irc: allow to send text on buffers with commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2020-07-20 22:39:28 +02:00
parent ee3a4a1fc0
commit 84e30438d4
23 changed files with 499 additions and 451 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@[release notes]
New features::
* irc: allow to send text on buffers with commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv
* irc: evaluate command executed by commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv (issue #1536)
Bug fixes::

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@ -20,6 +20,34 @@[ChangeLog]
== Version 3.0 (under dev)
=== IRC commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv
The command and arguments given to commands `/allchan`, `/allpv` and `/allserv`
are now evaluated (see /help on the commands for more information).
Additionally, a breaking change has been introduced: the leading `/` is now
required in these commands, so this allows to send text to buffers without
using the command `/msg * xxx`.
So with previous releases, to say "hello" on all channels:
/allchan msg * hello
Now it can be done like this:
/allchan hello
If you want to use a command, you must add explicitly the leading `/`:
/allchan /msg * hello
=== Default "beep" trigger

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ target: Servername
-current: execute command for channels of current server only
-exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
execute '/me is testing' on all channels:
/allchan me is testing
/allchan /me is testing
say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello
/allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello
/allchan -include=#linux* hello
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Examples:
-current: execute command for private buffers of current server only
-exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:
/allpv me is testing
/allpv /me is testing
say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:
/allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello
/allpv -exclude=foo hello
say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello
say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:
/allpv -include=bar* msg * hello
/allpv -include=bar* hello
close all private buffers:
/allpv close
/allpv /close
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Examples:
-exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
change nick on all servers:
/allserv nick newnick
/allserv /nick newnick
set away on all servers:
/allserv away I'm away
/allserv /away I'm away
do a whois on my nick on all servers:
/allserv whois $nick
/allserv /whois $nick
@ -1004,31 +1004,31 @@ target: Antwort soll auf diese Suchmaske zutreffen
addcompletion <completion> <alias> [<command>[;<command>...]]
del <alias> [<alias>...]
list: listet Alternativbefehle auf (ohne Angabe von Argumenten wird diese Liste dargestellt)
add: fügt einen Alternativbefehl hinzu
addcompletion: fügt einen Alternativbefehl, mit einer benutzerdefinierten Vervollständigung, hinzu
del: entfernt einen Alternativbefehl
completion: Vervollständigung für Alternativbefehl: standardmäßig wird die Vervollständigung auf den Zielbefehl angewendet
Hinweis: Mit der Variablen "%%command" kann eine Vervollständigung eines vorhandenen Befehls durchgeführt werden
alias: Name des Alternativbefehls
command: Name des zuzuordnenden Befehls, inklusive Argumenten (mehrere Befehle können durch Semikolon getrennt werden)
list: list aliases (without argument, this list is displayed)
add: add an alias
addcompletion: add an alias with a custom completion
del: delete an alias
completion: completion for alias: by default completion is done with target command
note: you can use %%command to use completion of an existing command
alias: name of alias
command: command name with arguments (many commands can be separated by semicolons)
Anmerkung: Im Befehl können Variablen genutzt werden, die dann durch den entsprechenden Wert ersetzt werden:
$n: Argument 'n' (zwischen 1 und 9)
$-m: Argumente von 1 bis 'm'
$n-: Argumente von 'n' bis zum letzten Argument
$n-m: Argumente von 'n' bis 'm'
$*: alle Argumente
$~: letztes Argument
$var: "var" ist eine lokale Variable für den jeweiligen Buffer (siehe /buffer localvar)
Beispiel: $nick, $channel, $server, $plugin, $name
Note: in command, special variables are replaced:
$n: argument 'n' (between 1 and 9)
$-m: arguments from 1 to 'm'
$n-: arguments from 'n' to last
$n-m: arguments from 'n' to 'm'
$*: all arguments
$~: last argument
$var: where "var" is a local variable of buffer (see /buffer localvar)
examples: $nick, $channel, $server, $plugin, $name
Alternativbefehl "/split" wird anlegt um ein Fenster horizontal zu teilen:
alias /split to split window horizontally:
/alias add split /window splith
Alternativbefehl "/hallo" wird angelegt um in allen Channels, außer im #weechat Channel, den Text "Hallo" auszugeben:
/alias add hallo /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hallo
Alternativbefehl "/forcejoin" wird angelegt um den IRC Befehl "forcejoin" mit einer Vervollständigung von /sajoin auszuführen:
alias /hello to say "hello" on all channels but not on #weechat:
/alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
alias /forcejoin to send IRC command "forcejoin" with completion of /sajoin:
/alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin
// end::alias_commands[]

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ target: server name
-current: execute command for channels of current server only
-exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
execute '/me is testing' on all channels:
/allchan me is testing
/allchan /me is testing
say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello
/allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello
/allchan -include=#linux* hello
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Examples:
-current: execute command for private buffers of current server only
-exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:
/allpv me is testing
/allpv /me is testing
say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:
/allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello
/allpv -exclude=foo hello
say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello
say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:
/allpv -include=bar* msg * hello
/allpv -include=bar* hello
close all private buffers:
/allpv close
/allpv /close
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Examples:
-exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
change nick on all servers:
/allserv nick newnick
/allserv /nick newnick
set away on all servers:
/allserv away I'm away
/allserv /away I'm away
do a whois on my nick on all servers:
/allserv whois $nick
/allserv /whois $nick
@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ Examples:
alias /split to split window horizontally:
/alias add split /window splith
alias /hello to say "hello" on all channels but not on #weechat:
/alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello
/alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
alias /forcejoin to send IRC command "forcejoin" with completion of /sajoin:
/alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ cible : nom du serveur
-current : exécuter la commande pour les canaux du serveur courant seulement
-exclude : exclure certains canaux (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé)
-include : inclure seulement certains canaux (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé)
commande : commande à exécuter
commande : commande à exécuter (ou texte à envoyer au tampon si la commande ne commence pas par '/')
La commande et les paramètres sont évalués (voir /help eval), les variables suivantes sont remplacées :
$server nom du serveur
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ La commande et les paramètres sont évalués (voir /help eval), les variables s
Exemples :
exécuter '/me teste' sur tous les canaux :
/allchan me teste
/allchan /me teste
dire 'bonjour' partout sauf sur #weechat :
/allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * bonjour
/allchan -exclude=#weechat bonjour
dire 'bonjour' partout sauf sur #weechat et les canaux commençant par #linux :
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * bonjour
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* bonjour
dire 'bonjour' sur tous les canaux commençant par #linux :
/allchan -include=#linux* msg * bonjour
/allchan -include=#linux* bonjour
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Exemples :
-current : exécuter la commande pour les tampons privés du serveur courant seulement
-exclude : exclure certains pseudos (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé)
-include : inclure seulement certains pseudos (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé)
commande : commande à exécuter
commande : commande à exécuter (ou texte à envoyer au tampon si la commande ne commence pas par '/')
La commande et les paramètres sont évalués (voir /help eval), les variables suivantes sont remplacées :
$server nom du serveur
@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ La commande et les paramètres sont évalués (voir /help eval), les variables s
Exemples :
exécuter '/me teste' sur tous les tampons privés :
/allpv me teste
/allpv /me teste
dire 'bonjour' partout sauf sur pour le pseudo foo :
/allpv -exclude=foo msg * bonjour
/allpv -exclude=foo bonjour
dire 'bonjour' partout sauf pour le pseudo foo et les pseudos commençant par bar :
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * bonjour
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* bonjour
dire 'bonjour' pour tous les pseudos commençant par bar :
/allpv -include=bar* msg * bonjour
/allpv -include=bar* bonjour
fermer tous les tampons privés :
/allpv close
/allpv /close
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Exemples :
-exclude : exclure certains serveurs (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé)
-include : inclure seulement certains serveurs (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé)
commande : commande à exécuter
commande : commande à exécuter (ou texte à envoyer au tampon si la commande ne commence pas par '/')
La commande et les paramètres sont évalués (voir /help eval), les variables suivantes sont remplacées :
$server nom du serveur
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ La commande et les paramètres sont évalués (voir /help eval), les variables s
Exemples :
changer de pseudo sur tous les serveurs :
/allserv nick newnick
/allserv /nick newnick
positionner l'absence sur tous les serveurs :
/allserv away Je suis absent
/allserv /away Je suis absent
faire un whois sur mon pseudo sur tous les serveurs :
/allserv whois $nick
/allserv /whois $nick
@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ Exemples :
alias /split pour diviser la fenêtre horizontalement :
/alias add split /window splith
alias /hello pour dire "hello" sur tous les canaux mais pas sur #weechat :
/alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello
/alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
alias /forcejoin pour envoyer la commande IRC "forcejoin" avec la complétion de /sajoin :
/alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ destinazione: nome server
-current: execute command for channels of current server only
-exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
execute '/me is testing' on all channels:
/allchan me is testing
/allchan /me is testing
say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello
/allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello
/allchan -include=#linux* hello
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Examples:
-current: execute command for private buffers of current server only
-exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:
/allpv me is testing
/allpv /me is testing
say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:
/allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello
/allpv -exclude=foo hello
say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello
say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:
/allpv -include=bar* msg * hello
/allpv -include=bar* hello
close all private buffers:
/allpv close
/allpv /close
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Examples:
-exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
change nick on all servers:
/allserv nick newnick
/allserv /nick newnick
set away on all servers:
/allserv away I'm away
/allserv /away I'm away
do a whois on my nick on all servers:
/allserv whois $nick
/allserv /whois $nick
@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ Examples:
alias /split to split window horizontally:
/alias add split /window splith
alias /hello to say "hello" on all channels but not on #weechat:
/alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello
/alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
alias /forcejoin to send IRC command "forcejoin" with completion of /sajoin:
/alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ target: サーバ名
-current: execute command for channels of current server only
-exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
execute '/me is testing' on all channels:
/allchan me is testing
/allchan /me is testing
say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello
/allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello
/allchan -include=#linux* hello
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Examples:
-current: execute command for private buffers of current server only
-exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:
/allpv me is testing
/allpv /me is testing
say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:
/allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello
/allpv -exclude=foo hello
say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello
say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:
/allpv -include=bar* msg * hello
/allpv -include=bar* hello
close all private buffers:
/allpv close
/allpv /close
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Examples:
-exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
change nick on all servers:
/allserv nick newnick
/allserv /nick newnick
set away on all servers:
/allserv away I'm away
/allserv /away I'm away
do a whois on my nick on all servers:
/allserv whois $nick
/allserv /whois $nick
@ -1004,31 +1004,31 @@ target: マスクに一致するものだけを返す
addcompletion <completion> <alias> [<command>[;<command>...]]
del <alias> [<alias>...]
list: 別名をリストアップ (引数を与えなかった場合、このリストが表示されます)
add: 別名を追加
addcompletion: カスタム補完を指定して別名を追加
del: 別名を削除
completion: 別名の補完: デフォルトでは対象のコマンドに対する補完が行われます
注意: %%command で既存のコマンドに対する補完を利用可能です
alias: 別名の名前
command: 引数を含めたコマンド名 (セミコロンで分割すれば複数のコマンドを指定できます)
list: list aliases (without argument, this list is displayed)
add: add an alias
addcompletion: add an alias with a custom completion
del: delete an alias
completion: completion for alias: by default completion is done with target command
note: you can use %%command to use completion of an existing command
alias: name of alias
command: command name with arguments (many commands can be separated by semicolons)
注意: command の中に含まれる特殊変数は置換されます:
$n: 'n' 番目の引数 (1 から 9)
$-m: 1 から 'm' 番目の引数
$n-: 'n' 番目から最後の引数
$n-m: 'n' から 'm' 番目の引数
$*: 全ての引数
$~: 最後の引数
$var: ここで "var" とはバッファの局所変数 (/buffer localvar を参照してください)
例: $nick、$channel、$server、$plugin、$name
Note: in command, special variables are replaced:
$n: argument 'n' (between 1 and 9)
$-m: arguments from 1 to 'm'
$n-: arguments from 'n' to last
$n-m: arguments from 'n' to 'm'
$*: all arguments
$~: last argument
$var: where "var" is a local variable of buffer (see /buffer localvar)
examples: $nick, $channel, $server, $plugin, $name
/split をウィンドウを水平方向に分割する別名と定義:
alias /split to split window horizontally:
/alias add split /window splith
/hello を #weechat を除く全てのチャンネルで "hello" と発言する別名と定義:
/alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello
/forcejoin を /sajoin の補完候補を使い IRC コマンド "forcejoin" を送信する別名と定義:
alias /hello to say "hello" on all channels but not on #weechat:
/alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
alias /forcejoin to send IRC command "forcejoin" with completion of /sajoin:
/alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin
// end::alias_commands[]

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ cel: nazwa serwera
-current: execute command for channels of current server only
-exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
execute '/me is testing' on all channels:
/allchan me is testing
/allchan /me is testing
say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello
/allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello
/allchan -include=#linux* hello
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Examples:
-current: execute command for private buffers of current server only
-exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:
/allpv me is testing
/allpv /me is testing
say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:
/allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello
/allpv -exclude=foo hello
say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello
/allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello
say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:
/allpv -include=bar* msg * hello
/allpv -include=bar* hello
close all private buffers:
/allpv close
/allpv /close
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Examples:
-exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server server name
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables ar
change nick on all servers:
/allserv nick newnick
/allserv /nick newnick
set away on all servers:
/allserv away I'm away
/allserv /away I'm away
do a whois on my nick on all servers:
/allserv whois $nick
/allserv /whois $nick
@ -1003,32 +1003,32 @@ cel: odpowiedź powinna pasować do maski
addcompletion <dopełnienie> <alias> [<komenda>[;<komenda>...]]
del <alias> [<alias>...]
list: lista aliasów (ta lista wyświetlana jest jeśli nie zostanie podany argument)
add: dodaje alias
addcompletion: dodaje alias z niestandardowym dopełnieniem
del: usuwa alias
completion: dopełnienie dla aliasu: domyślnie dopełnienie wykonuje się z docelową komendą
uwaga: można użyć %%komenda w celu użycia dopełnień dla istniejących komend
alias: nazwa aliasu
komenda: nazwa komendy (wiele komend można oddzielić za pomocą średnika)
list: list aliases (without argument, this list is displayed)
add: add an alias
addcompletion: add an alias with a custom completion
del: delete an alias
completion: completion for alias: by default completion is done with target command
note: you can use %%command to use completion of an existing command
alias: name of alias
command: command name with arguments (many commands can be separated by semicolons)
Ważne: dla komend specjalne zmienne są zastępowane odpowiednimi wartościami:
$n: argument 'n' (pomiędzy 1 i 9)
$-m: argumenty od 1 do 'm'
$n-: argumenty od 'n' do ostatniego
$n-m: argumenty od 'n' od 'm'
$*: wszystkie argumenty
$~: ostatni argument
$var: gdzie "var" to zmienna lokalna buforu (zobacz /buffer localvar)
przykłady: $nick, $channel, $server, $plugin, $name
Note: in command, special variables are replaced:
$n: argument 'n' (between 1 and 9)
$-m: arguments from 1 to 'm'
$n-: arguments from 'n' to last
$n-m: arguments from 'n' to 'm'
$*: all arguments
$~: last argument
$var: where "var" is a local variable of buffer (see /buffer localvar)
examples: $nick, $channel, $server, $plugin, $name
alias /split do poziomego podziału okna:
/alias split /window splith
alias /hello pisze "hello" na wszystkich kanałach poza #weechat:
/alias hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello
alias /forcejoin wysyłający komende IRC "forcejoin" z dopełnieniem dla /sajoin:
/alias -completion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin
alias /split to split window horizontally:
/alias add split /window splith
alias /hello to say "hello" on all channels but not on #weechat:
/alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
alias /forcejoin to send IRC command "forcejoin" with completion of /sajoin:
/alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin
// end::alias_commands[]

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-28 16:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -4864,7 +4864,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -6533,7 +6533,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6545,14 +6546,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
" -current: vynechat příkaz pouze pro kanály aktuálního serveru\n"
" -exclude: vynechat některé kanály ('*' je povolená na začátku nebo konci "
@ -6583,7 +6584,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6595,15 +6597,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
" -current: vynechat příkaz pouze pro kanály aktuálního serveru\n"
" -exclude: vynechat některé kanály ('*' je povolená na začátku nebo konci "
@ -6632,7 +6634,8 @@ msgstr "[-exclude=<server>[,<server>...]] <příkaz> [<argumenty>]"
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6642,11 +6645,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
" -exclude: vynechat některé servery (pro vynechání více serverů je dovoleno "
"'*' na začátku nebo konci jména serveru)\n"

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-04 14:06+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
@ -5803,7 +5803,7 @@ msgstr ""
"list [<alias>] || add <alias> [<command>[;<command>...]] || addcompletion "
"<completion> <alias> [<command>[;<command>...]] || del <alias> [<alias>...]"
#, no-c-format
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" list: list aliases (without argument, this list is displayed)\n"
" add: add an alias\n"
@ -5832,7 +5832,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -8037,7 +8037,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -8049,14 +8050,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
" -current: führt einen Befehl aus der an alle Channels des aktuellen Servers "
"gesendet wird\n"
@ -8098,7 +8099,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -8110,15 +8112,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
" -current: führt einen Befehl aus der für alle privaten Buffer, des "
"aktuellen Servers, Anwendung findet\n"
@ -8159,7 +8161,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -8169,11 +8172,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
" -exclude: dient zum Ausschluss ausgewählter Server (Platzhalter \"*\" kann "
"verwendet werden)\n"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-28 16:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -5058,7 +5058,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -6746,7 +6746,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6758,14 +6759,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
" -current: ejecuta comando para los canales del servidor actual solamente\n"
" -exclude: excluye algunos canales ('*' está permitido al principio o final "
@ -6798,7 +6799,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6810,15 +6812,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
" -current: ejecuta comando para los canales del servidor actual solamente\n"
" -exclude: excluye algunos canales ('*' está permitido al principio o final "
@ -6848,7 +6850,8 @@ msgstr "[-exclude=<servidor>[,<servidor>...]] <comando> [<argumentos>]"
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6858,11 +6861,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
" -exclude: excluye algunos servidores ('*' está permitido al principio o "
"final del nombre del servidor, para excluir varios servidores)\n"

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:01+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-20 22:18+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-20 22:26+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -5699,7 +5699,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -5733,7 +5733,7 @@ msgstr ""
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello pour dire \"hello\" sur tous les canaux mais pas sur "
"#weechat :\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin pour envoyer la commande IRC \"forcejoin\" avec la "
"complétion de /sajoin :\n"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -7865,7 +7865,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7877,14 +7878,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
" -current : exécuter la commande pour les canaux du serveur courant "
@ -7892,7 +7893,8 @@ msgstr ""
" -include : inclure seulement certains canaux (le caractère joker \"*\" est "
" commande : commande à exécuter\n"
" commande : commande à exécuter (ou texte à envoyer au tampon si la "
"commande ne commence pas par '/')\n"
"La commande et les paramètres sont évalués (voir /help eval), les variables "
"suivantes sont remplacées :\n"
@ -7904,14 +7906,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Exemples :\n"
" exécuter '/me teste' sur tous les canaux :\n"
" /allchan me teste\n"
" /allchan /me teste\n"
" dire 'bonjour' partout sauf sur #weechat :\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * bonjour\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat bonjour\n"
" dire 'bonjour' partout sauf sur #weechat et les canaux commençant par "
"#linux :\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * bonjour\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* bonjour\n"
" dire 'bonjour' sur tous les canaux commençant par #linux :\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * bonjour"
" /allchan -include=#linux* bonjour"
msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers"
msgstr ""
@ -7929,7 +7931,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7941,15 +7944,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
" -current : exécuter la commande pour les tampons privés du serveur courant "
@ -7957,7 +7960,8 @@ msgstr ""
" -include : inclure seulement certains pseudos (le caractère joker \"*\" "
"est autorisé)\n"
" commande : commande à exécuter\n"
" commande : commande à exécuter (ou texte à envoyer au tampon si la "
"commande ne commence pas par '/')\n"
"La commande et les paramètres sont évalués (voir /help eval), les variables "
"suivantes sont remplacées :\n"
@ -7969,16 +7973,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Exemples :\n"
" exécuter '/me teste' sur tous les tampons privés :\n"
" /allpv me teste\n"
" /allpv /me teste\n"
" dire 'bonjour' partout sauf sur pour le pseudo foo :\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * bonjour\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo bonjour\n"
" dire 'bonjour' partout sauf pour le pseudo foo et les pseudos commençant "
"par bar :\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * bonjour\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* bonjour\n"
" dire 'bonjour' pour tous les pseudos commençant par bar :\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * bonjour\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* bonjour\n"
" fermer tous les tampons privés :\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgid "execute a command on all connected servers"
msgstr "exécuter une commande sur tous les serveurs connectés"
@ -7993,7 +7997,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -8003,17 +8008,18 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
" -exclude : exclure certains serveurs (le caractère joker \"*\" est "
" -include : inclure seulement certains serveurs (le caractère joker \"*\" "
"est autorisé)\n"
" commande : commande à exécuter\n"
" commande : commande à exécuter (ou texte à envoyer au tampon si la "
"commande ne commence pas par '/')\n"
"La commande et les paramètres sont évalués (voir /help eval), les variables "
"suivantes sont remplacées :\n"
@ -8023,11 +8029,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Exemples :\n"
" changer de pseudo sur tous les serveurs :\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" positionner l'absence sur tous les serveurs :\n"
" /allserv away Je suis absent\n"
" /allserv /away Je suis absent\n"
" faire un whois sur mon pseudo sur tous les serveurs :\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgid "ban nicks or hosts"
msgstr "bannir des pseudos ou hôtes"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-28 16:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -4419,7 +4419,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -6052,7 +6052,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6064,14 +6065,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
@ -6088,7 +6089,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6100,15 +6102,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
@ -6123,7 +6125,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6133,11 +6136,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-28 16:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -5191,7 +5191,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -6917,7 +6917,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6929,14 +6930,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
" -current: esegue il comando solo per i canali del server corrente\n"
" -exclude: esclude alcunu canali ('*' è consentito all'inizio o alla fine "
@ -6968,7 +6969,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6980,15 +6982,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
" -current: esegue il comando solo per i canali del server corrente\n"
" -exclude: esclude alcunu canali ('*' è consentito all'inizio o alla fine "
@ -7018,7 +7020,8 @@ msgstr "[-exclude=<server>[,<server>...]] <comando> [<argomenti>]"
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7028,11 +7031,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
" -exclude: esclude alcuni server ('*' è consentito all'inizio o alla fine "
"del nome server, per escludere più server)\n"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-28 16:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
@ -5388,7 +5388,7 @@ msgstr ""
"list [<alias>] || add <alias> [<command>[;<command>...]] || addcompletion "
"<completion> <alias> [<command>[;<command>...]] || del <alias> [<alias>...]"
#, no-c-format
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" list: list aliases (without argument, this list is displayed)\n"
" add: add an alias\n"
@ -5417,7 +5417,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -7504,7 +7504,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7516,14 +7517,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
" -current: 現在のサーバ上のチャンネルに対してコマンドを実行\n"
" -exclude: 一部のチャンネルを除く全てのチャンネルに対してコマンドを実行 (ワイ"
@ -7562,7 +7563,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7574,15 +7576,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
" -current: 現在のサーバ上の全てのプライベートバッファに対してコマンドを実行\n"
" -exclude: 一部のニックネームを除外した全てのプライベートバッファに対してコマ"
@ -7622,7 +7624,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7632,11 +7635,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
" -exclude: 一部のサーバを除く全てのサーバに対してコマンドを実行 (ワイルドカー"
"ド \"*\" を使うことができます)\n"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-28 16:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
@ -5521,7 +5521,7 @@ msgstr ""
"list [<alias>] || add <alias> [<komenda>[;<komenda>...]] || addcompletion "
"<dopełnienie> <alias> [<komenda>[;<komenda>...]] || del <alias> [<alias>...]"
#, no-c-format
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" list: list aliases (without argument, this list is displayed)\n"
" add: add an alias\n"
@ -5550,7 +5550,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -7657,7 +7657,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7669,14 +7670,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
" -current: wykonuje komendę tylko na kanałach obecnego serwera\n"
" -exclude: wyklucza niektóre kanały (wildcard \"*\" jest dozwolony)\n"
@ -7714,7 +7715,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7726,15 +7728,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
" -current: wykonuje komendę tylko na prywatnych buforach obecnego serwera\n"
" -exclude: wyklucza niektóre nicki (wildcard \"*\" jest dozwolony)\n"
@ -7771,7 +7773,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7781,11 +7784,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
" -exclude: wyklucza niektóre serwery (wildcard \"*\" jest dozwolony)\n"
" -include: uwzględnia tylko niektóre znaki (wildcard \"*\" est dozwolony)\n"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-28 16:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
@ -5442,7 +5442,7 @@ msgstr ""
"list [<alias>] || add <alias> [<comando>[;<comando>...]] || addcompletion "
"<completação> <alias> [<comando>[;<comando>...]] || del <alias> [<alias>...]"
#, no-c-format
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" list: list aliases (without argument, this list is displayed)\n"
" add: add an alias\n"
@ -5471,7 +5471,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -7289,7 +7289,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7301,14 +7302,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
" -current: executar o comando só nos canais do servidor atual\n"
" -exclude: excluir alguns canais (o caráter universal \"*\" é permitido)\n"
@ -7340,7 +7341,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7352,15 +7354,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
" -current: executar o comando só nos buffers privados do servidor atual\n"
" -exclude: excluir alguns nicks (o caráter universal \"*\" é permitido)\n"
@ -7391,7 +7393,8 @@ msgstr "[-exclude=<servidor>[,<servidor>...]] <comando> [<argumentos>]"
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -7401,11 +7404,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
" -exclude: excluir alguns servidores (o caráter universal \"*\" é "

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-18 11:34+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Eduardo Elias <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -5041,7 +5041,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -6692,7 +6692,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6704,14 +6705,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers"
@ -6727,7 +6728,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6739,15 +6741,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command on all connected servers"
@ -6761,7 +6763,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6771,11 +6774,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
msgid "ban nicks or hosts"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-28 16:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -4457,7 +4457,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -6093,7 +6093,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6105,14 +6106,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
@ -6129,7 +6130,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6141,15 +6143,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
@ -6164,7 +6166,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6174,11 +6177,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:16+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-03 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasan Kiran <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -4040,7 +4040,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -5602,7 +5602,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -5614,14 +5615,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers"
@ -5637,7 +5638,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -5649,15 +5651,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command on all connected servers"
@ -5672,7 +5674,8 @@ msgstr "[-exclude=<sunucu>[,<sunucu>...]] <komut> [<argümanlar>]"
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -5682,11 +5685,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
msgid "ban nicks or hosts"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-20 22:25+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -4026,7 +4026,7 @@ msgid ""
" alias /split to split window horizontally:\n"
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on #weechat:\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with completion of /"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"
@ -5544,7 +5544,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -5556,14 +5557,14 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers"
@ -5578,7 +5579,8 @@ msgid ""
" -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -5590,15 +5592,15 @@ msgid ""
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"
" /allpv /close"
msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command on all connected servers"
@ -5612,7 +5614,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
"start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -5622,11 +5625,11 @@ msgid ""
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"
" /allserv /whois $nick"
msgstr ""
msgid "ban nicks or hosts"

View File

@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ alias_command_init ()
" /alias add split /window splith\n"
" alias /hello to say \"hello\" on all channels but not on "
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" alias /forcejoin to send IRC command \"forcejoin\" with "
"completion of /sajoin:\n"
" /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin"),

View File

@ -464,24 +464,12 @@ irc_command_exec_all_channels (struct t_irc_server *server,
struct t_irc_server *ptr_server, *next_server;
struct t_irc_channel *ptr_channel, *next_channel;
struct t_weelist *list_buffers;
char **channels, *str_command;
int num_channels, length, picked, i;
char **channels;
int num_channels, picked, i;
if (!command || !command[0])
if (!weechat_string_is_command_char (command))
length = 1 + strlen (command) + 1;
str_command = malloc (length);
snprintf (str_command, length, "/%s", command);
str_command = strdup (command);
if (!str_command)
channels = (str_channels && str_channels[0]) ?
weechat_string_split (str_channels, ",", NULL,
@ -542,10 +530,9 @@ irc_command_exec_all_channels (struct t_irc_server *server,
/* execute the command on channel/pv buffers */
irc_command_exec_buffers (list_buffers, str_command);
irc_command_exec_buffers (list_buffers, command);
weechat_list_free (list_buffers);
free (str_command);
if (channels)
weechat_string_free_split (channels);
@ -699,24 +686,12 @@ irc_command_exec_all_servers (int inclusive, const char *str_servers, const char
struct t_irc_server *ptr_server, *next_server;
struct t_weelist *list_buffers;
char **servers, *str_command;
int num_servers, length, picked, i;
char **servers;
int num_servers, picked, i;
if (!command || !command[0])
if (!weechat_string_is_command_char (command))
length = 1 + strlen (command) + 1;
str_command = malloc (length);
snprintf (str_command, length, "/%s", command);
str_command = strdup (command);
if (!str_command)
servers = (str_servers && str_servers[0]) ?
weechat_string_split (str_servers, ",", NULL,
@ -763,10 +738,9 @@ irc_command_exec_all_servers (int inclusive, const char *str_servers, const char
/* execute the command on server buffers */
irc_command_exec_buffers (list_buffers, str_command);
irc_command_exec_buffers (list_buffers, command);
weechat_list_free (list_buffers);
free (str_command);
if (servers)
weechat_string_free_split (servers);
@ -6401,7 +6375,8 @@ irc_command_init ()
N_(" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if "
"command does not start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6413,14 +6388,14 @@ irc_command_init ()
" execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
" /allchan me is testing\n"
" /allchan /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning "
"with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* msg * hello\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* msg * hello"),
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"),
"-current", &irc_command_allchan, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hook_command (
@ -6431,7 +6406,8 @@ irc_command_init ()
" -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some nicks (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if "
"command does not start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6443,16 +6419,16 @@ irc_command_init ()
" execute '/me is testing' on all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv me is testing\n"
" /allpv /me is testing\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo hello\n"
" say 'hello' everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning "
"with bar:\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello\n"
" say 'hello' for all nicks beginning with bar:\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* msg * hello\n"
" /allpv -include=bar* hello\n"
" close all private buffers:\n"
" /allpv close"),
" /allpv /close"),
"-current", &irc_command_allpv, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hook_command (
@ -6462,7 +6438,8 @@ irc_command_init ()
N_(" -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some servers (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if "
"command does not start with '/')\n"
"Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
"variables are replaced:\n"
@ -6472,11 +6449,11 @@ irc_command_init ()
" change nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv nick newnick\n"
" /allserv /nick newnick\n"
" set away on all servers:\n"
" /allserv away I'm away\n"
" /allserv /away I'm away\n"
" do a whois on my nick on all servers:\n"
" /allserv whois $nick"),
" /allserv /whois $nick"),
NULL, &irc_command_allserv, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hook_command_run ("/away", &irc_command_run_away, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hook_command (