doc: change default value of WEECHAT_HOME CMake option to empty string (user's guide) (issue #1285)

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Sébastien Helleu 2021-05-08 09:32:12 +02:00
parent 664fb12db7
commit a3f8647a72
6 changed files with 40 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -199,8 +199,13 @@ Liste von häufig verwendeten Optionen:
| CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | Verzeichnis | /usr/local |
Verzeichnis in welchem WeeChat installiert wird.
| WEECHAT_HOME | Verzeichnis | ~/.weechat |
Standard-Verzeichnis in welchem die Daten liegen.
| WEECHAT_HOME | Verzeichnis | (empty string) |
Standard-Verzeichnis in welchem die Daten liegen. +
With an empty value (recommended), XDG directories are used by default.
If non empty, a single directory for all files is used.
The value can also be 4 directories separated by colons, in this order:
config, data, cache, runtime.
| CA_FILE | Datei | /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt |
Datei enthält die Zertifizierungen.

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@ -191,8 +191,12 @@ List of commonly used options:
| CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | directory | /usr/local |
The directory where WeeChat will be installed.
| WEECHAT_HOME | directory | ~/.weechat |
The default home directory when running WeeChat.
| WEECHAT_HOME | directory | (empty string) |
The default home directory when running WeeChat. +
With an empty value (recommended), XDG directories are used by default.
If non empty, a single directory for all files is used.
The value can also be 4 directories separated by colons, in this order:
config, data, cache, runtime.
| CA_FILE | file | /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt |
File containing the certificate authorities.

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@ -195,8 +195,12 @@ Liste des options couramment utilisées :
| CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | répertoire | /usr/local |
Le répertoire dans lequel WeeChat sera installé.
| WEECHAT_HOME | répertoire | ~/.weechat |
Le répertoire "maison" par défaut lors du lancement de WeeChat.
| WEECHAT_HOME | répertoire | (chaîne vide) |
Le répertoire "maison" par défaut lors du lancement de WeeChat. +
Avec une valeur vide (recommandé), les répertoires XDG sont utilisés par défaut.
Si non vide, un répertoire unique est utilisé pour tous les fichiers.
La valeur peut aussi être 4 répertoires séparés par ":", dans cet order :
config, data, cache, runtime.
| CA_FILE | fichier | /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt |
Fichier contenant les autorités de certification.

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@ -228,8 +228,13 @@ List of commonly used options:
| CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | directory | /usr/local |
The directory where WeeChat will be installed.
| WEECHAT_HOME | directory | ~/.weechat |
The default home directory when running WeeChat.
| WEECHAT_HOME | directory | (empty string) |
The default home directory when running WeeChat. +
With an empty value (recommended), XDG directories are used by default.
If non empty, a single directory for all files is used.
The value can also be 4 directories separated by colons, in this order:
config, data, cache, runtime.
| CA_FILE | file | /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt |
File containing the certificate authorities.

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@ -200,8 +200,13 @@ CMake に対するオプションを指定するには、以下の書式を使
| CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | directory | /usr/local |
WeeChat をインストールするディレクトリ。
| WEECHAT_HOME | directory | ~/.weechat |
WeeChat 実行時のホームディレクトリ。
| WEECHAT_HOME | directory | (empty string) |
WeeChat 実行時のホームディレクトリ。 +
With an empty value (recommended), XDG directories are used by default.
If non empty, a single directory for all files is used.
The value can also be 4 directories separated by colons, in this order:
config, data, cache, runtime.
| CA_FILE | file | /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt |

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@ -197,8 +197,13 @@ Lista popularnych opcji:
| CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | katalog | /usr/local |
Katalog, do którego zostanie zainstalowany WeeChat.
| WEECHAT_HOME | katalog | ~/.weechat |
Domyślny katalog domowy dla WeeChat.
| WEECHAT_HOME | katalog | (empty string) |
Domyślny katalog domowy dla WeeChat. +
With an empty value (recommended), XDG directories are used by default.
If non empty, a single directory for all files is used.
The value can also be 4 directories separated by colons, in this order:
config, data, cache, runtime.
| CA_FILE | plik | /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt |
Plik zawierający urzędy certyfikacji.