python: send "bytes" instead of "str" to callbacks in Python 3 when the string is not UTF-8 valid (issue #1220, closes #1389)

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2019-10-12 22:21:48 +02:00
parent 8fc8f728d4
commit 513f5a1ee7
13 changed files with 903 additions and 200 deletions

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@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Bug fixes::
* irc: remove option, add server option "charset_message" to control which part of the IRC message is decoded/encoded to the target charset (issue #832) * irc: remove option, add server option "charset_message" to control which part of the IRC message is decoded/encoded to the target charset (issue #832)
* irc: use path from option xfer.file.upload_path to complete filename in command "/dcc send" (issue #60) * irc: use path from option xfer.file.upload_path to complete filename in command "/dcc send" (issue #60)
* logger: fix write in log file if it has been deleted or renamed (issue #123) * logger: fix write in log file if it has been deleted or renamed (issue #123)
* python: send "bytes" instead of "str" to callbacks in Python 3 when the string is not UTF-8 valid (issue #1389)
* xfer: fix memory leak when a xfer is freed and when the plugin is unloaded * xfer: fix memory leak when a xfer is freed and when the plugin is unloaded
Tests:: Tests::

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@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
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@ -73,22 +74,95 @@ und die Dokumentation für die Funktion `hook_process` in link:weechat_plugin_ap
==== Python ==== Python
* WeeChat muss als Modul eingebunden werden: `import weechat` // TRANSLATION MISSING
* Um die WeeChat Funktion `+print*+` nutzen zu können muss `+prnt*+` genutzt ===== Module
werden (_print_ ist ein reservierter Befehl von Python!)
* Funktionen werden im Format `, arg2, ...)` ausgeführt WeeChat defines a `weechat` module which must be imported with `import weechat`.
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
Functions `+print*+` are called `+prnt*+` in python (because `print` was a
reserved keyword in Python 2).
===== Strings received in callbacks
In Python 3 and with WeeChat ≥ 2.7, the strings received in callbacks have type
`str` if the string has valid UTF-8 data (which is the most common case),
or `bytes` if the string is not UTF-8 valid. So the callback should take care
about this type if some invalid UTF-8 content can be received.
Some invalid UTF-8 data may be received in these cases, so the callback can
receive a string of type `str` or `bytes` (this list is not exhaustive):
| API function | Arguments | Examples | Description
| hook_modifier |
irc_in_yyy |
pass:[irc_in_privmsg] +
pass:[irc_in_notice] |
A message received in IRC plugin, before it is decoded to UTF-8 (used
internally). +
It is recommended to use modifier `irc_in2_yyy` instead, the string received
is always UTF-8 valid. +
See function `hook_modifier` in the
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_modifier[WeeChat plugin API reference].
| hook_signal |
xxx,irc_out_yyy +
xxx,irc_outtags_yyy |
pass:[*,irc_out_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_out_notice] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_notice] |
A message sent by IRC plugin, after it is encoded to the `encode` charset
defined by the user (if different from the default `UTF-8`). +
It is recommended to use signal `xxx,irc_out1_yyy` instead, the string received
is always UTF-8 valid. +
See function `hook_signal` in the
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_signal[WeeChat plugin API reference].
| hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable |
- |
- |
Output of the command, sent to the callback, can contain invalid UTF-8 data.
In Python 2, which is now deprecated and should not be used any more, the
strings sent to callbacks were always of type `str`, and may contain invalid
UTF-8 data, in the cases mentioned above.
==== Perl ==== Perl
* Funktionen werden im Format `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);` ausgeführt // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
==== Ruby ==== Ruby
* Es muss _weechat_init_ definiert und darin die Funktion _register_ ausgeführt werden // TRANSLATION MISSING
* Funktionen werden im Format `, arg2, ...)` ausgeführt ===== Initialization
* Aufgrund einer Limitierung, seitens Ruby (maximal 15 Argumente pro Funktion), empfängt
die Funktion `Weechat.config_new_option` den Callback in einem Array von 6 Strings You have to define _weechat_init_ and call _register_ inside.
(3 Callbacks + 3 Data Strings), somit sieht ein Aufruf der Funktion folgendermaßen aus:
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
Due to a limitation of Ruby (15 arguments max by function), the function
`Weechat.config_new_option` receives the callbacks in an array of 6 strings
(3 callbacks + 3 data strings), so a call to this function looks like:
[source,ruby] [source,ruby]
---- ----
@ -98,29 +172,46 @@ Weechat.config_new_option(config, section, "name", "string", "description of opt
==== Lua ==== Lua
* Funktionen werden im Format `, arg2, ...)` ausgeführt // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
==== Tcl ==== Tcl
* Funktionen werden im Format `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...` ausgeführt // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...`.
==== Guile (Scheme) ==== Guile (Scheme)
* Funktionen werden im Format `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)` ausgeführt // TRANSLATION MISSING
* folgende Funktionen nutzen eine Liste von Argumente (anstelle von vielen ===== Functions
Argumenten für andere Funktionen), dies liegt daran das Guile die Anzahl
der Argumente eingeschränkt ist: Functions are called with `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)`.
** config_new_section
** config_new_option The following functions take one list of arguments (instead of many arguments
** bar_new for other functions), because number of arguments exceed number of allowed
arguments in Guile:
* config_new_section
* config_new_option
* bar_new
==== JavaScript ==== JavaScript
* Funktionen werden im Format `, arg2, ...);` ausgeführt // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...);`.
==== PHP ==== PHP
* Funktionen werden im Format `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);` ausgeführt // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
[[register_function]] [[register_function]]
=== Die "Register" Funktion === Die "Register" Funktion
@ -1103,15 +1194,25 @@ weechat.prnt("", "Wert der Option weechat.color.chat_delimiters ist: %s"
[[irc_catch_messages]] [[irc_catch_messages]]
==== Nachrichten abfangen ==== Nachrichten abfangen
Die IRC Erweiterung sendet zwei Signale wenn eine Nachricht empfangen wurde. // TRANSLATION MISSING
`xxx` ist der interne IRC Servername, `yyy` ist der IRC Befehl der empfangen IRC plugin sends four signals for a message received (`xxx` is IRC internal
wurde (JOIN, QUIT, PRIVMSG, 301, ..): server name, `yyy` is IRC command name like JOIN, QUIT, PRIVMSG, 301, ..):
xxxx,irc_in_yyy:: // TRANSLATION MISSING
Signal wird gesendet bevor die Nachricht verarbeitet wurde. xxx,irc_in_yyy::
signal sent before processing message, only if message is *not* ignored
xxx,irc_in2_yyy:: xxx,irc_in2_yyy::
Signal wird gesendet nachdem die Nachricht verarbeitet wurde. signal sent after processing message, only if message is *not* ignored
signal sent before processing message, even if message is ignored
signal sent after processing message, even if message is ignored
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1133,8 +1234,19 @@ weechat.hook_signal("*,irc_in2_join", "join_cb", "")
[[irc_modify_messages]] [[irc_modify_messages]]
==== Nachrichten ändern ==== Nachrichten ändern
Die IRC Erweiterung verschickt einen "modifier" mit Namen "irc_in_xxx" ("xxx" steht für den // TRANSLATION MISSING
Namen des IRC Befehls) falls eine Nachricht empfangen wurde die dann modifiziert werden kann. IRC plugin sends two "modifiers" for a message received ("xxx" is IRC command),
so that you can modify it:
modifier sent before charset decoding: use with caution, the string may
contain invalid UTF-8 data; use only for raw operations on a message
modifier sent after charset decoding, so the string received is always
UTF-8 valid (*recommended*)
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1143,7 +1255,7 @@ def modifier_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
# (Okay dies ist nicht wirklich sinnvoll, aber es ist auch nur ein Beispiel!) # (Okay dies ist nicht wirklich sinnvoll, aber es ist auch nur ein Beispiel!)
return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data) return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data)
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "") weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in2_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "")
---- ----

View File

@ -9871,12 +9871,16 @@ List of signals sent by WeeChat and plugins:
| irc | xxx,irc_out_yyy ^(1)^ | | irc | xxx,irc_out_yyy ^(1)^ |
String: message. | String: message. |
IRC message sent to server after automatic split IRC message sent to server after automatic split
(to fit in 512 bytes by default). (to fit in 512 bytes by default). +
*Warning:* the string may contain invalid UTF-8 data.
Signal "xxx,irc_out1_yyy" is recommended instead.
| irc | xxx,irc_outtags_yyy ^(1)^ + | irc | xxx,irc_outtags_yyy ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4)_ | _(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4)_ |
String: tags + ";" + message. | String: tags + ";" + message. |
Tags + IRC message sent to server. Tags + IRC message sent to server. +
*Warning:* the string may contain invalid UTF-8 data.
Signal "xxx,irc_out1_yyy" is recommended instead.
| irc | irc_ctcp | | irc | irc_ctcp |
String: message. | String: message. |
@ -11214,7 +11218,10 @@ List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ | | [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
Server name | Server name |
Content of message received from IRC server (before charset decoding). | Content of message received from IRC server (before charset decoding). +
*Warning:* the string may contain invalid UTF-8 data; use only for raw
operations on a message.
Modifier <<hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx,irc_in2_xxx>> is recommended instead. |
New content of message. New content of message.
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ + | [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +

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:docinfo1: :docinfo1:
@ -67,22 +68,89 @@ link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_process[WeeChat plugin API reference].
==== Python ==== Python
* You have to `import weechat`. ===== Module
* Functions `+print*+` are called `+prnt*+` in python (because _print_ is reserved
keyword). WeeChat defines a `weechat` module which must be imported with `import weechat`.
* Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
Functions `+print*+` are called `+prnt*+` in python (because `print` was a
reserved keyword in Python 2).
===== Strings received in callbacks
In Python 3 and with WeeChat ≥ 2.7, the strings received in callbacks have type
`str` if the string has valid UTF-8 data (which is the most common case),
or `bytes` if the string is not UTF-8 valid. So the callback should take care
about this type if some invalid UTF-8 content can be received.
Some invalid UTF-8 data may be received in these cases, so the callback can
receive a string of type `str` or `bytes` (this list is not exhaustive):
| API function | Arguments | Examples | Description
| hook_modifier |
irc_in_yyy |
pass:[irc_in_privmsg] +
pass:[irc_in_notice] |
A message received in IRC plugin, before it is decoded to UTF-8 (used
internally). +
It is recommended to use modifier `irc_in2_yyy` instead, the string received
is always UTF-8 valid. +
See function `hook_modifier` in the
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_modifier[WeeChat plugin API reference].
| hook_signal |
xxx,irc_out_yyy +
xxx,irc_outtags_yyy |
pass:[*,irc_out_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_out_notice] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_notice] |
A message sent by IRC plugin, after it is encoded to the `encode` charset
defined by the user (if different from the default `UTF-8`). +
It is recommended to use signal `xxx,irc_out1_yyy` instead, the string received
is always UTF-8 valid. +
See function `hook_signal` in the
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_signal[WeeChat plugin API reference].
| hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable |
- |
- |
Output of the command, sent to the callback, can contain invalid UTF-8 data.
In Python 2, which is now deprecated and should not be used any more, the
strings sent to callbacks were always of type `str`, and may contain invalid
UTF-8 data, in the cases mentioned above.
==== Perl ==== Perl
* Functions are called with `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`. ===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
==== Ruby ==== Ruby
* You have to define _weechat_init_ and call _register_ inside. ===== Initialization
* Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
* Due to a limitation of Ruby (15 arguments max by function), the function You have to define _weechat_init_ and call _register_ inside.
`Weechat.config_new_option` receives the callbacks in an array of 6 strings
(3 callbacks + 3 data strings), so a call to this function looks like: ===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
Due to a limitation of Ruby (15 arguments max by function), the function
`Weechat.config_new_option` receives the callbacks in an array of 6 strings
(3 callbacks + 3 data strings), so a call to this function looks like:
[source,ruby] [source,ruby]
---- ----
@ -92,29 +160,41 @@ Weechat.config_new_option(config, section, "name", "string", "description of opt
==== Lua ==== Lua
* Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`. ===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
==== Tcl ==== Tcl
* Functions are called with `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...`. ===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...`.
==== Guile (Scheme) ==== Guile (Scheme)
* Functions are called with `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)`. ===== Functions
* Following functions take one list of arguments (instead of many arguments
for other functions), because number of arguments exceed number of allowed Functions are called with `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)`.
arguments in Guile:
** config_new_section The following functions take one list of arguments (instead of many arguments
** config_new_option for other functions), because number of arguments exceed number of allowed
** bar_new arguments in Guile:
* config_new_section
* config_new_option
* bar_new
==== JavaScript ==== JavaScript
* Functions are called with `, arg2, ...);`. ===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...);`.
==== PHP ==== PHP
* Functions are called with `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`. ===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
[[register_function]] [[register_function]]
=== Register function === Register function
@ -1081,14 +1161,20 @@ weechat.prnt("", "value of option weechat.color.chat_delimiters is: %s"
[[irc_catch_messages]] [[irc_catch_messages]]
==== Catch messages ==== Catch messages
IRC plugin sends two signals for a message received (`xxx` is IRC internal IRC plugin sends four signals for a message received (`xxx` is IRC internal
server name, `yyy` is IRC command name like JOIN, QUIT, PRIVMSG, 301, ..): server name, `yyy` is IRC command name like JOIN, QUIT, PRIVMSG, 301, ..):
xxxx,irc_in_yyy:: xxx,irc_in_yyy::
signal sent before processing message signal sent before processing message, only if message is *not* ignored
xxx,irc_in2_yyy:: xxx,irc_in2_yyy::
signal sent after processing message signal sent after processing message, only if message is *not* ignored
signal sent before processing message, even if message is ignored
signal sent after processing message, even if message is ignored
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1110,8 +1196,16 @@ weechat.hook_signal("*,irc_in2_join", "join_cb", "")
[[irc_modify_messages]] [[irc_modify_messages]]
==== Modify messages ==== Modify messages
IRC plugin sends a "modifier" called "irc_in_xxx" ("xxx" is IRC command) for a IRC plugin sends two "modifiers" for a message received ("xxx" is IRC command),
message received, so that you can modify it. so that you can modify it:
modifier sent before charset decoding: use with caution, the string may
contain invalid UTF-8 data; use only for raw operations on a message
modifier sent after charset decoding, so the string received is always
UTF-8 valid (*recommended*)
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1120,7 +1214,7 @@ def modifier_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
# (OK that's not very useful, but that's just an example!) # (OK that's not very useful, but that's just an example!)
return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data) return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data)
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "") weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in2_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "")
---- ----

View File

@ -10072,12 +10072,16 @@ Liste des signaux envoyés par WeeChat et les extensions :
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7)_ | _(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7)_ |
Chaîne : message. | Chaîne : message. |
Message IRC envoyé au serveur avant découpage automatique Message IRC envoyé au serveur avant découpage automatique
(pour tenir dans les 512 octets par défaut). (pour tenir dans les 512 octets par défaut). +
*Attention :* la chaîne peut contenir des données invalides UTF-8.
Le signal "xxx,irc_out1_yyy" est recommandé à la place de celui-ci.
| irc | xxx,irc_out_yyy ^(1)^ | | irc | xxx,irc_out_yyy ^(1)^ |
Chaîne : message. | Chaîne : message. |
Message IRC envoyé au serveur après découpage automatique Message IRC envoyé au serveur après découpage automatique
(pour tenir dans les 512 octets par défaut). (pour tenir dans les 512 octets par défaut). +
*Attention :* la chaîne peut contenir des données invalides UTF-8.
Le signal "xxx,irc_out1_yyy" est recommandé à la place de celui-ci.
| irc | xxx,irc_outtags_yyy ^(1)^ + | irc | xxx,irc_outtags_yyy ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4)_ | _(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4)_ |
@ -11449,7 +11453,11 @@ Liste des modificateurs utilisés par WeeChat et les extensions :
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ | | [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
Nom de serveur | Nom de serveur |
Contenu du message reçu du serveur IRC (avant décodage du jeu de caractères). | Contenu du message reçu du serveur IRC (avant décodage du jeu de caractères). +
*Attention :* la chaîne peut contenir des données invalides UTF-8 ; à utiliser
seulement pour les opérations de bas niveau sur le message.
Le modificateur <<hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx,irc_in2_xxx>> est recommandé à la
place de celui-ci. |
Nouveau contenu du message. Nouveau contenu du message.
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ + | [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +

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:email: :email:
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@ -73,23 +74,93 @@ link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_process[Référence API extension WeeChat]
==== Python ==== Python
* Vous devez utiliser `import weechat`. ===== Module
* Les fonctions `+print*+` se nomment `+prnt*+` en python (car _print_ est un mot
clé réservé). WeeChat définit un module `weechat` qui doit être importé avec `import weechat`.
* Les fonctions sont appelées par `, arg2, ...)`.
===== Fonctions
Les fonctions sont appelées avec `, arg2, ...)`.
Les fonctions `+print*+` se nomment `+prnt*+` en python (car `print` était un
mot clé réservé en Python 2).
===== Chaînes reçues dans les fonctions de rappel
En Python 3 et avec WeeChat ≥ 2.7, les chaînes reçues dans les fonctions de
rappel ont le type `str` si la chaîne a des données valides UTF-8 (ce qui est
le cas le plus courant) ou `bytes` si la chaîne n'est pas valide UTF-8. Donc la
fonction de rappel doit prendre en compte ce type si des données non valides
UTF-8 peuvent être reçues.
Des données invalides UTF-8 peuvent être reçues dans ces cas, donc la fonction
de rappel peut recevoir une chaîne de type `str` ou `bytes` (cette liste n'est
pas exhaustive) :
| Fonction API | Paramètres | Exemples | Description
| hook_modifier |
irc_in_yyy |
pass:[irc_in_privmsg] +
pass:[irc_in_notice] |
Un message reçu dans l'extension IRC, avant qu'il ne soit décodé vers UTF-8. +
Il est recommandé d'utiliser plutôt le modificateur `irc_in2_yyy`, la chaîne
reçue sera toujours valide UTF-8. +
Voir la fonction `hook_modifier` dans la[Référence API extension WeeChat].
| hook_signal |
xxx,irc_out_yyy +
xxx,irc_outtags_yyy |
pass:[*,irc_out_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_out_notice] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_notice] |
Un message envoyé par l'extension IRC, après encodage vers le jeu de caractères
`encode` défini par l'utilisateur (si différent de `UTF-8`, qui est la valeur
par défaut). +
Il est recommandé d'utiliser plutôt le signal `xxx,irc_out1_yyy`, la chaîne
reçue sera toujours valide UTF-8. +
Voir la fonction `hook_signal` dans la[Référence API extension WeeChat].
| hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable |
- |
- |
La sortie de la commande, envoyée à la fonction de rappel, peut contenir des
données invalides UTF-8.
En Python 2, qui est déconseillé et ne devrait plus être utilisé, les chaînes
envoyées aux fonctions de rappel sont toujours de type `str`, et peuvent contenir
des données invalides UTF-8, dans les cas mentionnés ci-dessus.
==== Perl ==== Perl
* Les fonctions sont appelées par `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`. ===== Fonctions
Les fonctions sont appelées par `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
==== Ruby ==== Ruby
* Vous devez définir _weechat_init_ et appeler _register_ dedans. ===== Initialisation
* Les fonctions sont appelées par `, arg2, ...)`.
* En raison d'une limitation de Ruby (15 paramètres maximum par fonction), la Vous devez définir _weechat_init_ et appeler _register_ dedans.
fonction `Weechat.config_new_option` reçoit les fonctions de rappel dans un tableau de
6 chaînes de caractères (3 fonctions de rappel + 3 chaînes de données), donc un appel à ===== Fonctions
cette fonction ressemble à ceci :
Les fonctions sont appelées par `, arg2, ...)`.
En raison d'une limitation de Ruby (15 paramètres maximum par fonction), la
fonction `Weechat.config_new_option` reçoit les fonctions de rappel dans un
tableau de 6 chaînes de caractères (3 fonctions de rappel + 3 chaînes de
données), donc un appel à cette fonction ressemble à ceci :
[source,ruby] [source,ruby]
---- ----
@ -99,29 +170,41 @@ Weechat.config_new_option(config, section, "name", "string", "description of opt
==== Lua ==== Lua
* Les fonctions sont appelées par `, arg2, ...)`. ===== Fonctions
Les fonctions sont appelées par `, arg2, ...)`.
==== Tcl ==== Tcl
* Les fonctions sont appelées par `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...`. ===== Fonctions
Les fonctions sont appelées par `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...`.
==== Guile (Scheme) ==== Guile (Scheme)
* Les fonctions sont appelées par `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)`. ===== Fonctions
* Les fonctions suivantes prennent une liste de paramètres en entrée (au lieu
de plusieurs paramètres pour les autres fonctions), car le nombre de Les fonctions sont appelées par `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)`.
paramètres excède la limite de Guile :
** config_new_section Les fonctions suivantes prennent une liste de paramètres en entrée (au lieu de
** config_new_option plusieurs paramètres pour les autres fonctions), car le nombre de paramètres
** bar_new excède la limite de Guile :
* config_new_section
* config_new_option
* bar_new
==== JavaScript ==== JavaScript
* Les fonctions sont appelées par `, arg2, ...);`. ===== Fonctions
Les fonctions sont appelées par `, arg2, ...);`.
==== PHP ==== PHP
* Les fonctions sont appelées par `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`. ===== Fonctions
Les fonctions sont appelées par `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
[[register_function]] [[register_function]]
=== Fonction register === Fonction register
@ -1109,15 +1192,23 @@ weechat.prnt("", "la valeur de l'option weechat.color.chat_delimiters est : %s"
[[irc_catch_messages]] [[irc_catch_messages]]
==== Intercepter des messages ==== Intercepter des messages
L'extension IRC envoie deux signaux pour un message reçu (`xxx` est le nom L'extension IRC envoie quatre signaux pour un message reçu (`xxx` est le nom
interne du serveur IRC, `yyy` est le nom de la commande IRC comme JOIN, QUIT, interne du serveur IRC, `yyy` est le nom de la commande IRC comme JOIN, QUIT,
PRIVMSG, 301, ..) : PRIVMSG, 301, ..) :
xxxx,irc_in_yyy:: xxx,irc_in_yyy::
signal envoyé avant traitement du message signal envoyé avant traitement du message, uniquement si le message n'est
*pas* ignoré
xxx,irc_in2_yyy:: xxx,irc_in2_yyy::
message sent après traitement du message signal envoyé après traitement du message, uniquement si le message n'est
*pas* ignoré
signal envoyé avant traitement du message, même si le message est ignoré
signal envoyé après traitement du message, même si le message est ignoré
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1139,8 +1230,17 @@ weechat.hook_signal("*,irc_in2_join", "join_cb", "")
[[irc_modify_messages]] [[irc_modify_messages]]
==== Modifier des messages ==== Modifier des messages
L'extension IRC envoie un modificateur appelé "irc_in_xxx" ("xxx" est la L'extension IRC envoie deux modificateurs pour un message reçu ("xxx" est la
commande IRC) pour un message reçu, de sorte que vous puissiez le modifier. commande IRC), de sorte que vous puissiez le modifier :
modificateur envoyé avant le décodage du jeu de caractères : à utiliser avec
précaution, la chaîne peut contenir des données invalides UTF-8 ; à utiliser
seulement pour les opérations de bas niveau sur le message
modificateur envoyé après décodage du jeu de caractères, donc la chaîne
reçue est toujours valide UTF-8 (*recommendé*)
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1149,7 +1249,7 @@ def modifier_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
# (ok ce n'est pas très utile, mais c'est juste un exemple !) # (ok ce n'est pas très utile, mais c'est juste un exemple !)
return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data) return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data)
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "") weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in2_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "")
---- ----

View File

@ -10209,12 +10209,17 @@ List of signals sent by WeeChat and plugins:
| irc | xxx,irc_out_yyy ^(1)^ | | irc | xxx,irc_out_yyy ^(1)^ |
String: messaggio. | String: messaggio. |
IRC message sent to server after automatic split IRC message sent to server after automatic split
(to fit in 512 bytes by default). (to fit in 512 bytes by default). +
*Warning:* the string may contain invalid UTF-8 data.
Signal "xxx,irc_out1_yyy" is recommended instead.
| irc | xxx,irc_outtags_yyy ^(1)^ + | irc | xxx,irc_outtags_yyy ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4)_ | _(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4)_ |
Stringa: tag + ";" + messaggio. | Stringa: tag + ";" + messaggio. |
Tag + messaggio IRC inviato al server. Tag + messaggio IRC inviato al server. +
*Warning:* the string may contain invalid UTF-8 data.
Signal "xxx,irc_out1_yyy" is recommended instead.
| irc | irc_ctcp | | irc | irc_ctcp |
String: messaggio. | String: messaggio. |
@ -11663,9 +11668,13 @@ List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
|=== |===
| Modificatore | Dati modificatore | Stringa | Output | Modificatore | Dati modificatore | Stringa | Output
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ | | [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
Nome server | Nome server |
Contenuto del messaggio ricevuto dal server IRC (prima della codifica del set caratteri). | Contenuto del messaggio ricevuto dal server IRC (prima della codifica del set caratteri). +
*Warning:* the string may contain invalid UTF-8 data; use only for raw
operations on a message.
Modifier <<hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx,irc_in2_xxx>> is recommended instead. |
Nuovo contenuto del messaggio. Nuovo contenuto del messaggio.
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ + | [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +

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:email: :email:
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@ -76,23 +77,95 @@[WeeChat plugin API reference].
==== Python ==== Python
* E necessario `import weechat` // TRANSLATION MISSING
* Le funzioni `+print*+` sono chiamate `+prnt*+` in python (dato che _print_ ===== Module
è una parola riservata)
* Le funzioni sono chiamate con `, arg2, ...)` WeeChat defines a `weechat` module which must be imported with `import weechat`.
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
Functions `+print*+` are called `+prnt*+` in python (because `print` was a
reserved keyword in Python 2).
===== Strings received in callbacks
In Python 3 and with WeeChat ≥ 2.7, the strings received in callbacks have type
`str` if the string has valid UTF-8 data (which is the most common case),
or `bytes` if the string is not UTF-8 valid. So the callback should take care
about this type if some invalid UTF-8 content can be received.
Some invalid UTF-8 data may be received in these cases, so the callback can
receive a string of type `str` or `bytes` (this list is not exhaustive):
| API function | Arguments | Examples | Description
| hook_modifier |
irc_in_yyy |
pass:[irc_in_privmsg] +
pass:[irc_in_notice] |
A message received in IRC plugin, before it is decoded to UTF-8 (used
internally). +
It is recommended to use modifier `irc_in2_yyy` instead, the string received
is always UTF-8 valid. +
See function `hook_modifier` in the
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_modifier[WeeChat plugin API reference].
| hook_signal |
xxx,irc_out_yyy +
xxx,irc_outtags_yyy |
pass:[*,irc_out_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_out_notice] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_notice] |
A message sent by IRC plugin, after it is encoded to the `encode` charset
defined by the user (if different from the default `UTF-8`). +
It is recommended to use signal `xxx,irc_out1_yyy` instead, the string received
is always UTF-8 valid. +
See function `hook_signal` in the
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_signal[WeeChat plugin API reference].
| hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable |
- |
- |
Output of the command, sent to the callback, can contain invalid UTF-8 data.
In Python 2, which is now deprecated and should not be used any more, the
strings sent to callbacks were always of type `str`, and may contain invalid
UTF-8 data, in the cases mentioned above.
==== Perl ==== Perl
* Le funzioni sono chiamate con `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);` // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
==== Ruby ==== Ruby
* E necessario definire _weechat_init_ e chiamare _register_ all'interno // TRANSLATION MISSING
* Le funzioni sono chiamate con `, arg2, ...)` ===== Initialization
* A causa di una limitazione di Ruby (massimo 15 argomenti per funzione), la
funzione `WeeChat.config_new_option` riceve le callback in un array di 6 You have to define _weechat_init_ and call _register_ inside.
stringhe (3 callback + 3 stringhe di dati), così che una chiamata a questa
funzione appare come: // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
Due to a limitation of Ruby (15 arguments max by function), the function
`Weechat.config_new_option` receives the callbacks in an array of 6 strings
(3 callbacks + 3 data strings), so a call to this function looks like:
[source,ruby] [source,ruby]
---- ----
@ -102,29 +175,46 @@ Weechat.config_new_option(config, section, "name", "string", "description of opt
==== Lua ==== Lua
* Le funzioni sono chiamate con `, arg2, ...)` // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
==== Tcl ==== Tcl
* Le funzioni sono chiamate con `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...` // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...`.
==== Guile (Scheme) ==== Guile (Scheme)
* Le funzioni sono chiamate con `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)` // TRANSLATION MISSING
* Le seguenti funzioni prendono un elenco di argomenti (invece di più argomenti ===== Functions
come per le altre funzioni), poiché il numero di argomenti eccede il numero
di argomenti consentiti in Guile: Functions are called with `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)`.
** config_new_section
** config_new_option The following functions take one list of arguments (instead of many arguments
** bar_new for other functions), because number of arguments exceed number of allowed
arguments in Guile:
* config_new_section
* config_new_option
* bar_new
==== JavaScript ==== JavaScript
* Le funzioni sono chiamate con `, arg2, ...);` // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...);`.
==== PHP ==== PHP
* Le funzioni sono chiamate con `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);` // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
[[register_function]] [[register_function]]
=== Registrare una funzione === Registrare una funzione
@ -1114,15 +1204,25 @@ weechat.prnt("", "value of option weechat.color.chat_delimiters is: %s"
[[irc_catch_messages]] [[irc_catch_messages]]
==== Catturare messaggi ==== Catturare messaggi
Il plugin IRC invia due segnali per un messaggio ricevuto (`xxx` è il nome // TRANSLATION MISSING
interno del server IRC, `yyy` è il nome del comando IRC come JOIN, QUIT, IRC plugin sends four signals for a message received (`xxx` is IRC internal
PRIVMSG, 301, ..): server name, `yyy` is IRC command name like JOIN, QUIT, PRIVMSG, 301, ..):
xxxx,irc_in_yyy:: // TRANSLATION MISSING
segnale inviato prima di esaminare il messaggio xxx,irc_in_yyy::
signal sent before processing message, only if message is *not* ignored
xxx,irc_in2_yyy:: xxx,irc_in2_yyy::
segnale inviato dopo aver esaminato il messaggio signal sent after processing message, only if message is *not* ignored
signal sent before processing message, even if message is ignored
signal sent after processing message, even if message is ignored
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1144,8 +1244,19 @@ weechat.hook_signal("*,irc_in2_join", "join_cb", "")
[[irc_modify_messages]] [[irc_modify_messages]]
==== Modificare i messaggi ==== Modificare i messaggi
Il plugin IRC invia un "modificatore" chiamato "irc_in_xxx" ("xxx" è il comando // TRANSLATION MISSING
IRC) per un messaggio ricevuto, in modo da poterlo modificare. IRC plugin sends two "modifiers" for a message received ("xxx" is IRC command),
so that you can modify it:
modifier sent before charset decoding: use with caution, the string may
contain invalid UTF-8 data; use only for raw operations on a message
modifier sent after charset decoding, so the string received is always
UTF-8 valid (*recommended*)
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1154,7 +1265,7 @@ def modifier_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
# (ok non è molto utile, ma è solo un esempio!) # (ok non è molto utile, ma è solo un esempio!)
return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data) return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data)
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "") weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in2_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "")
---- ----

View File

@ -9844,15 +9844,21 @@ WeeChat とプラグインが送信するシグナルのリスト:
サーバに送信する IRC メッセージ サーバに送信する IRC メッセージ
(自動分割前、自動分割はデフォルトでメッセージを 512 バイト内に収まるように分割します)。 (自動分割前、自動分割はデフォルトでメッセージを 512 バイト内に収まるように分割します)。
| irc | xxx,irc_out_yyy ^(1)^ | | irc | xxx,irc_out_yyy ^(1)^ |
String: メッセージ | String: メッセージ |
サーバに送信する IRC メッセージ サーバに送信する IRC メッセージ
(自動分割後、自動分割はデフォルトでメッセージを 512 バイト内に収まるように分割します)。 (自動分割後、自動分割はデフォルトでメッセージを 512 バイト内に収まるように分割します)。 +
*Warning:* the string may contain invalid UTF-8 data.
Signal "xxx,irc_out1_yyy" is recommended instead.
| irc | xxx,irc_outtags_yyy ^(1)^ + | irc | xxx,irc_outtags_yyy ^(1)^ +
_(WeeChat バージョン 0.3.4 以上で利用可)_ | _(WeeChat バージョン 0.3.4 以上で利用可)_ |
String: タグ + ";" + メッセージ | String: タグ + ";" + メッセージ |
タグ + サーバに送信する IRC メッセージ タグ + サーバに送信する IRC メッセージ +
*Warning:* the string may contain invalid UTF-8 data.
Signal "xxx,irc_out1_yyy" is recommended instead.
| irc | irc_ctcp | | irc | irc_ctcp |
String: メッセージ | String: メッセージ |
@ -11188,9 +11194,13 @@ WeeChat とプラグインが使う修飾子のリスト:
|=== |===
| 修飾子 | 修飾子データ | 文字列 | 出力 | 修飾子 | 修飾子データ | 文字列 | 出力
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ | | [[hook_modifier_irc_in_xxx]] irc_in_xxx ^(1)^ |
サーバ名 | サーバ名 |
IRC サーバから受信したメッセージの内容 (文字セットをデコードする前) | IRC サーバから受信したメッセージの内容 (文字セットをデコードする前) +
*Warning:* the string may contain invalid UTF-8 data; use only for raw
operations on a message.
Modifier <<hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx,irc_in2_xxx>> is recommended instead. |
メッセージの新しい内容 メッセージの新しい内容
| [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ + | [[hook_modifier_irc_in2_xxx]] irc_in2_xxx ^(1)^ +

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@ -73,22 +74,95 @@ link:weechat_plugin_api.ja.html#_hook_process[WeeChat プラグイン API リフ
==== Python ==== Python
* 必ず `import weechat` を使ってください。 // TRANSLATION MISSING
* python では `+print*+` 系の関数は `+prnt*+` と書きます ===== Module
(_print_ は予約済みキーワードなので)。
* 関数は `, arg2, ...)` のように呼び出してください。 WeeChat defines a `weechat` module which must be imported with `import weechat`.
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
Functions `+print*+` are called `+prnt*+` in python (because `print` was a
reserved keyword in Python 2).
===== Strings received in callbacks
In Python 3 and with WeeChat ≥ 2.7, the strings received in callbacks have type
`str` if the string has valid UTF-8 data (which is the most common case),
or `bytes` if the string is not UTF-8 valid. So the callback should take care
about this type if some invalid UTF-8 content can be received.
Some invalid UTF-8 data may be received in these cases, so the callback can
receive a string of type `str` or `bytes` (this list is not exhaustive):
| API function | Arguments | Examples | Description
| hook_modifier |
irc_in_yyy |
pass:[irc_in_privmsg] +
pass:[irc_in_notice] |
A message received in IRC plugin, before it is decoded to UTF-8 (used
internally). +
It is recommended to use modifier `irc_in2_yyy` instead, the string received
is always UTF-8 valid. +
See function `hook_modifier` in the
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_modifier[WeeChat plugin API reference].
| hook_signal |
xxx,irc_out_yyy +
xxx,irc_outtags_yyy |
pass:[*,irc_out_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_out_notice] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_notice] |
A message sent by IRC plugin, after it is encoded to the `encode` charset
defined by the user (if different from the default `UTF-8`). +
It is recommended to use signal `xxx,irc_out1_yyy` instead, the string received
is always UTF-8 valid. +
See function `hook_signal` in the
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_signal[WeeChat plugin API reference].
| hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable |
- |
- |
Output of the command, sent to the callback, can contain invalid UTF-8 data.
In Python 2, which is now deprecated and should not be used any more, the
strings sent to callbacks were always of type `str`, and may contain invalid
UTF-8 data, in the cases mentioned above.
==== Perl ==== Perl
* 関数は `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);` のように呼び出してください。 // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
==== Ruby ==== Ruby
* _weechat_init_ を定義して、内部で _register_ を呼び出してください。 // TRANSLATION MISSING
* 関数は `, arg2, ...)` のように呼び出してください。 ===== Initialization
* Ruby では関数に渡せる引数の数が最大 15 個に制限されているため、`Weechat.config_new_option`
関数はコールバック用の引数群を 6 個の文字列からなる 1 個の配列で受け取ります (3 個のコールバック You have to define _weechat_init_ and call _register_ inside.
+ 3 個のデータ文字列)、したがって `Weechat.config_new_option` 関数を呼び出すには以下のようにしてください:
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
Due to a limitation of Ruby (15 arguments max by function), the function
`Weechat.config_new_option` receives the callbacks in an array of 6 strings
(3 callbacks + 3 data strings), so a call to this function looks like:
[source,ruby] [source,ruby]
---- ----
@ -98,29 +172,46 @@ Weechat.config_new_option(config, section, "name", "string", "description of opt
==== Lua ==== Lua
* 関数は `, arg2, ...)` のように呼び出してください。 // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
==== Tcl ==== Tcl
* 関数は `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...` のように呼び出してください。 // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...`.
==== Guile (Scheme) ==== Guile (Scheme)
* 関数は `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)` のように呼び出してください。 // TRANSLATION MISSING
* 以下の関数は引数のリストをひとつだけ取ります ===== Functions
Guile で利用できる引数の数を超えるからです。 Functions are called with `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)`.
** config_new_section
** config_new_option The following functions take one list of arguments (instead of many arguments
** bar_new for other functions), because number of arguments exceed number of allowed
arguments in Guile:
* config_new_section
* config_new_option
* bar_new
==== JavaScript ==== JavaScript
* 関数は `, arg2, ...);` のように呼び出してください。 // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...);`.
==== PHP ==== PHP
* 関数は `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);` のように呼び出してください。 // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
[[register_function]] [[register_function]]
=== 関数の登録 === 関数の登録
@ -1089,14 +1180,25 @@ weechat.prnt("", "value of option weechat.color.chat_delimiters is: %s"
[[irc_catch_messages]] [[irc_catch_messages]]
==== メッセージのキャッチ ==== メッセージのキャッチ
メッセージを受信すると IRC プラグインは 2 つのシグナルを送信します (`xxx` // TRANSLATION MISSING
は IRC 内部サーバ名で、`yyy` は JOIN、QUIT、PRIVMSG、301 等の IRC コマンド名です): IRC plugin sends four signals for a message received (`xxx` is IRC internal
server name, `yyy` is IRC command name like JOIN, QUIT, PRIVMSG, 301, ..):
xxxx,irc_in_yyy:: // TRANSLATION MISSING
メッセージの処理が行われる前に送信されるシグナル xxx,irc_in_yyy::
signal sent before processing message, only if message is *not* ignored
xxx,irc_in2_yyy:: xxx,irc_in2_yyy::
メッセージの処理が行われた後に送信されるシグナル signal sent after processing message, only if message is *not* ignored
signal sent before processing message, even if message is ignored
signal sent after processing message, even if message is ignored
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1118,8 +1220,19 @@ weechat.hook_signal("*,irc_in2_join", "join_cb", "")
[[irc_modify_messages]] [[irc_modify_messages]]
==== メッセージの修正 ==== メッセージの修正
メッセージを受信すると IRC プラグインは "irc_in_xxx" ("xxx" は IRC コマンド) // TRANSLATION MISSING
と呼ばれる "modifier" を送信します。メッセージを修正するにはこのシグナルを使います。 IRC plugin sends two "modifiers" for a message received ("xxx" is IRC command),
so that you can modify it:
modifier sent before charset decoding: use with caution, the string may
contain invalid UTF-8 data; use only for raw operations on a message
modifier sent after charset decoding, so the string received is always
UTF-8 valid (*recommended*)
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1128,7 +1241,7 @@ def modifier_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
# (これは役に立ちませんが、例として!) # (これは役に立ちませんが、例として!)
return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data) return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data)
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "") weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in2_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "")
---- ----

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@ -73,54 +74,144 @@ link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_process[Opisu API wtyczek WeeChat] (Angiel
==== Python ==== Python
* Należy wykonać `import weechat` // TRANSLATION MISSING
* Funkcje `+print*+` są nazwane `+prnt*+` w pythonie (ponieważ _print_ jest zastrzeżonym ===== Module
słowem kluczowym)
* Funkcje są wywoływane za pomocą `, arg2, ...)` WeeChat defines a `weechat` module which must be imported with `import weechat`.
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
Functions `+print*+` are called `+prnt*+` in python (because `print` was a
reserved keyword in Python 2).
===== Strings received in callbacks
In Python 3 and with WeeChat ≥ 2.7, the strings received in callbacks have type
`str` if the string has valid UTF-8 data (which is the most common case),
or `bytes` if the string is not UTF-8 valid. So the callback should take care
about this type if some invalid UTF-8 content can be received.
Some invalid UTF-8 data may be received in these cases, so the callback can
receive a string of type `str` or `bytes` (this list is not exhaustive):
| API function | Arguments | Examples | Description
| hook_modifier |
irc_in_yyy |
pass:[irc_in_privmsg] +
pass:[irc_in_notice] |
A message received in IRC plugin, before it is decoded to UTF-8 (used
internally). +
It is recommended to use modifier `irc_in2_yyy` instead, the string received
is always UTF-8 valid. +
See function `hook_modifier` in the
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_modifier[WeeChat plugin API reference].
| hook_signal |
xxx,irc_out_yyy +
xxx,irc_outtags_yyy |
pass:[*,irc_out_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_out_notice] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_privmsg] +
pass:[*,irc_outtags_notice] |
A message sent by IRC plugin, after it is encoded to the `encode` charset
defined by the user (if different from the default `UTF-8`). +
It is recommended to use signal `xxx,irc_out1_yyy` instead, the string received
is always UTF-8 valid. +
See function `hook_signal` in the
link:weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_hook_signal[WeeChat plugin API reference].
| hook_process +
hook_process_hashtable |
- |
- |
Output of the command, sent to the callback, can contain invalid UTF-8 data.
In Python 2, which is now deprecated and should not be used any more, the
strings sent to callbacks were always of type `str`, and may contain invalid
UTF-8 data, in the cases mentioned above.
==== Perl ==== Perl
* Funkcje są wywoływane za pomocą `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);` // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat::xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
==== Ruby ==== Ruby
* Trzeba zdefiniować _weechat_init_ i wywołać _register_ wewnątrz // TRANSLATION MISSING
* Funkcje są wywoływane za pomocą `, arg2, ...)` ===== Initialization
* W związku z ograniczeniami Ruby (maksymalnie 15 argumentów dla funkcji), funkcja
`Weechat.config_new_option` otrzymuje callbacki w postaci tablicy 6 ciągów You have to define _weechat_init_ and call _register_ inside.
(3 callbacki + 3 ciągi danych), wywołanie tej funkcji wygląda następująco:
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
Due to a limitation of Ruby (15 arguments max by function), the function
`Weechat.config_new_option` receives the callbacks in an array of 6 strings
(3 callbacks + 3 data strings), so a call to this function looks like:
[source,ruby] [source,ruby]
---- ----
Weechat.config_new_option(config, section, "nazwa", "ciąg", "opis opcji", "", 0, 0, Weechat.config_new_option(config, section, "name", "string", "description of option", "", 0, 0,
"wartość", "wartość", 0, ["check_cb", "", "change_cb", "", "delete_cb", ""]) "value", "value", 0, ["check_cb", "", "change_cb", "", "delete_cb", ""])
---- ----
==== Lua ==== Lua
* Funkcje są wywoływane za pomocą `, arg2, ...)` // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...)`.
==== Tcl ==== Tcl
* Funkcje są wywoływane za pomocą `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...` // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat::xxx arg1 arg2 ...`.
==== Guile (Scheme) ==== Guile (Scheme)
* Funkcje są wywoływane za pomocą `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)` // TRANSLATION MISSING
* Następujące funkcje przyjmują pojedynczą listę argumentów (zamiast wielu ===== Functions
argumentów dla innych funkcji), ponieważ ilość argumentów przekracza ilość
argumentów dozwolonych w Guile: Functions are called with `(weechat:xxx arg1 arg2 ...)`.
** config_new_section
** config_new_option The following functions take one list of arguments (instead of many arguments
** bar_new for other functions), because number of arguments exceed number of allowed
arguments in Guile:
* config_new_section
* config_new_option
* bar_new
==== JavaScript ==== JavaScript
* Funkcje są wywoływane za pomocą `, arg2, ...);` // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `, arg2, ...);`.
==== PHP ==== PHP
* Funkcje są wywoływane za pomocą `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);` // TRANSLATION MISSING
===== Functions
Functions are called with `weechat_xxx(arg1, arg2, ...);`.
[[register_function]] [[register_function]]
=== Funkcja rejestrująca === Funkcja rejestrująca
@ -1087,14 +1178,25 @@ weechat.prnt("", "wartość opcji weechat.color.chat_delimiters to: %s"
[[irc_catch_messages]] [[irc_catch_messages]]
==== Przechwytywanie wiadomości ==== Przechwytywanie wiadomości
Wtyczka IRC wysyła dwa sygnały dla otrzymanej wiadomości (`xxx` jest wewnętrzną // TRANSLATION MISSING
nazwą serwera IRC, `yyy` to komenda IRC jak JOIN, QUIT, PRIVMSG, 301, ..): IRC plugin sends four signals for a message received (`xxx` is IRC internal
server name, `yyy` is IRC command name like JOIN, QUIT, PRIVMSG, 301, ..):
xxxx,irc_in_yyy:: // TRANSLATION MISSING
sygnał wysłany przed przetworzeniem wiadomości xxx,irc_in_yyy::
signal sent before processing message, only if message is *not* ignored
xxx,irc_in2_yyy:: xxx,irc_in2_yyy::
sygnał wysłany po przetworzeniu wiadomości signal sent after processing message, only if message is *not* ignored
signal sent before processing message, even if message is ignored
signal sent after processing message, even if message is ignored
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1116,8 +1218,19 @@ weechat.hook_signal("*,irc_in2_join", "join_cb", "")
[[irc_modify_messages]] [[irc_modify_messages]]
==== Modyfikowanie wiadomości ==== Modyfikowanie wiadomości
Wtyczka IRC wysyła "modyfikator" nazwany "irc_in_xxx" ("xxx" to komenda IRC) dla // TRANSLATION MISSING
otrzymanej wiadomości, żeby można było ją zmodyfikować. IRC plugin sends two "modifiers" for a message received ("xxx" is IRC command),
so that you can modify it:
modifier sent before charset decoding: use with caution, the string may
contain invalid UTF-8 data; use only for raw operations on a message
modifier sent after charset decoding, so the string received is always
UTF-8 valid (*recommended*)
[source,python] [source,python]
---- ----
@ -1126,7 +1239,7 @@ def modifier_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
# (nie jest to może bardzo przydatne, ale to tylko przykład!) # (nie jest to może bardzo przydatne, ale to tylko przykład!)
return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data) return "%s %s" % (string, modifier_data)
weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "") weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in2_privmsg", "modifier_cb", "")
---- ----

View File

@ -446,12 +446,13 @@ weechat_python_output (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
void * void *
weechat_python_exec (struct t_plugin_script *script, weechat_python_exec (struct t_plugin_script *script,
int ret_type, const char *function, int ret_type, const char *function,
char *format, void **argv) const char *format, void **argv)
{ {
struct t_plugin_script *old_python_current_script; struct t_plugin_script *old_python_current_script;
PyThreadState *old_interpreter; PyThreadState *old_interpreter;
PyObject *evMain, *evDict, *evFunc, *rc; PyObject *evMain, *evDict, *evFunc, *rc;
void *argv2[16], *ret_value, *ret_temp; void *argv2[16], *ret_value, *ret_temp;
char format2[17];
int i, argc, *ret_int; int i, argc, *ret_int;
ret_value = NULL; ret_value = NULL;
@ -485,9 +486,33 @@ weechat_python_exec (struct t_plugin_script *script,
argc = strlen (format); argc = strlen (format);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
{ {
argv2[i] = (i < argc) ? argv[i] : NULL; if (i < argc)
argv2[i] = argv[i];
if (format[i] == 's')
if (weechat_utf8_is_valid (argv2[i], -1, NULL))
format2[i] = 's'; /* Python 3: str */
format2[i] = 'y'; /* Python 3: bytes */
format2[i] = 's'; /* Python 2: str */
format2[i] = format[i];
argv2[i] = NULL;
} }
rc = PyObject_CallFunction (evFunc, format, format2[argc] = '\0';
rc = PyObject_CallFunction (evFunc, format2,
argv2[0], argv2[1], argv2[0], argv2[1],
argv2[2], argv2[3], argv2[2], argv2[3],
argv2[4], argv2[5], argv2[4], argv2[5],

View File

@ -61,6 +61,6 @@ extern struct t_hashtable *weechat_python_dict_to_hashtable (PyObject *dict,
const char *type_values); const char *type_values);
extern void *weechat_python_exec (struct t_plugin_script *script, extern void *weechat_python_exec (struct t_plugin_script *script,
int ret_type, const char *function, int ret_type, const char *function,
char *format, void **argv); const char *format, void **argv);