tests: add tests of hashtable functions

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2014-09-03 07:38:46 +02:00
parent 3287843ff2
commit 4c49113036

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@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ extern "C"
#include "src/plugins/plugin.h"
#define HASHTABLE_TEST_KEY "test"
#define HASHTABLE_TEST_VALUE "this is a value"
@ -41,8 +45,8 @@ TEST(Hashtable, HashDbj2)
unsigned long long hash;
hash = hashtable_hash_key_djb2 ("test");
CHECK(hash == 5849825121ULL);
hash = hashtable_hash_key_djb2 (HASHTABLE_TEST_KEY);
@ -119,39 +123,151 @@ TEST(Hashtable, New)
* Tests functions:
* hashtable_set_with_size
* hashtable_set
* hashtable_get_item
* hashtable_get
* hashtable_has_key
* hashtable_dup
* hashtable_remove
* hashtable_remove_all
* hashtable_free
TEST(Hashtable, Set)
TEST(Hashtable, SetGetRemove)
struct t_hashtable *hashtable;
struct t_hashtable_item *item;
const char *value = "this is a string";
struct t_hashtable *hashtable, *hashtable2;
struct t_hashtable_item *item, *ptr_item, *ptr_item2;
const char *str_key = HASHTABLE_TEST_KEY;
const char *str_value = HASHTABLE_TEST_VALUE;
const char *ptr_value;
unsigned long long hash;
int i, j;
hashtable = hashtable_new (32,
LONGS_EQUAL(32, hashtable->size);
LONGS_EQUAL(0, hashtable->items_count);
/* invalid set of items */
POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hashtable_set_with_size (NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, -1));
POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hashtable_set_with_size (NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, -1));
/* TODO: write more tests */
/* add an item in hashtable with NULL value */
item = hashtable_set (hashtable, str_key, NULL);
LONGS_EQUAL(1, hashtable->items_count);
STRCMP_EQUAL(str_key, (const char *)item->key);
LONGS_EQUAL(strlen (str_key) + 1, item->key_size);
POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, item->value);
LONGS_EQUAL(0, item->value_size);
POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, item->prev_item);
POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, item->next_item);
/* set a string value for the same key */
item = hashtable_set (hashtable, str_key, str_value);
LONGS_EQUAL(1, hashtable->items_count);
STRCMP_EQUAL(str_key, (const char *)item->key);
LONGS_EQUAL(strlen (str_key) + 1, item->key_size);
STRCMP_EQUAL(str_value, (const char *)item->value);
LONGS_EQUAL(strlen (str_value) + 1, item->value_size);
POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, item->prev_item);
POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, item->next_item);
/* get item */
item = hashtable_get_item (hashtable, str_key, &hash);
STRCMP_EQUAL(str_key, (const char *)item->key);
STRCMP_EQUAL(str_value, (const char *)item->value);
LONGS_EQUAL(2, hash);
/* get value */
ptr_value = (const char *)hashtable_get (hashtable, str_key);
STRCMP_EQUAL(ptr_value, str_value);
/* check if key is in hashtable */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, hashtable_has_key (hashtable, NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, hashtable_has_key (hashtable, ""));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, hashtable_has_key (hashtable, "xxx"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, hashtable_has_key (hashtable, str_key));
/* delete an item */
hashtable_remove (hashtable, str_key);
LONGS_EQUAL(0, hashtable->items_count);
/* add an item with size in hashtable */
item = hashtable_set_with_size (hashtable,
str_key, strlen (str_key) + 1,
str_value, strlen (str_value) + 1);
LONGS_EQUAL(1, hashtable->items_count);
STRCMP_EQUAL(str_key, (const char *)item->key);
LONGS_EQUAL(strlen (str_key) + 1, item->key_size);
STRCMP_EQUAL(str_value, (const char *)item->value);
LONGS_EQUAL(strlen (str_value) + 1, item->value_size);
/* add another item */
hashtable_set (hashtable, "xxx", "zzz");
LONGS_EQUAL(2, hashtable->items_count);
* test duplication of hashtable and check that duplicated content is
* exactly the same as initial hashtable
hashtable2 = hashtable_dup (hashtable);
LONGS_EQUAL(hashtable->size, hashtable2->size);
LONGS_EQUAL(hashtable->items_count, hashtable2->items_count);
for (i = 0; i < hashtable->size; i++)
if (hashtable->htable[i])
ptr_item = hashtable->htable[i];
ptr_item2 = hashtable2->htable[i];
while (ptr_item && ptr_item2)
LONGS_EQUAL(ptr_item->key_size, ptr_item2->key_size);
LONGS_EQUAL(ptr_item->value_size, ptr_item2->value_size);
if (ptr_item->key)
STRCMP_EQUAL((const char *)ptr_item->key,
(const char *)ptr_item2->key);
POINTERS_EQUAL(ptr_item->key, ptr_item2->key);
if (ptr_item->value)
STRCMP_EQUAL((const char *)ptr_item->value,
(const char *)ptr_item2->value);
POINTERS_EQUAL(ptr_item->value, ptr_item2->value);
ptr_item = ptr_item->next_item;
ptr_item2 = ptr_item2->next_item;
CHECK((ptr_item && ptr_item2) || (!ptr_item && !ptr_item2));
POINTERS_EQUAL(hashtable->htable[i], hashtable2->htable[i]);
/* remove all items */
hashtable_remove_all (hashtable);
LONGS_EQUAL(0, hashtable->items_count);
/* free hashtable */
hashtable_free (hashtable);
* Tests functions:
* hashtable_get_item
* hashtable_get
* hashtable_has_key
TEST(Hashtable, Get)
/* TODO: write tests */
* Tests functions:
* hashtable_map
@ -163,16 +279,6 @@ TEST(Hashtable, Map)
/* TODO: write tests */
* Tests functions:
* hashtable_dup
TEST(Hashtable, Dup)
/* TODO: write tests */
* Tests functions:
* hashtable_get_list_keys
@ -196,18 +302,6 @@ TEST(Hashtable, Infolist)
/* TODO: write tests */
* Tests functions:
* hashtable_remove
* hashtable_remove_all
* hashtable_free
TEST(Hashtable, Free)
/* TODO: write tests */
* Tests functions:
* hashtable_print_log