doc: update auto-generated files with relay options
This commit is contained in:
@ -116,12 +116,6 @@
** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
** Standardwert: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** Beschreibung: pass:none[durch Kommata getrennte Liste der Hash-Algorithmen, die für die Kennwortauthentifizierung im Weechat-Protokoll verwendet werden, unter diesen Werten: "plain" (Kennwort im Klartext, nicht gehasht), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2 + sha256", "pbkdf2 + sha512" ), "*" bedeutet alle Algorithmen, ein Name, der mit "!" beginnt ist ein negativer Wert, um die Verwendung eines Algorithmus zu vermeiden. Ein Platzhalter "*" im Namen ist zulässig (Beispiele: "*", "pbkdf2 *", "*,! plain")]
** Typ: Zeichenkette
** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
** Standardwert: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** Beschreibung: pass:none[Zeitüberschreitung (in Sekunden) für die Clientauthentifizierung: Die Verbindung wird geschlossen, falls der Client nach dieser Verzögerung immer noch nicht authentifiziert ist und der Clientstatus auf "Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen" gesetzt ist (0 = ewig warten)]
** Typ: integer
@ -146,12 +140,6 @@
** Werte: 0 .. 9
** Standardwert: `+6+`
* [[]] **
** Beschreibung: pass:none[Anzahl der Iterationen, die im Weechat-Protokoll an den Client gesendet werden, wenn ein Hash-Passwort mit dem Algorithmus PBKDF2 zur Authentifizierung verwendet wird; Mehr Iterationen sind aus Sicherheitsgründen besser, aber langsamer zu berechnen. Diese Zahl sollte nicht zu hoch sein, wenn Ihre CPU langsam ist]
** Typ: integer
** Werte: 1 .. 1000000
** Standardwert: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** Beschreibung: pass:none[lauscht standardmäßig am IPv6 Socket (zusätzlich zu IPv4, welches als Standardprotokoll genutzt wird); mittels des Protokollnamens kann das IPv4 und IPv6 Protokoll, einzeln oder gemeinsam, erzwungen werden (siehe /help relay)]
** Typ: boolesch
@ -176,6 +164,18 @@
** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
** Standardwert: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** Beschreibung: pass:none[durch Kommata getrennte Liste der Hash-Algorithmen, die für die Kennwortauthentifizierung im Weechat-Protokoll verwendet werden, unter diesen Werten: "plain" (Kennwort im Klartext, nicht gehasht), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2 + sha256", "pbkdf2 + sha512" ), "*" bedeutet alle Algorithmen, ein Name, der mit "!" beginnt ist ein negativer Wert, um die Verwendung eines Algorithmus zu vermeiden. Ein Platzhalter "*" im Namen ist zulässig (Beispiele: "*", "pbkdf2 *", "*,! plain")]
** Typ: Zeichenkette
** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
** Standardwert: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** Beschreibung: pass:none[Anzahl der Iterationen, die im Weechat-Protokoll an den Client gesendet werden, wenn ein Hash-Passwort mit dem Algorithmus PBKDF2 zur Authentifizierung verwendet wird; Mehr Iterationen sind aus Sicherheitsgründen besser, aber langsamer zu berechnen. Diese Zahl sollte nicht zu hoch sein, wenn Ihre CPU langsam ist]
** Typ: integer
** Werte: 1 .. 1000000
** Standardwert: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** Beschreibung: pass:none[Datei mit SSL Zertifikat und privatem Schlüssel (zur Nutzung von Clients mit SSL)]
** Typ: Zeichenkette
@ -116,12 +116,6 @@
** values: any string
** default value: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[comma separated list of hash algorithms used for password authentication in weechat protocol, among these values: "plain" (password in plain text, not hashed), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512"), "*" means all algorithms, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent an algorithm from being used, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (examples: "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[timeout (in seconds) for client authentication: connection is closed if the client is still not authenticated after this delay and the client status is set to "authentication failed" (0 = wait forever)]
** type: integer
@ -146,12 +140,6 @@
** values: 0 .. 9
** default value: `+6+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[number of iterations asked to the client in weechat protocol when a hashed password with algorithm PBKDF2 is used for authentication; more iterations is better in term of security but is slower to compute; this number should not be too high if your CPU is slow]
** type: integer
** values: 1 .. 1000000
** default value: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[listen on IPv6 socket by default (in addition to IPv4 which is default); protocols IPv4 and IPv6 can be forced (individually or together) in the protocol name (see /help relay)]
** type: boolean
@ -176,6 +164,18 @@
** values: any string
** default value: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[comma separated list of hash algorithms used for password authentication in weechat protocol, among these values: "plain" (password in plain text, not hashed), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512"), "*" means all algorithms, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent an algorithm from being used, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (examples: "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[number of iterations asked to the client in weechat protocol when a hashed password with algorithm PBKDF2 is used for authentication; more iterations is better in term of security but is slower to compute; this number should not be too high if your CPU is slow]
** type: integer
** values: 1 .. 1000000
** default value: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[file with SSL certificate and private key (for serving clients with SSL)]
** type: string
@ -116,12 +116,6 @@
** valeurs: toute chaîne
** valeur par défaut: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[liste des algorithmes de hachage pour l'authentification par mot de passe dans le protocole relay, parmi ces valeurs : "plain" (mot de passe en clair, non haché), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512" ; "*" signifie tous les algorithmes, un nom commençant par "!" est une valeur négative pour empêcher un algorithme d'être utilisé, le caractère joker "*" est autorisé dans les noms (exemples : "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")]
** type: chaîne
** valeurs: toute chaîne
** valeur par défaut: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[temps maximum (en secondes) pour l'authentification du client ; la connexion est fermée si le client n'est toujours pas authentifié après ce délai et le statut est positionné à "échec d'authentification" (0 = attendre sans fin)]
** type: entier
@ -146,12 +140,6 @@
** valeurs: 0 .. 9
** valeur par défaut: `+6+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[nombre d'itérations demandées au client dans le protocole weechat lorsqu'un mot de passe haché avec l'algorithme PBKDF2 est utilisé pour l'authentification ; plus d'itérations est mieux en terme de sécurité mais est plus lent à calculer ; ce nombre ne doit pas être trop élevé si votre micro-processeur est lent]
** type: entier
** valeurs: 1 .. 1000000
** valeur par défaut: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[écouter en IPv6 sur le socket par défaut (en plus de l'IPv4 qui est par défaut) ; les protocoles IPv4 et IPv6 peuvent être forcés (individuellement ou ensemble) dans le nom du protocole (voir /help relay)]
** type: booléen
@ -176,6 +164,18 @@
** valeurs: toute chaîne
** valeur par défaut: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[liste des algorithmes de hachage pour l'authentification par mot de passe dans le protocole relay, parmi ces valeurs : "plain" (mot de passe en clair, non haché), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512" ; "*" signifie tous les algorithmes, un nom commençant par "!" est une valeur négative pour empêcher un algorithme d'être utilisé, le caractère joker "*" est autorisé dans les noms (exemples : "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")]
** type: chaîne
** valeurs: toute chaîne
** valeur par défaut: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[nombre d'itérations demandées au client dans le protocole weechat lorsqu'un mot de passe haché avec l'algorithme PBKDF2 est utilisé pour l'authentification ; plus d'itérations est mieux en terme de sécurité mais est plus lent à calculer ; ce nombre ne doit pas être trop élevé si votre micro-processeur est lent]
** type: entier
** valeurs: 1 .. 1000000
** valeur par défaut: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[fichier avec le certificat et la clé privée SSL (pour servir les clients avec SSL)]
** type: chaîne
@ -116,12 +116,6 @@
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** descrizione: pass:none[comma separated list of hash algorithms used for password authentication in weechat protocol, among these values: "plain" (password in plain text, not hashed), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512"), "*" means all algorithms, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent an algorithm from being used, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (examples: "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** descrizione: pass:none[timeout (in seconds) for client authentication: connection is closed if the client is still not authenticated after this delay and the client status is set to "authentication failed" (0 = wait forever)]
** tipo: intero
@ -146,12 +140,6 @@
** valori: 0 .. 9
** valore predefinito: `+6+`
* [[]] **
** descrizione: pass:none[number of iterations asked to the client in weechat protocol when a hashed password with algorithm PBKDF2 is used for authentication; more iterations is better in term of security but is slower to compute; this number should not be too high if your CPU is slow]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 1 .. 1000000
** valore predefinito: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** descrizione: pass:none[listen on IPv6 socket by default (in addition to IPv4 which is default); protocols IPv4 and IPv6 can be forced (individually or together) in the protocol name (see /help relay)]
** tipo: bool
@ -176,6 +164,18 @@
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** descrizione: pass:none[comma separated list of hash algorithms used for password authentication in weechat protocol, among these values: "plain" (password in plain text, not hashed), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512"), "*" means all algorithms, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent an algorithm from being used, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (examples: "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** descrizione: pass:none[number of iterations asked to the client in weechat protocol when a hashed password with algorithm PBKDF2 is used for authentication; more iterations is better in term of security but is slower to compute; this number should not be too high if your CPU is slow]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 1 .. 1000000
** valore predefinito: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** descrizione: pass:none[file con il certificato SSL e la chiave privata (per servire i client con SSL)]
** tipo: stringa
@ -116,12 +116,6 @@
** 値: 未制約文字列
** デフォルト値: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** 説明: pass:none[comma separated list of hash algorithms used for password authentication in weechat protocol, among these values: "plain" (password in plain text, not hashed), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512"), "*" means all algorithms, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent an algorithm from being used, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (examples: "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")]
** タイプ: 文字列
** 値: 未制約文字列
** デフォルト値: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** 説明: pass:none[timeout (in seconds) for client authentication: connection is closed if the client is still not authenticated after this delay and the client status is set to "authentication failed" (0 = wait forever)]
** タイプ: 整数
@ -146,12 +140,6 @@
** 値: 0 .. 9
** デフォルト値: `+6+`
* [[]] **
** 説明: pass:none[number of iterations asked to the client in weechat protocol when a hashed password with algorithm PBKDF2 is used for authentication; more iterations is better in term of security but is slower to compute; this number should not be too high if your CPU is slow]
** タイプ: 整数
** 値: 1 .. 1000000
** デフォルト値: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** 説明: pass:none[デフォルトで IPv6 ソケットをリッスン (デフォルトの IPv4 に加えて); 特定のプロトコルでプロトコルに IPv4 と IPv6 (個別または両方) を強制 (/help relay を参照してください)]
** タイプ: ブール
@ -176,6 +164,18 @@
** 値: 未制約文字列
** デフォルト値: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** 説明: pass:none[comma separated list of hash algorithms used for password authentication in weechat protocol, among these values: "plain" (password in plain text, not hashed), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512"), "*" means all algorithms, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent an algorithm from being used, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (examples: "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")]
** タイプ: 文字列
** 値: 未制約文字列
** デフォルト値: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** 説明: pass:none[number of iterations asked to the client in weechat protocol when a hashed password with algorithm PBKDF2 is used for authentication; more iterations is better in term of security but is slower to compute; this number should not be too high if your CPU is slow]
** タイプ: 整数
** 値: 1 .. 1000000
** デフォルト値: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** 説明: pass:none[SSL 証明書と秘密鍵のファイル (SSL 接続を利用するクライアント用)]
** タイプ: 文字列
@ -116,12 +116,6 @@
** wartości: dowolny ciąg
** domyślna wartość: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** opis: pass:none[comma separated list of hash algorithms used for password authentication in weechat protocol, among these values: "plain" (password in plain text, not hashed), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512"), "*" means all algorithms, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent an algorithm from being used, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (examples: "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")]
** typ: ciąg
** wartości: dowolny ciąg
** domyślna wartość: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** opis: pass:none[timeout (in seconds) for client authentication: connection is closed if the client is still not authenticated after this delay and the client status is set to "authentication failed" (0 = wait forever)]
** typ: liczba
@ -146,12 +140,6 @@
** wartości: 0 .. 9
** domyślna wartość: `+6+`
* [[]] **
** opis: pass:none[number of iterations asked to the client in weechat protocol when a hashed password with algorithm PBKDF2 is used for authentication; more iterations is better in term of security but is slower to compute; this number should not be too high if your CPU is slow]
** typ: liczba
** wartości: 1 .. 1000000
** domyślna wartość: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** opis: pass:none[nasłuchuj domyślnie na gnieździe IPv6 (w dodatku do domyślnego IPv4); protokoły IPv4 i IPv6 mogą być wymuszane (pojedynczo lub razem) w nazwie protokołu (zobacz /help relay)]
** typ: bool
@ -176,6 +164,18 @@
** wartości: dowolny ciąg
** domyślna wartość: `+""+`
* [[]] **
** opis: pass:none[comma separated list of hash algorithms used for password authentication in weechat protocol, among these values: "plain" (password in plain text, not hashed), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512"), "*" means all algorithms, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent an algorithm from being used, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (examples: "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")]
** typ: ciąg
** wartości: dowolny ciąg
** domyślna wartość: `+"*"+`
* [[]] **
** opis: pass:none[number of iterations asked to the client in weechat protocol when a hashed password with algorithm PBKDF2 is used for authentication; more iterations is better in term of security but is slower to compute; this number should not be too high if your CPU is slow]
** typ: liczba
** wartości: 1 .. 1000000
** domyślna wartość: `+100000+`
* [[]] **
** opis: pass:none[plik z certyfikatem SSL i kluczem prywatnym (dla obsługi klientów poprzez SSL)]
** typ: ciąg
Reference in New Issue
Block a user