core: update translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -942,6 +942,7 @@
*** 'scrolling' (integer)
*** 'start_col' (integer)
*** 'lines_after' (integer)
*** 'text_search_start_line' (pointer, hdata: "line")
*** 'prev_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
*** 'next_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
* 'window_tree': Baumstruktur der Fenster
@ -414,58 +414,60 @@ value: Anzahl der gewünschten Einträgen im Befehlsverlauf anzeigen
/input <action> [<arguments>]
Auflistung der möglichen Aktionen:
return: simuliert die "enter" Taste
complete_next: vervollständigt Wort mit nächster Komplettierung
complete_previous: vervollständigt Word mit vorheriger Komplettierung
search_text: sucht nach Text im Buffer
search_switch_case: schaltet Groß-/Kleinschreibung ein und aus
search_switch_regex: Wechsel des Suchmodus: einfache Textsuche/reguläre Ausdrücke
search_switch_where: wechselt Suche in Nachricht/Präfix
search_previous: sucht vorheriger Zeile
search_next: sucht nächste Zeile
search_stop: suche stoppen
delete_previous_char: entfernt vorheriges Zeichen
delete_next_char: entfernt nächstes Zeichen
delete_previous_word: entfernt vorheriges Wort
delete_next_word: entfernt nächstes Wort
delete_beginning_of_line: entfernt alle Zeichen ab Zeilenanfang bis zum Cursor
delete_end_of_line: entfernt alle Zeichen ab Cursor bis zum Ende der Zeile
delete_line: löscht die komplette Eingabezeile
clipboard_paste: fügt Zeichenkette aus der Zwischenablage ein
transpose_chars: Zeichen austauschen
undo: letzten Befehl in der Eingabezeile rückgängig machen
redo: letzten Befehl in der Eingabezeile wiederherstellen
move_beginning_of_line: springt an den Anfang der Eingabezeile
move_end_of_line: springt ans Ende der Eingabezeile
move_previous_char: setzt den Cursor eine Position nach links
move_next_char: setzt den Cursor eine Position nach rechts
move_previous_word: springt zum Anfang des vorherigen Wortes, in der Eingabezeile
move_next_word: springt zum Anfang des nächsten Wortes, in der Eingabezeile
history_previous: ruft vorherigen Befehl oder Nachricht aus dem Befehlsspeicher auf (im Such-Modus: rückwärts suchen)
history_next: ruft nächsten Befehl oder Nachricht aus dem Befehlsspeicher auf (im Such-Modus: vorwärts suchen)
history_global_previous: ruft vorherigen Befehl/Nachricht aus dem globalen Befehlsspeicher auf (für alle Buffer)
history_global_next: ruft nächsten Befehl/Nachricht aus dem globalen Befehlsspeicher auf (für alle Buffer)
jump_smart: wechselt zum nächsten Buffer mit Aktivität (nach Priorität: highlight, Nachricht, …)
jump_last_buffer_displayed: wechselt zum jeweils zuletzt angezeigten Buffer
jump_previously_visited_buffer: springt zum letzten besuchten Buffer
jump_next_visited_buffer: springt zum nächsten besuchten Buffer
hotlist_clear: löscht Hotliste (Aktivitätsanzeige für die Buffer)
grab_key: fängt eine Taste (optionales Argument: Verzögerung um eine Taste einzufangen. Standard sind 500 Millisekunden)
grab_key_command: zeigt den Tastencode (inklusive des eingebundenen Befehls) einer Tastenkombination an und fügt ihn in die Befehlszeile ein (optionales Argument: Verzögerung um eine Taste einzufangen. Standard sind 500 Millisekunden)
grab_mouse: fängt den Code einer Maus Aktivität
grab_mouse_area: fängt den Code einer Maus Aktivität mit entsprechendem Bereich
set_unread: setzt für alle Buffer die Markierung der ungelesen Nachrichten
set_unread_current_buffer: setzt nur für den aktuellen Buffer eine Markierung der ungelesen Nachrichten
switch_active_buffer: springt zum nächsten zusammengefügten Buffer
switch_active_buffer_previous: springt zum vorherigen zusammengefügten Buffer
zoom_merged_buffer: zoomt in zusammengefügte Buffer
insert: fügt einen Text in die Eingabezeile ein (Escapesequenzen sind möglich, siehe /help print)
send: schickt Text an einen Buffer
paste_start: Einfügen wird gestartet (bracketed paste mode)
paste_stop: Einfügen wird beendet (bracketed paste mode)
list of actions:
return: simulate key "enter"
complete_next: complete word with next completion
complete_previous: complete word with previous completion
search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position
search_text: search text in buffer
search_switch_case: switch exact case for search
search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression
search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes
search_previous: search previous line
search_next: search next line
search_stop_here: stop search at current position
search_stop: stop search
delete_previous_char: delete previous char
delete_next_char: delete next char
delete_previous_word: delete previous word
delete_next_word: delete next word
delete_beginning_of_line: delete from beginning of line until cursor
delete_end_of_line: delete from cursor until end of line
delete_line: delete entire line
clipboard_paste: paste from clipboard
transpose_chars: transpose two chars
undo: undo last command line action
redo: redo last command line action
move_beginning_of_line: move cursor to beginning of line
move_end_of_line: move cursor to end of line
move_previous_char: move cursor to previous char
move_next_char: move cursor to next char
move_previous_word: move cursor to previous word
move_next_word: move cursor to next word
history_previous: recall previous command in current buffer history
history_next: recall next command in current buffer history
history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history
history_global_next: recall next command in global history
jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity
jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer)
jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer
jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer
hotlist_clear: clear hotlist
grab_key: grab a key (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds)
grab_key_command: grab a key with its associated command (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds)
grab_mouse: grab mouse event code
grab_mouse_area: grab mouse event code with area
set_unread: set unread marker for all buffers
set_unread_current_buffer: set unread marker for current buffer
switch_active_buffer: switch to next merged buffer
switch_active_buffer_previous: switch to previous merged buffer
zoom_merged_buffer: zoom on merged buffer
insert: insert text in command line (escaped chars are allowed, see /help print)
send: send text to the buffer
paste_start: start paste (bracketed paste mode)
paste_stop: stop paste (bracketed paste mode)
Dieser Befehl wird sinnvollerweise mittels Tastenbelegungen oder Erweiterungen genutzt.
This command is used by key bindings or plugins.
@ -942,6 +942,7 @@
*** 'scrolling' (integer)
*** 'start_col' (integer)
*** 'lines_after' (integer)
*** 'text_search_start_line' (pointer, hdata: "line")
*** 'prev_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
*** 'next_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
* 'window_tree': tree of windows
@ -418,12 +418,14 @@ list of actions:
return: simulate key "enter"
complete_next: complete word with next completion
complete_previous: complete word with previous completion
search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position
search_text: search text in buffer
search_switch_case: switch exact case for search
search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression
search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes
search_previous: search previous line
search_next: search next line
search_stop_here: stop search at current position
search_stop: stop search
delete_previous_char: delete previous char
delete_next_char: delete next char
@ -942,6 +942,7 @@
*** 'scrolling' (integer)
*** 'start_col' (integer)
*** 'lines_after' (integer)
*** 'text_search_start_line' (pointer, hdata: "line")
*** 'prev_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
*** 'next_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
* 'window_tree': arbre des fenêtres
@ -418,12 +418,14 @@ liste des actions :
return : simuler la touche "entrée"
complete_next : compléter le mot avec la complétion suivante
complete_previous : compléter le mot avec la complétion précédente
search_text_here : chercher du texte dans le tampon à la position courante
search_text : chercher du texte dans le tampon
search_switch_case : basculer la casse exacte pour la recherche
search_switch_regex : basculer le type de recherche : chaîne/expression régulière
search_switch_where : basculer la recherche dans les messages/préfixes
search_previous : chercher la ligne précédente
search_next : chercher la ligne suivante
search_stop_here : arrêter la recherche à la position courante
search_stop : arrêter la recherche
delete_previous_char : effacer le caractère précédent
delete_next_char : effacer le caractère suivant
@ -942,6 +942,7 @@
*** 'scrolling' (integer)
*** 'start_col' (integer)
*** 'lines_after' (integer)
*** 'text_search_start_line' (pointer, hdata: "line")
*** 'prev_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
*** 'next_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
* 'window_tree': albero delle finestre
@ -418,12 +418,14 @@ list of actions:
return: simulate key "enter"
complete_next: complete word with next completion
complete_previous: complete word with previous completion
search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position
search_text: search text in buffer
search_switch_case: switch exact case for search
search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression
search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes
search_previous: search previous line
search_next: search next line
search_stop_here: stop search at current position
search_stop: stop search
delete_previous_char: delete previous char
delete_next_char: delete next char
@ -942,6 +942,7 @@
*** 'scrolling' (integer)
*** 'start_col' (integer)
*** 'lines_after' (integer)
*** 'text_search_start_line' (pointer, hdata: "line")
*** 'prev_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
*** 'next_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
* 'window_tree': ウィンドウツリー
@ -414,58 +414,60 @@ value: 表示する履歴エントリの数
/input <action> [<arguments>]
return: "enter" キーをシミュレート
complete_next: 次の補完候補で単語を補完
complete_previous: 一つ前の補完候補で単語を補完
search_text: バッファ内のテキストを検索
search_switch_case: 完全一致検索に変更
search_switch_regex: 検索タイプの切り替え: 文字列/正規表現
search_switch_where: 検索範囲の切り替え: メッセージ/プレフィックス
search_previous: 一つ前の行を検索
search_next: 次の行を検索
search_stop: 検索を終了
delete_previous_char: 一つ前の文字を削除
delete_next_char: 次の文字を削除
delete_previous_word: 一つ前の単語を削除
delete_next_word: 次の単語を削除
delete_beginning_of_line: 行の最初からカーソル位置までを削除
delete_end_of_line: カーソルから行の最後までを削除
delete_line: 行を削除
clipboard_paste: クリップボードから貼り付け
transpose_chars: 2 つの文字を入れ替え
undo: 最新のコマンドラインアクションまで元に戻す
redo: 最新のコマンドラインアクションまでやり直す
move_beginning_of_line: カーソルを行頭に移動
move_end_of_line: カーソルを行末まで移動
move_previous_char: カーソルを一つ前の文字に移動
move_next_char: カーソルを次の文字に移動
move_previous_word: カーソルを一つ前の単語に移動
move_next_word: カーソルを次の単語に移動
history_previous: 現在のバッファ履歴のひとつ前のコマンドを再呼び出し
history_next: 現在のバッファ履歴の次のコマンドを再呼び出し
history_global_previous: グローバル履歴の一つ前のコマンドを再呼び出し
history_global_next: グローバル履歴の次のコマンドを再呼び出し
jump_smart: 次のアクティブバッファに飛ぶ
jump_last_buffer_displayed: 表示されている最後のバッファに移動 (最新のバッファ移動の一つ前に表示されていたバッファ)
jump_previously_visited_buffer: 一つ前に訪れたバッファに移動
jump_next_visited_buffer: 次に訪れたバッファに移動
hotlist_clear: ホットリストを消去
grab_key: キーを横取り (任意引数: 最後の横取りからの遅延時間、デフォルトは 500 ミリ秒)
grab_key_command: あるコマンドに関連してキーを横取り (任意引数: 最後の横取りからの遅延時間、デフォルトは 500 ミリ秒)
grab_mouse: grab マウスイベントコードを横取り
grab_mouse_area: 範囲指定のマウスイベントコードを横取り
set_unread: 全てのバッファに対して未読マーカーを設定
set_unread_current_buffer: 現在のバッファに対して未読マーカーを設定
switch_active_buffer: 次のマージされたバッファに移動
switch_active_buffer_previous: 一つ前のマージされたバッファに移動
zoom_merged_buffer: マージされたバッファにズーム
insert: コマンドラインにテキストを挿入 (エスケープ文字も可、/help print を参照)
send: バッファにテキストを送信
paste_start: ペーストの開始 (括弧付きペーストモード)
paste_stop: ペーストの終了 (括弧付きペーストモード)
list of actions:
return: simulate key "enter"
complete_next: complete word with next completion
complete_previous: complete word with previous completion
search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position
search_text: search text in buffer
search_switch_case: switch exact case for search
search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression
search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes
search_previous: search previous line
search_next: search next line
search_stop_here: stop search at current position
search_stop: stop search
delete_previous_char: delete previous char
delete_next_char: delete next char
delete_previous_word: delete previous word
delete_next_word: delete next word
delete_beginning_of_line: delete from beginning of line until cursor
delete_end_of_line: delete from cursor until end of line
delete_line: delete entire line
clipboard_paste: paste from clipboard
transpose_chars: transpose two chars
undo: undo last command line action
redo: redo last command line action
move_beginning_of_line: move cursor to beginning of line
move_end_of_line: move cursor to end of line
move_previous_char: move cursor to previous char
move_next_char: move cursor to next char
move_previous_word: move cursor to previous word
move_next_word: move cursor to next word
history_previous: recall previous command in current buffer history
history_next: recall next command in current buffer history
history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history
history_global_next: recall next command in global history
jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity
jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer)
jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer
jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer
hotlist_clear: clear hotlist
grab_key: grab a key (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds)
grab_key_command: grab a key with its associated command (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds)
grab_mouse: grab mouse event code
grab_mouse_area: grab mouse event code with area
set_unread: set unread marker for all buffers
set_unread_current_buffer: set unread marker for current buffer
switch_active_buffer: switch to next merged buffer
switch_active_buffer_previous: switch to previous merged buffer
zoom_merged_buffer: zoom on merged buffer
insert: insert text in command line (escaped chars are allowed, see /help print)
send: send text to the buffer
paste_start: start paste (bracketed paste mode)
paste_stop: stop paste (bracketed paste mode)
This command is used by key bindings or plugins.
@ -942,6 +942,7 @@
*** 'scrolling' (integer)
*** 'start_col' (integer)
*** 'lines_after' (integer)
*** 'text_search_start_line' (pointer, hdata: "line")
*** 'prev_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
*** 'next_scroll' (pointer, hdata: "window_scroll")
* 'window_tree': drzewo okien
@ -414,58 +414,60 @@ Wartość: ilość elementów historii do pokazania
/input <akcja> [<argumenty>]
lista akcji:
return: symuluje klawisz "enter"
complete_next: dopełnia słowo następnym dopełnieniem
complete_previous: dopełnia słowo poprzednim dopełnieniem
search_text: szuka tekstu w buforze
search_switch_case: przełącza na dokładne dopasowanie przy szukaniu
search_switch_regex: przełącza typy wyszukiwania ciąg/wyrażenie regularne
search_switch_where: zmienia miejsce przeszukiwania na wiadomości/przedrostki
search_previous: szuka poprzednich linii
search_next: szuka następnych linii
search_stop: zatrzymuje wyszukiwanie
delete_previous_char: usuwa poprzedni znak
delete_next_char: usuwa następny znak
delete_previous_word: usuwa poprzednie słowo
delete_next_word: usuwa następne słowo
delete_beginning_of_line: usuwa od początku linii do kursora
delete_end_of_line: usuwa od kursora do końca linii
delete_line: usuwa cała linię
clipboard_paste: wkleja ze schowka
transpose_chars: zamienia dwa znaki
undo: cofa ostatnia akcję w linii poleceń
redo: ponownie wykonuje cofniętą akcję w linii poleceń
move_beginning_of_line: przesuwa kursor na początek linii
move_end_of_line: przesuwa kursor na koniec linii
move_previous_char: przesuwa kursor do poprzedniego znaku
move_next_char: przesuwa kursor do następnego znaku
move_previous_word: przesuwa kursor do poprzedniego słowa
move_next_word: przesuwa kursor do następnego słowa
history_previous: przywołuje poprzednia komendę z historii obecnego bufora
history_next: przywołuje następną komendę z historii obecnego bufora
history_global_previous: przywołuje poprzednią komendę z globalnej historii
history_global_next: przywołuje następną komendę z globalnej historii
jump_smart: przechodzi do następnego bufora z aktywnością
jump_last_buffer_displayed: przechodzi do ostatnio wyświetlanego bufora (przed ostatnim przeskoczeniem do bufora)
jump_previously_visited_buffer: przeskakuje do poprzedniego bufora
jump_next_visited_buffer: przeskakuje to następnego bufora
hotlist_clear: czyści hotlistę
grab_key: przechwytuje klawisz (opcjonalny argument: opóźnienie końca przechwycenia, domyślnie jest to 500 milisekund)
grab_key_command: przechwytuje klawisz z przypisaną komendą(opcjonalny argument: opóźnienie końca przechwycenia, domyślnie jest to 500 milisekund)
grab_mouse: przechwytuje kod zdarzenia myszy
grab_mouse_area: przechwytuje kod zdarzenia myszy z obszarem
set_unread: ustawia znacznik nie przeczytania dla wszystkich buforów
set_unread_current_buffer: ustawia znacznik nie przeczytania dla obecnego bufora
switch_active_buffer: przełącza do następnego połączonego buforu
switch_active_buffer_previous: przełącza do poprzedniego połączonego buforu
zoom_merged_buffer: zoom na połączony bufor
insert: wkleja tekst do linii poleceń (dozwolone są wyescapowane znaki, zobacz /help print)
send: wysyła tekst do bufora
paste_start: zaczyna wklejanie (tryb z rozpoznawaniem wklejanego tekstu)
paste_stop: kończy wklejanie (tryb z rozpoznawaniem wklejanego tekstu)
list of actions:
return: simulate key "enter"
complete_next: complete word with next completion
complete_previous: complete word with previous completion
search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position
search_text: search text in buffer
search_switch_case: switch exact case for search
search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression
search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes
search_previous: search previous line
search_next: search next line
search_stop_here: stop search at current position
search_stop: stop search
delete_previous_char: delete previous char
delete_next_char: delete next char
delete_previous_word: delete previous word
delete_next_word: delete next word
delete_beginning_of_line: delete from beginning of line until cursor
delete_end_of_line: delete from cursor until end of line
delete_line: delete entire line
clipboard_paste: paste from clipboard
transpose_chars: transpose two chars
undo: undo last command line action
redo: redo last command line action
move_beginning_of_line: move cursor to beginning of line
move_end_of_line: move cursor to end of line
move_previous_char: move cursor to previous char
move_next_char: move cursor to next char
move_previous_word: move cursor to previous word
move_next_word: move cursor to next word
history_previous: recall previous command in current buffer history
history_next: recall next command in current buffer history
history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history
history_global_next: recall next command in global history
jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity
jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer)
jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer
jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer
hotlist_clear: clear hotlist
grab_key: grab a key (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds)
grab_key_command: grab a key with its associated command (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds)
grab_mouse: grab mouse event code
grab_mouse_area: grab mouse event code with area
set_unread: set unread marker for all buffers
set_unread_current_buffer: set unread marker for current buffer
switch_active_buffer: switch to next merged buffer
switch_active_buffer_previous: switch to previous merged buffer
zoom_merged_buffer: zoom on merged buffer
insert: insert text in command line (escaped chars are allowed, see /help print)
send: send text to the buffer
paste_start: start paste (bracketed paste mode)
paste_stop: stop paste (bracketed paste mode)
Ta komenda jest używana do przypisywania klawiszy lub przez wtyczki.
This command is used by key bindings or plugins.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 09:41+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jiri Golembiovsky <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1698,12 +1698,14 @@ msgid ""
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 09:41+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
@ -1906,17 +1906,20 @@ msgstr "Funktionen für die Befehlszeile"
msgid "<action> [<arguments>]"
msgstr "<action> [<arguments>]"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list of actions:\n"
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 09:41+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1738,12 +1738,14 @@ msgid ""
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 09:44+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 19:51+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -1879,12 +1879,14 @@ msgid ""
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -1936,6 +1938,8 @@ msgstr ""
" return : simuler la touche \"entrée\"\n"
" complete_next : compléter le mot avec la complétion suivante\n"
" complete_previous : compléter le mot avec la complétion précédente\n"
" search_text_here : chercher du texte dans le tampon à la position "
" search_text : chercher du texte dans le tampon\n"
" search_switch_case : basculer la casse exacte pour la recherche\n"
" search_switch_regex : basculer le type de recherche : chaîne/expression "
@ -1943,6 +1947,7 @@ msgstr ""
" search_switch_where : basculer la recherche dans les messages/préfixes\n"
" search_previous : chercher la ligne précédente\n"
" search_next : chercher la ligne suivante\n"
" search_stop_here : arrêter la recherche à la position courante\n"
" search_stop : arrêter la recherche\n"
" delete_previous_char : effacer le caractère précédent\n"
" delete_next_char : effacer le caractère suivant\n"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1567,12 +1567,14 @@ msgid ""
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1780,12 +1780,14 @@ msgid ""
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <>\n"
@ -1822,17 +1822,20 @@ msgstr "コマンドライン関数"
msgid "<action> [<arguments>]"
msgstr "<action> [<arguments>]"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list of actions:\n"
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1857,17 +1857,20 @@ msgstr "funkcje linii komend"
msgid "<action> [<arguments>]"
msgstr "<akcja> [<argumenty>]"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list of actions:\n"
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Eduardo Elias <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1791,12 +1791,14 @@ msgid ""
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1589,12 +1589,14 @@ msgid ""
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-10 21:33+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasan Kiran <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1418,12 +1418,14 @@ msgid ""
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 09:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-26 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1420,12 +1420,14 @@ msgid ""
" return: simulate key \"enter\"\n"
" complete_next: complete word with next completion\n"
" complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n"
" search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n"
" search_text: search text in buffer\n"
" search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n"
" search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n"
" search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n"
" search_previous: search previous line\n"
" search_next: search next line\n"
" search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n"
" search_stop: stop search\n"
" delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n"
" delete_next_char: delete next char\n"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user