api: add function crypto_hash_pbkdf2

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2020-03-01 22:27:56 +01:00
parent 9a6a27ef58
commit 3157d1f06e
12 changed files with 293 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ New features::
* core: add variable "old_full_name" in buffer, set during buffer renaming (issue #1428)
* core: add debug option "-d" in command /eval (issue #1434)
* api: add function crypto_hash
* api: add functions crypto_hash and crypto_hash_pbkdf2
* api: add info "weechat_headless" (issue #1433)
* buflist: add pointer "window" in bar item evaluation
* relay: reject client with weechat protocol if password or totp is received in init command but not set in WeeChat (issue #1435)

View File

@ -3355,6 +3355,7 @@ Arguments:
* _hash_size_: pointer to a variable used to store the size of the hash computed
(in bytes) (can be NULL)
Supported hash algorithms:
@ -3392,6 +3393,60 @@ rc = weechat_crypto_hash (data, strlen (data), "sha256", hash, &hash_size);
This function is not available in scripting API.
==== crypto_hash_pbkdf2
_WeeChat ≥ 2.8._
Compute PKCS#5 Passphrase Based Key Derivation Function number 2 (PBKDF2) hash
of data.
int weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size,
const char *hash_algo,
const void *salt, int salt_size,
int iterations,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
* _data_: the data to hash
* _data_size_: number of bytes to hash in _data_
* _hash_algo_: hash algorithm used by the key derivation function, see table
in function <<crypto_hash_algorithms,crypto_hash>>
* _salt_: the salt
* _salt_size_: number of bytes in _salt_
* _iterations_: number of iterations
* _hash_: pointer to the hash variable, which is used to store the resulting hash
(the buffer must be large enough, according to the algorithm, see table in
function <<crypto_hash_algorithms,crypto_hash>>)
* _hash_size_: pointer to a variable used to store the size of the hash computed
(in bytes) (can be NULL)
Return value:
* 1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
const char *data = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const char *salt = "12345678901234567890123456789012"; /* 32 bytes */
char hash[256 / 8];
int rc, hash_size;
rc = weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (data, strlen (data), "sha256", salt, strlen (salt), 100000,
hash, &hash_size);
/* rc == 1, hash_size == 32 and hash is a buffer with:
99 b3 5e 42 53 d1 a7 a8 49 c1 dc 2c e2 53 c2 b6 6d a1 8b dc 6e 78 a7 06 e0 ef 34 db 0a 7a a2 bb */
This function is not available in scripting API.
=== Directories

View File

@ -3415,6 +3415,7 @@ Paramètres :
* _hash_size_ : pointeur vers une variable utiliser pour stocker la longueur
du résultat du hachage (en octets) (peut être NULL)
Algorithmes de hachage supportés :
@ -3452,6 +3453,60 @@ rc = weechat_crypto_hash (data, strlen (data), "sha256", hash, &hash_size);
Cette fonction n'est pas disponible dans l'API script.
==== crypto_hash_pbkdf2
_WeeChat ≥ 2.8._
Calculer le hachage PBKDF2 (PKCS#5 Passphrase Based Key Derivation Function number 2)
des données.
Prototype :
int weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size,
const char *hash_algo,
const void *salt, int salt_size,
int iterations,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
Paramètres :
* _data_ : les données à hacher
* _data_size_ : nombre d'octets à hacher dans _data_
* _hash_algo_ : algorithme de hachage utilisé dans la fonction de dérivation
de clé, voir le tableau dans la fonction <<crypto_hash_algorithms,crypto_hash>>
* _salt_ : le sel
* _salt_size_ : nombre d'octets dans _salt_
* _iterations_ : nombre d'itérations
* _hash_ : pointeur vers la variable de hachage, qui est utilisée pour stocker
le résultat du hachage (le tampon doit être suffisamment grand, selon
l'algorithme, voir le tableau dans la fonction <<crypto_hash_algorithms,crypto_hash>>)
* _hash_size_ : pointeur vers une variable utiliser pour stocker la longueur
du résultat du hachage (en octets) (peut être NULL)
Valeur de retour :
* 1 si OK, 0 si erreur
Exemple en C :
const char *data = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const char *salt = "12345678901234567890123456789012"; /* 32 octets */
char hash[256 / 8];
int rc, hash_size;
rc = weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (data, strlen (data), "sha256", salt, strlen (salt), 100000,
hash, &hash_size);
/* rc == 1, hash_size == 32 et hash est un tampon avec :
99 b3 5e 42 53 d1 a7 a8 49 c1 dc 2c e2 53 c2 b6 6d a1 8b dc 6e 78 a7 06 e0 ef 34 db 0a 7a a2 bb */
Cette fonction n'est pas disponible dans l'API script.
=== Répertoires

View File

@ -3497,6 +3497,7 @@ Argomenti:
* _hash_size_: pointer to a variable used to store the length of the hash computed
(in bytes) (can be NULL)
Supported hash algorithms:
@ -3517,7 +3518,6 @@ Supported hash algorithms:
Valore restituito:
* 1 if OK, 0 if error
Esempio in C:
@ -3535,6 +3535,61 @@ rc = weechat_crypto_hash (data, strlen (data), "sha256", hash, &hash_size);
Questa funzione non è disponibile nelle API per lo scripting.
==== crypto_hash_pbkdf2
_WeeChat ≥ 2.8._
Compute PKCS#5 Passphrase Based Key Derivation Function number 2 (PBKDF2) hash
of data.
int weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size,
const char *hash_algo,
const void *salt, int salt_size,
int iterations,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
* _data_: the data to hash
* _data_size_: number of bytes to hash in _data_
* _hash_algo_: hash algorithm used by the key derivation function, see table
in function <<crypto_hash_algorithms,crypto_hash>>
* _salt_: the salt
* _salt_size_: number of bytes in _salt_
* _iterations_: number of iterations
* _hash_: pointer to the hash variable, which is used to store the resulting hash
(the buffer must be large enough, according to the algorithm, see table in
function <<crypto_hash_algorithms,crypto_hash>>)
* _hash_size_: pointer to a variable used to store the size of the hash computed
(in bytes) (can be NULL)
Valore restituito:
* 1 if OK, 0 if error
Esempio in C:
const char *data = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const char *salt = "12345678901234567890123456789012"; /* 32 bytes */
char hash[256 / 8];
int rc, hash_size;
rc = weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (data, strlen (data), "sha256", salt, strlen (salt), 100000,
hash, &hash_size);
/* rc == 1, hash_size == 32 and hash is a buffer with:
99 b3 5e 42 53 d1 a7 a8 49 c1 dc 2c e2 53 c2 b6 6d a1 8b dc 6e 78 a7 06 e0 ef 34 db 0a 7a a2 bb */
Questa funzione non è disponibile nelle API per lo scripting.
=== Cartelle

View File

@ -3374,6 +3374,7 @@ int weechat_crypto_hash (const void *data, int data_size, const char *hash_algo,
* _hash_size_: pointer to a variable used to store the length of the hash computed
(in bytes) (can be NULL)
Supported hash algorithms:
@ -3411,6 +3412,60 @@ rc = weechat_crypto_hash (data, strlen (data), "sha256", hash, &hash_size);
スクリプト API ではこの関数を利用できません。
==== crypto_hash_pbkdf2
_WeeChat バージョン 2.8 以上で利用可。_
Compute PKCS#5 Passphrase Based Key Derivation Function number 2 (PBKDF2) hash
of data.
int weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size,
const char *hash_algo,
const void *salt, int salt_size,
int iterations,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
* _data_: the data to hash
* _data_size_: number of bytes to hash in _data_
* _hash_algo_: hash algorithm used by the key derivation function, see table
in function <<crypto_hash_algorithms,crypto_hash>>
* _salt_: the salt
* _salt_size_: number of bytes in _salt_
* _iterations_: number of iterations
* _hash_: pointer to the hash variable, which is used to store the resulting hash
(the buffer must be large enough, according to the algorithm, see table in
function <<crypto_hash_algorithms,crypto_hash>>)
* _hash_size_: pointer to a variable used to store the size of the hash computed
(in bytes) (can be NULL)
* 成功した場合は 1、失敗した場合は 0
C 言語での使用例:
const char *data = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const char *salt = "12345678901234567890123456789012"; /* 32 bytes */
char hash[256 / 8];
int rc, hash_size;
rc = weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (data, strlen (data), "sha256", salt, strlen (salt), 100000,
hash, &hash_size);
/* rc == 1, hash_size == 32 and hash is a buffer with:
99 b3 5e 42 53 d1 a7 a8 49 c1 dc 2c e2 53 c2 b6 6d a1 8b dc 6e 78 a7 06 e0 ef 34 db 0a 7a a2 bb */
スクリプト API ではこの関数を利用できません。
=== ディレクトリ

View File

@ -97,7 +97,9 @@ weecrypto_get_hash_algo (const char *hash_algo)
* If hash_size is not NULL, the length of hash is stored in *hash_size
* (in bytes).
* Returns 1 if OK, 0 if error.
* Returns:
* 1: OK
* 0: error
@ -167,11 +169,13 @@ hash_end:
* If hash_size is not NULL, the length of hash is stored in *hash_size
* (in bytes).
* Returns 1 if OK, 0 if error.
* Returns:
* 1: OK
* 0: error
weecrypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size, int hash_subalgo,
weecrypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size, int hash_algo,
const void *salt, int salt_size, int iterations,
void *hash, int *hash_size)
@ -191,8 +195,8 @@ weecrypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size, int hash_subalgo,
goto hash_pbkdf2_end;
algo_size = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (hash_subalgo);
if (gcry_kdf_derive (data, data_size, GCRY_KDF_PBKDF2, hash_subalgo,
algo_size = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (hash_algo);
if (gcry_kdf_derive (data, data_size, GCRY_KDF_PBKDF2, hash_algo,
salt, salt_size, iterations,
algo_size, hash) != 0)

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ extern int weecrypto_get_hash_algo (const char *hash_algo);
extern int weecrypto_hash (const void *data, int data_size, int hash_algo,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
extern int weecrypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size,
int hash_subalgo,
int hash_algo,
const void *salt, int salt_size,
int iterations,
void *hash, int *hash_size);

View File

@ -138,6 +138,10 @@ plugin_api_string_base_decode (int base, const char *from, char *to)
* Computes hash of data using the given algorithm.
* Returns:
* 1: OK
* 0: error
@ -162,6 +166,41 @@ plugin_api_crypto_hash (const void *data, int data_size, const char *hash_algo,
return weecrypto_hash (data, data_size, algo, hash, hash_size);
* Computes PKCS#5 Passphrase Based Key Derivation Function number 2 (PBKDF2)
* hash of data.
* Returns:
* 1: OK
* 0: error
plugin_api_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size,
const char *hash_algo,
const void *salt, int salt_size,
int iterations,
void *hash, int *hash_size)
int algo;
if (!hash)
return 0;
if (hash_size)
*hash_size = 0;
if (!data || (data_size < 1) || !hash_algo || !salt || (salt_size < 1))
return 0;
algo = weecrypto_get_hash_algo (hash_algo);
if (algo == GCRY_MD_NONE)
return 0;
return weecrypto_hash_pbkdf2 (data, data_size, algo, salt, salt_size,
iterations, hash, hash_size);
* Frees an option.

View File

@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ extern int plugin_api_string_base_decode (int base, const char *from,
extern int plugin_api_crypto_hash (const void *data, int data_size,
const char *hash_algo,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
extern int plugin_api_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size,
const char *hash_algo,
const void *salt, int salt_size,
int iterations,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
/* config */
extern void plugin_api_config_file_option_free (struct t_config_option *option);

View File

@ -650,6 +650,7 @@ plugin_load (const char *filename, int init_plugin, int argc, char **argv)
new_plugin->utf8_strndup = &utf8_strndup;
new_plugin->crypto_hash = &plugin_api_crypto_hash;
new_plugin->crypto_hash_pbkdf2 = &plugin_api_crypto_hash_pbkdf2;
new_plugin->mkdir_home = &util_mkdir_home;
new_plugin->mkdir = &util_mkdir;

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ struct timeval;
* please change the date with current one; for a second change at same
* date, increment the 01, otherwise please keep 01.
#define WEECHAT_PLUGIN_API_VERSION "20200301-02"
#define WEECHAT_PLUGIN_API_VERSION "20200301-03"
/* macros for defining plugin infos */
#define WEECHAT_PLUGIN_NAME(__name) \
@ -375,6 +375,11 @@ struct t_weechat_plugin
/* crypto */
int (*crypto_hash) (const void *data, int data_size,
const char *hash_algo, void *hash, int *hash_size);
int (*crypto_hash_pbkdf2) (const void *data, int data_size,
const char *hash_algo,
const void *salt, int salt_size,
int iterations,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
/* directories/files */
int (*mkdir_home) (const char *directory, int mode);
@ -1316,6 +1321,14 @@ extern int weechat_plugin_end (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin);
__hash, __hash_size) \
(weechat_plugin->crypto_hash)(__data, __data_size, __hash_algo, \
__hash, __hash_size)
#define weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2(__data, __data_size, __hash_algo, \
__salt, __salt_size, __iterations, \
__hash, __hash_size) \
(weechat_plugin->crypto_hash_pbkdf2)(__data, __data_size, \
__hash_algo, \
__salt, __salt_size, \
__iterations, \
__hash, __hash_size)
/* directories */
#define weechat_mkdir_home(__directory, __mode) \

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ extern "C"
#define WEE_CHECK_HASH_PBKDF2(__result_code, __result_hash, \
__data, __data_size, \
__hash_subalgo, __salt, __salt_size, \
__hash_algo, __salt, __salt_size, \
__iterations) \
if (__result_hash) \
{ \
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ extern "C"
hash_size = -1; \
LONGS_EQUAL(__result_code, \
weecrypto_hash_pbkdf2 (__data, __data_size, \
__hash_subalgo, \
__hash_algo, \
__salt, __salt_size, \
__iterations, \
hash, &hash_size)); \