Updated files
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,97 +3,24 @@ WeeChat - Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat
ChangeLog - 2003-09-29
* 2003-09-28:
- added "/connect" and "/disconnect" commands
- added "/server" command
- added autoconnect flag for each server in config file
* 2003-09-27:
- added term window title
- fixed nicklist display bug
- fixed crash when sending command which can not be sent
- ctcp version returns more info (about OS)
Version 0.0.2 (under dev!):
* added new WeeChat commands: server, connect, disconnect
* added autoconnect flag for each server in config file
* term window title is modified with WeeChat name and version
* fixed nicklist display bug
* fixed crash when sending command which can only be received
* CTCP version returns more info (about OS)
* 2003-09-27:
- WeeChat 0.0.1 released!
* 2003-09-26:
- added completor prefix (in config: look_nick_completor)
- fixef log_printf command (bug with year & month)
- added "/kill" command
- fixed /version and /ctcp commands (missing ":" before message)
* 2003-09-25:
- added "/kick" command
- added IRC errors 402 to 407
- added "/invite" command
* 2003-09-24:
- "ctcp version" received is now correctly displayed
- "/version" command is ok
* 2003-09-23:
- log file (~/.weechat/weechat.log)
- renamed config file (~/.weechat/weechatrc to ~/.weechat/weechat.rc)
* 2003-09-21:
- "demi-highlight": 2 types of windows highlight: lightred for windows with
unread messages (from other users), lightmagenta for windows with other
unread data (join, part, quit, away, ...)
- "320" IRC message management
- "/clear" command
* 2003-09-19:
- préparation des sources pour l'internationalisation avec gettext
- "301" IRC command (away message)
- functions renamed in rc-commands.c, irc-server.c,
command.c and config.c (all functions are beginning with a prefix:
irc_cmd_recv_xxx, irc_cmd_send_xxx, server_xxx, weechat_cmd_xxx and
config_xxx). Moreover, all commands (sent and received) return a value
(success or not)
- "/quote" command
- "/whois" command (and colored display of /whois result in server window)
* 2003-09-18:
- use of alternate nickname (and 2nd alternate) if nick is already used
on server (changed/added in config file: options "nick1", "nick2", "nick3"
for a server, all are mandatory)
- "433" IRC error management (nickname already in use)
- "mode" command received correctly for "channel flags" and
op/deop/voice/devoice actions for a nick
- "401" IRC error management (no such nick/channel)
- private windows management (when received and opened, with /privmsg),
"/privmsg" completed consequently
* 2003-09-17:
- nickmode display ((half)op/voice) before nicks (as option, look at config
options beginning with "look_nickmode")
- windows history is now ok (pgup/pgdn on any window type)
- "/me" command (and OK when received)
- display nicks count when joining channel or with "/names" command
(total, ops, halfops, voices et normaux)
* 2003-09-16:
- added and normalized chat window colors
(new colors in config file)
- "/topic" command
- nicklist can be moved on top, bottom, left or right of window
* 2003-09-15:
- auto-resize of nicklist, according to nick max length
- IRC multi-servers is OK
* 2003-09-14:
- no hangup if "/part" command is executed on server window
- continue if no server is declared in config file
(empty window will be opened for executing WeeChat commands)
- string array for strings in config file
example: cfg_look_nicklist_position can take values "left", "right",
"top", "bottom", which are converted to int (from 0 for "left" to 3 for
- messages are aligned under time (server window) or under time + nick
(channel window)
* 2003-09-13:
- sources exploded in many directories: ./irc, ./gui/curses, ./gui/gtk,
./gui/qt and ./gui/text
Version 0.0.1 (2003-09-27):
* ncurses GUI with color output
* multi-servers
* channel windows, with nicklist (position: top, bottom, left or right)
* private windows
* IRC commands: away, ctcp, deop, devoice, invite, join, kick, kill, list,
me, mode, msg, names, nick, notice, op, oper, part, ping, pong, quit,
quote, topic, version, voice, whois
* WeeChat commands: clear, help, set (partial)
* many config options
* log file (~/.weechat/weechat.log)
* nicklist can be moved on top, bottom, left or right of window
@ -11,33 +11,17 @@ Legend:
* IRC protocol:
- implement RFC 2812
+ "/mode" command: change the user/channels modes
- "/dcc" command (for chat and sending/receiving files)
- complete "/list" command: add regexp search, display only channels that
match regexp
- "/ignore" and "/unignore" commands: hide all that is write by a given
- when we're away, WeeChat should log all the lines begenning by our nick.
When we come back from our away it should print it to the current window
- "/rehash" command: tell the server to reload its config file
- "/restart" command: tell the server to restart itself
- "/notify" and "/unnotify" command to be warn by WeeChat when a given
nick/host connect to the given irc network
- "/wallops" command: write the same string to all the
persons with the flag +w enable
* WeeChat commands:
# "/connect" and "/disconnect" commands (for multiservers use)
# "/server" command to add, remove or list servers
- "/completion" command: do shortcuts (for example when we type "u"
in the text bar it send it to the server as "you")
- "/exec" command: execute a command as if we was in shell
and show us the output on the current window. An option to exec
like -o could send the output to the server, on the current
- "/reload" command: reload the WeeChat's config file
+ "/set" command: allow the user to set the WeeChat variables
under WeeChat without editing the config file (colours, time
@ -47,7 +31,46 @@ v0.0.2:
* Interface:
- display current channel modes (example : #weechat(+nt))
- interpret ^B in messages (this means bold text)
* TCP/IP communication:
- connect to server with child process (background)
* Configuration:
- write config file
- add an option for each server in order to run commands on join
(example: /msg nickserv identify password)
- channel list for auto-join (for each server)
- do not stop program if problem with options in config file
- load config file after GUI (so init values by default (colors, ...) before
loading config)
Future versions:
* IRC protocol:
- "/dcc" command (for chat and sending/receiving files)
- complete "/list" command: add regexp search, display only channels that
match regexp
- "/ignore" and "/unignore" commands: hide all that is write by a given
- when we're away, WeeChat should log all the lines begenning by our nick.
When we come back from our away it should print it to the current window
- "/notify" and "/unnotify" command to be warn by WeeChat when a given
nick/host connect to the given irc network
- "/wallops" command: write the same string to all the
persons with the flag +w enable
* WeeChat commands:
- "/completion" command: do shortcuts (for example when we type "u"
in the text bar it send it to the server as "you")
- "/exec" command: execute a command as if we was in shell
and show us the output on the current window. An option to exec
like -o could send the output to the server, on the current
* Interface:
- interpret special chars in messages (color & bold for example)
- internationalization (traduce WeeChat in many languages)
- many channel windows in one window/term (window split)
- add lag indicator
@ -63,17 +86,10 @@ v0.0.2:
* TCP/IP communication:
- SSL support
- IPv6 protocol implementation
* Configuration:
- add key bindings to config file
- add missing options for config file
- write config file
- add an option for each server in order to run commands on join
(example: /msg nickserv identify password)
- channel list for auto-join (for each server)
- do not stop program if problem with options in config file
- load config file after GUI (so init values by default (colors, ...) before
loading config)
* Plugins:
- add Perl plugin
@ -81,52 +97,3 @@ v0.0.2:
- add Ruby plugin
- "/load" and "/unload" commands to (un)load extension scripts
(perl, python, ruby, ...)
* IRC protocol:
# "/quote" command: send a raw string to the server without parsing it
# "/me" command (for user actions description)
# "/away" command (to toggle the away status)
# "/op", "/deop", "/voice", "/devoice" commands
# "/invite" command
# "/kick", "/ban", "/unban" commands
# "/kill" command
# "/list" command: list of channels
# "/names" command: view who is on a given channel without being
on it (for example /names #weechat gives all the nicks present on
#weechat, except those who have the +i flag (server side))
# "/oper" command: become operator on the irc network
# "/topic" command: change the topic of a channel
# "/version" command: give the irc client version (CTCP VERSION)
of a given nick/channel (without parameter: gives WeeChat version)
# "/whois" command
# manage "halfop" status
* WeeChat commands:
# "/clear": to clear window content
* Interface:
# "demi-highlight" when joins/quits etc
# log messages/warning/errors to ~/.weechat/log file
# improve editing zone (left arrow <> backspace)
# sort nick list
# choose nick list position (top, left, right (default), bottom)
# auto-resize nicklist (when nick too long)
# do pretty cutting of long lines (align on the nick or after hour for server)
# keep history of commands and call them again with up/down arrow
# text GUI
# ncurses GUI:
# one window for each channel
# color display
# private windows
# redraw window when term size is modified
# chat history (pgup/pgdn for displaying history)
# switch to other channel window
* TCP/IP communication:
# IPv4 protocol implementation
* Configuration:
# write default config file
@ -3,97 +3,24 @@ WeeChat - Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat
ChangeLog - 2003-09-29
* 2003-09-28:
- added "/connect" and "/disconnect" commands
- added "/server" command
- added autoconnect flag for each server in config file
* 2003-09-27:
- added term window title
- fixed nicklist display bug
- fixed crash when sending command which can not be sent
- ctcp version returns more info (about OS)
Version 0.0.2 (under dev!):
* added new WeeChat commands: server, connect, disconnect
* added autoconnect flag for each server in config file
* term window title is modified with WeeChat name and version
* fixed nicklist display bug
* fixed crash when sending command which can only be received
* CTCP version returns more info (about OS)
* 2003-09-27:
- WeeChat 0.0.1 released!
* 2003-09-26:
- added completor prefix (in config: look_nick_completor)
- fixef log_printf command (bug with year & month)
- added "/kill" command
- fixed /version and /ctcp commands (missing ":" before message)
* 2003-09-25:
- added "/kick" command
- added IRC errors 402 to 407
- added "/invite" command
* 2003-09-24:
- "ctcp version" received is now correctly displayed
- "/version" command is ok
* 2003-09-23:
- log file (~/.weechat/weechat.log)
- renamed config file (~/.weechat/weechatrc to ~/.weechat/weechat.rc)
* 2003-09-21:
- "demi-highlight": 2 types of windows highlight: lightred for windows with
unread messages (from other users), lightmagenta for windows with other
unread data (join, part, quit, away, ...)
- "320" IRC message management
- "/clear" command
* 2003-09-19:
- préparation des sources pour l'internationalisation avec gettext
- "301" IRC command (away message)
- functions renamed in rc-commands.c, irc-server.c,
command.c and config.c (all functions are beginning with a prefix:
irc_cmd_recv_xxx, irc_cmd_send_xxx, server_xxx, weechat_cmd_xxx and
config_xxx). Moreover, all commands (sent and received) return a value
(success or not)
- "/quote" command
- "/whois" command (and colored display of /whois result in server window)
* 2003-09-18:
- use of alternate nickname (and 2nd alternate) if nick is already used
on server (changed/added in config file: options "nick1", "nick2", "nick3"
for a server, all are mandatory)
- "433" IRC error management (nickname already in use)
- "mode" command received correctly for "channel flags" and
op/deop/voice/devoice actions for a nick
- "401" IRC error management (no such nick/channel)
- private windows management (when received and opened, with /privmsg),
"/privmsg" completed consequently
* 2003-09-17:
- nickmode display ((half)op/voice) before nicks (as option, look at config
options beginning with "look_nickmode")
- windows history is now ok (pgup/pgdn on any window type)
- "/me" command (and OK when received)
- display nicks count when joining channel or with "/names" command
(total, ops, halfops, voices et normaux)
* 2003-09-16:
- added and normalized chat window colors
(new colors in config file)
- "/topic" command
- nicklist can be moved on top, bottom, left or right of window
* 2003-09-15:
- auto-resize of nicklist, according to nick max length
- IRC multi-servers is OK
* 2003-09-14:
- no hangup if "/part" command is executed on server window
- continue if no server is declared in config file
(empty window will be opened for executing WeeChat commands)
- string array for strings in config file
example: cfg_look_nicklist_position can take values "left", "right",
"top", "bottom", which are converted to int (from 0 for "left" to 3 for
- messages are aligned under time (server window) or under time + nick
(channel window)
* 2003-09-13:
- sources exploded in many directories: ./irc, ./gui/curses, ./gui/gtk,
./gui/qt and ./gui/text
Version 0.0.1 (2003-09-27):
* ncurses GUI with color output
* multi-servers
* channel windows, with nicklist (position: top, bottom, left or right)
* private windows
* IRC commands: away, ctcp, deop, devoice, invite, join, kick, kill, list,
me, mode, msg, names, nick, notice, op, oper, part, ping, pong, quit,
quote, topic, version, voice, whois
* WeeChat commands: clear, help, set (partial)
* many config options
* log file (~/.weechat/weechat.log)
* nicklist can be moved on top, bottom, left or right of window
@ -11,33 +11,17 @@ Legend:
* IRC protocol:
- implement RFC 2812
+ "/mode" command: change the user/channels modes
- "/dcc" command (for chat and sending/receiving files)
- complete "/list" command: add regexp search, display only channels that
match regexp
- "/ignore" and "/unignore" commands: hide all that is write by a given
- when we're away, WeeChat should log all the lines begenning by our nick.
When we come back from our away it should print it to the current window
- "/rehash" command: tell the server to reload its config file
- "/restart" command: tell the server to restart itself
- "/notify" and "/unnotify" command to be warn by WeeChat when a given
nick/host connect to the given irc network
- "/wallops" command: write the same string to all the
persons with the flag +w enable
* WeeChat commands:
# "/connect" and "/disconnect" commands (for multiservers use)
# "/server" command to add, remove or list servers
- "/completion" command: do shortcuts (for example when we type "u"
in the text bar it send it to the server as "you")
- "/exec" command: execute a command as if we was in shell
and show us the output on the current window. An option to exec
like -o could send the output to the server, on the current
- "/reload" command: reload the WeeChat's config file
+ "/set" command: allow the user to set the WeeChat variables
under WeeChat without editing the config file (colours, time
@ -47,7 +31,46 @@ v0.0.2:
* Interface:
- display current channel modes (example : #weechat(+nt))
- interpret ^B in messages (this means bold text)
* TCP/IP communication:
- connect to server with child process (background)
* Configuration:
- write config file
- add an option for each server in order to run commands on join
(example: /msg nickserv identify password)
- channel list for auto-join (for each server)
- do not stop program if problem with options in config file
- load config file after GUI (so init values by default (colors, ...) before
loading config)
Future versions:
* IRC protocol:
- "/dcc" command (for chat and sending/receiving files)
- complete "/list" command: add regexp search, display only channels that
match regexp
- "/ignore" and "/unignore" commands: hide all that is write by a given
- when we're away, WeeChat should log all the lines begenning by our nick.
When we come back from our away it should print it to the current window
- "/notify" and "/unnotify" command to be warn by WeeChat when a given
nick/host connect to the given irc network
- "/wallops" command: write the same string to all the
persons with the flag +w enable
* WeeChat commands:
- "/completion" command: do shortcuts (for example when we type "u"
in the text bar it send it to the server as "you")
- "/exec" command: execute a command as if we was in shell
and show us the output on the current window. An option to exec
like -o could send the output to the server, on the current
* Interface:
- interpret special chars in messages (color & bold for example)
- internationalization (traduce WeeChat in many languages)
- many channel windows in one window/term (window split)
- add lag indicator
@ -63,17 +86,10 @@ v0.0.2:
* TCP/IP communication:
- SSL support
- IPv6 protocol implementation
* Configuration:
- add key bindings to config file
- add missing options for config file
- write config file
- add an option for each server in order to run commands on join
(example: /msg nickserv identify password)
- channel list for auto-join (for each server)
- do not stop program if problem with options in config file
- load config file after GUI (so init values by default (colors, ...) before
loading config)
* Plugins:
- add Perl plugin
@ -81,52 +97,3 @@ v0.0.2:
- add Ruby plugin
- "/load" and "/unload" commands to (un)load extension scripts
(perl, python, ruby, ...)
* IRC protocol:
# "/quote" command: send a raw string to the server without parsing it
# "/me" command (for user actions description)
# "/away" command (to toggle the away status)
# "/op", "/deop", "/voice", "/devoice" commands
# "/invite" command
# "/kick", "/ban", "/unban" commands
# "/kill" command
# "/list" command: list of channels
# "/names" command: view who is on a given channel without being
on it (for example /names #weechat gives all the nicks present on
#weechat, except those who have the +i flag (server side))
# "/oper" command: become operator on the irc network
# "/topic" command: change the topic of a channel
# "/version" command: give the irc client version (CTCP VERSION)
of a given nick/channel (without parameter: gives WeeChat version)
# "/whois" command
# manage "halfop" status
* WeeChat commands:
# "/clear": to clear window content
* Interface:
# "demi-highlight" when joins/quits etc
# log messages/warning/errors to ~/.weechat/log file
# improve editing zone (left arrow <> backspace)
# sort nick list
# choose nick list position (top, left, right (default), bottom)
# auto-resize nicklist (when nick too long)
# do pretty cutting of long lines (align on the nick or after hour for server)
# keep history of commands and call them again with up/down arrow
# text GUI
# ncurses GUI:
# one window for each channel
# color display
# private windows
# redraw window when term size is modified
# chat history (pgup/pgdn for displaying history)
# switch to other channel window
* TCP/IP communication:
# IPv4 protocol implementation
* Configuration:
# write default config file
Reference in New Issue
Block a user