core: replace ellipses by "etc." (in English) and "etc..." by "etc." in French
This commit is contained in:
@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ Beispiele:
/ctcp [-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]
server: an diesen Server senden (interner Servername)
target: Nick- oder Channelname an welchen eine CTCP-Nachricht geschickt werden soll ('*' = aktuellen Channel)
type: CTCP-Nachricht (Beispiele: "version", "ping", ..)
arguments: Argumente für CTCP
server: send to this server (internal name)
target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)
type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", etc.)
arguments: arguments for CTCP
/ctcp toto time
/ctcp toto version
/ctcp * version
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
** Standardwert: `+off+`
* [[]] **
** Beschreibung: pass:none[Multiplikator für die Verzögerung bei der automatischen Wiederverbindung zum Server (1 = immer die selbe Verzögerung nutzen, 2 = Verzögerung*2 für jeden weiteren Versuch, ..)]
** Beschreibung: pass:none[growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = delay*2 for each retry, etc.)]
** Typ: integer
** Werte: 1 .. 100
** Standardwert: `+2+`
@ -651,44 +651,44 @@ Ohne Angabe eines Arguments werden alle installierten Erweiterungen angezeigt.
-stdout|-stderr [<text>]
-buffer: Buffer in welchem der Text ausgegeben werden soll (standardmäßig: aktueller Buffer)
-newbuffer: erstellt einen neuen Buffer und stellt Text in diesem Buffer dar
-free: erstellt einen Buffer mit freiem Inhalt (nur mit -newbuffer möglich)
-switch: wechselt zum Buffer
-core: Alternativname für "-buffer core.weechat"
-current: Text wird im aktuell genutzten Buffer ausgegeben
-y: schreibt den Text in die angegebene Zeile (nur bei Buffern mit freiem Inhalt)
line: Zeilennummer bei einem Buffer mit freiem Inhalt (erste Zeile ist 0, bei einer negative Zahl wird der Text nach der letzten Zeile eingefügt: -1 = nach der letzten Zeile, -2 = zwei Zeilen, nach der letzten Zeile, ...)
-escape: Escapesequenzen werden umgewandelt (zum Beispiel \a, \07, \x07)
-date: Datum der Nachricht, mögliche Formatierung:
-n: 'n' vor dem jetzigen Zeipunkt, in Sekunden
+n: 'n' in Zukunft, in Sekunden
n: 'n' Sekunden seit der Epoche (siehe man time)
date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, Beispiel: 2014-01-19T04:32:55
time: hh:mm:ss (Beispiel: 04:32:55)
-tags: durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Tags (siehe /help filter für eine Liste von Tags die häufig genutzt werden)
text: Text der ausgegeben werden soll (Präfix und Nachricht muss durch \t getrennt werden)
-stdout: Text wird an stdout geschickt (Escapesequenzen werden umgewandelt)
-stderr: Text wird an stderr geschickt (Escapesequenzen werden umgewandelt)
-beep: Alias für "-stderr \a"
-buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed)
-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer
-free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)
-switch: switch to the buffer
-core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat"
-current: display text on current buffer
-y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)
line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, etc.)
-escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07)
-date: message date, format can be:
-n: 'n' seconds before now
+n: 'n' seconds in the future
n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)
date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55
time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)
-tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used)
text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before)
-stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)
-stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)
-beep: alias of "-stderr \a"
Das Argument -action ... -quit nutzt den Präfix der in der Einstellung "weechat.look.prefix_*" definiert ist.
The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options "weechat.look.prefix_*".
Folgende Escapesequenzen werden unterstützt:
Following escaped chars are supported:
\" \\ \a \b \e \f \n \r \t \v \0ooo \xhh \uhhhh \Uhhhhhhhh
zeigt eine Erinnerung, mit Highlight, im Core-Buffer dar:
/print -core -tags notify_highlight Reminder: Milch kaufen
zeigt eine Fehlernachricht im Core-Buffer an:
/print -core -error irgend ein Fehler
zeigt eine Nachricht im Core-Buffer mit dem Präfix "abc" an:
/print -core abc\tmeine Nachricht
es wird eine Nachricht im Channel #weechat ausgegeben:
display a reminder on core buffer with a highlight:
/print -core -tags notify_highlight Reminder: buy milk
display an error on core buffer:
/print -core -error Some error here
display message on core buffer with prefix "abc":
/print -core abc\tThe message
display a message on channel #weechat:
/print -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat Message on #weechat
gibt einen Schneemann aus (U+2603):
display a snowman (U+2603):
/print -escape \u2603
verschickt Alarm (BEL):
send alert (BEL):
/print -beep
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Examples:
server: send to this server (internal name)
target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)
type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", ..)
type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", etc.)
arguments: arguments for CTCP
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
** default value: `+off+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = delay*2 for each retry, ..)]
** description: pass:none[growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = delay*2 for each retry, etc.)]
** type: integer
** values: 1 .. 100
** default value: `+2+`
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ Without argument, this command lists loaded plugins.
-core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat"
-current: display text on current buffer
-y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)
line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...)
line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, etc.)
-escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07)
-date: message date, format can be:
-n: 'n' seconds before now
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Depending on where you launch WeeChat, you should have:
* If WeeChat runs locally or on a remote machine without screen nor tmux, it
depends on the terminal used: _xterm_, _xterm-256color_, _rxvt-unicode_,
_rxvt-256color_, ...
_rxvt-256color_, etc.
* If WeeChat runs under screen, you should have _screen_ or _screen-256color_.
* If WeeChat runs under tmux, you should have _tmux_, _tmux-256color_,
_screen_ or _screen-256color_.
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ any bar:
With WeeChat ≥ 1.0, you can use the bare display (default key: kbd:[Alt+l]).
You can use a terminal with rectangular selection (like rxvt-unicode,
konsole, gnome-terminal, ...). Key is usually kbd:[Ctrl] + kbd:[Alt] + mouse
konsole, gnome-terminal, etc.). Key is usually kbd:[Ctrl] + kbd:[Alt] + mouse
Another solution is to move nicklist to top or bottom, for example:
@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ some OS' we don't have, to test WeeChat.
=== I want to help WeeChat developers. What can I do?
There's many tasks to do (testing, code, documentation, ...)
There's many tasks to do (testing, code, documentation, etc.)
Please contact us via IRC or mail, look at support page:
@ -8566,7 +8566,7 @@ In scripting API, the function _name_ is called directly and its result
If you want to retrieve infos about WeeChat (like current stable version,
latest git commit, ...), you can use URLs on page
latest git commit, etc.), you can use URLs on page
Buffer size for sending data to callback is 64KB (there are 2 buffers: one for
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ Some environment variables are used by WeeChat if they are defined:
| Name | Description
| WEECHAT_HOME | The WeeChat home (with configuration files, logs, scripts, ...).
| WEECHAT_HOME | The WeeChat home (with configuration files, logs, scripts, etc.).
| WEECHAT_PASSPHRASE | The passphrase used to decrypt secured data.
| WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR | An extra directory to load plugins (from the "plugins" directory in this path).
@ -3508,7 +3508,7 @@ include::autogen/user/php_options.adoc[]
=== Trigger
Trigger is the Swiss Army knife for WeeChat: it can hook many things (signal,
modifier, print, ...), change the content of data, and execute one or more
modifier, print, etc.), change the content of data, and execute one or more
commands. A condition can be used to prevent the trigger to run in some
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Exemples :
server : envoyer à ce serveur (nom interne)
cible : pseudo ou nom de canal ('*' = canal courant)
type : type de CTCP (exemples : "version", "ping", etc...)
type : type de CTCP (exemples : "version", "ping", etc.)
arguments : paramètres pour le CTCP
Exemples :
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
** valeur par défaut: `+off+`
* [[]] **
** description: pass:none[facteur de croissance du délai d'auto-reconnexion au serveur (1 = toujours le même délai, 2 = délai*2 pour chaque tentative, etc...)]
** description: pass:none[facteur de croissance du délai d'auto-reconnexion au serveur (1 = toujours le même délai, 2 = délai*2 pour chaque tentative, etc.)]
** type: entier
** valeurs: 1 .. 100
** valeur par défaut: `+2+`
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ Sans paramètre, cette commande liste les extensions chargées.
-core : alias de "-buffer core.weechat"
-current : afficher le texte dans le tampon courant
-y : afficher sur une ligne personnalisée (pour un tampon avec contenu libre seulement)
ligne : numéro de ligne pour un tampon avec contenu libre (la première ligne est 0, un nombre négatif affiche après la dernière ligne : -1 = après la dernière ligne, -2 = deux lignes après la dernière ligne, etc...)
ligne : numéro de ligne pour un tampon avec contenu libre (la première ligne est 0, un nombre négatif affiche après la dernière ligne : -1 = après la dernière ligne, -2 = deux lignes après la dernière ligne, etc.)
-escape : interpréter les caractères échappés (par exemple \a, \07, \x07)
-date : date du message, le format peut être :
-n : 'n' secondes avant maintenant
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Selon la façon de lancer WeeChat, vous devriez avoir :
* Si WeeChat tourne en local ou sur une machine distante sans screen ni tmux :
cela dépend du terminal utilisé : _xterm_, _xterm-256color_, _rxvt-unicode_,
_rxvt-256color_, etc...
_rxvt-256color_, etc.
* Si WeeChat tourne sous screen, vous devriez avoir _screen_ ou _screen-256color_.
* Si WeeChat tourne sous tmux, vous devriez avoir _tmux_, _tmux-256color_,
_screen_ ou _screen-256color_.
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ Avec WeeChat ≥ 1.0, vous pouvez utiliser l'affichage dépouillé (touche par
défaut : kbd:[Alt+l]).
Vous pouvez utiliser un terminal qui propose la sélection rectangulaire (comme
rxvt-unicode, konsole, gnome-terminal, etc...). La touche est habituellement
rxvt-unicode, konsole, gnome-terminal, etc.). La touche est habituellement
kbd:[Ctrl] + kbd:[Alt] + sélection à la souris.
Une autre solution est de déplacer la liste des pseudos en haut ou en bas, par
@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ tester WeeChat.
=== Je souhaiterais aider les développeurs WeeChat. Que puis-je faire ?
Il y a plusieurs choses à faire (test, code, documentation, etc...)
Il y a plusieurs choses à faire (test, code, documentation, etc.)
Merci de prendre contact avec nous par IRC ou mail, consultez la page
support :
@ -8730,7 +8730,7 @@ d'une commande externe).
Si vous souhaitez récupérer des infos à propos de WeeChat (comme la version
stable actuelle, le dernier commit git, etc...), vous pouvez utiliser les URLs
stable actuelle, le dernier commit git, etc.), vous pouvez utiliser les URLs
sur la page
@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ Des variables d'environnement sont utilisées par WeeChat si elles sont définie
| Nom | Description
| WEECHAT_HOME | Le répertoire "maison" de WeeChat (avec les fichiers de configuration, logs, scripts, etc...).
| WEECHAT_HOME | Le répertoire "maison" de WeeChat (avec les fichiers de configuration, logs, scripts, etc.).
| WEECHAT_PASSPHRASE | La phrase de chiffrement utilisée pour déchiffrer les données sécurisées.
| WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR | Un répertoire supplémentaire pour charger les extensions (depuis le répertoire "plugins" sous ce chemin).
@ -3626,7 +3626,7 @@ une ou plusieurs commandes. Une condition peut être utilisée pour empêcher le
trigger de s'exécuter dans certaines circonstances.
Utiliser les triggers nécessite de connaître le fonctionnement des signaux,
modificateurs, etc... Il peut être utile de lire la
modificateurs, etc. Il peut être utile de lire la
||||[Référence API extension WeeChat / Hooks].
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Examples:
server: send to this server (internal name)
target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)
type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", ..)
type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", etc.)
arguments: arguments for CTCP
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
** valore predefinito: `+off+`
* [[]] **
** descrizione: pass:none[fattore di crescita per il ritardo della riconnessione automatica al server (1 = sempre identico, 2 = ritardo*2 per ogni tentativo, ...)]
** descrizione: pass:none[growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = delay*2 for each retry, etc.)]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 1 .. 100
** valore predefinito: `+2+`
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ Senza argomento, questo comando elenca i plugin caricati.
-core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat"
-current: display text on current buffer
-y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)
line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...)
line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, etc.)
-escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07)
-date: message date, format can be:
-n: 'n' seconds before now
@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ WeeChat がサポートする機能: account-notify、away-notify、cap-notify
/ctcp [-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]
server: 送信先サーバ名 (内部名)
target: 送信先ニックネームまたはチャンネル ('*' の場合現在のチャンネル宛に送信)
type: CTCP タイプ (例: "version"、"ping"、..)
arguments: CTCP の引数
server: send to this server (internal name)
target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)
type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", etc.)
arguments: arguments for CTCP
/ctcp toto time
/ctcp toto version
/ctcp * version
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
** デフォルト値: `+off+`
* [[]] **
** 説明: pass:none[サーバに自動再接続する際の遅延間隔に関する増加係数 (1 = 遅延間隔は常に同じ, 2 = リトライごとに遅延間隔を 2 倍、..)]
** 説明: pass:none[growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = delay*2 for each retry, etc.)]
** タイプ: 整数
** 値: 1 .. 100
** デフォルト値: `+2+`
@ -651,44 +651,44 @@ arguments: ロードするプラグインに与える引数
-stdout|-stderr [<text>]
-buffer: 指定したバッファにテキストを表示 (デフォルト: コマンドを実行したバッファ)
-newbuffer: 新しいバッファの作成、そのバッファ内にテキストの表示
-free: 自由内容バッファの作成 (-newbuffer と共に使用)
-switch: 指定したバッファに切り替え
-core: "-buffer core.weechat" のエイリアス
-current: 現在のバッファにテキストを表示
-y: 指定した行番号に表示 (自由内容バッファ専用)
line: 自由内容バッファの行番号 (1 行目は 0、負数は最後の行から数えた行: -1 = 最終行から数えて 1 行目、-2 = 最終行から数えて 2 行目、...)
-escape: エスケープ文字を解釈 (例えば \a、\07、\x07)
-date: メッセージの日付、書式:
-n: 今から 'n' 秒前
+n: 今から 'n' 秒後
n: エポックから 'n' 秒目 (man time を参照してください)
日付/時間 (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss、例: 2014-01-19T04:32:55
時間: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)
-tags: タグのコンマ区切りリスト (よく使うタグのリストは /help filter を参照してください)
text: 表示するテキスト (プレフィックスとメッセージは必ず \t で区切ってください、"-" で始まるテキストは "\" を前置してください)
-stdout: 標準出力にテキストを表示 (エスケープ文字を解釈)
-stderr: 標準エラー出力にテキストを表示 (エスケープ文字を解釈)
-beep: "-stderr \a" の別名
-buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed)
-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer
-free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)
-switch: switch to the buffer
-core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat"
-current: display text on current buffer
-y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)
line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, etc.)
-escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07)
-date: message date, format can be:
-n: 'n' seconds before now
+n: 'n' seconds in the future
n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)
date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55
time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)
-tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used)
text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before)
-stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)
-stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)
-beep: alias of "-stderr \a"
オプション -action ... -quit をつけた場合、プレフィックスは "weechat.look.prefix_*" で定義されているものになります。
The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options "weechat.look.prefix_*".
Following escaped chars are supported:
\" \\ \a \b \e \f \n \r \t \v \0ooo \xhh \uhhhh \Uhhhhhhhh
display a reminder on core buffer with a highlight:
/print -core -tags notify_highlight Reminder: buy milk
display an error on core buffer:
/print -core -error Some error here
コアバッファにプレフィックス "abc" を付けてメッセージを表示:
display message on core buffer with prefix "abc":
/print -core abc\tThe message
チャンネル #weechat にメッセージを表示:
display a message on channel #weechat:
/print -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat Message on #weechat
雪だるまを表示 (U+2603):
display a snowman (U+2603):
/print -escape \u2603
警告を送信 (BEL):
send alert (BEL):
/print -beep
@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ Przykłady:
/ctcp [-server <serwer>] <cel>[,<cel>...] <typ> [<argumenty>]
serwer: wyślij do tego serwera (nazwa wewnętrzna)
cel: nick albo kanał ('*' = obecny kanał)
typ: rodzaj CTCP (przykłady: "version", "ping", ..)
argumenty: argumenty dla CTCP
server: send to this server (internal name)
target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)
type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", etc.)
arguments: arguments for CTCP
/ctcp toto time
/ctcp toto version
/ctcp * version
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
** domyślna wartość: `+off+`
* [[]] **
** opis: pass:none[rosnący współczynnik opóźnienia ponownego połączenia z serwerem (1 = stała wartość, 2 = opóźnienie*2 dla każdej próby, ..)]
** opis: pass:none[growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = delay*2 for each retry, etc.)]
** typ: liczba
** wartości: 1 .. 100
** domyślna wartość: `+2+`
@ -651,44 +651,44 @@ Bez argumentów ta komenda wyświetli wszystkie załadowane wtyczki.
-stdout|-stderr [<tekst>]
-buffer: bufor, w którym zostanie wyświetlony tekst (domyślnie: obecny bufor)
-newbuffer: tworzy nowy bufor i wyświetla w nim tekst
-free: tworzy nowy bufor z dowolną zawartością (tylko z -newbuffer)
-switch: przełącza się do bufora
-core: alias dla bufora "-buffer core.weechat"
-current: wyświetl tekst w obecnym buforze
-y: wyświetla niestandardową linię (tylko dla buforów z dowolną zawartością)
line: numer linii bufora z dowolną zawartością (pierwsza linia to 0, wartość ujemna wyświetla linie od ostatniej: -1 = przedostatnia linia, -2 = dwie linie po ostatniej, ...)
-escape: interpretuj znaki poprzedzone \ (na przykład \a, \07, \x07)
-date: data wiadomości, możliwe formaty:
-n: 'n' sekund wcześniej
+n: 'n' sekund później
n: 'n' sekund od Epoch (zobacz man time)
data/czas (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, przykład: 2014-01-19T04:32:55
czas: hh:mm:ss (przykład: 04:32:55)
-tags: oddzielona przecinkami lista tagów (zobacz /help filter w celu wyświetlenia listy najczęstszych tagów)
tekst: tekst do wyświetlenia (prefiks i wiadomość muszą być oddzielone za pomocą "\t", jeśli tekst zaczyna się od "-" dodaj "\" przed nim)
-stdout: wyświetl tekst na standardowe wyjście (znaki poprzedzone \ są interpretowane)
-stderr: wyświetl tekst na standardowe wyjście błędów (znaki poprzedzone \ są interpretowane)
-beep: alias dla "-stderr \a"
-buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed)
-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer
-free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)
-switch: switch to the buffer
-core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat"
-current: display text on current buffer
-y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)
line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, etc.)
-escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07)
-date: message date, format can be:
-n: 'n' seconds before now
+n: 'n' seconds in the future
n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)
date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55
time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)
-tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used)
text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before)
-stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)
-stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)
-beep: alias of "-stderr \a"
Opcje -action ... -quit używają prefiksów zdefiniowanych w opcjach "weechat.look.prefix_*".
The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options "weechat.look.prefix_*".
Wspierane znaczniki specjalne:
Following escaped chars are supported:
\" \\ \a \b \e \f \n \r \t \v \0ooo \xhh \uhhhh \Uhhhhhhhh
wyświetla przypomnienie w buforze głównym z higlightem:
/print -core -tags notify_highlight Reminder: kup mleko
wyświetla błąd w głównym buforze:
/print -core -error Jakiś błąd
wyświetla wiadomość w głównym buforze z prefiksem "abc":
/print -core abc\tWiadomość
wyświetla wiadomość na kanale #weechat:
display a reminder on core buffer with a highlight:
/print -core -tags notify_highlight Reminder: buy milk
display an error on core buffer:
/print -core -error Some error here
display message on core buffer with prefix "abc":
/print -core abc\tThe message
display a message on channel #weechat:
/print -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat Message on #weechat
wyświetla bałwana (U+2603):
display a snowman (U+2603):
/print -escape \u2603
wysyła alert (BEL):
send alert (BEL):
/print -beep
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-31 15:36+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: cs\n"
@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -6793,7 +6793,7 @@ msgstr "[-server <server>] <příjemce>[,<příjemce>...] <text>"
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -8663,9 +8663,10 @@ msgstr "barva pro nové téma rozhovoru kanálu (když se téma změní)"
msgid "color for old channel topic (when topic is changed)"
msgstr "barva pro staré téma rozhovoru kanálu (když se téma změní)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"faktor zvyšování pro zpoždění automatického znovupřipojení k serveru (1 = "
"vždy stejná prodleva, 2 = prodleva*2 pro každý pokus, ...)"
@ -12636,22 +12637,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: vypršel časový limit \"%s\" pro %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: nemohu se připojit\" neočekávaná chyba (%d)"
#~ msgid "empty variable"
#~ msgstr "prázdná proměnná"
#~ msgid "Not enough memory for new line"
#~ msgstr "Nedostatek paměti pro nový řádek"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
#~ "buflist)"
#~ msgstr "příkaz spuštěný při startu WeeChat, před načtením pluginů"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[<kanál>[,<kanál>...]] [<server>] [-re <regexp>]"
#~ msgid "<server1> [<server2>]"
#~ msgstr "<server1> [<server2>]"
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-14 20:47+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
@ -2484,6 +2484,7 @@ msgstr ""
"current] [-y <line>] [-escape] [-date <date>] [-tags <tags>] [-action|-"
"error|-join|-network|-quit] [<text>] || -stdout|-stderr [<text>] || -beep"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is "
@ -2495,7 +2496,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -8292,10 +8293,11 @@ msgstr "CTCP-Nachricht verschicken"
msgid "[-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]"
msgstr "[-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -10396,9 +10398,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Farbe in dem das alte Thema des Channels dargestellt werden soll, falls das "
"Thema des Channels geändert wurde"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"Multiplikator für die Verzögerung bei der automatischen Wiederverbindung zum "
"Server (1 = immer die selbe Verzögerung nutzen, 2 = Verzögerung*2 für jeden "
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-31 15:36+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: es\n"
@ -2235,7 +2235,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -7029,7 +7029,7 @@ msgstr "[-server <servidor>] <destino>[,<destino>...] <texto>"
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -8971,9 +8971,10 @@ msgstr "color para el nuevo tema del canal (cuando se cambia el tema)"
msgid "color for old channel topic (when topic is changed)"
msgstr "color para el tema antiguo del canal (cuando se cambia el tema)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"factor de crecimiento para el retraso antes de autoreconectarse (1 = siempre "
"el mismo retraso, 2 = retraso*2 por cada intento, ..)"
@ -12914,24 +12915,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: tiempo de espera máximo para \"%s\" con %s"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: no es posible conectarse al transmisor"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "empty variable"
#~ msgstr "Variables"
#~ msgid "Not enough memory for new line"
#~ msgstr "No hay suficiente memoria para una línea nueva"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
#~ "buflist)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "comando ejecutado cuando WeeChat inicia, antes de cargar los plugins"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[<canal>[,<canal>...]] [<servidor>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgid "<server1> [<server2>]"
#~ msgstr "<servidor1> [<servidor2>]"
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 14:47+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -2435,7 +2435,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -2484,7 +2484,7 @@ msgstr ""
"contenu libre seulement)\n"
" ligne : numéro de ligne pour un tampon avec contenu libre (la première "
"ligne est 0, un nombre négatif affiche après la dernière ligne : -1 = après "
"la dernière ligne, -2 = deux lignes après la dernière ligne, etc...)\n"
"la dernière ligne, -2 = deux lignes après la dernière ligne, etc.)\n"
" -escape : interpréter les caractères échappés (par exemple \\a, \\07, "
" -date : date du message, le format peut être :\n"
@ -8113,7 +8113,7 @@ msgstr "[-server <serveur>] <cible>[,<cible>...] <type> [<paramètres>]"
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -8123,7 +8123,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
" server : envoyer à ce serveur (nom interne)\n"
" cible : pseudo ou nom de canal ('*' = canal courant)\n"
" type : type de CTCP (exemples : \"version\", \"ping\", etc...)\n"
" type : type de CTCP (exemples : \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments : paramètres pour le CTCP\n"
"Exemples :\n"
@ -10154,10 +10154,10 @@ msgstr "couleur pour l'ancien titre du canal (lorsque le titre est changé)"
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"facteur de croissance du délai d'auto-reconnexion au serveur (1 = toujours "
"le même délai, 2 = délai*2 pour chaque tentative, etc...)"
"le même délai, 2 = délai*2 pour chaque tentative, etc.)"
msgid "maximum autoreconnect delay to server (in seconds, 0 = no maximum)"
msgstr ""
@ -14443,22 +14443,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s : délai d'attente dépassé pour \"%s\" avec %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s : impossible de se connecter : erreur inattendue (%d)"
#~ msgid "empty variable"
#~ msgstr "variable vide"
#~ msgid "Not enough memory for new line"
#~ msgstr "Pas assez de mémoire pour une nouvelle ligne"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
#~ "buflist)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "format pour chaque ligne avec un tampon (note : le contenu est évalué, "
#~ "voir /help buflist)"
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[<canal>[,<canal>...]] [<cible>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgid "<server1> [<server2>]"
#~ msgstr "<serveur1> [<serveur2>]"
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-31 15:36+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: hu\n"
@ -1904,7 +1904,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -6259,7 +6259,7 @@ msgstr "fogadó [,fogadó] szöveg"
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -8052,7 +8052,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
msgid "maximum autoreconnect delay to server (in seconds, 0 = no maximum)"
@ -11917,25 +11917,3 @@ msgstr "%s hiányzó argumentum a(z) \"%s\" opciónak\n"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s DCC: nem sikerült kapcsolódni a küldőhöz\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "empty variable"
#~ msgstr " . típus: szám\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Not enough memory for new line"
#~ msgstr "Nincs elég memória az új sorhoz\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
#~ "buflist)"
#~ msgstr "felhasználónév az IRC szerveren"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[szoba[,szoba] [szerver]]"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<server1> [<server2>]"
#~ msgstr "szerver1 [szerver2]"
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-31 15:36+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: it\n"
@ -2278,7 +2278,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -7200,7 +7200,7 @@ msgstr "[-server <server>] <destinazione>[,<destinazione>...] <testo>"
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -9166,9 +9166,10 @@ msgstr "colore del nuovo argomento del canale (quando viene cambiato)"
msgid "color for old channel topic (when topic is changed)"
msgstr "colore del precedente argomento del canale (quando viene cambiato)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"fattore di crescita per il ritardo della riconnessione automatica al server "
"(1 = sempre identico, 2 = ritardo*2 per ogni tentativo, ...)"
@ -13129,25 +13130,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: timeout per \"%s\" con %s"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: impossibile connettersi al mittente"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "empty variable"
#~ msgstr "Variabili"
#~ msgid "Not enough memory for new line"
#~ msgstr "Memoria non sufficiente per una nuova riga"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
#~ "buflist)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "nome utente per il server proxy (nota: il contenuto viene valutato, "
#~ "consultare /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[<canale>[,<canale>...]] [<server>] [-re <regexp>]"
#~ msgid "<server1> [<server2>]"
#~ msgstr "<server1> [<server2>]"
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-14 09:00+0900\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
@ -2357,6 +2357,7 @@ msgstr ""
"current] [-y <line>] [-escape] [-date <date>] [-tags <tags>] [-action|-"
"error|-join|-network|-quit] [<text>] || -stdout|-stderr [<text>] || -beep"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is "
@ -2368,7 +2369,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -7772,10 +7773,11 @@ msgstr "CTCP メッセージの送信 (Client-To-Client Protocol)"
msgid "[-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]"
msgstr "[-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -9745,9 +9747,10 @@ msgstr "新しいチャンネルトピックの色 (トピックが変更され
msgid "color for old channel topic (when topic is changed)"
msgstr "古いチャンネルトピックの色 (トピックが変更されたときに使われます)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"サーバに自動再接続する際の遅延間隔に関する増加係数 (1 = 遅延間隔は常に同じ, "
"2 = リトライごとに遅延間隔を 2 倍、..)"
@ -12081,7 +12084,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"リレーの利用を許可する IP アドレスの POSIX 拡張正規表現 (大文字小文字の区別無"
"し、最初に \"(?-i)\" をつければ区別有り)、例: \"^(123\\.45\\.67\\.89|192\\.160\\..*)$\""
"し、最初に \"(?-i)\" をつければ区別有り)、例: \"^(123\\.45\\.67\\.89|"
msgid ""
"address for bind (if empty, connection is possible on all interfaces, use "
@ -13878,22 +13882,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: \"%s\" のタイムアウト %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: 接続できません: 未定義のエラー (%d)"
#~ msgid "empty variable"
#~ msgstr "変数が空です"
#~ msgid "Not enough memory for new line"
#~ msgstr "新しい行に使うメモリが足りません"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
#~ "buflist)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "各バッファの表示書式 (注意: 値は評価されます、/help eval を参照してくださ"
#~ "い)"
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgid "<server1> [<server2>]"
#~ msgstr "<server1> [<server2>]"
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-19 20:16+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
@ -2402,6 +2402,7 @@ msgstr ""
"current] [-y <linia>] [-escape] [-date <data>] [-tags <tagi>] [-action|-"
"error|-join|-network|-quit] [<tekst>] || -stdout|-stderr [<tekst>] || -beep"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is "
@ -2413,7 +2414,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -7912,10 +7913,11 @@ msgstr "wyślij wiadomość CTCP (protokół klient-klient)"
msgid "[-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]"
msgstr "[-server <serwer>] <cel>[,<cel>...] <typ> [<argumenty>]"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -9914,9 +9916,10 @@ msgstr "kolor nowego tematu kanału (kiedy temat został zmieniony)"
msgid "color for old channel topic (when topic is changed)"
msgstr "kolor starego tematu kanału (kiedy temat został zmieniony)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"rosnący współczynnik opóźnienia ponownego połączenia z serwerem (1 = stała "
"wartość, 2 = opóźnienie*2 dla każdej próby, ..)"
@ -14096,23 +14099,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: przekroczono czas na \"%s\" z %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: nie można połączyć: niespodziewany błąd (%d)"
#~ msgid "empty variable"
#~ msgstr "pusta zmienna"
#~ msgid "Not enough memory for new line"
#~ msgstr "Za mało pamięci na nowy wiersz"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
#~ "buflist)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "format każdej linii w buforze (uwaga: zawartość jest przetwarzana, "
#~ "zobacz /help buflist)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[<kanał>[,<kanał>...]] [<serwer>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgid "<server1> [<server2>]"
#~ msgstr "<serwer1> [<serwer2>]"
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-31 15:36+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
"Language: pt\n"
@ -2382,7 +2382,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -7585,10 +7585,11 @@ msgstr "enviar uma mensagem CTCP (Client-To-Client Protocol)"
msgid "[-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]"
msgstr "[-server <servidor>] <destino>[,<destino>...] <tipo> [<argumentos>]"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -9605,9 +9606,10 @@ msgstr "cor do novo tópico do canal (quando se altera o tópico)"
msgid "color for old channel topic (when topic is changed)"
msgstr "cor do tópico antigo (quando se altera o tópico)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"fator de crescimento do atraso para reconectar automaticamente ao servidor "
"(1 = usar sempre o mesmo, 2 = atraso*2 por cada tentativa, ...)"
@ -13792,23 +13794,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: tempo limite de \"%s\" com %s"
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: não foi possível conectar: erro inesperado (%d)"
#~ msgid "empty variable"
#~ msgstr "variável vazia"
#~ msgid "Not enough memory for new line"
#~ msgstr "Memória insuficiente para nova linha"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
#~ "buflist)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "nome real a usar no servidor (nota: o conteúdo é avaliado, ver /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[<canal>[,<canal>...]] [servidor>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgid "<server1> [<server2>]"
#~ msgstr "<servidor1> [<servidor2>]"
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-31 15:37+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Eduardo Elias <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
@ -2287,7 +2287,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -6885,7 +6885,7 @@ msgstr "<target> <tipo> [<argumentos>]"
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -8492,9 +8492,10 @@ msgstr "cor para o novo tópico do canal (quando o tópico é alterado)"
msgid "color for old channel topic (when topic is changed)"
msgstr "cor para o tópico antigo do canal (quando o tópico é alterado)"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"fator de crescimento do tempo de espera para a auto-reconexão ao servidor (1 "
"= sempre o mesmo tempo de espera, 2 = tempo de espera*2 para cada "
@ -12377,25 +12378,3 @@ msgstr "%s%s: tempo esgotado para \"%s\" com %s"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: não foi possível conectar ao remetente"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "empty variable"
#~ msgstr "Variáveis"
#~ msgid "Not enough memory for new line"
#~ msgstr "Memória insuficiente para nova linha"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
#~ "buflist)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "comando executado quando o WeeChat inicia, antes do carregamento dos "
#~ "plugins (nota: conteúdo é avaliado, veja /help eval)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[<canal>[,<canal>...]] [<servidor>] [-re <expressão_regular>]"
#~ msgid "<server1> [<server2>]"
#~ msgstr "<server1> [<server2>]"
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-31 15:37+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: ru\n"
@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -6300,7 +6300,7 @@ msgstr "адресат[,адресат] текст"
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -8084,7 +8084,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
msgid "maximum autoreconnect delay to server (in seconds, 0 = no maximum)"
@ -11949,25 +11949,3 @@ msgstr "%s нет аргумента для параметра \"%s\"\n"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s DCC: не могу соединиться с отправителем\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "empty variable"
#~ msgstr " . тип: целочисленный\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Not enough memory for new line"
#~ msgstr "Недостаточно памяти для новой строчки\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help "
#~ "buflist)"
#~ msgstr "ник, используемый на IRC сервере"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[канал[,канал] [сервер]]"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<server1> [<server2>]"
#~ msgstr "сервер1 [сервер2]"
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-26 23:33+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-04 21:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasan Kiran <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: tr\n"
@ -1729,7 +1729,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -5788,7 +5788,7 @@ msgstr "[-server <sunucu>] <hedef>[,<hedef>...] <metin>"
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -7315,7 +7315,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
msgid "maximum autoreconnect delay to server (in seconds, 0 = no maximum)"
@ -10896,7 +10896,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "[<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-re <regex>]"
#~ msgstr "[<kanal>[,<kanal>...]] [<ileti>]"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 14:46+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-04 21:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@ msgid ""
" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n"
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a "
"negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two "
"lines after last line, ...)\n"
"lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -5726,7 +5726,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -7181,7 +7181,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = "
"delay*2 for each retry, ..)"
"delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"
msgstr ""
msgid "maximum autoreconnect delay to server (in seconds, 0 = no maximum)"
@ -7861,7 +7861,7 @@ command_init ()
" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line "
"is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last "
"line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...)\n"
"line, -2 = two lines after last line, etc.)\n"
" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n"
" -date: message date, format can be:\n"
" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n"
@ -6416,7 +6416,7 @@ irc_command_init ()
N_("[-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]"),
N_(" server: send to this server (internal name)\n"
" target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", ..)\n"
" type: CTCP type (examples: \"version\", \"ping\", etc.)\n"
"arguments: arguments for CTCP\n"
@ -3198,7 +3198,7 @@ irc_config_init ()
irc_config_file, ptr_section,
"autoreconnect_delay_growing", "integer",
N_("growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same "
"delay, 2 = delay*2 for each retry, ..)"),
"delay, 2 = delay*2 for each retry, etc.)"),
NULL, 1, 100, "2", NULL, 0,
irc_config_network_autoreconnect_delay_max = weechat_config_new_option (
Reference in New Issue
Block a user