api: add function hook_line

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2018-08-12 21:45:00 +02:00
parent 12a6f74ec0
commit 42be1a74a0
47 changed files with 3836 additions and 1226 deletions

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ https://weechat.org/files/releasenotes/ReleaseNotes-devel.html[release notes]
New features::
* core: allow partial buffer name in command /buffer close (issue #1226)
* api: add function hook_line
Bug fixes::

View File

@ -530,6 +530,7 @@ Liste der Skript API Funktionen:
hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable +
hook_connect +
hook_line +
hook_print +
hook_signal +
hook_signal_send +

View File

@ -3619,8 +3619,8 @@ Ein Trigger hat folgende Optionen (Benennung ist
| enabled | `on`, `off` |
Wenn die Option auf `off` gesetzt ist, dann ist der Trigger deaktiviert und die Ausführung ist gestoppt.
| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
`timer`, `config`, `focus` |
| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `line`, `print`, `command`,
`command_run`, `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
Der hook welcher durch Trigger genutzt werden soll. Für weitere Informationen siehe
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#hooks[Anleitung für API Erweiterung / Hooks] (Englisch).
@ -3710,6 +3710,18 @@ ein Semikolon getrennt.
`+5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add+` |
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_modifier[hook_modifier] (Englisch)
| line |
1. buffer type +
2. buffer name +
3. tags |
`+formatted+` +
`+free+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.*+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.#weechat+` +
`+formatted;irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice+` |
| print |
1. Buffername +
2. Tags +
@ -3795,6 +3807,7 @@ welche abhängig von dem genutzten Hook ist:
| signal | tg_signal_data
| hsignal |
| modifier | tg_string
| line | message
| print | tg_message
| command | tg_argv_eol1
| command_run | tg_command
@ -3962,6 +3975,46 @@ vorhanden sind (siehe <<trigger_data_print,hook print>> weiter unten), und nachf
Sollte das Signal eine IRC Nachricht beinhalten, wird die Nachricht analysiert
und die Daten in einer Hashtable gesichert (siehe <<trigger_data_signal,hook signal>>).
===== Line
Der Callback von "line" legt folgende Variablen in der Hashtable an:
| Variable | Typ | Beschreibung
| buffer | pointer | Buffer.
| buffer_name | string | Buffer name.
| buffer_type | string | Buffer type ("formatted" or "free").
| y | string | Line number for a buffer with free content (≥ 0), -1 for a buffer with formatted content.
| date | string | Line date (timestamp).
| date_printed | string | Date when line was displayed (timestamp).
| str_time | string | Date for display. It may contain color codes.
| displayed | string | "1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered.
| notify_level | string | "0" = low level, "1" = message, "2" = private message, "3" = highlight
| highlight | string | "1" if highlight, otherwise "0".
| prefix | string | Prefix.
| message | string | Message.
Variables set using tags in message (they are also set in _print_ callback and
modifier _weechat_print_):
| Variable | Typ | Beschreibung
| tg_tags | string | Tags einer Nachricht (Komma wird automatisch zu Beginn und Ende den Tags hinzugefügt).
| tg_tags_count | string | Anzahl an Tags der Nachricht.
| tg_tag_nick | string | Nick (extrahiert aus Tag "nick_xxx").
| tg_tag_prefix_nick | string | Nickfarbe für Präfix (extrahier aus Tag "prefix_nick_ccc").
| tg_tag_host | string | Username und Host, Format: username@host (extrahiert aus Tag "host_xxx").
| tg_tag_notify | string | Benachrichtigungsstufe (_none_, _message_, _private_, _highlight_).
| tg_notify | string | Benachrichtigungsstufe, falls von _none_ abweichend.
| tg_msg_pv | string | "1" für eine private Nachricht, andernfalls "0".
===== Print
@ -3980,8 +4033,9 @@ Der Callback von "print" legt folgende Variablen in der Hashtable an:
| tg_message_nocolor | string | Nachricht ohne Farbcodes.
Variablen welche gesetzt werden, aufgrund der Nutzung von Tags in einer Nachricht
(_weechat_print_ nutzt ebenso diese Tag-Variablen):
Variables set using tags in message (they are also set in _line_ callback and
modifier _weechat_print_):

View File

@ -9110,6 +9110,271 @@ hook = weechat.hook_connect("", "my.server.org", 1234, 1, 0, "",
"my_connect_cb", "")
==== hook_line
_WeeChat ≥ 2.3._
Hook a line printed in a buffer.
When a line is printed in a buffer, hooks are called in this order:
* <<_hook_line,hook line>> (this hook)
* <<_hook_modifier,hook modifier>>: <<hook_modifier_weechat_print,weechat_print>>
* <<_hook_print,hook print>>
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_line (const char *buffer_type,
const char *buffer_name,
const char *tags,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
* _buffer_type_: catch lines on the given buffer type (if NULL or empty string,
_formatted_ is the default):
** _formatted_: catch lines on formatted buffers only (default)
** _free_: catch lines on buffers with free content only
** _*_: catch lines on all buffer types
* _buffer_name_: comma-separated list of buffer masks
(see <<_buffer_match_list,buffer_match_list>>); NULL, empty string or "*"
matches any buffer
* _tags_: catch only messages with these tags (optional): comma-separated list
of tags that must be in message (logical "or"); it is possible to combine
many tags as a logical "and" with separator `+++`; wildcard `+*+` is allowed
in tags
* _callback_: function called when a line is added in a buffer, arguments and
return value:
** _const void *pointer_: pointer
** _void *data_: pointer
** _struct t_hashtable *line_: hashtable with the line info, keys and values are
strings (see table below)
** return value: hashtable with new values (see table below)
* _callback_pointer_: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
* _callback_data_: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat;
if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function)
and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
* pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
Line data sent to the callback is a hashtable, with following values
(keys and values are strings):
| Key | Value (formatted buffer) | Value (free buffer) | Examples
| buffer |
Buffer pointer. |
Buffer pointer. |
| buffer_name |
Buffer name. |
Buffer name. |
`+core.weechat+` +
`+irc.server.freenode+` +
| buffer_type |
"formatted" |
"free" |
`+formatted+` +
| y |
N/A ("-1"). |
Line number (≥ "0"). |
`+-1+` +
| date |
Line date (timestamp). |
N/A ("0"). |
| date_printed |
Date when line was displayed (timestamp). |
N/A ("0"). |
| str_time |
Date for display (possible color codes inside). |
N/A (empty string). |
| tags_count |
Number of tags in the line (≥ "0"). |
N/A ("0"). |
| tags |
Comma-separated list of tags. |
N/A (empty string). |
| displayed |
"0" = line is filtered (hidden) +
"1" = line is not filtered (displayed). |
"0" = line is filtered (hidden) +
"1" = line is not filtered (displayed). |
`+0+` +
| notify_level |
"0" = low level +
"1" = message +
"2" = private message +
"3" = highlight |
N/A ("0"). |
| highlight |
"0" = no highlight +
"1" = line has highlight. |
N/A ("0"). |
`+0+` +
| prefix |
Prefix of the line. |
N/A (empty string). |
| message |
Message of the line. |
Message of the line. |
`+test (~test@example.com) has joined #channel+`
The callback can return a hashtable with some fields to update the line.
Any invalid value in a field is silently ignored by WeeChat.
The following keys can be set in the hashtable (keys and values are strings
in this hashtable):
| Key | Allowed value (formatted buffer) | Allowed value (free buffer) | Result
| buffer |
Pointer of a buffer with formatted content. |
Pointer of a buffer with free content. |
The line is displayed on this buffer. +
If the value is empty, the line is deleted (anything else in the hashtable
is then ignored); the next hooks of type "line" are not called.
| buffer_name |
Name of a buffer with formatted content. |
Name of a buffer with free content. |
The line is displayed on this buffer. +
If `buffer` is also set, the value of `buffer_name` has higher priority and is used. +
If the value is empty, the line is deleted (anything else in the hashtable
is then ignored); the next hooks of type "line" are not called.
| y |
N/A. |
Integer (≥ "0"). |
The line number is set to this value.
| date |
Timestamp. |
N/A. |
The date is set to this value. +
The value of `str_time` is updated accordingly.
| date_printed |
Timestamp. |
N/A. |
The printed date is set to this timestamp (not displayed).
| str_time |
String. |
N/A. |
This string is used to display the date line. +
If `date` is also set, the value of `str_time` has higher priority and is used.
| tags |
String. |
N/A. |
The line tags are replaced with this comma-separated list of tags. +
The values of `notify_level` and `highlight` are updated accordingly.
| notify_level |
Integer ("0" to "3"). |
N/A. |
The notify level is set to this value. The hotlist will be updated
accordingly once the line is added in the buffer. +
The value of `highlight` is updated accordingly. +
If `tags` is also set, the value of `notify_level` has higher priority and is used.
| highlight |
Integer ("0" or "1"). |
N/A. |
"0" disables highlight on the line, "1" forces a highlight on the line. +
If `tags` or `notify_level` are set, the value of `highlight` has higher
priority and is used.
| prefix |
String. |
N/A. |
The line prefix is set to this value.
| message |
String. |
String. |
The line message is set to this value.
C example:
my_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_hasbtable *line)
struct t_hashtable *hashtable;
hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
/* force a highlight on the line */
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "highlight", "1");
return hashtable;
/* catch lines with tag "irc_join" */
struct t_hook *my_line_hook =
weechat_hook_line ("", "", "irc_join", &my_line_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
hook = weechat.hook_line(buffer_type, buffer_name, tags, callback, callback_data)
# example
def my_line_cb(data, line):
# force a highlight on the line
return {"highlight": "1"}
# catch lines with tag "irc_join"
hook = weechat.hook_line("", "", "irc_join", "my_line_cb", "")
==== hook_print
_Updated in 0.4.3, 1.0, 1.5._
@ -10668,107 +10933,107 @@ List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
| Modifier | Modifier data | String | Output
| charset_decode |
| [[hook_modifier_charset_decode]] charset_decode |
plugin.buffer_name |
Any string. |
String decoded from charset found for plugin/buffer to UTF-8.
| charset_encode |
| [[hook_modifier_charset_encode]] charset_encode |
plugin.buffer_name |
Any string. |
String encoded from UTF-8 to charset found for plugin/buffer.
| irc_color_decode |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_decode]] irc_color_decode |
"1" to keep colors, "0" to remove colors |
Any string. |
String with IRC colors converted to WeeChat colors (or IRC colors removed).
| irc_color_encode |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_encode]] irc_color_encode |
"1" to keep colors, "0" to remove colors |
Any string. |
String with IRC colors (or IRC colors removed).
| irc_color_decode_ansi +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_decode_ansi]] irc_color_decode_ansi +
_(WeeChat ≥ 1.0)_ |
"1" to keep colors, "0" to remove colors |
Any string. |
String with ANSI colors converted to IRC colors (or ANSI colors removed).
| irc_command_auth +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_command_auth]] irc_command_auth +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.4.1)_ |
Server name |
Authentication command (for example: `+/msg nickserv identify password+`). |
command with hidden password (for example: `+/msg nickserv identify ********+`).
| irc_message_auth +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_message_auth]] irc_message_auth +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.4.1)_ |
Server name |
Message displayed after `/msg` sent to nickserv. |
Message with hidden password.
| irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
Server name |
Content of message received from IRC server (before charset decoding). |
New content of message.
| irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.5)_ |
Server name |
Content of message received from IRC server (after charset decoding). |
New content of message.
| irc_out1_xxx ^(1)^ +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_out1_xxx]] irc_out1_xxx ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7)_ |
Server name |
Content of message about to be sent to IRC server before automatic split
(to fit in 512 bytes by default). |
New content of message.
| irc_out_xxx ^(1)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_out_xxx]] irc_out_xxx ^(1)^ |
Server name |
Content of message about to be sent to IRC server after automatic split
(to fit in 512 bytes by default). |
New content of message.
| color_decode_ansi +
| [[hook_modifier_color_decode_ansi]] color_decode_ansi +
_(WeeChat ≥ 1.0)_ |
"1" to keep colors, "0" to remove colors |
Any string. |
String with ANSI colors converted to WeeChat colors (or ANSI colors removed).
| bar_condition_yyy ^(2)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_bar_condition_yyy]] bar_condition_yyy ^(2)^ |
String with window pointer ("0x123..") |
Empty string. |
"1" to display bar, "0" to hide it.
| history_add +
| [[hook_modifier_history_add]] history_add +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.2)_ |
String with buffer pointer ("0x123..") |
Content of command line to add in command history (buffer and global). |
String added to command history.
| input_text_content |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_content]] input_text_content |
String with buffer pointer ("0x123..") |
Content of command line. |
New content of command line.
| input_text_display |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_display]] input_text_display |
String with buffer pointer ("0x123..") |
Content of command line, without cursor tag. |
New string, for display only (command line is not changed).
| input_text_display_with_cursor |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_display_with_cursor]] input_text_display_with_cursor |
String with buffer pointer ("0x123..") |
Content of command line, with cursor tag. |
New string, for display only (command line is not changed).
| input_text_for_buffer +
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_for_buffer]] input_text_for_buffer +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7)_ |
String with buffer pointer ("0x123..") |
Content of command line sent to buffer (text or command). |
New content of command line sent to buffer.
| weechat_print |
| [[hook_modifier_weechat_print]] weechat_print |
plugin + ";" + buffer_name + ";" + tags |
Message printed. |
New message printed.

View File

@ -517,6 +517,7 @@ List of functions in script API:
hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable +
hook_connect +
hook_line +
hook_print +
hook_signal +
hook_signal_send +

View File

@ -3539,8 +3539,8 @@ A trigger has the following options (names are
When option is `off`, the trigger is disabled and actions are not executed
any more.
| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
`timer`, `config`, `focus` |
| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `line`, `print`, `command`,
`command_run`, `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
The hook used in trigger. For more information, see
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#hooks[WeeChat plugin API reference / Hooks].
@ -3627,6 +3627,17 @@ The arguments depend on the hook used. They are separated by semicolons.
`+5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add+` |
| line |
1. buffer type +
2. buffer name +
3. tags |
`+formatted+` +
`+free+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.*+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.#weechat+` +
`+formatted;irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice+` |
| print |
1. buffer name +
2. tags +
@ -3710,6 +3721,7 @@ type:
| signal | tg_signal_data
| hsignal |
| modifier | tg_string
| line | message
| print | tg_message
| command | tg_argv_eol1
| command_run | tg_command
@ -3872,6 +3884,44 @@ For the _weechat_print_ modifier, variables using message tags are added (see
If the modifier contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and extra data is
added in hashtable (see <<trigger_data_signal,hook signal>>).
===== Line
The "line" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
| Variable | Type | Description
| buffer | pointer | Buffer.
| buffer_name | string | Buffer name.
| buffer_type | string | Buffer type ("formatted" or "free").
| y | string | Line number for a buffer with free content (≥ 0), -1 for a buffer with formatted content.
| date | string | Line date (timestamp).
| date_printed | string | Date when line was displayed (timestamp).
| str_time | string | Date for display. It may contain color codes.
| displayed | string | "1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered.
| notify_level | string | "0" = low level, "1" = message, "2" = private message, "3" = highlight
| highlight | string | "1" if highlight, otherwise "0".
| prefix | string | Prefix.
| message | string | Message.
Variables set using tags in message (they are also set in _print_ callback and
modifier _weechat_print_):
| Variable | Type | Description
| tg_tags | string | Tags of message (with comma added at beginning/end of string).
| tg_tags_count | string | Number of tags in message.
| tg_tag_nick | string | Nick (from tag "nick_xxx").
| tg_tag_prefix_nick | string | Color of nick in prefix (from tag "prefix_nick_ccc").
| tg_tag_host | string | User name and host, format: username@host (from tag "host_xxx").
| tg_tag_notify | string | Notify level (_none_, _message_, _private_, _highlight_).
| tg_notify | string | Notify level, if different from _none_.
| tg_msg_pv | string | "1" for a private message, otherwise "0".
===== Print
@ -3890,8 +3940,8 @@ The "print" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes.
Variables set using tags in message (they are set in modifier _weechat_print_
Variables set using tags in message (they are also set in _line_ callback and
modifier _weechat_print_):

View File

@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ Paramètres :
* _reference_char_ : le caractère utilisé pour les références aux
correspondances (en général `+$+`)
* _callback_ : une fonction de rappel optionnelle appelé pour chaque référence
dans _replace_ (sauf pour les correspondances remplacées par un caractère);
dans _replace_ (sauf pour les correspondances remplacées par un caractère) ;
la fonction de rappel doit retourner :
** une chaîne nouvellement allouée : elle est utilisée en texte de remplacement
(elle est libérée après utilisation)
@ -2035,7 +2035,7 @@ Paramètres :
* _expr_ : l'expression à évaluer (voir les <<eval_conditions,conditions>> et
* _pointers_ : table de hachage avec les pointeurs (les clés doivent être des
chaînes, les valeurs doivent être des pointeurs); les pointeurs "window" et
chaînes, les valeurs doivent être des pointeurs) ; les pointeurs "window" et
"buffer" sont automatiquement ajoutés s'ils ne sont pas dans la table de
hachage (avec le pointer vers fenêtre/tampon courants) (peut être NULL) :
** _regex_ : pointeur vers une expression régulière (structure _regex_t_)
@ -9286,6 +9286,282 @@ hook = weechat.hook_connect("", "my.server.org", 1234, 1, 0, "",
"my_connect_cb", "")
==== hook_line
_WeeChat ≥ 2.3._
Intercepter une ligne affichée dans un tampon.
Lorsqu'une ligne est affichée dans un tampon, les "hooks" suivants sont
appelés dans cet ordre :
* <<_hook_line,hook line>> (ce "hook")
* <<_hook_modifier,hook modifier>>: <<hook_modifier_weechat_print,weechat_print>>
* <<_hook_print,hook print>>
Prototype :
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_line (const char *buffer_type,
const char *buffer_name,
const char *tags,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
Paramètres :
* _buffer_type_ : intercepter les lignes affichées sur ce type de tampon
(si NULL ou chaîne vide, _formatted_ est utilisé par défaut) :
** _formatted_ : intercepter les lignes sur un tampon avec contenu formaté
seulement (par défaut)
** _free_ : intercepter les lignes sur un tampon avec contenu libre seulement
** _*_ : intercepter les lignes sur tous les types de tampons
* _buffer_name_ : liste de masques de tampons séparés par des virgules
(voir <<_buffer_match_list,buffer_match_list>>); NULL, chaîne vide ou "*"
correspondent à n'importe quel tampon
* _tags_ : intercepter seulement les messages avec ces étiquettes (optionnel) :
liste d'étiquettes (séparées par des virgules) qui doivent être dans le message
("ou" logique); il est possible de combiner plusieurs étiquettes sous forme
d'un "et" logique avec le séparateur `+++`; le caractère joker `+*+` est
autorisé dans les étiquettes
* _callback_ : fonction appelée lorsqu'une ligne est ajoutée dans un tampon,
paramètres et valeur de retour :
** _const void *pointer_ : pointeur
** _void *data_ : pointeur
** _struct t_hashtable *line_ : table de hachage avec les informations sur la ligne,
les clés et valeurs sont des chaînes (voir le tableau ci-dessous)
** valeur de retour : table de hachage avec les nouvelles valeurs
(voir le tableau ci-dessous)
* _callback_pointer_ : pointeur donné à la fonction de rappel lorsqu'elle est
appelée par WeeChat
* _callback_data_ : pointeur donné à la fonction de rappel lorsqu'elle est
appelée par WeeChat; si non NULL, doit avoir été alloué par malloc (ou une
fonction similaire) et est automatiquement libéré (par free) lorsque le
"hook" est supprimé
Valeur de retour :
* pointeur vers le nouveau "hook", NULL en cas d'erreur
Les données de la ligne envoyées à la fonction de rappel sont dans une table
de hachage, avec les valeurs suivantes (les clés et valeurs sont des chaînes) :
| Clé | Valeur (tampon formaté) | Valeur (tampon libre) | Exemples
| buffer |
Pointeur vers le tampon. |
Pointeur vers le tampon. |
| buffer_name |
Nom du tampon. |
Nom du tampon. |
`+core.weechat+` +
`+irc.server.freenode+` +
| buffer_type |
"formatted" |
"free" |
`+formatted+` +
| y |
N/A ("-1"). |
Numéro de ligne (≥ "0"). |
`+-1+` +
| date |
Date de la ligne (horodatage). |
N/A ("0"). |
| date_printed |
Date d'affichage de la ligne (horodatage). |
N/A ("0"). |
| str_time |
Date pour l'affichage (elle peut contenir des codes couleur). |
N/A (chaîne vide). |
| tags_count |
Nombre d'étiquettes dans la ligne (≥ "0"). |
N/A ("0"). |
| tags |
Liste des étiquettes séparées par des virgules. |
N/A (chaîne vide). |
| displayed |
"0" = la ligne est filtrée (cachée) +
"1" = la ligne n'est pas filtrée (affichée). |
"0" = la ligne est filtrée (cachée) +
"1" = la ligne n'est pas filtrée (affichée). |
`+0+` +
| notify_level |
"0" = niveau bas +
"1" = message +
"2" = message privé +
"3" = highlight |
N/A ("0"). |
| highlight |
"0" = pas de highlight +
"1" = la ligne a un highlight. |
N/A ("0"). |
`+0+` +
| prefix |
Préfixe de la ligne. |
N/A (chaîne vide). |
| message |
Message de la ligne. |
Message de la ligne. |
`+test (~test@example.com) a rejoint #canal+`
La fonction de retour peut retourner une table de hachage avec quelques champs
pour mettre à jour la ligne.
Toute valeur invalide dans un champ est silencieusement ignorée par WeeChat.
Les clés suivantes peuvent être définies dans la table de hachage (les clés et
valeurs sont des chaînes dans cette table de hachage) :
| Clé | Valeur autorisée (tampon formaté) | Valeur autorisée (tampon libre) | Résultat
| buffer |
Pointeur vers un tampon avec contenu formaté. |
Pointeur vers un tampon avec contenu libre. |
La ligne est affichée sur ce tampon. +
Si la valeur est vide, la ligne est supprimée (le reste de la table de hachage
est alors ignoré) ; les "hooks" suivants de type "line" ne sont pas appelés.
| buffer_name |
Nom d'un tampon avec contenu formaté. |
Nom d'un tampon avec contenu libre. |
La ligne est affichée sur ce tampon. +
Si `buffer` est également défini, la valeur de `buffer_name` a une priorité
plus haute est est utilisée. +
Si la valeur est vide, la ligne est supprimée (le reste de la table de hachage
est alors ignoré) ; les "hooks" suivants de type "line" ne sont pas appelés.
| y |
N/A. |
Entier (≥ "0"). |
Le numéro de ligne est positionné à cette valeur.
| date |
Horodatage. |
N/A. |
La date est positionnée à cet horodatage. +
La valeur de `str_time` est mise à jour en conséquence.
| date_printed |
Horodatage. |
N/A. |
La date d'affichage est positionnée à cet horodatage (non affichée).
| str_time |
Chaîne. |
N/A. |
Cette chaîne est utilisée pour afficher la date de la ligne. +
Si `date` est également défini, la valeur de `str_time` a une priorité plus
haute et est utilisée.
| tags |
Chaîne. |
N/A. |
Les étiquettes de la ligne sont remplacées avec cette liste d'étiquettes
(séparées par des virgules). +
Les valeurs de `notify_level` et `highlight` sont mises à jour en conséquence.
| notify_level |
Entier ("0" à "3"). |
N/A. |
Le niveau de notification est positionné à cette valeur. La hotlist sera mise
à jour en conséquence une fois que la ligne sera ajoutée dans la tampon. +
La valeur de `highlight` est mise à jours en conséquence. +
Si `tags` est également défini, la valeur de `notify_level` a une priorité
plus haute et est utilisée.
| highlight |
Entier ("0" ou "1"). |
N/A. |
"0" désactive le highlight sur la ligne, "1" force un highlight sur la ligne. +
Si `tags` ou `notify_level` sont définis, la valeur de `highlight` a une
priorité plus haute et est utilisée.
| prefix |
Chaîne. |
N/A. |
Le préfixe de la ligne est positionné à cette valeur.
| message |
Chaîne. |
Chaîne. |
Le message de la ligne est positionné à cette valeur.
Exemple en C :
my_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_hasbtable *line)
struct t_hashtable *hashtable;
hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
/* forcer un highlight sur la ligne */
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "highlight", "1");
return hashtable;
/* intercepter les lignes avec l'étiquette "irc_join" */
struct t_hook *my_line_hook =
weechat_hook_line ("", "", "irc_join", &my_line_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python) :
# prototype
hook = weechat.hook_line(buffer_type, buffer_name, tags, callback, callback_data)
# exemple
def my_line_cb(data, line):
# forcer un highlight sur la ligne
return {"highlight": "1"}
# intercepter les lignes avec l'étiquette "irc_join"
hook = weechat.hook_line("", "", "irc_join", "my_line_cb", "")
==== hook_print
_Mis à jour dans la 0.4.3, 1.0, 1.5._
@ -10885,115 +11161,115 @@ Liste des modificateurs utilisés par WeeChat et les extensions :
| Modificateur | Données du modificateur | Chaîne | Sortie
| charset_decode |
| [[hook_modifier_charset_decode]] charset_decode |
extension.nom_tampon |
Toute chaîne. |
Chaîne décodée depuis le jeu de caractères trouvé pour l'extension/tampon
vers UTF-8.
| charset_encode |
| [[hook_modifier_charset_encode]] charset_encode |
extension.nom_tampon |
Toute chaîne. |
Chaîne encodée depuis UTF-8 vers le jeu de caractères trouvé pour
| irc_color_decode |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_decode]] irc_color_decode |
"1" pour garder les couleurs, "0" pour les supprimer |
Toute chaîne. |
Chaîne avec les couleurs IRC converties en couleurs WeeChat (ou avec les
couleurs IRC supprimées).
| irc_color_encode |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_encode]] irc_color_encode |
"1" pour garder les couleurs, "0" pour les supprimer |
Toute chaîne. |
Chaîne avec les couleurs IRC (ou avec les couleurs IRC supprimées).
| irc_color_decode_ansi +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_decode_ansi]] irc_color_decode_ansi +
_(WeeChat ≥ 1.0)_ |
"1" pour garder les couleurs, "0" pour les supprimer |
Toute chaîne. |
Chaîne avec les couleurs ANSI converties en couleurs IRC (ou avec les couleurs
ANSI supprimées).
| irc_command_auth +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_command_auth]] irc_command_auth +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.4.1)_ |
Nom du serveur |
Commande d'authentification (par exemple : `+/msg nickserv identify password+`). |
Commande avec le mot de passe caché (par exemple : `+/msg nickserv identify ********+`).
| irc_message_auth +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_message_auth]] irc_message_auth +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.4.1)_ |
Nom du serveur |
Message affiché après `msg` envoyé à nickserv. |
Message avec le mot de passe caché.
| irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
Nom de serveur |
Contenu du message reçu du serveur IRC (avant décodage du jeu de caractères). |
Nouveau contenu du message.
| irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.5)_ |
Nom de serveur |
Contenu du message reçu du serveur IRC (après décodage du jeu de caractères). |
Nouveau contenu du message.
| irc_out1_xxx ^(1)^ +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_out1_xxx]] irc_out1_xxx ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7)_ |
Nom de serveur |
Contenu du message qui va être envoyé au serveur IRC avant découpage automatique
(pour tenir dans les 512 octets par défaut). |
Nouveau contenu du message.
| irc_out_xxx ^(1)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_out_xxx]] irc_out_xxx ^(1)^ |
Nom de serveur |
Contenu du message qui va être envoyé au serveur IRC après découpage automatique
(pour tenir dans les 512 octets par défaut). |
Nouveau contenu du message.
| color_decode_ansi +
| [[hook_modifier_color_decode_ansi]] color_decode_ansi +
_(WeeChat ≥ 1.0)_ |
"1" pour garder les couleurs, "0" pour les supprimer |
Toute chaîne. |
Chaîne avec les couleurs ANSI converties en couleurs WeeChat (ou avec les
couleurs ANSI supprimées).
| bar_condition_yyy ^(2)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_bar_condition_yyy]] bar_condition_yyy ^(2)^ |
Chaîne avec un pointeur vers la fenêtre ("0x123..") |
Chaîne vide. |
"1" pour afficher la barre, "0" pour la cacher.
| history_add +
| [[hook_modifier_history_add]] history_add +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.2)_ |
Chaîne avec un pointeur vers le tampon ("0x123..") |
Contenu de la ligne de commande à ajouter à l'historique des commandes
(tampon et global). |
Chaîne ajoutée à l'historique des commandes.
| input_text_content |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_content]] input_text_content |
Chaîne avec un pointeur vers le tampon ("0x123..") |
Contenu de la ligne de commande. |
Nouvelle chaîne pour la ligne de commande.
| input_text_display |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_display]] input_text_display |
Chaîne avec un pointeur vers le tampon ("0x123..") |
Contenu de la ligne de commande, sans le code du curseur dedans. |
Nouvelle chaîne, pour affichage seulement (la ligne de commande n'est pas
| input_text_display_with_cursor |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_display_with_cursor]] input_text_display_with_cursor |
Chaîne avec un pointeur vers le tampon ("0x123..") |
Contenu de la ligne de commande, avec le code du curseur dedans. |
Nouvelle chaîne, pour affichage seulement (la ligne de commande n'est pas
| input_text_for_buffer +
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_for_buffer]] input_text_for_buffer +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7)_ |
Chaîne avec un pointeur vers le tampon ("0x123..") |
Contenu de la ligne de commande envoyée au tampon (texte ou commande). |
Nouveau contenu de la ligne de commande envoyée au tampon.
| weechat_print |
| [[hook_modifier_weechat_print]] weechat_print |
extension + ";" + nom_tampon + ";" + étiquettes |
Message affiché. |
Nouveau message affiché.

View File

@ -529,6 +529,7 @@ Liste des fonctions de l'API script :
hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable +
hook_connect +
hook_line +
hook_print +
hook_signal +
hook_signal_send +

View File

@ -3650,8 +3650,8 @@ Un trigger a les options suivantes (les noms sont
Lorsque l'option est `off`, le trigger est désactivé et les actions ne sont
plus exécutées.
| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
`timer`, `config`, `focus` |
| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `line`, `print`, `command`,
`command_run`, `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
Le "hook" utilisé dans le trigger. Pour plus d'information, voir la
link:weechat_plugin_api.fr.html#hooks[Référence API extension WeeChat / Hooks].
@ -3743,6 +3743,17 @@ points-virgules.
`+5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add+` |
| line |
1. type de tampon +
2. nom de tampon +
3. étiquettes |
`+formatted+` +
`+free+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.*+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.#weechat+` +
`+formatted;irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice+` |
| print |
1. nom de tampon +
2. étiquettes +
@ -3829,6 +3840,7 @@ du type de hook :
| signal | tg_signal_data
| hsignal |
| modifier | tg_string
| line | message
| print | tg_message
| command | tg_argv_eol1
| command_run | tg_command
@ -4001,6 +4013,45 @@ Si le modificateur contient un message IRC, le message est analysé et des
données supplémentaires sont ajoutées dans la table de hachage (voir le
<<trigger_data_signal,"hook" signal>>).
===== Line
La fonction de rappel "line" définit les variables suivantes dans la table
de hachage :
| Variable | Type | Description
| buffer | pointeur | Tampon.
| buffer_name | chaîne | Nom du tampon.
| buffer_type | chaîne | Type de tampon ("formatted" ou "free").
| y | chaîne | Numéro de ligne pour un tampon avec contenu libre (≥ 0), -1 pour un tampon avec contenu formaté.
| date | chaîne | Date de la ligne (horodatage).
| date_printed | chaîne | Date d'affichage de la ligne (horodatage).
| str_time | chaîne | Date pour l'affichage. Elle peut contenir des codes couleur.
| displayed | chaîne | "1" si affichée, "0" si la ligne est filtrée.
| notify_level | chaîne | "0" = niveau bas, "1" = message, "2" = message privé, "3" = highlight
| highlight | chaîne | "1" si highlight, sinon "0".
| prefix | chaîne | Préfixe.
| message | chaîne | Message.
Variables définies avec les étiquettes du message (elles sont définies aussi
pour fonction de rappel "print" et pour le modificateur _weechat_print_) :
| Variable | Type | Description
| tg_tags | chaîne | Étiquettes du message (avec une virgule en début/fin de chaîne).
| tg_tags_count | chaîne | Nombre d'étiquettes dans le message.
| tg_tag_nick | chaîne | Pseudo (depuis l'étiquette "nick_xxx").
| tg_tag_prefix_nick | chaîne | Couleur du pseudo dans le préfixe (depuis l'étiquette "prefix_nick_ccc").
| tg_tag_host | chaîne | Nom d'utilisateur et hôte, format : utilisateur@hôte (depuis l'étiquette "host_xxx").
| tg_tag_notify | chaîne | Niveau de notification (_none_, _message_, _private_, _highlight_).
| tg_notify | chaîne | Niveau de notification, si différent de _none_.
| tg_msg_pv | chaîne | "1" pour un message privé, sinon "0".
===== Print
@ -4021,7 +4072,7 @@ hachage :
Variables définies avec les étiquettes du message (elles sont définies aussi
pour le modificateur _weechat_print_) :
pour la fonction de rappel "line" et pour le modificateur _weechat_print_) :

View File

@ -9402,6 +9402,271 @@ hook = weechat.hook_connect("", "my.server.org", 1234, 1, 0, "",
"my_connect_cb", "")
==== hook_line
_WeeChat ≥ 2.3._
Hook a line printed in a buffer.
When a line is printed in a buffer, hooks are called in this order:
* <<_hook_line,hook line>> (this hook)
* <<_hook_modifier,hook modifier>>: <<hook_modifier_weechat_print,weechat_print>>
* <<_hook_print,hook print>>
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_line (const char *buffer_type,
const char *buffer_name,
const char *tags,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
* _buffer_type_: catch lines on the given buffer type (if NULL or empty string,
_formatted_ is the default):
** _formatted_: catch lines on formatted buffers only (default)
** _free_: catch lines on buffers with free content only
** _*_: catch lines on all buffer types
* _buffer_name_: comma-separated list of buffer masks
(see <<_buffer_match_list,buffer_match_list>>); NULL, empty string or "*"
matches any buffer
* _tags_: catch only messages with these tags (optional): comma-separated list
of tags that must be in message (logical "or"); it is possible to combine
many tags as a logical "and" with separator `+++`; wildcard `+*+` is allowed
in tags
* _callback_: function called when a line is added in a buffer, arguments and
return value:
** _const void *pointer_: pointer
** _void *data_: pointer
** _struct t_hashtable *line_: hashtable with the line info, keys and values are
strings (see table below)
** return value: hashtable with new values (see table below)
* _callback_pointer_: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
* _callback_data_: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat;
if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function)
and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Valore restituito:
* puntatore al nuovo hook, NULL in caso di errore
Line data sent to the callback is a hashtable, with following values
(keys and values are strings):
| Key | Value (formatted buffer) | Value (free buffer) | Examples
| buffer |
Buffer pointer. |
Buffer pointer. |
| buffer_name |
Buffer name. |
Buffer name. |
`+core.weechat+` +
`+irc.server.freenode+` +
| buffer_type |
"formatted" |
"free" |
`+formatted+` +
| y |
N/A ("-1"). |
Line number (≥ "0"). |
`+-1+` +
| date |
Line date (timestamp). |
N/A ("0"). |
| date_printed |
Date when line was displayed (timestamp). |
N/A ("0"). |
| str_time |
Date for display (possible color codes inside). |
N/A (empty string). |
| tags_count |
Number of tags in the line (≥ "0"). |
N/A ("0"). |
| tags |
Comma-separated list of tags. |
N/A (empty string). |
| displayed |
"0" = line is filtered (hidden) +
"1" = line is not filtered (displayed). |
"0" = line is filtered (hidden) +
"1" = line is not filtered (displayed). |
`+0+` +
| notify_level |
"0" = low level +
"1" = message +
"2" = private message +
"3" = highlight |
N/A ("0"). |
| highlight |
"0" = no highlight +
"1" = line has highlight. |
N/A ("0"). |
`+0+` +
| prefix |
Prefix of the line. |
N/A (empty string). |
| message |
Message of the line. |
Message of the line. |
`+test (~test@example.com) has joined #channel+`
The callback can return a hashtable with some fields to update the line.
Any invalid value in a field is silently ignored by WeeChat.
The following keys can be set in the hashtable (keys and values are strings
in this hashtable):
| Key | Allowed value (formatted buffer) | Allowed value (free buffer) | Result
| buffer |
Pointer of a buffer with formatted content. |
Pointer of a buffer with free content. |
The line is displayed on this buffer. +
If the value is empty, the line is deleted (anything else in the hashtable
is then ignored); the next hooks of type "line" are not called.
| buffer_name |
Name of a buffer with formatted content. |
Name of a buffer with free content. |
The line is displayed on this buffer. +
If `buffer` is also set, the value of `buffer_name` has higher priority and is used. +
If the value is empty, the line is deleted (anything else in the hashtable
is then ignored); the next hooks of type "line" are not called.
| y |
N/A. |
Integer (≥ "0"). |
The line number is set to this value.
| date |
Timestamp. |
N/A. |
The date is set to this value. +
The value of `str_time` is updated accordingly.
| date_printed |
Timestamp. |
N/A. |
The printed date is set to this timestamp (not displayed).
| str_time |
String. |
N/A. |
This string is used to display the date line. +
If `date` is also set, the value of `str_time` has higher priority and is used.
| tags |
String. |
N/A. |
The line tags are replaced with this comma-separated list of tags. +
The values of `notify_level` and `highlight` are updated accordingly.
| notify_level |
Integer ("0" to "3"). |
N/A. |
The notify level is set to this value. The hotlist will be updated
accordingly once the line is added in the buffer. +
The value of `highlight` is updated accordingly. +
If `tags` is also set, the value of `notify_level` has higher priority and is used.
| highlight |
Integer ("0" or "1"). |
N/A. |
"0" disables highlight on the line, "1" forces a highlight on the line. +
If `tags` or `notify_level` are set, the value of `highlight` has higher
priority and is used.
| prefix |
String. |
N/A. |
The line prefix is set to this value.
| message |
String. |
String. |
The line message is set to this value.
Esempio in C:
my_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_hasbtable *line)
struct t_hashtable *hashtable;
hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
/* force a highlight on the line */
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "highlight", "1");
return hashtable;
/* catch lines with tag "irc_join" */
struct t_hook *my_line_hook =
weechat_hook_line ("", "", "irc_join", &my_line_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototipo
hook = weechat.hook_line(buffer_type, buffer_name, tags, callback, callback_data)
# esempio
def my_line_cb(data, line):
# force a highlight on the line
return {"highlight": "1"}
# catch lines with tag "irc_join"
hook = weechat.hook_line("", "", "irc_join", "my_line_cb", "")
==== hook_print
@ -11099,62 +11364,62 @@ List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
| Modificatore | Dati modificatore | Stringa | Output
| charset_decode |
| [[hook_modifier_charset_decode]] charset_decode |
plugin.buffer_name |
Qualsiasi stringa. |
Stringa codificata dal set caratteri trovato per plugin/buffer in UTF-8.
| charset_encode |
| [[hook_modifier_charset_encode]] charset_encode |
plugin.buffer_name |
Qualsiasi stringa. |
Stringa codificata da UTF-8 al set caratteri trovato per il plugin/buffer.
| irc_color_decode |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_decode]] irc_color_decode |
"1" per mantenere i colori, "0" per rimuovere i colori |
Qualsiasi stringa. |
String with IRC colors converted to WeeChat colors (or IRC colors removed).
| irc_color_encode |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_encode]] irc_color_encode |
"1" per mantenere i colori, "0" per rimuovere i colori |
Qualsiasi stringa. |
String with IRC colors (or IRC colors removed).
| irc_color_decode_ansi +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_decode_ansi]] irc_color_decode_ansi +
_(WeeChat ≥ 1.0)_ |
"1" per mantenere i colori, "0" per rimuovere i colori |
Qualsiasi stringa. |
String with ANSI colors converted to IRC colors (or ANSI colors removed).
| irc_command_auth +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_command_auth]] irc_command_auth +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.4.1)_ |
Nome server |
Authentication command (for example: `+/msg nickserv identify password+`). |
Command with hidden password (for example: `+/msg nickserv identify ********+`).
| irc_message_auth +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_message_auth]] irc_message_auth +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.4.1)_ |
Nome server |
Message displayed after `/msg` sent to nickserv. |
Message with hidden password.
| irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
Nome server |
Contenuto del messaggio ricevuto dal server IRC (prima della codifica del set caratteri). |
Nuovo contenuto del messaggio.
| irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.5)_ |
Nome server |
Contenuto del messaggio ricevuto dal server IRC (dopo la codifica del set caratteri). |
Nuovo contenuto del messaggio.
| irc_out1_xxx ^(1)^ +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_out1_xxx]] irc_out1_xxx ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7)_ |
Nome server |
Content of message about to be sent to IRC server before automatic split
@ -11162,52 +11427,52 @@ List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
Nuovo contenuto del messaggio.
| irc_out_xxx ^(1)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_out_xxx]] irc_out_xxx ^(1)^ |
Nome server |
Content of message about to be sent to IRC server after automatic split
(to fit in 512 bytes by default). |
Nuovo contenuto del messaggio.
| color_decode_ansi +
| [[hook_modifier_color_decode_ansi]] color_decode_ansi +
_(WeeChat ≥ 1.0)_ |
"1" per mantenere i colori, "0" per rimuovere i colori |
Qualsiasi stringa. |
String with ANSI colors converted to WeeChat colors (or ANSI colors removed).
| bar_condition_yyy ^(2)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_bar_condition_yyy]] bar_condition_yyy ^(2)^ |
Stringa con puntatore alla finestra ("0x123..") |
Stringa vuota. |
"1" per visualizzare la barra, "0" per nasconderla.
| history_add +
| [[hook_modifier_history_add]] history_add +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.2)_ |
Stringa con puntatore al buffer ("0x123..") |
Contenuto della riga di comando da aggiungere nella cronologia comandi (buffer e globale). |
Stringa aggiunta alla cronologia comandi.
| input_text_content |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_content]] input_text_content |
Stringa con puntatore al buffer ("0x123..") |
Contenuto della riga di comando. |
Nuovo contenuto della riga di comando.
| input_text_display |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_display]] input_text_display |
Stringa con puntatore al buffer ("0x123..") |
Contenuto della riga di comando, senza tag al cursore. |
Nuova stringa, solo da mostrare (la riga di comando non viene modificata).
| input_text_display_with_cursor |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_display_with_cursor]] input_text_display_with_cursor |
Stringa con puntatore al buffer ("0x123..") |
Contenuto della riga di comando, con tag al cursore. |
Nuova stringa, solo da mostrare (la riga di comando non viene modificata).
| input_text_for_buffer +
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_for_buffer]] input_text_for_buffer +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7)_ |
Stringa con puntatore al buffer ("0x123..") |
Contenuto della riga di comando inviata al buffer (testo o comando). |
Nuovo contenuto della riga di comando inviata al buffer.
| weechat_print |
| [[hook_modifier_weechat_print]] weechat_print |
plugin + ";" + buffer_name + ";" + tags |
Messaggio stampato. |
Nuovo messaggio stampato.

View File

@ -537,6 +537,7 @@ Elenco di funzioni nelle API per gli script:
hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable +
hook_connect +
hook_line +
hook_print +
hook_signal +
hook_signal_send +

View File

@ -3748,7 +3748,6 @@ Using triggers require you to know how the signals, modifiers, ... are working.
So you might consider reading the
link:weechat_plugin_api.it.html#hooks[WeeChat plugin API reference / Hooks].
==== Default triggers
@ -3800,8 +3799,8 @@ A trigger has the following options (names are
When option is `off`, the trigger is disabled and actions are not executed
any more.
| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
`timer`, `config`, `focus` |
| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `line`, `print`, `command`,
`command_run`, `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
The hook used in trigger. For more information, see
link:weechat_plugin_api.it.html#hooks[WeeChat plugin API reference / Hooks].
@ -3888,6 +3887,17 @@ The arguments depend on the hook used. They are separated by semicolons.
`+5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add+` |
| line |
1. buffer type +
2. buffer name +
3. tags |
`+formatted+` +
`+free+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.*+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.#weechat+` +
`+formatted;irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice+` |
| print |
1. buffer name +
2. tags +
@ -3971,6 +3981,7 @@ type:
| signal | tg_signal_data
| hsignal |
| modifier | tg_string
| line | message
| print | tg_message
| command | tg_argv_eol1
| command_run | tg_command
@ -4133,6 +4144,44 @@ For the _weechat_print_ modifier, variables using message tags are added (see
If the modifier contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and extra data is
added in hashtable (see <<trigger_data_signal,hook signal>>).
===== Line
The "line" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
| Variable | Type | Description
| buffer | pointer | Buffer.
| buffer_name | string | Buffer name.
| buffer_type | string | Buffer type ("formatted" or "free").
| y | string | Line number for a buffer with free content (≥ 0), -1 for a buffer with formatted content.
| date | string | Line date (timestamp).
| date_printed | string | Date when line was displayed (timestamp).
| str_time | string | Date for display. It may contain color codes.
| displayed | string | "1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered.
| notify_level | string | "0" = low level, "1" = message, "2" = private message, "3" = highlight
| highlight | string | "1" if highlight, otherwise "0".
| prefix | string | Prefix.
| message | string | Message.
Variables set using tags in message (they are also set in _print_ callback and
modifier _weechat_print_):
| Variable | Type | Description
| tg_tags | string | Tags of message (with comma added at beginning/end of string).
| tg_tags_count | string | Number of tags in message.
| tg_tag_nick | string | Nick (from tag "nick_xxx").
| tg_tag_prefix_nick | string | Color of nick in prefix (from tag "prefix_nick_ccc").
| tg_tag_host | string | User name and host, format: username@host (from tag "host_xxx").
| tg_tag_notify | string | Notify level (_none_, _message_, _private_, _highlight_).
| tg_notify | string | Notify level, if different from _none_.
| tg_msg_pv | string | "1" for a private message, otherwise "0".
===== Print
@ -4151,8 +4200,8 @@ The "print" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes.
Variables set using tags in message (they are set in modifier _weechat_print_
Variables set using tags in message (they are also set in _line_ callback and
modifier _weechat_print_):
@ -4161,7 +4210,6 @@ too):
| tg_tags_count | string | Number of tags in message.
| tg_tag_nick | string | Nick (from tag "nick_xxx").
| tg_tag_prefix_nick | string | Color of nick in prefix (from tag "prefix_nick_ccc").
| tg_tag_host | string | User name and host, format: username@host (from tag "host_xxx").
| tg_tag_notify | string | Notify level (_none_, _message_, _private_, _highlight_).
| tg_notify | string | Notify level, if different from _none_.
@ -4305,7 +4353,6 @@ include::autogen/user/trigger_commands.adoc[]
==== Opzioni
Sections in file _trigger.conf_:

View File

@ -9070,6 +9070,281 @@ hook = weechat.hook_connect("", "my.server.org", 1234, 1, 0, "",
"my_connect_cb", "")
==== hook_line
_WeeChat ≥ 2.3._
Hook a line printed in a buffer.
When a line is printed in a buffer, hooks are called in this order:
* <<_hook_line,hook line>> (this hook)
* <<_hook_modifier,hook modifier>>: <<hook_modifier_weechat_print,weechat_print>>
* <<_hook_print,hook print>>
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_line (const char *buffer_type,
const char *buffer_name,
const char *tags,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
* _buffer_type_: catch lines on the given buffer type (if NULL or empty string,
_formatted_ is the default):
** _formatted_: catch lines on formatted buffers only (default)
** _free_: catch lines on buffers with free content only
** _*_: catch lines on all buffer types
* _buffer_name_: comma-separated list of buffer masks
(see <<_buffer_match_list,buffer_match_list>>); NULL, empty string or "*"
matches any buffer
* _tags_: catch only messages with these tags (optional): comma-separated list
of tags that must be in message (logical "or"); it is possible to combine
many tags as a logical "and" with separator `+++`; wildcard `+*+` is allowed
in tags
* _callback_: function called when a line is added in a buffer, arguments and
return value:
** _const void *pointer_: pointer
** _void *data_: pointer
** _struct t_hashtable *line_: hashtable with the line info, keys and values are
strings (see table below)
** return value: hashtable with new values (see table below)
* _callback_pointer_: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
* _callback_data_: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat;
if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function)
and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
* 新しいフックへのポインタ、エラーが起きた場合は NULL
Line data sent to the callback is a hashtable, with following values
(keys and values are strings):
| Key | Value (formatted buffer) | Value (free buffer) | Examples
| buffer |
Buffer pointer. |
Buffer pointer. |
| buffer_name |
Buffer name. |
Buffer name. |
`+core.weechat+` +
`+irc.server.freenode+` +
| buffer_type |
"formatted" |
"free" |
`+formatted+` +
| y |
N/A ("-1"). |
Line number (≥ "0"). |
`+-1+` +
| date |
Line date (timestamp). |
N/A ("0"). |
| date_printed |
Date when line was displayed (timestamp). |
N/A ("0"). |
| str_time |
Date for display (possible color codes inside). |
N/A (empty string). |
| tags_count |
Number of tags in the line (≥ "0"). |
N/A ("0"). |
| tags |
Comma-separated list of tags. |
N/A (empty string). |
| displayed |
"0" = line is filtered (hidden) +
"1" = line is not filtered (displayed). |
"0" = line is filtered (hidden) +
"1" = line is not filtered (displayed). |
`+0+` +
| notify_level |
"0" = low level +
"1" = message +
"2" = private message +
"3" = highlight |
N/A ("0"). |
| highlight |
"0" = no highlight +
"1" = line has highlight. |
N/A ("0"). |
`+0+` +
| prefix |
Prefix of the line. |
N/A (empty string). |
| message |
Message of the line. |
Message of the line. |
`+test (~test@example.com) has joined #channel+`
The callback can return a hashtable with some fields to update the line.
Any invalid value in a field is silently ignored by WeeChat.
The following keys can be set in the hashtable (keys and values are strings
in this hashtable):
| Key | Allowed value (formatted buffer) | Allowed value (free buffer) | Result
| buffer |
Pointer of a buffer with formatted content. |
Pointer of a buffer with free content. |
The line is displayed on this buffer. +
If the value is empty, the line is deleted (anything else in the hashtable
is then ignored); the next hooks of type "line" are not called.
| buffer_name |
Name of a buffer with formatted content. |
Name of a buffer with free content. |
The line is displayed on this buffer. +
If `buffer` is also set, the value of `buffer_name` has higher priority and is used. +
If the value is empty, the line is deleted (anything else in the hashtable
is then ignored); the next hooks of type "line" are not called.
| y |
N/A. |
Integer (≥ "0"). |
The line number is set to this value.
| date |
Timestamp. |
N/A. |
The date is set to this value. +
The value of `str_time` is updated accordingly.
| date_printed |
Timestamp. |
N/A. |
The printed date is set to this timestamp (not displayed).
| str_time |
String. |
N/A. |
This string is used to display the date line. +
If `date` is also set, the value of `str_time` has higher priority and is used.
| tags |
String. |
N/A. |
The line tags are replaced with this comma-separated list of tags. +
The values of `notify_level` and `highlight` are updated accordingly.
| notify_level |
Integer ("0" to "3"). |
N/A. |
The notify level is set to this value. The hotlist will be updated
accordingly once the line is added in the buffer. +
The value of `highlight` is updated accordingly. +
If `tags` is also set, the value of `notify_level` has higher priority and is used.
| highlight |
Integer ("0" or "1"). |
N/A. |
"0" disables highlight on the line, "1" forces a highlight on the line. +
If `tags` or `notify_level` are set, the value of `highlight` has higher
priority and is used.
| prefix |
String. |
N/A. |
The line prefix is set to this value.
| message |
String. |
String. |
The line message is set to this value.
C 言語での使用例:
my_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_hasbtable *line)
struct t_hashtable *hashtable;
hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
/* force a highlight on the line */
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "highlight", "1");
return hashtable;
/* catch lines with tag "irc_join" */
struct t_hook *my_line_hook =
weechat_hook_line ("", "", "irc_join", &my_line_cb, NULL, NULL);
スクリプト (Python) での使用例:
# プロトタイプ
hook = weechat.hook_line(buffer_type, buffer_name, tags, callback, callback_data)
# 例
def my_line_cb(data, line):
# force a highlight on the line
return {"highlight": "1"}
# catch lines with tag "irc_join"
hook = weechat.hook_line("", "", "irc_join", "my_line_cb", "")
==== hook_print
_WeeChat バージョン 0.4.3、1.0、1.5 で更新。_
@ -10628,107 +10903,107 @@ WeeChat とプラグインが使う修飾子のリスト:
| 修飾子 | 修飾子データ | 文字列 | 出力
| charset_decode |
| [[hook_modifier_charset_decode]] charset_decode |
plugin.buffer_name |
任意の文字列 |
プラグインおよびバッファの文字セットから UTF-8 にデコードされた文字列
| charset_encode |
| [[hook_modifier_charset_encode]] charset_encode |
plugin.buffer_name |
任意の文字列 |
UTF-8 からプラグインおよびバッファの文字セットにエンコードされた文字列
| irc_color_decode |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_decode]] irc_color_decode |
色を保持する場合は "1"、削除する場合は "0" |
任意の文字列 |
WeeChat 色コードに変換された IRC 色コードを含む (または IRC 色コードを削除された) 文字列
| irc_color_encode |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_encode]] irc_color_encode |
色を保持する場合は "1"、削除する場合は "0" |
任意の文字列 |
IRC 色コードを含む (または IRC 色コードを削除された) 文字列
| irc_color_decode_ansi +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_color_decode_ansi]] irc_color_decode_ansi +
_(WeeChat バージョン 1.0 以上で利用可)_ |
色を保持する場合は "1"、削除する場合は "0" |
任意の文字列 |
IRC 色コードに変換された ANSI 色コードを含む (または ANSI 色コードを削除された) 文字列
| irc_command_auth +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_command_auth]] irc_command_auth +
_(WeeChat バージョン 0.4.1 以上で利用可)_ |
サーバ名 |
認証コマンド (例: `+/msg nickserv identify password+`) |
パスワードを隠したコマンド (例: `+/msg nickserv identify ********+`)
| irc_message_auth +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_message_auth]] irc_message_auth +
_(WeeChat バージョン 0.4.1 以上で利用可)_ |
サーバ名 |
`/msg` をサーバに送信した後に表示されるメッセージ |
| irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
サーバ名 |
IRC サーバから受信したメッセージの内容 (文字セットをデコードする前) |
| irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat バージョン 0.3.5 以上で利用可)_ |
サーバ名 |
IRC サーバから受信したメッセージの内容 (文字セットをデコードした後) |
| irc_out1_xxx ^(1)^ +
| [[hook_modifier_irc_out1_xxx]] irc_out1_xxx ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat バージョン 0.3.7 以上で利用可)_ |
サーバ名 |
IRC サーバに送信するメッセージの内容
(自動分割前、自動分割はデフォルトでメッセージを 512 バイト内に収まるように分割します)。|
| irc_out_xxx ^(1)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_irc_out_xxx]] irc_out_xxx ^(1)^ |
サーバ名 |
IRC サーバに送信するメッセージの内容
(自動分割後、自動分割はデフォルトでメッセージを 512 バイト内に収まるように分割します)。|
| color_decode_ansi +
| [[hook_modifier_color_decode_ansi]] color_decode_ansi +
_(WeeChat バージョン 1.0 以上で利用可)_ |
色を保持する場合は "1"、削除する場合は "0" |
任意の文字列 |
WeeChat 色コードに変換された ANSI 色コードを含む (または ANSI 色コードを削除された) 文字列
| bar_condition_yyy ^(2)^ |
| [[hook_modifier_bar_condition_yyy]] bar_condition_yyy ^(2)^ |
ウィンドウへのポインタの文字列 ("0x123..") |
空文字列 |
バーを表示する場合は "1"、隠す場合は "0"
| history_add +
| [[hook_modifier_history_add]] history_add +
_(WeeChat バージョン 0.3.2 以上で利用可)_ |
バッファへのポインタの文字列 ("0x123..") |
コマンド履歴に追加するコマンドラインの内容 (バッファとグローバル履歴) |
| input_text_content |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_content]] input_text_content |
バッファへのポインタの文字列 ("0x123..") |
コマンドラインの内容 |
| input_text_display |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_display]] input_text_display |
バッファへのポインタの文字列 ("0x123..") |
カーソルタグを含まないコマンドラインの内容 |
新しい文字列、表示のみ (コマンドラインは変化しない)
| input_text_display_with_cursor |
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_display_with_cursor]] input_text_display_with_cursor |
バッファへのポインタの文字列 ("0x123..") |
カーソルタグを含むコマンドラインの内容 |
新しい文字列、表示のみ (コマンドラインは変化しない)
| input_text_for_buffer +
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_for_buffer]] input_text_for_buffer +
_(WeeChat バージョン 0.3.7 以上で利用可)_ |
バッファへのポインタの文字列 ("0x123..") |
バッファに送信するコマンドラインの内容 (テキストまたはコマンド) |
| weechat_print |
| [[hook_modifier_weechat_print]] weechat_print |
plugin + ";" + buffer_name + ";" + tags |
表示されたメッセージ |

View File

@ -525,6 +525,7 @@ link:weechat_plugin_api.ja.html[WeeChat プラグイン API リファレンス]
hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable +
hook_connect +
hook_line +
hook_print +
hook_signal +
hook_signal_send +

View File

@ -3535,7 +3535,8 @@ WeeChat はデフォルトで 5
オプションが `off`
| hook | `signal`、`hsignal`、`modifier`、`print`、`command`、`command_run`、`timer`、`config`、`focus` |
| hook | `signal`、`hsignal`、`modifier`、`line`, `print`、`command`、
`command_run`、`timer`、`config`、`focus` |
link:weechat_plugin_api.ja.html#hooks[WeeChat プラグイン API リファレンス / フック]を参照してください。
@ -3621,6 +3622,18 @@ trigger.trigger.beep.post_action = none
`+5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add+` |
| line |
1. buffer type +
2. buffer name +
3. tags |
`+formatted+` +
`+free+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.*+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.#weechat+` +
`+formatted;irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice+` |
| print |
1. バッファ名 +
2. タグ +
@ -3704,6 +3717,7 @@ _var_
| signal | tg_signal_data
| hsignal |
| modifier | tg_string
| line | message
| print | tg_message
| command | tg_argv_eol1
| command_run | tg_command
@ -3864,6 +3878,47 @@ _weechat_print_ 修飾子では、メッセージタグを使う変数 (下の
修飾子が IRC メッセージを含む場合、メッセージは解析され追加のデータがハッシュテーブルに追加されます
(<<trigger_data_signal,Signal>> を参照)。
===== Line
"line" コールバックは以下の変数をハッシュテーブルに格納します:
| 変数 | 型 | 説明
| Variable | Type | Description
| buffer | pointer | Buffer.
| buffer_name | string | Buffer name.
| buffer_type | string | Buffer type ("formatted" or "free").
| y | string | Line number for a buffer with free content (≥ 0), -1 for a buffer with formatted content.
| date | string | Line date (timestamp).
| date_printed | string | Date when line was displayed (timestamp).
| str_time | string | Date for display. It may contain color codes.
| displayed | string | "1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered.
| notify_level | string | "0" = low level, "1" = message, "2" = private message, "3" = highlight
| highlight | string | "1" if highlight, otherwise "0".
| prefix | string | Prefix.
| message | string | Message.
Variables set using tags in message (they are also set in _print_ callback and
modifier _weechat_print_):
| 変数 | 型 | 説明
| tg_tags | string | メッセージのタグ (文字列の最初と最後にコンマが追加されます)
| tg_tags_count | string | メッセージのタグの個数
| tg_tag_nick | string | ニックネーム ("nick_xxx" タグから)
| tg_tag_prefix_nick | string | プレフィックスで使うニックネームの色 ("prefix_nick_ccc" タグから)
| tg_tag_host | string | ユーザ名とホスト名、書式: username@host ("host_xxx" タグから)
| tg_tag_notify | string | 通知レベル (_none_、_message_、_private_、_highlight_)
| tg_notify | string | 通知レベルが _none_ 以外の場合、その通知レベル
| tg_msg_pv | string | プライベートメッセージの場合 "1"、それ以外は "0"
===== Print
@ -3882,8 +3937,9 @@ _weechat_print_ 修飾子では、メッセージタグを使う変数 (下の
| tg_message_nocolor | string | 色コードを削除したメッセージ
(変数は _weechat_print_ 修飾子でも格納されます):
Variables set using tags in message (they are also set in _line_ callback and
modifier _weechat_print_):

View File

@ -523,6 +523,7 @@ Lista funkcji w API skryptów:
hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable +
hook_connect +
hook_line +
hook_print +
hook_signal +
hook_signal_send +

View File

@ -3567,8 +3567,8 @@ Trigger posiada następujące opcje (nazwy to `trigger.trigger.<nazwa>.<opcja>`)
Kiedy wartość ustawiona jest na `off`, trigger jest wyłączony i akcje nie będą
więcej wykonywane.
| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
`timer`, `config`, `focus` |
| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `line`, `print`, `command`,
`command_run`, `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
Zdarzenia używane przez trigger. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#hooks[WeeChat Plugin API Reference / Hooks] (Angielski).
@ -3655,6 +3655,18 @@ Argumenty zależą od rodzaju uchwytu. Są oddzielane średnikami.
`+5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add+` |
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_modifier[hook_modifier] (Angielski)
| line |
1. buffer type +
2. buffer name +
3. tags |
`+formatted+` +
`+free+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.*+` +
`+*;irc.freenode.#weechat+` +
`+formatted;irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice+` |
| print |
1. nazwa buforu +
2. tagi +
@ -3739,6 +3751,7 @@ od typu uchwytu:
| signal | tg_signal_data
| hsignal |
| modifier | tg_string
| line | message
| print | tg_message
| command | tg_argv_eol1
| command_run | tg_command
@ -3899,6 +3912,46 @@ zobacz <<trigger_data_print,hook print>> poniżej), oraz następujące zmienne:
Jeśli modyfikator zawiera wiadomość IRC, wiadomość jest parsowana i dodawane są
dodatkowe dane do tablicy hashy (zobacz <<trigger_data_signal,hook signal>>).
===== Line
Callback "line" ustawia następujące zmienne w tablicy hashy:
| Zmienna | Typ | Opis
| buffer | wskaźnik | Buffer.
| buffer_name | ciąg | Buffer name.
| buffer_type | ciąg | Buffer type ("formatted" or "free").
| y | ciąg | Line number for a buffer with free content (≥ 0), -1 for a buffer with formatted content.
| date | ciąg | Line date (timestamp).
| date_printed | ciąg | Date when line was displayed (timestamp).
| str_time | ciąg | Date for display. It may contain color codes.
| displayed | ciąg | "1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered.
| notify_level | ciąg | "0" = low level, "1" = message, "2" = private message, "3" = highlight
| highlight | ciąg | "1" if highlight, otherwise "0".
| prefix | ciąg | Prefix.
| message | ciąg | Message.
Variables set using tags in message (they are also set in _print_ callback and
modifier _weechat_print_):
| Zmienna | Typ | Opis
| tg_tags | ciąg | Tagi wiadomości (z przecinkiem dodanym na początku/końcu ciągu).
| tg_tags_count | ciąg | Liczba tagów w wiadomości.
| tg_tag_nick | ciąg | Nick (z tagu "nick_xxx").
| tg_tag_prefix_nick | ciąg | Kolor nicka w prefiksie (z tagu "prefix_nick_ccc").
| tg_tag_host | ciąg | Nazwa użytkownika i host, format: username@host (z tagu "host_xxx").
| tg_tag_notify | ciąg | Poziom powiadomień (_none_, _message_, _private_, _highlight_).
| tg_notify | ciąg | Poziom powiadomień, jeśli różny od _none_.
| tg_msg_pv | ciąg | "1" dla prywatnej wiadomości, inaczej "0".
===== Print
@ -3917,8 +3970,9 @@ Callback "print" ustawia następujące zmienne w tablicy hashy:
| tg_message_nocolor | ciąg | Wiadomość bez kodów kolorów.
Zmienne ustawiane przez tagi w wiadomości (są ustawiane też przez modyfikator
Variables set using tags in message (they are also set in _line_ callback and
modifier _weechat_print_):

View File

@ -24,6 +24,34 @@ struct t_hashtable;
struct t_infolist;
struct t_infolist_item;
* Macros to set various values as string value in the hashtable;
* variable hashtable must be defined and str_value must be a static
* area where the value as string will be put (the size must be large enough
* for any value stored with these macros).
#define HASHTABLE_SET_STR(__name, __string) \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, __string);
#define HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL(__name, __string) \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, (__string) ? __string : "");
#define HASHTABLE_SET_INT(__name, __int) \
snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value), "%d", __int); \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, str_value);
#define HASHTABLE_SET_TIME(__name, __time) \
snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value), "%lld", (long long)__time); \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, str_value);
#define HASHTABLE_SET_PTR(__name, __pointer) \
if (__pointer) \
{ \
snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value), \
"0x%lx", (long unsigned int)__pointer); \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, str_value); \
} \
else \
{ \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, ""); \
typedef unsigned long long (t_hashtable_hash_key)(struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const void *key);
typedef int (t_hashtable_keycmp)(struct t_hashtable *hashtable,

View File

@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
char *hook_type_string[HOOK_NUM_TYPES] =
{ "command", "command_run", "timer", "fd", "process", "connect", "print",
"signal", "hsignal", "config", "completion", "modifier",
{ "command", "command_run", "timer", "fd", "process", "connect", "line",
"print", "signal", "hsignal", "config", "completion", "modifier",
"info", "info_hashtable", "infolist", "hdata", "focus" };
struct t_hook *weechat_hooks[HOOK_NUM_TYPES]; /* list of hooks */
struct t_hook *last_weechat_hook[HOOK_NUM_TYPES]; /* last hook */
@ -984,6 +984,9 @@ hook_command_run_exec (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *command)
char *command2;
const char *ptr_command;
if (!weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_COMMAND_RUN])
ptr_command = command;
command2 = NULL;
@ -1279,6 +1282,9 @@ hook_timer_exec ()
struct timeval tv_time;
struct t_hook *ptr_hook, *next_hook;
if (!weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_TIMER])
hook_timer_check_system_clock ();
gettimeofday (&tv_time, NULL);
@ -1409,6 +1415,9 @@ hook_fd_exec ()
int i, num_fd, timeout, ready, found;
struct t_hook *ptr_hook, *next_hook;
if (!weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_FD])
/* build an array of "struct pollfd" for poll() */
num_fd = 0;
for (ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_FD]; ptr_hook;
@ -2404,6 +2413,146 @@ hook_connect_gnutls_set_certificates (gnutls_session_t tls_session,
#endif /* HAVE_GNUTLS */
* Hooks a line added in a buffer.
* Returns pointer to new hook, NULL if error.
struct t_hook *
hook_line (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin, const char *buffer_type,
const char *buffer_name, const char *tags,
t_hook_callback_line *callback, const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data)
struct t_hook *new_hook;
struct t_hook_line *new_hook_line;
if (!callback)
return NULL;
new_hook = malloc (sizeof (*new_hook));
if (!new_hook)
return NULL;
new_hook_line = malloc (sizeof (*new_hook_line));
if (!new_hook_line)
free (new_hook);
return NULL;
hook_init_data (new_hook, plugin, HOOK_TYPE_LINE, HOOK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
callback_pointer, callback_data);
new_hook->hook_data = new_hook_line;
new_hook_line->callback = callback;
if (!buffer_type || !buffer_type[0])
new_hook_line->buffer_type = GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATTED;
else if (strcmp (buffer_type, "*") == 0)
new_hook_line->buffer_type = -1;
new_hook_line->buffer_type = gui_buffer_search_type (buffer_type);
new_hook_line->buffers = string_split (
(buffer_name && buffer_name[0]) ? buffer_name : "*",
",", 0, 0, &new_hook_line->num_buffers);
new_hook_line->tags_array = string_split_tags (tags,
hook_add_to_list (new_hook);
return new_hook;
* Executes a line hook and updates the line data.
hook_line_exec (struct t_gui_line *line)
struct t_hook *ptr_hook, *next_hook;
struct t_hashtable *hashtable, *hashtable2;
char str_value[128], *str_tags;
if (!weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_LINE])
hashtable = NULL;
hook_exec_start ();
ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_LINE];
while (ptr_hook)
next_hook = ptr_hook->next_hook;
if (!ptr_hook->deleted && !ptr_hook->running
&& ((HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, buffer_type) == -1)
|| ((int)(line->data->buffer->type) == (HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, buffer_type))))
&& gui_buffer_match_list_split (line->data->buffer,
HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, num_buffers),
HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, buffers))
&& (!HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, tags_array)
|| gui_line_match_tags (line->data,
HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, tags_count),
HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, tags_array))))
/* create the hashtable that will be sent to callback */
if (!hashtable)
hashtable = hashtable_new (32,
if (!hashtable)
HASHTABLE_SET_PTR("buffer", line->data->buffer);
HASHTABLE_SET_PTR("buffer_name", line->data->buffer->full_name);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("y", line->data->y);
HASHTABLE_SET_TIME("date", line->data->date);
HASHTABLE_SET_TIME("date_printed", line->data->date_printed);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("str_time", line->data->str_time);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("tags_count", line->data->tags_count);
str_tags = string_build_with_split_string (
(const char **)line->data->tags_array, ",");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("tags", str_tags);
if (str_tags)
free (str_tags);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("displayed", line->data->displayed);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("notify_level", line->data->notify_level);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("highlight", line->data->highlight);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("prefix", line->data->prefix);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("message", line->data->message);
/* run callback */
ptr_hook->running = 1;
hashtable2 = (HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, callback))
ptr_hook->running = 0;
if (hashtable2)
gui_line_hook_update (line, hashtable, hashtable2);
hashtable_free (hashtable2);
if (!line->data->buffer)
ptr_hook = next_hook;
hook_exec_end ();
if (hashtable)
hashtable_free (hashtable);
* Hooks a message printed by WeeChat.
@ -2459,6 +2608,9 @@ hook_print_exec (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_line *line)
struct t_hook *ptr_hook, *next_hook;
char *prefix_no_color, *message_no_color;
if (!weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_PRINT])
if (!line->data->message || !line->data->message[0])
@ -2487,19 +2639,19 @@ hook_print_exec (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_line *line)
&& (!HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, message)
|| !HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, message)[0]
|| string_strcasestr (prefix_no_color, HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, message))
|| string_strcasestr (message_no_color, HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, message))))
/* check if tags match */
if (!HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, tags_array)
|| string_strcasestr (message_no_color, HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, message)))
&& (!HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, tags_array)
|| gui_line_match_tags (line->data,
HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, tags_count),
HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, tags_array)))
HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, tags_array))))
/* run callback */
ptr_hook->running = 1;
(void) (HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, callback))
ptr_hook->callback_data, buffer, line->data->date,
(const char **)line->data->tags_array,
(int)line->data->displayed, (int)line->data->highlight,
@ -2507,7 +2659,6 @@ hook_print_exec (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_line *line)
(HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, strip_colors)) ? message_no_color : line->data->message);
ptr_hook->running = 0;
ptr_hook = next_hook;
@ -2861,6 +3012,9 @@ hook_completion_exec (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
/* make C compiler happy */
(void) plugin;
if (!weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_COMPLETION])
hook_exec_start ();
pos = strchr (completion_item, ':');
@ -3991,6 +4145,13 @@ unhook (struct t_hook *hook)
if (HOOK_LINE(hook, tags_array))
string_free_split_tags (HOOK_LINE(hook, tags_array));
HOOK_LINE(hook, tags_array) = NULL;
if (HOOK_PRINT(hook, tags_array))
@ -4251,11 +4412,15 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback_data", (void *)hook->callback_data))
return 0;
/* hook deleted? return only hook info above */
if (hook->deleted)
return 1;
/* hook not deleted: add extra hook info */
switch (hook->type)
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_COMMAND(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "command", HOOK_COMMAND(hook, command)))
@ -4286,20 +4451,14 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "completion", HOOK_COMMAND(hook, completion)))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_COMMAND_RUN(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "command", HOOK_COMMAND_RUN(hook, command)))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_TIMER(hook, callback)))
return 0;
snprintf (value, sizeof (value), "%ld", HOOK_TIMER(hook, interval));
@ -4317,11 +4476,8 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
&(HOOK_TIMER(hook, next_exec)),
sizeof (HOOK_TIMER(hook, next_exec))))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_FD(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "fd", HOOK_FD(hook, fd)))
@ -4330,11 +4486,8 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "error", HOOK_FD(hook, error)))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_PROCESS(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "command", HOOK_PROCESS(hook, command)))
@ -4367,11 +4520,8 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "hook_timer", HOOK_PROCESS(hook, hook_timer)))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_CONNECT(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "address", HOOK_CONNECT(hook, address)))
@ -4416,11 +4566,22 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "handshake_ip_address", HOOK_CONNECT(hook, handshake_ip_address)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_LINE(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "buffer_type", HOOK_LINE(hook, buffer_type)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "buffers", HOOK_LINE(hook, buffers)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "num_buffers", HOOK_LINE(hook, num_buffers)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "tags_count", HOOK_LINE(hook, tags_count)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "tags_array", HOOK_LINE(hook, tags_array)))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_PRINT(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "buffer", HOOK_PRINT(hook, buffer)))
@ -4433,38 +4594,26 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "strip_colors", HOOK_PRINT(hook, strip_colors)))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_SIGNAL(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "signal", HOOK_SIGNAL(hook, signal)))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_HSIGNAL(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "signal", HOOK_HSIGNAL(hook, signal)))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_CONFIG(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "option", HOOK_CONFIG(hook, option)))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_COMPLETION(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "completion_item", HOOK_COMPLETION(hook, completion_item)))
@ -4476,20 +4625,14 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
&& HOOK_COMPLETION(hook, description)[0]) ?
_(HOOK_COMPLETION(hook, description)) : ""))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_MODIFIER(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "modifier", HOOK_MODIFIER(hook, modifier)))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_INFO(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "info_name", HOOK_INFO(hook, info_name)))
@ -4508,11 +4651,8 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
&& HOOK_INFO(hook, args_description)[0]) ?
_(HOOK_INFO(hook, args_description)) : ""))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_INFO_HASHTABLE(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "info_name", HOOK_INFO_HASHTABLE(hook, info_name)))
@ -4538,11 +4678,8 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
&& HOOK_INFO_HASHTABLE(hook, output_description)[0]) ?
_(HOOK_INFO_HASHTABLE(hook, output_description)) : ""))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_INFOLIST(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "infolist_name", HOOK_INFOLIST(hook, infolist_name)))
@ -4568,11 +4705,8 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
&& HOOK_INFOLIST(hook, args_description)[0]) ?
_(HOOK_INFOLIST(hook, args_description)) : ""))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_HDATA(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "hdata_name", HOOK_HDATA(hook, hdata_name)))
@ -4584,16 +4718,12 @@ hook_add_to_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_hook *hook)
&& HOOK_HDATA(hook, description)[0]) ?
_(HOOK_HDATA(hook, description)) : ""))
return 0;
if (!hook->deleted)
if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "callback", HOOK_FOCUS(hook, callback)))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "area", HOOK_FOCUS(hook, area)))
return 0;
@ -4865,6 +4995,33 @@ hook_print_log ()
log_printf (" line data:");
log_printf (" callback. . . . . . . : 0x%lx", HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, callback));
log_printf (" buffer_type . . . . . : %d", HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, buffer_type));
log_printf (" buffers . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, buffers));
log_printf (" num_buffers . . . . . : %d", HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, num_buffers));
for (i = 0; i < HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, num_buffers); i++)
log_printf (" buffers[%03d]. . . : '%s'",
i, HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, buffers)[i]);
log_printf (" tags_count. . . . . . : %d", HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, tags_count));
log_printf (" tags_array. . . . . . : 0x%lx", HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, tags_array));
if (HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, tags_array))
for (i = 0; i < HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, tags_count); i++)
for (j = 0; HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, tags_array)[i][j]; j++)
log_printf (" tags_array[%03d][%03d]: '%s'",
HOOK_LINE(ptr_hook, tags_array)[i][j]);
log_printf (" print data:");
log_printf (" callback. . . . . . . : 0x%lx", HOOK_PRINT(ptr_hook, callback));

View File

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ enum t_hook_type
HOOK_TYPE_FD, /* socket of file descriptor */
HOOK_TYPE_PROCESS, /* sub-process (fork) */
HOOK_TYPE_CONNECT, /* connect to peer with fork */
HOOK_TYPE_LINE, /* new line in a buffer */
HOOK_TYPE_PRINT, /* printed message */
HOOK_TYPE_SIGNAL, /* signal */
HOOK_TYPE_HSIGNAL, /* signal (using hashtable) */
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ enum t_hook_type
#define HOOK_FD(hook, var) (((struct t_hook_fd *)hook->hook_data)->var)
#define HOOK_PROCESS(hook, var) (((struct t_hook_process *)hook->hook_data)->var)
#define HOOK_CONNECT(hook, var) (((struct t_hook_connect *)hook->hook_data)->var)
#define HOOK_LINE(hook, var) (((struct t_hook_line *)hook->hook_data)->var)
#define HOOK_PRINT(hook, var) (((struct t_hook_print *)hook->hook_data)->var)
#define HOOK_SIGNAL(hook, var) (((struct t_hook_signal *)hook->hook_data)->var)
#define HOOK_HSIGNAL(hook, var) (((struct t_hook_hsignal *)hook->hook_data)->var)
@ -282,6 +284,24 @@ struct t_hook_connect
int sock_v6[HOOK_CONNECT_MAX_SOCKETS]; /* IPv6 sockets for connecting */
/* hook line */
typedef struct t_hashtable *(t_hook_callback_line)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line);
struct t_hook_line
t_hook_callback_line *callback; /* line callback */
int buffer_type; /* -1 = any type, ≥ 0: only this type*/
char **buffers; /* list of buffer masks where the */
/* hook is executed (see the */
/* function "buffer_match_list") */
int num_buffers; /* number of buffers in list */
int tags_count; /* number of tags selected */
char ***tags_array; /* tags selected (NULL = any) */
/* hook print */
typedef int (t_hook_callback_print)(const void *pointer, void *data,
@ -520,6 +540,14 @@ extern int hook_connect_gnutls_set_certificates (gnutls_session_t tls_session,
gnutls_retr_st *answer);
#endif /* LIBGNUTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x020b00 */
#endif /* HAVE_GNUTLS */
extern struct t_hook *hook_line (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
const char *buffer_type,
const char *buffer_name,
const char *tags,
t_hook_callback_line *callback,
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
extern void hook_line_exec (struct t_gui_line *line);
extern struct t_hook *hook_print (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *tags, const char *message,

View File

@ -631,7 +631,8 @@ upgrade_weechat_read_buffer_line (struct t_infolist *infolist)
switch (upgrade_current_buffer->type)
new_line = gui_line_add (upgrade_current_buffer,
new_line = gui_line_new (upgrade_current_buffer,
infolist_time (infolist, "date"),
infolist_time (infolist, "date_printed"),
infolist_string (infolist, "tags"),
@ -639,6 +640,7 @@ upgrade_weechat_read_buffer_line (struct t_infolist *infolist)
infolist_string (infolist, "message"));
if (new_line)
gui_line_add (new_line);
new_line->data->highlight = infolist_integer (infolist,
if (infolist_integer (infolist, "last_read_line"))
@ -646,9 +648,12 @@ upgrade_weechat_read_buffer_line (struct t_infolist *infolist)
gui_line_add_y (upgrade_current_buffer,
new_line = gui_line_new (upgrade_current_buffer,
infolist_integer (infolist, "y"),
0, 0, NULL, NULL,
infolist_string (infolist, "message"));
if (new_line)
gui_line_add_y (new_line);

View File

@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ char *gui_buffer_reserved_names[] =
char *gui_buffer_type_string[GUI_BUFFER_NUM_TYPES] =
{ "formatted", "free" };
char *gui_buffer_notify_string[GUI_BUFFER_NUM_NOTIFY] =
{ "none", "highlight", "message", "all" };
@ -118,6 +121,26 @@ char *gui_buffer_properties_set[] =
* Searches for buffer type.
* Returns pointer to hotlist found, NULL if not found.
gui_buffer_search_type (const char *type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < GUI_BUFFER_NUM_TYPES; i++)
if (string_strcasecmp (gui_buffer_type_string[i], type) == 0)
return i;
return -1;
* Gets plugin name of buffer.

View File

@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ extern int gui_buffers_visited_count;
extern int gui_buffers_visited_frozen;
extern struct t_gui_buffer *gui_buffer_last_displayed;
extern char *gui_buffer_reserved_names[];
extern char *gui_buffer_type_string[];
extern char *gui_buffer_notify_string[];
extern char *gui_buffer_properties_get_integer[];
extern char *gui_buffer_properties_get_string[];
@ -244,6 +245,7 @@ extern char *gui_buffer_properties_set[];
/* buffer functions */
extern int gui_buffer_search_type (const char *type);
extern const char *gui_buffer_get_plugin_name (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
extern const char *gui_buffer_get_short_name (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
extern void gui_buffer_build_full_name (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ int gui_chat_time_length = 0; /* length of time for each line (in chars) */
int gui_chat_mute = GUI_CHAT_MUTE_DISABLED; /* mute mode */
struct t_gui_buffer *gui_chat_mute_buffer = NULL; /* mute buffer */
int gui_chat_display_tags = 0; /* display tags? */
char *gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer = NULL; /* lines waiting for core */
char **gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer = NULL; /* lines waiting for core */
/* buffer */
@ -635,115 +635,65 @@ gui_chat_build_string_message_tags (struct t_gui_line *line)
* Displays a message in a buffer with optional date and tags.
* Checks if the buffer pointer is valid for printing a chat message,
* according to buffer type.
* Note: this function works only with formatted buffers (not buffers with free
* content).
* Returns:
* 1: buffer is valid
* 0: buffer is not valid
gui_chat_buffer_valid (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
int buffer_type)
/* check buffer pointer, closing and type */
if (!buffer || !gui_buffer_valid (buffer)
|| buffer->closing
|| ((int)(buffer->type) != buffer_type))
return 0;
/* check if mute is enabled */
if ((buffer_type == GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATTED)
&& ((gui_chat_mute == GUI_CHAT_MUTE_ALL_BUFFERS)
|| ((gui_chat_mute == GUI_CHAT_MUTE_BUFFER)
&& (gui_chat_mute_buffer == buffer))))
return 0;
return 1;
* Displays a message in a buffer with optional date and tags.
* This function is called internally by the function
* gui_chat_printf_date_tags.
gui_chat_printf_date_tags (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
const char *tags, const char *message, ...)
gui_chat_printf_date_tags_internal (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
time_t date,
time_t date_printed,
const char *tags,
char *message)
time_t date_printed;
int display_time, length, at_least_one_message_printed, msg_discarded;
char *pos, *pos_prefix, *pos_tab, *pos_end, *pos_lines;
char *modifier_data, *new_msg, *ptr_msg, *lines_waiting;
struct t_gui_line *ptr_line;
int display_time, length_data, length_str;
char *ptr_msg, *pos_prefix, *pos_tab;
char *modifier_data, *string, *new_string;
struct t_gui_line *new_line;
if (!message)
new_line = NULL;
string = NULL;
modifier_data = NULL;
new_string = NULL;
if (!gui_buffer_valid (buffer))
if (gui_init_ok)
if (!buffer)
buffer = gui_buffer_search_main ();
if (!buffer || buffer->closing)
if (buffer->type != GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATTED)
buffer = gui_buffers;
if (buffer->type != GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATTED)
/* if mute is enabled for buffer (or all buffers), then just return */
if ((gui_chat_mute == GUI_CHAT_MUTE_ALL_BUFFERS)
|| ((gui_chat_mute == GUI_CHAT_MUTE_BUFFER)
&& (gui_chat_mute_buffer == buffer)))
weechat_va_format (message);
if (!vbuffer)
utf8_normalize (vbuffer, '?');
date_printed = time (NULL);
if (date <= 0)
date = date_printed;
at_least_one_message_printed = 0;
pos = vbuffer;
while (pos)
/* display until next end of line */
pos_end = strchr (pos, '\n');
if (pos_end)
pos_end[0] = '\0';
/* call modifier for message printed ("weechat_print") */
new_msg = NULL;
msg_discarded = 0;
if (buffer)
length = strlen (gui_buffer_get_plugin_name (buffer)) + 1 +
strlen (buffer->name) + 1 + ((tags) ? strlen (tags) : 0) + 1;
modifier_data = malloc (length);
if (modifier_data)
snprintf (modifier_data, length, "%s;%s;%s",
gui_buffer_get_plugin_name (buffer),
(tags) ? tags : "");
new_msg = hook_modifier_exec (NULL,
free (modifier_data);
if (new_msg)
if (!new_msg[0] && pos[0])
* modifier returned empty message, then we'll not
* print anything
free (new_msg);
new_msg = NULL;
msg_discarded = 1;
else if (strcmp (message, new_msg) == 0)
/* no changes in new message */
free (new_msg);
new_msg = NULL;
if (!msg_discarded)
pos_prefix = NULL;
display_time = 1;
ptr_msg = (new_msg) ? new_msg : pos;
pos_prefix = NULL;
ptr_msg = message;
/* space followed by tab => prefix ignored */
if ((ptr_msg[0] == ' ') && (ptr_msg[1] == '\t'))
@ -771,168 +721,147 @@ gui_chat_printf_date_tags (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
if (gui_init_ok)
new_line = gui_line_new (buffer,
(display_time) ? date : 0,
if (!new_line)
goto no_print;
hook_line_exec (new_line);
if (!new_line->data->buffer)
goto no_print;
/* call modifier for message printed ("weechat_print") */
if (buffer)
ptr_line = gui_line_add (buffer, (display_time) ? date : 0,
date_printed, tags, pos_prefix, ptr_msg);
if (ptr_line)
length_data = strlen (gui_buffer_get_plugin_name (new_line->data->buffer)) +
1 +
strlen (new_line->data->buffer->name) +
1 +
((tags) ? strlen (tags) : 0) +
modifier_data = malloc (length_data);
length_str = ((new_line->data->prefix) ? strlen (new_line->data->prefix) + 1 : 0) +
(new_line->data->message ? strlen (new_line->data->message) : 0) +
string = malloc (length_str);
if (modifier_data && string)
if (buffer && buffer->print_hooks_enabled)
hook_print_exec (buffer, ptr_line);
if (ptr_line->data->displayed)
at_least_one_message_printed = 1;
snprintf (modifier_data, length_data,
gui_buffer_get_plugin_name (new_line->data->buffer),
(tags) ? tags : "");
snprintf (string, length_str,
(new_line->data->prefix) ? new_line->data->prefix : "",
(new_line->data->prefix) ? "\t" : "",
(new_line->data->message) ? new_line->data->message : "");
new_string = hook_modifier_exec (NULL,
if (new_string)
if (!new_string[0] && message[0])
* modifier returned empty message, then we'll not
* print anything
goto no_print;
else if (strcmp (message, new_string) != 0)
length = ((pos_prefix) ? strlen (pos_prefix) + 1 : 0) +
strlen (ptr_msg) + 1;
if (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer)
/* use new message if there are changes */
pos_prefix = NULL;
ptr_msg = new_string;
pos_tab = strchr (new_string, '\t');
if (pos_tab)
length += strlen (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer) + 1;
lines_waiting = realloc (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer, length);
if (lines_waiting)
gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer = lines_waiting;
free (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer);
gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer = NULL;
gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer = malloc (length);
if (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer)
gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer[0] = '\0';
if (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer)
pos_lines = gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer +
strlen (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer);
if (pos_lines > gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer)
pos_lines[0] = '\n';
pos_tab[0] = '\0';
pos_prefix = ptr_msg;
ptr_msg = pos_tab + 1;
if (pos_prefix)
memcpy (pos_lines, pos_prefix, strlen (pos_prefix));
pos_lines += strlen (pos_prefix);
pos_lines[0] = '\t';
if (new_line->data->prefix)
string_shared_free (new_line->data->prefix);
new_line->data->prefix = (char *)string_shared_get (pos_prefix);
new_line->data->prefix_length = gui_chat_strlen_screen (pos_prefix);
if (new_line->data->prefix)
free (new_line->data->prefix);
new_line->data->prefix = NULL;
new_line->data->prefix_length = 0;
if (new_line->data->message)
free (new_line->data->message);
new_line->data->message = strdup (ptr_msg);
memcpy (pos_lines, ptr_msg, strlen (ptr_msg) + 1);
if (new_msg)
free (new_msg);
gui_line_add (new_line);
if (new_line->data->buffer && buffer->print_hooks_enabled)
hook_print_exec (new_line->data->buffer, new_line);
pos = (pos_end && pos_end[1]) ? pos_end + 1 : NULL;
gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (new_line->data->buffer, 1);
if (string)
free (string);
if (modifier_data)
free (modifier_data);
if (new_string)
free (new_string);
if (new_line)
gui_line_free_data (new_line);
free (new_line);
if (gui_init_ok && at_least_one_message_printed)
gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (buffer, 1);
free (vbuffer);
if (string)
free (string);
if (modifier_data)
free (modifier_data);
if (new_string)
free (new_string);
* Displays a message on a line in a buffer with free content.
* Adds a line when WeeChat is waiting for the core buffer.
* Note: this function works only with free content buffers (not formatted
* buffers).
* The line is stored in an internal buffer area and will be displayed later
* in the core buffer.
gui_chat_printf_y (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int y, const char *message, ...)
gui_chat_add_line_waiting_buffer (const char *message)
struct t_gui_line *ptr_line;
int i, num_lines_to_add;
if (!gui_buffer_valid (buffer))
if (gui_init_ok)
if (!gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer)
if (!buffer)
buffer = gui_buffer_search_main ();
if (!buffer || buffer->closing)
if (buffer->type != GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE)
buffer = gui_buffers;
if (buffer->type != GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE)
gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer = string_dyn_alloc (1024);
if (!gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer)
weechat_va_format (message);
if (!vbuffer)
if (*gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer[0])
string_dyn_concat (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer, "\n");
utf8_normalize (vbuffer, '?');
/* no message: delete line */
if (!vbuffer[0])
if (gui_init_ok && (y >= 0))
for (ptr_line = buffer->own_lines->first_line; ptr_line;
ptr_line = ptr_line->next_line)
if (ptr_line->data->y >= y)
if (ptr_line && (ptr_line->data->y == y))
if (ptr_line->next_line)
gui_line_clear (ptr_line);
gui_line_free (buffer, ptr_line);
gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (buffer, 2);
if (gui_init_ok)
/* if y is negative, add a line -N lines after the last line */
if (y < 0)
y = (buffer->own_lines && buffer->own_lines->last_line) ?
buffer->own_lines->last_line->data->y - y : (-1 * y) - 1;
/* compute the number of lines to add before y */
if (buffer->own_lines && buffer->own_lines->last_line)
num_lines_to_add = y - buffer->own_lines->last_line->data->y - 1;
num_lines_to_add = y;
if (num_lines_to_add > 0)
* add empty line(s) before asked line, to ensure there is at
* least "y" lines in buffer, and then be able to scroll
* properly buffer page by page
for (i = y - num_lines_to_add; i < y; i++)
gui_line_add_y (buffer, i, "");
gui_line_add_y (buffer, y, vbuffer);
gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (buffer, 1);
string_fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", vbuffer);
free (vbuffer);
string_dyn_concat (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer, message);
@ -952,7 +881,7 @@ gui_chat_print_lines_waiting_buffer (FILE *f)
if (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer)
lines = string_split (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer, "\n", 0, 0,
lines = string_split (*gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer, "\n", 0, 0,
if (lines)
@ -972,11 +901,178 @@ gui_chat_print_lines_waiting_buffer (FILE *f)
if (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer)
free (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer);
string_dyn_free (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer, 1);
gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer = NULL;
* Displays a message in a buffer with optional date and tags.
* Note: this function works only with formatted buffers (not buffers with free
* content).
gui_chat_printf_date_tags (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
const char *tags, const char *message, ...)
time_t date_printed;
char *pos, *pos_end;
if (!message)
if (gui_init_ok)
if (!buffer)
buffer = gui_buffer_search_main ();
if (!gui_chat_buffer_valid (buffer, GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATTED))
weechat_va_format (message);
if (!vbuffer)
utf8_normalize (vbuffer, '?');
date_printed = time (NULL);
if (date <= 0)
date = date_printed;
pos = vbuffer;
while (pos)
/* display until next end of line */
pos_end = strchr (pos, '\n');
if (pos_end)
pos_end[0] = '\0';
if (gui_init_ok)
gui_chat_printf_date_tags_internal (buffer, date, date_printed,
tags, pos);
gui_chat_add_line_waiting_buffer (pos);
pos = (pos_end && pos_end[1]) ? pos_end + 1 : NULL;
free (vbuffer);
* Displays a message on a line in a buffer with free content.
* Note: this function works only with free content buffers (not formatted
* buffers).
gui_chat_printf_y (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int y, const char *message, ...)
struct t_gui_line *ptr_line, *new_line, *new_line_empty;
int i, last_y, num_lines_to_add;
if (gui_init_ok && !gui_chat_buffer_valid (buffer, GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE))
/* if y is negative, add a line -N lines after the last line */
if (y < 0)
y = (buffer->own_lines && buffer->own_lines->last_line) ?
buffer->own_lines->last_line->data->y - y : (-1 * y) - 1;
weechat_va_format (message);
if (!vbuffer)
utf8_normalize (vbuffer, '?');
new_line = gui_line_new (buffer, y, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, vbuffer);
if (!new_line)
goto end;
hook_line_exec (new_line);
if (!new_line->data->buffer)
gui_line_free_data (new_line);
free (new_line);
goto end;
if (new_line->data->message && new_line->data->message[0])
if (gui_init_ok)
/* compute the number of lines to add before y */
if (new_line->data->buffer->own_lines
&& new_line->data->buffer->own_lines->last_line)
num_lines_to_add = y - new_line->data->buffer->own_lines->last_line->data->y - 1;
num_lines_to_add = y;
if (num_lines_to_add > 0)
* add empty line(s) before asked line, to ensure there is at
* least "y" lines in buffer, and then be able to scroll
* properly buffer page by page
for (i = y - num_lines_to_add; i < y; i++)
new_line_empty = gui_line_new (new_line->data->buffer,
i, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
if (new_line_empty)
gui_line_add_y (new_line_empty);
gui_line_add_y (new_line);
string_fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", new_line->data->message);
gui_line_free_data (new_line);
free (new_line);
else if (gui_init_ok)
/* delete line */
last_y = (new_line->data->buffer->own_lines->last_line) ?
new_line->data->buffer->own_lines->last_line->data->y : 0;
if (y <= last_y)
for (ptr_line = new_line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line;
ptr_line; ptr_line = ptr_line->next_line)
if (ptr_line->data->y >= y)
if (ptr_line && (ptr_line->data->y == y))
if (ptr_line->next_line)
gui_line_clear (ptr_line);
gui_line_free (new_line->data->buffer, ptr_line);
gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (new_line->data->buffer, 2);
free (vbuffer);
* Quotes a line.
@ -1106,7 +1202,7 @@ gui_chat_end ()
/* free lines waiting for buffer (should always be NULL here) */
if (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer)
free (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer);
string_dyn_free (gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer, 1);
gui_chat_lines_waiting_buffer = NULL;

View File

@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ extern int gui_chat_get_time_length ();
extern void gui_chat_change_time_format ();
extern char *gui_chat_build_string_prefix_message (struct t_gui_line *line);
extern char *gui_chat_build_string_message_tags (struct t_gui_line *line);
extern int gui_chat_buffer_valid (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
int buffer_type);
extern void gui_chat_printf_date_tags (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
time_t date, const char *tags,
const char *message, ...);

View File

@ -39,29 +39,6 @@
#include "gui-window.h"
#define FOCUS_STR(__name, __string) \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, __string);
#define FOCUS_STR_VAR(__name, __var) \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, (__var) ? __var : "");
#define FOCUS_INT(__name, __int) \
snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value), "%d", __int); \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, str_value);
#define FOCUS_TIME(__name, __time) \
snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value), "%lld", (long long)__time); \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, str_value);
#define FOCUS_PTR(__name, __pointer) \
if (__pointer) \
{ \
snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value), \
"0x%lx", (long unsigned int)__pointer); \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, str_value); \
} \
else \
{ \
hashtable_set (hashtable, __name, ""); \
* Gets info about what is pointed by cursor at (x,y).
@ -177,45 +154,45 @@ gui_focus_to_hashtable (struct t_gui_focus_info *focus_info, const char *key)
return NULL;
/* key (key from keyboard or mouse event) */
FOCUS_STR("_key", key);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_key", key);
/* x,y */
FOCUS_INT("_x", focus_info->x);
FOCUS_INT("_y", focus_info->y);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("_x", focus_info->x);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("_y", focus_info->y);
/* window */
FOCUS_PTR("_window", focus_info->window);
HASHTABLE_SET_PTR("_window", focus_info->window);
if (focus_info->window)
FOCUS_INT("_window_number", (focus_info->window)->number);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("_window_number", (focus_info->window)->number);
FOCUS_STR("_window_number", "*");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_window_number", "*");
/* buffer */
FOCUS_PTR("_buffer", focus_info->buffer);
HASHTABLE_SET_PTR("_buffer", focus_info->buffer);
if (focus_info->buffer)
FOCUS_INT("_buffer_number", (focus_info->buffer)->number);
FOCUS_STR("_buffer_plugin", plugin_get_name ((focus_info->buffer)->plugin));
FOCUS_STR("_buffer_name", (focus_info->buffer)->name);
FOCUS_STR("_buffer_full_name", (focus_info->buffer)->full_name);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("_buffer_number", (focus_info->buffer)->number);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_buffer_plugin", plugin_get_name ((focus_info->buffer)->plugin));
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_buffer_name", (focus_info->buffer)->name);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_buffer_full_name", (focus_info->buffer)->full_name);
hashtable_map ((focus_info->buffer)->local_variables,
&gui_focus_buffer_localvar_map_cb, hashtable);
FOCUS_PTR("_buffer", NULL);
FOCUS_STR("_buffer_number", "-1");
FOCUS_STR("_buffer_plugin", "");
FOCUS_STR("_buffer_name", "");
FOCUS_STR("_buffer_full_name", "");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_buffer_number", "-1");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_buffer_plugin", "");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_buffer_name", "");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_buffer_full_name", "");
/* chat area */
FOCUS_INT("_chat", focus_info->chat);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("_chat", focus_info->chat);
str_time = NULL;
str_prefix = NULL;
if (focus_info->chat_line)
@ -225,16 +202,16 @@ gui_focus_to_hashtable (struct t_gui_focus_info *focus_info, const char *key)
str_tags = string_build_with_split_string ((const char **)((focus_info->chat_line)->data)->tags_array, ",");
str_message = gui_color_decode (((focus_info->chat_line)->data)->message, NULL);
nick = gui_line_get_nick_tag (focus_info->chat_line);
FOCUS_PTR("_chat_line", focus_info->chat_line);
FOCUS_INT("_chat_line_x", focus_info->chat_line_x);
FOCUS_INT("_chat_line_y", ((focus_info->chat_line)->data)->y);
FOCUS_TIME("_chat_line_date", ((focus_info->chat_line)->data)->date);
FOCUS_TIME("_chat_line_date_printed", ((focus_info->chat_line)->data)->date_printed);
FOCUS_STR_VAR("_chat_line_time", str_time);
FOCUS_STR_VAR("_chat_line_tags", str_tags);
FOCUS_STR_VAR("_chat_line_nick", nick);
FOCUS_STR_VAR("_chat_line_prefix", str_prefix);
FOCUS_STR_VAR("_chat_line_message", str_message);
HASHTABLE_SET_PTR("_chat_line", focus_info->chat_line);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("_chat_line_x", focus_info->chat_line_x);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("_chat_line_y", ((focus_info->chat_line)->data)->y);
HASHTABLE_SET_TIME("_chat_line_date", ((focus_info->chat_line)->data)->date);
HASHTABLE_SET_TIME("_chat_line_date_printed", ((focus_info->chat_line)->data)->date_printed);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("_chat_line_time", str_time);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("_chat_line_tags", str_tags);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("_chat_line_nick", nick);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("_chat_line_prefix", str_prefix);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("_chat_line_message", str_message);
if (str_time)
free (str_time);
if (str_prefix)
@ -246,35 +223,35 @@ gui_focus_to_hashtable (struct t_gui_focus_info *focus_info, const char *key)
FOCUS_PTR("_chat_line", NULL);
FOCUS_STR("_chat_line_x", "-1");
FOCUS_STR("_chat_line_y", "-1");
FOCUS_STR("_chat_line_date", "-1");
FOCUS_STR("_chat_line_date_printed", "-1");
FOCUS_STR("_chat_line_time", "");
FOCUS_STR("_chat_line_tags", "");
FOCUS_STR("_chat_line_nick", "");
FOCUS_STR("_chat_line_prefix", "");
FOCUS_STR("_chat_line_message", "");
HASHTABLE_SET_PTR("_chat_line", NULL);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_chat_line_x", "-1");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_chat_line_y", "-1");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_chat_line_date", "-1");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_chat_line_date_printed", "-1");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_chat_line_time", "");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_chat_line_tags", "");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_chat_line_nick", "");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_chat_line_prefix", "");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_chat_line_message", "");
FOCUS_STR_VAR("_chat_word", focus_info->chat_word);
FOCUS_STR_VAR("_chat_bol", focus_info->chat_bol);
FOCUS_STR_VAR("_chat_eol", focus_info->chat_eol);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("_chat_word", focus_info->chat_word);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("_chat_bol", focus_info->chat_bol);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("_chat_eol", focus_info->chat_eol);
/* bar/item */
if (focus_info->bar_window)
FOCUS_STR("_bar_name", ((focus_info->bar_window)->bar)->name);
FOCUS_STR("_bar_filling", gui_bar_filling_string[gui_bar_get_filling ((focus_info->bar_window)->bar)]);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_bar_name", ((focus_info->bar_window)->bar)->name);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_bar_filling", gui_bar_filling_string[gui_bar_get_filling ((focus_info->bar_window)->bar)]);
FOCUS_STR("_bar_name", "");
FOCUS_STR("_bar_filling", "");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_bar_name", "");
HASHTABLE_SET_STR("_bar_filling", "");
FOCUS_STR_VAR("_bar_item_name", focus_info->bar_item);
FOCUS_INT("_bar_item_line", focus_info->bar_item_line);
FOCUS_INT("_bar_item_col", focus_info->bar_item_col);
HASHTABLE_SET_STR_NOT_NULL("_bar_item_name", focus_info->bar_item);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("_bar_item_line", focus_info->bar_item_line);
HASHTABLE_SET_INT("_bar_item_col", focus_info->bar_item_col);
return hashtable;

View File

@ -976,6 +976,25 @@ gui_line_add_to_list (struct t_gui_lines *lines,
* Frees data in a line.
gui_line_free_data (struct t_gui_line *line)
if (line->data->str_time)
free (line->data->str_time);
gui_line_tags_free (line->data);
if (line->data->prefix)
string_shared_free (line->data->prefix);
if (line->data->message)
free (line->data->message);
free (line->data);
line->data = NULL;
* Removes a line from a "t_gui_lines" structure.
@ -1041,16 +1060,7 @@ gui_line_remove_from_list (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
/* free data */
if (free_data)
if (line->data->str_time)
free (line->data->str_time);
gui_line_tags_free (line->data);
if (line->data->prefix)
string_shared_free (line->data->prefix);
if (line->data->message)
free (line->data->message);
free (line->data);
gui_line_free_data (line);
/* remove line from list */
if (line->prev_line)
@ -1189,78 +1199,104 @@ gui_line_free_all (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer)
gui_line_get_notify_level (struct t_gui_line *line)
int i;
int i, notify_level, *max_notify_level;
const char *nick;
notify_level = GUI_HOTLIST_LOW;
for (i = 0; i < line->data->tags_count; i++)
if (string_strcasecmp (line->data->tags_array[i], "notify_none") == 0)
return -1;
notify_level = -1;
if (string_strcasecmp (line->data->tags_array[i], "notify_highlight") == 0)
if (string_strcasecmp (line->data->tags_array[i], "notify_private") == 0)
notify_level = GUI_HOTLIST_PRIVATE;
if (string_strcasecmp (line->data->tags_array[i], "notify_message") == 0)
notify_level = GUI_HOTLIST_MESSAGE;
max_notify_level = NULL;
nick = gui_line_get_nick_tag (line);
if (nick)
max_notify_level = hashtable_get (line->data->buffer->hotlist_max_level_nicks,
if (max_notify_level && (*max_notify_level < notify_level))
notify_level = *max_notify_level;
return notify_level;
* Adds a new line for a buffer.
* Gets highlight flag for a line, using the notify level in the line.
* Returns 1 for highlight otherwise 0.
gui_line_get_highlight (struct t_gui_line *line)
int highlight, *max_notify_level;
const char *nick;
highlight = 0;
if (line->data->notify_level == GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT)
highlight = 1;
max_notify_level = NULL;
nick = gui_line_get_nick_tag (line);
if (nick)
max_notify_level = hashtable_get (line->data->buffer->hotlist_max_level_nicks,
if (max_notify_level && (*max_notify_level < GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT))
highlight = 0;
highlight = gui_line_has_highlight (line);
return highlight;
* Creates a new line for a buffer.
struct t_gui_line *
gui_line_add (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
gui_line_new (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int y, time_t date,
time_t date_printed, const char *tags,
const char *prefix, const char *message)
struct t_gui_line *new_line;
struct t_gui_line_data *new_line_data;
struct t_gui_window *ptr_win;
char *message_for_signal;
const char *nick;
int notify_level, *max_notify_level, lines_removed;
time_t current_time;
* remove line(s) if necessary, according to history options:
* max_lines: if > 0, keep only N lines in buffer
* max_minutes: if > 0, keep only lines from last N minutes
lines_removed = 0;
current_time = time (NULL);
while (buffer->own_lines->first_line
&& (((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_buffer_lines_number) > 0)
&& (buffer->own_lines->lines_count + 1 >
|| ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_buffer_lines_minutes) > 0)
&& (current_time - buffer->own_lines->first_line->data->date_printed >
CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_buffer_lines_minutes) * 60))))
gui_line_free (buffer, buffer->own_lines->first_line);
/* create new line */
new_line = malloc (sizeof (*new_line));
if (!new_line)
log_printf (_("Not enough memory for new line"));
return NULL;
/* create data for line */
new_line_data = malloc (sizeof (*new_line_data));
if (!new_line_data)
free (new_line);
log_printf (_("Not enough memory for new line"));
return NULL;
new_line->data = new_line_data;
/* fill data in new line */
new_line->data->buffer = buffer;
new_line->data->message = (message) ? strdup (message) : strdup ("");
if (buffer->type == GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATTED)
new_line->data->y = -1;
new_line->data->date = date;
new_line->data->date_printed = date_printed;
@ -1271,40 +1307,250 @@ gui_line_add (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
(char *)string_shared_get (prefix) : ((date != 0) ? (char *)string_shared_get ("") : NULL);
new_line->data->prefix_length = (prefix) ?
gui_chat_strlen_screen (prefix) : 0;
new_line->data->message = (message) ? strdup (message) : strdup ("");
/* get notify level and max notify level for nick in buffer */
notify_level = gui_line_get_notify_level (new_line);
max_notify_level = NULL;
nick = gui_line_get_nick_tag (new_line);
if (nick)
max_notify_level = hashtable_get (buffer->hotlist_max_level_nicks, nick);
if (max_notify_level
&& (*max_notify_level < notify_level))
notify_level = *max_notify_level;
if (notify_level == GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT)
new_line->data->highlight = 1;
else if (max_notify_level && (*max_notify_level < GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT))
new_line->data->highlight = 0;
new_line->data->notify_level = gui_line_get_notify_level (new_line);
new_line->data->highlight = gui_line_get_highlight (new_line);
new_line->data->highlight = gui_line_has_highlight (new_line);
new_line->data->y = y;
new_line->data->date = 0;
new_line->data->date_printed = 0;
new_line->data->str_time = NULL;
new_line->data->tags_count = 0;
new_line->data->tags_array = NULL;
new_line->data->refresh_needed = 1;
new_line->data->prefix = NULL;
new_line->data->prefix_length = 0;
new_line->data->notify_level = 0;
new_line->data->highlight = 0;
/* check if line is filtered or not */
/* set display flag (check if line is filtered or not) */
new_line->data->displayed = gui_filter_check_line (new_line->data);
new_line->prev_line = NULL;
new_line->next_line = NULL;
return new_line;
* Updates data in a line via the hook_line.
gui_line_hook_update (struct t_gui_line *line,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable2)
const char *ptr_value, *ptr_value2;
struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer;
long unsigned int value_pointer;
long value;
char *error;
int rc, tags_updated, notify_level_updated, highlight_updated;
tags_updated = 0;
notify_level_updated = 0;
highlight_updated = 0;
ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "buffer_name");
if (ptr_value2)
if (ptr_value2[0])
ptr_buffer = gui_buffer_search_by_full_name (ptr_value2);
if (gui_chat_buffer_valid (ptr_buffer, line->data->buffer->type))
line->data->buffer = ptr_buffer;
line->data->buffer = NULL;
ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "buffer");
if (ptr_value2)
if (ptr_value2[0])
if ((ptr_value2[0] == '0') && (ptr_value2[1] == 'x'))
rc = sscanf (ptr_value2 + 2, "%lx", &value_pointer);
ptr_buffer = (struct t_gui_buffer *)value_pointer;
if ((rc != EOF) && (rc >= 1)
&& gui_chat_buffer_valid (ptr_buffer, line->data->buffer->type))
line->data->buffer = ptr_buffer;
line->data->buffer = NULL;
if (line->data->buffer->type == GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE)
/* the field "y" can be changed on buffer with free content */
ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "y");
if (ptr_value)
error = NULL;
value = strtol (ptr_value, &error, 10);
if (error && !error[0] && (value >= 0))
line->data->y = value;
ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "date");
if (ptr_value2)
error = NULL;
value = strtol (ptr_value2, &error, 10);
if (error && !error[0] && (value >= 0))
line->data->date = (time_t)value;
if (line->data->str_time)
free (line->data->str_time);
line->data->str_time = gui_chat_get_time_string (line->data->date);
ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "date_printed");
if (ptr_value2)
error = NULL;
value = strtol (ptr_value2, &error, 10);
if (error && !error[0] && (value >= 0))
line->data->date_printed = (time_t)value;
ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "str_time");
ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "str_time");
if (ptr_value2 && (!ptr_value || (strcmp (ptr_value, ptr_value2) != 0)))
if (line->data->str_time)
free (line->data->str_time);
line->data->str_time = (ptr_value2) ? strdup (ptr_value2) : NULL;
ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "tags");
ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "tags");
if (ptr_value2 && (!ptr_value || (strcmp (ptr_value, ptr_value2) != 0)))
tags_updated = 1;
gui_line_tags_free (line->data);
gui_line_tags_alloc (line->data, ptr_value2);
ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "notify_level");
if (ptr_value2)
error = NULL;
value = strtol (ptr_value2, &error, 10);
if (error && !error[0] && (value >= -1) && (value <= GUI_HOTLIST_MAX))
notify_level_updated = 1;
line->data->notify_level = value;
ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "highlight");
if (ptr_value2)
error = NULL;
value = strtol (ptr_value2, &error, 10);
if (error && !error[0])
highlight_updated = 1;
line->data->highlight = (value) ? 1 : 0;
ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "prefix");
ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "prefix");
if (ptr_value2 && (!ptr_value || (strcmp (ptr_value, ptr_value2) != 0)))
if (line->data->prefix)
string_shared_free (line->data->prefix);
line->data->prefix = (char *)string_shared_get (
(ptr_value2) ? ptr_value2 : "");
line->data->prefix_length = (line->data->prefix) ?
gui_chat_strlen_screen (line->data->prefix) : 0;
ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "message");
ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "message");
if (ptr_value2 && (!ptr_value || (strcmp (ptr_value, ptr_value2) != 0)))
if (line->data->message)
free (line->data->message);
line->data->message = (ptr_value2) ? strdup (ptr_value2) : NULL;
/* if tags were updated but not notify_level, adjust notify level */
if (tags_updated && !notify_level_updated)
line->data->notify_level = gui_line_get_notify_level (line);
/* adjust flag "displayed" if tags were updated */
if (tags_updated)
line->data->displayed = gui_filter_check_line (line->data);
if ((tags_updated || notify_level_updated) && !highlight_updated)
line->data->highlight = gui_line_get_highlight (line);
* Adds a new line in a buffer with formatted content.
gui_line_add (struct t_gui_line *line)
struct t_gui_window *ptr_win;
char *message_for_signal;
int lines_removed;
time_t current_time;
* remove line(s) if necessary, according to history options:
* max_lines: if > 0, keep only N lines in buffer
* max_minutes: if > 0, keep only lines from last N minutes
lines_removed = 0;
current_time = time (NULL);
while (line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line
&& (((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_buffer_lines_number) > 0)
&& (line->data->buffer->own_lines->lines_count + 1 >
|| ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_buffer_lines_minutes) > 0)
&& (current_time - line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line->data->date_printed >
CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_buffer_lines_minutes) * 60))))
gui_line_free (line->data->buffer,
/* add line to lines list */
gui_line_add_to_list (buffer->own_lines, new_line);
gui_line_add_to_list (line->data->buffer->own_lines, line);
/* update hotlist and/or send signals for line */
if (new_line->data->displayed)
if (line->data->displayed)
if (new_line->data->highlight)
if (line->data->highlight)
(void) gui_hotlist_add (buffer, GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT, NULL);
(void) gui_hotlist_add (line->data->buffer,
if (!weechat_upgrading)
message_for_signal = gui_chat_build_string_prefix_message (new_line);
message_for_signal = gui_chat_build_string_prefix_message (line);
if (message_for_signal)
(void) hook_signal_send ("weechat_highlight",
@ -1316,9 +1562,10 @@ gui_line_add (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
if (!weechat_upgrading && (notify_level == GUI_HOTLIST_PRIVATE))
if (!weechat_upgrading
&& (line->data->notify_level == GUI_HOTLIST_PRIVATE))
message_for_signal = gui_chat_build_string_prefix_message (new_line);
message_for_signal = gui_chat_build_string_prefix_message (line);
if (message_for_signal)
(void) hook_signal_send ("weechat_pv",
@ -1327,20 +1574,24 @@ gui_line_add (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
free (message_for_signal);
if (notify_level >= GUI_HOTLIST_MIN)
(void) gui_hotlist_add (buffer, notify_level, NULL);
if (line->data->notify_level >= GUI_HOTLIST_MIN)
(void) gui_hotlist_add (line->data->buffer,
line->data->notify_level, NULL);
(void) hook_signal_send ("buffer_lines_hidden",
/* add mixed line, if buffer is attached to at least one other buffer */
if (buffer->mixed_lines)
if (line->data->buffer->mixed_lines)
gui_line_mixed_add (buffer->mixed_lines, new_line->data);
gui_line_mixed_add (line->data->buffer->mixed_lines, line->data);
@ -1352,102 +1603,46 @@ gui_line_add (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window)
if ((ptr_win->buffer == buffer)
&& (buffer->own_lines->lines_count < ptr_win->win_chat_height))
if ((ptr_win->buffer == line->data->buffer)
&& (line->data->buffer->own_lines->lines_count < ptr_win->win_chat_height))
gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (buffer, 2);
gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (line->data->buffer, 2);
(void) hook_signal_send ("buffer_line_added",
return new_line;
* Adds or updates a line for a buffer with free content.
* Adds or updates a line in a buffer with free content.
* Ba careful: when replacing an existing line in the buffer, the "line"
* pointer received as parameter is freed and then becomes invalid.
* So this pointer must not be used after the call to this function.
gui_line_add_y (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int y, const char *message)
gui_line_add_y (struct t_gui_line *line)
struct t_gui_line *ptr_line, *new_line;
struct t_gui_line_data *new_line_data;
struct t_gui_line *ptr_line;
struct t_gui_window *ptr_win;
int old_line_displayed;
/* search if line exists for "y" */
for (ptr_line = buffer->own_lines->first_line; ptr_line;
for (ptr_line = line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line; ptr_line;
ptr_line = ptr_line->next_line)
if (ptr_line->data->y >= y)
if (ptr_line->data->y >= line->data->y)
if (!ptr_line || (ptr_line->data->y > y))
if (ptr_line && (ptr_line->data->y == line->data->y))
new_line = malloc (sizeof (*new_line));
if (!new_line)
log_printf (_("Not enough memory for new line"));
new_line_data = malloc (sizeof (*new_line_data));
if (!new_line_data)
free (new_line);
log_printf (_("Not enough memory for new line"));
new_line->data = new_line_data;
/* fill data in new line */
new_line->data->buffer = buffer;
new_line->data->y = y;
new_line->data->date = 0;
new_line->data->date_printed = 0;
new_line->data->str_time = NULL;
new_line->data->tags_count = 0;
new_line->data->tags_array = NULL;
new_line->data->refresh_needed = 1;
new_line->data->prefix = NULL;
new_line->data->prefix_length = 0;
new_line->data->message = NULL;
new_line->data->highlight = 0;
/* add line to lines list */
if (ptr_line)
/* add before line found */
new_line->prev_line = ptr_line->prev_line;
new_line->next_line = ptr_line;
if (ptr_line->prev_line)
(ptr_line->prev_line)->next_line = new_line;
buffer->own_lines->first_line = new_line;
ptr_line->prev_line = new_line;
/* add at end of list */
new_line->prev_line = buffer->own_lines->last_line;
if (buffer->own_lines->first_line)
buffer->own_lines->last_line->next_line = new_line;
buffer->own_lines->first_line = new_line;
buffer->own_lines->last_line = new_line;
new_line->next_line = NULL;
ptr_line = new_line;
/* set message for line */
/* replace line data with the new data */
old_line_displayed = ptr_line->data->displayed;
if (ptr_line->data->message)
/* remove line from coords if the content is changing */
@ -1455,22 +1650,61 @@ gui_line_add_y (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int y, const char *message)
gui_window_coords_remove_line (ptr_win, ptr_line);
/* free message in line */
free (ptr_line->data->message);
ptr_line->data->message = (message) ? strdup (message) : strdup ("");
/* replace ptr_line by line in list */
gui_line_free_data (ptr_line);
ptr_line->data = line->data;
free (line);
/* add line to lines list */
old_line_displayed = 1;
if (ptr_line)
/* add before line found */
line->prev_line = ptr_line->prev_line;
line->next_line = ptr_line;
if (ptr_line->prev_line)
(ptr_line->prev_line)->next_line = line;
line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line = line;
ptr_line->prev_line = line;
/* add at end of list */
line->prev_line = line->data->buffer->own_lines->last_line;
if (line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line)
line->data->buffer->own_lines->last_line->next_line = line;
line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line = line;
line->data->buffer->own_lines->last_line = line;
line->next_line = NULL;
ptr_line = line;
/* check if line is filtered or not */
ptr_line->data->displayed = gui_filter_check_line (ptr_line->data);
if (!ptr_line->data->displayed)
if (old_line_displayed && !ptr_line->data->displayed)
(void) hook_signal_send ("buffer_lines_hidden",
else if (!old_line_displayed && ptr_line->data->displayed)
if (ptr_line->data->buffer->own_lines->lines_hidden > 0)
ptr_line->data->refresh_needed = 1;
gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (ptr_line->data->buffer, 1);
@ -1754,6 +1988,7 @@ gui_line_hdata_line_data_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, tags_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, tags_array, SHARED_STRING, 1, "tags_count", NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, displayed, CHAR, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, notify_level, CHAR, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, highlight, CHAR, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, refresh_needed, CHAR, 0, NULL, NULL);
HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, prefix, SHARED_STRING, 1, NULL, NULL);
@ -1827,6 +2062,8 @@ gui_line_add_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist,
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "displayed", line->data->displayed))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "notify_level", line->data->notify_level))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "highlight", line->data->highlight))
return 0;
if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "prefix", line->data->prefix))

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ struct t_gui_line_data
int tags_count; /* number of tags for line */
char **tags_array; /* tags for line */
char displayed; /* 1 if line is displayed */
char notify_level; /* notify level for the line */
char highlight; /* 1 if line has highlight */
char refresh_needed; /* 1 if refresh asked (free buffer) */
char *prefix; /* prefix for line (may be NULL) */
@ -102,18 +103,23 @@ extern void gui_line_compute_buffer_max_length (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
extern void gui_line_compute_prefix_max_length (struct t_gui_lines *lines);
extern void gui_line_mixed_free_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
extern void gui_line_mixed_free_all (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
extern void gui_line_free_data (struct t_gui_line *line);
extern void gui_line_free (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_line *line);
extern void gui_line_free_all (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
extern int gui_line_get_notify_level (struct t_gui_line *line);
extern struct t_gui_line *gui_line_add (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
extern struct t_gui_line *gui_line_new (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
int y,
time_t date,
time_t date_printed,
const char *tags,
const char *prefix,
const char *message);
extern void gui_line_add_y (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int y,
const char *message);
extern void gui_line_hook_update (struct t_gui_line *line,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable2);
extern void gui_line_add (struct t_gui_line *line);
extern void gui_line_add_y (struct t_gui_line *line);
extern void gui_line_clear (struct t_gui_line *line);
extern void gui_line_mix_buffers (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
extern struct t_hdata *gui_line_hdata_lines_cb (const void *pointer,

View File

@ -2454,6 +2454,58 @@ weechat_guile_api_hook_connect (SCM proxy, SCM address, SCM port, SCM ipv6,
struct t_hashtable *
weechat_guile_api_hook_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line)
struct t_plugin_script *script;
void *func_argv[2];
char empty_arg[1] = { '\0' };
const char *ptr_function, *ptr_data;
script = (struct t_plugin_script *)pointer;
plugin_script_get_function_and_data (data, &ptr_function, &ptr_data);
if (ptr_function && ptr_function[0])
func_argv[0] = (ptr_data) ? (char *)ptr_data : empty_arg;
func_argv[1] = line;
return (struct t_hashtable *)weechat_guile_exec (
"sh", func_argv);
return NULL;
weechat_guile_api_hook_line (SCM buffer_type, SCM buffer_name, SCM tags,
SCM function, SCM data)
const char *result;
SCM return_value;
if (!scm_is_string (buffer_type) || !scm_is_string (buffer_name)
|| !scm_is_string (tags) || !scm_is_string (function)
|| !scm_is_string (data))
result = API_PTR2STR(plugin_script_api_hook_line (weechat_guile_plugin,
weechat_guile_api_hook_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
@ -4884,6 +4936,7 @@ weechat_guile_api_module_init (void *data)
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_process, 4);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_process_hashtable, 5);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_connect, 8);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_line, 5);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_print, 6);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_signal, 3);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_signal_send, 3);

View File

@ -2361,6 +2361,62 @@ API_FUNC(hook_connect)
struct t_hashtable *
weechat_js_api_hook_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line)
struct t_plugin_script *script;
void *func_argv[2];
char empty_arg[1] = { '\0' };
const char *ptr_function, *ptr_data;
struct t_hashtable *ret_hashtable;
script = (struct t_plugin_script *)pointer;
plugin_script_get_function_and_data (data, &ptr_function, &ptr_data);
if (ptr_function && ptr_function[0])
func_argv[0] = (ptr_data) ? (char *)ptr_data : empty_arg;
func_argv[1] = line;
ret_hashtable = (struct t_hashtable *)weechat_js_exec (
"sh", func_argv);
return ret_hashtable;
return NULL;
const char *result;
API_INIT_FUNC(1, "hook_line", "sssss", API_RETURN_EMPTY);
v8::String::Utf8Value buffer_type(args[0]);
v8::String::Utf8Value buffer_name(args[1]);
v8::String::Utf8Value tags(args[2]);
v8::String::Utf8Value function(args[3]);
v8::String::Utf8Value data(args[4]);
result = API_PTR2STR(
plugin_script_api_hook_line (
weechat_js_api_hook_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
@ -4831,6 +4887,7 @@ WeechatJsV8::loadLibs()

View File

@ -2583,6 +2583,60 @@ API_FUNC(hook_connect)
struct t_hashtable *
weechat_lua_api_hook_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line)
struct t_plugin_script *script;
void *func_argv[2];
char empty_arg[1] = { '\0' };
const char *ptr_function, *ptr_data;
script = (struct t_plugin_script *)pointer;
plugin_script_get_function_and_data (data, &ptr_function, &ptr_data);
if (ptr_function && ptr_function[0])
func_argv[0] = (ptr_data) ? (char *)ptr_data : empty_arg;
func_argv[1] = line;
return (struct t_hashtable *)weechat_lua_exec (
"sh", func_argv);
return NULL;
const char *buffer_type, *buffer_name, *tags, *function, *data;
const char *result;
if (lua_gettop (L) < 5)
buffer_type = lua_tostring (L, -5);
buffer_name = lua_tostring (L, -4);
tags = lua_tostring (L, -3);
function = lua_tostring (L, -2);
data = lua_tostring (L, -1);
result = API_PTR2STR(plugin_script_api_hook_line (weechat_lua_plugin,
weechat_lua_api_hook_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
@ -5181,6 +5235,7 @@ const struct luaL_Reg weechat_lua_api_funcs[] = {

View File

@ -2484,6 +2484,61 @@ API_FUNC(hook_connect)
struct t_hashtable *
weechat_perl_api_hook_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line)
struct t_plugin_script *script;
void *func_argv[2];
char empty_arg[1] = { '\0' };
const char *ptr_function, *ptr_data;
script = (struct t_plugin_script *)pointer;
plugin_script_get_function_and_data (data, &ptr_function, &ptr_data);
if (ptr_function && ptr_function[0])
func_argv[0] = (ptr_data) ? (char *)ptr_data : empty_arg;
func_argv[1] = line;
return (struct t_hashtable *)weechat_perl_exec (
"sh", func_argv);
return NULL;
char *buffer_type, *buffer_name, *tags, *function, *data;
const char *result;
if (items < 5)
buffer_type = SvPV_nolen (ST (0));
buffer_name = SvPV_nolen (ST (1));
tags = SvPV_nolen (ST (2));
function = SvPV_nolen (ST (3));
data = SvPV_nolen (ST (4));
result = API_PTR2STR(plugin_script_api_hook_line (weechat_perl_plugin,
weechat_perl_api_hook_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
@ -5142,6 +5197,7 @@ weechat_perl_api_init (pTHX)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(weechat_hook_fd);

View File

@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ const zend_function_entry weechat_functions[] = {
PHP_FE(weechat_hook_process, NULL)
PHP_FE(weechat_hook_process_hashtable, NULL)
PHP_FE(weechat_hook_connect, NULL)
PHP_FE(weechat_hook_line, NULL)
PHP_FE(weechat_hook_print, NULL)
PHP_FE(weechat_hook_signal, NULL)
PHP_FE(weechat_hook_signal_send, NULL)

View File

@ -657,6 +657,48 @@ plugin_script_api_hook_connect (struct t_weechat_plugin *weechat_plugin,
return new_hook;
* Hooks a line.
* Returns pointer to new hook, NULL if error.
struct t_hook *
plugin_script_api_hook_line (struct t_weechat_plugin *weechat_plugin,
struct t_plugin_script *script,
const char *buffer_type,
const char *buffer_name,
const char *tags,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line),
const char *function,
const char *data)
char *function_and_data;
struct t_hook *new_hook;
if (!script)
return NULL;
function_and_data = plugin_script_build_function_and_data (function, data);
new_hook = weechat_hook_line (buffer_type, buffer_name, tags, callback,
script, function_and_data);
if (new_hook)
weechat_hook_set (new_hook, "subplugin", script->name);
if (function_and_data)
free (function_and_data);
return new_hook;
* Hooks a message printed by WeeChat.

View File

@ -203,6 +203,16 @@ extern struct t_hook *plugin_script_api_hook_connect (struct t_weechat_plugin *w
const char *ip_address),
const char *function,
const char *data);
extern struct t_hook *plugin_script_api_hook_line (struct t_weechat_plugin *weechat_plugin,
struct t_plugin_script *script,
const char *buffer_type,
const char *buffer_name,
const char *tags,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line),
const char *function,
const char *data);
extern struct t_hook *plugin_script_api_hook_print (struct t_weechat_plugin *weechat_plugin,
struct t_plugin_script *script,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,

View File

@ -777,6 +777,7 @@ plugin_load (const char *filename, int init_plugin, int argc, char **argv)
new_plugin->hook_process = &hook_process;
new_plugin->hook_process_hashtable = &hook_process_hashtable;
new_plugin->hook_connect = &hook_connect;
new_plugin->hook_line = &hook_line;
new_plugin->hook_print = &hook_print;
new_plugin->hook_signal = &hook_signal;
new_plugin->hook_signal_send = &hook_signal_send;

View File

@ -2510,6 +2510,67 @@ API_FUNC(hook_connect)
struct t_hashtable *
weechat_python_api_hook_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line)
struct t_plugin_script *script;
void *func_argv[2];
char empty_arg[1] = { '\0' };
const char *ptr_function, *ptr_data;
struct t_hashtable *ret_hashtable;
script = (struct t_plugin_script *)pointer;
plugin_script_get_function_and_data (data, &ptr_function, &ptr_data);
if (ptr_function && ptr_function[0])
func_argv[0] = (ptr_data) ? (char *)ptr_data : empty_arg;
func_argv[1] = weechat_python_hashtable_to_dict (line);
ret_hashtable = weechat_python_exec (script,
"sO", func_argv);
if (func_argv[1])
Py_XDECREF((PyObject *)func_argv[1]);
return ret_hashtable;
return NULL;
char *buffer_type, *buffer_name, *tags, *function, *data;
const char *result;
buffer_type = NULL;
buffer_name = NULL;
tags = NULL;
function = NULL;
data = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "sssss", &buffer_type, &buffer_name, &tags,
&function, &data))
result = API_PTR2STR(plugin_script_api_hook_line (weechat_python_plugin,
weechat_python_api_hook_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
@ -5084,6 +5145,7 @@ PyMethodDef weechat_python_funcs[] =

View File

@ -3033,6 +3033,69 @@ weechat_ruby_api_hook_connect (VALUE class, VALUE proxy, VALUE address,
struct t_hashtable *
weechat_ruby_api_hook_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line)
struct t_plugin_script *script;
void *func_argv[2];
char empty_arg[1] = { '\0' };
const char *ptr_function, *ptr_data;
script = (struct t_plugin_script *)pointer;
plugin_script_get_function_and_data (data, &ptr_function, &ptr_data);
if (ptr_function && ptr_function[0])
func_argv[0] = (ptr_data) ? (char *)ptr_data : empty_arg;
func_argv[1] = line;
return (struct t_hashtable *)weechat_ruby_exec (
"sh", func_argv);
return NULL;
static VALUE
weechat_ruby_api_hook_line (VALUE class, VALUE buffer_type, VALUE buffer_name,
VALUE tags, VALUE function, VALUE data)
char *c_buffer_type, *c_buffer_name, *c_tags, *c_function, *c_data;
const char *result;
if (NIL_P (buffer_type) || NIL_P (buffer_name) || NIL_P (tags)
|| NIL_P (function) || NIL_P (data))
Check_Type (buffer_type, T_STRING);
Check_Type (buffer_name, T_STRING);
Check_Type (tags, T_STRING);
Check_Type (function, T_STRING);
Check_Type (data, T_STRING);
c_buffer_type = StringValuePtr (buffer_type);
c_buffer_name = StringValuePtr (buffer_name);
c_tags = StringValuePtr (tags);
c_function = StringValuePtr (function);
c_data = StringValuePtr (data);
result = API_PTR2STR(plugin_script_api_hook_line (weechat_ruby_plugin,
weechat_ruby_api_hook_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
@ -6236,6 +6299,7 @@ weechat_ruby_api_init (VALUE ruby_mWeechat)
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_process, 4);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_process_hashtable, 5);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_connect, 8);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_line, 5);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_print, 6);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_signal, 3);
API_DEF_FUNC(hook_signal_send, 3);

View File

@ -2763,6 +2763,62 @@ API_FUNC(hook_connect)
struct t_hashtable *
weechat_tcl_api_hook_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line)
struct t_plugin_script *script;
void *func_argv[2];
char empty_arg[1] = { '\0' };
const char *ptr_function, *ptr_data;
script = (struct t_plugin_script *)pointer;
plugin_script_get_function_and_data (data, &ptr_function, &ptr_data);
if (ptr_function && ptr_function[0])
func_argv[0] = (ptr_data) ? (char *)ptr_data : empty_arg;
func_argv[1] = line;
return (struct t_hashtable *)weechat_tcl_exec (
"sh", func_argv);
return NULL;
Tcl_Obj *objp;
char *buffer_type, *buffer_name, *tags, *function, *data;
const char *result;
int i;
if (objc < 6)
buffer_type = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv[1], &i);
buffer_name = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv[2], &i);
tags = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv[3], &i);
function = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv[4], &i);
data = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv[5], &i);
result = API_PTR2STR(plugin_script_api_hook_line (weechat_tcl_plugin,
weechat_tcl_api_hook_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
@ -5611,6 +5667,7 @@ void weechat_tcl_api_init (Tcl_Interp *interp)

View File

@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ void
trigger_callback_replace_regex (struct t_trigger *trigger,
struct t_hashtable *pointers,
struct t_hashtable *extra_vars,
struct t_weelist *vars_updated,
int display_monitor)
char *value;
@ -312,6 +313,11 @@ trigger_callback_replace_regex (struct t_trigger *trigger,
weechat_color ("chat_delimiters"));
weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, ptr_key, value);
if (vars_updated)
weechat_list_add (vars_updated, ptr_key, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END,
free (value);
@ -392,7 +398,8 @@ void
trigger_callback_execute (struct t_trigger *trigger,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_hashtable *pointers,
struct t_hashtable *extra_vars)
struct t_hashtable *extra_vars,
struct t_weelist *vars_updated)
int display_monitor;
@ -409,7 +416,7 @@ trigger_callback_execute (struct t_trigger *trigger,
/* replace text with regex */
trigger_callback_replace_regex (trigger, pointers, extra_vars,
vars_updated, display_monitor);
/* execute command(s) */
trigger_callback_run_command (trigger, buffer, pointers, extra_vars,
@ -521,7 +528,7 @@ trigger_callback_signal_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "tg_signal_data", ptr_signal_data);
/* execute the trigger (conditions, regex, command) */
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, NULL, pointers, extra_vars);
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, NULL, pointers, extra_vars, NULL);
@ -569,7 +576,7 @@ trigger_callback_hsignal_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "tg_signal", signal);
/* execute the trigger (conditions, regex, command) */
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, NULL, pointers, extra_vars);
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, NULL, pointers, extra_vars, NULL);
@ -753,7 +760,7 @@ trigger_callback_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
/* execute the trigger (conditions, regex, command) */
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, buffer, pointers, extra_vars);
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, buffer, pointers, extra_vars, NULL);
ptr_string = weechat_hashtable_get (extra_vars, "tg_string");
@ -768,6 +775,126 @@ end:
* Callback for a line hooked.
struct t_hashtable *
trigger_callback_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line)
struct t_hashtable *hashtable;
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer;
struct t_weelist_item *ptr_item;
long unsigned int value;
const char *ptr_key, *ptr_value;
char **tags, *str_tags;
int rc, num_tags, length;
hashtable = NULL;
extra_vars = weechat_hashtable_dup (line);
weechat_hashtable_remove (extra_vars, "buffer");
weechat_hashtable_remove (extra_vars, "tags_count");
weechat_hashtable_remove (extra_vars, "tags");
/* add data in hashtables used for conditions/replace/command */
ptr_value = weechat_hashtable_get (line, "buffer");
if (!ptr_value || (ptr_value[0] != '0') || (ptr_value[1] != 'x'))
goto end;
rc = sscanf (ptr_value + 2, "%lx", &value);
if ((rc == EOF) || (rc < 1))
goto end;
buffer = (void *)value;
weechat_hashtable_set (pointers, "buffer", buffer);
ptr_value = weechat_hashtable_get (line, "tags");
tags = weechat_string_split ((ptr_value) ? ptr_value : "", ",", 0, 0,
/* build string with tags and commas around: ",tag1,tag2,tag3," */
length = 1 + strlen ((ptr_value) ? ptr_value : "") + 1 + 1;
str_tags = malloc (length);
if (str_tags)
snprintf (str_tags, length, ",%s,",
(ptr_value) ? ptr_value : "");
weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "tg_tags", str_tags);
free (str_tags);
if (!trigger_callback_set_tags (buffer, (const char **)tags, num_tags,
goto end;
/* execute the trigger (conditions, regex, command) */
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, buffer, pointers, extra_vars,
hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (32,
if (hashtable)
/* copy updated variables into the result "hashtable" */
for (ptr_item = weechat_list_get (vars_updated, 0); ptr_item;
ptr_item = weechat_list_next (ptr_item))
ptr_key = weechat_list_string (ptr_item);
if (weechat_hashtable_has_key (extra_vars, ptr_key))
if (strcmp (ptr_key, "tg_tags") == 0)
* remove commas at the beginning/end of tg_tags and
* rename the key to "tags"
ptr_value = weechat_hashtable_get (extra_vars, ptr_key);
if (ptr_value && ptr_value[0])
str_tags = strdup (
(ptr_value[0] == ',') ? ptr_value + 1 : ptr_value);
if (str_tags)
if (str_tags[0]
&& (str_tags[strlen (str_tags) - 1] == ','))
str_tags[strlen (str_tags) - 1] = '\0';
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable,
"tags", str_tags);
free (str_tags);
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "tags", ptr_value);
weechat_hashtable_set (
weechat_hashtable_get (extra_vars, ptr_key));
* Callback for a print hooked.
@ -840,7 +967,7 @@ trigger_callback_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
goto end;
/* execute the trigger (conditions, regex, command) */
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, buffer, pointers, extra_vars);
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, buffer, pointers, extra_vars, NULL);
@ -874,7 +1001,7 @@ trigger_callback_command_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
/* execute the trigger (conditions, regex, command) */
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, buffer, pointers, extra_vars);
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, buffer, pointers, extra_vars, NULL);
@ -899,7 +1026,7 @@ trigger_callback_command_run_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "tg_command", command);
/* execute the trigger (conditions, regex, command) */
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, buffer, pointers, extra_vars);
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, buffer, pointers, extra_vars, NULL);
@ -949,7 +1076,7 @@ trigger_callback_timer_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
/* execute the trigger (conditions, regex, command) */
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, NULL, pointers, extra_vars);
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, NULL, pointers, extra_vars, NULL);
@ -972,7 +1099,7 @@ trigger_callback_config_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "tg_value", value);
/* execute the trigger (conditions, regex, command) */
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, NULL, pointers, extra_vars);
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, NULL, pointers, extra_vars, NULL);
@ -1011,7 +1138,7 @@ trigger_callback_focus_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
/* execute the trigger (conditions, regex, command) */
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, NULL, pointers, info);
trigger_callback_execute (trigger, NULL, pointers, info, NULL);

View File

@ -25,10 +25,13 @@
struct t_trigger *trigger; \
struct t_hashtable *pointers, *extra_vars; \
struct t_weelist *vars_updated; \
int trigger_rc; \
pointers = NULL; \
extra_vars = NULL; \
vars_updated = NULL; \
(void) data; \
(void) vars_updated; \
(void) trigger_rc; \
if (!trigger_enabled) \
return __rc; \
@ -59,11 +62,18 @@
if (!extra_vars) \
goto end;
vars_updated = weechat_list_new (); \
if (!vars_updated) \
goto end;
if (pointers) \
weechat_hashtable_free (pointers); \
if (extra_vars) \
weechat_hashtable_free (extra_vars); \
if (vars_updated) \
weechat_list_free (vars_updated); \
trigger->hook_running = 0; \
switch (weechat_config_integer ( \
trigger->options[TRIGGER_OPTION_POST_ACTION])) \
@ -93,6 +103,8 @@ extern char *trigger_callback_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
const char *modifier,
const char *modifier_data,
const char *string);
extern struct t_hashtable *trigger_callback_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line);
extern int trigger_callback_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
time_t date, int tags_count,

View File

@ -1153,13 +1153,14 @@ trigger_command_init ()
" addoff: add a trigger (disabled)\n"
" addreplace: add or replace an existing trigger\n"
" name: name of trigger\n"
" hook: signal, hsignal, modifier, print, command, command_run, "
"timer, config, focus\n"
" hook: signal, hsignal, modifier, line, print, command, "
"command_run, timer, config, focus\n"
" arguments: arguments for the hook, depending on hook (separated "
"by semicolons):\n"
" signal: name(s) of signal (required)\n"
" hsignal: name(s) of hsignal (required)\n"
" modifier: name(s) of modifier (required)\n"
" line: list of buffer masks, tags\n"
" print: buffer, tags, message, strip colors\n"
" command: command (required), description, arguments, "
"description of arguments, completion\n"
@ -1212,7 +1213,7 @@ trigger_command_init ()
" 2. replace text using POSIX extended regular expression(s) (if "
"defined in trigger)\n"
" 3. execute command(s) (if defined in trigger)\n"
" 4. exit with a return code (except for modifiers and focus)\n"
" 4. exit with a return code (except for modifier, line and focus)\n"
" 5. perform post action\n"
"Examples (you can also look at default triggers with /trigger "

View File

@ -49,10 +49,11 @@ char *trigger_option_default[TRIGGER_NUM_OPTIONS] =
{ "on", "signal", "", "", "", "", "ok", "none" };
char *trigger_hook_type_string[TRIGGER_NUM_HOOK_TYPES] =
{ "signal", "hsignal", "modifier", "print", "command", "command_run", "timer",
"config", "focus" };
{ "signal", "hsignal", "modifier", "line", "print", "command", "command_run",
"timer", "config", "focus" };
char *trigger_hook_option_values =
char *trigger_hook_default_arguments[TRIGGER_NUM_HOOK_TYPES] =
{ "xxx", "xxx", "xxx", "", "cmd;desc;args;args_desc;%(buffers_names)", "/cmd",
"60000;0;0", "xxx", "chat" };
@ -262,7 +263,8 @@ trigger_unhook (struct t_trigger *trigger)
trigger_hook (struct t_trigger *trigger)
char **argv, **argv_eol, *tags, *message, *error1, *error2, *error3;
char **argv, **argv_eol, *buffer_type, *buffer_name, *tags, *message;
char *error1, *error2, *error3;
int i, argc, strip_colors;
long interval, align_second, max_calls;
@ -329,6 +331,30 @@ trigger_hook (struct t_trigger *trigger)
buffer_type = NULL;
buffer_name = NULL;
tags = NULL;
if (argv && (argc >= 1))
buffer_type = argv[0];
if ((argc >= 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "*") != 0))
buffer_name = argv[1];
if ((argc >= 3) && (strcmp (argv[2], "*") != 0))
tags = argv[2];
trigger->hooks = malloc (sizeof (trigger->hooks[0]));
if (trigger->hooks)
trigger->hooks_count = 1;
trigger->hooks[0] = weechat_hook_line (
trigger, NULL);
tags = NULL;
message = NULL;

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ enum t_trigger_hook_type

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ struct timeval;
* please change the date with current one; for a second change at same
* date, increment the 01, otherwise please keep 01.
#define WEECHAT_PLUGIN_API_VERSION "20180520-01"
#define WEECHAT_PLUGIN_API_VERSION "20180812-01"
/* macros for defining plugin infos */
#define WEECHAT_PLUGIN_NAME(__name) \
@ -709,6 +709,15 @@ struct t_weechat_plugin
const char *ip_address),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
struct t_hook *(*hook_line) (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
const char *buffer_type,
const char *buffer_name,
const char *tags,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
struct t_hook *(*hook_print) (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *tags,
@ -1645,6 +1654,11 @@ extern int weechat_plugin_end (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin);
__gnutls_priorities, \
__local_hostname, \
__callback, __pointer, __data)
#define weechat_hook_line(_buffer_type, __buffer_name, __tags, \
__callback, __pointer, __data) \
(weechat_plugin->hook_line)(weechat_plugin, _buffer_type, \
__buffer_name, __tags, __callback, \
__pointer, __data)
#define weechat_hook_print(__buffer, __tags, __msg, __strip__colors, \
__callback, __pointer, __data) \
(weechat_plugin->hook_print)(weechat_plugin, __buffer, __tags, \