core: add support of modifiers in evaluation of expressions with "modifier:name,data,string" (issue #60)

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2019-10-06 09:13:35 +02:00
parent 1a0ba4a9dc
commit 88aa82d672
27 changed files with 353 additions and 254 deletions

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ New features::
* core: add length of string (number of chars and on screen) in evaluation of expressions with "length:xxx" and "lengthscr:xxx"
* core: add calculation of expression in evaluation of expressions with "calc:xxx" (issue #997)
* core: add support of modifiers in evaluation of expressions with "modifier:name,data,string"
* api: add modifier "color_encode_ansi" (issue #528)
* api: add modifier "eval_path_home"
* irc: add "user" in output of irc_message_parse (issue #136)

View File

@ -266,67 +266,68 @@ infolists: zeigt Information über die Infolists an
/eval [-n|-s] <expression>
[-n] -c <expression1> <operator> <expression2>
-n: gibt das Ergebnis aus, ohne das dieses in den Buffer gesendet wird (debug Modus)
-s: teilt Ausdrücke bevor sie evaluiert werden (mehrere Befehle können durch Semikolon getrennt werden)
-c: Auswertung als Bedingung: nutzt Operatoren und runde Klammern, Rückgabewert als Boolean-Wert ("0" oder "1")
expression: Ausdruck welcher verarbeitet werden soll. Variablen im Format ${variable} werden ersetzt (siehe unten); mehrere Befehle werden durch ein Semikolon voneinander getrennt
operator: ein logischer oder vergleichender Operand:
- logische Operanden:
&& boolean "und"
|| boolean "oder"
- vergleichende Operanden:
== gleich
!= ungleich
<= kleiner oder gleich
< kleiner
>= größer oder gleich
> größer
=~ stimmt mit regulärem POSIX Ausdruck überein
!~ stimmt NICHT mit regulärem POSIX Ausdruck überein
=* stimmt mit Maske überein (Platzhalter "*" ist erlaubt)
!* stimmt mit Maske NICHT überein (Platzhalter "*" ist erlaubt)
-n: display result without sending it to buffer (debug mode)
-s: split expression before evaluating it (many commands can be separated by semicolons)
-c: evaluate as condition: use operators and parentheses, return a boolean value ("0" or "1")
expression: expression to evaluate, variables with format ${variable} are replaced (see below); many commands can be separated by semicolons
operator: a logical or comparison operator:
- logical operators:
&& boolean "and"
|| boolean "or"
- comparison operators:
== equal
!= not equal
<= less or equal
< less
>= greater or equal
> greater
=~ is matching POSIX extended regex
!~ is NOT matching POSIX extended regex
=* is matching mask (wildcard "*" is allowed)
!* is NOT matching mask (wildcard "*" is allowed)
Ein Ausdruck gilt als "wahr" sofern das Ergebnis weder NULL, nicht leer und von "0" abweichend ist.
Für einen Vergleich werden Fließkommazahlen genutzt sofern es sich bei beiden Ausdrücken um gültige Nummer handelt, folgende Formate werden unterstützt:
- Integer (Beispiele: 5, -7)
- Fließkommazahl (Beispiele: 5.2, -7.5, 2.83e-2)
- hexadezimale Zahl (Beispiele: 0xA3, -0xA3)
Um einen Vergleich zwischen zwei Zeichenketten zu erzwingen, müssen die Ausdrücke in Anführungszeichen gesetzt werden, zum Beispiel:
An expression is considered as "true" if it is not NULL, not empty, and different from "0".
The comparison is made using floating point numbers if the two expressions are valid numbers, with one of the following formats:
- integer (examples: 5, -7)
- floating point number (examples: 5.2, -7.5, 2.83e-2)
- hexadecimal number (examples: 0xA3, -0xA3)
To force a string comparison, you can add double quotes around each expression, for example:
50 > 100 ==> 0
"50" > "100" ==> 1
Einige Variablen werden im Ausdruck, mittels der Formatierung ${variable}, ersetzt. Mögliche Variablen sind, nach Reihenfolge ihrer Priorität:
1. eine evaluierte Teilzeichenkette (Format: "eval:xxx")
2. eine Zeichenkette mit Escapesequenzen (Format: "esc:xxx" oder "\xxx")
3. Zeichen welche in einer Zeichenkette nicht dargestellt werden sollen (Format: "hide:Zeichen,Zeichenkette")
4. eine Zeichenkette mit einer maximalen Anzahl an Zeichen (Format: "cut:+Max,Suffix,Zeichenkette")
oder maximale Anzahl an Zeichen die auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt werden sollen (Format: "cutscr:Max,Suffix,Zeichenkette oder "cutscr:+Max,Suffix,Zeichenkette")
5. Ende einer Zeichenkette nutzen (Format: "rev:xxx")
6. Wiederholung einer Zeichenkette (Format: "repeat:Anzahl,Zeichenkette")
7. Länge einer Zeichenkette (Format: "length:xxx" oder "lengthscr:xxx")
8. eine Farbe (Format: "color:xxx", siehe "Anleitung für API Erweiterung", Funktion "color")
9. eine Info (Format: "info:Name,Argumente", Argumente sind optional)
10. aktuelles Datum/Uhrzeit (Format: "date" oder "date:format")
11. eine Umgebungsvariable (Format: "env:XXX")
12. ein Dreifachoperand (Format: "if:Bedingung?Wert_falls_wahr:Wert_falls_unwahr")
13. Ergebnis eines Ausdrucks mit Klammern und Operatoren + - * / // % ** (Format: "calc:xxx")
14. eine Option (Format: "file.section.option")
15. der Name einer lokalen Variablen eines Buffer
16. ein hdata Name/Variable (der Wert wird automatisch in eine Zeichenkette konvertiert), standardmäßig wird für "window" und "buffer" das aktuelle Fenster/Buffer verwendet.
Das Format für hdata kann wie folgt aufgebaut sein:
hdata.var1.var2...: startet mit hdata (der Pointer muss bekannt sein) und fragt eine Variable nach der anderen ab (weitere hdata können folgen)
hdata[list].var1.var2...: startet hdata mittels einer Liste, zum Beispiel:
${buffer[gui_buffers].full_name}: der vollständige Name des ersten Buffers, in der verknüpften Liste aller Buffer
${plugin[weechat_plugins].name}: Name der ersten Erweiterung, in der verknüpften Liste aller Erweiterungen
hdata[pointer].var1.var2...: startet hdata mittels einem Pointer, zum Beispiel:
${buffer[0x1234abcd].full_name}: vollständiger Name eines Buffers und des dazugehörigen Pointers (kann in triggern benutzt werden)
Die vorhandenen Namen für hdata und Variablen sind in der "Anleitung für API Erweiterung", Bereich "weechat_hdata_get". beschrieben
Some variables are replaced in expression, using the format ${variable}, variable can be, by order of priority:
1. an evaluated sub-string (format: "eval:xxx")
2. a string with escaped chars (format: "esc:xxx" or "\xxx")
3. a string with chars to hide (format: "hide:char,string")
4. a string with max chars (format: "cut:max,suffix,string" or "cut:+max,suffix,string")
or max chars displayed on screen (format: "cutscr:max,suffix,string" or "cutscr:+max,suffix,string")
5. a reversed string (format: "rev:xxx")
6. a repeated string (format: "repeat:count,string")
7. length of a string (format: "length:xxx" or "lengthscr:xxx")
8. a color (format: "color:xxx", see "Plugin API reference", function "color")
9. a modifier (format: "modifier:name,data,string")
10. an info (format: "info:name,arguments", arguments are optional)
11. current date/time (format: "date" or "date:format")
12. an environment variable (format: "env:XXX")
13. a ternary operator (format: "if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false")
14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
15. an option (format: "file.section.option")
16. a local variable in buffer
17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
Format for hdata can be one of following:
hdata.var1.var2...: start with a hdata (pointer must be known), and ask variables one after one (other hdata can be followed)
hdata[list].var1.var2...: start with a hdata using a list, for example:
${buffer[gui_buffers].full_name}: full name of first buffer in linked list of buffers
${plugin[weechat_plugins].name}: name of first plugin in linked list of plugins
hdata[pointer].var1.var2...: start with a hdata using a pointer, for example:
${buffer[0x1234abcd].full_name}: full name of the buffer with this pointer (can be used in triggers)
For name of hdata and variables, please look at "Plugin API reference", function "weechat_hdata_get".
Beispiele (einfache Zeichenketten):
Examples (simple strings):
/eval -n ${info:version} ==> 0.4.3
/eval -n ${env:HOME} ==> /home/user
/eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
/eval -n ${} ==> geheim
/eval -n ${} ==> secret
/eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
/eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
/eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
@ -342,16 +343,16 @@ Beispiele (einfache Zeichenketten):
/eval -n ${length:test} ==> 4
/eval -n ${calc:(5+2)*3} ==> 21
Beispiele (Bedingungen):
/eval -n -c ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
/eval -n -c ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
/eval -n -c (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
/eval -n -c (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
/eval -n -c abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
/eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
/eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
/eval -n -c abcd !~ abc ==> 0
/eval -n -c abcd =* a*d ==> 1
Examples (conditions):
/eval -n -c ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
/eval -n -c ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
/eval -n -c (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
/eval -n -c (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
/eval -n -c abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
/eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
/eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
/eval -n -c abcd !~ abc ==> 0
/eval -n -c abcd =* a*d ==> 1

View File

@ -305,14 +305,15 @@ Some variables are replaced in expression, using the format ${variable}, variabl
6. a repeated string (format: "repeat:count,string")
7. length of a string (format: "length:xxx" or "lengthscr:xxx")
8. a color (format: "color:xxx", see "Plugin API reference", function "color")
9. an info (format: "info:name,arguments", arguments are optional)
10. current date/time (format: "date" or "date:format")
11. an environment variable (format: "env:XXX")
12. a ternary operator (format: "if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false")
13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
14. an option (format: "file.section.option")
15. a local variable in buffer
16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
9. a modifier (format: "modifier:name,data,string")
10. an info (format: "info:name,arguments", arguments are optional)
11. current date/time (format: "date" or "date:format")
12. an environment variable (format: "env:XXX")
13. a ternary operator (format: "if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false")
14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
15. an option (format: "file.section.option")
16. a local variable in buffer
17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
Format for hdata can be one of following:
hdata.var1.var2...: start with a hdata (pointer must be known), and ask variables one after one (other hdata can be followed)
hdata[list].var1.var2...: start with a hdata using a list, for example:

View File

@ -2515,6 +2515,15 @@ expanded to last):
`+red text+` (in red) +
`+bold orange text+` (in bold orange)
| `+${modifier:name,data,string}+` +
(_WeeChat ≥ 2.7_) |
Result of a modifier, see function
<<_hook_modifier_exec,hook_modifier_exec>>. |
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,~}+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,%h/python}+` |
`+/home/xxx+` +
| `+${info:name}+` +
`+${info:name,arguments}+` +
(_WeeChat ≥ 0.4.3_) |

View File

@ -305,14 +305,15 @@ Des variables sont remplacées dans l'expression, en utilisant le format ${varia
6. une chaîne répétée (format : "repeat:nombre,chaîne")
7. longueur d'une chaîne (format : "length:xxx" ou "lengthscr:xxx")
8. une couleur (format : "color:xxx", voir la "Référence API extension", fonction "color")
9. une info (format : "info:nom,paramètres", les paramètres sont optionnels)
10. la date/heure courante (format : "date" ou "date:format")
11. une variable d'environnement (format : "env:XXX")
12. un opérateur ternaire (format : "if:condition?valeur_si_vrai:valeur_si_faux")
13. le résultat d'une expression avec parenthèses et les opérateurs + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
14. une option (format : "fichier.section.option")
15. une variable locale du tampon
16. un hdata/variable (la valeur est automatiquement convertie en chaîne), par défaut "window" et "buffer" pointent vers la fenêtre et le tampon courants.
9. un modificateur (format : "modifier:nom,données,chaîne")
10. une info (format : "info:nom,paramètres", les paramètres sont optionnels)
11. la date/heure courante (format : "date" ou "date:format")
12. une variable d'environnement (format : "env:XXX")
13. un opérateur ternaire (format : "if:condition?valeur_si_vrai:valeur_si_faux")
14. le résultat d'une expression avec parenthèses et les opérateurs + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
15. une option (format : "fichier.section.option")
16. une variable locale du tampon
17. un hdata/variable (la valeur est automatiquement convertie en chaîne), par défaut "window" et "buffer" pointent vers la fenêtre et le tampon courants.
Le format du hdata peut être le suivant :
hdata.var1.var2... : démarrer avec un hdata (le pointeur doit être connu), et demander les variables l'une après l'autre (d'autres hdata peuvent être suivis)
hdata[liste].var1.var2... : démarrer avec un hdata en utilisant une liste, par exemple :

View File

@ -2563,6 +2563,15 @@ première étendue à la dernière) :
`+texte rouge+` (en rouge) +
`+texte orange gras+` (en orange gras)
| `+${modifier:name,data,string}+` +
(_WeeChat ≥ 2.7_) |
Résultat d'un modificateur, voir la fonction
<<_hook_modifier_exec,hook_modifier_exec>>. |
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,~}+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,%h/python}+` |
`+/home/xxx+` +
| `+${info:nom}+` +
`+${info:nom,paramètres}+` +
(_WeeChat ≥ 0.4.3_) |

View File

@ -305,14 +305,15 @@ Some variables are replaced in expression, using the format ${variable}, variabl
6. a repeated string (format: "repeat:count,string")
7. length of a string (format: "length:xxx" or "lengthscr:xxx")
8. a color (format: "color:xxx", see "Plugin API reference", function "color")
9. an info (format: "info:name,arguments", arguments are optional)
10. current date/time (format: "date" or "date:format")
11. an environment variable (format: "env:XXX")
12. a ternary operator (format: "if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false")
13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
14. an option (format: "file.section.option")
15. a local variable in buffer
16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
9. a modifier (format: "modifier:name,data,string")
10. an info (format: "info:name,arguments", arguments are optional)
11. current date/time (format: "date" or "date:format")
12. an environment variable (format: "env:XXX")
13. a ternary operator (format: "if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false")
14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
15. an option (format: "file.section.option")
16. a local variable in buffer
17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
Format for hdata can be one of following:
hdata.var1.var2...: start with a hdata (pointer must be known), and ask variables one after one (other hdata can be followed)
hdata[list].var1.var2...: start with a hdata using a list, for example:

View File

@ -2623,6 +2623,15 @@ expanded to last):
`+red text+` (in red) +
`+bold orange text+` (in bold orange)
| `+${modifier:name,data,string}+` +
(_WeeChat ≥ 2.7_) |
Result of a modifier, see function
<<_hook_modifier_exec,hook_modifier_exec>>. |
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,~}+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,%h/python}+` |
`+/home/xxx+` +
| `+${info:name}+` +
`+${info:name,arguments}+` +
(_WeeChat ≥ 0.4.3_) |

View File

@ -305,14 +305,15 @@ Some variables are replaced in expression, using the format ${variable}, variabl
6. a repeated string (format: "repeat:count,string")
7. length of a string (format: "length:xxx" or "lengthscr:xxx")
8. a color (format: "color:xxx", see "Plugin API reference", function "color")
9. an info (format: "info:name,arguments", arguments are optional)
10. current date/time (format: "date" or "date:format")
11. an environment variable (format: "env:XXX")
12. a ternary operator (format: "if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false")
13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
14. an option (format: "file.section.option")
15. a local variable in buffer
16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
9. a modifier (format: "modifier:name,data,string")
10. an info (format: "info:name,arguments", arguments are optional)
11. current date/time (format: "date" or "date:format")
12. an environment variable (format: "env:XXX")
13. a ternary operator (format: "if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false")
14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
15. an option (format: "file.section.option")
16. a local variable in buffer
17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
Format for hdata can be one of following:
hdata.var1.var2...: start with a hdata (pointer must be known), and ask variables one after one (other hdata can be followed)
hdata[list].var1.var2...: start with a hdata using a list, for example:

View File

@ -2528,6 +2528,16 @@ str5 = weechat.string_eval_expression("password=abc password=def", {}, {}, optio
`+red text+` (赤色で) +
`+bold orange text+` (太字オレンジ色で)
| `+${modifier:name,data,string}+` +
(_WeeChat バージョン 2.7 以上で利用可_) |
Result of a modifier, see function
<<_hook_modifier_exec,hook_modifier_exec>>. |
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,~}+` +
`+${modifier:eval_path_home,,%h/python}+` |
`+/home/xxx+` +
| `+${info:name}+` +
`+${info:name,arguments}+` +
(_WeeChat バージョン 0.4.3 以上で利用可_) |

View File

@ -305,14 +305,15 @@ Some variables are replaced in expression, using the format ${variable}, variabl
6. a repeated string (format: "repeat:count,string")
7. length of a string (format: "length:xxx" or "lengthscr:xxx")
8. a color (format: "color:xxx", see "Plugin API reference", function "color")
9. an info (format: "info:name,arguments", arguments are optional)
10. current date/time (format: "date" or "date:format")
11. an environment variable (format: "env:XXX")
12. a ternary operator (format: "if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false")
13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
14. an option (format: "file.section.option")
15. a local variable in buffer
16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
9. a modifier (format: "modifier:name,data,string")
10. an info (format: "info:name,arguments", arguments are optional)
11. current date/time (format: "date" or "date:format")
12. an environment variable (format: "env:XXX")
13. a ternary operator (format: "if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false")
14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** (format: "calc:xxx")
15. an option (format: "file.section.option")
16. a local variable in buffer
17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
Format for hdata can be one of following:
hdata.var1.var2...: start with a hdata (pointer must be known), and ask variables one after one (other hdata can be followed)
hdata[list].var1.var2...: start with a hdata using a list, for example:

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1575,16 +1575,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-03 15:25+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
@ -1661,6 +1661,7 @@ msgstr "evaluierter Ausdruck"
msgid "[-n|-s] <expression> || [-n] -c <expression1> <operator> <expression2>"
msgstr "[-n|-s] <expression> || [-n] -c <expression1> <operator> <expression2>"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -n: display result without sending it to buffer (debug mode)\n"
" -s: split expression before evaluating it (many commands can be "
@ -1711,16 +1712,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1606,16 +1606,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-05 18:02+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-06 08:59+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -1680,16 +1680,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"
@ -1793,17 +1794,18 @@ msgstr ""
" 7. longueur d'une chaîne (format : \"length:xxx\" ou \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. une couleur (format : \"color:xxx\", voir la \"Référence API extension"
"\", fonction \"color\")\n"
" 9. une info (format : \"info:nom,paramètres\", les paramètres sont "
" 9. un modificateur (format : \"modifier:nom,données,chaîne\")\n"
" 10. une info (format : \"info:nom,paramètres\", les paramètres sont "
" 10. la date/heure courante (format : \"date\" ou \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. une variable d'environnement (format : \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. un opérateur ternaire (format : \"if:condition?valeur_si_vrai:"
" 11. la date/heure courante (format : \"date\" ou \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. une variable d'environnement (format : \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. un opérateur ternaire (format : \"if:condition?valeur_si_vrai:"
" 13. le résultat d'une expression avec parenthèses et les opérateurs + - "
" 14. le résultat d'une expression avec parenthèses et les opérateurs + - "
"* / // % ** (format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. une option (format : \"fichier.section.option\")\n"
" 15. une variable locale du tampon\n"
" 16. un hdata/variable (la valeur est automatiquement convertie en chaîne), "
" 15. une option (format : \"fichier.section.option\")\n"
" 16. une variable locale du tampon\n"
" 17. un hdata/variable (la valeur est automatiquement convertie en chaîne), "
"par défaut \"window\" et \"buffer\" pointent vers la fenêtre et le tampon "
"Le format du hdata peut être le suivant :\n"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1494,16 +1494,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1589,16 +1589,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-22 18:54+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
@ -1643,16 +1643,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-22 18:54+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
@ -1678,16 +1678,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-22 18:54+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
@ -1647,16 +1647,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Eduardo Elias <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1651,16 +1651,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1516,16 +1516,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasan Kiran <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1347,16 +1347,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-05 18:01+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-06 08:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1349,16 +1349,17 @@ msgid ""
" 7. length of a string (format: \"length:xxx\" or \"lengthscr:xxx\")\n"
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API reference\", function "
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are optional)\n"
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: \"if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false"
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators + - * / // % ** "
"(format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to "
"string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current window/"
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -7359,17 +7359,18 @@ command_init ()
" 8. a color (format: \"color:xxx\", see \"Plugin API "
"reference\", function \"color\")\n"
" 9. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are "
" 9. a modifier (format: \"modifier:name,data,string\")\n"
" 10. an info (format: \"info:name,arguments\", arguments are "
" 10. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 11. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 12. a ternary operator (format: "
" 11. current date/time (format: \"date\" or \"date:format\")\n"
" 12. an environment variable (format: \"env:XXX\")\n"
" 13. a ternary operator (format: "
" 13. result of an expression with parentheses and operators "
" 14. result of an expression with parentheses and operators "
"+ - * / // % ** (format: \"calc:xxx\")\n"
" 14. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 15. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 16. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted "
" 15. an option (format: \"file.section.option\")\n"
" 16. a local variable in buffer\n"
" 17. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted "
"to string), by default \"window\" and \"buffer\" point to current "
"Format for hdata can be one of following:\n"

View File

@ -301,14 +301,15 @@ end:
* (format: lengthscr:xxx); color codes are ignored
* 9. a regex group captured (format: re:N (0.99) or re:+)
* 10. a color (format: color:xxx)
* 11. an info (format: info:name,arguments)
* 12. current date/time (format: date or date:xxx)
* 13. an environment variable (format: env:XXX)
* 14. a ternary operator (format: if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false)
* 15. calculate result of an expression (format: calc:xxx)
* 16. an option (format: file.section.option)
* 17. a buffer local variable
* 18. a hdata variable (format: hdata.var1.var2 or hdata[list].var1.var2
* 11. a modifier (format: modifier:name,data,xxx)
* 12. an info (format: info:name,arguments)
* 13. current date/time (format: date or date:xxx)
* 14. an environment variable (format: env:XXX)
* 15. a ternary operator (format: if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false)
* 16. calculate result of an expression (format: calc:xxx)
* 17. an option (format: file.section.option)
* 18. a buffer local variable
* 19. a hdata variable (format: hdata.var1.var2 or hdata[list].var1.var2
* or hdata[ptr].var1.var2)
* See /help in WeeChat for examples.
@ -324,7 +325,7 @@ eval_replace_vars_cb (void *data, const char *text)
struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer;
char str_value[512], *value, *pos, *pos1, *pos2, *hdata_name, *list_name;
char *tmp, *tmp2, *info_name, *hide_char, *hidden_string, *error;
char *condition;
char *condition, *modifier_name, *modifier_data;
const char *ptr_value, *ptr_arguments, *ptr_string;
struct t_hdata *hdata;
void *pointer;
@ -540,7 +541,31 @@ eval_replace_vars_cb (void *data, const char *text)
return strdup ((ptr_value) ? ptr_value : "");
/* 11. info */
/* 11. modifier */
if (strncmp (text, "modifier:", 9) == 0)
value = NULL;
ptr_arguments = strchr (text + 9, ',');
if (!ptr_arguments)
return strdup ("");
ptr_string = strchr (ptr_arguments, ',');
if (!ptr_string)
return strdup ("");
modifier_name = string_strndup (text + 9, ptr_arguments - 1 - text - 9);
modifier_data = string_strndup (ptr_arguments,
ptr_string - 1 - ptr_arguments);
value = hook_modifier_exec (NULL, modifier_name, modifier_data,
if (modifier_name)
free (modifier_name);
if (modifier_data)
free (modifier_data);
return (value) ? value : strdup ("");
/* 12. info */
if (strncmp (text, "info:", 5) == 0)
value = NULL;
@ -560,7 +585,7 @@ eval_replace_vars_cb (void *data, const char *text)
return (value) ? value : strdup ("");
/* 12. current date/time */
/* 13. current date/time */
if ((strncmp (text, "date", 4) == 0) && (!text[4] || (text[4] == ':')))
date = time (NULL);
@ -573,7 +598,7 @@ eval_replace_vars_cb (void *data, const char *text)
return strdup ((rc > 0) ? str_value : "");
/* 13. environment variable */
/* 14. environment variable */
if (strncmp (text, "env:", 4) == 0)
ptr_value = getenv (text + 4);
@ -581,7 +606,7 @@ eval_replace_vars_cb (void *data, const char *text)
return strdup (ptr_value);
/* 14: ternary operator: if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false */
/* 15: ternary operator: if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false */
if (strncmp (text, "if:", 3) == 0)
value = NULL;
@ -649,7 +674,7 @@ eval_replace_vars_cb (void *data, const char *text)
* 15. calculate the result of an expression
* 16. calculate the result of an expression
* (with number, operators and parentheses)
if (strncmp (text, "calc:", 5) == 0)
@ -657,7 +682,7 @@ eval_replace_vars_cb (void *data, const char *text)
return calc_expression (text + 5);
/* 16. option: if found, return this value */
/* 17. option: if found, return this value */
if (strncmp (text, "", 9) == 0)
ptr_value = hashtable_get (secure_hashtable_data, text + 9);
@ -690,7 +715,7 @@ eval_replace_vars_cb (void *data, const char *text)
/* 17. local variable in buffer */
/* 18. local variable in buffer */
ptr_buffer = hashtable_get (eval_context->pointers, "buffer");
if (ptr_buffer)
@ -699,7 +724,7 @@ eval_replace_vars_cb (void *data, const char *text)
return strdup (ptr_value);
/* 18. hdata */
/* 19. hdata */
value = NULL;
hdata_name = NULL;
list_name = NULL;

View File

@ -392,6 +392,20 @@ TEST(CoreEval, EvalExpression)
WEE_CHECK_EVAL(str_value, "${color:irc.color.message_join}-test-");
WEE_CHECK_EVAL("test", "${option.not.found}test");
/* test modifier */
WEE_CHECK_EVAL("test_string", "test_${modifier:xxx,data,string}");
snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value),
gui_color_get_custom ("lightgreen"));
snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value),
gui_color_get_custom ("lightgreen"));
WEE_CHECK_EVAL("test_\x1B[92mlightgreen", str_value);
/* test info */
WEE_CHECK_EVAL(version_get_version (), "${info:version}");