doc: add link to in scripting guide (URL transfer) and plugin API reference (function hook_process)

This commit is contained in:
Sebastien Helleu 2013-03-16 16:06:16 +01:00
parent 3fb123510a
commit e1e3109da3
9 changed files with 89 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -728,23 +728,28 @@ einen URL Transfer, kommt die Funktion `hook_process_hashtable` zum Einsatz.
Beispiel eines URL Transfers, ohne zusätzliche Optionen: Die HTML Seite wird
dabei in der Callback-Variable "out" gesichert (Standardausgabe des Prozesses):
# Zeigt die Versionen der Linux-Kerne.
kernel_txt = ""
# Display current stable version of WeeChat.
weechat_version = ""
def kernel_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global kernel_txt
def weechat_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global weechat_version
if out != "":
kernel_txt += out
weechat_version += out
if int(rc) >= 0:
weechat.prnt("", kernel_txt)
weechat.prnt("", "Current WeeChat stable is: %s" % weechat_version)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
30 * 1000, "kernel_process_cb", "")
30 * 1000, "weechat_process_cb", "")
All infos available about WeeChat are on page
Beispiel eines URL Transfers, mit zusätzliche Optionen: Es wird das neuste
WeeChat Entwicklerpaket in die Datei '/tmp/weechat-devel.tar.gz' gesichert:

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@ -6987,6 +6987,10 @@ The command can be an URL with format: "url:", to download
content of URL (_new in version 0.3.7_). Options are possible for URL with
function <<_weechat_hook_process_hashtable,weechat_hook_process_hashtable>>.
If you want to retrieve infos about WeeChat (like current stable version,
latest git commit, ...), you can use URLs on page
Buffer size for sending data to callback is 64KB (there are 2 buffers: one for
stdout and one for stderr).

View File

@ -715,21 +715,24 @@ in callback (standard output of process):
# Display versions of Linux kernels.
kernel_txt = ""
# Display current stable version of WeeChat.
weechat_version = ""
def kernel_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global kernel_txt
def weechat_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global weechat_version
if out != "":
kernel_txt += out
weechat_version += out
if int(rc) >= 0:
weechat.prnt("", kernel_txt)
weechat.prnt("", "Current WeeChat stable is: %s" % weechat_version)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
30 * 1000, "kernel_process_cb", "")
30 * 1000, "weechat_process_cb", "")
All infos available about WeeChat are on page
Example of URL transfer with an option: download latest WeeChat development
package in file '/tmp/weechat-devel.tar.gz':

View File

@ -7088,6 +7088,11 @@ pour télécharger le contenu de l'URL (_nouveau dans la version 0.3.7_).
Des options pour l'URL sont possibles avec la fonction
Si vous souhaitez récupérer des infos à propos de WeeChat (comme la version
stable actuelle, le dernier commit git, etc...), vous pouvez utiliser les URLs
sur la page
La taille du tampon pour l'envoi des données au "callback" est de 64 Ko (il y a
2 tampons : un pour stdout et un pour stderr).

View File

@ -732,21 +732,25 @@ dans le "callback" (sortie standard du processus) :
# Afficher la version des noyaux Linux.
kernel_txt = ""
# Afficher la version stable courante de WeeChat.
weechat_version = ""
def kernel_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global kernel_txt
def weechat_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global weechat_version
if out != "":
kernel_txt += out
weechat_version += out
if int(rc) >= 0:
weechat.prnt("", kernel_txt)
weechat.prnt("", "La version stable courante de WeeChat est : %s" % weechat_version)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
30 * 1000, "kernel_process_cb", "")
30 * 1000, "weechat_process_cb", "")
Toutes les infos disponibles à propos de WeeChat sont sur la page
Exemple de transfert d'URL avec une option : télécharger le dernier paquet de
développement WeeChat dans le fichier '/tmp/weechat-devel.tar.gz' :

View File

@ -7022,6 +7022,11 @@ scaricare il contenuto dell'URL (_novità nella versione 0.3.7_). Le opzioni per
un URL sono disponibili con la funzione
If you want to retrieve infos about WeeChat (like current stable version,
latest git commit, ...), you can use URLs on page
La dimensione del buffer per l'invio dei dati alla callback è di 64KB (ci sono
2 buffer: uno per stdout ed uno per stderr).

View File

@ -732,23 +732,28 @@ delle opzioni per il trasferimento dell'URL.
Esempio di trasferimento di un URL senza opzioni: la pagina HTML verrà
ricevuta come "out" nella callback (output standard di un processo):
# Visualizza le versioni dei kernel di Linux.
kernel_txt = ""
# Display current stable version of WeeChat.
weechat_version = ""
def kernel_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global kernel_txt
def weechat_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global weechat_version
if out != "":
kernel_txt += out
weechat_version += out
if int(rc) >= 0:
weechat.prnt("", kernel_txt)
weechat.prnt("", "Current WeeChat stable is: %s" % weechat_version)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
30 * 1000, "kernel_process_cb", "")
30 * 1000, "weechat_process_cb", "")
All infos available about WeeChat are on page
Esempio di trasferimento di un URL con un'opzione: scaricare l'ultimo pacchetto
di sviluppo di WeeChat nel file '/tmp/weechat-devel.tar.gz':

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@ -691,23 +691,28 @@ URL をダウンロードする (又は URL にポストする) には、関数
オプション無しの URL 転送の例: HTML ページの内容はコールバックの
"out" 引数 (プロセスの標準出力) を通して渡されます。
# Linux カーネルのバージョンを表示
kernel_txt = ""
# Display current stable version of WeeChat.
weechat_version = ""
def kernel_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global kernel_txt
def weechat_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global weechat_version
if out != "":
kernel_txt += out
weechat_version += out
if int(rc) >= 0:
weechat.prnt("", kernel_txt)
weechat.prnt("", "Current WeeChat stable is: %s" % weechat_version)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
30 * 1000, "kernel_process_cb", "")
30 * 1000, "weechat_process_cb", "")
All infos available about WeeChat are on page
オプション有りの URL 転送の例: 最新の WeeChat 開発パッケージをファイル
'/tmp/weechat-devel.tar.gz' にダウンロード:

View File

@ -715,23 +715,28 @@ Aby pobrać URL (albo wysłać do URL), należy użyć funkcji `hook_process`, l
Przykład transferu URL bez opcji: strona HTML jest otrzymywana jako "out"
(standardowe wyjście procesu):
# Wyświetla wersje Linuksowych kerneli.
kernel_txt = ""
# Display current stable version of WeeChat.
weechat_version = ""
def kernel_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global kernel_txt
def weechat_process_cb(data, command, rc, out, err):
global weechat_version
if out != "":
kernel_txt += out
weechat_version += out
if int(rc) >= 0:
weechat.prnt("", kernel_txt)
weechat.prnt("", "Current WeeChat stable is: %s" % weechat_version)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
30 * 1000, "kernel_process_cb", "")
30 * 1000, "weechat_process_cb", "")
All infos available about WeeChat are on page
Przykładowy transfer URL z opcją: pobranie najnowszej wersji rozwojowej WeeChat
do pliku '/tmp/weechat-devel.tar.gz':