irc: add option "-parted" in command /allchan (closes #1685)

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2021-08-12 18:15:16 +02:00
parent cf27302dac
commit 89b28e362c
23 changed files with 315 additions and 137 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ New features::
* api: add function file_copy (issue #1667) * api: add function file_copy (issue #1667)
* api: remember insertion order in hashtables * api: remember insertion order in hashtables
* api: add keys/values with tags in output of irc_message_parse_to_hashtable (issue #1654) * api: add keys/values with tags in output of irc_message_parse_to_hashtable (issue #1654)
* irc: add option "-parted" in command /allchan (issue #1685)
* irc: allow signals "irc_raw_in" and "irc_in" to eat messages (issue #1657) * irc: allow signals "irc_raw_in" and "irc_in" to eat messages (issue #1657)
* irc: implement IRCv3.2 SASL authentication, add command /auth, reconnect by default to the server in case of SASL authentication failure (issue #413) * irc: implement IRCv3.2 SASL authentication, add command /auth, reconnect by default to the server in case of SASL authentication failure (issue #413)
* irc: add support of capability "message-tags" and TAGMSG messages (issue #1654) * irc: add support of capability "message-tags" and TAGMSG messages (issue #1654)

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@ -17,30 +17,33 @@ target: Servername
* `+allchan+`: führt einen Befehl aus der an alle Kanäle gesendet wird, die mit einem Server verbunden sind * `+allchan+`: führt einen Befehl aus der an alle Kanäle gesendet wird, die mit einem Server verbunden sind
---- ----
/allchan [-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> /allchan [-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command>
[-current] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command> [-current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>
-current: führt einen Befehl aus der an alle Kanäle des aktuellen Servers gesendet wird -current: execute command for channels of current server only
-exclude: dient zum Ausschluss ausgewählter Kanäle (Platzhalter "*" kann verwendet werden) -parted: execute on parted channels only
-include: findet Anwendung für ausgewählte Kanäle (Platzhalter "*" kann verwendet werden)\n -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: Befehl der ausgeführt werden soll -include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Argumente und Befehl werden evaluiert (siehe /help eval), folgende Variablen können genutzt werden: Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server Name des Servers $server server name
$channel Name des Kanals $channel channel name
$nick Nickname der auf dem Server genutzt wird $nick nick on server
${} Variable xxx von Server ${} variable xxx in server
${} Variable xxx von Kanal ${} variable xxx in channel
Beispiele: Examples:
führe den Befehl '/me Ich teste gerade etwas...' für alle Kanäle aus: execute '/me is testing' on all channels:
/allchan /me Ich teste gerade etwas... /allchan /me is testing
schicke 'Hallo Welt' an jeden Kanal, ausgenommen an den #weechat Kanal: say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat Hallo Welt /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
schicke 'Hallo Welt' an jeden Kanal, ausgenommen an den #weechat Kanal und Kanäle die mit #linux beginnen: say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* Hallo Welt /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
schickt den Text 'Hallo' an alle Kanäle die mit #linux beginnen: say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* Hallo /allchan -include=#linux* hello
close all buffers with parted channels:
/allchan -parted /close
---- ----
[[command_irc_allpv]] [[command_irc_allpv]]

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@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ target: server name
* `+allchan+`: execute a command on all channels of all connected servers * `+allchan+`: execute a command on all channels of all connected servers
---- ----
/allchan [-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> /allchan [-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command>
[-current] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command> [-current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>
-current: execute command for channels of current server only -current: execute command for channels of current server only
-parted: execute on parted channels only
-exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed) -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed) -include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/') command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ Examples:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux: say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* hello /allchan -include=#linux* hello
close all buffers with parted channels:
/allchan -parted /close
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[[command_irc_allpv]] [[command_irc_allpv]]

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@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ cible : nom du serveur
* `+allchan+`: exécuter une commande sur tous les canaux de tous les serveurs connectés * `+allchan+`: exécuter une commande sur tous les canaux de tous les serveurs connectés
---- ----
/allchan [-current] [-exclude=<canal>[,<canal>...]] <commande> /allchan [-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<canal>[,<canal>...]] <commande>
[-current] [-include=<canal>[,<canal>...]] <commande> [-current] [-parted] -include=<canal>[,<canal>...] <commande>
-current : exécuter la commande pour les canaux du serveur courant seulement -current : exécuter la commande pour les canaux du serveur courant seulement
-parted : exécuter la commande sur les canaux quittés seulement
-exclude : exclure certains canaux (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé) -exclude : exclure certains canaux (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé)
-include : inclure seulement certains canaux (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé) -include : inclure seulement certains canaux (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé)
commande : commande à exécuter (ou texte à envoyer au tampon si la commande ne commence pas par '/') commande : commande à exécuter (ou texte à envoyer au tampon si la commande ne commence pas par '/')
@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ Exemples :
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* bonjour /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* bonjour
dire 'bonjour' sur tous les canaux commençant par #linux : dire 'bonjour' sur tous les canaux commençant par #linux :
/allchan -include=#linux* bonjour /allchan -include=#linux* bonjour
fermer tous les tampons avec des canaux quittés :
/allchan -parted /close
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[[command_irc_allpv]] [[command_irc_allpv]]

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@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ destinazione: nome server
* `+allchan+`: esegue un comando su tutti i canali di tutti i server connessi * `+allchan+`: esegue un comando su tutti i canali di tutti i server connessi
---- ----
/allchan [-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> /allchan [-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command>
[-current] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command> [-current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>
-current: execute command for channels of current server only -current: execute command for channels of current server only
-parted: execute on parted channels only
-exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed) -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed) -include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/') command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ Examples:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux: say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* hello /allchan -include=#linux* hello
close all buffers with parted channels:
/allchan -parted /close
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[[command_irc_allpv]] [[command_irc_allpv]]

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@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ target: サーバ名
* `+allchan+`: 全てのサーバ、全てのチャンネルに対してコマンドを実行 * `+allchan+`: 全てのサーバ、全てのチャンネルに対してコマンドを実行
---- ----
/allchan [-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> /allchan [-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command>
[-current] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command> [-current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>
-current: execute command for channels of current server only -current: execute command for channels of current server only
-parted: execute on parted channels only
-exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed) -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
-include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed) -include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/') command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ Examples:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux: say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* hello /allchan -include=#linux* hello
close all buffers with parted channels:
/allchan -parted /close
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[[command_irc_allpv]] [[command_irc_allpv]]

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@ -17,30 +17,33 @@ cel: nazwa serwera
* `+allchan+`: wykonuje komendę na wszystkich kanałach na połączonych serwerach * `+allchan+`: wykonuje komendę na wszystkich kanałach na połączonych serwerach
---- ----
/allchan [-current] [-exclude=<kanał>[,<kanał>...]] <komenda> /allchan [-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command>
[-current] -include=<kanał>[,<kanał>...] <komenda> [-current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>
-current: wykonuje komendę tylko na kanałach obecnego serwera -current: execute command for channels of current server only
-exclude: wyklucza niektóre kanały (wildcard "*" jest dozwolony) -parted: execute on parted channels only
-include: uwzględnia tylko niektóre znaki (wildcard "*" est dozwolony) -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
komenda: komenda do wykonania (albo tekst do wysłania do bufora jeśli komenda nie zaczyna się od '/') -include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Komenda i argumenty są przetwarzane (zobacz /help eval), następujące zmienne są podmieniane: Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server nazwa serwera $server server name
$channel nazwa kanału $channel channel name
$nick nick na serwerze $nick nick on server
${} zmienna xxx na serwerze ${} variable xxx in server
${} zmienna xxx w kanalel ${} variable xxx in channel
Przykłady: Examples:
wykonuje '/me testuje' na wszystkich kanałach: execute '/me is testing' on all channels:
/allchan /me testuje /allchan /me is testing
wysyła 'witam' wszędzie tylko nie na #weechat: say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat witam /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
wysyła 'witam' wszędzie poza #weechat oraz kanałami zaczynającymi się od #linux: say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* witam /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
wysyła 'witam' na wszytkich kanałach zaczynających się od #linux: say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* witam /allchan -include=#linux* hello
close all buffers with parted channels:
/allchan -parted /close
---- ----
[[command_irc_allpv]] [[command_irc_allpv]]

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@ -17,30 +17,33 @@
* `+allchan+`: извршавање команде на свим каналима свих повезаних сервера * `+allchan+`: извршавање команде на свим каналима свих повезаних сервера
---- ----
/allchan [-current] [-exclude=<канал>[,<канал>...]] <команда> /allchan [-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command>
[-current] -include=<канал>[,<канал>...] <команда> [-current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>
-current: извршава се команда само за канале текућег сервера -current: execute command for channels of current server only
-exclude: неки канали се изузимају (дозвољен је џокер „*”) -parted: execute on parted channels only
-include: узимају се у обзир само неки канали (дозвољен је џокер „*”) -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: команда која треба да се изврши (или текст који се шаље баферу ако команда не почиње са /) -include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed)
command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with '/')
Команде и аргументи се израчунавају (погледајте /help eval), замењују се следеће променљиве: Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced:
$server име сервера $server server name
$channel име канала $channel channel name
$nick надимак на серверу $nick nick on server
${} променљива xxx на серверу ${} variable xxx in server
${} променљива xxx на каналу ${} variable xxx in channel
Примери: Examples:
извршава /me is testing на свим каналима: execute '/me is testing' on all channels:
/allchan /me is testing /allchan /me is testing
каже ’здраво’ свуда осим на #weechat: say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat здраво /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello
каже ’здраво’ свуда осим на #weechat и каналима који почињу са #linux: say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* здраво /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello
каже ’здраво’ на свим каналима који почињу на #linux: say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:
/allchan -include=#linux* здраво /allchan -include=#linux* hello
close all buffers with parted channels:
/allchan -parted /close
---- ----
[[command_irc_allpv]] [[command_irc_allpv]]

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup <>\n" "Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -6600,13 +6600,14 @@ msgstr "vykonat příkaz na všech kanálech všech připojených serverů"
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "[-current] [-exclude=<kanál>[,<kanál>...]] <příkaz> [<argumenty>]" msgstr "[-current] [-exclude=<kanál>[,<kanál>...]] <příkaz> [<argumenty>]"
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -6629,7 +6630,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
" -current: vynechat příkaz pouze pro kanály aktuálního serveru\n" " -current: vynechat příkaz pouze pro kanály aktuálního serveru\n"
" -exclude: vynechat některé kanály ('*' je povolená na začátku nebo konci " " -exclude: vynechat některé kanály ('*' je povolená na začátku nebo konci "

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-10 14:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-10 14:50+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n" "Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n" "Language-Team: German <>\n"
@ -8220,15 +8220,46 @@ msgstr ""
"führt einen Befehl aus der an alle Kanäle gesendet wird, die mit einem " "führt einen Befehl aus der an alle Kanäle gesendet wird, die mit einem "
"Server verbunden sind" "Server verbunden sind"
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -"
#| "include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
#| " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
#| " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
#| " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does "
#| "not start with '/')\n"
#| "\n"
#| "Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
#| "variables are replaced:\n"
#| " $server server name\n"
#| " $channel channel name\n"
#| " $nick nick on server\n"
#| " ${} variable xxx in server\n"
#| " ${} variable xxx in channel\n"
#| "\n"
#| "Examples:\n"
#| " execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
#| " /allchan /me is testing\n"
#| " say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
#| " /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
#| " say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
#| "#linux:\n"
#| " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
#| " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
#| " /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -8251,7 +8282,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
" -current: führt einen Befehl aus der an alle Kanäle des aktuellen Servers " " -current: führt einen Befehl aus der an alle Kanäle des aktuellen Servers "
"gesendet wird\n" "gesendet wird\n"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n" "Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -6808,13 +6808,14 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "[-current] [-exclude=<canal>[,<canal>...]] <comando> [<argumentos>]" msgstr "[-current] [-exclude=<canal>[,<canal>...]] <comando> [<argumentos>]"
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -6837,7 +6838,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
" -current: ejecuta comando para los canales del servidor actual solamente\n" " -current: ejecuta comando para los canales del servidor actual solamente\n"
" -exclude: excluye algunos canales ('*' está permitido al principio o final " " -exclude: excluye algunos canales ('*' está permitido al principio o final "

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-02 21:49+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-02 21:49+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-12 18:14+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n" "Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: fr\n" "Language: fr\n"
@ -8056,14 +8056,15 @@ msgstr ""
"exécuter une commande sur tous les canaux de tous les serveurs connectés" "exécuter une commande sur tous les canaux de tous les serveurs connectés"
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<canal>[,<canal>...]] <commande> || [-current] [-" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<canal>[,<canal>...]] <commande> || [-"
"include=<canal>[,<canal>...]] <commande>" "current] [-parted] -include=<canal>[,<canal>...] <commande>"
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -8086,10 +8087,13 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
" -current : exécuter la commande pour les canaux du serveur courant " " -current : exécuter la commande pour les canaux du serveur courant "
"seulement\n" "seulement\n"
" -parted : exécuter la commande sur les canaux quittés seulement\n"
" -exclude : exclure certains canaux (le caractère joker \"*\" est " " -exclude : exclure certains canaux (le caractère joker \"*\" est "
"autorisé)\n" "autorisé)\n"
" -include : inclure seulement certains canaux (le caractère joker \"*\" est " " -include : inclure seulement certains canaux (le caractère joker \"*\" est "
@ -8114,7 +8118,9 @@ msgstr ""
"#linux :\n" "#linux :\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* bonjour\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* bonjour\n"
" dire 'bonjour' sur tous les canaux commençant par #linux :\n" " dire 'bonjour' sur tous les canaux commençant par #linux :\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* bonjour" " /allchan -include=#linux* bonjour\n"
" fermer tous les tampons avec des canaux quittés :\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers" msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers"
msgstr "" msgstr ""

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n" "Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -6183,12 +6183,13 @@ msgstr "CTCP üzenet küldése az összes csatlakoztatott szerver összes szobá
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "[alias_név [parancs [paraméterek]]]" msgstr "[alias_név [parancs [paraméterek]]]"
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -6211,7 +6212,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n" "Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -6942,13 +6942,14 @@ msgstr "esegue un comando su tutti i canali di tutti i server connessi"
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "[-current] [-exclude=<canale>[,<canale>...]] <comando> [<argomenti>]" msgstr "[-current] [-exclude=<canale>[,<canale>...]] <comando> [<argomenti>]"
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -6971,7 +6972,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
" -current: esegue il comando solo per i canali del server corrente\n" " -current: esegue il comando solo per i canali del server corrente\n"
" -exclude: esclude alcunu canali ('*' è consentito all'inizio o alla fine " " -exclude: esclude alcunu canali ('*' è consentito all'inizio o alla fine "

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n" "Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <" "Language-Team: Japanese <"
@ -7688,8 +7688,8 @@ msgstr "全てのサーバ、全てのチャンネルに対してコマンドを
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> [<arguments>] || [-" "[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> [<arguments>] || [-"
"current] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command> [<arguments>]" "current] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command> [<arguments>]"
@ -7697,6 +7697,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -7719,7 +7720,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
" -current: 現在のサーバ上のチャンネルに対してコマンドを実行\n" " -current: 現在のサーバ上のチャンネルに対してコマンドを実行\n"
" -exclude: 一部のチャンネルを除く全てのチャンネルに対してコマンドを実行 (ワイ" " -exclude: 一部のチャンネルを除く全てのチャンネルに対してコマンドを実行 (ワイ"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n" "Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n" "Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
@ -7996,15 +7996,46 @@ msgstr "cel: nazwa serwera"
msgid "execute a command on all channels of all connected servers" msgid "execute a command on all channels of all connected servers"
msgstr "wykonuje komendę na wszystkich kanałach na połączonych serwerach" msgstr "wykonuje komendę na wszystkich kanałach na połączonych serwerach"
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -"
#| "include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<kanał>[,<kanał>...]] <komenda> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-exclude=<kanał>[,<kanał>...]] <komenda> || [-current] -"
"include=<kanał>[,<kanał>...] <komenda>" "include=<kanał>[,<kanał>...] <komenda>"
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
#| " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
#| " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
#| " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does "
#| "not start with '/')\n"
#| "\n"
#| "Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
#| "variables are replaced:\n"
#| " $server server name\n"
#| " $channel channel name\n"
#| " $nick nick on server\n"
#| " ${} variable xxx in server\n"
#| " ${} variable xxx in channel\n"
#| "\n"
#| "Examples:\n"
#| " execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
#| " /allchan /me is testing\n"
#| " say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
#| " /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
#| " say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
#| "#linux:\n"
#| " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
#| " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
#| " /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -8027,7 +8058,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
" -current: wykonuje komendę tylko na kanałach obecnego serwera\n" " -current: wykonuje komendę tylko na kanałach obecnego serwera\n"
" -exclude: wyklucza niektóre kanały (wildcard \"*\" jest dozwolony)\n" " -exclude: wyklucza niektóre kanały (wildcard \"*\" jest dozwolony)\n"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida <>\n" "Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n" "Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
@ -7475,13 +7475,14 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "[-current] [-exclude=<canal>[,<canal>...]] <comando> [<argumentos>]" msgstr "[-current] [-exclude=<canal>[,<canal>...]] <comando> [<argumentos>]"
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -7504,7 +7505,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
" -current: executar o comando só nos canais do servidor atual\n" " -current: executar o comando só nos canais do servidor atual\n"
" -exclude: excluir alguns canais (o caráter universal \"*\" é permitido)\n" " -exclude: excluir alguns canais (o caráter universal \"*\" é permitido)\n"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Érico Nogueira <>\n" "Last-Translator: Érico Nogueira <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -6834,12 +6834,13 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "<apelido>[,<apelido>...] [<contador> [<target>]]" msgstr "<apelido>[,<apelido>...] [<contador> [<target>]]"
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -6862,7 +6863,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers" msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n" "Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -6226,12 +6226,13 @@ msgstr "отправить действие на все каналы всех п
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "[сокращение [команда [аргументы]]]" msgstr "[сокращение [команда [аргументы]]]"
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -6254,7 +6255,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ivan Pešić <>\n" "Last-Translator: Ivan Pešić <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -7996,15 +7996,46 @@ msgstr "циљ: име сервера"
msgid "execute a command on all channels of all connected servers" msgid "execute a command on all channels of all connected servers"
msgstr "извршавање команде на свим каналима свих повезаних сервера" msgstr "извршавање команде на свим каналима свих повезаних сервера"
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -"
#| "include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<канал>[,<канал>...]] <команда> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-exclude=<канал>[,<канал>...]] <команда> || [-current] -"
"include=<канал>[,<канал>...] <команда>" "include=<канал>[,<канал>...] <команда>"
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
#| " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
#| " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
#| " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does "
#| "not start with '/')\n"
#| "\n"
#| "Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following "
#| "variables are replaced:\n"
#| " $server server name\n"
#| " $channel channel name\n"
#| " $nick nick on server\n"
#| " ${} variable xxx in server\n"
#| " ${} variable xxx in channel\n"
#| "\n"
#| "Examples:\n"
#| " execute '/me is testing' on all channels:\n"
#| " /allchan /me is testing\n"
#| " say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat:\n"
#| " /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello\n"
#| " say 'hello' everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with "
#| "#linux:\n"
#| " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
#| " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
#| " /allchan -include=#linux* hello"
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -8027,7 +8058,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
" -current: извршава се команда само за канале текућег сервера\n" " -current: извршава се команда само за канале текућег сервера\n"
" -exclude: неки канали се изузимају (дозвољен је џокер „*”)\n" " -exclude: неки канали се изузимају (дозвољен је џокер „*”)\n"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-10 16:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Emir SARI <>\n" "Last-Translator: Emir SARI <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -6164,15 +6164,20 @@ msgstr "hedef: sunucu adı"
msgid "execute a command on all channels of all connected servers" msgid "execute a command on all channels of all connected servers"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -"
#| "include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<kanal>[,<kanal>...]] <komut> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-exclude=<kanal>[,<kanal>...]] <komut> || [-current] -"
"include=<kanal>[,<kanal>...] <komut>" "include=<kanal>[,<kanal>...] <komut>"
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -6195,7 +6200,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers" msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-03 19:41+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-12 18:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n" "Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -5671,12 +5671,13 @@ msgid "execute a command on all channels of all connected servers"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "" msgid ""
"[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-current] -" "[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> || [-"
"include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>" "current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "" msgid ""
" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" " -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not "
@ -5699,7 +5700,9 @@ msgid ""
"#linux:\n" "#linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello" " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
" close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers" msgid "execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers"

View File

@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ irc_command_exec_buffers (struct t_weelist *list_buffers,
void void
irc_command_exec_all_channels (struct t_irc_server *server, irc_command_exec_all_channels (struct t_irc_server *server,
int channel_type, int channel_type,
int parted_channels,
int inclusive, int inclusive,
const char *str_channels, const char *str_channels,
const char *command) const char *command)
@ -465,7 +466,7 @@ irc_command_exec_all_channels (struct t_irc_server *server,
struct t_irc_channel *ptr_channel, *next_channel; struct t_irc_channel *ptr_channel, *next_channel;
struct t_weelist *list_buffers; struct t_weelist *list_buffers;
char **channels; char **channels;
int num_channels, picked, i; int num_channels, picked, i, parted, state_ok;
if (!command || !command[0]) if (!command || !command[0])
return; return;
@ -493,7 +494,12 @@ irc_command_exec_all_channels (struct t_irc_server *server,
{ {
next_channel = ptr_channel->next_channel; next_channel = ptr_channel->next_channel;
if (ptr_channel->type == channel_type) parted = ((ptr_channel->type == IRC_CHANNEL_TYPE_CHANNEL)
&& !ptr_channel->nicks) ?
1 : 0;
state_ok = (!parted_channels || parted);
if ((ptr_channel->type == channel_type) && state_ok)
{ {
picked = (inclusive) ? 0 : 1; picked = (inclusive) ? 0 : 1;
@ -544,7 +550,7 @@ irc_command_exec_all_channels (struct t_irc_server *server,
{ {
int i, current_server, inclusive; int i, current_server, parted_channels, inclusive;
const char *ptr_channels, *ptr_command; const char *ptr_channels, *ptr_command;
@ -556,6 +562,7 @@ IRC_COMMAND_CALLBACK(allchan)
current_server = 0; current_server = 0;
parted_channels = 0;
ptr_channels = NULL; ptr_channels = NULL;
inclusive = 0; inclusive = 0;
ptr_command = argv_eol[1]; ptr_command = argv_eol[1];
@ -576,6 +583,11 @@ IRC_COMMAND_CALLBACK(allchan)
current_server = 1; current_server = 1;
ptr_command = argv_eol[i + 1]; ptr_command = argv_eol[i + 1];
} }
else if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[i], "-parted") == 0)
parted_channels = 1;
ptr_command = argv_eol[i + 1];
else if (weechat_strncasecmp (argv[i], "-exclude=", 9) == 0) else if (weechat_strncasecmp (argv[i], "-exclude=", 9) == 0)
{ {
ptr_channels = argv[i] + 9; ptr_channels = argv[i] + 9;
@ -597,6 +609,7 @@ IRC_COMMAND_CALLBACK(allchan)
weechat_buffer_set (NULL, "hotlist", "-"); weechat_buffer_set (NULL, "hotlist", "-");
irc_command_exec_all_channels ((current_server) ? ptr_server : NULL, irc_command_exec_all_channels ((current_server) ? ptr_server : NULL,
inclusive, inclusive,
ptr_channels, ptr_channels,
ptr_command); ptr_command);
@ -666,6 +679,7 @@ IRC_COMMAND_CALLBACK(allpv)
weechat_buffer_set (NULL, "hotlist", "-"); weechat_buffer_set (NULL, "hotlist", "-");
irc_command_exec_all_channels ((current_server) ? ptr_server : NULL, irc_command_exec_all_channels ((current_server) ? ptr_server : NULL,
0, /* parted channels */
inclusive, inclusive,
ptr_channels, ptr_channels,
ptr_command); ptr_command);
@ -6478,9 +6492,10 @@ irc_command_init ()
weechat_hook_command ( weechat_hook_command (
"allchan", "allchan",
N_("execute a command on all channels of all connected servers"), N_("execute a command on all channels of all connected servers"),
N_("[-current] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command>" N_("[-current] [-parted] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command>"
" || [-current] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"), " || [-current] [-parted] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command>"),
N_(" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n" N_(" -current: execute command for channels of current server only\n"
" -parted: execute on parted channels only\n"
" -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n" " -include: include only some channels (wildcard \"*\" is allowed)\n"
" command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if " " command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if "
@ -6503,8 +6518,10 @@ irc_command_init ()
"with #linux:\n" "with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n" " /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello\n"
" say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n" " say 'hello' on all channels beginning with #linux:\n"
" /allchan -include=#linux* hello"), " /allchan -include=#linux* hello\n"
"-current", &irc_command_allchan, NULL, NULL); " close all buffers with parted channels:\n"
" /allchan -parted /close"),
"-current|-parted", &irc_command_allchan, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hook_command ( weechat_hook_command (
"allpv", "allpv",
N_("execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers"), N_("execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers"),