diff --git a/ChangeLog.adoc b/ChangeLog.adoc index c2752862c..56c5029ad 100644 --- a/ChangeLog.adoc +++ b/ChangeLog.adoc @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ https://weechat.org/files/releasenotes/ReleaseNotes-devel.html[release notes] New features:: + * core: add options "-newbuffer", "-free" and "-switch" in command /print (issue #1113) * core: add option "-y" in command /print, add support of buffers with free content * core: add option "add" in command /buffer (issue #1113) * core: add option weechat.completion.partial_completion_templates to force partial completion on specific templates diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc index f331fa527..f6b79cf32 100644 --- a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc +++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc @@ -640,45 +640,48 @@ Ohne Angabe eines Arguments werden alle installierten Erweiterungen angezeigt. * `+print+`: gibt einen Text in einem Buffer aus ---- -/print [-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] +/print [-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] -stdout|-stderr [] -beep --buffer: Buffer in welchem der Text ausgegeben werden soll (standardmäßig: aktueller Buffer) - -core: Alternativname für "-buffer core.weechat" --current: Text wird im aktuell genutzten Buffer ausgegeben - -y: schreibt den Text in die angegebene Zeile (nur bei Buffern mit freiem Inhalt) - line: Zeilennummer bei einem Buffer mit freiem Inhalt (erste Zeile ist 0, bei einer negative Zahl wird der Text nach der letzten Zeile eingefügt: -1 = nach der letzten Zeile, -2 = zwei Zeilen, nach der letzten Zeile, ...) --escape: Escapesequenzen werden umgewandelt (zum Beispiel \a, \07, \x07) - -date: Datum der Nachricht, mögliche Formatierung: - -n: 'n' vor dem jetzigen Zeipunkt, in Sekunden - +n: 'n' in Zukunft, in Sekunden - n: 'n' Sekunden seit der Epoche (siehe man time) - date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, Beispiel: 2014-01-19T04:32:55 - time: hh:mm:ss (Beispiel: 04:32:55) - -tags: durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Tags (siehe /help filter für eine Liste von Tags die häufig genutzt werden) - text: Text der ausgegeben werden soll (Präfix und Nachricht muss durch \t getrennt werden) --stdout: Text wird an stdout geschickt (Escapesequenzen werden umgewandelt) --stderr: Text wird an stderr geschickt (Escapesequenzen werden umgewandelt) - -beep: Alias für "-stderr \a" + -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed) +-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer + -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only) + -switch: switch to the buffer + -core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat" + -current: display text on current buffer + -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only) + line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...) + -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07) + -date: message date, format can be: + -n: 'n' seconds before now + +n: 'n' seconds in the future + n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time) + date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55 + time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55) + -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used) + text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before) + -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted) + -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted) + -beep: alias of "-stderr \a" -Das Argument -action ... -quit nutzt den Präfix der in der Einstellung "weechat.look.prefix_*" definiert ist. +The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options "weechat.look.prefix_*". -Folgende Escapesequenzen werden unterstützt: +Following escaped chars are supported: \" \\ \a \b \e \f \n \r \t \v \0ooo \xhh \uhhhh \Uhhhhhhhh -Beispiele: - zeigt eine Erinnerung, mit Highlight, im Core-Buffer dar: - /print -core -tags notify_highlight Reminder: Milch kaufen - zeigt eine Fehlernachricht im Core-Buffer an: - /print -core -error irgend ein Fehler - zeigt eine Nachricht im Core-Buffer mit dem Präfix "abc" an: - /print -core abc\tmeine Nachricht - es wird eine Nachricht im Channel #weechat ausgegeben: +Examples: + display a reminder on core buffer with a highlight: + /print -core -tags notify_highlight Reminder: buy milk + display an error on core buffer: + /print -core -error Some error here + display message on core buffer with prefix "abc": + /print -core abc\tThe message + display a message on channel #weechat: /print -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat Message on #weechat - gibt einen Schneemann aus (U+2603): + display a snowman (U+2603): /print -escape \u2603 - verschickt Alarm (BEL): + send alert (BEL): /print -beep ---- diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc index 5be5de5f7..af4305dd1 100644 --- a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc +++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc @@ -640,27 +640,30 @@ Without argument, this command lists loaded plugins. * `+print+`: display text on a buffer ---- -/print [-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] +/print [-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] -stdout|-stderr [] -beep - -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed) - -core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat" --current: display text on current buffer - -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only) - line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...) - -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07) - -date: message date, format can be: - -n: 'n' seconds before now - +n: 'n' seconds in the future - n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time) - date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55 - time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55) - -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used) - text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before) - -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted) - -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted) - -beep: alias of "-stderr \a" + -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed) +-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer + -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only) + -switch: switch to the buffer + -core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat" + -current: display text on current buffer + -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only) + line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...) + -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07) + -date: message date, format can be: + -n: 'n' seconds before now + +n: 'n' seconds in the future + n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time) + date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55 + time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55) + -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used) + text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before) + -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted) + -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted) + -beep: alias of "-stderr \a" The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options "weechat.look.prefix_*". diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc index 8358223e1..78242df9c 100644 --- a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc +++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc @@ -640,27 +640,30 @@ Sans paramètre, cette commande liste les extensions chargées. * `+print+`: afficher du texte dans un tampon ---- -/print [-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags <étiquettes>] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] +/print [-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags <étiquettes>] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] -stdout|-stderr [] -beep - -buffer : afficher le texte dans ce tampon (par défaut : tampon où est exécutée la commande) - -core : alias de "-buffer core.weechat" --current : afficher le texte dans le tampon courant - -y : afficher sur une ligne personnalisée (pour un tampon avec contenu libre seulement) - ligne : numéro de ligne pour un tampon avec contenu libre (la première ligne est 0, un nombre négatif affiche après la dernière ligne : -1 = après la dernière ligne, -2 = deux lignes après la dernière ligne, etc...) - -escape : interpréter les caractères échappés (par exemple \a, \07, \x07) - -date : date du message, le format peut être : - -n : 'n' secondes avant maintenant - +n : 'n' secondes dans le futur - n : 'n' secondes depuis l'époque (voir man time) - date/heure (ISO 8601) : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, exemple : 2014-01-19T04:32:55 - heure : hh:mm:ss (exemple : 04:32:55) - -tags : liste d'étiquettes séparées par des virgules (voir /help filter pour une liste des étiquettes couramment utilisées) - texte : texte à afficher (le préfixe et le message doivent être séparés par "\t", si le texte commence par "-", ajoutez "\" avant) - -stdout : afficher le texte sur stdout (les caractères échappés sont interprétés) - -stderr : afficher le texte sur stderr (les caractères échappés sont interprétés) - -beep : alias de "-stderr \a" + -buffer : afficher le texte dans ce tampon (par défaut : tampon où est exécutée la commande) +-newbuffer : créer un nouveau tampon et afficher le texte dans ce tampon + -free : créer un tampon avec contenu libre (avec -newbuffer seulement) + -switch : basculer vers le tampon + -core : alias de "-buffer core.weechat" + -current : afficher le texte dans le tampon courant + -y : afficher sur une ligne personnalisée (pour un tampon avec contenu libre seulement) + ligne : numéro de ligne pour un tampon avec contenu libre (la première ligne est 0, un nombre négatif affiche après la dernière ligne : -1 = après la dernière ligne, -2 = deux lignes après la dernière ligne, etc...) + -escape : interpréter les caractères échappés (par exemple \a, \07, \x07) + -date : date du message, le format peut être : + -n : 'n' secondes avant maintenant + +n : 'n' secondes dans le futur + n : 'n' secondes depuis l'époque (voir man time) + date/heure (ISO 8601) : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, exemple : 2014-01-19T04:32:55 + heure : hh:mm:ss (exemple : 04:32:55) + -tags : liste d'étiquettes séparées par des virgules (voir /help filter pour une liste des étiquettes couramment utilisées) + texte : texte à afficher (le préfixe et le message doivent être séparés par "\t", si le texte commence par "-", ajoutez "\" avant) + -stdout : afficher le texte sur stdout (les caractères échappés sont interprétés) + -stderr : afficher le texte sur stderr (les caractères échappés sont interprétés) + -beep : alias de "-stderr \a" Les options -action ... -quit utilisent le préfixe défini dans les options "weechat.look.prefix_*". diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc index d4e5e9536..3a7f24faf 100644 --- a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc +++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc @@ -640,27 +640,30 @@ Senza argomento, questo comando elenca i plugin caricati. * `+print+`: display text on a buffer ---- -/print [-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] +/print [-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] -stdout|-stderr [] -beep - -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed) - -core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat" --current: display text on current buffer - -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only) - line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...) - -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07) - -date: message date, format can be: - -n: 'n' seconds before now - +n: 'n' seconds in the future - n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time) - date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55 - time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55) - -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used) - text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before) - -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted) - -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted) - -beep: alias of "-stderr \a" + -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed) +-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer + -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only) + -switch: switch to the buffer + -core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat" + -current: display text on current buffer + -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only) + line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...) + -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07) + -date: message date, format can be: + -n: 'n' seconds before now + +n: 'n' seconds in the future + n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time) + date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55 + time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55) + -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used) + text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before) + -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted) + -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted) + -beep: alias of "-stderr \a" The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options "weechat.look.prefix_*". diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc index f667fae72..3997d5207 100644 --- a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc +++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc @@ -640,45 +640,48 @@ arguments: ロードするプラグインに与える引数 * `+print+`: バッファ内にテキストを表示 ---- -/print [-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] +/print [-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] -stdout|-stderr [] -beep - -buffer: 指定したバッファにテキストを表示 (デフォルト: コマンドを実行したバッファ) - -core: "-buffer core.weechat" のエイリアス --current: 現在のバッファにテキストを表示 - -y: 指定した行番号に表示 (自由内容バッファ専用) - line: 自由内容バッファの行番号 (1 行目は 0、負数は最後の行から数えた行: -1 = 最終行から数えて 1 行目、-2 = 最終行から数えて 2 行目、...) - -escape: エスケープ文字を解釈 (例えば \a、\07、\x07) - -date: メッセージの日付、書式: - -n: 今から 'n' 秒前 - +n: 今から 'n' 秒後 - n: エポックから 'n' 秒目 (man time を参照) - 日付/時間 (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss、例: 2014-01-19T04:32:55 - 時間: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55) - -tags: タグのコンマ区切りリスト (よく使うタグのリストは /help filter を参照) - text: 表示するテキスト (プレフィックスとメッセージは必ず \t で区切ってください、"-" で始まるテキストは "\" を前置してください) - -stdout: 標準出力にテキストを表示 (エスケープ文字を解釈) - -stderr: 標準エラー出力にテキストを表示 (エスケープ文字を解釈) - -beep: "-stderr \a" の別名 + -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed) +-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer + -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only) + -switch: switch to the buffer + -core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat" + -current: display text on current buffer + -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only) + line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...) + -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07) + -date: message date, format can be: + -n: 'n' seconds before now + +n: 'n' seconds in the future + n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time) + date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55 + time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55) + -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used) + text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before) + -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted) + -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted) + -beep: alias of "-stderr \a" -オプション -action ... -quit をつけた場合、プレフィックスは "weechat.look.prefix_*" で定義されているものになります。 +The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options "weechat.look.prefix_*". -以下のエスケープ文字を使うことができます: +Following escaped chars are supported: \" \\ \a \b \e \f \n \r \t \v \0ooo \xhh \uhhhh \Uhhhhhhhh -例: - コアバッファにハイライトを付けてリマインダを表示: +Examples: + display a reminder on core buffer with a highlight: /print -core -tags notify_highlight Reminder: buy milk - コアバッファにエラーを表示: + display an error on core buffer: /print -core -error Some error here - コアバッファにプレフィックス "abc" を付けてメッセージを表示: + display message on core buffer with prefix "abc": /print -core abc\tThe message - チャンネル #weechat にメッセージを表示: + display a message on channel #weechat: /print -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat Message on #weechat - 雪だるまを表示 (U+2603): + display a snowman (U+2603): /print -escape \u2603 - 警告を送信 (BEL): + send alert (BEL): /print -beep ---- diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc index 95e31cae2..969a523b4 100644 --- a/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc +++ b/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc @@ -640,27 +640,30 @@ Bez argumentów ta komenda wyświetli wszystkie załadowane wtyczki. * `+print+`: wyświetl tekst w buforze ---- -/print [-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] +/print [-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] -stdout|-stderr [] -beep - -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed) - -core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat" --current: display text on current buffer - -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only) - line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...) - -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07) - -date: message date, format can be: - -n: 'n' seconds before now - +n: 'n' seconds in the future - n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time) - date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55 - time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55) - -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used) - text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before) - -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted) - -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted) - -beep: alias of "-stderr \a" + -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed) +-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer + -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only) + -switch: switch to the buffer + -core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat" + -current: display text on current buffer + -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only) + line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...) + -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07) + -date: message date, format can be: + -n: 'n' seconds before now + +n: 'n' seconds in the future + n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time) + date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: 2014-01-19T04:32:55 + time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55) + -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used) + text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before) + -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted) + -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted) + -beep: alias of "-stderr \a" The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options "weechat.look.prefix_*". diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po index 29a2acaf2..fdd5cbe2d 100644 --- a/po/cs.po +++ b/po/cs.po @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-06 13:50+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup \n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev \n" @@ -2072,35 +2072,38 @@ msgid "display text on a buffer" msgstr "zobraz text v bufferu" msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po index 004d693b5..c5ba81bd8 100644 --- a/po/de.po +++ b/po/de.po @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-07 14:46+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Nils Görs \n" "Language-Team: German \n" @@ -2409,39 +2409,44 @@ msgstr "" msgid "display text on a buffer" msgstr "gibt einen Text in einem Buffer aus" +#, fuzzy msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" "[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " "] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" "stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +#, fuzzy msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" @@ -2493,7 +2498,8 @@ msgstr "" "\"weechat.look.prefix_*\" definiert ist.\n" "\n" "Folgende Escapesequenzen werden unterstützt:\n" -" \\\" \\\\ \\a \\b \\e \\f \\n \\r \\t \\v \\0ooo \\xhh \\uhhhh \\Uhhhhhhhh\n" +" \\\" \\\\ \\a \\b \\e \\f \\n \\r \\t \\v \\0ooo \\xhh \\uhhhh " +"\\Uhhhhhhhh\n" "\n" "Beispiele:\n" " zeigt eine Erinnerung, mit Highlight, im Core-Buffer dar:\n" diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po index c73c87d60..077044167 100644 --- a/po/es.po +++ b/po/es.po @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-06 13:50+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch \n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev \n" @@ -2174,35 +2174,38 @@ msgid "display text on a buffer" msgstr "color del texto en el buffer del repetidor" msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po index 96d548938..b81da52ca 100644 --- a/po/fr.po +++ b/po/fr.po @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-07 12:00+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 15:01+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-08 21:55+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu \n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev \n" "Language: fr\n" @@ -2354,38 +2354,42 @@ msgid "display text on a buffer" msgstr "afficher du texte dans un tampon" msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags <étiquettes>] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] " -"|| -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags <étiquettes>] [-" +"action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] " +"|| -beep" msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" @@ -2408,33 +2412,36 @@ msgid "" " send alert (BEL):\n" " /print -beep" msgstr "" -" -buffer : afficher le texte dans ce tampon (par défaut : tampon où est " +" -buffer : afficher le texte dans ce tampon (par défaut : tampon où est " "exécutée la commande)\n" -" -core : alias de \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current : afficher le texte dans le tampon courant\n" -" -y : afficher sur une ligne personnalisée (pour un tampon avec contenu " -"libre seulement)\n" -" ligne : numéro de ligne pour un tampon avec contenu libre (la première " +"-newbuffer : créer un nouveau tampon et afficher le texte dans ce tampon\n" +" -free : créer un tampon avec contenu libre (avec -newbuffer seulement)\n" +" -switch : basculer vers le tampon\n" +" -core : alias de \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current : afficher le texte dans le tampon courant\n" +" -y : afficher sur une ligne personnalisée (pour un tampon avec " +"contenu libre seulement)\n" +" ligne : numéro de ligne pour un tampon avec contenu libre (la première " "ligne est 0, un nombre négatif affiche après la dernière ligne : -1 = après " "la dernière ligne, -2 = deux lignes après la dernière ligne, etc...)\n" -" -escape : interpréter les caractères échappés (par exemple \\a, \\07, " +" -escape : interpréter les caractères échappés (par exemple \\a, \\07, " "\\x07)\n" -" -date : date du message, le format peut être :\n" -" -n : 'n' secondes avant maintenant\n" -" +n : 'n' secondes dans le futur\n" -" n : 'n' secondes depuis l'époque (voir man time)\n" -" date/heure (ISO 8601) : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, exemple : " +" -date : date du message, le format peut être :\n" +" -n : 'n' secondes avant maintenant\n" +" +n : 'n' secondes dans le futur\n" +" n : 'n' secondes depuis l'époque (voir man time)\n" +" date/heure (ISO 8601) : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, exemple : " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" heure : hh:mm:ss (exemple : 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags : liste d'étiquettes séparées par des virgules (voir /help filter " +" heure : hh:mm:ss (exemple : 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags : liste d'étiquettes séparées par des virgules (voir /help filter " "pour une liste des étiquettes couramment utilisées)\n" -" texte : texte à afficher (le préfixe et le message doivent être séparés " +" texte : texte à afficher (le préfixe et le message doivent être séparés " "par \"\\t\", si le texte commence par \"-\", ajoutez \"\\\" avant)\n" -" -stdout : afficher le texte sur stdout (les caractères échappés sont " +" -stdout : afficher le texte sur stdout (les caractères échappés sont " "interprétés)\n" -" -stderr : afficher le texte sur stderr (les caractères échappés sont " +" -stderr : afficher le texte sur stderr (les caractères échappés sont " "interprétés)\n" -" -beep : alias de \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" -beep : alias de \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "Les options -action ... -quit utilisent le préfixe défini dans les options " "\"weechat.look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po index 7449e3c04..7bbe3a047 100644 --- a/po/hu.po +++ b/po/hu.po @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-06 13:50+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi \n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev \n" @@ -1845,35 +1845,38 @@ msgid "display text on a buffer" msgstr "szerver nevének színe" msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po index 0a53c537b..b6eaf6c52 100644 --- a/po/it.po +++ b/po/it.po @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-06 13:50+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno \n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev \n" @@ -2217,35 +2217,38 @@ msgid "display text on a buffer" msgstr "colore del testo nei buffer relay" msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po index b97ed6420..624e0891c 100644 --- a/po/ja.po +++ b/po/ja.po @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-08 09:00+0900\n" "Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke \n" "Language-Team: Japanese |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" "[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " "] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" "stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +#, fuzzy msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po index aee5946bc..7b4c0a98d 100644 --- a/po/pl.po +++ b/po/pl.po @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-06 13:50+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk \n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev \n" @@ -2332,9 +2332,9 @@ msgstr "wyświetl tekst w buforze" #, fuzzy msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" "[-buffer |] [-core] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-" "action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] || -stdout|-stderr || -" @@ -2342,29 +2342,32 @@ msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po index d8881bd13..820947f29 100644 --- a/po/pt.po +++ b/po/pt.po @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-06 13:50+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n" @@ -2315,9 +2315,9 @@ msgstr "mostrar texto num buffer" #, fuzzy msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" "[-buffer |] [-core] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-" "action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] " @@ -2325,29 +2325,32 @@ msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po index a2db0b184..be3a6d106 100644 --- a/po/pt_BR.po +++ b/po/pt_BR.po @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-06 13:50+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Eduardo Elias \n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev \n" @@ -2226,35 +2226,38 @@ msgid "display text on a buffer" msgstr "cor do texto para nomes de buffer" msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po index fe6d164e8..2997400de 100644 --- a/po/ru.po +++ b/po/ru.po @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-06 13:50+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti \n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev \n" @@ -1868,35 +1868,38 @@ msgid "display text on a buffer" msgstr "цвет названия сервера" msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po index 2c07abf1f..4e3108d27 100644 --- a/po/tr.po +++ b/po/tr.po @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-26 23:33+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Hasan Kiran \n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev \n" @@ -1670,35 +1670,38 @@ msgid "display text on a buffer" msgstr "" msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/po/weechat.pot b/po/weechat.pot index 989a3b233..9565ae67c 100644 --- a/po/weechat.pot +++ b/po/weechat.pot @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-07 11:55+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-08 21:58+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu \n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev \n" @@ -1669,35 +1669,38 @@ msgid "display text on a buffer" msgstr "" msgid "" -"[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date " -"] [-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -" -"stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" +"[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-" +"current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] [-tags ] [-action|-" +"error|-join|-network|-quit] [] || -stdout|-stderr [] || -beep" msgstr "" msgid "" -" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " +" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is " "executed)\n" -" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" -"-current: display text on current buffer\n" -" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" -" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " +"-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" +" -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only)\n" +" -switch: switch to the buffer\n" +" -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" +" -current: display text on current buffer\n" +" -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only)\n" +" line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a " "negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two " "lines after last line, ...)\n" -" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" -" -date: message date, format can be:\n" -" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" -" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" -" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" -" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " +" -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" +" -date: message date, format can be:\n" +" -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" +" +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" +" n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" +" date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" -" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" -" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags " -"most commonly used)\n" -" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t\", " -"if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" -" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" -" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" +" time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" +" -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of " +"tags most commonly used)\n" +" text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by \"\\t" +"\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" +" -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" +" -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options \"weechat." "look.prefix_*\".\n" diff --git a/src/core/wee-command.c b/src/core/wee-command.c index a86293267..881016845 100644 --- a/src/core/wee-command.c +++ b/src/core/wee-command.c @@ -4610,7 +4610,8 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(plugin) COMMAND_CALLBACK(print) { struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; - int i, y, escape, to_stdout, to_stderr, free_content; + int i, y, escape, to_stdout, to_stderr, arg_new_buffer_name; + int new_buffer_type_free, free_content, switch_to_buffer; time_t date, date_now; struct tm tm_date; char *tags, *pos, *text, *text2, *error, empty_string[1] = { '\0' }; @@ -4622,6 +4623,9 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(print) (void) data; ptr_buffer = buffer; + arg_new_buffer_name = -1; + new_buffer_type_free = 0; + switch_to_buffer = 0; y = -1; date = 0; tags = NULL; @@ -4642,6 +4646,21 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(print) if (!ptr_buffer) COMMAND_ERROR; } + else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[i], "-newbuffer") == 0) + { + if (i + 1 >= argc) + COMMAND_ERROR; + i++; + arg_new_buffer_name = i; + } + else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[i], "-free") == 0) + { + new_buffer_type_free = 1; + } + else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[i], "-switch") == 0) + { + switch_to_buffer = 1; + } else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[i], "-current") == 0) { ptr_buffer = (gui_current_window) ? gui_current_window->buffer : NULL; @@ -4770,6 +4789,7 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(print) ptr_text = empty_string; } + /* print to stdout or stderr */ if (to_stdout || to_stderr) { text = string_convert_escaped_chars (ptr_text); @@ -4779,50 +4799,78 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(print) fflush ((to_stdout) ? stdout : stderr); free (text); } + return WEECHAT_RC_OK; + } + + if (arg_new_buffer_name >= 0) + { + /* print to new buffer */ + if (gui_buffer_is_reserved_name (argv[arg_new_buffer_name])) + { + gui_chat_printf (NULL, + _("%sError: name \"%s\" is reserved for WeeChat"), + gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], + argv[arg_new_buffer_name]); + return WEECHAT_RC_OK; + } + ptr_buffer = gui_buffer_search_by_name (PLUGIN_CORE, + argv[arg_new_buffer_name]); + if (!ptr_buffer) + { + ptr_buffer = gui_buffer_new_user (argv[arg_new_buffer_name]); + if (ptr_buffer && new_buffer_type_free) + gui_buffer_set (ptr_buffer, "type", "free"); + } } else { + /* print to existing buffer */ if (!ptr_buffer) ptr_buffer = gui_buffer_search_main (); - free_content = (ptr_buffer && (ptr_buffer->type == GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE)); - text = strdup (ptr_text); - if (text) - { - pos = NULL; - if (!prefix) - { - pos = strstr (text, "\\t"); - if (pos) - { - pos[0] = (free_content) ? ' ' : '\t'; - memmove (pos + 1, pos + 2, strlen (pos + 2) + 1); - } - } - text2 = (escape) ? - string_convert_escaped_chars (text) : strdup (text); - if (text2) - { - if (free_content) - { - gui_chat_printf_y (ptr_buffer, y, - "%s%s", - (prefix) ? prefix : "", - text2); - } - else - { - gui_chat_printf_date_tags ( - ptr_buffer, date, tags, - "%s%s", - (prefix) ? prefix : ((!prefix && !pos) ? "\t" : ""), - text2); - } - free (text2); - } - free (text); - } } + free_content = (ptr_buffer && (ptr_buffer->type == GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE)); + + text = strdup (ptr_text); + if (text) + { + pos = NULL; + if (!prefix) + { + pos = strstr (text, "\\t"); + if (pos) + { + pos[0] = (free_content) ? ' ' : '\t'; + memmove (pos + 1, pos + 2, strlen (pos + 2) + 1); + } + } + text2 = (escape) ? + string_convert_escaped_chars (text) : strdup (text); + if (text2) + { + if (free_content) + { + gui_chat_printf_y (ptr_buffer, y, + "%s%s", + (prefix) ? prefix : "", + text2); + } + else + { + gui_chat_printf_date_tags ( + ptr_buffer, date, tags, + "%s%s", + (prefix) ? prefix : ((!prefix && !pos) ? "\t" : ""), + text2); + } + free (text2); + } + free (text); + } + + if (ptr_buffer && switch_to_buffer) + gui_window_switch_to_buffer (gui_current_window, ptr_buffer, 1); + return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } @@ -7782,35 +7830,39 @@ command_init () hook_command ( NULL, "print", N_("display text on a buffer"), - N_("[-buffer |] [-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] " - "[-date ] [-tags ] " - "[-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] []" + N_("[-buffer |] [-newbuffer ] [-free] [-switch] " + "[-core|-current] [-y ] [-escape] [-date ] " + "[-tags ] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] []" " || -stdout|-stderr []" " || -beep"), - N_(" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where " + N_(" -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where " "command is executed)\n" - " -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" - "-current: display text on current buffer\n" - " -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content " + "-newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer\n" + " -free: create a buffer with free content " + "(with -newbuffer only)\n" + " -switch: switch to the buffer\n" + " -core: alias of \"-buffer core.weechat\"\n" + " -current: display text on current buffer\n" + " -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content " "only)\n" - " line: line number for buffer with free content (first line " + " line: line number for buffer with free content (first line " "is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last " "line, -2 = two lines after last line, ...)\n" - " -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" - " -date: message date, format can be:\n" - " -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" - " +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" - " n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" - " date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " + " -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \\a, \\07, \\x07)\n" + " -date: message date, format can be:\n" + " -n: 'n' seconds before now\n" + " +n: 'n' seconds in the future\n" + " n: 'n' seconds since the Epoch (see man time)\n" + " date/time (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, example: " "2014-01-19T04:32:55\n" - " time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" - " -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a " + " time: hh:mm:ss (example: 04:32:55)\n" + " -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a " "list of tags most commonly used)\n" - " text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by " + " text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by " "\"\\t\", if text starts with \"-\", then add a \"\\\" before)\n" - " -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" - " -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" - " -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" + " -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" + " -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted)\n" + " -beep: alias of \"-stderr \\a\"\n" "\n" "The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options " "\"weechat.look.prefix_*\".\n" @@ -7833,9 +7885,10 @@ command_init () " send alert (BEL):\n" " /print -beep"), "-buffer %(buffers_numbers)|%(buffers_plugins_names)" + " || -newbuffer" " || -y -1|0|1|2|3" - " || -core|-current|-escape|-date|-tags|-action|-error|-join|" - "-network|-quit" + " || -free|-switch|-core|-current|-escape|-date|-tags|-action|-error|" + "-join|-network|-quit" " || -stdout" " || -stderr" " || -beep",