core: add bar items with nicklist groups and nicks/groups (closes #1506)
The bar item "buffer_nicklist_count" is now the number of displayed nicks only (not groups). New bar items: - "buffer_nicklist_count_groups": number of groups displayed - "buffer_nicklist_count_all": number of nicks and groups displayed
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@[release notes]
New features::
* core: count only visible nicks in bar item "buffer_nicklist_count", add bar items "buffer_nicklist_count_groups" and "buffer_nicklist_count_all" (issue #1506)
* core: set default size for input bar to 0 (automatic) (issue #1498)
* core: add default key kbd:[Alt+Enter] to insert a newline (issue #1498)
* core: add flag "input_multiline" in buffer (issue #984, issue #1063)
@ -577,9 +577,11 @@ _nicklist_root_ (pointer, hdata: "nick_group") +
_nicklist_max_length_ (integer) +
_nicklist_display_groups_ (integer) +
_nicklist_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nickcmp_callback_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_pointer_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_data_ (pointer) +
@ -686,7 +686,8 @@ Die _status_-Bar besitzt als Standardeinträge:
| buffer_number | `2` | Aktuelle Nummer des Buffers.
| buffer_name | `#test` | Name des aktuellen Buffers.
| buffer_modes | `+n` | IRC Channel-Modi.
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Anzahl der Nicks in Benutzerliste.
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Number of nicks displayed in nicklist.
| buffer_zoom | ! | `!` bedeutet, dass ein zusammengefügter Buffer gezoomed (nur dieser Buffer wird angezeigt) wird.
| buffer_filter | `+*+` | Filteranzeige: `+*+` bedeutet das Zeilen gefiltert (unterdrückt) wurden. Ein leerer Eintrag zeigt an dass alle Zeilen dargestellt werden.
| scroll | `-MORE(50)-` | Scroll Indikator, zeigt an wie viele Zeilen unterhalb der zur Zeit dargestellten Zeile vorhanden sind.
@ -577,9 +577,11 @@ _nicklist_root_ (pointer, hdata: "nick_group") +
_nicklist_max_length_ (integer) +
_nicklist_display_groups_ (integer) +
_nicklist_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nickcmp_callback_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_pointer_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_data_ (pointer) +
@ -12775,9 +12775,11 @@ Arguments:
** _nicklist_max_length_: max length for a nick
** _nicklist_display_groups_: 1 if groups are displayed, otherwise 0
** _nicklist_count_: number of nicks and groups in nicklist
** _nicklist_groups_count_: number of groups in nicklist
** _nicklist_nicks_count_: number of nicks in nicklist
** _nicklist_visible_count_: number of nicks/groups displayed
** _nicklist_groups_count_: number of groups in nicklist
** _nicklist_visible_groups_count_: number of groups displayed
** _nicklist_nicks_count_: number of nicks in nicklist
** _nicklist_visible_nicks_count_: number of nicks displayed
** _input_: 1 if input is enabled, otherwise 0
** _input_get_unknown_commands_: 1 if unknown commands are sent to input
callback, otherwise 0
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ Bar _status_ has following default items:
| buffer_number | `2` | Current buffer number.
| buffer_name | `#test` | Current buffer name.
| buffer_modes | `+n` | IRC channel modes.
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Number of nicks in nicklist.
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Number of nicks displayed in nicklist.
| buffer_zoom | ! | `!` means the merged buffer is zoomed (only this one is displayed), empty value means all merged buffers are displayed.
| buffer_filter | `+*+` | Filtering indicator: `+*+` means some lines are filtered (hidden), empty value means all lines are displayed.
| scroll | `-MORE(50)-` | Scroll indicator, with number of lines below last line displayed.
@ -577,9 +577,11 @@ _nicklist_root_ (pointer, hdata: "nick_group") +
_nicklist_max_length_ (integer) +
_nicklist_display_groups_ (integer) +
_nicklist_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nickcmp_callback_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_pointer_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_data_ (pointer) +
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ La barre _status_ contient les objets (items) suivants par défaut :
| buffer_number | `2` | Numéro du tampon courant.
| buffer_name | `#test` | Nom du tampon courant.
| buffer_modes | `+n` | Modes du canal IRC.
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Nombre de pseudos dans la liste des pseudos.
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Nombre de pseudos affichés dans la liste des pseudos.
| buffer_zoom | ! | `!` signifie que le tampon mélangé est zoomé, une valeur vide signifie que tous les tampons mélangés sont affichés.
| buffer_filter | `+*+` | Indicateur de filtrage : `+*+` signifie que des lignes sont filtrées (cachées), une valeur vide signifie que toutes les lignes sont affichées.
| scroll | `-PLUS(50)-` | Indicateur de scroll, avec le nombre de lignes sous la dernière ligne affichée.
@ -577,9 +577,11 @@ _nicklist_root_ (pointer, hdata: "nick_group") +
_nicklist_max_length_ (integer) +
_nicklist_display_groups_ (integer) +
_nicklist_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nickcmp_callback_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_pointer_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_data_ (pointer) +
@ -736,7 +736,8 @@ La barra _status_ ha i seguenti elementi predefiniti:
| buffer_number | `2` | Numero del buffer corrente.
| buffer_name | `#test` | Nome del buffer attivo.
| buffer_modes | `+n` | Modalità canale IRC.
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Numero di nick nella lista nick.
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Number of nicks displayed in nicklist.
| buffer_zoom | ! | `!` means the merged buffer is zoomed (only this one is displayed), empty value means all merged buffers are displayed.
| buffer_filter | `+*+` | Indicatore filtraggio: `+*+` significa che alcune righe sono filtrate (nascoste), valori vuoti indicano che tutte le righe sono visualizzate.
@ -577,9 +577,11 @@ _nicklist_root_ (pointer, hdata: "nick_group") +
_nicklist_max_length_ (integer) +
_nicklist_display_groups_ (integer) +
_nicklist_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nickcmp_callback_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_pointer_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_data_ (pointer) +
@ -689,7 +689,8 @@ WeeChat を起動した端末の例:
| buffer_number | `2` | 現在のバッファの番号
| buffer_name | `#test` | 現在のバッファの名前
| buffer_modes | `+n` | IRC チャンネルモード
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | ニックネームリスト中のニックネームの数
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Number of nicks displayed in nicklist.
| buffer_zoom | ! | `!` はマージされたバッファがズームされている状態 (ズームされたものだけを表示する状態) を示します、空の場合はすべてのマージされたバッファが表示されていることを示します
| buffer_filter | `+*+` | フィルタ表示: `+*+` の場合いくつかの行がフィルタされ (隠され) ます、空の場合すべての行が表示されます。
| scroll | `-MORE(50)-` | スクロール表示、最後の行が表示されてから追加された行数を含む。
@ -577,9 +577,11 @@ _nicklist_root_ (pointer, hdata: "nick_group") +
_nicklist_max_length_ (integer) +
_nicklist_display_groups_ (integer) +
_nicklist_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_groups_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_count_ (integer) +
_nicklist_nicks_visible_count_ (integer) +
_nickcmp_callback_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_pointer_ (pointer) +
_nickcmp_callback_data_ (pointer) +
@ -686,7 +686,8 @@ Pasek _status_ posiada następujące domyślne elementy:
| buffer_number | `2` | Numer obecnego buforu.
| buffer_name | `#test` | Nazwa obecnego buforu.
| buffer_modes | `+n` | Tryby kanału IRC.
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Ilość nicków na liście nicków.
| buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Number of nicks displayed in nicklist.
| buffer_zoom | ! | `!` oznacza, że połączony bufor jest przybliżony (tylko ten jest wyświetlany), pusta wartość oznacza, że wszystkie połączone bufory są wyświetlane.
| buffer_filter | `+*+` | Wskaźnik filtrowania: `+*+` oznacza, że niektóre linie zostały odfiltrowywane (ukryte), pusta wartość oznacza, że wszystkie linie są wyświetlane.
| scroll | `-Więcej(50)-` | Wskaźnik przewijania, z numerem linii poniżej ostatniej wyświetlanej.
@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ char *gui_bar_item_names[GUI_BAR_NUM_ITEMS] =
{ "input_paste", "input_prompt", "input_search", "input_text", "time",
"buffer_count", "buffer_last_number", "buffer_plugin", "buffer_number",
"buffer_name", "buffer_short_name", "buffer_modes", "buffer_filter",
"buffer_zoom", "buffer_nicklist_count", "scroll", "hotlist", "completion",
"buffer_zoom", "buffer_nicklist_count", "buffer_nicklist_count_groups",
"buffer_nicklist_count_all", "scroll", "hotlist", "completion",
"buffer_title", "buffer_nicklist", "window_number", "mouse_status", "away"
char *gui_bar_items_default_for_bars[][2] =
@ -1246,7 +1247,7 @@ gui_bar_item_buffer_filter_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
* Bar item with number of nicks in buffer nicklist.
* Bar item with number of visible nicks in buffer nicklist.
char *
@ -1265,6 +1266,68 @@ gui_bar_item_buffer_nicklist_count_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
(void) window;
(void) extra_info;
if (!buffer || !buffer->nicklist)
return NULL;
snprintf (str_count, sizeof (str_count),
gui_color_get_custom (gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(config_color_status_nicklist_count))),
return strdup (str_count);
* Bar item with number of visible groups in buffer nicklist.
char *
gui_bar_item_buffer_nicklist_count_groups_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_bar_item *item,
struct t_gui_window *window,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_hashtable *extra_info)
char str_count[64];
/* make C compiler happy */
(void) pointer;
(void) data;
(void) item;
(void) window;
(void) extra_info;
if (!buffer || !buffer->nicklist)
return NULL;
snprintf (str_count, sizeof (str_count),
gui_color_get_custom (gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(config_color_status_nicklist_count))),
return strdup (str_count);
* Bar item with number of visible groups and nicks in buffer nicklist.
char *
gui_bar_item_buffer_nicklist_count_all_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_bar_item *item,
struct t_gui_window *window,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_hashtable *extra_info)
char str_count[64];
/* make C compiler happy */
(void) pointer;
(void) data;
(void) item;
(void) window;
(void) extra_info;
if (!buffer || !buffer->nicklist)
return NULL;
@ -2258,7 +2321,7 @@ gui_bar_item_init ()
gui_bar_item_hook_signal ("buffer_switch",
/* buffer nicklist count */
/* buffer nicklist count: nicks displayed */
gui_bar_item_new (NULL,
&gui_bar_item_buffer_nicklist_count_cb, NULL, NULL);
@ -2269,6 +2332,28 @@ gui_bar_item_init ()
gui_bar_item_hook_signal ("nicklist_*",
/* buffer nicklist count: groups displayed */
gui_bar_item_new (NULL,
&gui_bar_item_buffer_nicklist_count_groups_cb, NULL, NULL);
gui_bar_item_hook_signal ("window_switch",
gui_bar_item_hook_signal ("buffer_switch",
gui_bar_item_hook_signal ("nicklist_*",
/* buffer nicklist count: groups + nicks displayed */
gui_bar_item_new (NULL,
&gui_bar_item_buffer_nicklist_count_all_cb, NULL, NULL);
gui_bar_item_hook_signal ("window_switch",
gui_bar_item_hook_signal ("buffer_switch",
gui_bar_item_hook_signal ("nicklist_*",
/* scroll indicator */
gui_bar_item_new (NULL,
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ enum t_gui_bar_item_weechat
@ -91,8 +91,10 @@ char *gui_buffer_properties_get_integer[] =
"day_change", "clear", "filter", "closing", "lines_hidden",
"prefix_max_length", "time_for_each_line", "nicklist",
"nicklist_case_sensitive", "nicklist_max_length", "nicklist_display_groups",
"nicklist_count", "nicklist_groups_count", "nicklist_nicks_count",
"nicklist_visible_count", "input", "input_get_unknown_commands",
"nicklist_count", "nicklist_visible_count",
"nicklist_groups_count", "nicklist_groups_visible_count",
"nicklist_nicks_count", "nicklist_nicks_visible_count",
"input", "input_get_unknown_commands",
"input_get_empty", "input_multiline", "input_size", "input_length",
"input_pos", "input_1st_display", "num_history", "text_search",
"text_search_exact", "text_search_regex", "text_search_where",
@ -728,9 +730,11 @@ gui_buffer_new (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
new_buffer->nicklist_max_length = 0;
new_buffer->nicklist_display_groups = 1;
new_buffer->nicklist_count = 0;
new_buffer->nicklist_groups_count = 0;
new_buffer->nicklist_nicks_count = 0;
new_buffer->nicklist_visible_count = 0;
new_buffer->nicklist_groups_count = 0;
new_buffer->nicklist_groups_visible_count = 0;
new_buffer->nicklist_nicks_count = 0;
new_buffer->nicklist_nicks_visible_count = 0;
new_buffer->nickcmp_callback = NULL;
new_buffer->nickcmp_callback_pointer = NULL;
new_buffer->nickcmp_callback_data = NULL;
@ -1164,12 +1168,16 @@ gui_buffer_get_integer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *property)
return buffer->nicklist_display_groups;
else if (string_strcasecmp (property, "nicklist_count") == 0)
return buffer->nicklist_count;
else if (string_strcasecmp (property, "nicklist_groups_count") == 0)
return buffer->nicklist_groups_count;
else if (string_strcasecmp (property, "nicklist_nicks_count") == 0)
return buffer->nicklist_nicks_count;
else if (string_strcasecmp (property, "nicklist_visible_count") == 0)
return buffer->nicklist_visible_count;
else if (string_strcasecmp (property, "nicklist_groups_count") == 0)
return buffer->nicklist_groups_count;
else if (string_strcasecmp (property, "nicklist_groups_visible_count") == 0)
return buffer->nicklist_groups_visible_count;
else if (string_strcasecmp (property, "nicklist_nicks_count") == 0)
return buffer->nicklist_nicks_count;
else if (string_strcasecmp (property, "nicklist_nicks_visible_count") == 0)
return buffer->nicklist_nicks_visible_count;
else if (string_strcasecmp (property, "input") == 0)
return buffer->input;
else if (string_strcasecmp (property, "input_get_unknown_commands") == 0)
@ -1478,6 +1486,8 @@ gui_buffer_set_nicklist_display_groups (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
buffer->nicklist_display_groups = (display_groups) ? 1 : 0;
buffer->nicklist_visible_count = 0;
buffer->nicklist_groups_visible_count = 0;
buffer->nicklist_nicks_visible_count = 0;
gui_nicklist_compute_visible_count (buffer, buffer->nicklist_root);
gui_window_ask_refresh (1);
@ -4308,9 +4318,11 @@ gui_buffer_hdata_buffer_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nicklist_max_length, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nicklist_display_groups, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nicklist_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nicklist_groups_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nicklist_nicks_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nicklist_visible_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nicklist_groups_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nicklist_groups_visible_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nicklist_nicks_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nicklist_nicks_visible_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nickcmp_callback, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nickcmp_callback_pointer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_buffer, nickcmp_callback_data, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -4507,11 +4519,15 @@ gui_buffer_add_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist,
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "nicklist_count", buffer->nicklist_count))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "nicklist_visible_count", buffer->nicklist_visible_count))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "nicklist_groups_count", buffer->nicklist_groups_count))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "nicklist_groups_visible_count", buffer->nicklist_groups_visible_count))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "nicklist_nicks_count", buffer->nicklist_nicks_count))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "nicklist_visible_count", buffer->nicklist_visible_count))
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "nicklist_nicks_visible_count", buffer->nicklist_nicks_visible_count))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "title", buffer->title))
return 0;
@ -4726,9 +4742,11 @@ gui_buffer_print_log ()
log_printf (" nicklist_max_length . . : %d", ptr_buffer->nicklist_max_length);
log_printf (" nicklist_display_groups : %d", ptr_buffer->nicklist_display_groups);
log_printf (" nicklist_count. . . . . : %d", ptr_buffer->nicklist_count);
log_printf (" nicklist_groups_count . : %d", ptr_buffer->nicklist_groups_count);
log_printf (" nicklist_nicks_count. . : %d", ptr_buffer->nicklist_nicks_count);
log_printf (" nicklist_visible_count. : %d", ptr_buffer->nicklist_visible_count);
log_printf (" nicklist_groups_count . : %d", ptr_buffer->nicklist_groups_count);
log_printf (" nicklist_groups_vis_cnt : %d", ptr_buffer->nicklist_groups_visible_count);
log_printf (" nicklist_nicks_count. . : %d", ptr_buffer->nicklist_nicks_count);
log_printf (" nicklist_nicks_vis_cnt. : %d", ptr_buffer->nicklist_nicks_visible_count);
log_printf (" nickcmp_callback. . . . : 0x%lx", ptr_buffer->nickcmp_callback);
log_printf (" nickcmp_callback_pointer: 0x%lx", ptr_buffer->nickcmp_callback_pointer);
log_printf (" nickcmp_callback_data . : 0x%lx", ptr_buffer->nickcmp_callback_data);
@ -133,9 +133,11 @@ struct t_gui_buffer
int nicklist_max_length; /* max length for a nick */
int nicklist_display_groups; /* display groups ? */
int nicklist_count; /* number of nicks/groups */
int nicklist_visible_count; /* number of nicks/groups displayed */
int nicklist_groups_count; /* number of groups */
int nicklist_groups_visible_count; /* number of groups displayed */
int nicklist_nicks_count; /* number of nicks */
int nicklist_visible_count; /* number of nicks/groups to display */
int nicklist_nicks_visible_count; /* number of nicks displayed */
int (*nickcmp_callback)(const void *pointer, /* called to compare nicks */
void *data, /* (search in nicklist) */
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
@ -294,7 +294,10 @@ gui_nicklist_add_group (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
if (buffer->nicklist_display_groups && visible)
gui_nicklist_send_signal ("nicklist_group_added", buffer, name);
gui_nicklist_send_hsignal ("nicklist_group_added", buffer, new_group, NULL);
@ -455,7 +458,10 @@ gui_nicklist_add_nick (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
if (visible)
if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_color_nick_offline))
gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (buffer, 1);
@ -511,6 +517,8 @@ gui_nicklist_remove_nick (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
if (buffer->nicklist_visible_count > 0)
if (buffer->nicklist_nicks_visible_count > 0)
free (nick);
@ -580,11 +588,12 @@ gui_nicklist_remove_group (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
if (group->color)
string_shared_free (group->color);
if (group->visible)
if (buffer->nicklist_display_groups && group->visible)
if (buffer->nicklist_display_groups
&& (buffer->nicklist_visible_count > 0))
if (buffer->nicklist_visible_count > 0)
if (buffer->nicklist_groups_visible_count > 0)
free (group);
@ -795,12 +804,19 @@ gui_nicklist_compute_visible_count (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
/* count current group */
if (buffer->nicklist_display_groups && group->visible)
/* count nicks in group */
for (ptr_nick = group->nicks; ptr_nick; ptr_nick = ptr_nick->next_nick)
if (ptr_nick->visible)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user