core: update translations and auto-generated doc files

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2017-01-07 07:59:38 +01:00
parent add0be28d9
commit d2b8c2883b
19 changed files with 224 additions and 194 deletions

View File

@ -16,55 +16,55 @@
-set <id> <property> <value>
-del <id>|-all [<id>...]
-list: zeigt laufende Befehle an
-sh: es wird die shell verwendet um Befehle auszuführen (WARNUNG: Dieses Argument sollte nur verwendet werden, falls alle Argumente unbedenklich sind, siehe Argument -nosh)
-nosh: die shell wird nicht verwendet um Befehle auszuführen (wird benötigt, falls der Befehl mit sensiblen Daten hantiert. Zum Beispiel der Inhalt einer Nachricht eines anderen Users)
-bg: führt Prozess im Hintergrund aus: gibt weder eine Prozessausgabe noch einen Rückgabewert aus (nicht kompatibel mit Argumenten -o/-n)
-nobg: gibt Prozessausgabe und Rückgabewert aus (Standardverhalten)
-stdin: erstellt eine PIPE um Daten zu dem Prozess zu senden (mittels /exec -in/-inclose)
-nostdin: es wird keine PIPE für stdin erstellt (Standardverhalten)
-buffer: zeigt/sendet Ausgabe des Befehls an diesen Buffer (wird der angegebene Buffer nicht gefunden wird ein neuer Buffer mit dem Namen "" erstellt)
-l: gibt die Ausgabe des Befehls lokal im Buffer aus (Standardverhalten)
-o: gibt die Ausgabe des Befehls im Buffer aus (nicht kompatibel mit Argument -bg)
-oc: gibt die Ausgabe des Befehls im Buffer aus und führt diesen dann aus (betrifft Zeilen die mit "/" beginnen bzw. das benutzerdefinierte Befehlszeichen verwenden) (nicht kompatibel mit Option -bg)
-n: gibt die Ausgabe des Befehls in einem neuen Buffer aus (nicht kompatibel mit Argument -bg)
-nf: gibt die Ausgabe des Befehls in einem neuen Buffer, mit einem freien Inhalt (kein Zeilenumbruch, keine Limitierung in der Anzahl der Zeilen), aus (nicht kompatibel mit Argument -bg)
-cl: der neue Buffer wird vor einer Ausgabe gelöscht
-nocl: Ausgabe wird an neuen Buffer angehangen, ohne diesen vorher zu löschen (Standardverhalten)
-sw: es wird zum Ausgabebuffer gewechselt (Standardverhalten)
-nosw: es wird nicht zum Ausgabebuffer gewechselt
-ln: legt eine Zeilennummerierung an (Standardverhalten, nur für neue Buffer)
-noln: es wird keine Zeilennummerierung angezeigt
-flush: die Ausgabe des Befehls findet in Echtzeit statt (Standardwert)
-noflush: die Ausgabe des Befehls wird am Ende der Ausführung ausgegeben
-color: es wird eine der folgenden Aktionen bei ANSI Zeichenkodierungen in der Ausgabe durchgeführt:
ansi: ANSI-Kodierung wird beibehalten
auto: konvertiert ANSI-Farben nach WeeChat/IRC (Standardverhalten)
irc: konvertiert ANSI-Farben nach IRC Farben
weechat: konvertiert ANSI-Farben nach WeeChat-Farben
strip: ANSI-Farben werden entfernt
-rc: der Rückgabewert wird ausgegeben (Standardverhalten)
-norc: der Rückgabewert wird unterdrückt
-timeout: gibt eine Zeitbeschränkung für den auszuführenden Befehl an (in Sekunden)
-name: dem Befehl wird ein Name zugewiesen (um den Befehl später mittels /exec zu nutzen)
-pipe: sendet die Ausgabe an einen Befehl von WeeChat/Erweiterung (Zeile für Zeile); sollen Leerzeichen im Befehl/Argument verwendet werden, müssen diese mit Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden; Variable $line wird durch die entsprechende Zeile ersetzt (standardmäßig wird die Zeile, getrennt durch ein Leerzeichen, dem Befehl nachgestellt (nicht kompatibel mit den Argumenten -bg/-o/-n)
-hsignal: sendet die Ausgabe als hsignal (um es z.B. mittels /trigger zu verwenden) (nicht kompatibel mit den Argumenten -bg/-o/-n)
command: Befehl der ausgeführt werden soll; beginnt der Befehl mit "url:", wird die shell deaktiviert und der Inhalt der URL wird heruntergeladen und im Buffer ausgegeben
id: identifiziert eindeutig einen Befehl: entweder durch eine Nummer oder einen Namen (sofern ein Name mittels "-name xxx" zugewiesen wurde)
-in: sendet Text an die Standardeingabe des Prozesses
-inclose: wie -in aber stdin wird danach geschlossen (und der Text ist optional: ohne Text wird stdin umgehend geschlossen
-signal: schickt ein Signal an den Prozess; das Signal kann entweder ein Integerwert oder eines der folgenden Schlüsselworte sein: hup, int, quit, kill, term, usr1, usr2
-kill: Alias für "-signal <id> kill"
-killall: beendet alle laufenden Prozesse
-set: nutzt eine Hook-Fähigkeit (siehe Funktion hook_set in Anleitung für API Erweiterung)
property: Hook-Fähigkeit
value: neuer Wert für Hook-Fähigkeit
-del: entfernt einen beendeten Befehl
-all: entfernt alle beendeten Befehle
-list: list commands
-sh: use the shell to execute the command (WARNING: use this option ONLY if all arguments are safe, see option -nosh)
-nosh: do not use the shell to execute the command (required if the command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from another user) (default)
-bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)
-stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-inclose)
-nostdin: do not create a pipe for stdin (default)
-buffer: display/send output of command on this buffer (if the buffer is not found, a new buffer with name "" is created)
-l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)
-o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines starting with "/" or another custom command char) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output
-nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)
-sw: switch to the output buffer (default)
-nosw: don't switch to the output buffer
-ln: display line numbers (default in new buffer only)
-noln: don't display line numbers
-flush: display output of command in real time (default)
-noflush: display output of command after its end
-color: action on ANSI colors in output:
ansi: keep ANSI codes as-is
auto: convert ANSI colors to WeeChat/IRC (default)
irc: convert ANSI colors to IRC colors
weechat: convert ANSI colors to WeeChat colors
strip: remove ANSI colors
-rc: display return code (default)
-norc: don't display return code
-timeout: set a timeout for the command (in seconds)
-name: set a name for the command (to name it later with /exec)
-pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
command: the command to execute; if beginning with "url:", the shell is disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output
id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with "-name xxx")
-in: send text on standard input of process
-inclose: same as -in, but stdin is closed after (and text is optional: without text, the stdin is just closed)
-signal: send a signal to the process; the signal can be an integer or one of these names: hup, int, quit, kill, term, usr1, usr2
-kill: alias of "-signal <id> kill"
-killall: kill all running processes
-set: set a hook property (see function hook_set in plugin API reference)
property: hook property
value: new value for hook property
-del: delete a terminated command
-all: delete all terminated commands
Standardoptionen können in der Einstellung exec.command.default_options bestimmt werden.
Default options can be set in the option exec.command.default_options.
/exec -n ls -l /tmp
/exec -sh -n ps xu | grep weechat
/exec -n -norc url:

View File

@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
-list: list commands
-sh: use the shell to execute the command (WARNING: use this option ONLY if all arguments are safe, see option -nosh)
-nosh: do not use the shell to execute the command (required if the command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from another user) (default)
-bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)
-bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)
-stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-inclose)
-nostdin: do not create a pipe for stdin (default)
-buffer: display/send output of command on this buffer (if the buffer is not found, a new buffer with name "" is created)
-l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)
-o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands (not compatible with option -bg)
-oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines starting with "/" or another custom command char) (not compatible with option -bg)
-n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with option -bg)
-nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)
-o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines starting with "/" or another custom command char) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output
-nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)
-sw: switch to the output buffer (default)
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-norc: don't display return code
-timeout: set a timeout for the command (in seconds)
-name: set a name for the command (to name it later with /exec)
-pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)
-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)
-pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
command: the command to execute; if beginning with "url:", the shell is disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output
id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with "-name xxx")
-in: send text on standard input of process

View File

@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
-list : lister les commandes
-sh : utiliser le shell pour exécuter la commande (ATTENTION : utilisez cette option SEULEMENT si tous les paramètres sont fiables, voir l'option -nosh)
-nosh : ne pas utiliser le shell pour exécuter la commande (requis si la commande a des données non fiables, par exemple le contenu d'un message d'un autre utilisateur) (par défaut)
-bg : lancer le processus en tâche de fond : ne pas afficher la sortie ni le code retour (non compatible avec les options -o/-n)
-bg : lancer le processus en tâche de fond : ne pas afficher la sortie ni le code retour (non compatible avec les options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nobg : capturer la sortie du processus et afficher le code retour (par défaut)
-stdin : créer un tuyau pour envoyer des données sur l'entrée standard du processus (avec /exec -in/-inclose)
-nostdin : ne pas créer de tuyau pour l'entrée standard (par défaut)
-buffer : afficher/envoyer la sortie de la commande sur ce tampon (si le tampon n'est pas trouvé, un nouveau tampon avec le nom "" est créé)
-l : afficher localement la sortie de la commande sur le tampon (par défaut)
-o : envoyer la sortie de la commande au tampon sans exécuter les commandes (non compatible avec l'option -bg)
-oc : envoyer la sortie de la commande au tampon et exécuter les commandes (lignes commençant par "/" ou un caractère personnalisé de commande) (non compatible avec l'option -bg)
-n : afficher la sortie de la commande dans un nouveau tampon (non compatible avec l'option -bg)
-nf : afficher la sortie de la commande dans un nouveau tampon avec contenu libre (pas de coupure des mots, pas de limite sur le nombre de lignes) (non compatible avec l'option -bg)
-o : envoyer la sortie de la commande au tampon sans exécuter les commandes (non compatible avec les options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-oc : envoyer la sortie de la commande au tampon et exécuter les commandes (lignes commençant par "/" ou un caractère personnalisé de commande) (non compatible avec les options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-n : afficher la sortie de la commande dans un nouveau tampon (non compatible avec les options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nf : afficher la sortie de la commande dans un nouveau tampon avec contenu libre (pas de coupure des mots, pas de limite sur le nombre de lignes) (non compatible avec les options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-cl : effacer le nouveau tampon avant d'afficher la sortie
-nocl : ajouter au nouveau tampon sans effacer (par défaut)
-sw : basculer vers le tampon de sortie (par défaut)
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-norc : ne pas afficher le code retour
-timeout : définir un délai maximum pour la commande (en secondes)
-name : définir un nom pour la commande (pour la nommer plus tard avec /exec)
-pipe : envoyer la sortie vers une commande WeeChat/extension (ligne par ligne) ; s'il y a des espaces dans la commande/paramètres, entourez les de guillemets ; la variable $line est remplacée par la ligne (par défaut la ligne est ajoutée après la commande, séparée par un espace) (non compatible avec les options -bg/-o/-n)
-hsignal : envoyer la sortie sous forme de hsignal (pour être utilisé par exemple dans un trigger) (non compatible avec les options -bg/-o/-n)
-pipe : envoyer la sortie vers une commande WeeChat/extension (ligne par ligne) ; s'il y a des espaces dans la commande/paramètres, entourez les de guillemets ; la variable $line est remplacée par la ligne (par défaut la ligne est ajoutée après la commande, séparée par un espace) (non compatible avec les options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
-hsignal : envoyer la sortie sous forme de hsignal (pour être utilisé par exemple dans un trigger) (non compatible avec les options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
commande : la commande à exécuter ; si elle commence par "url:", le shell est désactivé et le contenu de l'URL est téléchargé et envoyé comme sortie
id : identifiant de commande : soit le numéro ou le nom (si défini avec "-name xxx")
-in : envoyer le texte sur l'entrée standard du processus

View File

@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
-list: list commands
-sh: use the shell to execute the command (WARNING: use this option ONLY if all arguments are safe, see option -nosh)
-nosh: do not use the shell to execute the command (required if the command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from another user) (default)
-bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)
-bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)
-stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-inclose)
-nostdin: do not create a pipe for stdin (default)
-buffer: display/send output of command on this buffer (if the buffer is not found, a new buffer with name "" is created)
-l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)
-o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands (not compatible with option -bg)
-oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines starting with "/" or another custom command char) (not compatible with option -bg)
-n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with option -bg)
-nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)
-o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines starting with "/" or another custom command char) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output
-nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)
-sw: switch to the output buffer (default)
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-norc: don't display return code
-timeout: set a timeout for the command (in seconds)
-name: set a name for the command (to name it later with /exec)
-pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)
-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)
-pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
command: the command to execute; if beginning with "url:", the shell is disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output
id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with "-name xxx")
-in: send text on standard input of process

View File

@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
-list: list commands
-sh: use the shell to execute the command (WARNING: use this option ONLY if all arguments are safe, see option -nosh)
-nosh: do not use the shell to execute the command (required if the command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from another user) (default)
-bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)
-bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)
-stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-inclose)
-nostdin: do not create a pipe for stdin (default)
-buffer: display/send output of command on this buffer (if the buffer is not found, a new buffer with name "" is created)
-l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)
-o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands (not compatible with option -bg)
-oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines starting with "/" or another custom command char) (not compatible with option -bg)
-n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with option -bg)
-nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)
-o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines starting with "/" or another custom command char) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output
-nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)
-sw: switch to the output buffer (default)
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-norc: don't display return code
-timeout: set a timeout for the command (in seconds)
-name: set a name for the command (to name it later with /exec)
-pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)
-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)
-pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
command: the command to execute; if beginning with "url:", the shell is disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output
id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with "-name xxx")
-in: send text on standard input of process

View File

@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
-list: list commands
-sh: use the shell to execute the command (WARNING: use this option ONLY if all arguments are safe, see option -nosh)
-nosh: do not use the shell to execute the command (required if the command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from another user) (default)
-bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)
-bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)
-stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-inclose)
-nostdin: do not create a pipe for stdin (default)
-buffer: display/send output of command on this buffer (if the buffer is not found, a new buffer with name "" is created)
-l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)
-o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands (not compatible with option -bg)
-oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines starting with "/" or another custom command char) (not compatible with option -bg)
-n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with option -bg)
-nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)
-o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines starting with "/" or another custom command char) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)
-cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output
-nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)
-sw: switch to the output buffer (default)
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-norc: don't display return code
-timeout: set a timeout for the command (in seconds)
-name: set a name for the command (to name it later with /exec)
-pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)
-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)
-pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)
command: the command to execute; if beginning with "url:", the shell is disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output
id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with "-name xxx")
-in: send text on standard input of process

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-06 21:59+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -5005,7 +5005,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -5014,14 +5014,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -5043,9 +5044,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-06 22:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
@ -5869,6 +5869,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<id> [<text>] || -signal <id> <signal> || -kill <id> || -killall || -set "
"<id> <property> <value> || -del <id>|-all [<id>...]"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -list: list commands\n"
" -sh: use the shell to execute the command (WARNING: use this option "
@ -5877,7 +5878,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -5886,14 +5887,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -5915,9 +5917,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-06 22:01+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -5219,7 +5219,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -5228,14 +5228,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -5257,9 +5258,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-06 21:59+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-07 07:59+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -5750,7 +5750,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -5759,14 +5759,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -5788,9 +5789,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "
@ -5830,7 +5832,8 @@ msgstr ""
"commande a des données non fiables, par exemple le contenu d'un message d'un "
"autre utilisateur) (par défaut)\n"
" -bg : lancer le processus en tâche de fond : ne pas afficher la sortie "
"ni le code retour (non compatible avec les options -o/-n)\n"
"ni le code retour (non compatible avec les options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-"
" -nobg : capturer la sortie du processus et afficher le code retour (par "
" -stdin : créer un tuyau pour envoyer des données sur l'entrée standard du "
@ -5842,15 +5845,15 @@ msgstr ""
" -l : afficher localement la sortie de la commande sur le tampon (par "
" -o : envoyer la sortie de la commande au tampon sans exécuter les "
"commandes (non compatible avec l'option -bg)\n"
"commandes (non compatible avec les options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc : envoyer la sortie de la commande au tampon et exécuter les "
"commandes (lignes commençant par \"/\" ou un caractère personnalisé de "
"commande) (non compatible avec l'option -bg)\n"
"commande) (non compatible avec les options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n : afficher la sortie de la commande dans un nouveau tampon (non "
"compatible avec l'option -bg)\n"
"compatible avec les options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf : afficher la sortie de la commande dans un nouveau tampon avec "
"contenu libre (pas de coupure des mots, pas de limite sur le nombre de "
"lignes) (non compatible avec l'option -bg)\n"
"lignes) (non compatible avec les options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -cl : effacer le nouveau tampon avant d'afficher la sortie\n"
" -nocl : ajouter au nouveau tampon sans effacer (par défaut)\n"
" -sw : basculer vers le tampon de sortie (par défaut)\n"
@ -5876,9 +5879,10 @@ msgstr ""
"ligne) ; s'il y a des espaces dans la commande/paramètres, entourez les de "
"guillemets ; la variable $line est remplacée par la ligne (par défaut la "
"ligne est ajoutée après la commande, séparée par un espace) (non compatible "
"avec les options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"avec les options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" -hsignal : envoyer la sortie sous forme de hsignal (pour être utilisé par "
"exemple dans un trigger) (non compatible avec les options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"exemple dans un trigger) (non compatible avec les options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-"
" commande : la commande à exécuter ; si elle commence par \"url:\", le shell "
"est désactivé et le contenu de l'URL est téléchargé et envoyé comme sortie\n"
" id : identifiant de commande : soit le numéro ou le nom (si défini "

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-06 22:03+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -4542,7 +4542,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -4551,14 +4551,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -4580,9 +4581,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-06 22:04+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -5362,7 +5362,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -5371,14 +5371,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -5400,9 +5401,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-07 09:00+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
@ -5485,6 +5485,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<id> [<text>] || -signal <id> <signal> || -kill <id> || -killall || -set "
"<id> <property> <value> || -del <id>|-all [<id>...]"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" -list: list commands\n"
" -sh: use the shell to execute the command (WARNING: use this option "
@ -5493,7 +5494,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -5502,14 +5503,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -5531,9 +5533,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-06 22:05+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -5621,7 +5621,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -5630,14 +5630,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -5659,9 +5660,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-06 22:05+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
@ -5610,7 +5610,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -5619,14 +5619,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -5648,9 +5649,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-03 08:24+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Eduardo Elias <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -5157,7 +5157,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -5166,14 +5166,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -5195,9 +5196,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-06 22:06+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -4580,7 +4580,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -4589,14 +4589,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -4618,9 +4619,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-06 22:07+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasan Kiran <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -4143,7 +4143,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -4152,14 +4152,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -4181,9 +4182,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-06 21:58+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-07 07:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -4127,7 +4127,7 @@ msgid ""
"command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from "
"another user) (default)\n"
" -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither "
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-n)\n"
"return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default)\n"
" -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-"
@ -4136,14 +4136,15 @@ msgid ""
"not found, a new buffer with name \"\" is created)\n"
" -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default)\n"
" -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands "
"(not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines "
"starting with \"/\" or another custom command char) (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with "
"option -bg)\n"
"options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal)\n"
" -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no "
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with option -bg)\n"
"word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-"
" -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output\n"
" -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default)\n"
" -sw: switch to the output buffer (default)\n"
@ -4165,9 +4166,10 @@ msgid ""
" -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if "
"there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; "
"variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after "
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-"
"-hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) "
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-n)\n"
"(not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf)\n"
" command: the command to execute; if beginning with \"url:\", the shell is "
"disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output\n"
" id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with \"-name "