core: mute all buffers by default in command /mute (replace option -all by -core)
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@[release notes]
== Version 0.4.4 (under dev)
* core: mute all buffers by default in command /mute (replace option -all by
* core: save and restore mute state in command /mute (bug #41748)
* core: fix memory leak when removing a hdata
* core: fix memory leak in evaluation of sub-conditions
@ -525,23 +525,23 @@ Beispiele:
[command]*`mute`* Führt einen Befehl ohne Textausgabe aus::
/mute [-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>
/mute [-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>
-current: Ausgabe im aktuellen Buffer wird unterdrückt
-buffer: Ausgabe im ausgewählten Buffer wird unterdrückt
name: vollständiger Buffername (Beispiel: "irc.server.freenode", "irc.freenode.#weechat")
-all: Ausgabe wird für ALLE Buffer unterdrückt
command: Ein Befehl der ohne Textausgabe ausgeführt werden soll (das Präfix, '/', wird automatisch hinzugefügt, falls es dem Befehl nicht vorangestellt wurde)
-core: no output on WeeChat core buffer
-current: no output on current buffer
-buffer: no output on specified buffer
name: full buffer name (examples: "irc.server.freenode", "irc.freenode.#weechat")
command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not found at beginning of command)
Wird kein Buffer ausgewählt (-current, -buffer oder -all), dann wird lediglich die Textausgabe im WeeChat Core Buffer unterdrückt.
If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to mute all buffers.
Speichern der Konfiguration:
/mute save
Nachricht in den aktuellen Channel senden:
/mute -current msg * hi!
Nachricht an den #weechat Channel senden:
/mute -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat msg #weechat hi!
config save:
/mute save
message to current IRC channel:
/mute -current msg * hi!
message to #weechat channel:
/mute -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat msg #weechat hi!
@ -525,15 +525,15 @@ Examples:
[command]*`mute`* execute a command silently::
/mute [-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>
/mute [-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>
-core: no output on WeeChat core buffer
-current: no output on current buffer
-buffer: no output on specified buffer
name: full buffer name (examples: "irc.server.freenode", "irc.freenode.#weechat")
-all: no output on ALL buffers
command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not found at beginning of command)
If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to mute WeeChat core buffer only.
If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to mute all buffers.
config save:
@ -525,15 +525,15 @@ Exemples:
[command]*`mute`* exécuter une commande silencieusement::
/mute [-current | -buffer <nom> | -all] <commande>
/mute [-core | -current | -buffer <nom>] <commande>
-core: pas d'affichage sur le tampon core WeeChat
-current: pas d'affichage sur le tampon courant
-buffer: pas d'affichage sur le tampon spécifié
nom: nom complet du tampon (exemples: "irc.server.freenode", "irc.freenode.#weechat")
-all: pas d'affichage sur TOUS les tampons
commande: commande à exécuter silencieusement (un '/' est automatiquement ajouté s'il n'est pas trouvé au début de la commande)
Si aucune cible n'est spécifiée (-current, -buffer ou -all), alors par défaut seul le tampon core WeeChat sera silencieux.
Si aucune cible n'est spécifiée (-core, -current ou -buffer), alors par défaut tous les tampons seront silencieux.
sauvegarde configuration:
@ -525,23 +525,23 @@ Esempi:
[command]*`mute`* esegue un comando in silenzio::
/mute [-current | -buffer <nome> | -all] <comando>
/mute [-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>
-current: nessun output sul buffer corrente
-buffer: nessun output sul buffer specificato
nome: nome completo del buffer (esempi: "irc.server.freenode", "irc.freenode.#weechat")
-all: nessun output su TUTTI i buffer
command: comando da eseguire in silenzio (una '/' viene aggiunta automaticamente all'inizio del comando se non trovata)
-core: no output on WeeChat core buffer
-current: no output on current buffer
-buffer: no output on specified buffer
name: full buffer name (examples: "irc.server.freenode", "irc.freenode.#weechat")
command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not found at beginning of command)
Se non viene specificata una destinazione (-current, -buffer o -all), la destinazione predefinita è il buffer core di WeeChat.
If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to mute all buffers.
salva la configurazione:
config save:
/mute save
messaggio sul canale IRC corrente:
/mute -current msg * ciao!
messaggio sul canale #weechat:
/mute -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat msg #weechat ciao!
message to current IRC channel:
/mute -current msg * hi!
message to #weechat channel:
/mute -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat msg #weechat hi!
@ -525,22 +525,22 @@ disable: マウスの無効化
[command]*`mute`* 静かにコマンドを実行::
/mute [-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>
/mute [-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>
-current: 現在のバッファへの出力を禁止
-buffer: 指定したバッファへの出力を禁止
name: 完全なバッファの名前 (例: "irc.server.freenode"、"irc.freenode.#weechat")
-all: 全てのバッファへの出力を禁止
command: 静かに実行するコマンド (最初に '/' が無い場合は自動的に追加されます)
-core: no output on WeeChat core buffer
-current: no output on current buffer
-buffer: no output on specified buffer
name: full buffer name (examples: "irc.server.freenode", "irc.freenode.#weechat")
command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not found at beginning of command)
ターゲット (-current、-buffer、-all) が指定されなかった場合、デフォルトでは WeeChat コアバッファへの出力のみが抑制されます。
If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to mute all buffers.
save を行う:
config save:
/mute save
現在の IRC チャンネルへのメッセージ:
message to current IRC channel:
/mute -current msg * hi!
#weechat チャンネルへのメッセージ:
message to #weechat channel:
/mute -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat msg #weechat hi!
@ -525,23 +525,23 @@ Przykłady:
[command]*`mute`* wykonuje komendę po cichu::
/mute [-current | -buffer <nazwa> | -all] <komenda>
/mute [-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>
-current: bez wyjścia na obecnym kanale
-buffer: bez wyjścia w podanym buforze
nazwa: pełna nazwa bufora (przykłady: "irc.server.freenode", "irc.freenode.#weechat")
-all: bez wyjścia we WSZYSTKICH buforach
komenda: komenda do cichego wykonania ( '/' jest dodawane automatycznie jeśli nie znalezione na początku komendy)
-core: no output on WeeChat core buffer
-current: no output on current buffer
-buffer: no output on specified buffer
name: full buffer name (examples: "irc.server.freenode", "irc.freenode.#weechat")
command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not found at beginning of command)
Jeżeli nie podano celu (-current, -buffer lub -all), wtedy domyślnie jest wyciszany tylko bufor rdzenia WeeChat.
If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to mute all buffers.
zapisanie konfiguracji:
config save:
/mute save
wiadomość do obecnego kanału IRC:
/mute -current msg * hej!
wiadomość na kanał #weechat:
/mute -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat msg #weechat hej!
message to current IRC channel:
/mute -current msg * hi!
message to #weechat channel:
/mute -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat msg #weechat hi!
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 11:20+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jiri Golembiovsky <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1827,20 +1827,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr "vykonat příkaz v tichosti"
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
#, fuzzy
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr "[-current | -buffer <jméno> | -all] <příkaz>"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 11:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
@ -2053,20 +2053,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr "Führt einen Befehl ohne Textausgabe aus"
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
#, fuzzy
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 11:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1929,20 +1929,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr "ejecuta un comando silenciosamente"
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
#, fuzzy
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr "[-current | -buffer <nombre> | -all] <comando>"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 11:21+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 16:09+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -2008,20 +2008,20 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr "exécuter une commande silencieusement"
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
msgstr "[-current | -buffer <nom> | -all] <commande>"
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr "[-core | -current | -buffer <nom>] <commande>"
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -2031,16 +2031,16 @@ msgid ""
" message to #weechat channel:\n"
" /mute -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat msg #weechat hi!"
msgstr ""
" -core: pas d'affichage sur le tampon core WeeChat\n"
"-current: pas d'affichage sur le tampon courant\n"
" -buffer: pas d'affichage sur le tampon spécifié\n"
" nom: nom complet du tampon (exemples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: pas d'affichage sur TOUS les tampons\n"
"commande: commande à exécuter silencieusement (un '/' est automatiquement "
"ajouté s'il n'est pas trouvé au début de la commande)\n"
"Si aucune cible n'est spécifiée (-current, -buffer ou -all), alors par "
"défaut seul le tampon core WeeChat sera silencieux.\n"
"Si aucune cible n'est spécifiée (-core, -current ou -buffer), alors par "
"défaut tous les tampons seront silencieux.\n"
" sauvegarde configuration:\n"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 11:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1628,20 +1628,20 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr "%s belső parancsok:\n"
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 11:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1968,20 +1968,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr "esegue un comando in silenzio"
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
#, fuzzy
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr "[-current | -buffer <nome> | -all] <comando>"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 11:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <>\n"
@ -1952,20 +1952,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr "静かにコマンドを実行"
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
#, fuzzy
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 11:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1996,20 +1996,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr "wykonuje komendę po cichu"
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
#, fuzzy
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr "[-current | -buffer <nazwa> | -all] <komenda>"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 11:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Sergio Durigan Junior <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1909,20 +1909,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr "executa um comando silenciosamente"
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
#, fuzzy
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr "[-current | -buffer <nome> | -all] <comando>"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 11:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1651,20 +1651,20 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr "Внутренние команды %s:\n"
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-16 11:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasan Kiran <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1469,20 +1469,20 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr ""
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.4.1-dev\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 11:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-04 15:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-14 18:20+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1472,20 +1472,20 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command silently"
msgstr ""
msgid "[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"
msgid "[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", \"irc."
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added if not "
"found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default is to "
"mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then default is to "
"mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -3755,12 +3755,20 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(mute)
gui_chat_mute_old = gui_chat_mute;
gui_chat_mute_buffer_old = gui_chat_mute_buffer;
mute_buffer = gui_buffer_search_main ();
mute_buffer = NULL;
ptr_command = argv_eol[1];
if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "-current") == 0)
if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "-core") == 0)
mute_buffer = gui_buffer_search_main ();
ptr_command = argv_eol[2];
else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "-current") == 0)
mute_buffer = buffer;
ptr_command = argv_eol[2];
@ -3770,13 +3778,18 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(mute)
ptr_buffer = gui_buffer_search_by_full_name (argv[2]);
if (ptr_buffer)
mute_buffer = ptr_buffer;
ptr_command = argv_eol[3];
else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "-all") == 0)
mute_buffer = NULL;
* action ignored in WeeChat >= 0.4.4 (mute on all buffers is default)
* (kept for compatibility with old versions)
ptr_command = argv_eol[2];
@ -7086,17 +7099,17 @@ command_init ()
hook_command (
NULL, "mute",
N_("execute a command silently"),
N_("[-current | -buffer <name> | -all] <command>"),
N_("-current: no output on current buffer\n"
N_("[-core | -current | -buffer <name>] <command>"),
N_(" -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer\n"
"-current: no output on current buffer\n"
" -buffer: no output on specified buffer\n"
" name: full buffer name (examples: \"irc.server.freenode\", "
" -all: no output on ALL buffers\n"
" command: command to execute silently (a '/' is automatically added "
"if not found at beginning of command)\n"
"If no target is specified (-current, -buffer or -all), then default "
"is to mute WeeChat core buffer only.\n"
"If no target is specified (-core, -current or -buffer), then "
"default is to mute all buffers.\n"
" config save:\n"
@ -7105,9 +7118,8 @@ command_init ()
" /mute -current msg * hi!\n"
" message to #weechat channel:\n"
" /mute -buffer irc.freenode.#weechat msg #weechat hi!"),
"-current %(commands)|%*"
"-core|-current %(commands)|%*"
" || -buffer %(buffers_plugins_names) %(commands)|%*"
" || -all %(commands)|%*"
" || %(commands)|%*",
&command_mute, NULL);
hook_command (
Reference in New Issue
Block a user