xxx", en utilisant les variables suivantes : sortie de la fonction irc_message_parse (comme nick, command, channel, text, etc., voir la fonction info_get_hashtable dans la référence API extension pour la liste de toutes les variables), date (format : "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected
Exemples :
/server listfull
@ -756,6 +764,9 @@ Exemples :
/server reorder freenode2 freenode
/server del freenode
/server deloutq
/server raw
/server raw s:freenode
/server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo

View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
| irc | irc_privates | privati su tutti i server IRC
| irc | irc_raw_filters | filters for irc raw buffer
| irc | irc_server | server IRC corrente
| irc | irc_server_channels | canali sul server IRC corrente

View File

@ -726,7 +726,8 @@ motivo: motivo
reorder <name> [<name>...]
open <name>|-all [<name>...]
del|keep <name>
raw [<filter>]
list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed)
listfull: list servers with detailed info for each server
@ -745,12 +746,22 @@ nooption: set boolean option to 'off' (for example: -nossl)
deloutq: delete messages out queue for all servers (all messages WeeChat is currently sending)
jump: jump to server buffer
raw: open buffer with raw IRC data
filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:
* show all messages (no filter)
xxx show only messages containing "xxx"
s:xxx show only messages for server "xxx"
f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected (message redirected)
m:xxx show only IRC command "xxx"
c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected
/server listfull
/server add freenode
/server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect
/server add chatspike,
/server raw
/server raw s:freenode
/server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo
/server copy freenode freenode-test
/server rename freenode-test freenode2
/server reorder freenode2 freenode

View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
| irc | irc_privates | 全ての IRC サーバにあるプライベートチャンネル
| irc | irc_raw_filters | filters for irc raw buffer
| irc | irc_server | 現在の IRC サーバ
| irc | irc_server_channels | 現在の IRC サーバにあるチャンネル名

View File

@ -726,31 +726,42 @@ reason: 理由
reorder <name> [<name>...]
open <name>|-all [<name>...]
del|keep <name>
raw [<filter>]
list: サーバをリストアップ (引数無しでは、リストが表示されます)
listfull: 詳細情報を含めてサーバをリストアップ
add: 新しいサーバを追加
name: サーバ名、内部的な利用と表示に利用; このサーバ名はサーバへの接続時 (/connect name) とサーバオプション ( の設定に使われます
hostname: サーバのホスト名か IP アドレス、ポート番号は任意 (デフォルト: 6667)、複数のアドレスはコンマで区切ってください
-temp: 一時的なサーバを追加 (保存されない)
option: サーバのオプションを設定 (ブールオプションでは値が無視されます)
nooption: ブールオプションを 'off' に設定 (例: -nossl)
copy: サーバを複製
rename: サーバをリネーム
reorder: サーバリストにおける順番を入れ替えます
open: 接続せずにサーババッファを開く
keep: 設定ファイルにサーバを保存 (一時的なサーバ用)
del: サーバを削除
deloutq: 全てのサーバにメッセージの削除を要求 (WeeChat が送信している全てのメッセージ)
jump: サーババッファに移動
raw: 生 IRC データを表示するバッファを開く
list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed)
listfull: list servers with detailed info for each server
add: add a new server
name: server name, for internal and display use; this name is used to connect to the server (/connect name) and to set server options:
hostname: name or IP address of server, with optional port (default: 6667), many addresses can be separated by a comma
-temp: add a temporary server (not saved)
option: set option for server (for boolean option, value can be omitted)
nooption: set boolean option to 'off' (for example: -nossl)
copy: duplicate a server
rename: rename a server
reorder: reorder list of servers
open: open the server buffer without connecting
keep: keep server in config file (for temporary servers only)
del: delete a server
deloutq: delete messages out queue for all servers (all messages WeeChat is currently sending)
jump: jump to server buffer
raw: open buffer with raw IRC data
filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:
* show all messages (no filter)
xxx show only messages containing "xxx"
s:xxx show only messages for server "xxx"
f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected (message redirected)
m:xxx show only IRC command "xxx"
c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected
/server listfull
/server add freenode
/server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect
/server add chatspike,
/server raw
/server raw s:freenode
/server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo
/server copy freenode freenode-test
/server rename freenode-test freenode2
/server reorder freenode2 freenode

View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
| irc | irc_privates | rozmowy prywatne na wszystkich serwerach IRC
| irc | irc_raw_filters | filters for irc raw buffer
| irc | irc_server | obecny serwer IRC
| irc | irc_server_channels | kanały na obecnym serwerze IRC

View File

@ -720,36 +720,48 @@ powód: powód
* `+server+`: wyświetla, dodaje lub usuwa serwery IRC
/server list|listfull [<nazwa>]
add <nazwa> <host>[/<port>] [-temp] [-<opcja>[=<wartość>]] [-no<opcja>]|| copy|rename <nazwa> <nowa_nazwa>
reorder <nazwa> [<nazwa>...]
open <nazwa>|-all [<nazwa>...]
del|keep <nazwa>
/server list|listfull [<name>]
add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>]
copy|rename <name> <new_name>
reorder <name> [<name>...]
open <name>|-all [<name>...]
del|keep <name>
raw [<filter>]
list: wyświetla listę serwerów (bez argumentu wyświetlana jest ta lista)
listfull: wyświetla listę serwerów ze szczegółowymi informacjami dla każdego serwera
add: tworzy nowy serwer
nazwa: nazwa serwera, do użytku wewnętrznego i wyświetlania; ta nazwa jest używana do połączenia z serwerem (/connect nazwa) i do ustawiania opcji serwera:
host: nazwa albo adres IP serwera, z opcjonalnym numerem portu (domyślnie: 6667), wiele adresów należy rozdzielić przecinkiem
-temp: tworzy serwer tymczasowy (nie zapisany)
opcja: ustawia opcję dla serwera (dla opcji boolowskich wartość może zostać pominięta)
noopcja: ustawia opcje boolowskie na 'off' (na przykład: -nossl)
copy: duplikuje serwer
rename: zmienia nazwę serwera
reorder: zmienia kolejność na liście serwerów
open: otwiera bufor serwera nie łącząc się z nim
keep: zachowuje serwer w pliku konfiguracyjnym (tylko dla serwerów tymczasowych)
del: usuwa serwer
deloutq: usuń wiadomości z kolejki dla wszystkich serwerów (wszystkie wiadomości jakie WeeChat obecnie wysyła)
jump: przechodzi do bufora serwera
raw: otwiera bufor z nieprzetworzonymi danymi IRC
list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed)
listfull: list servers with detailed info for each server
add: add a new server
name: server name, for internal and display use; this name is used to connect to the server (/connect name) and to set server options:
hostname: name or IP address of server, with optional port (default: 6667), many addresses can be separated by a comma
-temp: add a temporary server (not saved)
option: set option for server (for boolean option, value can be omitted)
nooption: set boolean option to 'off' (for example: -nossl)
copy: duplicate a server
rename: rename a server
reorder: reorder list of servers
open: open the server buffer without connecting
keep: keep server in config file (for temporary servers only)
del: delete a server
deloutq: delete messages out queue for all servers (all messages WeeChat is currently sending)
jump: jump to server buffer
raw: open buffer with raw IRC data
filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:
* show all messages (no filter)
xxx show only messages containing "xxx"
s:xxx show only messages for server "xxx"
f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected (message redirected)
m:xxx show only IRC command "xxx"
c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected
/server listfull
/server add freenode
/server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect
/server add chatspike,
/server raw
/server raw s:freenode
/server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo
/server copy freenode freenode-test
/server rename freenode-test freenode2
/server reorder freenode2 freenode

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: cs\n"
@ -4994,6 +4994,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -5005,10 +5009,6 @@ msgid ""
"prefix on the buffer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
@ -5044,6 +5044,12 @@ msgstr "příkaz spuštěný při startu WeeChat, před načtením pluginů"
msgid "format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "příkaz spuštěný při startu WeeChat, před načtením pluginů"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "příkaz spuštěný při startu WeeChat, před načtením pluginů"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -5056,24 +5062,18 @@ msgid ""
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "příkaz spuštěný při startu WeeChat, před načtením pluginů"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "příkaz spuštěný při startu WeeChat, před načtením pluginů"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "příkaz spuštěný při startu WeeChat, před načtením pluginů"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
msgstr "příkaz spuštěný při startu WeeChat, před načtením pluginů"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "příkaz spuštěný při startu WeeChat, před načtením pluginů"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -5358,11 +5358,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
#, fuzzy
@ -5738,22 +5738,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "zobrazí nápovědu k příkazům a volbám"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
@ -5772,6 +5756,22 @@ msgid ""
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr "příkaz spuštěný při startu WeeChat, před načtením pluginů"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr "výchozí hodnota"
@ -5791,10 +5791,6 @@ msgstr "barva textu řádku vybraného klienta"
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "barva textu pro hodnoty"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "barva pro staré téma rozhovoru kanálu (když se téma změní)"
@ -5802,6 +5798,10 @@ msgstr "barva pro staré téma rozhovoru kanálu (když se téma změní)"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
@ -5880,10 +5880,6 @@ msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "jména barev"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "barva pro nové téma rozhovoru kanálu (když se téma změní)"
@ -5892,12 +5888,12 @@ msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "konfigurační možnost"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "konfigurační možnost"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
@ -5906,6 +5902,10 @@ msgstr "%s%d%s volba nastavení nalezena"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "barva textu pro zvýrazněný prefix"
@ -5922,9 +5922,6 @@ msgstr "barva textu pro zvýrazněný prefix"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
@ -5932,14 +5929,13 @@ msgid ""
"color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "sekce konfigu"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "barva textu vezprávách připojení"
@ -5947,6 +5943,10 @@ msgstr "barva textu vezprávách připojení"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "barva textu pro akce ve vstupní řádce"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "barva textu pro hodnoty"
@ -5995,16 +5995,16 @@ msgstr "barva textu řádku vybraného klienta"
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "barva textu pro hodnoty"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "barva položek, které jsou pryč"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "barva položek, které jsou pryč"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "barva textu pro hodnoty"
@ -7449,7 +7449,7 @@ msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"list|listfull [<server>] || add <server> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <server> <new_name> || del|"
@ -7478,12 +7478,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -7819,6 +7836,10 @@ msgstr "čísla pro definované ignorování"
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "přezdívky v seznamu notifikací"
#, fuzzy
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "barva textu pro jeméno bufferu"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -8561,13 +8582,13 @@ msgstr "barva ukazatele lagu, pokud bylo od serveru obdrženo pong"
msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr "barva přípony přezdívky (přípona je uživatelský řetězec za přezdívkou)"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "barva textu vezprávách připojení"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "barva textu vezprávách připojení"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "barva textu vezprávách připojení"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
msgstr "barva textu vezprávách připojení"
@ -9358,7 +9379,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s%s: \"%s\" příkaz obdržen bez hosta"
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "čisté zprávy IRC"
#, c-format
@ -10924,21 +10946,21 @@ msgstr "automaticky otevřít buffer přesměrování, když připojuje nový kl
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "barva textu pro zvýrazněný prefix"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"připojuji\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"očekávám autentizaci\""
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"připojen\""
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"autentizace selhala\""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"připojuji\""
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"odpojen\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"očekávám autentizaci\""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "barva textu pro jeméno bufferu"
@ -11759,6 +11781,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "timeout (in seconds) for download of scripts and list of scripts"
msgstr "časový limit (v sekundách) pro gnutls handshake"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
@ -11769,11 +11796,6 @@ msgstr ""
"domácím adresářem WeeChat (\"~/.weechat\" je výchozí); jsou povoleny "
"specifikátory data (viz. man strftime)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "URL souboru s seznamem skriptů"
@ -12737,8 +12759,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "size of progress bar, in chars (if 0, progress bar is disabled)"
msgstr "velikost ukazatele průběhu ve znacích (0 pro vypnutí ukazatele)"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"čekám\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"zušeno\""
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"aktivní\""
@ -12749,8 +12771,8 @@ msgstr "barva textu pro status \"dokončeno\""
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"selhalo\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"zušeno\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "barva textu pro status \"čekám\""
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
msgstr "barva textu v xfer buferu"
@ -12795,15 +12817,15 @@ msgid ""
"acks may prevent a freeze if the acks are not sent immediately to the sender"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"rychlostní limit pro posílání souboru, v kilobytech za sekundu (0 znamená "
"žádný limit)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"rychlostní limit pro posílání souboru, v kilobytech za sekundu (0 znamená "
"žádný limit)"
@ -12949,10 +12971,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: vypršel časový limit \"%s\" pro %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: nemohu se připojit\" neočekávaná chyba (%d)"
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "jméno souboru"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "barva položek, které jsou pryč"

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-13 17:15+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
"Language: de\n"
@ -6037,6 +6037,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ist diese Einstellung aktiviert, kann mit Mausgesten (Drag & Drop) ein "
"Buffer in der Liste verschoben werden"
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
"ist diese Einstellung aktiviert, kann mit dem Mausrad hoch/runter zum "
"nächsten/vorherigen Buffer in der Liste gesprungen werden"
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -6054,12 +6060,6 @@ msgstr ""
"falls der Nick-Präfix aktiviert ist, wird ein Leerzeichen genutzt falls kein "
"Nick-Präfix für den Buffer existiert"
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
"ist diese Einstellung aktiviert, kann mit dem Mausrad hoch/runter zum "
"nächsten/vorherigen Buffer in der Liste gesprungen werden"
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
"refresh of buffers list; this can be useful if some custom variables are "
@ -6115,6 +6115,13 @@ msgid "format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"Format der Hotlist (Hinweis: Inhalt wird evaluiert, siehe /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"Format für Buffer mit der Benachrichtungsstufe \"highlight\" (Hinweis: "
"Inhalt wird evaluiert, siehe /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
"see /help buflist)"
@ -6129,20 +6136,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Format für Buffer mit der Benachrichtungsstufe \"message\" (Hinweis: Inhalt "
"wird evaluiert, siehe /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"Format für Buffer mit der Benachrichtungsstufe \"private\" (Hinweis: Inhalt "
"wird evaluiert, siehe /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"Format für Buffer mit der Benachrichtungsstufe \"highlight\" (Hinweis: "
"Inhalt wird evaluiert, siehe /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -6150,6 +6143,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Format für Buffer die nicht in der Hotlist angezeigt werden (Hinweis: Inhalt "
"wird evaluiert, siehe /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"Format für Buffer mit der Benachrichtungsstufe \"private\" (Hinweis: Inhalt "
"wird evaluiert, siehe /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -6559,16 +6559,16 @@ msgstr ""
"(zum Beispiel \"/bin/bash\"); wenn kein Wert angegeben ist, wird \"sh\" "
"genutzt (Hinweis: Inhalt ist evaluiert, siehe /help eval)"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr ""
"Textfarbe des Statusindikator (in der Auflistung der Befehle) für Befehle "
"die zur Zeit ausgeführt werden"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr ""
"Textfarbe des Statusindikator (in der Auflistung der Befehle) für beendete "
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr ""
"Textfarbe des Statusindikator (in der Auflistung der Befehle) für Befehle "
"die zur Zeit ausgeführt werden"
msgid "FIFO pipe for remote control"
msgstr "FIFO Pipe für Fernsteuerung"
@ -7192,6 +7192,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "nutzt /mute Befehl wenn eine Option geändert wird"
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"Format für die Hilfezeile die vor jede Option geschrieben wird, wenn in eine "
"Datei exportiert wird (Hinweis: Inhalt wird evaluiert, siehe /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
"Format für jede Option die in eine Datei exportiert wird (Hinweis: Inhalt "
"wird evaluiert, siehe /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"Format für jede Option die \"null\" als Wert hat und in eine Datei "
"exportiert wird (Hinweis: Inhalt wird evaluiert, siehe /help fset)"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
@ -7218,27 +7239,6 @@ msgstr ""
"${value2}\"), dies findet ohne eine Evaluierung statt, was wesentlich "
"schneller ist; zwischen den Formaten kann mittels ctrl-X umgeschaltet werden"
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"Format für die Hilfezeile die vor jede Option geschrieben wird, wenn in eine "
"Datei exportiert wird (Hinweis: Inhalt wird evaluiert, siehe /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
"Format für jede Option die in eine Datei exportiert wird (Hinweis: Inhalt "
"wird evaluiert, siehe /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"Format für jede Option die \"null\" als Wert hat und in eine Datei "
"exportiert wird (Hinweis: Inhalt wird evaluiert, siehe /help fset)"
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr "Farbe für Standardwert"
@ -7254,15 +7254,15 @@ msgstr "Farbe für Beschreibung für die ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "Farbe für Datei"
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe der Datei für die ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "Farbei für Datei, falls der Wert abweichend ist"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe von Datei wenn Wert verändert ist, bei der ausgewählten Zeile"
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe der Datei für die ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "Farbe für Standardwert in der Hilfe-Bar"
@ -7333,21 +7333,18 @@ msgstr "Farbe für Minimalwert, für ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "Farbe für Name"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe des Namens für die ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "Farbe für Namen wenn Wert verändert wurde"
msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe vom Namen, falls Wert verändert wurde bei der ausgewählten Zeile"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe des Namens für die ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "Farbe für Option"
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe der Option für die ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
msgstr "Farbe der Option wenn Wert verändert wurde"
@ -7355,6 +7352,9 @@ msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
"Farbe von Option, falls Wert verändert wurde bei der ausgewählten Zeile"
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe der Option für die ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "Farbe des Namens für übergeordnete Option"
@ -7367,10 +7367,6 @@ msgstr "Farbe des Wertes für übergeordnete Option"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe des Wertes für übergeordnete Option, für ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
"Farbe der Anführungszeichen um Zeichenketten, bei der ausgewählten Zeile"
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
"Farbe der Anführungszeichen um Zeichenketten wenn der Wert verändert wurde"
@ -7381,18 +7377,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Farbe der Anführungszeichen um Zeichenketten wenn der Wert verändert wurde, "
"bei der ausgewählten Zeile"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
"Farbe der Anführungszeichen um Zeichenketten, bei der ausgewählten Zeile"
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "Farbe für Sektion"
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe der Sektion für ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "Farbe der Sektion wenn Wert verändert wurde"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe der aktuellen Zeile für Sektion, sofern Wert verändert wurde"
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe der Sektion für ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "Farbe für String-Werte"
@ -7440,9 +7440,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "Farbe für Wert"
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe für Wert für die ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr "Farbe für veränderten Wert (abweichend vom Standardwert)"
@ -7451,6 +7448,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Farbe für veränderten Wert (abweichend vom Standardwert) für die ausgewählte "
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "Farbe für Wert für die ausgewählte Zeile"
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "Farbe für undefinierten Wert"
@ -8978,17 +8978,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "list, add or remove IRC servers"
msgstr "auflisten, hinzufügen oder entfernen von IRC-Servern"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n"
"listfull: list servers with detailed info for each server\n"
@ -9011,12 +9013,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -9364,6 +9383,10 @@ msgstr "Anzahl für festgelegte Ignorierungen"
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "Nicks für die eine Benachrichtigung existiert"
#, fuzzy
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "Textfarbe in Relay-Buffer"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -10298,14 +10321,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Farbe in der der Nick-Modus in dem Bar-Item \"input_prompt\" angezeigt "
"werden soll"
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "Textfarbe in der chghost Nachrichten dargestellt werden"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr ""
"Textfarbe in der die Meldungen für das Betreten eines Channels angezeigt "
"werden soll"
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "Textfarbe in der chghost Nachrichten dargestellt werden"
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
msgstr ""
"Textfarbe in der die Meldungen für kick/kill Nachrichten angezeigt werden "
@ -11155,7 +11178,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s%s: \"%s\"-Befehl empfangen ohne Host"
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "IRC-Rohnachricht"
#, c-format
@ -12830,21 +12854,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Client-Beschreibung"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"verbinde\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"warte auf Authentifizierung\""
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"Verbindung hergestellt\""
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"Authentifizierung gescheitert\""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"verbinde\""
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"Verbindung getrennt\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"warte auf Authentifizierung\""
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "Textfarbe in Relay-Buffer"
@ -13762,6 +13786,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Zeitüberschreitung (in Sekunden) beim herunterladen von Skripten und der "
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
"Skripten welche \"gehalten\" werden sollen. Dies ist eine durch Kommata "
"getrennte Liste von Skripten die weder aktualisiert noch entfernt werden "
"können. Zum Beispiel: \",\""
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
"by WeeChat home (\"~/.weechat\" by default) (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -13771,14 +13803,6 @@ msgstr ""
"WeeChat Verzeichnis ersetzt (Standardpfad: \"~/.weechat\") (Hinweis: Inhalt "
"wird evaluiert, siehe /help eval)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
"Skripten welche \"gehalten\" werden sollen. Dies ist eine durch Kommata "
"getrennte Liste von Skripten die weder aktualisiert noch entfernt werden "
"können. Zum Beispiel: \",\""
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "URL für Datei mit der Auflistung aller Skripten"
@ -14910,8 +14934,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Größe des Fortschrittsbalkens, in Zeichen (0, falls Fortschrittsbalken "
"deaktiviert sein soll)"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"wartend\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"abgebrochen\""
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"aktiv\""
@ -14922,8 +14946,8 @@ msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"fertig\""
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"fehlgeschlagen\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"abgebrochen\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "Textfarbe für Status: \"wartend\""
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
msgstr "Textfarbe in xfer Buffer"
@ -14973,18 +14997,18 @@ msgstr ""
"fast_send aktiviert ist); andererseits kann die Deaktivierung ein Einfrieren "
"verhindern da die ACK-Nachricht nicht umgehend an den Sender verschickt wird"
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"Begrenzt die Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit beim Versenden, in Kilobytes pro "
"Sekunde (0 = keine Begrenzung)"
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"Begrenzt die Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit beim Empfang, in Kilobytes pro "
"Sekunde (0 = keine Begrenzung)"
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"Begrenzt die Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit beim Versenden, in Kilobytes pro "
"Sekunde (0 = keine Begrenzung)"
msgid "timeout for xfer request (in seconds)"
msgstr "Zeitüberschreitung bei Transferanfrage (in Sekunden)"
@ -15137,9 +15161,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: Zeitüberschreitung für \"%s\" mit %s"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr ""
"%s%s: Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden: unerwarteter Fehler (%d)"
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "Dateinamen"
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "Textfarbe in der der Verlaufsspeicher dargestellt werden soll"

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: es\n"
@ -5195,6 +5195,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -5206,10 +5210,6 @@ msgid ""
"prefix on the buffer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
@ -5245,6 +5245,12 @@ msgstr "comando ejecutado cuando WeeChat inicia, antes de cargar los plugins"
msgid "format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "comando ejecutado cuando WeeChat inicia, antes de cargar los plugins"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "comando ejecutado cuando WeeChat inicia, antes de cargar los plugins"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -5257,24 +5263,18 @@ msgid ""
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "comando ejecutado cuando WeeChat inicia, antes de cargar los plugins"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "comando ejecutado cuando WeeChat inicia, antes de cargar los plugins"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "comando ejecutado cuando WeeChat inicia, antes de cargar los plugins"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
msgstr "comando ejecutado cuando WeeChat inicia, antes de cargar los plugins"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "comando ejecutado cuando WeeChat inicia, antes de cargar los plugins"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -5561,11 +5561,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "color para acciones en la línea de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "color para acciones en la línea de entrada"
msgid "FIFO pipe for remote control"
@ -5941,22 +5941,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "mostrar ayuda sobre los comandos y opciones"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
@ -5975,6 +5959,22 @@ msgid ""
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr "comando ejecutado cuando WeeChat inicia, antes de cargar los plugins"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr "valor por defecto"
@ -5996,10 +5996,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "color para los valores"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "color para el final de línea del último registro"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "color para el tema antiguo del canal (cuando se cambia el tema)"
@ -6007,6 +6003,10 @@ msgstr "color para el tema antiguo del canal (cuando se cambia el tema)"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "color para el final de línea del último registro"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "color para el final de línea del último registro"
@ -6091,10 +6091,6 @@ msgstr "color para el final de línea del último registro"
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "obtiene el nombre del color del apodo"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "color para el final de línea del último registro"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "color para el nuevo tema del canal (cuando se cambia el tema)"
@ -6103,12 +6099,12 @@ msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "opción de configuración"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "color para el final de línea del último registro"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "color para acciones en la línea de entrada"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "opción de configuración"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
@ -6117,6 +6113,10 @@ msgstr "%s%d%s opción con valor cambiado"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "color para acciones en la línea de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "color del texto para la descripción del cliente"
@ -6133,9 +6133,6 @@ msgstr "color del texto para la descripción del cliente"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "color para acciones en la línea de entrada"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
@ -6143,14 +6140,13 @@ msgid ""
"color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "sección de configuración"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "color para acciones en la línea de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "color para el texto en mensajes de unión"
@ -6158,6 +6154,10 @@ msgstr "color para el texto en mensajes de unión"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "color para acciones en la línea de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "color para los valores"
@ -6208,16 +6208,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "color para los valores"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "color para las líneas del último registro"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "color para las líneas del último registro"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "color para los valores"
@ -7690,7 +7690,7 @@ msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"list|listfull [<servidor>] || add <servidor> <hostname>[/<puerto>] [-temp] [-"
"<opción>[=<valor>]] [-no<opción>] || copy|rename <servidor> <nuevo_nombre> "
@ -7719,12 +7719,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -8068,6 +8085,10 @@ msgstr "números para los ignores definidos"
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "apodos en la lista de notificación"
#, fuzzy
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "color del texto en el buffer del repetidor"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -8848,13 +8869,13 @@ msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr ""
"color del sufijo del apodo (el sufijo es el texto mostrado después del apodo)"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "color para el texto en mensajes de unión"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "color para el texto en mensajes de unión"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "color para el texto en mensajes de unión"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
msgstr "color para el texto en mensajes de unión"
@ -9666,7 +9687,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s%s: comando \"%s\" recibido sin host"
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "mensajes IRC en bruto"
#, c-format
@ -11266,21 +11288,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "color del texto para la descripción del cliente"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "color para el estado \"conectando\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "color para el estado \"esperando autenticación\""
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "color para el estado \"conectado\""
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "color para el estado \"falló la autenticación\""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "color para el estado \"conectando\""
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "color para el estado \"desconectado\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "color para el estado \"esperando autenticación\""
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "color del texto en el buffer del repetidor"
@ -12020,6 +12042,11 @@ msgstr ""
"tiempo de espera (en segundos) para la conexión al servidor remoto (por un "
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
@ -12030,11 +12057,6 @@ msgstr ""
"reemplazado por el directorio raíz de WeeChat (\"~/.weechat\" por defecto); "
"especificadores de fecha son permitidos (ver man strftime)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "%s%s: error al leer la lista de scripts"
@ -13023,8 +13045,8 @@ msgstr ""
"tamaño de la barra de progreso, en caracteres (si es 0, la barra es "
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "color de texto para el estado \"esperando\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "color de texto para el estado \"abortado\""
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
msgstr "color de texto para el estado \"activo\""
@ -13035,8 +13057,8 @@ msgstr "color de texto para el estado \"terminado\""
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "color de texto para el estado \"falló\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "color de texto para el estado \"abortado\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "color de texto para el estado \"esperando\""
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
msgstr "color del texto en el buffer xfer"
@ -13079,17 +13101,17 @@ msgid ""
"acks may prevent a freeze if the acks are not sent immediately to the sender"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"límite de velocidad al enviar archivos, en kb/s (0 significa sin límite)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"límite de velocidad al enviar archivos, en kb/s (0 significa sin límite)"
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"límite de velocidad al enviar archivos, en kb/s (0 significa sin límite)"
msgid "timeout for xfer request (in seconds)"
msgstr ""
"tiempo máximo de espera para una petición de transferencia (en segundos)"
@ -13231,9 +13253,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: tiempo de espera máximo para \"%s\" con %s"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: no es posible conectarse al transmisor"
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "nombre de archivo"
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "color para las líneas del último registro"

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-21 19:13+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -5896,6 +5896,12 @@ msgstr ""
"si activé, les gestes de souris (glisser/déposer) déplacent les tampons dans "
"la liste"
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
"si activé, les actions de roulette de souris haut/bas sautent au tampon "
"précédent/suivant dans la liste"
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -5913,12 +5919,6 @@ msgstr ""
"lorsque le préfixe de pseudo est activé, afficher un espace à la place s'il "
"n'y a pas de préfixe de pseudo sur le tampon"
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
"si activé, les actions de roulette de souris haut/bas sautent au tampon "
"précédent/suivant dans la liste"
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
"refresh of buffers list; this can be useful if some custom variables are "
@ -5971,6 +5971,13 @@ msgid "format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"format pour la hotlist (note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"format pour un tampon avec la hotlist de niveau \"highlight\" (note : le "
"contenu est évalué, voir /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
"see /help buflist)"
@ -5985,20 +5992,6 @@ msgstr ""
"format pour un tampon avec la hotlist de niveau \"message\" (note : le "
"contenu est évalué, voir /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"format pour un tampon avec la hotlist de niveau \"private\" (note : le "
"contenu est évalué, voir /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"format pour un tampon avec la hotlist de niveau \"highlight\" (note : le "
"contenu est évalué, voir /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -6006,6 +5999,13 @@ msgstr ""
"format pour un tampon qui n'est pas dans la hotlist (note : le contenu est "
"évalué, voir /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"format pour un tampon avec la hotlist de niveau \"private\" (note : le "
"contenu est évalué, voir /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -6405,16 +6405,16 @@ msgstr ""
"absolu vers le shell (par exemple \"/bin/bash\"); si la valeur est vide, \"sh"
"\" est utilisé (note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help eval)"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr ""
"couleur du texte pour le drapeau d'une commande qui tourne dans la liste des "
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr ""
"couleur du texte pour le drapeau d'une commande terminée dans la liste des "
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr ""
"couleur du texte pour le drapeau d'une commande qui tourne dans la liste des "
msgid "FIFO pipe for remote control"
msgstr "Tube FIFO pour contrôle distant"
@ -7037,6 +7037,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "utiliser la commande /mute pour définir les options"
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format pour l'aide sur l'option écrite avant chaque option dans le fichier "
"exporté (note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format pour chaque option exportée dans un fichier (note : le contenu est "
"évalué, voir /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format pour chaque option avec la valeur \"null\" exportée dans un fichier "
"(note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help fset)"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
@ -7063,27 +7084,6 @@ msgstr ""
"${value2}\"), qui se fait sans évaluation de chaîne et donc plus rapide ; "
"les formats peuvent être changés avec la touche ctrl+X"
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format pour l'aide sur l'option écrite avant chaque option dans le fichier "
"exporté (note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format pour chaque option exportée dans un fichier (note : le contenu est "
"évalué, voir /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format pour chaque option avec la valeur \"null\" exportée dans un fichier "
"(note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help fset)"
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr "couleur pour la valeur par défaut"
@ -7099,9 +7099,6 @@ msgstr "couleur pour la description sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "couleur pour le fichier"
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour le fichier sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "couleur pour le fichier si la valeur est changée"
@ -7109,6 +7106,9 @@ msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
"couleur pour le fichier si la valeur est changée sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour le fichier sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "couleur pour la valeur par défaut dans la barre d'aide"
@ -7179,27 +7179,27 @@ msgstr "couleur pour la valeur minimale sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "couleur pour le nom"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour le nom sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "couleur pour le nom si la valeur est changée"
msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour le nom si la valeur est changée sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour le nom sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "couleur pour l'option"
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour l'option sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
msgstr "couleur pour l'option si la valeur est changée"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur de l'option si la valeur est changée sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour l'option sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "couleur pour le nom de l'option parente"
@ -7212,11 +7212,6 @@ msgstr "couleur pour la valeur de l'option parente"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour la valeur de l'option parente sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
"couleur pour les guillemets autour des valeurs de chaîne sur la ligne "
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
"couleur pour les guillemets autour des valeurs de chaîne qui sont changées"
@ -7227,12 +7222,14 @@ msgstr ""
"couleur des guillemets autour des valeurs de chaîne qui sont changées sur la "
"ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
"couleur pour les guillemets autour des valeurs de chaîne sur la ligne "
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "couleur pour la section"
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour la section sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "couleur pour la section si la valeur est changée"
@ -7240,6 +7237,9 @@ msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
"couleur pour la section si la valeur est changée sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour la section sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "couleur pour les valeurs de chaîne"
@ -7284,9 +7284,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "couleur pour la valeur"
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour la valeur sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr "couleur pour une valeur changée (différente de la valeur par défaut)"
@ -7295,6 +7292,9 @@ msgstr ""
"couleur pour la valeur changée (différente de la valeur par défaut) sur la "
"ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "couleur pour la valeur sur la ligne sélectionnée"
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "couleur pour une valeur non définie"
@ -8799,12 +8799,12 @@ msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"list|listfull [<nom>] || add <nom> <nom_machine>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<valeur>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <nom> <nouveau_nom> || "
"reorder <nom> [<nom>...] || open <nom>|-all [<nom>...] || del|keep <nom> || "
"deloutq|jump || raw [<filtre>]"
msgid ""
" list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n"
@ -8828,12 +8828,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -8864,7 +8881,25 @@ msgstr ""
"les serveurs (tous les messages que WeeChat est actuellement en train "
" jump : sauter au tampon du serveur\n"
" raw : ouvre le tampon avec les données brutes IRC\n"
" raw : ouvrir le tampon avec les données brutes IRC\n"
" filtre : définir un nouveau filtre pour voir seulement les messages "
"correspondants (ce filtre peut aussi être utilisé en entrée du tampon des "
"données brutes) ; les formats autorisés sont :\n"
" * afficher tous les messages (pas de filtre)\n"
" xxx afficher seulement les messages contenant \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx afficher seulement les messages pour le serveur \"xxx"
" f:xxx afficher seulement les messages avec un drapeau : "
"recv (message reçu), sent (message envoyé), modified (message modifié par un "
"modificateur), redirected (message redirigé)\n"
" m:xxx afficher seulement les messages pour la commande IRC "
" c:xxx afficher seulement les messages qui correspondent à "
"la condition évaluée \"xxx\", en utilisant les variables suivantes : sortie "
"de la fonction irc_message_parse (comme nick, command, channel, text, etc., "
"voir la fonction info_get_hashtable dans la référence API extension pour la "
"liste de toutes les variables), date (format : \"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss\"), "
"server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
"Exemples :\n"
" /server listfull\n"
@ -8875,7 +8910,10 @@ msgstr ""
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
" /server del freenode\n"
" /server deloutq"
" /server deloutq\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo"
msgid "list services currently connected to the network"
msgstr "lister les services actuellement connectés au réseau"
@ -9178,6 +9216,9 @@ msgstr "numéros pour les ignores définis"
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "pseudos dans la liste de notifications"
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "filtres pour le tampon de données brutes irc"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -10072,12 +10113,12 @@ msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr ""
"couleur pour les modes du pseudo dans l'objet de barre \"input_prompt\""
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "couleur pour le texte dans les messages join"
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "couleur pour le texte dans les messages chghost"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "couleur pour le texte dans les messages join"
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
msgstr "couleur pour le texte dans les messages kick/kill"
@ -10899,8 +10940,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s%s : commande \"%s\" reçue sans hôte"
msgid "IRC raw messages"
msgstr "Messages bruts IRC"
#, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "Messages bruts IRC | Filter : %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: missing argument \"%s\" for redirect pattern"
@ -12558,21 +12600,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour la description du client"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"connexion\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"attente auth\""
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"connecté\""
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"échec auth\""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"connexion\""
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"déconnecté\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"attente auth\""
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "couleur du texte dans le tampon relay"
@ -13465,6 +13507,14 @@ msgstr ""
"délai d'attente maximum (en secondes) pour le téléchargement des scripts et "
"de la liste des scripts"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
"scripts à \"figer\" : liste de scripts séparés par des virgules qui ne "
"seront jamais mis à jour et ne peuvent pas être supprimés, par exemple : "
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
"by WeeChat home (\"~/.weechat\" by default) (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -13474,14 +13524,6 @@ msgstr ""
"est remplacé par le répertoire de base WeeChat (par défaut : \"~/.weechat\") "
"(note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help eval)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
"scripts à \"figer\" : liste de scripts séparés par des virgules qui ne "
"seront jamais mis à jour et ne peuvent pas être supprimés, par exemple : "
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "URL pour le fichier avec la liste des scripts"
@ -14601,8 +14643,8 @@ msgstr ""
"taille de la barre de progression, en caractères (si 0, la barre de "
"progression est désactivée)"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"en attente\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"interrompu\""
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"actif\""
@ -14613,8 +14655,8 @@ msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"terminé\""
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"échoué\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"interrompu\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "couleur du texte pour le statut \"en attente\""
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
msgstr "couleur du texte dans le tampon xfer"
@ -14663,18 +14705,18 @@ msgstr ""
"autre côté, désactiver l'envoi des acks peut éviter un gel si les acks ne "
"sont pas envoyés immédiatement à l'envoyeur"
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"limitation de vitesse pour l'envoi des fichiers, en kilo-octets par seconde "
"(0 signifie pas de limite)"
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"limitation de vitesse pour la réception de fichiers, en kilo-octets par "
"seconde (0 signifie pas de limite)"
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"limitation de vitesse pour l'envoi des fichiers, en kilo-octets par seconde "
"(0 signifie pas de limite)"
msgid "timeout for xfer request (in seconds)"
msgstr "délai d'attente pour la requête xfer (en secondes)"
@ -14829,9 +14871,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s : délai d'attente dépassé pour \"%s\" avec %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s : impossible de se connecter : erreur inattendue (%d)"
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "nom de fichier"
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "couleur pour les lignes de l'historique"

View File

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: hu\n"
@ -4534,6 +4534,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -4545,10 +4549,6 @@ msgid ""
"prefix on the buffer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
"refresh of buffers list; this can be useful if some custom variables are "
@ -4583,6 +4583,11 @@ msgstr "felhasználónév az IRC szerveren"
msgid "format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "felhasználónév az IRC szerveren"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -4597,19 +4602,14 @@ msgstr "felhasználónév az IRC szerveren"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
msgstr "felhasználónév az IRC szerveren"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "felhasználónév az IRC szerveren"
#, fuzzy
@ -4896,11 +4896,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "kilépési nyíl színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "kilépési nyíl színe"
#, fuzzy
@ -5273,22 +5273,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "segítség megjelenítése a parancsokhoz"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
@ -5307,6 +5291,22 @@ msgid ""
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr "felhasználónév az IRC szerveren"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr " . alapérték: %d\n"
@ -5326,10 +5326,6 @@ msgstr "szerver nevének színe"
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "üzenetek színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "nevek színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "üzenetek színe"
@ -5337,6 +5333,10 @@ msgstr "üzenetek színe"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "nevek színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "nevek színe"
@ -5415,10 +5415,6 @@ msgstr "nevek színe"
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "üzenetek színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "nevek színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "üzenetek színe"
@ -5427,12 +5423,12 @@ msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "konfigurációs paraméterek beállítása"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "nevek színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "kilépési nyíl színe"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "konfigurációs paraméterek beállítása"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
@ -5441,6 +5437,10 @@ msgstr "megtalált opciók\n"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "kilépési nyíl színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "információs pult határolóinak színe"
@ -5457,9 +5457,6 @@ msgstr "információs pult határolóinak színe"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "kilépési nyíl színe"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
@ -5467,14 +5464,13 @@ msgid ""
"color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "konfigurációs paraméterek beállítása"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "kilépési nyíl színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "új üzenetet tartalmazó ablak színe"
@ -5482,6 +5478,10 @@ msgstr "új üzenetet tartalmazó ablak színe"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "kilépési nyíl színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "üzenetek színe"
@ -5530,16 +5530,16 @@ msgstr "szerver nevének színe"
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "üzenetek színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "távollevő felhasználók nevének színe"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "távollevő felhasználók nevének színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "üzenetek színe"
@ -6878,7 +6878,7 @@ msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"[list [szervernév]] | [listfull [szervernév]] | [add szervernév gépnév [-"
"port port] [-temp] [-auto | -noauto] [-ipv6] [-ssl] [-pwd jelszó] [-nicks "
@ -6909,12 +6909,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -7276,6 +7293,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "%s nem található ilyen mellőzés\n"
#, fuzzy
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "szerver nevének színe"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -7956,11 +7977,11 @@ msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr "névkiegészítés után beszúrt szöveg"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "új üzenetet tartalmazó ablak színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "új üzenetet tartalmazó ablak színe"
#, fuzzy
@ -8753,8 +8774,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" parancs érkezett hoszt megadása nélkül\n"
#, fuzzy
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "hibakereső üzenetek megjelenítése"
#, fuzzy, c-format
@ -10269,14 +10290,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "információs pult határolóinak színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "\"connecting\" dcc státusz színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "\"waiting\" dcc státusz színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "\"connecting\" dcc státusz színe"
@ -10285,10 +10298,18 @@ msgstr "\"connecting\" dcc státusz színe"
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "\"failed\" dcc státusz színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "\"connecting\" dcc státusz színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "\"connecting\" dcc státusz színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "\"waiting\" dcc státusz színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "szerver nevének színe"
@ -11030,6 +11051,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "timeout (in seconds) for download of scripts and list of scripts"
msgstr "SSL használata a a kapcsolathoz"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
@ -11039,11 +11065,6 @@ msgstr ""
"modulok elérési útvonala ('%h' helyére automatikusan a WeeChat saját "
"könyvtára, alapértelmezésben ~/.weechat, kerül)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "%s adatküldési hiba az IRC szerveren\n"
@ -11991,8 +12012,8 @@ msgid "size of progress bar, in chars (if 0, progress bar is disabled)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "\"waiting\" dcc státusz színe"
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "\"aborted\" dcc státusz színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
@ -12007,8 +12028,8 @@ msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "\"failed\" dcc státusz színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "\"aborted\" dcc státusz színe"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "\"waiting\" dcc státusz színe"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
@ -12054,11 +12075,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
@ -12201,11 +12222,3 @@ msgstr "%s hiányzó argumentum a(z) \"%s\" opciónak\n"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s DCC: nem sikerült kapcsolódni a küldőhöz\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "a felhasználók le lettek tiltva"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "távollevő felhasználók nevének színe"

View File

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: it\n"
@ -5330,6 +5330,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -5341,10 +5345,6 @@ msgid ""
"prefix on the buffer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
@ -5384,6 +5384,14 @@ msgstr ""
"password per il server (nota: il contenuto viene valutato, consultare /help "
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"nome utente per il server proxy (nota: il contenuto viene valutato, "
"consultare /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -5400,22 +5408,6 @@ msgstr ""
"nome utente per il server proxy (nota: il contenuto viene valutato, "
"consultare /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"password per il server (nota: il contenuto viene valutato, consultare /help "
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"nome utente per il server proxy (nota: il contenuto viene valutato, "
"consultare /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -5424,6 +5416,14 @@ msgstr ""
"nome utente per il server proxy (nota: il contenuto viene valutato, "
"consultare /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"password per il server (nota: il contenuto viene valutato, consultare /help "
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -5726,11 +5726,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "colore del testo per le azioni sulla riga di input"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "colore del testo per le azioni sulla riga di input"
msgid "FIFO pipe for remote control"
@ -6107,22 +6107,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "visualizza l'aiuto su comandi e opzioni"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
@ -6147,6 +6131,22 @@ msgstr ""
"nome utente per il server proxy (nota: il contenuto viene valutato, "
"consultare /help eval)"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr "valore predefinito"
@ -6168,10 +6168,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "colore del testo per i valori"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "colore per la riga finale nella cronologia"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "colore del precedente argomento del canale (quando viene cambiato)"
@ -6179,6 +6175,10 @@ msgstr "colore del precedente argomento del canale (quando viene cambiato)"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "colore per la riga finale nella cronologia"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "colore per la riga finale nella cronologia"
@ -6259,10 +6259,6 @@ msgstr "colore per la riga finale nella cronologia"
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "ottiene il nome del colore del nick"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "colore per la riga finale nella cronologia"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "colore del nuovo argomento del canale (quando viene cambiato)"
@ -6271,12 +6267,12 @@ msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "opzione di configurazione"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "colore per la riga finale nella cronologia"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "colore del testo per le azioni sulla riga di input"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "opzione di configurazione"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
@ -6285,6 +6281,10 @@ msgstr "%s%d%s opzione con valore modificato"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "colore del testo per le azioni sulla riga di input"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "colore del testo per la descrizione del client"
@ -6301,9 +6301,6 @@ msgstr "colore del testo per la descrizione del client"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "colore del testo per le azioni sulla riga di input"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
@ -6311,14 +6308,13 @@ msgid ""
"color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "sezione di configurazione"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "colore del testo per le azioni sulla riga di input"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "colore per il testo nei messaggi di entrata"
@ -6326,6 +6322,10 @@ msgstr "colore per il testo nei messaggi di entrata"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "colore del testo per le azioni sulla riga di input"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "colore del testo per i valori"
@ -6377,16 +6377,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "colore del testo per i valori"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "colore per la cronologia"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "colore per la cronologia"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "colore del testo per i valori"
@ -7863,7 +7863,7 @@ msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"list|listfull [<server>] || add <server> <host>[/<porta>] [-temp] [-"
"<opzione>[=<valore>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <server> <nuovo_nome> || "
@ -7892,12 +7892,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -8241,6 +8258,10 @@ msgstr "numero di ignore definiti"
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "nick nella lista notifiche"
#, fuzzy
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "colore del testo nei buffer relay"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -9041,13 +9062,13 @@ msgstr ""
"colore per il prefisso del nick (stringa visualizzata dopo il nick nel "
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "colore per il testo nei messaggi di entrata"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "colore per il testo nei messaggi di entrata"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "colore per il testo nei messaggi di entrata"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
msgstr "colore per il testo nei messaggi di entrata"
@ -9858,7 +9879,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s%s: comando \"%s\" ricevuto senza il nome host"
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "messaggi raw IRC"
#, c-format
@ -11467,21 +11489,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "colore del testo per la descrizione del client"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"connessione in corso\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"in attesa dell'autenticazione\""
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"connesso\""
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"autenticazione fallita\""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"connessione in corso\""
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"disconnesso\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"in attesa dell'autenticazione\""
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "colore del testo nei buffer relay"
@ -12238,6 +12260,11 @@ msgstr ""
"timeout (in secondi) per la connessione ad un host remoto (eseguita in un "
"processo figlio)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
@ -12248,11 +12275,6 @@ msgstr ""
"sostituito dalla directory home di WeeChat (predefinita è \"~/.weechat); "
"sono ammessi gli specificatori di data (consultare man strftime)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "%s%s: errore durante la lettura dell'elenco degli script"
@ -13246,8 +13268,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "size of progress bar, in chars (if 0, progress bar is disabled)"
msgstr "dimensione barra di avanzamento, in caratteri (se 0, è disabilitata)"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"in attesa\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"annullato\""
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"attivo\""
@ -13258,8 +13280,8 @@ msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"completato\""
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"fallito\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"annullato\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "colore del testo per lo status \"in attesa\""
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
msgstr "colore del testo nel buffer xfer"
@ -13302,15 +13324,15 @@ msgid ""
"acks may prevent a freeze if the acks are not sent immediately to the sender"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"limite di velocità per l'invio dei file, in kb per secondo (0 vuol dire "
"senza limite)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"limite di velocità per l'invio dei file, in kb per secondo (0 vuol dire "
"senza limite)"
@ -13454,9 +13476,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: timeout per \"%s\" con %s"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: impossibile connettersi al mittente"
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "nome file"
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "colore per la cronologia"

View File

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-22 18:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
@ -5632,6 +5632,12 @@ msgstr ""
"有効の場合、リスト内でマウスジェスチャ (ドラッグ & ドロップ) することでバッ"
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -5650,12 +5656,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
"refresh of buffers list; this can be useful if some custom variables are "
@ -5707,6 +5707,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ホットリストの表示書式 (注意: 値は評価されます、/help eval を参照してくださ"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"ホットリストレベルが \"highlight\" のバッファの表示書式 (注意: 値は評価されま"
"す、/help eval を参照してください)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
"see /help buflist)"
@ -5721,20 +5728,6 @@ msgstr ""
"ホットリストレベルが \"message\" のバッファの表示書式 (注意: 値は評価されま"
"す、/help eval を参照してください)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"ホットリストレベルが \"private\" のバッファの表示書式 (注意: 値は評価されま"
"す、/help eval を参照してください)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"ホットリストレベルが \"highlight\" のバッファの表示書式 (注意: 値は評価されま"
"す、/help eval を参照してください)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -5742,6 +5735,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ホットリストにないバッファの表示書式 (注意: 値は評価されます、/help eval を参"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"ホットリストレベルが \"private\" のバッファの表示書式 (注意: 値は評価されま"
"す、/help eval を参照してください)"
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -6131,12 +6131,12 @@ msgstr ""
"コマンド \"/exec -sh\" で使うシェル; シェルの名前 (PATH に含まれるシェル、例"
"えば \"bash\" など) もしくはシェルへの絶対パス (例えば \"/bin/bash\")"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "コマンドリストで使う実行中コマンドのフラグに対するテキスト色"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "コマンドリストで使う実行完了コマンドのフラグに対するテキスト色"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "コマンドリストで使う実行中コマンドのフラグに対するテキスト色"
msgid "FIFO pipe for remote control"
msgstr "リモート操作用の FIFO パイプ"
@ -6730,6 +6730,28 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "オプション設定時に /mute コマンドを使う"
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"オプションをファイルへエクスポートする際に使うヘルプ行の書式 (注意: 値は評価"
"されます、/help fset を参照してください)"
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
"オプションをファイルへエクスポートする際に使うオプションの書式 (注意: 値は評"
"価されます、/help fset を参照してください)"
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"オプション値が \"null\" の場合に、そのオプションをファイルへエクスポートする"
"際に使うオプションの書式 (注意: 値は評価されます、/help fset を参照してくださ"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
@ -6754,28 +6776,6 @@ msgstr ""
"書式 (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\") を使います、デフォルト書式は"
"文字列を評価しないので高速です; 書式を切り替えるには ctrl+X を使います"
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"オプションをファイルへエクスポートする際に使うヘルプ行の書式 (注意: 値は評価"
"されます、/help fset を参照してください)"
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
"オプションをファイルへエクスポートする際に使うオプションの書式 (注意: 値は評"
"価されます、/help fset を参照してください)"
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"オプション値が \"null\" の場合に、そのオプションをファイルへエクスポートする"
"際に使うオプションの書式 (注意: 値は評価されます、/help fset を参照してくださ"
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr "デフォルト値を意味するテキスト色"
@ -6791,15 +6791,15 @@ msgstr "オプション説明文のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "ファイルのテキスト色"
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "ファイルのテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "ファイルのテキスト色 (値が変更されている場合)"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "ファイルのテキスト色 (値が変更されており、選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "ファイルのテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "デフォルト値を意味する色 (ヘルプバー内に表示される場合)"
@ -6870,9 +6870,6 @@ msgstr "最小値を意味するテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "完全なオプション名のテキスト色"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "完全なオプション名のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "完全なオプション名のテキスト色 (値が変更されている場合)"
@ -6880,18 +6877,21 @@ msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
"完全なオプション名のテキスト色 (値が変更されており、選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "完全なオプション名のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "オプション名のテキスト色"
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "オプション名のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
msgstr "オプション名のテキスト色 (値が変更されている場合)"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "オプション名のテキスト色 (値が変更されており、選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "オプション名のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "親オプション名のテキスト色"
@ -6904,9 +6904,6 @@ msgstr "親オプション値のテキスト色"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "親オプション値のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr "文字列値を囲む引用符のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr "文字列値を囲む引用符のテキスト色 (値が変更されている場合)"
@ -6915,18 +6912,21 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"文字列値を囲む引用符のテキスト色 (値が変更されており、選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr "文字列値を囲む引用符のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "セクション名のテキスト色"
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "セクション名のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "セクション名のテキスト色 (値が変更されている場合)"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "セクション名のテキスト色 (値が変更されており、選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "セクション名のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "文字列値のテキスト色"
@ -6967,9 +6967,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "値のテキスト色"
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "値のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr "値のテキスト色 (値がデフォルト値と同じではない場合)"
@ -6977,6 +6974,9 @@ msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr ""
"値のテキスト色 (値がデフォルト値と同じではなく、選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "値のテキスト色 (選択行に表示される場合)"
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "未定義値のテキスト色"
@ -8447,17 +8447,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "list, add or remove IRC servers"
msgstr "IRC サーバのリストアップ、追加、削除"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n"
"listfull: list servers with detailed info for each server\n"
@ -8480,12 +8482,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -8820,6 +8839,10 @@ msgstr "無視エントリの数"
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "通知エントリのニックネーム"
#, fuzzy
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "リレーバッファ内のテキスト色"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -9659,12 +9682,12 @@ msgstr "pong がサーバから返った場合の、遅延インジケータの
msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr "\"input_prompt\" バー要素内のニックネームモードに付ける色"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "参加メッセージの色"
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "chghost メッセージの色"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "参加メッセージの色"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
msgstr "参加メッセージの色"
@ -10481,7 +10504,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s%s: ホスト名を含めずに \"%s\" コマンドを受信"
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "IRC 生メッセージ"
#, c-format
@ -12093,21 +12117,21 @@ msgstr "新しいクライアントが接続したらリレーバッファを自
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "クライアント説明用のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "\"接続中\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "\"認証待ち\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "\"接続済み\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "\"認証失敗\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "\"接続中\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "\"接続切断\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "\"認証待ち\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "リレーバッファ内のテキスト色"
@ -12960,6 +12984,14 @@ msgid "timeout (in seconds) for download of scripts and list of scripts"
msgstr ""
"スクリプトのダウンロードとスクリプトのリストに対するタイムアウト時間 (秒単位)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
"\"ホールド\" するスクリプト: コンマ区切りのスクリプトリスト、このリストに含ま"
"れるスクリプトはアップグレードされませんし、削除もされません、例: \","
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
"by WeeChat home (\"~/.weechat\" by default) (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -12969,14 +13001,6 @@ msgstr ""
"ホーム に置換されます (デフォルトでは \"~/.weechat\" に置換されます) (注意: "
"内容は評価されます、/help eval 参照)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
"\"ホールド\" するスクリプト: コンマ区切りのスクリプトリスト、このリストに含ま"
"れるスクリプトはアップグレードされませんし、削除もされません、例: \","
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "スクリプトのリストを含むファイルの URL"
@ -14034,8 +14058,8 @@ msgid "size of progress bar, in chars (if 0, progress bar is disabled)"
msgstr ""
"プログレスバーのサイズ、文字数単位 (0 の場合、プログレスバーを使わない)"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "\"接続待ち\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "\"中止\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
msgstr "\"アクティブ\" 状態のテキスト色"
@ -14046,8 +14070,8 @@ msgstr "\"終了\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "\"失敗\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "\"中止\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "\"接続待ち\" 状態のテキスト色"
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
msgstr "xfer バッファのテキスト色"
@ -14094,14 +14118,14 @@ msgstr ""
"無効化すると、送信側へすぐに ack を送信しなくとも途中停止を避けることができる"
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr "ファイル送信の速度制限、1 秒あたりのキロバイトで指定 (0 は制限無し)"
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr "ファイル受信の速度制限、1 秒あたりのキロバイトで指定 (0 は制限無し)"
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr "ファイル送信の速度制限、1 秒あたりのキロバイトで指定 (0 は制限無し)"
msgid "timeout for xfer request (in seconds)"
msgstr "xfer 要求のタイムアウト (秒単位)"
@ -14241,9 +14265,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: \"%s\" のタイムアウト %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: 接続できません: 未定義のエラー (%d)"
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "ファイル名"
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "バックログ行の色"

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-22 18:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
@ -5754,6 +5754,12 @@ msgid "if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list"
msgstr ""
"jeśli włączone, gesty myszy (przeciągnij i upuść) przesuwają bufory na liście"
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
"jeśli włączone, ruch rolką myszy w góre/dół przeskakuje do poprzedniego/"
"następnego bufora na liście"
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -5770,12 +5776,6 @@ msgstr ""
"kiedy prefiks nicka jet włączony, wywietla spacje, kiedy nick nie ma "
"prefiksu w buforze"
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
"jeśli włączone, ruch rolką myszy w góre/dół przeskakuje do poprzedniego/"
"następnego bufora na liście"
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
"refresh of buffers list; this can be useful if some custom variables are "
@ -5827,6 +5827,13 @@ msgid "format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"format hotlisty (uwaga: zawartość jest przetwarzana, zobacz /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"format dla bufora z poziomem hotlisty \"highlight\" (uwaga: zawartość jest "
"przetwarzana, zobacz /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
"see /help buflist)"
@ -5841,20 +5848,6 @@ msgstr ""
"format dla bufora z poziomem hotlisty \"message\" (uwaga: zawartość jest "
"przetwarzana, zobacz /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"format dla bufora z poziomem hotlisty \"private\" (uwaga: zawartość jest "
"przetwarzana, zobacz /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"format dla bufora z poziomem hotlisty \"highlight\" (uwaga: zawartość jest "
"przetwarzana, zobacz /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -5862,6 +5855,13 @@ msgstr ""
"format dla bufora nie znajdującego się na hotliście (uwaga: zawartość jest "
"przetwarzana, zobacz /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"format dla bufora z poziomem hotlisty \"private\" (uwaga: zawartość jest "
"przetwarzana, zobacz /help buflist)"
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -6252,12 +6252,12 @@ msgstr ""
"przykład \"/bin/bash\"); jeśli wartość jest pusta, zostanie użyte \"sh"
"\" (uwaga: zawartość jest przetwarzana, zobacz /help eval)"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "kolor dla flagi wykonywanej komendy na liście komend"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "kolor tekstu dla flagi zakończonej komendy na liście komend"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "kolor dla flagi wykonywanej komendy na liście komend"
msgid "FIFO pipe for remote control"
msgstr "kolejka FIFO dla zdalnego sterowania"
@ -6858,6 +6858,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "użyj komendy /mute do ustawienia opcji"
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format linii z pomocą zapisanej przed każdą opcją eskportowaną do pliku "
"(uwaga: zawartość jest przetwarzana, zobacz /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format każdej opcji eskportowanej do pliku (uwaga: zawartość jest "
"przetwarzana, zobacz /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format każdej opcji z wartością \"null\" eksportowanej do pliku (uwaga: "
"zawartość jest przetwarzana, zobacz /help fset)"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
@ -6884,27 +6905,6 @@ msgstr ""
"przetwarza siągów, przez co jest szybszy; formaty można zmienić za pomocą "
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format linii z pomocą zapisanej przed każdą opcją eskportowaną do pliku "
"(uwaga: zawartość jest przetwarzana, zobacz /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format każdej opcji eskportowanej do pliku (uwaga: zawartość jest "
"przetwarzana, zobacz /help fset)"
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
"format każdej opcji z wartością \"null\" eksportowanej do pliku (uwaga: "
"zawartość jest przetwarzana, zobacz /help fset)"
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr "kolor dla wartości domyślnej"
@ -6920,15 +6920,15 @@ msgstr "kolor dla opisu w zaznaczonej linii"
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "kolor dla pliku"
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor dla pliku w zaznaczonej linii"
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "kolor dla pliku, jeśli wartość została zmieniona"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor dla pliku w zaznaczonej linii, jeśli wartość została zmieniona"
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor dla pliku w zaznaczonej linii"
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "kolor dla domyślnej wartości w pasku pomocy"
@ -6999,27 +6999,27 @@ msgstr "kolor minimalnej wartości w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "kolor nazwy"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor nazwy w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "kolor nazwy jeśli wartość została zmieniona"
msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor nazwy jeśli wartość została zmieniona w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor nazwy w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "kolor opcji"
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor opcji w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
msgstr "kolor opcji jeśli wartość została zmieniona"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor opcji jeśli wartość została zmieniona w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor opcji w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "kolor nazwy opcji nadrzędnej"
@ -7032,9 +7032,6 @@ msgstr "kolor wartości wybranej opcji"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor wartości wybranej opcji w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor cudzysłowów do okoła wartości w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr "kolor dla cudzysłowów do okoła wartości, które uległy zmianie"
@ -7042,18 +7039,21 @@ msgid ""
"color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor cudzysłowów do okoła zmienionych wartości w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor cudzysłowów do okoła wartości w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "kolor zaznaczenia"
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor sekcji w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "kolor sekcji, jeśli wartość została zmieniona"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor sekcji, jeśli wartość została zmieniona w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor sekcji w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "kolor dla wartości ciągów"
@ -7095,15 +7095,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "kolor wartości"
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor wartości w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr "kolor dla zmienionej wartości (inny niż domyślny)"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor dla zmienionej wartości (inny niż domyślny) w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "kolor wartości w wybranej linii"
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "kolor niezdefiniowanej wartości"
@ -8587,17 +8587,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "list, add or remove IRC servers"
msgstr "wyświetla, dodaje lub usuwa serwery IRC"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"list|listfull [<nazwa>] || add <nazwa> <host>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<opcja>[=<wartość>]] [-no<opcja>]|| copy|rename <nazwa> <nowa_nazwa> || "
"reorder <nazwa> [<nazwa>...] || open <nazwa>|-all [<nazwa>...] || del|keep "
"<nazwa> || deloutq|jump|raw"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n"
"listfull: list servers with detailed info for each server\n"
@ -8620,12 +8622,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -8965,6 +8984,10 @@ msgstr "numery zdefiniowanych ignorów"
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "nicki na liście powiadomień"
#, fuzzy
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "kolor tekstu w buforze pośrednika"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -9826,12 +9849,12 @@ msgstr "kolor wskaźnika opóźnienia, kiedy otrzymamy pong od serwera"
msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr "kolor dla atrybutów nicka w elemencie paska \"input_prompt\""
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "kolor tekstu w wiadomościach o wejściu na kanał"
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "kolor tekstu w wiadomościach o zmianie hosta"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "kolor tekstu w wiadomościach o wejściu na kanał"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
msgstr "kolor tekstu w wiadomościach o wejściu na kanał"
@ -10653,7 +10676,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s%s: \"%s\" komenda otrzymana bez hosta"
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "nieprzetworzone wiadomości IRC"
#, c-format
@ -12273,21 +12297,21 @@ msgstr "automatycznie otwiera bufor kiedy podłącza się nowy klient"
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "kolor tekstu dla opisu klienta"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"connecting\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"waiting authentication\""
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"connected\""
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"authentication failed\""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"connecting\""
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"disconnected\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"waiting authentication\""
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "kolor tekstu w buforze pośrednika"
@ -13162,6 +13186,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "timeout (in seconds) for download of scripts and list of scripts"
msgstr "czas oczekiwania (w sekundach) na pobranie skryptu i listy skryptów"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
"skrypty do \"wstrzymania\": oddzielona przecinkami lista skryptów, które "
"nigdy nie zostaną zaktualizowane i nie mogą być usunięte, na przykład: \"go."
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
"by WeeChat home (\"~/.weechat\" by default) (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -13171,14 +13203,6 @@ msgstr ""
"zastąpione przez katalog domowy WeeChat (domyślnie \"~/.weechat\") (uwaga: "
"zawartość jest przetwarzana, zobacz /help eval)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
"skrypty do \"wstrzymania\": oddzielona przecinkami lista skryptów, które "
"nigdy nie zostaną zaktualizowane i nie mogą być usunięte, na przykład: \"go."
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "adres URL pliku z listą skryptów"
@ -14264,8 +14288,8 @@ msgid "size of progress bar, in chars (if 0, progress bar is disabled)"
msgstr ""
"rozmiar paska postępu, w znakach (jeśli 0 pasek postępu zostanie wyłączony)"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"waiting\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"aborted\""
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"active\""
@ -14276,8 +14300,8 @@ msgstr "kolor statusu \"done\""
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"failed\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"aborted\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "kolor statusu \"waiting\""
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
msgstr "kolor tekstu w buforze xfer"
@ -14325,18 +14349,18 @@ msgstr ""
"tej opcji może zapobiec zawieszeniu jeśli ack nie zostaną wysłane od razu do "
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"limit prędkości wysyłania plików, w kilobajtach na sekundę (0 oznacza brak "
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"limit prędkości odbierania plików, w kilobajtach na sekundę (0 oznacza brak "
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"limit prędkości wysyłania plików, w kilobajtach na sekundę (0 oznacza brak "
msgid "timeout for xfer request (in seconds)"
msgstr "czas oczekiwania na żądanie xfer (w sekundach)"
@ -14476,9 +14500,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: przekroczono czas na \"%s\" z %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: nie można połączyć: niespodziewany błąd (%d)"
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "nazwa pliku"
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "kolor linii backloga"

View File

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-22 18:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
"Language: pt\n"
@ -5603,6 +5603,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -5614,10 +5618,6 @@ msgid ""
"prefix on the buffer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
@ -5655,6 +5655,14 @@ msgid "format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"palavra-passe para o servidor (nota: o conteúdo é avaliado, ver /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"nome do utilizador do servidor proxy (nota: o conteúdo é avaliado, ver /help "
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -5670,21 +5678,6 @@ msgstr ""
"nome do utilizador do servidor proxy (nota: o conteúdo é avaliado, ver /help "
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"palavra-passe para o servidor (nota: o conteúdo é avaliado, ver /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"nome do utilizador do servidor proxy (nota: o conteúdo é avaliado, ver /help "
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -5693,6 +5686,13 @@ msgstr ""
"nome de utilizador para usar no servidor (nota: o conteúdo é avaliado, ver /"
"help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"palavra-passe para o servidor (nota: o conteúdo é avaliado, ver /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -6085,13 +6085,13 @@ msgid ""
"evaluated, see /help eval)"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "cor do texto do sinalizador de comando a executar na lista de comandos"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr ""
"cor do texto para o sinalizador de comando concluído na lista de comandos"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "cor do texto do sinalizador de comando a executar na lista de comandos"
msgid "FIFO pipe for remote control"
msgstr "pipe FIFO para controlo remoto"
@ -6486,22 +6486,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "mostrar ajuda sobre comandos e opções"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
@ -6523,6 +6507,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"nome real a usar no servidor (nota: o conteúdo é avaliado, ver /help eval)"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr "valor predefinido"
@ -6542,10 +6542,6 @@ msgstr "cor do texto da descrição de linha selecionada no buffer de scripts"
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "cor do texto de valores"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "cor da linha que termina o registo recente"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "cor do tópico antigo (quando se altera o tópico)"
@ -6553,6 +6549,10 @@ msgstr "cor do tópico antigo (quando se altera o tópico)"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "cor da linha que termina o registo recente"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "cor da linha que termina o registo recente"
@ -6634,10 +6634,6 @@ msgstr "cor da linha que termina o registo recente"
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "nomes de cores"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "cor da linha que termina o registo recente"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "cor do novo tópico do canal (quando se altera o tópico)"
@ -6646,12 +6642,12 @@ msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "opção de configuração"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "cor da linha que termina o registo recente"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "cor do texto de ações na linha de entrada"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "opção de configuração"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
@ -6660,6 +6656,10 @@ msgstr "%s%d%s opção com valor alterado"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "cor do texto de ações na linha de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "cor do texto da descrição do cliente"
@ -6676,9 +6676,6 @@ msgstr "cor do texto da descrição do cliente"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "cor do texto de ações na linha de entrada"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
@ -6686,14 +6683,13 @@ msgid ""
"color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "secção de configuração"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "cor do texto de ações na linha de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "cor do texto das mensagens de join"
@ -6701,6 +6697,10 @@ msgstr "cor do texto das mensagens de join"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "cor do texto de ações na linha de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "cor do texto de valores"
@ -6750,16 +6750,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "cor do texto de valores"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "cor das linhas do registo recente"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "cor das linhas do registo recente"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "cor do texto de valores"
@ -8247,7 +8247,7 @@ msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"list|listfull [<servidor>] || add <servidor> <hostname>[/<porta>] [-temp] [-"
"<opção>[=<valor>]] [-no<opção>] || copy|rename <servidor> <novo_nome> || "
@ -8276,12 +8276,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -8629,6 +8646,10 @@ msgstr "números dos ignorados definidos"
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "nicks na lista de notificação"
#, fuzzy
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "cor do texto no buffer de reencaminhamento"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -9479,13 +9500,13 @@ msgstr "cor do indicador de lag, quando se recebeu pong do servidor"
msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr "cor dos modos de nick no item de barra \"input_prompt\""
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "cor do texto das mensagens de join"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "cor do texto das mensagens de join"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "cor do texto das mensagens de join"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
msgstr "cor do texto das mensagens de join"
@ -10312,7 +10333,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s%s: comando \"%s\" recebido sem host"
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "mensagens de IRC em bruto"
#, c-format
@ -11915,21 +11937,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "cor do texto da descrição do cliente"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"a conectar\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"a aguardar autenticação\""
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"conectado\""
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"falha ao autenticar\""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"a conectar\""
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"desconectado\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"a aguardar autenticação\""
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "cor do texto no buffer de reencaminhamento"
@ -12787,6 +12809,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "timeout (in seconds) for download of scripts and list of scripts"
msgstr "tempo limite (em segundo) para transferir scripts e a lista de scripts"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
"scripts a \"reter\": lista de scripts que nunca serão atualizados e não "
"podem ser removidos, por exemplo: \",\""
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
"by WeeChat home (\"~/.weechat\" by default) (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -12796,13 +12825,6 @@ msgstr ""
"substituído pelo diretório do WeeChat (\"~/.weechat\" por omissão) (nota: o "
"conteúdo é avaliado, ver /help eval)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
"scripts a \"reter\": lista de scripts que nunca serão atualizados e não "
"podem ser removidos, por exemplo: \",\""
#, fuzzy
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "%s%s: erro ao ler a lista de scripts"
@ -13899,8 +13921,8 @@ msgstr ""
"tamanho da barra de progresso, em carateres (se for 0, a barra de progresso "
"é desativada)"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"a aguardar\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"abortado\""
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"ativo\""
@ -13911,8 +13933,8 @@ msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"concluído\""
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estdo \"falhou\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"abortado\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto do estado \"a aguardar\""
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
msgstr "cor do texto no buffer xfer"
@ -13955,15 +13977,15 @@ msgid ""
"acks may prevent a freeze if the acks are not sent immediately to the sender"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"limite de velocidade ao enviar ficheiros, em kilo-bytes por segundo (0 "
"significa sem limite)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"limite de velocidade ao enviar ficheiros, em kilo-bytes por segundo (0 "
"significa sem limite)"
@ -14113,9 +14135,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: tempo limite de \"%s\" com %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: não foi possível conectar: erro inesperado (%d)"
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "nome do ficheiro"
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "cor das linhas do registo recente"

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:32+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Eduardo Elias <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
@ -5145,6 +5145,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -5156,10 +5160,6 @@ msgid ""
"prefix on the buffer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
@ -5199,6 +5199,14 @@ msgstr ""
"comando executado quando o WeeChat inicia, antes do carregamento dos plugins "
"(nota: conteúdo é avaliado, veja /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"comando executado quando o WeeChat inicia, antes do carregamento dos plugins "
"(nota: conteúdo é avaliado, veja /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -5215,22 +5223,6 @@ msgstr ""
"comando executado quando o WeeChat inicia, antes do carregamento dos plugins "
"(nota: conteúdo é avaliado, veja /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"comando executado quando o WeeChat inicia, antes do carregamento dos plugins "
"(nota: conteúdo é avaliado, veja /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"comando executado quando o WeeChat inicia, antes do carregamento dos plugins "
"(nota: conteúdo é avaliado, veja /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -5239,6 +5231,14 @@ msgstr ""
"comando executado quando o WeeChat inicia, antes do carregamento dos plugins "
"(nota: conteúdo é avaliado, veja /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
"comando executado quando o WeeChat inicia, antes do carregamento dos plugins "
"(nota: conteúdo é avaliado, veja /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -5534,11 +5534,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "cor de texto para ações de linha de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "cor de texto para ações de linha de entrada"
msgid "FIFO pipe for remote control"
@ -5913,22 +5913,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "mostra a ajuda sobre comandos e opções"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
@ -5953,6 +5937,22 @@ msgstr ""
"comando executado quando o WeeChat inicia, antes do carregamento dos plugins "
"(nota: conteúdo é avaliado, veja /help eval)"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr "valor padrão"
@ -5972,10 +5972,6 @@ msgstr "cor do texto da linha do cliente selecionada"
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "cor de texto para valores"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "cor para o apelido na barra de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "cor para o tópico antigo do canal (quando o tópico é alterado)"
@ -5983,6 +5979,10 @@ msgstr "cor para o tópico antigo do canal (quando o tópico é alterado)"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "cor para o apelido na barra de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "cor para o apelido na barra de entrada"
@ -6060,10 +6060,6 @@ msgstr "cor para o apelido na barra de entrada"
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "obter nome da cor do apelido"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "cor para o apelido na barra de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "cor para o novo tópico do canal (quando o tópico é alterado)"
@ -6072,12 +6068,12 @@ msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "opção de configuração"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "cor para o apelido na barra de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "cor de texto para ações de linha de entrada"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "opção de configuração"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
@ -6086,6 +6082,10 @@ msgstr "%s%d%s opção de configuração com valor trocado"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "cor de texto para ações de linha de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "cor do texto para delimitadores de tempo"
@ -6102,9 +6102,6 @@ msgstr "cor do texto para delimitadores de tempo"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "cor de texto para ações de linha de entrada"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
@ -6112,14 +6109,13 @@ msgid ""
"color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "seção de configuração"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "cor de texto para ações de linha de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "%s%d%s opção de configuração com valor trocado"
@ -6127,6 +6123,10 @@ msgstr "%s%d%s opção de configuração com valor trocado"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "cor de texto para ações de linha de entrada"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "cor de texto para valores"
@ -6174,16 +6174,16 @@ msgstr "cor do texto da linha do cliente selecionada"
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "cor de texto para valores"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "cor de texto para valores"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "cor de texto para valores"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "cor de texto para valores"
@ -7389,7 +7389,7 @@ msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
@ -7414,12 +7414,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -7696,6 +7713,10 @@ msgstr "numéros para ignores definidos"
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "apelidos na lista de notificação"
#, fuzzy
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "cor do texto para nomes de buffer"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -8390,13 +8411,13 @@ msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr ""
"cor para o sufixo do apelido (string exibida depois do apelido no prefixo)"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "cor de texto para valores"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
msgstr "cor de texto para valores"
@ -9183,7 +9204,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s%s: \"%s\" comando recebido sem host"
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "mensagens brutas do IRC"
#, c-format
@ -10717,21 +10739,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "cor do texto para delimitadores de tempo"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"conectando\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"aguardando autenticação\""
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"conectado\""
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"autenticação falhou\""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"conectando\""
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"desconectado\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"aguardando autenticação\""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "cor do texto para nomes de buffer"
@ -11487,6 +11509,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "timeout (in seconds) for download of scripts and list of scripts"
msgstr "tempo de espera (em segundos) pelo handshake do gnutls"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
@ -11497,11 +11524,6 @@ msgstr ""
"será substituído pelo diretório do WeeChat (\"~/.weechat\" por padrão); "
"especificadores de data são permitidos (veja \"man strftime\")"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "%s%s: erro ao criar transferência"
@ -12468,8 +12490,8 @@ msgstr ""
"tamanho da barra de progresso, em carateres (se 0, a barra de progresso é "
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"esperando\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"abortado\""
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"ativo\""
@ -12480,8 +12502,8 @@ msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"concluído\""
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"falhou\""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"abortado\""
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "cor do texto para o status \"esperando\""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
@ -12527,15 +12549,15 @@ msgid ""
"acks may prevent a freeze if the acks are not sent immediately to the sender"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"taxa máxima de transferência para enviar arquivos, em kilo-bytes por segundo "
"(0 significa ilimitado)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
"taxa máxima de transferência para enviar arquivos, em kilo-bytes por segundo "
"(0 significa ilimitado)"
@ -12678,10 +12700,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: tempo esgotado para \"%s\" com %s"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: não foi possível conectar ao remetente"
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "nome de arquivo"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "cor de texto para valores"

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:32+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: ru\n"
@ -4571,6 +4571,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -4582,10 +4586,6 @@ msgid ""
"prefix on the buffer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
"refresh of buffers list; this can be useful if some custom variables are "
@ -4620,6 +4620,11 @@ msgstr "ник, используемый на IRC сервере"
msgid "format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "ник, используемый на IRC сервере"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
@ -4634,19 +4639,14 @@ msgstr "ник, используемый на IRC сервере"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
msgstr "ник, используемый на IRC сервере"
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr "ник, используемый на IRC сервере"
#, fuzzy
@ -4933,11 +4933,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "цвет действий в поле ввода"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "цвет действий в поле ввода"
#, fuzzy
@ -5310,22 +5310,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "отобразить помощь по командам"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
@ -5344,6 +5328,22 @@ msgid ""
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr "ник, используемый на IRC сервере"
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"second format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
"uses the default format (\"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}\"), which "
"is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be "
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr " . значение по умолчанию: %d\n"
@ -5363,10 +5363,6 @@ msgstr "цвет названия сервера"
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "цвет чата"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет ников"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "цвет чата"
@ -5374,6 +5370,10 @@ msgstr "цвет чата"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет ников"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "цвет ников"
@ -5452,10 +5452,6 @@ msgstr "цвет ников"
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "цвет чата"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет ников"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "цвет чата"
@ -5464,12 +5460,12 @@ msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "настроить параметры конфигурации"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет ников"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет действий в поле ввода"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "настроить параметры конфигурации"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
@ -5478,6 +5474,10 @@ msgstr "параметров найдено\n"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет действий в поле ввода"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "цвет разделителей информационной панели"
@ -5494,9 +5494,6 @@ msgstr "цвет разделителей информационной пане
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет действий в поле ввода"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
@ -5504,14 +5501,13 @@ msgid ""
"color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "настроить параметры конфигурации"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет действий в поле ввода"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "цвет текущего окна с сообщениями"
@ -5519,6 +5515,10 @@ msgstr "цвет текущего окна с сообщениями"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет действий в поле ввода"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "цвет чата"
@ -5567,16 +5567,16 @@ msgstr "цвет названия сервера"
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "цвет чата"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет отошедших ников"
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr "цвет отошедших ников"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "цвет чата"
@ -6914,7 +6914,7 @@ msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"[list [сервер]] | [listfull [сервер]] | [add сервер адрес [-port порт] [-"
"temp] [-auto | -noauto] [-ipv6] [-ssl] [-pwd пароль] [-nicks ник1 ник2 ник3] "
@ -6945,12 +6945,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -7305,6 +7322,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr "%s игнорирования не найдены\n"
#, fuzzy
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr "цвет названия сервера"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -7987,11 +8008,11 @@ msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr "строка, вставляемая после автодополнения ника"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "цвет текущего окна с сообщениями"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "цвет текущего окна с сообщениями"
#, fuzzy
@ -8793,8 +8814,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" команда получена без хоста\n"
#, fuzzy
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr "выводить отладочные сообщения"
#, fuzzy, c-format
@ -10305,14 +10326,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "цвет разделителей информационной панели"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"соединения\" в окне DCC"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"ожидания\" в окне DCC"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"соединения\" в окне DCC"
@ -10321,10 +10334,18 @@ msgstr "цвет \"соединения\" в окне DCC"
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"неудачных\" в окне DCC"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"соединения\" в окне DCC"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"соединения\" в окне DCC"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"ожидания\" в окне DCC"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr "цвет названия сервера"
@ -11066,6 +11087,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "timeout (in seconds) for download of scripts and list of scripts"
msgstr "использовать SSL при связи с сервером"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
@ -11075,11 +11101,6 @@ msgstr ""
"путь поиска pluginов ('%h' заменяется на домашний каталог WeeChat, по "
"умолчанию - ~/.weechat)"
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
msgstr "%s ошибка при отправке данных IRC серверу\n"
@ -12022,8 +12043,8 @@ msgid "size of progress bar, in chars (if 0, progress bar is disabled)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"ожидания\" в окне DCC"
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"отменённых\" в окне DCC"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
@ -12038,8 +12059,8 @@ msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"неудачных\" в окне DCC"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"отменённых\" в окне DCC"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr "цвет \"ожидания\" в окне DCC"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
@ -12087,11 +12108,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
@ -12233,11 +12254,3 @@ msgstr "%s нет аргумента для параметра \"%s\"\n"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s DCC: не могу соединиться с отправителем\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "команда users отключена"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "color for backlog lines"
#~ msgstr "цвет отошедших ников"

View File

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:32+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasan Kiran <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: tr\n"
@ -4141,6 +4141,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -4152,10 +4156,6 @@ msgid ""
"prefix on the buffer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
"refresh of buffers list; this can be useful if some custom variables are "
@ -4188,6 +4188,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
"see /help buflist)"
@ -4198,21 +4203,16 @@ msgid ""
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -4488,11 +4488,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "kanal isimleri için metin rengi"
#, fuzzy
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr "kanal isimleri için metin rengi"
msgid "FIFO pipe for remote control"
@ -4860,6 +4860,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr "komutlar ve seçenekler hakkında yardım göster"
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
@ -4876,21 +4891,6 @@ msgid ""
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr "varsayılan değer"
@ -4909,9 +4909,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for file"
msgstr "değerler için metin rengi"
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr "değerler için metin rengi"
@ -4919,6 +4916,9 @@ msgstr "değerler için metin rengi"
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr "değerler için metin rengi"
@ -4992,9 +4992,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for name"
msgstr "rumuz renk ismi al"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr "değerler için metin rengi"
@ -5002,13 +4999,13 @@ msgstr "değerler için metin rengi"
msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option"
msgstr "seçeneklerin listesi"
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
@ -5016,6 +5013,9 @@ msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr "istemci açıklaması için metin rengi"
@ -5032,9 +5032,6 @@ msgstr "istemci açıklaması için metin rengi"
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
@ -5042,14 +5039,13 @@ msgid ""
"color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section"
msgstr "sohbet için metin rengi"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
@ -5057,6 +5053,10 @@ msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr "değerler için metin rengi"
@ -5101,15 +5101,15 @@ msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
msgid "color for value"
msgstr "değerler için metin rengi"
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr "değerler için metin rengi"
@ -6276,7 +6276,7 @@ msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
"list|listfull [<sunucu>] || add <sunucu> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<seçenek>[=<değer>]] [-no<seçenek>] || copy|rename <sunucu> <yeni_isim> || "
@ -6305,12 +6305,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -6614,6 +6631,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr ""
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -7221,13 +7241,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr "sohbet penceresindeki rumuzlar için metin rengi"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
#, fuzzy
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
msgstr "Bağlanma iletisi metni için renk"
@ -7967,7 +7987,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr ""
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
@ -9365,21 +9386,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr "istemci açıklaması için metin rengi"
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr ""
@ -10075,14 +10096,14 @@ msgid "timeout (in seconds) for download of scripts and list of scripts"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
"by WeeChat home (\"~/.weechat\" by default) (note: content is evaluated, "
"see /help eval)"
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
"by WeeChat home (\"~/.weechat\" by default) (note: content is evaluated, "
"see /help eval)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
@ -10992,7 +11013,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "size of progress bar, in chars (if 0, progress bar is disabled)"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
@ -11004,7 +11025,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
@ -11042,11 +11063,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
msgid "timeout for xfer request (in seconds)"
@ -11171,6 +11192,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "filename"
#~ msgstr "dosyaadı"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 17:09+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-03 08:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -4125,6 +4125,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can "
"be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in "
@ -4136,10 +4140,6 @@ msgid ""
"prefix on the buffer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the "
"refresh of buffers list; this can be useful if some custom variables are "
@ -4172,6 +4172,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"low\" (note: content is evaluated, "
"see /help buflist)"
@ -4182,21 +4187,16 @@ msgid ""
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"highlight\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format for a buffer with hotlist level \"private\" (note: content is "
"evaluated, see /help buflist)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
@ -4467,10 +4467,10 @@ msgid ""
"evaluated, see /help eval)"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for a finished command flag in list of commands"
msgid "text color for a running command flag in list of commands"
msgstr ""
msgid "FIFO pipe for remote control"
@ -4833,6 +4833,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "use /mute command to set options"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the "
"selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string "
@ -4849,21 +4864,6 @@ msgid ""
"switched with key ctrl+X"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: "
"content is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /"
"help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"format of each option with \"null\" value exported in a file (note: content "
"is evaluated, see /help fset)"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for default value"
msgstr ""
@ -4879,15 +4879,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for file"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for file if value is changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for file if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for file on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for default value in help bar"
msgstr ""
@ -4950,19 +4950,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for name"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for name if value is changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for name if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for option"
msgid "color for name on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgid "color for option"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for option if value is changed"
@ -4971,6 +4968,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for option if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for option on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for name of parent option"
msgstr ""
@ -4983,9 +4983,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for value of parent option on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for quotes around string values which are changed"
msgstr ""
@ -4993,10 +4990,10 @@ msgid ""
"color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for section"
msgid "color for quotes around string values on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgid "color for section"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for section if value is changed"
@ -5005,6 +5002,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for section if value is changed on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for section on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for string values"
msgstr ""
@ -5044,15 +5044,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for value"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default)"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for value on the selected line"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for undefined value"
msgstr ""
@ -6195,7 +6195,7 @@ msgid ""
"list|listfull [<name>] || add <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-"
"<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] || copy|rename <name> <new_name> || "
"reorder <name> [<name>...] || open <name>|-all [<name>...] || del|keep "
"<name> || deloutq|jump|raw"
"<name> || deloutq|jump || raw [<filter>]"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
@ -6220,12 +6220,29 @@ msgid ""
"currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be "
"used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), "
"sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected "
"(message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition \"xxx"
"\", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like "
"nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in "
"plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-"
"dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
" /server add freenode\n"
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,\n"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -6482,6 +6499,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "nicks in notify list"
msgstr ""
msgid "filters for irc raw buffer"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%sWARNING: the value \"channel\" for option \"irc.look.display_away\" will "
@ -7086,10 +7106,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "color for nick modes in bar item \"input_prompt\""
msgstr ""
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for text in chghost messages"
msgid "color for text in join messages"
msgstr ""
msgid "color for text in kick/kill messages"
@ -7829,7 +7849,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s%s: \"%s\" command received without host"
msgstr ""
msgid "IRC raw messages"
#, c-format
msgid "IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
@ -9226,21 +9247,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for client description"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"connected\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"authentication failed\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"connecting\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"disconnected\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"waiting authentication\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color in relay buffer"
msgstr ""
@ -9927,14 +9948,14 @@ msgid "timeout (in seconds) for download of scripts and list of scripts"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
"by WeeChat home (\"~/.weechat\" by default) (note: content is evaluated, "
"see /help eval)"
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"scripts to \"hold\": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been "
"upgraded and can not be removed, for example: \",\""
"local cache directory for scripts; \"%h\" at beginning of string is replaced "
"by WeeChat home (\"~/.weechat\" by default) (note: content is evaluated, "
"see /help eval)"
msgstr ""
msgid "URL for file with list of scripts"
@ -10816,7 +10837,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "size of progress bar, in chars (if 0, progress bar is disabled)"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"active\" status"
@ -10828,7 +10849,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"failed\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color for \"aborted\" status"
msgid "text color for \"waiting\" status"
msgstr ""
msgid "text color in xfer buffer"
@ -10866,11 +10887,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
"speed limit for sending files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)"
msgstr ""
msgid "timeout for xfer request (in seconds)"

View File

@ -5143,7 +5143,7 @@ irc_command_display_server (struct t_irc_server *server, int with_detail)
int i, detailed_list, one_server_found, length, count;
int i, detailed_list, one_server_found, length, count, refresh;
struct t_irc_server *ptr_server2, *server_found, *new_server;
char *server_name, *message;
@ -5520,7 +5520,12 @@ IRC_COMMAND_CALLBACK(server)
if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "raw") == 0)
refresh = irc_raw_buffer && (argc > 2);
if (argc > 2)
irc_raw_set_filter (argv_eol[2]);
irc_raw_open (1);
if (refresh)
irc_raw_refresh (1);
@ -6974,7 +6979,8 @@ irc_command_init ()
" || reorder <name> [<name>...]"
" || open <name>|-all [<name>...]"
" || del|keep <name>"
" || deloutq|jump|raw"),
" || deloutq|jump"
" || raw [<filter>]"),
N_(" list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n"
"listfull: list servers with detailed info for each server\n"
" add: add a new server\n"
@ -6997,6 +7003,22 @@ irc_command_init ()
"WeeChat is currently sending)\n"
" jump: jump to server buffer\n"
" raw: open buffer with raw IRC data\n"
" filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this "
"filter can be used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); "
"allowed formats are:\n"
" * show all messages (no filter)\n"
" xxx show only messages containing \"xxx\"\n"
" s:xxx show only messages for server \"xxx\"\n"
" f:xxx show only messages with a flag: recv (message "
"received), sent (message sent), modified (message modified by "
"a modifier), redirected (message redirected)\n"
" m:xxx show only IRC command \"xxx\"\n"
" c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated "
"condition \"xxx\", using following variables: output of function "
"irc_message_parse (like nick, command, channel, text, etc., see "
"function info_get_hashtable in plugin API reference for the list "
"of all variables), date (format: \"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss\"), server, "
"recv, sent, modified, redirected\n"
" /server listfull\n"
@ -7004,6 +7026,9 @@ irc_command_init ()
" /server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect\n"
" /server add chatspike,"
" /server raw\n"
" /server raw s:freenode\n"
" /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo\n"
" /server copy freenode freenode-test\n"
" /server rename freenode-test freenode2\n"
" /server reorder freenode2 freenode\n"
@ -7020,7 +7045,7 @@ irc_command_init ()
" || del %(irc_servers)"
" || deloutq"
" || jump"
" || raw",
" || raw %(irc_raw_filters)",
&irc_command_server, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hook_command (

View File

@ -811,6 +811,62 @@ irc_completion_notify_nicks_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
* Adds filters for raw buffer to completion list.
irc_completion_raw_filters_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
const char *completion_item,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_completion *completion)
char str_filter[1024];
/* make C compiler happy */
(void) pointer;
(void) data;
(void) completion_item;
/* all messages */
weechat_hook_completion_list_add (completion, "*",
/* condition */
weechat_hook_completion_list_add (completion,
"c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG",
/* message flag */
weechat_hook_completion_list_add (completion, "f:modified",
weechat_hook_completion_list_add (completion, "f:recv",
weechat_hook_completion_list_add (completion, "f:redirected",
weechat_hook_completion_list_add (completion, "f:sent",
/* IRC command */
weechat_hook_completion_list_add (completion, "m:notice",
weechat_hook_completion_list_add (completion, "m:privmsg",
/* server */
for (ptr_server = irc_servers; ptr_server;
ptr_server = ptr_server->next_server)
snprintf (str_filter, sizeof (str_filter), "s:%s", ptr_server->name);
weechat_hook_completion_list_add (completion, str_filter,
* Hooks completions.
@ -874,4 +930,7 @@ irc_completion_init ()
weechat_hook_completion ("irc_notify_nicks",
N_("nicks in notify list"),
&irc_completion_notify_nicks_cb, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hook_completion ("irc_raw_filters",
N_("filters for irc raw buffer"),
&irc_completion_raw_filters_cb, NULL, NULL);

View File

@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ irc_input_data (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *input_data, int flags,
if (weechat_strcasecmp (input_data, "q") == 0)
weechat_buffer_close (buffer);
irc_raw_filter_options (input_data);

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "irc-raw.h"
#include "irc-buffer.h"
#include "irc-config.h"
#include "irc-message.h"
#include "irc-input.h"
#include "irc-server.h"
@ -39,6 +40,142 @@ int irc_raw_messages_count = 0;
struct t_irc_raw_message *irc_raw_messages = NULL;
struct t_irc_raw_message *last_irc_raw_message = NULL;
char *irc_raw_filter = NULL;
struct t_hashtable *irc_raw_filter_hashtable_options = NULL;
* Checks if a string matches a mask.
* If mask has no "*" inside, it just checks if "mask" is inside the "string".
* If mask has at least one "*" inside, the function weechat_string_match is
* used.
* Returns:
* 1: string matches mask
* 0: string does not match mask
irc_raw_message_string_match (const char *string, const char *mask)
if (strchr (mask, '*'))
return weechat_string_match (string, mask, 0);
return (weechat_strcasestr (string, mask)) ? 1 : 0;
* Checks if a messages is matching current filter(s).
* Returns:
* 1: message is matching filter(s)
* 0: message does not match filter(s)
irc_raw_message_match_filter (struct t_irc_raw_message *raw_message,
const char *filter)
int match;
char *command, *result, str_date[128];
struct t_hashtable *hashtable;
struct tm *date_tmp;
if (!filter || !filter[0])
return 1;
if (strncmp (filter, "c:", 2) == 0)
/* filter by evaluated condition */
hashtable = irc_message_parse_to_hashtable (raw_message->server,
if (hashtable)
date_tmp = localtime (&(raw_message->date));
if (strftime (str_date, sizeof (str_date),
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", date_tmp) == 0)
str_date[0] = '\0';
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "date", str_date);
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable,
"server", raw_message->server->name);
weechat_hashtable_set (
(raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_RECV) ? "1" : "0");
weechat_hashtable_set (
(raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_SEND) ? "1" : "0");
weechat_hashtable_set (
(raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_MODIFIED) ? "1" : "0");
weechat_hashtable_set (
(raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_REDIRECT) ? "1" : "0");
result = weechat_string_eval_expression (
filter + 2,
match = (result && (strcmp (result, "1") == 0)) ? 1 : 0;
if (hashtable)
weechat_hashtable_free (hashtable);
if (result)
free (result);
return match;
else if (strncmp (filter, "s:", 2) == 0)
/* filter by server name */
return (weechat_strcasecmp (raw_message->server->name,
filter + 2) == 0) ? 1 : 0;
else if (strncmp (filter, "f:", 2) == 0)
/* filter by message flag */
if (weechat_strcasecmp (filter + 2, "recv") == 0)
return (raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_RECV) ? 1 : 0;
else if (weechat_strcasecmp (filter + 2, "sent") == 0)
return (raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_SEND) ? 1 : 0;
else if (weechat_strcasecmp (filter + 2, "modified") == 0)
return (raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_MODIFIED) ? 1 : 0;
else if (weechat_strcasecmp (filter + 2, "redirected") == 0)
return (raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_REDIRECT) ? 1 : 0;
return 0;
else if (strncmp (filter, "m:", 2) == 0)
/* filter by IRC command */
irc_message_parse (raw_message->server, raw_message->message,
match = (command && (weechat_strcasecmp (command, filter + 2) == 0)) ?
1 : 0;
if (command)
free (command);
return match;
/* filter by text in message */
return (irc_raw_message_string_match (raw_message->message,
filter)) ? 1 : 0;
* Prints an irc raw message.
@ -47,16 +184,176 @@ struct t_irc_raw_message *last_irc_raw_message = NULL;
irc_raw_message_print (struct t_irc_raw_message *raw_message)
if (irc_raw_buffer && raw_message)
char *buf, *buf2, prefix[512], prefix_arrow[16];
const unsigned char *ptr_buf;
const char *hexa = "0123456789ABCDEF";
int pos_buf, pos_buf2, char_size, i;
if (!irc_raw_buffer || !raw_message)
if (!irc_raw_message_match_filter (raw_message, irc_raw_filter))
buf = NULL;
buf2 = NULL;
if (raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_BINARY)
weechat_printf_date_tags (irc_raw_buffer,
raw_message->date, NULL,
buf = weechat_string_hex_dump (
strlen (raw_message->message),
" > ",
snprintf (prefix, sizeof (prefix), " ");
buf = weechat_iconv_to_internal (NULL, raw_message->message);
buf2 = malloc ((strlen (buf) * 4) + 1);
if (buf2)
ptr_buf = (buf) ?
(unsigned char *)buf : (unsigned char *)(raw_message->message);
pos_buf = 0;
pos_buf2 = 0;
while (ptr_buf[pos_buf])
if ((ptr_buf[pos_buf] < 32)
|| !weechat_utf8_is_valid ((const char *)(ptr_buf + pos_buf),
1, NULL))
buf2[pos_buf2++] = '\\';
buf2[pos_buf2++] = 'x';
buf2[pos_buf2++] = hexa[ptr_buf[pos_buf] / 16];
buf2[pos_buf2++] = hexa[ptr_buf[pos_buf] % 16];
char_size = weechat_utf8_char_size ((const char *)(ptr_buf + pos_buf));
for (i = 0; i < char_size; i++)
buf2[pos_buf2++] = ptr_buf[pos_buf++];
buf2[pos_buf2] = '\0';
/* build prefix with arrow */
prefix_arrow[0] = '\0';
switch (raw_message->flags & (IRC_RAW_FLAG_RECV
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_RECV);
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_RECV_MODIFIED);
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_RECV_REDIRECT);
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_SEND);
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_SEND_MODIFIED);
if (raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_RECV)
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_RECV);
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_SEND);
snprintf (prefix, sizeof (prefix), "%s%s%s%s%s",
(raw_message->flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_SEND) ?
weechat_color ("chat_prefix_quit") :
weechat_color ("chat_prefix_join"),
(raw_message->server) ? weechat_color ("chat_server") : "",
(raw_message->server) ? " " : "",
(raw_message->server) ? (raw_message->server)->name : "");
weechat_printf_date_tags (
raw_message->date, NULL,
(buf2) ? buf2 : ((buf) ? buf : raw_message->message));
if (buf)
free (buf);
if (buf2)
free (buf2);
* Sets the local variable "filter" in the irc raw buffer.
irc_raw_set_localvar_filter ()
if (!irc_raw_buffer)
weechat_buffer_set (irc_raw_buffer, "localvar_set_filter",
(irc_raw_filter) ? irc_raw_filter : "*");
* Sets title of irc raw buffer.
irc_raw_set_title ()
char str_title[1024];
if (!irc_raw_buffer)
snprintf (str_title, sizeof (str_title),
_("IRC raw messages | Filter: %s"),
(irc_raw_filter) ? irc_raw_filter : "*");
weechat_buffer_set (irc_raw_buffer, "title", str_title);
* Updates list of messages in raw buffer.
irc_raw_refresh (int clear)
struct t_irc_raw_message *ptr_raw_message;
if (!irc_raw_buffer)
if (clear)
weechat_buffer_clear (irc_raw_buffer);
/* print messages in list */
for (ptr_raw_message = irc_raw_messages; ptr_raw_message;
ptr_raw_message = ptr_raw_message->next_message)
irc_raw_message_print (ptr_raw_message);
irc_raw_set_title ();
* Opens IRC raw buffer.
@ -64,8 +361,6 @@ irc_raw_message_print (struct t_irc_raw_message *raw_message)
irc_raw_open (int switch_to_buffer)
struct t_irc_raw_message *ptr_raw_message;
if (!irc_raw_buffer)
irc_raw_buffer = weechat_buffer_search (IRC_PLUGIN_NAME,
@ -81,9 +376,6 @@ irc_raw_open (int switch_to_buffer)
if (!irc_raw_buffer)
weechat_buffer_set (irc_raw_buffer,
"title", _("IRC raw messages"));
if (!weechat_buffer_get_integer (irc_raw_buffer, "short_name_is_set"))
weechat_buffer_set (irc_raw_buffer, "short_name",
@ -97,12 +389,9 @@ irc_raw_open (int switch_to_buffer)
/* disable all highlights on this buffer */
weechat_buffer_set (irc_raw_buffer, "highlight_words", "-");
/* print messages in list */
for (ptr_raw_message = irc_raw_messages; ptr_raw_message;
ptr_raw_message = ptr_raw_message->next_message)
irc_raw_message_print (ptr_raw_message);
irc_raw_set_localvar_filter ();
irc_raw_refresh (0);
@ -110,6 +399,32 @@ irc_raw_open (int switch_to_buffer)
weechat_buffer_set (irc_raw_buffer, "display", "1");
* Sets the raw messages filter.
irc_raw_set_filter (const char *filter)
if (irc_raw_filter)
free (irc_raw_filter);
irc_raw_filter = (filter && (strcmp (filter, "*") != 0)) ?
strdup (filter) : NULL;
* Filters raw messages.
irc_raw_filter_options (const char *filter)
irc_raw_set_filter (filter);
irc_raw_set_localvar_filter ();
irc_raw_refresh (1);
* Frees a raw message and removes it from list.
@ -137,8 +452,6 @@ irc_raw_message_free (struct t_irc_raw_message *raw_message)
(raw_message->next_message)->prev_message = raw_message->prev_message;
/* free data */
if (raw_message->prefix)
free (raw_message->prefix);
if (raw_message->message)
free (raw_message->message);
@ -185,12 +498,12 @@ irc_raw_message_remove_old ()
struct t_irc_raw_message *
irc_raw_message_add_to_list (time_t date, const char *prefix,
const char *message)
irc_raw_message_add_to_list (time_t date, struct t_irc_server *server,
int flags, const char *message)
struct t_irc_raw_message *new_raw_message;
if (!prefix || !message)
if (!message)
return NULL;
irc_raw_message_remove_old ();
@ -199,7 +512,8 @@ irc_raw_message_add_to_list (time_t date, const char *prefix,
if (new_raw_message)
new_raw_message->date = date;
new_raw_message->prefix = strdup (prefix);
new_raw_message->server = server;
new_raw_message->flags = flags;
new_raw_message->message = strdup (message);
/* add message to list */
@ -217,114 +531,6 @@ irc_raw_message_add_to_list (time_t date, const char *prefix,
return new_raw_message;
* Adds a new raw message to list.
* Returns pointer to new raw message, NULL if error.
struct t_irc_raw_message *
irc_raw_message_add (struct t_irc_server *server, int flags,
const char *message)
char *buf, *buf2, prefix[256], prefix_arrow[16];
const unsigned char *ptr_buf;
const char *hexa = "0123456789ABCDEF";
int pos_buf, pos_buf2, char_size, i;
struct t_irc_raw_message *new_raw_message;
buf = NULL;
buf2 = NULL;
if (flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_BINARY)
buf = weechat_string_hex_dump (message, strlen (message), 16,
" > ", NULL);
snprintf (prefix, sizeof (prefix), " ");
buf = weechat_iconv_to_internal (NULL, message);
buf2 = malloc ((strlen (buf) * 4) + 1);
if (buf2)
ptr_buf = (buf) ? (unsigned char *)buf : (unsigned char *)message;
pos_buf = 0;
pos_buf2 = 0;
while (ptr_buf[pos_buf])
if ((ptr_buf[pos_buf] < 32)
|| !weechat_utf8_is_valid ((const char *)(ptr_buf + pos_buf),
1, NULL))
buf2[pos_buf2++] = '\\';
buf2[pos_buf2++] = 'x';
buf2[pos_buf2++] = hexa[ptr_buf[pos_buf] / 16];
buf2[pos_buf2++] = hexa[ptr_buf[pos_buf] % 16];
char_size = weechat_utf8_char_size ((const char *)(ptr_buf + pos_buf));
for (i = 0; i < char_size; i++)
buf2[pos_buf2++] = ptr_buf[pos_buf++];
buf2[pos_buf2] = '\0';
/* build prefix with arrow */
prefix_arrow[0] = '\0';
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_RECV);
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_RECV_MODIFIED);
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_RECV_REDIRECT);
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_SEND);
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_SEND_MODIFIED);
if (flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_RECV)
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_RECV);
strcpy (prefix_arrow, IRC_RAW_PREFIX_SEND);
snprintf (prefix, sizeof (prefix), "%s%s%s%s%s",
(flags & IRC_RAW_FLAG_SEND) ?
weechat_color ("chat_prefix_quit") :
weechat_color ("chat_prefix_join"),
(server) ? weechat_color ("chat_server") : "",
(server) ? " " : "",
(server) ? server->name : "");
new_raw_message = irc_raw_message_add_to_list (time (NULL),
(buf2) ? buf2 : ((buf) ? buf : message));
if (buf)
free (buf);
if (buf2)
free (buf2);
return new_raw_message;
* Prints a message on IRC raw buffer.
@ -334,6 +540,7 @@ irc_raw_print (struct t_irc_server *server, int flags,
const char *message)
struct t_irc_raw_message *new_raw_message;
time_t now;
if (!message)
@ -342,7 +549,10 @@ irc_raw_print (struct t_irc_server *server, int flags,
if (!irc_raw_buffer && (weechat_irc_plugin->debug >= 1))
irc_raw_open (0);
new_raw_message = irc_raw_message_add (server, flags, message);
now = time (NULL);
new_raw_message = irc_raw_message_add_to_list (now, server, flags,
if (new_raw_message)
if (irc_raw_buffer)
@ -353,9 +563,11 @@ irc_raw_print (struct t_irc_server *server, int flags,
if (weechat_irc_plugin->debug >= 2)
new_raw_message = irc_raw_message_add (server,
new_raw_message = irc_raw_message_add_to_list (
if (new_raw_message)
if (irc_raw_buffer)
@ -389,10 +601,52 @@ irc_raw_add_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist,
if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_time (ptr_item, "date", raw_message->date))
return 0;
if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "prefix", raw_message->prefix))
if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "server", raw_message->server->name))
return 0;
if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "flags", raw_message->flags))
return 0;
if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "message", raw_message->message))
return 0;
return 1;
* Initializes irc raw.
irc_raw_init ()
irc_raw_filter_hashtable_options = weechat_hashtable_new (
if (irc_raw_filter_hashtable_options)
weechat_hashtable_set (irc_raw_filter_hashtable_options,
"type", "condition");
* Ends irc raw.
irc_raw_end ()
irc_raw_message_free_all ();
if (irc_raw_filter)
free (irc_raw_filter);
irc_raw_filter = NULL;
if (irc_raw_filter_hashtable_options)
weechat_hashtable_free (irc_raw_filter_hashtable_options);
irc_raw_filter_hashtable_options = NULL;

View File

@ -36,10 +36,13 @@
#define IRC_RAW_FLAG_REDIRECT (1 << 3)
#define IRC_RAW_FLAG_BINARY (1 << 4)
struct t_irc_server;
struct t_irc_raw_message
time_t date; /* date/time of message */
char *prefix; /* prefix */
struct t_irc_server *server; /* server */
int flags; /* flags */
char *message; /* message */
struct t_irc_raw_message *prev_message; /* pointer to previous message */
struct t_irc_raw_message *next_message; /* pointer to next message */
@ -51,14 +54,19 @@ extern struct t_gui_buffer *irc_raw_buffer;
extern int irc_raw_messages_count;
extern struct t_irc_raw_message *irc_raw_messages, *last_irc_raw_message;
extern void irc_raw_refresh (int clear);
extern void irc_raw_open (int switch_to_buffer);
extern void irc_raw_set_filter (const char *filter);
extern void irc_raw_filter_options (const char *filter);
extern struct t_irc_raw_message *irc_raw_message_add_to_list (time_t date,
const char *prefix,
struct t_irc_server *server,
int flags,
const char *message);
extern void irc_raw_print (struct t_irc_server *server, int flags,
const char *message);
extern void irc_raw_message_free_all ();
extern int irc_raw_add_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist,
struct t_irc_raw_message *raw_message);
extern void irc_raw_init ();
extern void irc_raw_end ();

View File

@ -345,6 +345,7 @@ irc_upgrade_read_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
char *buf, option_name[64], **nicks, *nick_join, *pos, *error;
char **items;
const char *buffer_name, *str, *nick;
struct t_irc_server *ptr_server;
struct t_irc_nick *ptr_nick;
struct t_irc_redirect *ptr_redirect;
struct t_irc_notify *ptr_notify;
@ -859,9 +860,20 @@ irc_upgrade_read_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
irc_raw_message_add_to_list (weechat_infolist_time (infolist, "date"),
weechat_infolist_string (infolist, "prefix"),
weechat_infolist_string (infolist, "message"));
/* "server" and "flags" are new in WeeChat 2.7 */
str = weechat_infolist_string (infolist, "server");
if (str && str[0])
ptr_server = irc_server_search (str);
if (ptr_server)
irc_raw_message_add_to_list (
weechat_infolist_time (infolist, "date"),
weechat_infolist_integer (infolist, "flags"),
weechat_infolist_string (infolist, "message"));

View File

@ -173,6 +173,8 @@ weechat_plugin_init (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin, int argc, char *argv[])
irc_config_read ();
irc_raw_init ();
irc_command_init ();
irc_info_init ();
@ -287,7 +289,7 @@ weechat_plugin_end (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
irc_ignore_free_all ();
irc_raw_message_free_all ();
irc_raw_end ();
irc_server_free_all ();