doc: add XDG directories support in docs (issue #1285)

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2021-05-08 20:56:49 +02:00
parent 87d4ea9286
commit 70cdf21681
42 changed files with 934 additions and 630 deletions

View File

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
(works only with the command *weechat-headless*, not compatible with option
*-d*, *--dir* _<path>_::
Nastav cestu jako dovmský adresář pro WeeChat (použitou pro konfigurační
soubory, logy, uživatelské pluginy a skripty), výchozí hodnota je
"~/.weechat" (poznámka: složka bude vytvořena pokud nebude nalezena
Force a single directory for all WeeChat files (directory is created if not found).
Four directories can be given, separated by colons (in this order: config,
data, cache, runtime).
Pokud tato volba není zadána, použije se promněná prostředí WEECHAT_HOME
(pokud není prázdná)

View File

@ -16,79 +16,79 @@ IPv6 adresa může být uzavřena do hranatých závorek k přidání portu, nap
// end::plugin_options[]
// tag::files[]
hlavní konfigurační soubor WeeChatu
soubor konfigurace pluginů
konfigurační soubor s chráněnými daty
configurační soubor pro _alias_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _buflist_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _charset_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _exec_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _fifo_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _fset_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _guile_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _irc_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _javascript_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _logger_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _lua_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _perl_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _php_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _python_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _relay_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _ruby_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _script_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _spell_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _tcl_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _trigger_ plugin
konfigurační soubor pro _xfer_ plugin
soubor záznamů WeeChatu
// end::files[]

View File

@ -15,10 +15,11 @@
(funktioniert ausschließlich mit *weechat-headless* und ist nicht kompatibel mit Option
*-d*, *--dir* _<path>_::
legt den Konfigurationsordner für WeeChat fest in welchem die Erweiterungen,
Skripten, Protokolldateien etc.pp. gesichert werden (Voreinstellung: "~/.weechat").
Sollte das Verzeichnis nicht existieren wird es beim Start angelegt.
Force a single directory for all WeeChat files (directory is created if not found).
Four directories can be given, separated by colons (in this order: config,
data, cache, runtime).
Wird diese Option nicht genutzt, wird die Umgebungsvariable WEECHAT_HOME genutzt
(sofern diese vorhanden ist).

View File

@ -17,79 +17,79 @@ Um eine IPv6 Adresse zu nutzen, muss diese in eckige Klammern gesetzt werden:
// end::plugin_options[]
// tag::files[]
WeeChats Konfigurationsdatei
Konfigurationsdatei für Erweiterungen
Konfigurationsdatei mit schutzwürdigen Daten
Konfigurationsdatei für _alias_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _buflist_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _charset_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _exec_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _fifo_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _fset_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _guile_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _irc_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _javascript_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _logger_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _lua_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _perl_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _php_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _python_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _relay_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _ruby_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _script_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _spell_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _tcl_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _trigger_ Erweiterung
Konfigurationsdatei für _xfer_ Erweiterung
WeeChat Protokolldatei
// end::files[]

View File

@ -1143,9 +1143,13 @@ Wenn das nicht hilft, sollte die Skriptliste von Hand gelöscht werden. Dazu
folgenden Befehl in der Shell ausführen:
$ rm ~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
$ rm ~/.cache/weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
With WeeChat ≤ 3.1, the path should be: _~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz_.
Danach sollte man noch einmal versuchen die Datei herunter zu laden:
@ -1165,7 +1169,7 @@ Das bedeutet aber auch, dass die Skripten von Hand aktuell gehalten werden müss
* und in der Shell, mit installiertem curl:
$ cd ~/.weechat/script
$ cd ~/.cache/weechat/script
$ curl -O
@ -1287,9 +1291,9 @@ Beispiel:
=== Ich möchte meine WeeChat Konfiguration teilen. Welche Dateien kann ich weitergeben und welche sollte ich behalten?
Es können alle _~/.weechat/*.conf_ Dateien geteilt werden.
Hiervon ausgenommen ist die Datei _sec.conf_,
die durch eine Passphrase verschlüsselte, sensible, Daten enthalten kann.
You can share configuration files _*.conf_ except the file _sec.conf_ which
contains your passwords ciphered with your passphrase.
Einige andere Dateien enthalten möglicherweise vertrauliche Informationen wie
Kennwörter (sofern sie nicht mit dem Befehl `/secure` in _sec.conf_ gesichert werden).

View File

@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ anlegen, der in das Verzeichnis _Skriptsprache/autoload_ zeigt.
Ein Beispiel für ein Python-Skript:
$ cd ~/.weechat/python/autoload
$ cd ~/.local/share/weechat/python/autoload
$ ln -s ../
@ -1394,10 +1394,11 @@ weechat.prnt("", "Version %s" % weechat.info_get("version", ""))
==== andere Informationen
# WeeChat Hauptverzeichnis, zum Beispiel: "/home/xxxx/.weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat Hauptverzeichnis: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_dir", ""))
# WeeChat config directory, for example: "/home/user/.config/weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat config dir: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
# Inaktivität der Tastatur
weechat.prnt("", "Tastatur ist seit %s Sekunden nicht mehr betätigt worden" % weechat.info_get("inactivity", ""))

View File

@ -476,10 +476,10 @@ werden um die Datei zu lesen. +
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf dieser Wiki-Seite:
Beispiel: _weechat_ ist in _/usr/bin/_ installiert und die _core_ Datei befindet sich
in _/home/xxx/_. Nun wird gdb mit folgendem Befehl aufgerufen:
in _/home/user/_. Nun wird gdb mit folgendem Befehl aufgerufen:
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/xxx/core
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/user/core
Nun startet man _gdb_ und führt den Befehl `bt full` innerhalb der gdb Umgebung aus, um die
@ -563,9 +563,10 @@ z.B. um den Kernel zu aktualisieren oder WeeChat auf einen anderen Computer zu v
/upgrade -quit
Dies speichert den aktuellen Status in `*.upgrade`-Dateien. Sie können dann entweder das
gesamte `~/.weechat` Verzeichnis auf einen anderen Computer verschieben oder diesen
gespeicherten Status neu starten, mit folgendem Befehl:
This saves the current state in `*.upgrade` files. You can then either reboot
or move the whole WeeChat directories (config, data, cache) to another machine,
and restart WeeChat later with this command:
$ weechat --upgrade
@ -597,7 +598,7 @@ WeeChat hat ein automatisches Upgrade für Konfigurationsdateien (`*.conf`):
Beispiel für eine Warnung, wenn eine Option entfernt wurde:
=!= Warnung: /home/xxx/.weechat/sec.conf, Zeile 15: unbekannte Einstellung für Sektion "crypt": passphrase_file = ""
=!= Warnung: /home/user/.config/weechat/sec.conf, Zeile 15: unbekannte Einstellung für Sektion "crypt": passphrase_file = ""
Das bedeutet, dass die Option "sec.crypt.passphrase_file" entfernt wurde und der
@ -617,7 +618,7 @@ $ weechat
Wird WeeChat das erste mal ausgeführt, wird die Standardkonfiguration und
die entsprechenden Dateien im Verzeichnis _~/.weechat_ erstellt.
die entsprechenden Dateien im Verzeichnis _~/.config/weechat_ erstellt.
(siehe <<files_and_directories,Dateien und Verzeichnisse>>).
==== Optionen für Befehlszeile
@ -648,9 +649,28 @@ Einige Umgebungsvariablen werden von WeeChat genutzt, sofern sie definiert wurde
=== Dateien und Verzeichnisse
WeeChat schreibt standardmäßig seine Konfiguration und andere
Daten in folgendes Verzeichnis: `~/.weechat` +
Diese Dateien werden, mit Standardwerten, beim ersten Ausführen von WeeChat automatisch erstellt.
==== XDG directories
WeeChat uses XDG directories by default
(according to the[XDG Base Directory Specification]). +
A single home directory for all files can be forced by CMake option `WEECHAT_HOME`,
the environment variable `WEECHAT_HOME` or the command-line option `-d` / `--dir`.
When a single WeeChat home directory is not forced, XDG directories are used
and set like this:
| Directory | Default value | Fallback value
| config | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.config/weechat` if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| data | $XDG_DATA_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.local/share/weechat` if `$XDG_DATA_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| cache | $XDG_CACHE_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.cache/weechat` if `$XDG_CACHE_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| runtime | $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/weechat | Same as _cache_ directory if `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` is not defined or empty.
The configuration files are created with default values the first time you run WeeChat.
==== WeeChat Verzeichnisse
@ -659,29 +679,38 @@ Es gibt folgende WeeChat Verzeichnisse:
| Pfad/Datei | Beschreibung
| ~/.weechat/ | WeeChat Heimatverzeichnis (kann angepasst werden, siehe <<running_weechat,Running WeeChat>>).
|    logs/ | Logdateien (eine Datei pro Buffer).
|    python/ | Python-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Python-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(1)^.
|    perl/ | Perl-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Perl-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(1)^.
|    ruby/ | Ruby-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Ruby-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(1)^.
|    lua/ | Lua-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Lua-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(1)^.
|    tcl/ | Tcl-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Tcl-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(1)^.
|    guile/ | Guile-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Guile-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(1)^.
|    javascript/ | JavaScript-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | JavaScript-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(1)^.
|    php/ | PHP-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | PHP-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(1)^.
| Pfad ^(1)^ | Beschreibung
| ~/.config/weechat/ | WeeChat configuration files: `*.conf`, certificates, etc.
| ~/.local/share/weechat/ | WeeChat data files: logs, scripts, scripts data, xfer files, etc.
|    logs/ | Logdateien (eine Datei pro Buffer).
|    python/ | Python-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Python-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(2)^.
|    perl/ | Perl-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Perl-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(2)^.
|    ruby/ | Ruby-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Ruby-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(2)^.
|    lua/ | Lua-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Lua-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(2)^.
|    tcl/ | Tcl-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Tcl-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(2)^.
|    guile/ | Guile-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | Guile-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(2)^.
|    javascript/ | JavaScript-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | JavaScript-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(2)^.
|    php/ | PHP-Skripten.
|       autoload/ | PHP-Skripten die beim Start automatisch ausgeführt werden ^(2)^.
| ~/.cache/weechat/ | WeeChat cache files: scripts cache.
| /run/user/1000/weechat/ | WeeChat runtime files: FIFO pipe, Relay UNIX sockets.
^(1)^ Das Verzeichnis besteht meistens aus symbolischen Links welche auf das eigentliche Skript zeigen.
^(1)^ XDG directories may be different according to your environment variables `XDG_*`. +
^(2)^ Das Verzeichnis besteht meistens aus symbolischen Links welche auf das eigentliche Skript zeigen.
==== WeeChat Dateien
@ -2765,7 +2794,9 @@ Sie können WeeChat fern steuern indem Sie Befehle oder einen Text an die FIFO P
schicken (dazu muss die Option "fifo.file.enabled" aktiviert sein (standardmäßig
ist diese Option aktiviert).
Die FIFO-Pipe befindet sich standardmäßig im Pfad _~/.weechat/_ und heißt _weechat_fifo_.
The FIFO pipe is located in WeeChat runtime directory and is called
_weechat_fifo_ by default.
Die Syntax der FIFO Pipe Befehle/Text sieht wie folgt aus:
@ -2779,26 +2810,26 @@ einige Beispiele:
* Ändert den eigenen Nick auf dem IRC Server freenode in "newnick":
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick newnick' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick newnick' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Schickt eine Nachrich in den IRC #weechat Channel:
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *hello!' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Schickt eine Nachricht in den aktuellen Buffer:
$ echo '*hello!' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo '*hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Sendet zwei Befehle um alle Python-Skripten zu entfernen und dann neu zu laden (die beiden Befehle müssen
mit "\n" getrennt werden):
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
@ -3451,7 +3482,7 @@ Datumsspezifikationen in der Maske genutzt werden (siehe
Erstellt eine Struktur in folgender Form:
└── logs
├── 2010
│ ├── 11
@ -3481,7 +3512,7 @@ einer Protokolldatei für jeden Channel:
Erstellt eine Struktur in folgender Form:
└── logs
└── irc
├── freenode
@ -3698,13 +3729,15 @@ man jedes Protokoll zum Lauschen an einem UNIX Domain Socket nutzen, indem
man einen Pfad angibt. Zum Beispiel:
/relay add unix.weechat %h/relay_socket
/relay add unix.weechat ${weechat_runtime_dir}/relay_socket
Das erlaubt es Clients sich mittels dem weechat Protokoll mit
_~/.weechat/relay_socket_ zu verbinden. Dies ist besonders zu
_/run/user/1000/weechat/relay_socket_ zu verbinden. Dies ist besonders zu
empfehlen um SSH forwarding für relay Clients zu nutzen, falls
andere Ports nicht geöffnet werden können. OpenSSH nutzen:
andere Ports nicht geöffnet werden können.
OpenSSH nutzen:
$ ssh -L 9000:.weechat/relay_socket user@hostname

View File

@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
*-d*, *--dir* _<path>_::
Set path as home for WeeChat (used for configuration files, logs, user
plugins and scripts), default value is "~/.weechat" (note: directory is
created if not found by WeeChat).
Force a single directory for all WeeChat files (directory is created if not found).
Four directories can be given, separated by colons (in this order: config,
data, cache, runtime).
If this option is not given, the environment variable WEECHAT_HOME is used
(if not empty).

View File

@ -17,79 +17,79 @@ example:
// end::plugin_options[]
// tag::files[]
main WeeChat configuration file
plugins configuration file
configuration file with secured data
configuration file for _alias_ plugin
configuration file for _buflist_ plugin
configuration file for _charset_ plugin
configuration file for _exec_ plugin
configuration file for _fifo_ plugin
configuration file for _fset_ plugin
configuration file for _guile_ plugin
configuration file for _irc_ plugin
configuration file for _javascript_ plugin
configuration file for _logger_ plugin
configuration file for _lua_ plugin
configuration file for _perl_ plugin
configuration file for _php_ plugin
configuration file for _python_ plugin
configuration file for _relay_ plugin
configuration file for _ruby_ plugin
configuration file for _script_ plugin
configuration file for _spell_ plugin
configuration file for _tcl_ plugin
configuration file for _trigger_ plugin
configuration file for _xfer_ plugin
WeeChat log file
// end::files[]

View File

@ -1053,9 +1053,12 @@ First check questions about SSL connection in this FAQ
If still not working, try to manually delete the scripts file (in your shell):
$ rm ~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
$ rm ~/.cache/weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
With WeeChat ≤ 3.1, the path should be: _~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz_.
And update scripts again in WeeChat:
@ -1075,7 +1078,7 @@ have to update manually the file yourself to get updates):
* in your shell, with curl installed:
$ cd ~/.weechat/script
$ cd ~/.cache/weechat/script
$ curl -O
@ -1191,7 +1194,7 @@ For example:
=== I want to share my WeeChat configuration, what files should I share and what should I keep private?
You can share files _~/.weechat/*.conf_ except the file _sec.conf_ which
You can share configuration files _*.conf_ except the file _sec.conf_ which
contains your passwords ciphered with your passphrase.
Some other files may contain sensitive info like passwords (if they are not

View File

@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ $ gcc -shared -fPIC -o toto.o
Copy file _toto.so_ into system plugins directory (for example
_/usr/local/lib/weechat/plugins_) or into user's plugins directory (for example
Under WeeChat:
@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ C example:
char *str = weechat_string_expand_home ("~/file.txt");
/* result: "/home/xxx/file.txt" */
/* result: "/home/user/file.txt" */
/* ... */
free (str);
@ -1036,11 +1036,11 @@ This function is not available in scripting API.
==== string_eval_path_home
_WeeChat ≥ 1.3._
_WeeChat ≥ 1.3, updated in 3.2._
Evaluate a path in 3 steps:
. replace leading `%h` by WeeChat home directory,
. replace leading `%h` by a WeeChat directory (data by default),
. replace leading `+~+` by user home directory (call to
. evaluate variables (see <<_string_eval_expression,string_eval_expression>>).
@ -1063,7 +1063,13 @@ Arguments:
* _extra_vars_: hashtable for call to function
* _options_: hashtable for call to function
<<_string_eval_expression,string_eval_expression>>, with one extra key
** _directory_: WeeChat directory to use when replacing `%h`, one of:
*** _config_
*** _data_ (default)
*** _cache_
*** _runtime_
Return value:
@ -1073,8 +1079,8 @@ C example:
char *str = weechat_string_eval_path_home ("%h/test", NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* result: "/home/xxx/.weechat/test" */
char *str = weechat_string_eval_path_home ("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* result: "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf" */
/* ... */
free (str);
@ -1087,8 +1093,8 @@ Script (Python):
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home(path, pointers, extra_vars, options)
# example
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home("%h/test", {}, {}, {})
# path == "/home/xxx/.weechat/test"
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", {}, {}, {})
# path == "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf"
==== string_remove_quotes
@ -2535,6 +2541,18 @@ expanded to last):
`+${name}+` |
| `+${weechat_xxx_dir}+` |
A WeeChat directory: `+${weechat_config_dir}+`, `+${weechat_data_dir}+`,
`+${weechat_cache_dir}+` or `+${weechat_runtime_dir}+`. |
`+${weechat_config_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_data_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_cache_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_runtime_dir}+` |
`+/home/user/.config/weechat+` +
`+/home/user/.local/share/weechat+` +
`+/home/user/.cache/weechat+` +
| `+${eval:xxx}+` +
_(WeeChat ≥ 1.3)_ |
String to evaluate. |
@ -2656,9 +2674,9 @@ expanded to last):
Result of a modifier, see function
<<_hook_modifier_exec,hook_modifier_exec>>. |
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,~}+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,%h/python}+` |
`+/home/xxx+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,directory=config,%h/weechat.conf}+` |
`+/home/user+` +
| `+${info:name}+` +
`+${info:name,arguments}+` +
@ -3609,6 +3627,8 @@ Some functions related to directories.
==== mkdir_home
_Updated in 3.2._
Create a directory in WeeChat home.
@ -3620,7 +3640,12 @@ int weechat_mkdir_home (char *directory, int mode);
* _directory_: name of directory to create
* _directory_: name of directory to create; it can start with one of these
strings to force a specific WeeChat directory (WeeChat ≥ 3.2):
** `${weechat_config_dir}`
** `${weechat_data_dir}` (default)
** `${weechat_cache_dir}`
** `${weechat_runtime_dir}`
* _mode_: mode for directory
Return value:
@ -3631,7 +3656,7 @@ C example:
if (!weechat_mkdir_home ("temp", 0755))
if (!weechat_mkdir_home ("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755))
/* error */
@ -3645,7 +3670,7 @@ Script (Python):
weechat.mkdir_home(directory, mode)
# example
weechat.mkdir_home("temp", 0755)
weechat.mkdir_home("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755)
==== mkdir
@ -10954,8 +10979,8 @@ Five signals can be sent to install a script, according to language:
The callback will do following actions when receiving signal:
. Unload and remove installed script.
. Move new script to directory _~/.weechat/xxx/_ (where _xxx_ is language).
. Create link to new script in directory _~/.weechat/xxx/autoload/_
. Move new script to directory _~/.local/share/weechat/xxx/_ (where _xxx_ is language).
. Create link to new script in directory _~/.local/share/weechat/xxx/autoload/_
(only if the script was already auto-loaded, or if the option
_script.scripts.autoload_ is enabled for a new script).
. Load new script (if the script was loaded).
@ -10968,16 +10993,14 @@ C example:
weechat_hook_signal_send ("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
weechat_hook_signal_send ("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "/path/to/");
Script (Python):
weechat.hook_signal_send("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
weechat.hook_signal_send("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "/path/to/")
@ -11761,7 +11784,7 @@ List of modifiers defined by WeeChat and plugins that can be used:
| [[hook_modifier_eval_path_home]] eval_path_home +
_(WeeChat ≥ 2.7)_ |
- |
Optional: `directory=xxx` where `xxx` can be: `config`, `data`, `cache`, `runtime` |
Any string. |
Evaluated path, result of the function
@ -15412,10 +15435,10 @@ if (version)
if (date)
free (date);
char *weechat_dir = weechat_info_get ("weechat_dir", NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "WeeChat home is: %s", weechat_dir);
if (weechat_dir)
free (weechat_dir);
char *weechat_config_dir = weechat_info_get ("weechat_config_dir", NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "WeeChat config directory is: %s", weechat_config_dir);
if (weechat_config_dir)
free (weechat_config_dir);
Script (Python):
@ -15428,7 +15451,7 @@ value = weechat.info_get(info_name, arguments)
# example
weechat.prnt("", "Current WeeChat version is: %s (compiled on %s)"
% (weechat.info_get("version", ""), weechat.info_get("date", ""))
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat home is: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_dir", ""))
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat config directory is: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
==== info_get_hashtable

View File

@ -588,15 +588,15 @@ inf: ('version_number', '34144256')
* Request WeeChat directory:
(info_weechat_dir) info weechat_dir
(info_weechat_config_dir) info weechat_config_dir
id: 'info_weechat_dir'
inf: ('weechat_dir', '/home/xxx/.weechat')
id: 'info_weechat_config_dir'
inf: ('weechat_config_dir', '/home/user/.config/weechat')

View File

@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ WeeChat is starting.
For example with Python:
$ cd ~/.weechat/python/autoload
$ cd ~/.local/share/weechat/python/autoload
$ ln -s ../
@ -1368,8 +1368,8 @@ weechat.prnt("", "Version %s" % weechat.info_get("version", ""))
# WeeChat home directory, for example: "/home/xxxx/.weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat home dir: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_dir", ""))
# WeeChat config directory, for example: "/home/user/.config/weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat config dir: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
# keyboard inactivity
weechat.prnt("", "Inactivity since %s seconds" % weechat.info_get("inactivity", ""))

View File

@ -465,10 +465,10 @@ _/var/lib/systemd/coredump_ and you must use the command `coredumpctl` to read i
For more information, see this wiki page:
For example if _weechat_ is installed in _/usr/bin/_ and _core_ file is
in _/home/xxx/_, then run gdb with this command:
in _/home/user/_, then run gdb with this command:
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/xxx/core
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/user/core
Then under gdb, use command `bt full` to display backtrace.
@ -553,8 +553,8 @@ to upgrade the kernel or to move your WeeChat to another machine:
This saves the current state in `*.upgrade` files. You can then either reboot
or move the whole directory `~/.weechat` to another machine, and restart
WeeChat later with this command:
or move the whole WeeChat directories (config, data, cache) to another machine,
and restart WeeChat later with this command:
$ weechat --upgrade
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ WeeChat has an automatic upgrade of configuration files (`*.conf`):
Example of warning when an option has been removed:
=!= Warning: /home/xxx/.weechat/sec.conf, line 15: unknown option for section "crypt": passphrase_file = ""
=!= Warning: /home/user/.config/weechat/sec.conf, line 15: unknown option for section "crypt": passphrase_file = ""
That means the option `sec.crypt.passphrase_file` has been removed, and you
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ $ weechat
When you run WeeChat for the first time, the default configuration files are
created in _~/.weechat_ with default options and values
created in _~/.config/weechat_ with default options and values
(see <<files_and_directories,Files and directories>>).
==== Command line options
@ -636,9 +636,27 @@ Some environment variables are used by WeeChat if they are defined:
=== Files and directories
WeeChat writes configuration files and other data in directory `~/.weechat`
by default. +
These files are created with default values the first time you run WeeChat.
==== XDG directories
WeeChat uses XDG directories by default
(according to the[XDG Base Directory Specification]). +
A single home directory for all files can be forced by CMake option `WEECHAT_HOME`,
the environment variable `WEECHAT_HOME` or the command-line option `-d` / `--dir`.
When a single WeeChat home directory is not forced, XDG directories are used
and set like this:
| Directory | Default value | Fallback value
| config | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.config/weechat` if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| data | $XDG_DATA_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.local/share/weechat` if `$XDG_DATA_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| cache | $XDG_CACHE_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.cache/weechat` if `$XDG_CACHE_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| runtime | $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/weechat | Same as _cache_ directory if `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` is not defined or empty.
The configuration files are created with default values the first time you run WeeChat.
==== WeeChat directories
@ -647,29 +665,33 @@ The WeeChat directories are:
| Path/file | Description
| ~/.weechat/ | WeeChat home directory (can be changed, see <<running_weechat,Running WeeChat>>).
|    logs/ | Log files (one file per buffer).
|    python/ | Python scripts.
|       autoload/ | Python scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    perl/ | Perl scripts.
|       autoload/ | Perl scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    ruby/ | Ruby scripts.
|       autoload/ | Ruby scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    lua/ | Lua scripts.
|       autoload/ | Lua scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    tcl/ | Tcl scripts.
|       autoload/ | Tcl scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    guile/ | Guile scripts.
|       autoload/ | Guile scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    javascript/ | JavaScript scripts.
|       autoload/ | JavaScript scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    php/ | PHP scripts.
|       autoload/ | PHP scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
| Path ^(1)^ | Description
| ~/.config/weechat/ | WeeChat configuration files: `*.conf`, certificates, etc.
| ~/.local/share/weechat/ | WeeChat data files: logs, scripts, scripts data, xfer files, etc.
|    logs/ | Log files (one file per buffer).
|    python/ | Python scripts.
|       autoload/ | Python scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    perl/ | Perl scripts.
|       autoload/ | Perl scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    ruby/ | Ruby scripts.
|       autoload/ | Ruby scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    lua/ | Lua scripts.
|       autoload/ | Lua scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    tcl/ | Tcl scripts.
|       autoload/ | Tcl scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    guile/ | Guile scripts.
|       autoload/ | Guile scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    javascript/ | JavaScript scripts.
|       autoload/ | JavaScript scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    php/ | PHP scripts.
|       autoload/ | PHP scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
| ~/.cache/weechat/ | WeeChat cache files: scripts cache.
| /run/user/1000/weechat/ | WeeChat runtime files: FIFO pipe, Relay UNIX sockets.
^(1)^ This directory often contains only symbolic links to scripts in the parent directory.
^(1)^ XDG directories may be different according to your environment variables `XDG_*`. +
^(2)^ This directory often contains only symbolic links to scripts in the parent directory.
==== WeeChat files
@ -2713,7 +2735,8 @@ include::includes/autogen_user_options.en.adoc[tag=exec_options]
You can remote control WeeChat, by sending commands or text to a FIFO pipe (if
option "fifo.file.enabled" is enabled, it is by default).
The FIFO pipe is located in _~/.weechat/_ and is called _weechat_fifo_ by default.
The FIFO pipe is located in WeeChat runtime directory and is called
_weechat_fifo_ by default.
Syntax for the FIFO pipe commands/text is one of following:
@ -2727,26 +2750,26 @@ Some examples:
* Change nick on IRC server freenode to "newnick":
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick newnick' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick newnick' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Send a message on IRC #weechat channel:
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *hello!' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Send a message on current buffer:
$ echo '*hello!' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo '*hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Send two commands to unload/reload Python scripts (you have to separate them
with "\n"):
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
@ -3381,7 +3404,7 @@ To have log files by date, you can use date/time specifiers in mask (see
You'll have following files:
└── logs
├── 2010
│ ├── 11
@ -3410,7 +3433,7 @@ If you want one directory by IRC server and one file by channel inside:
You'll have following files:
└── logs
└── irc
├── freenode
@ -3615,12 +3638,14 @@ Using the protocol option "unix" with the `/relay add` command, you can listen
using any protocol on a UNIX domain socket at a given path. For example:
/relay add unix.weechat %h/relay_socket
/relay add unix.weechat ${weechat_runtime_dir}/relay_socket
This allows clients to connect using the weechat protocol to
_~/.weechat/relay_socket_. This is particularly useful to allow SSH forwarding
for relay clients, when other ports cannot be opened. Using OpenSSH:
_/run/user/1000/weechat/relay_socket_. This is particularly useful to allow
SSH forwarding for relay clients, when other ports cannot be opened.
Using OpenSSH:
$ ssh -L 9000:.weechat/relay_socket user@hostname

View File

@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
*weechat-headless*, non compatible avec l'option "--daemon").
*-d*, *--dir* _<répertoire>_::
Définir le répertoire comme étant la base de WeeChat
(utilisé pour les fichiers de configuration, logs, extensions
et scripts de l'utilisateur), la valeur par défaut est "~/.weechat"
(note : le répertoire est créé s'il n'est pas trouvé par WeeChat).
Forcer un unique répertoire pour tous les fichiers WeeChat (le répertoire
est créé s'il n'est pas trouvé).
Quatre répertoires peuvent être donnés, séparés par ":" (dans cet ordre :
config, data, cache, runtime).
Si cette option n'est pas donnée, la variable d'environnement WEECHAT_HOME
est utilisée (si non vide).

View File

@ -19,79 +19,79 @@ après, par exemple :
// end::plugin_options[]
// tag::files[]
fichier de configuration principal de WeeChat
fichier de configuration des extensions
fichier de configuration avec les données sécurisées
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _alias_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _buflist_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _charset_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _exec_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _fifo_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _fset_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _guile_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _irc_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _javascript_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _logger_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _lua_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _perl_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _php_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _python_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _relay_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _ruby_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _script_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _spell_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _tcl_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _trigger_
fichier de configuration pour l'extension _xfer_
fichier de log de WeeChat
// end::files[]

View File

@ -1093,9 +1093,12 @@ Si cela ne fonctionne toujours pas, essayez de supprimer manuellement le fichier
avec les scripts (dans votre shell) :
$ rm ~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
$ rm ~/.cache/weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
Avec WeeChat ≤ 3.1, le chemin devrait être : _~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz_.
Et mettez à jour les scripts à nouveau dans WeeChat :
@ -1116,7 +1119,7 @@ vous-même pour obtenir les mises à jour) :
* dans votre shell, avec curl installé :
$ cd ~/.weechat/script
$ cd ~/.cache/weechat/script
$ curl -O
@ -1239,7 +1242,7 @@ Par exemple :
=== Je souhaite partager ma configuration de WeeChat, quels fichiers dois-je partager et que dois-je garder privé ?
Vous pouvez partager les fichiers _~/.weechat/*.conf_ sauf le fichier
Vous pouvez partager les fichiers de configuration _*.conf_ sauf le fichier
_sec.conf_ qui contient vos mots de passes chiffrés avec votre phrase
de chiffrement.

View File

@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ $ gcc -shared -fPIC -o toto.o
Copiez le fichier _toto.so_ dans le répertoire système des extensions (par
exemple _/usr/local/lib/weechat/plugins_) ou dans le répertoire utilisateur des
extensions (par exemple _/home/xxx/.weechat/plugins_).
extensions (par exemple _/home/user/.local/share/weechat/plugins_).
Sous WeeChat :
@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@ Exemple en C :
char *str = weechat_string_expand_home ("~/fichier.txt");
/* résultat : "/home/xxx/fichier.txt" */
/* résultat : "/home/user/fichier.txt" */
/* ... */
free (str);
@ -1050,11 +1050,11 @@ Cette fonction n'est pas disponible dans l'API script.
==== string_eval_path_home
_WeeChat ≥ 1.3._
_WeeChat ≥ 1.3, mis à jour dans la 3.2._
Évaluer un chemin en 3 étapes :
. remplacer le `%h` du début par le répertoire maison de WeeChat,
. remplacer le `%h` du début par un répertoire WeeChat ("data" par défaut),
. remplacer le `+~+` du début par le répertoire maison de l'utilisateur (appel à
. évaluer les variables (voir <<_string_eval_expression,string_eval_expression>>).
@ -1077,7 +1077,14 @@ Paramètres :
* _extra_vars_ : table de hachage pour l'appel à la fonction
* _options_ : table de hachage pour l'appel à la fonction
<<_string_eval_expression,string_eval_expression>>, avec une clé supplémentaire
supportée :
** _directory_: répertoire WeeChat à utiliser pour remplacer `%h`, un parmi
ceux-ci :
*** _config_
*** _data_ (par défaut)
*** _cache_
*** _runtime_
Valeur de retour :
@ -1087,8 +1094,8 @@ Exemple en C :
char *str = weechat_string_eval_path_home ("%h/test", NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* résultat : "/home/xxx/.weechat/test" */
char *str = weechat_string_eval_path_home ("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* résultat : "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf" */
/* ... */
free (str);
@ -1101,8 +1108,8 @@ Script (Python) :
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home(path, pointers, extra_vars, options)
# exemple
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home("%h/test", {}, {}, {})
# path == "/home/xxx/.weechat/test"
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", {}, {}, {})
# path == "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf"
==== string_remove_quotes
@ -2578,6 +2585,18 @@ première étendue à la dernière) :
`+${nom}+` |
| `+${weechat_xxx_dir}+` |
Un répertoire WeeChat : `+${weechat_config_dir}+`, `+${weechat_data_dir}+`,
`+${weechat_cache_dir}+` ou `+${weechat_runtime_dir}+`. |
`+${weechat_config_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_data_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_cache_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_runtime_dir}+` |
`+/home/user/.config/weechat+` +
`+/home/user/.local/share/weechat+` +
`+/home/user/.cache/weechat+` +
| `+${eval:xxx}+` +
_(WeeChat ≥ 1.3)_ |
Chaîne à évaluer. |
@ -2701,9 +2720,9 @@ première étendue à la dernière) :
Résultat d'un modificateur, voir la fonction
<<_hook_modifier_exec,hook_modifier_exec>>. |
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,~}+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,%h/python}+` |
`+/home/xxx+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,directory=config,%h/weechat.conf}+` |
`+/home/user+` +
| `+${info:nom}+` +
`+${info:nom,paramètres}+` +
@ -3668,6 +3687,8 @@ Fonctions liées aux répertoires.
==== mkdir_home
_Mis à jour dans la 3.2._
Créer un répertoire dans le répertoire de WeeChat.
Prototype :
@ -3679,7 +3700,12 @@ int weechat_mkdir_home (char *directory, int mode);
Paramètres :
* _directory_ : nom du répertoire à créer
* _directory_ : nom du répertoire à créer ; il peut commencer par une de ces
chaînes pour forcer un répertoire spécifique de WeeChat (WeeChat ≥ 3.2) :
** `${weechat_config_dir}`
** `${weechat_data_dir}` (par défaut)
** `${weechat_cache_dir}`
** `${weechat_runtime_dir}`
* _mode_ : mode pour le répertoire
Valeur de retour :
@ -3690,7 +3716,7 @@ Exemple en C :
if (!weechat_mkdir_home ("temp", 0755))
if (!weechat_mkdir_home ("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755))
/* erreur */
@ -3704,7 +3730,7 @@ Script (Python) :
weechat.mkdir_home(directory, mode)
# exemple
weechat.mkdir_home("temp", 0755)
weechat.mkdir_home("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755)
==== mkdir
@ -11163,12 +11189,12 @@ La fonction de rappel effectuera les actions suivantes lorsqu'elle recevra le
signal :
. Déchargement et suppression du script installé.
. Déplacement du nouveau script vers le répertoire _~/.weechat/xxx/_ (où _xxx_
est le langage).
. Déplacement du nouveau script vers le répertoire _~/.local/share/weechat/xxx/_
(où _xxx_ est le langage).
. Création d'un lien vers le nouveau script dans le répertoire
_~/.weechat/xxx/autoload/_ (seulement si le script était déjà automatiquement
chargé ou si l'option _script.scripts.autoload_ est activée pour un nouveau
_~/.local/share/weechat/xxx/autoload/_ (seulement si le script était déjà
automatiquement chargé ou si l'option _script.scripts.autoload_ est activée
pour un nouveau script).
. Chargement du nouveau script (si le script était chargé).
Ces signaux sont utilisés par l'extension _script_ pour installer des scripts.
@ -11179,16 +11205,14 @@ Exemple en C :
weechat_hook_signal_send ("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
weechat_hook_signal_send ("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "/path/to/");
Script (Python) :
weechat.hook_signal_send("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
weechat.hook_signal_send("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "/path/to/")
@ -12004,7 +12028,7 @@ utilisés :
| [[hook_modifier_eval_path_home]] eval_path_home +
_(WeeChat ≥ 2.7)_ |
- |
Facultatif : `directory=xxx` où `xxx` peut être : `config`, `data`, `cache`, `runtime` |
Toute chaîne. |
Chemin évalué, résultat de la fonction
@ -15729,10 +15753,10 @@ if (version)
if (date)
free (date);
weechat_dir = weechat_info_get ("weechat_dir", NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "Le répertoire de WeeChat est : %s", weechat_dir);
if (weechat_dir)
free (weechat_dir);
weechat_config_dir = weechat_info_get ("weechat_config_dir", NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "Le répertoire de config WeeChat est : %s", weechat_config_dir);
if (weechat_config_dir)
free (weechat_config_dir);
Script (Python) :
@ -15745,7 +15769,7 @@ value = weechat.info_get(info_name, arguments)
# exemple
weechat.prnt("", "La version de WeeChat est : %s (compilée le %s)"
% (weechat.info_get("version", ""), weechat.info_get("date", ""))
weechat.prnt("", "Le répertoire de WeeChat est : %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_dir", ""))
weechat.prnt("", "Le répertoire de config WeeChat est : %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
==== info_get_hashtable

View File

@ -599,15 +599,15 @@ inf: ('version_number', '34144256')
* Demander le répertoire de WeeChat :
(info_weechat_dir) info weechat_dir
(info_weechat_config_dir) info weechat_config_dir
Réponse :
id: 'info_weechat_dir'
inf: ('weechat_dir', '/home/xxx/.weechat')
id: 'info_weechat_config_dir'
inf: ('weechat_config_dir', '/home/user/.config/weechat')

View File

@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ automatiquement le script quand WeeChat démarre.
Par exemple en Python :
$ cd ~/.weechat/python/autoload
$ cd ~/.local/share/weechat/python/autoload
$ ln -s ../
@ -1408,8 +1408,8 @@ weechat.prnt("", "Version %s" % weechat.info_get("version", ""))
# répertoire de WeeChat, par exemple : "/home/xxxx/.weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "Répertoire WeeChat : %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_dir", ""))
# répertoire de config WeeChat, par exemple : "/home/user/.config/weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "Répertoire de config WeeChat : %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
# inactivité clavier
weechat.prnt("", "Inactivité depuis %s secondes" % weechat.info_get("inactivity", ""))

View File

@ -477,10 +477,10 @@ répertoire tel que _/var/lib/systemd/coredump_ et vous devez utiliser la comman
Pour plus d'informations, voir cette page wiki :
Par exemple si _weechat_ est installé dans _/usr/bin/_ et que le fichier
_core_ est dans _/home/xxx/_, alors lancez gdb avec cette commande :
_core_ est dans _/home/user/_, alors lancez gdb avec cette commande :
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/xxx/core
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/user/core
Puis sous gdb, utilisez la commande `bt full` pour afficher la trace.
@ -567,8 +567,8 @@ exemple pour mettre à jour le noyau ou déplacer WeeChat vers une autre machine
Cela sauvegarde l'état actuel dans des fichiers `*.upgrade`. Vous pouvez soit
rebooter ou déplacer le répertoire entier `~/.weechat` vers une autre machine,
et redémarrer WeeChat plus tard avec cette commande :
rebooter ou déplacer les répertoires WeeChat (config, data, cache) vers une
autre machine, et redémarrer WeeChat plus tard avec cette commande :
$ weechat --upgrade
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ WeeChat a un système de mise à jour automatique des fichiers de configuration
Exemple d'avertissement lorsqu'une option a été supprimée :
=!= Attention : /home/xxx/.weechat/sec.conf, ligne 15 : option inconnue pour la section "crypt" : passphrase_file = ""
=!= Attention : /home/user/.config/weechat/sec.conf, ligne 15 : option inconnue pour la section "crypt" : passphrase_file = ""
Cela signifie que l'option `sec.crypt.passphrase_file` a été supprimée, et vous
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ $ weechat
Lorsque vous lancez WeeChat pour la première fois, les fichiers de configuration
par défaut sont créés dans _~/.weechat_ avec les options et valeurs par défaut
par défaut sont créés dans _~/.config/weechat_ avec les options et valeurs par défaut
(voir <<files_and_directories,Fichiers et répertoires>>).
==== Options de ligne de commande
@ -651,10 +651,29 @@ Des variables d'environnement sont utilisées par WeeChat si elles sont définie
=== Fichiers et répertoires
WeeChat écrit ses fichiers de configuration et les autres données dans
`~/.weechat` par défaut. +
Ces fichiers sont créés avec les valeurs par défaut la première fois que vous
lancez WeeChat.
==== XDG directories
WeeChat utilise les répertoires XDG par défaut
(selon la[spécification "XDG Base Directory"]). +
Un répertoire de base unique pour tous les fichiers peut être forcé par
l'option CMake `WEECHAT_HOME`, la variable d'environnement `WEECHAT_HOME` ou
l'option de ligne de commande `-d` / `--dir`.
Lorsqu'un répertoire de base unique n'est pas forcé, les répertoires XDG sont
utilisés et déterminés ainsi :
| Répertoire | Valeur par défaut | Valeur de repli
| config | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.config/weechat` si `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` n'est pas défini ou vide.
| data | $XDG_DATA_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.local/share/weechat` si `$XDG_DATA_HOME` n'est pas défini ou vide.
| cache | $XDG_CACHE_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.cache/weechat` si `$XDG_CACHE_HOME` n'est pas défini ou vide.
| runtime | $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/weechat | Identique au répertoire _cache_ si `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` n'est pas défini ou vide.
Les fichiers de configuration sont créés avec les valeurs par défaut la première
fois que vous lancez WeeChat.
==== Répertoires de WeeChat
@ -663,29 +682,34 @@ Les répertoires de WeeChat sont :
| Chemin/fichier | Description
| ~/.weechat/ | Répertoire principal de WeeChat (peut être changé, voir <<running_weechat,Lancer WeeChat>>).
|    logs/ | Fichiers de log (un fichier par tampon).
|    python/ | Scripts Python.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Python chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(1)^.
|    perl/ | Scripts Perl.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Perl chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(1)^.
|    ruby/ | Scripts Ruby.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Ruby chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(1)^.
|    lua/ | Scripts Lua.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Lua chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(1)^.
|    tcl/ | Scripts Tcl.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Tcl chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(1)^.
|    guile/ | Scripts Guile.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Guile chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(1)^.
|    javascript/ | Scripts JavaScript.
|       autoload/ | Scripts JavaScript chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(1)^.
|    php/ | Scripts PHP.
|       autoload/ | Scripts PHP chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(1)^.
| Chemin ^(1)^ | Description
| ~/.config/weechat/ | Fichiers de configuration WeeChat : `*.conf`, certificats, etc.
| ~/.local/share/weechat/ | Fichiers de données WeeChat : logs, scripts, données des scripts, fichiers xfer, etc.
|    logs/ | Fichiers de log (un fichier par tampon).
|    python/ | Scripts Python.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Python chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(2)^.
|    perl/ | Scripts Perl.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Perl chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(2)^.
|    ruby/ | Scripts Ruby.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Ruby chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(2)^.
|    lua/ | Scripts Lua.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Lua chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(2)^.
|    tcl/ | Scripts Tcl.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Tcl chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(2)^.
|    guile/ | Scripts Guile.
|       autoload/ | Scripts Guile chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(2)^.
|    javascript/ | Scripts JavaScript.
|       autoload/ | Scripts JavaScript chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(2)^.
|    php/ | Scripts PHP.
|       autoload/ | Scripts PHP chargés automatiquement au démarrage ^(2)^.
| ~/.cache/weechat/ | Fichiers de cache WeeChat : cache des scripts.
| /run/user/1000/weechat/ | Fichiers "runtime" WeeChat : tube FIFO, sockets UNIX Relay.
^(1)^ Ce répertoire contient souvent seulement des liens symboliques vers les
^(1)^ Les répertoires XDG peuvent être différents selon vos variables
d'environnement `XDG_*`. +
^(2)^ Ce répertoire contient souvent seulement des liens symboliques vers les
scripts dans le répertoire parent.
@ -2808,7 +2832,7 @@ Vous pouvez contrôler WeeChat à distance, en envoyant des commandes ou du
texte dans un tube FIFO (si l'option _fifo.file.enabled_ est activée,
elle l'est par défaut).
Le tube FIFO est dans le répertoire _~/.weechat/_ et s'appelle _weechat_fifo_
Le tube FIFO est dans le répertoire WeeChat "runtime" et s'appelle _weechat_fifo_
par défaut.
La syntaxe pour envoyer des commandes ou du texte dans le tube FIFO est une
@ -2824,26 +2848,26 @@ Quelques exemples :
* Changer le pseudo sur freenode en "autrepseudo" :
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick autrepseudo' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick autrepseudo' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Envoyer un message sur le canal IRC #weechat :
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *bonjour !' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *bonjour !' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Envoyer un message sur le tampon courant :
$ echo '*bonjour !' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo '*bonjour !' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Envoyer deux commandes pour décharger/recharger les scripts Python (vous devez
les séparer par "\n") :
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
@ -3490,7 +3514,7 @@ dans le masque (voir `man strftime` pour le format), par exemple :
Vous obtiendrez les fichiers suivants :
└── logs
├── 2010
│ ├── 11
@ -3519,7 +3543,7 @@ Si vous voulez un répertoire par serveur IRC et un fichier par canal dedans :
Vous obtiendrez les fichiers suivants :
└── logs
└── irc
├── freenode
@ -3737,12 +3761,14 @@ vous pouvez écouter avec n'importe quel protocole sur un socket UNIX et un
chemin donné. Par exemple :
/relay add unix.weechat %h/relay_socket
/relay add unix.weechat ${weechat_runtime_dir}/relay_socket
Cela autorise les clients à se connecter en utilisant le protocole weechat à
_~/.weechat/relay_socket_. Cela est utile pour autoriser le "SSH forwarding"
pour les clients relay, quand d'autres ports ne peuvent pas être ouverts.
_/run/user/1000/weechat/relay_socket_. Cela est utile pour autoriser le
"SSH forwarding" pour les clients relay, quand d'autres ports ne peuvent pas
être ouverts.
Avec OpenSSH :

View File

@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
*-d*, *--dir* _<path>_::
Imposta una directory come home per WeeChat (utilizzata per i file di
configurazione, log, plugin e script dell'utente), il valore predefinito
è "~/.weechat" (nota: directory viene creata se non trovata da WeeChat).
Force a single directory for all WeeChat files (directory is created if not found).
Four directories can be given, separated by colons (in this order: config,
data, cache, runtime).
If this option is not given, the environment variable WEECHAT_HOME is used
(if not empty).

View File

@ -19,79 +19,79 @@ example:
// tag::files[]
main WeeChat configuration file
plugins configuration file
configuration file with secured data
configuration file for _alias_ plugin
configuration file for _buflist_ plugin
configuration file for _charset_ plugin
configuration file for _exec_ plugin
configuration file for _fifo_ plugin
configuration file for _fset_ plugin
configuration file for _guile_ plugin
configuration file for _irc_ plugin
configuration file for _javascript_ plugin
configuration file for _logger_ plugin
configuration file for _lua_ plugin
configuration file for _perl_ plugin
configuration file for _php_ plugin
configuration file for _python_ plugin
configuration file for _relay_ plugin
configuration file for _ruby_ plugin
configuration file for _script_ plugin
configuration file for _spell_ plugin
configuration file for _tcl_ plugin
configuration file for _trigger_ plugin
configuration file for _xfer_ plugin
WeeChat log file
// end::files[]

View File

@ -1141,9 +1141,12 @@ First check questions about SSL connection in this FAQ
If still not working, try to manually delete the scripts file (in your shell):
$ rm ~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
$ rm ~/.cache/weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
With WeeChat ≤ 3.1, the path should be: _~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz_.
And update scripts again in WeeChat:
@ -1163,7 +1166,7 @@ have to update manually the file yourself to get updates):
* in your shell, with curl installed:
$ cd ~/.weechat/script
$ cd ~/.cache/weechat/script
$ curl -O
@ -1294,10 +1297,9 @@ For example:
=== I want to share my WeeChat configuration, what files should I share and what should I keep private?
You can share files _~/.weechat/*.conf_ except the file _sec.conf_ which
You can share configuration files _*.conf_ except the file _sec.conf_ which
contains your passwords ciphered with your passphrase.
Some other files may contain sensitive info like passwords (if they are not
stored in _sec.conf_ with the `/secure` command).

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ $ gcc -shared -fPIC -o tizio.o
Copiare il file _tizio.so_ nella cartella plugin di sistema (ad
esempio _/usr/local/lib/weechat/plugins_) oppure nella cartella
plugin dell'utente (ad esempio _/home/xxx/.weechat/plugins_).
plugin dell'utente (ad esempio _/home/user/.local/share/weechat/plugins_).
In WeeChat:
@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ Esempio in C:
char *str = weechat_string_expand_home ("~/file.txt");
/* result: "/home/xxx/file.txt" */
/* result: "/home/user/file.txt" */
/* ... */
free (str);
@ -1086,12 +1086,12 @@ Questa funzione non è disponibile nelle API per lo scripting.
==== string_eval_path_home
_WeeChat ≥ 1.3._
_WeeChat ≥ 1.3, updated in 3.2._
Evaluate a path in 3 steps:
. replace leading `%h` by WeeChat home directory,
. replace leading `%h` by a WeeChat directory (data by default),
. replace leading `+~+` by user home directory (call to
. evaluate variables (see <<_string_eval_expression,string_eval_expression>>).
@ -1115,7 +1115,13 @@ Argomenti:
* _extra_vars_: hashtable for call to function
* _options_: hashtable for call to function
<<_string_eval_expression,string_eval_expression>>, with one extra key
** _directory_: WeeChat directory to use when replacing `%h`, one of:
*** _config_
*** _data_ (default)
*** _cache_
*** _runtime_
Valore restituito:
@ -1126,8 +1132,8 @@ Esempio in C:
char *str = weechat_string_eval_path_home ("%h/test", NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* result: "/home/xxx/.weechat/test" */
char *str = weechat_string_eval_path_home ("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* result: "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf" */
/* ... */
free (str);
@ -1140,8 +1146,8 @@ Script (Python):
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home(path, pointers, extra_vars, options)
# esempio
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home("%h/test", {}, {}, {})
# path == "/home/xxx/.weechat/test"
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", {}, {}, {})
# path == "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf"
==== string_remove_quotes
@ -2648,6 +2654,19 @@ expanded to last):
`+${name}+` |
| `+${weechat_xxx_dir}+` |
A WeeChat directory: `+${weechat_config_dir}+`, `+${weechat_data_dir}+`,
`+${weechat_cache_dir}+` or `+${weechat_runtime_dir}+`. |
`+${weechat_config_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_data_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_cache_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_runtime_dir}+` |
`+/home/user/.config/weechat+` +
`+/home/user/.local/share/weechat+` +
`+/home/user/.cache/weechat+` +
| `+${eval:xxx}+` +
_(WeeChat ≥ 1.3)_ |
String to evaluate. |
@ -2769,9 +2788,9 @@ expanded to last):
Result of a modifier, see function
<<_hook_modifier_exec,hook_modifier_exec>>. |
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,~}+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,%h/python}+` |
`+/home/xxx+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,directory=config,%h/weechat.conf}+` |
`+/home/user+` +
| `+${info:name}+` +
`+${info:name,arguments}+` +
@ -3760,6 +3779,9 @@ Alcune funzioni legate alle cartelle.
==== mkdir_home
_Updated in 3.2._
Crea una cartella nella home di WeeChat.
@ -3771,7 +3793,13 @@ int weechat_mkdir_home (char *directory, int mode);
* _directory_: nome della cartella da creare
* _directory_: name of directory to create; it can start with one of these
strings to force a specific WeeChat directory (WeeChat ≥ 3.2):
** `${weechat_config_dir}`
** `${weechat_data_dir}` (default)
** `${weechat_cache_dir}`
** `${weechat_runtime_dir}`
* _mode_: modalità per la cartella
Valore restituito:
@ -3782,7 +3810,7 @@ Esempio in C:
if (!weechat_mkdir_home ("temp", 0755))
if (!weechat_mkdir_home ("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755))
/* errore */
@ -3796,7 +3824,7 @@ Script (Python):
weechat.mkdir_home(directory, mode)
# esempio
weechat.mkdir_home("temp", 0755)
weechat.mkdir_home("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755)
==== mkdir
@ -11383,10 +11411,10 @@ del linguaggio:
La callback compirà le seguenti azioni alla ricezione del segnale:
. Scarica e rimuove lo script installato.
. Sposta il nuovo script nella cartella _~/.weechat/xxx/_ (dove _xxx_ è il
. Sposta il nuovo script nella cartella _~/.local/share/weechat/xxx/_ (dove _xxx_ è il
. Crea un link al nuovo script nella cartella _~/.weechat/xxx/autoload/_
. Crea un link al nuovo script nella cartella _~/.local/share/weechat/xxx/autoload/_
(only if the script was already auto-loaded, or if the option
_script.scripts.autoload_ is enabled for a new script).
@ -11401,16 +11429,14 @@ Esempio in C:
weechat_hook_signal_send ("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
weechat_hook_signal_send ("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "/path/to/");
Script (Python):
weechat.hook_signal_send("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
weechat.hook_signal_send("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "/path/to/")
@ -12243,7 +12269,7 @@ List of modifiers defined by WeeChat and plugins that can be used:
| [[hook_modifier_eval_path_home]] eval_path_home +
_(WeeChat ≥ 2.7)_ |
- |
Optional: `directory=xxx` where `xxx` can be: `config`, `data`, `cache`, `runtime` |
Any string. |
Evaluated path, result of the function
@ -16048,10 +16074,10 @@ if (version)
if (date)
free (date);
char *weechat_dir = weechat_info_get ("weechat_dir", NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "WeeChat home is: %s", weechat_dir);
if (weechat_dir)
free (weechat_dir);
char *weechat_config_dir = weechat_info_get ("weechat_config_dir", NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "WeeChat config directory is: %s", weechat_config_dir);
if (weechat_config_dir)
free (weechat_config_dir);
Script (Python):
@ -16064,7 +16090,7 @@ value = weechat.info_get(info_name, arguments)
# esempio
weechat.prnt("", "Current WeeChat version is: %s (compiled on %s)"
% (weechat.info_get("version", ""), weechat.info_get("date", ""))
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat home is: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_dir"))
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat config directory is: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir"))
==== info_get_hashtable

View File

@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ automaticamente gli script all'avvio di WeeChat.
Ad esempio con Python:
$ cd ~/.weechat/python/autoload
$ cd ~/.local/share/weechat/python/autoload
$ ln -s ../
@ -1425,10 +1425,11 @@ weechat.prnt("", "Version %s" % weechat.info_get("version", ""))
==== Altre informazioni
# la directory home di WeeChat, ad esempio: "/home/xxxx/.weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat home dir: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_dir", ""))
# WeeChat config directory, for example: "/home/user/.config/weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat config dir: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
# inattività della tastiera
weechat.prnt("", "Inactivity since %s seconds" % weechat.info_get("inactivity", ""))

View File

@ -521,10 +521,10 @@ _/var/lib/systemd/coredump_ and you must use the command `coredumpctl` to read i
For more information, see this wiki page:
Ad esempio, se _weechat_ è installato in _/usr/bin/_ ed il file _core_
si trova in _/home/xxx/_, allora eseguire gdb con questo comando:
si trova in _/home/user/_, allora eseguire gdb con questo comando:
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/xxx/core
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/user/core
All'interno di gdb, usare il comando `bt full` per visualizzare
@ -612,8 +612,8 @@ to upgrade the kernel or to move your WeeChat to another machine:
This saves the current state in `*.upgrade` files. You can then either reboot
or move the whole directory `~/.weechat` to another machine, and restart
WeeChat later with this command:
or move the whole WeeChat directories (config, data, cache) to another machine,
and restart WeeChat later with this command:
$ weechat --upgrade
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ WeeChat has an automatic upgrade of configuration files (`*.conf`):
Example of warning when an option has been removed:
=!= Attenzione: /home/xxx/.weechat/sec.conf, riga 15: opzione sconosciuta per la sezione "crypt": passphrase_file = ""
=!= Attenzione: /home/user/.config/weechat/sec.conf, riga 15: opzione sconosciuta per la sezione "crypt": passphrase_file = ""
That means the option `sec.crypt.passphrase_file` has been removed, and you
@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ $ weechat
When you run WeeChat for the first time, the default configuration files are
created in _~/.weechat_ with default options and values
created in _~/.config/weechat_ with default options and values
(see <<files_and_directories,Files and directories>>).
@ -701,9 +701,27 @@ Some environment variables are used by WeeChat if they are defined:
=== Files and directories
WeeChat writes configuration files and other data in directory `~/.weechat`
by default. +
These files are created with default values the first time you run WeeChat.
==== XDG directories
WeeChat uses XDG directories by default
(according to the[XDG Base Directory Specification]). +
A single home directory for all files can be forced by CMake option `WEECHAT_HOME`,
the environment variable `WEECHAT_HOME` or the command-line option `-d` / `--dir`.
When a single WeeChat home directory is not forced, XDG directories are used
and set like this:
| Directory | Default value | Fallback value
| config | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.config/weechat` if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| data | $XDG_DATA_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.local/share/weechat` if `$XDG_DATA_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| cache | $XDG_CACHE_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.cache/weechat` if `$XDG_CACHE_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| runtime | $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/weechat | Same as _cache_ directory if `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` is not defined or empty.
The configuration files are created with default values the first time you run WeeChat.
==== WeeChat directories
@ -712,29 +730,33 @@ The WeeChat directories are:
| Path/file | Description
| ~/.weechat/ | WeeChat home directory (can be changed, see <<running_weechat,Running WeeChat>>).
|    logs/ | Log files (one file per buffer).
|    python/ | Python scripts.
|       autoload/ | Python scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    perl/ | Perl scripts.
|       autoload/ | Perl scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    ruby/ | Ruby scripts.
|       autoload/ | Ruby scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    lua/ | Lua scripts.
|       autoload/ | Lua scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    tcl/ | Tcl scripts.
|       autoload/ | Tcl scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    guile/ | Guile scripts.
|       autoload/ | Guile scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    javascript/ | JavaScript scripts.
|       autoload/ | JavaScript scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
|    php/ | PHP scripts.
|       autoload/ | PHP scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(1)^.
| Path ^(1)^ | Description
| ~/.config/weechat/ | WeeChat configuration files: `*.conf`, certificates, etc.
| ~/.local/share/weechat/ | WeeChat data files: logs, scripts, scripts data, xfer files, etc.
|    logs/ | Log files (one file per buffer).
|    python/ | Python scripts.
|       autoload/ | Python scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    perl/ | Perl scripts.
|       autoload/ | Perl scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    ruby/ | Ruby scripts.
|       autoload/ | Ruby scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    lua/ | Lua scripts.
|       autoload/ | Lua scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    tcl/ | Tcl scripts.
|       autoload/ | Tcl scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    guile/ | Guile scripts.
|       autoload/ | Guile scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    javascript/ | JavaScript scripts.
|       autoload/ | JavaScript scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
|    php/ | PHP scripts.
|       autoload/ | PHP scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^.
| ~/.cache/weechat/ | WeeChat cache files: scripts cache.
| /run/user/1000/weechat/ | WeeChat runtime files: FIFO pipe, Relay UNIX sockets.
^(1)^ This directory often contains only symbolic links to scripts in parent directory.
^(1)^ XDG directories may be different according to your environment variables `XDG_*`. +
^(2)^ This directory often contains only symbolic links to scripts in parent directory.
==== WeeChat files
@ -2918,7 +2940,8 @@ include::includes/[tag=exec_options]
pipe FIFO (se l'opzione "fifo.file.enabled" è abilitata, e lo è per default).
The FIFO pipe is located in _~/.weechat/_ and is called _weechat_fifo_ by default.
The FIFO pipe is located in WeeChat runtime directory and is called
_weechat_fifo_ by default.
La sintassi per i comandi/testo della pipe FIFO è una delle seguenti:
@ -2933,28 +2956,28 @@ Alcuni esempi:
* Change nick on IRC server freenode to "newnick":
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick newnick' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick newnick' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Send a message on IRC #weechat channel:
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *hello!' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Send a message on current buffer:
$ echo '*hello!' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo '*hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Inviare due comandi per scaricare/caricare gli script Python (è necessario
separarli con "\n"):
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
@ -3638,7 +3661,7 @@ nei mask (consultare `man stfrtime` per i formati), ad esempio:
Si avranno i seguenti file:
└── logs
├── 2010
│ ├── 11
@ -3668,7 +3691,7 @@ al suo interno:
Si avranno i seguenti file:
└── logs
└── irc
├── freenode
@ -3887,12 +3910,14 @@ Using the protocol option "unix" with the `/relay add` command, you can listen
using any protocol on a UNIX domain socket at a given path. For example:
/relay add unix.weechat %h/relay_socket
/relay add unix.weechat ${weechat_runtime_dir}/relay_socket
This allows clients to connect using the weechat protocol to
_~/.weechat/relay_socket_. This is particularly useful to allow SSH forwarding
for relay clients, when other ports cannot be opened. Using OpenSSH:
_/run/user/1000/weechat/relay_socket_. This is particularly useful to allow
SSH forwarding for relay clients, when other ports cannot be opened.
Using OpenSSH:
$ ssh -L 9000:.weechat/relay_socket user@hostname

View File

@ -15,10 +15,11 @@
(works only with the command *weechat-headless*, not compatible with option
*-d*, *--dir* _<path>_::
WeeChat のホームディレクトリを path に設定 (設定ファイル、ログ、
ユーザプラグイン、スクリプトに利用される)、初期値は "~/.weechat"。
(注意: パスが存在しない場合は WeeChat がディレクトリを作成します)
Force a single directory for all WeeChat files (directory is created if not found).
Four directories can be given, separated by colons (in this order: config,
data, cache, runtime).
このオプションを指定しなかった場合、環境変数 WEECHAT_HOME を使います

View File

@ -17,79 +17,79 @@ IPv6 アドレスの後にポートを指定するには IPv6
// end::plugin_options[]
// tag::files[]
WeeChat の主要設定ファイル
_alias_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_buflist_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_charset_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_exec_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_fifo_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_fset_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_guile_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_irc_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_javascript_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_logger_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_lua_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_perl_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_php_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_python_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_relay_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_ruby_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_script_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_spell_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_tcl_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_trigger_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
_xfer_ プラグイン用の設定ファイル
WeeChat ログファイル
// end::files[]

View File

@ -1056,9 +1056,13 @@ と を使ってください。
それでもだめなら、手作業で (シェルから) スクリプトリストファイルを削除してください:
$ rm ~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
$ rm ~/.cache/weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
With WeeChat ≤ 3.1, the path should be: _~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz_.
その後、WeeChat からスクリプトリストを更新してください:
@ -1078,7 +1082,7 @@ $ rm ~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
* シェルからスクリプトリストファイルをダウンロードします (必要なら curl をインストールしてください):
$ cd ~/.weechat/script
$ cd ~/.cache/weechat/script
$ curl -O
@ -1194,8 +1198,9 @@ link:weechat_user.ja.html#secured_data[ユーザーズガイド / 暗号化デ
=== WeeChat の設定を共有したいのですが、公開しても良いファイルと秘密にしておくべきファイルを教えてください。
_~/.weechat/*.conf_ ファイルは公開しても問題ありませんが、
パスフレーズで暗号化されたパスワードが含まれる _sec.conf_ ファイルは秘密にしてください。
You can share configuration files _*.conf_ except the file _sec.conf_ which
contains your passwords ciphered with your passphrase.
Some other files may contain sensitive info like passwords (if they are not

View File

@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ $ gcc -shared -fPIC -o toto.o
_toto.so_ ファイルをシステムのプラグインディレクトリ (例えば
_/usr/local/lib/weechat/plugins_) またはユーザのプラグインディレクトリ (例えば
_/home/xxx/.weechat/plugins_) にコピーしてください。
_/home/user/.local/share/weechat/plugins_) にコピーしてください。
WeeChat の中で:
@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ C 言語での使用例:
char *str = weechat_string_expand_home ("~/file.txt");
/* result: "/home/xxx/file.txt" */
/* result: "/home/user/file.txt" */
/* ... */
free (str);
@ -1046,11 +1046,13 @@ free (str);
==== string_eval_path_home
_WeeChat バージョン 0.3.3 以上で利用可。_
_WeeChat ≥ 1.3, updated in 3.2._
3 段階でパスを評価します:
. 先頭の `%h` を WeeChat ホームディレクトリで置換し、
. replace leading `%h` by a WeeChat directory (data by default),
. 先頭の `+~+` をユーザのホームディレクトリで置換し
(<<_string_expand_home,string_expand_home>> を実行し)、
. 変数を評価します
@ -1068,13 +1070,20 @@ char *weechat_string_eval_path_home (const char *path,
* _path_: パス
* _pointers_: 関数に渡されるハッシュテーブル
* _extra_vars_: 関数に渡されるハッシュテーブル
* _options_: 関数に渡されるハッシュテーブル
* _options_: hashtable for call to function
<<_string_eval_expression,string_eval_expression>>, with one extra key
** _directory_: WeeChat directory to use when replacing `%h`, one of:
*** _config_
*** _data_ (default)
*** _cache_
*** _runtime_
@ -1084,8 +1093,8 @@ C 言語での使用例:
char *str = weechat_string_eval_path_home ("%h/test", NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* result: "/home/xxx/.weechat/test" */
char *str = weechat_string_eval_path_home ("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* result: "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf" */
/* ... */
free (str);
@ -1098,8 +1107,8 @@ free (str);
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home(path, pointers, extra_vars, options)
# 例
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home("%h/test", {}, {}, {})
# path == "/home/xxx/.weechat/test"
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", {}, {}, {})
# path == "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf"
==== string_remove_quotes
@ -2560,6 +2569,19 @@ str5 = weechat.string_eval_expression("password=abc password=def", {}, {}, optio
`+${name}+` |
| `+${weechat_xxx_dir}+` |
A WeeChat directory: `+${weechat_config_dir}+`, `+${weechat_data_dir}+`,
`+${weechat_cache_dir}+` or `+${weechat_runtime_dir}+`. |
`+${weechat_config_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_data_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_cache_dir}+` +
`+${weechat_runtime_dir}+` |
`+/home/user/.config/weechat+` +
`+/home/user/.local/share/weechat+` +
`+/home/user/.cache/weechat+` +
| `+${eval:xxx}+` +
_(WeeChat バージョン 1.3 以上で利用可)_ |
評価する文字列 |
@ -2687,9 +2709,9 @@ str5 = weechat.string_eval_expression("password=abc password=def", {}, {}, optio
Result of a modifier, see function
<<_hook_modifier_exec,hook_modifier_exec>>. |
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,~}+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,%h/python}+` |
`+/home/xxx+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,directory=config,%h/weechat.conf}+` |
`+/home/user+` +
| `+${info:name}+` +
`+${info:name,arguments}+` +
@ -3648,6 +3670,8 @@ rc = weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (data, strlen (data), "sha256", salt, strlen (sa
==== mkdir_home
_WeeChat バージョン 3.2 で更新。_
WeeChat ホームディレクトリの下にディレクトリを作成。
@ -3659,7 +3683,13 @@ int weechat_mkdir_home (char *directory, int mode);
* _directory_: 作成するディレクトリの名前
* _directory_: name of directory to create; it can start with one of these
strings to force a specific WeeChat directory (WeeChat ≥ 3.2):
** `${weechat_config_dir}`
** `${weechat_data_dir}` (default)
** `${weechat_cache_dir}`
** `${weechat_runtime_dir}`
* _mode_: ディレクトリのモード
@ -3670,7 +3700,7 @@ C 言語での使用例:
if (!weechat_mkdir_home ("temp", 0755))
if (!weechat_mkdir_home ("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755))
/* error */
@ -3684,7 +3714,7 @@ if (!weechat_mkdir_home ("temp", 0755))
weechat.mkdir_home(directory, mode)
# 例
weechat.mkdir_home("temp", 0755)
weechat.mkdir_home("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755)
==== mkdir
@ -10959,8 +10989,8 @@ weechat.hook_signal_send("logger_backlog", weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER,
. インストール済みスクリプトをリロードして削除。
. 新しいスクリプトをディレクトリ _~/.weechat/xxx/_ に移動 (_xxx_ はプログラミング言語)
. 新しいスクリプトへのリンクをディレクトリ _~/.weechat/xxx/autoload/_ に作成
. 新しいスクリプトをディレクトリ _~/.local/share/weechat/xxx/_ に移動 (_xxx_ はプログラミング言語)
. 新しいスクリプトへのリンクをディレクトリ _~/.local/share/weechat/xxx/autoload/_ に作成
_script.scripts.autoload_ が有効化されている場合のみ作成されます)
. 新しいスクリプトを読み込む (古いスクリプトがロードされていた場合のみ)
@ -10973,16 +11003,14 @@ C 言語での使用例:
weechat_hook_signal_send ("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
weechat_hook_signal_send ("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "/path/to/");
スクリプト (Python) での使用例:
weechat.hook_signal_send("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
weechat.hook_signal_send("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "/path/to/")
@ -11776,7 +11804,7 @@ WeeChat とプラグインが定義する修飾子のリスト:
| [[hook_modifier_eval_path_home]] eval_path_home +
_(WeeChat バージョン 2.7 以上で利用可)_ |
- |
Optional: `directory=xxx` where `xxx` can be: `config`, `data`, `cache`, `runtime` |
Any string. |
Evaluated path, result of the function
@ -15436,10 +15464,10 @@ if (version)
if (date)
free (date);
char *weechat_dir = weechat_info_get ("weechat_dir", NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "WeeChat home is: %s", weechat_dir);
if (weechat_dir)
free (weechat_dir);
char *weechat_config_dir = weechat_info_get ("weechat_config_dir", NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "WeeChat config directory is: %s", weechat_config_dir);
if (weechat_config_dir)
free (weechat_config_dir);
スクリプト (Python) での使用例:
@ -15452,7 +15480,7 @@ value = weechat.info_get(info_name, arguments)
# 例
weechat.prnt("", "Current WeeChat version is: %s (compiled on %s)"
% (weechat.info_get("version", ""), weechat.info_get("date", ""))
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat home is: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_dir", ""))
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat config directory is: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
==== info_get_hashtable

View File

@ -606,15 +606,15 @@ inf: ('version_number', '34144256')
* Request WeeChat directory:
(info_weechat_dir) info weechat_dir
(info_weechat_config_dir) info weechat_config_dir
id: 'info_weechat_dir'
inf: ('weechat_dir', '/home/xxx/.weechat')
id: 'info_weechat_config_dir'
inf: ('weechat_config_dir', '/home/user/.config/weechat')

View File

@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ _language/autoload_ ディレクトリ内にリンクを作ってください。
例えば Python の場合:
$ cd ~/.weechat/python/autoload
$ cd ~/.local/share/weechat/python/autoload
$ ln -s ../
@ -1399,10 +1399,11 @@ weechat.prnt("", "Version %s" % weechat.info_get("version", ""))
==== その他の情報
# WeeChat ホームディレクトリ、例えば: "/home/xxxx/.weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat home dir: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_dir", ""))
# WeeChat config directory, for example: "/home/user/.config/weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat config dir: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
# キーボードの不使用時間
weechat.prnt("", "Inactivity since %s seconds" % weechat.info_get("inactivity", ""))

View File

@ -484,10 +484,10 @@ _/var/lib/systemd/coredump_ and you must use the command `coredumpctl` to read i
For more information, see this wiki page:
例えば、_weechat_ が _/usr/bin/_ にインストールされ、_core_ ファイルが
_/home/xxx/_ にある場合、以下のコマンドで gdb を起動してください:
_/home/user/_ にある場合、以下のコマンドで gdb を起動してください:
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/xxx/core
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/user/core
gdb の中で `bt full`
@ -573,8 +573,8 @@ to upgrade the kernel or to move your WeeChat to another machine:
This saves the current state in `*.upgrade` files. You can then either reboot
or move the whole directory `~/.weechat` to another machine, and restart
WeeChat later with this command:
or move the whole WeeChat directories (config, data, cache) to another machine,
and restart WeeChat later with this command:
$ weechat --upgrade
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ WeeChat has an automatic upgrade of configuration files (`*.conf`):
Example of warning when an option has been removed:
=!= 警告: /home/xxx/.weechat/sec.conf, 行 15: セクション "crypt" の無効なオプション: passphrase_file = ""
=!= 警告: /home/user/.config/weechat/sec.conf, 行 15: セクション "crypt" の無効なオプション: passphrase_file = ""
That means the option `sec.crypt.passphrase_file` has been removed, and you
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ $ weechat
WeeChat の初回起動時にデフォルトのオプション設定を含む設定ファイルが
_~/.weechat_ ディレクトリの中に作成されます
_~/.config/weechat_ ディレクトリの中に作成されます
==== コマンドラインオプション
@ -658,10 +658,28 @@ include::includes/cmdline_options.ja.adoc[tag=debug]
=== ファイルとディレクトリ
デフォルト状態の WeeChat は `~/.weechat`
ディレクトリ内に設定ファイルおよびその他のデータを書き込みます。 +
These files are created with default values the first time you run WeeChat.
==== XDG directories
WeeChat uses XDG directories by default
(according to the[XDG Base Directory Specification]). +
A single home directory for all files can be forced by CMake option `WEECHAT_HOME`,
the environment variable `WEECHAT_HOME` or the command-line option `-d` / `--dir`.
When a single WeeChat home directory is not forced, XDG directories are used
and set like this:
| Directory | Default value | Fallback value
| config | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.config/weechat` if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| data | $XDG_DATA_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.local/share/weechat` if `$XDG_DATA_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| cache | $XDG_CACHE_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.cache/weechat` if `$XDG_CACHE_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| runtime | $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/weechat | Same as _cache_ directory if `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` is not defined or empty.
The configuration files are created with default values the first time you run WeeChat.
@ -672,29 +690,38 @@ The WeeChat directories are:
| パス/ファイル | 説明
| ~/.weechat/ | WeeChat ホームディレクトリ (変更するには <<running_weechat,WeeChat の起動>>を参照してください)
|    logs/ | ログファイル (バッファごとに 1 つのファイル)
|    python/ | Python スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Python スクリプト ^(1)^
|    perl/ | Perl スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Perl スクリプト ^(1)^
|    ruby/ | Ruby スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Ruby スクリプト ^(1)^
|    lua/ | Lua スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Lua スクリプト ^(1)^
|    tcl/ | Tcl スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Tcl スクリプト ^(1)^
|    guile/ | Guile スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Guile スクリプト ^(1)^
|    javascript/ | JavaScript スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる JavaScript スクリプト ^(1)^
|    php/ | PHP スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる PHP スクリプト ^(1)^
| Path ^(1)^ | 説明
| ~/.config/weechat/ | WeeChat configuration files: `*.conf`, certificates, etc.
| ~/.local/share/weechat/ | WeeChat data files: logs, scripts, scripts data, xfer files, etc.
|    logs/ | ログファイル (バッファごとに 1 つのファイル)
|    python/ | Python スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Python スクリプト ^(2)^
|    perl/ | Perl スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Perl スクリプト ^(2)^
|    ruby/ | Ruby スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Ruby スクリプト ^(2)^
|    lua/ | Lua スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Lua スクリプト ^(2)^
|    tcl/ | Tcl スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Tcl スクリプト ^(2)^
|    guile/ | Guile スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる Guile スクリプト ^(2)^
|    javascript/ | JavaScript スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる JavaScript スクリプト ^(2)^
|    php/ | PHP スクリプト
|       autoload/ | 起動時に自動ロードされる PHP スクリプト ^(2)^
| ~/.cache/weechat/ | WeeChat cache files: scripts cache.
| /run/user/1000/weechat/ | WeeChat runtime files: FIFO pipe, Relay UNIX sockets.
^(1)^ このディレクトリには親ディレクトリ内にあるスクリプトへのシンボリックリンクのみが含まれることが多いです。
^(1)^ XDG directories may be different according to your environment variables `XDG_*`. +
^(2)^ このディレクトリには親ディレクトリ内にあるスクリプトへのシンボリックリンクのみが含まれることが多いです。
@ -2782,7 +2809,9 @@ include::includes/autogen_user_options.ja.adoc[tag=exec_options]
外部から WeeChat を操作するには、FIFO パイプにコマンドやテキストを書き込んでください ("fifo.file.enabled"
FIFO パイプは _~/.weechat/_ の中にあり、デフォルトで _weechat_fifo_ という名前を付けられています。
The FIFO pipe is located in WeeChat runtime directory and is called
_weechat_fifo_ by default.
FIFO パイプに書き込むコマンド/テキストの文法は以下の例の一つです:
@ -2796,26 +2825,26 @@ FIFO パイプに書き込むコマンド/テキストの文法は以下の例
* IRC サーバ freenode で使うニックネームを "newnick" に変更する:
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick newnick' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick newnick' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* IRC チャンネル #weechat に対してテキストを送信:
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *hello!' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* 現在のバッファに対してテキストを送信:
$ echo '*hello!' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo '*hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Python スクリプトのアンロードとロードを行う 2 つのコマンドを送信
(複数のコマンドは "\n" で分割してください):
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
@ -3454,7 +3483,7 @@ logger.file.mask
└── logs
├── 2010
│ ├── 11
@ -3483,7 +3512,7 @@ IRC サーバ名を使ったディレクトリに、チャンネル名を使っ
└── logs
└── irc
├── freenode
@ -3693,12 +3722,14 @@ websocket = new WebSocket("ws://");
UNIX ドメインソケット上の任意のプロトコルをリッスンできます。例:
/relay add unix.weechat %h/relay_socket
/relay add unix.weechat ${weechat_runtime_dir}/relay_socket
こうすることで、クライアントは weechat プロトコルを使って _~/.weechat/relay_socket_
こうすることで、クライアントは weechat プロトコルを使って _/run/user/1000/weechat/relay_socket_
SSH 転送を許可する際に特に便利です。OpenSSH を使った例:
SSH 転送を許可する際に特に便利です。
OpenSSH を使った例:
$ ssh -L 9000:.weechat/relay_socket user@hostname

View File

@ -14,10 +14,11 @@
(works only with the command *weechat-headless*, not compatible with option
*-d*, *--dir* _<ścieżka>_::
Ustawia ścieżkę jako katalog domowy WeeChat (używany dla plików
konfiguracyjnych, logów, wtyczek użytkownika i skryptów), domyślna wartość
to "~/.weechat" (katalog zostanie utworzony jeśli nie istnieje).
Force a single directory for all WeeChat files (directory is created if not found).
Four directories can be given, separated by colons (in this order: config,
data, cache, runtime).
Jeśli ta opcja nie zostanie podada, użyta zostanie zawartość zmiennej
WEECHAT_HOME (jeśli została ustawiona).

View File

@ -18,79 +18,79 @@ numeru potyu po adresie, na przykład:
// end::plugin_options[]
// tag::files[]
główny plik konfiguracyjny WeeChat
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczek
plik konfiguracyjny z zabezpieczonymi danymi
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _alias_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _buflist_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _charset_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _exec_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _fifo_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _fset_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _guile_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _irc_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _javascript_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _logger_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _lua_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _perl_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _php_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _python_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _relay_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _ruby_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _script_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _spell_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _tcl_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _trigger_
plik konfiguracyjny wtyczki _xfer_
plik z logami WeeChat
// end::files[]

View File

@ -1058,9 +1058,13 @@ w tym dokumencie (zwłaszcza opcji
Jeśli to nie pomoże spróuj ręcznie usunąć plik z listą skryptów (z poziomu powłoki):
$ rm ~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
$ rm ~/.cache/weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz
With WeeChat ≤ 3.1, the path should be: _~/.weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz_.
Następnie ponownie zaktualizuj listę sktyptów w WeeChat:
@ -1080,7 +1084,7 @@ have to update manually the file yourself to get updates):
* w powłoce, z zainstalowanym programem curl:
$ cd ~/.weechat/script
$ cd ~/.cache/weechat/script
$ curl -O
@ -1196,8 +1200,9 @@ Na przykład:
=== Chcę się podzielić moją konfiguracją WeeChat, które pliki powinienem pokazać, a które nie?
Możesz pokazywać pliki z _~/.weechat/*.conf_ poza plikiem _sec.conf_, który
zawiera Twoje hasla zaszywrowane Twoim kluczem.
You can share configuration files _*.conf_ except the file _sec.conf_ which
contains your passwords ciphered with your passphrase.
Niektóre inne pliki mogą zawierać poufne informacje jak hasła (jeśli nie są przetrzymywane
w _sec.conf_ za pomocą komendy `/secure`).

View File

@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ Możesz zrobić dowiązanie w katalogu _język/autoload_ jeśli chcesz automatyc
Na przykład dla Pythona:
$ cd ~/.weechat/python/autoload
$ cd ~/.local/share/weechat/python/autoload
$ ln -s ../
@ -1375,10 +1375,11 @@ weechat.prnt("", "Version %s" % weechat.info_get("version", ""))
==== Inne informacje
# katalog domowy WeeChat, na przykład: "/home/xxxx/.weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "Katalog domowy WeeChat: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_dir", ""))
# WeeChat config directory, for example: "/home/user/.config/weechat"
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat config dir: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
# nieaktywność klawiatury
weechat.prnt("", "Nieaktywny od %s sekund" % weechat.info_get("inactivity", ""))

View File

@ -473,10 +473,10 @@ _/var/lib/systemd/coredump_ and you must use the command `coredumpctl` to read i
For more information, see this wiki page:
Na przykład jeśli _weechat_ jest zainstalowany w _/usr/bin/_ i plik _core_
znajduje się w _/home/xxx/_, uruchom gdb za pomocą tej komendy:
znajduje się w _/home/user/_, uruchom gdb za pomocą tej komendy:
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/xxx/core
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/user/core
Następnie pod gdb użyj komendy `bt full`, aby wyświetlić log.
@ -563,8 +563,8 @@ to upgrade the kernel or to move your WeeChat to another machine:
This saves the current state in `*.upgrade` files. You can then either reboot
or move the whole directory `~/.weechat` to another machine, and restart
WeeChat later with this command:
or move the whole WeeChat directories (config, data, cache) to another machine,
and restart WeeChat later with this command:
$ weechat --upgrade
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ WeeChat has an automatic upgrade of configuration files (`*.conf`):
Example of warning when an option has been removed:
=!= Ostrzeżenie: /home/xxx/.weechat/sec.conf, linia 15: nieznana opcja dla sekcji "crypt": passphrase_file = ""
=!= Ostrzeżenie: /home/user/.config/weechat/sec.conf, linia 15: nieznana opcja dla sekcji "crypt": passphrase_file = ""
That means the option `sec.crypt.passphrase_file` has been removed, and you
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ $ weechat
Podczas pierwszego uruchomienia WeeChat tworzone są domyślne pliki konfiguracyjne
w _~/.weechat_ z domyślnymi opcjami i wartościami
w _~/.config/weechat_ z domyślnymi opcjami i wartościami
(zobacz <<files_and_directories,Pliki i foldery>>).
==== Argumenty linii poleceń
@ -648,8 +648,28 @@ Niektóre zmienne śwodowiskowe są używane przez WeeChat o ile zostały zdefin
=== Pliki i foldery
WeeChat zapisuje pliki konfiguracyjne i inne rzeczy domyślnie w folderze `~/.weechat`. +
Pliki te są tworzone z domyślnymi wartościami przy pierwszym uruchomieniu WeeChat.
==== XDG directories
WeeChat uses XDG directories by default
(according to the[XDG Base Directory Specification]). +
A single home directory for all files can be forced by CMake option `WEECHAT_HOME`,
the environment variable `WEECHAT_HOME` or the command-line option `-d` / `--dir`.
When a single WeeChat home directory is not forced, XDG directories are used
and set like this:
| Directory | Default value | Fallback value
| config | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.config/weechat` if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| data | $XDG_DATA_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.local/share/weechat` if `$XDG_DATA_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| cache | $XDG_CACHE_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.cache/weechat` if `$XDG_CACHE_HOME` is not defined or empty.
| runtime | $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/weechat | Same as _cache_ directory if `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` is not defined or empty.
The configuration files are created with default values the first time you run WeeChat.
==== Katalogi WeeChat
@ -658,29 +678,39 @@ Katalogi używane przez WeeChat to:
| Ścieżka/plik | Opis
| ~/.weechat/ | Katalog domowy WeeChat (można go zmienić, zobacz <<running_weechat,Uruchamianie WeeChat>>).
|    logs/ | Pliki z logami (jeden na bufor).
|    python/ | Skrypty pythonowe.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty pythonowe automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(1)^.
|    perl/ | Skrypty perlowe.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty perlowe automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(1)^.
|    ruby/ | Skrypty ruby.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty ruby automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(1)^.
|    lua/ | Skrypty lua.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty lua automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(1)^.
|    tcl/ | Skrypty tcl.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty tcl automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(1)^.
|    guile/ | Skrypty guile.
|       autoload/ | skrypry guile automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(1)^.
|    javascript/ | Skrypty JavaScript.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty JavaScript automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(1)^.
|    php/ | Skrypty PHP.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty PHP automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(1)^.
| Path ^(1)^ | Opis
| ~/.config/weechat/ | WeeChat configuration files: `*.conf`, certificates, etc.
| ~/.local/share/weechat/ | WeeChat data files: logs, scripts, scripts data, xfer files, etc.
|    logs/ | Pliki z logami (jeden na bufor).
|    python/ | Skrypty pythonowe.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty pythonowe automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(2)^.
|    perl/ | Skrypty perlowe.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty perlowe automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(2)^.
|    ruby/ | Skrypty ruby.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty ruby automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(2)^.
|    lua/ | Skrypty lua.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty lua automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(2)^.
|    tcl/ | Skrypty tcl.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty tcl automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(2)^.
|    guile/ | Skrypty guile.
|       autoload/ | Skrypry guile automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(2)^.
|    javascript/ | Skrypty JavaScript.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty JavaScript automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(2)^.
|    php/ | Skrypty PHP.
|       autoload/ | Skrypty PHP automatycznie ładowane przy starcie ^(2)^.
| ~/.cache/weechat/ | WeeChat cache files: scripts cache.
| /run/user/1000/weechat/ | WeeChat runtime files: FIFO pipe, Relay UNIX sockets.
^(1)^ Ten folder zawiera przewazine linki symboliczne do plików w folderze nadrzędnym.
^(1)^ XDG directories may be different according to your environment variables `XDG_*`. +
^(2)^ Ten folder zawiera przewazine linki symboliczne do plików w folderze nadrzędnym.
==== Pliki WeeChat
@ -2738,7 +2768,9 @@ Możesz zdalnie kontrolować WeeChat, poprzez wysyłanie komend lub tekstu do
kolejki FIFO (jeśli opcja "fifo.file.enabled" jest włączona, domyślnie jest
Kolejka FIFO znajduje się w katalogu _~/.weechat/_ i domyślnie nazywa się _weechat_fifo_.
The FIFO pipe is located in WeeChat runtime directory and is called
_weechat_fifo_ by default.
Składnia dla komend/tekstu przekazywanego do kolejki FIFO wygląda następująco:
@ -2752,26 +2784,26 @@ Kilka przykładów:
* Zmiana nicka na serwerze IRC freenode na "newnick":
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick newnick' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.server.freenode */nick newnick' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Wysłanie wiadomości na kanał IRC #weechat:
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *hello!' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo 'irc.freenode.#weechat *hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Wysłanie wiadomości do obecnego bufora:
$ echo '*hello!' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ echo '*hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
* Wysłanie dwóch komend do wyładowania/przeładowania skryptów Python (należy
oddzielić je za pomocą "\n"):
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
$ printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo
@ -3416,7 +3448,7 @@ na przykład:
Spowoduje powstanie następującej struktury:
└── logs
├── 2010
│ ├── 11
@ -3446,7 +3478,7 @@ każdego kanału:
Spowoduje powstanie następującej struktury:
└── logs
└── irc
├── freenode
@ -3656,12 +3688,14 @@ Używając opcji protokołu "unix" razem z komendą `/relay`, można nasłuchiwa
protokołu za pomocą socketu UNIXowego w podanej ścieżce. Na przykład:
/relay add unix.weechat %h/relay_socket
/relay add unix.weechat ${weechat_runtime_dir}/relay_socket
Pozwala to na połączenia od klientów za pomocą protokołu weechat do
_~/.weechat/relay_socket_. Jest to przydatne zwłaszcza jeśli chcemy tunelować klienty
przez SSH, w przypadku, kiedy inne porty nie moga być otwierane. Za pomocą OpenSSH:
_/run/user/1000/weechat/relay_socket_. Jest to przydatne zwłaszcza jeśli chcemy
tunelować klienty przez SSH, w przypadku, kiedy inne porty nie moga być otwierane.
Za pomocą OpenSSH:
$ ssh -L 9000:.weechat/relay_socket user@hostname

View File

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
(works only with the command *weechat-headless*, not compatible with option
*-d*, *--dir* _<путь>_::
Установить <путь> как домашнюю директорию для WeeChat (используется для
конфигурационных файлов, логов, пользовательских плагинов и скриптов).
Значение по-умолчанию: "~/.weechat" (замечание: директория будет создана,
если WeeChat не найдет ее).
Force a single directory for all WeeChat files (directory is created if not found).
Four directories can be given, separated by colons (in this order: config,
data, cache, runtime).
Если эта опция не задана, будет использована переменная окружения WEECHAT_HOME
(если такая переменная задана).

View File

@ -16,79 +16,79 @@ IPv6-адрес можно заключить в квадратные скобк
// end::plugin_options[]
// tag::files[]
главный файл конфигурации WeeChat
файл конфигурации плагинов
файл конфигурации с защищаемыми данными
файл конфигурации для плагина _alias_
файл конфигурации для плагина _buflist_
файл конфигурации для плагина _charset_
файл конфигурации для плагина _exec_
файл конфигурации для плагина _fifo_
файл конфигурации для плагина _fset_
файл конфигурации для плагина _guile_
файл конфигурации для плагина _irc_
файл конфигурации для плагина _javascript_
файл конфигурации для плагина _logger_
файл конфигурации для плагина _lua_
файл конфигурации для плагина _perl_
файл конфигурации для плагина _php_
файл конфигурации для плагина _python_
файл конфигурации для плагина _relay_
файл конфигурации для плагина _ruby_
файл конфигурации для плагина _script_
файл конфигурации для плагина _spell_
файл конфигурации для плагина _tcl_
файл конфигурации для плагина _trigger_
файл конфигурации для плагина _xref_
лог-файл WeeChat
// end::files[]

View File

@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ string_match_list (const char *string, const char **masks, int case_sensitive)
* Expands home in a path.
* Example: "~/file.txt" => "/home/xxx/file.txt"
* Example: "~/file.txt" => "/home/user/file.txt"
* Note: result must be freed after use.