Added new return codes for plugin handlers, to discard messages for WeeChat, plugins, or both.

This commit is contained in:
Sebastien Helleu 2005-10-28 07:31:21 +00:00
parent 232b5684ca
commit e26772dcdb
28 changed files with 2750 additions and 2158 deletions

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@title WeeChat - User guide
@subtitle Fast, light and extensible IRC client
@subtitle Documentation for WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - October, 25 2005
@subtitle Documentation for WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - October, 28 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 5@*
Create a FIFO pipe for remote control@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item irc_highlight
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison)@*
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison, words may begin or end with "*" for partial match)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item dcc_auto_accept_files
Automatically accept incoming dcc files@*
@ -1558,9 +1558,8 @@ them the plugin can't load):@*
@item functions for init and end of plugin:
@itemize @minus
@item weechat_plugin_init: function called when plugin is loaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
must return PLUGIN_RC_OK (0) if successful, PLUGIN_RC_KO (-1) if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded
@end itemize
@end itemize
@ -1576,7 +1575,7 @@ These functions are detailed below:@*
@command{int ascii_strcasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1599,7 +1598,7 @@ nul if chaine1 == chaine 2, positive if chaine1 > chaine2@*
@command{int ascii_strncasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2, int max)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1712,7 +1711,7 @@ Aucune.@*
char *server, char *channel, char *message, ...)}@*
Display a message on a WeeChat buffer, identified by server and
channel (both may be NULL).@*
channel (both may be NULL for current buffer).@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1806,10 +1805,25 @@ char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args,
void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "KICK received");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->msg_handler_add (plugin, "KICK", &msg_kick, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT or 1}: message will not be sent to
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS or 2}: message will not be sent to
other plugins
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_ALL or 3}: message will not be sent to
WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{t_plugin_handler *cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin
@ -1823,7 +1837,7 @@ Add a WeeChat command handler, called when user uses command
@itemize @minus
@item @option{plugin}: pointer to plugin structure
@item @option{commande}: the new command
@item @option{command}: the new command
@item @option{description}: command description (displayed by /help
@item @option{arguments}: short description of command arguments
@ -1847,11 +1861,20 @@ void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "test command,
file: %s", (arguments) ? arguments : "none");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "test", "Test command",
"[file]", "file: a file name", &cmd_test, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{void handler_remove (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
@ -2138,7 +2161,7 @@ char plugin_name[] = "Toto";
char plugin_version[] = "0.1";
char plugin_description[] = "Test plugin for WeeChat";
/* gestionnaire de commande "/hello" */
/* "/hello" command handler */
int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
char *command, char *arguments,
@ -2149,7 +2172,7 @@ int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
@ -2160,13 +2183,12 @@ int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
"msg: message",
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
/* on ne fait rien ici */
return 1;
/* nothing done here */
@end verbatim
@ -2293,8 +2315,20 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ ($null, $channel, $message) = split ":",$_[1],3;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ ($hostmask, $null, $channel) = split " ", $channel;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat::print ("host=$hostmask, chan=$channel, msg=$message\n");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{weechat::add_command_handler ( name, function );}@*
@ -2330,6 +2364,14 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{weechat::remove_handler ( name, function );}@*
@ -2654,6 +2696,18 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ null, channel, message = string.split(args, ":", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ hostmask, null, channel = string.split(string.strip(channel), " ", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("host="+hostmask+", channel="+channel+", message="+message)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@ -2686,6 +2740,15 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{weechat.add_command_handler ("command", my_command)}@*
@code{def my_command(server, args):}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("server:"+server+" arguments:"+args)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Gui@'on de usuario.
@subtitle Cliente IRC r@'apido, peque@~no y extensible
@subtitle Documentaci@'on para WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 25 de octubre de 2005
@subtitle Documentaci@'on para WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 28 de octubre de 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@ -254,461 +254,461 @@ Enumeraci@'on de las opciones del fichero de configuraci@'on:@*
@table @kbd
@item look_set_title
Define el t@'itulo de la ventana (el terminal para la interfaz Curses) con el nombre y la versi@'on@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Set title for window (terminal for Curses GUI) with name & version@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_startup_logo
Mostrar el logotipo de WeeChat en el arranque@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display WeeChat logo at startup@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_startup_version
Mostrar la versi@'on de Weechat en el arranque@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display WeeChat version at startup@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_weechat_slogan
Esl@'ogan de WeeChat (si est@'a vac@'io, el esl@'ogan no ser@'a utilizado)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'the geekest IRC client!'@*
WeeChat slogan (if empty, slogan is not used)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'the geekest IRC client!'@*
@item look_charset_decode_iso
ISO charset for decoding messages from server (used only if locale is UTF-8) (if empty, messages are not converted if locale is UTF-8@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'ISO-8859-1'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'ISO-8859-1'@*
@item look_charset_decode_utf
UTF charset for decoding messages from server (used only if locale is not UTF-8) (if empty, messages are not converted if locale is not UTF-8@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'UTF-8'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'UTF-8'@*
@item look_charset_encode
Charset for encoding messages sent to server, examples: UFT-8, ISO-8859-1 (if empty, messages are not converted)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item look_charset_internal
Forces internal WeeChat charset (should be empty in most cases, that means detected charset is used)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item look_buffer_timestamp
Fecha y hora para las búfers@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '[%H:%M:%S]'@*
Timestamp for buffers@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '[%H:%M:%S]'@*
@item look_color_nicks
Mostrar nombres de usuario con colores diferentes@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display nick names with different colors@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_color_nicks_number
Number of colors to use for nicks colors@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 1 y 10), valor por defecto: 10@*
Type: integer (values: between 1 and 10), default value: 10@*
@item look_color_actions
Mostrar acciones con colores diferentes@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display actions with different colors@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_remove_colors_from_msgs
Quitar colores en los mensajes entrantes@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Remove colors from incoming messages@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_nicklist
Mostrar ventana de usuarios (para las ventanas de canal)@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display nicklist window (for channel windows)@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_nicklist_position
Posici@'on de la ventana de usuarios (arriba (top), izquierda (left), derecha (right, por defecto), abajo (bottom))@*
Typo: cadena (valores: 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'), valor por defecto: 'right'@*
Nicklist position (top, left, right (default), bottom)@*
Type: string (values: 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'), default value: 'right'@*
@item look_nicklist_min_size
Tama@~no m@'inimo para la ventana de usuarios (ancho o alto, dependiendo de look_nicklist_position (0 = sin tama@~no m@'inimo))@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 100), valor por defecto: 0@*
Min size for nicklist (width or height, depending on look_nicklist_position (0 = no min size))@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 100), default value: 0@*
@item look_nicklist_max_size
Tama@~no m@'aximo para la ventana de usuarios (ancho o alto, dependiendo de look_nicklist_position (0 = sin tama@~no m@'aximo, si min == max y > 0, entonces se fija el tama@~no))@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 100), valor por defecto: 0@*
Max size for nicklist (width or height, depending on look_nicklist_position (0 = no max size; if min == max and > 0, then size is fixed))@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 100), default value: 0@*
@item look_no_nickname
Texto a mostrar en lugar del nick cuando no se est@'a conectado@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '-cmd-'@*
Text to display instead of nick when not connected@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '-cmd-'@*
@item look_nickmode
Mostrar modo del usuario ((half)op/voice) antes de cada usuario@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display nick mode ((half)op/voice) before each nick@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_nickmode_empty
Mostrar un espacio si el modo de usuario no es (half)op/voice@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Display space if nick mode is not (half)op/voice@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item look_nick_completor
La cadena mostrada tras la finalizaci@'on de los nombres de usuario@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ':'@*
The string inserted after nick completion@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ':'@*
@item look_infobar
Activa la barra de informaci@'on@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Enable info bar@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_infobar_timestamp
Fecha y hora para las conversaciones guardadas@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '%B, %A %d %Y'@*
Timestamp for time in infobar@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '%B, %A %d %Y'@*
@item look_infobar_seconds
Mostrar segundos en la hora de la barra de herramientas@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display seconds in infobar time@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_infobar_delay_highlight
Retraso (en segundos) para la notificaci@'on de mensajes en la barra de informaci@'on (0 = desactivar las notificaciones en la barra de informaci@'on)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 7@*
Delay (in seconds) for highlight messages in infobar (0 = disable highlight notifications in infobar)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 7@*
@item look_hotlist_names_count
Max number of names in hotlist (0 = no name displayed, only buffer numbers)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 32), valor por defecto: 3@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 32), default value: 3@*
@item look_hotlist_names_level
Level for displaying names in hotlist (combination of: 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight, for example: 12=private+highlight)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 1 y 15), valor por defecto: 12@*
Type: integer (values: between 1 and 15), default value: 12@*
@item look_hotlist_names_length
Max length of names in hotlist (0 = no limit)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 32), valor por defecto: 0@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 32), default value: 0@*
@item look_day_change
Display special message when day changes@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_day_change_timestamp
Timestamp for date displayed when day changed@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '%a, %d %b %Y'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '%a, %d %b %Y'@*
@item col_title
Color para la barra de t@'itulo@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for title bar@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_title_bg
Color de fondo para la barra de t@'itulo@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'blue'@*
Background for title bar@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'blue'@*
@item col_chat
Color para el texto de conversaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for chat text@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_chat_time
Color para la hora en la ventana de conversaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for time in chat window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_chat_time_sep
Color para el separador de la hora (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'brown'@*
Color for time separator (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'brown'@*
@item col_chat_prefix1
Color para el primer o tercer car@'acter de prefijo@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightcyan'@*
Color for 1st and 3rd char of prefix@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightcyan'@*
@item col_chat_prefix2
Color para el car@'acter de en medio del prefijo@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for middle char of prefix@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_chat_join
Color for join arrow (prefix)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_chat_part
Color for part/quit arrow (prefix)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightred'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightred'@*
@item col_chat_nick
Color para los nombres de usuario en las acciones (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightcyan'@*
Color for nicks in actions (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightcyan'@*
@item col_chat_host
Color para los nombres de m@'aquina (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'cyan'@*
Color for hostnames (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'cyan'@*
@item col_chat_channel
Color para los nombres de canal en las acciones (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for channel names in actions (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_chat_dark
Color para los separadores oscuros (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'green'@*
Color for dark separators (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'green'@*
@item col_chat_highlight
Color para el alias subrayado (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'yellow'@*
Color for highlighted nick (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'yellow'@*
@item col_chat_bg
Color de fondo para la ventana de conversaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Background for chat window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_status
Color para la barra de estado@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for status bar@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_status_delimiters
Color para los delimitadores de la barra de estado@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'cyan'@*
Color for status bar delimiters@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'cyan'@*
@item col_status_channel
Color for current channel in status bar@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_status_data_msg
Color para una ventana con mensajes nuevos (barra de estado)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'yellow'@*
Color for window with new messages (status bar)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'yellow'@*
@item col_status_private
Color for window with private message (status bar)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightmagenta'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightmagenta'@*
@item col_status_highlight
Color para una ventana con resaltado (barra de estado)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightred'@*
Color for window with highlight (status bar)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightred'@*
@item col_status_data_other
Color para una ventana con nuevos datos (no mensajes) (barra de estado)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for window with new data (not messages) (status bar)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_status_more
Color para una ventana con nuevos datos (barra de estado)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for window with new data (status bar)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_status_bg
Color de fondo para la ventana de estado@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'blue'@*
Background for status window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'blue'@*
@item col_infobar
Color para el texto de la barra de informaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'black'@*
Color for info bar text@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'black'@*
@item col_infobar_delimiters
Color para los delimitadores de la barra de informaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'blue'@*
Color for infobar delimiters@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'blue'@*
@item col_infobar_highlight
Color para la notificaci@'on en la barra de informaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for info bar highlight notification@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_infobar_bg
Color de fondo para la ventana de la barra de informaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'cyan'@*
Background for info bar window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'cyan'@*
@item col_input
Color para el texto de entrada@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for input text@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_input_channel
Color para el texto de entrada (nombre de canal)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for input text (channel name)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_input_nick
Color para el texto de entrada (alias)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightcyan'@*
Color for input text (nick name)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightcyan'@*
@item col_input_delimiters
Color for input text (delimiters)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_input_bg
Color de fondo para la ventana de entrada@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Background for input window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_nick
Color para los nombres de usuario@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for nicknames@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_nick_away
Color para los usuarios ausentes@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'cyan'@*
Color for away nicknames@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'cyan'@*
@item col_nick_chanowner
Color para el s@'imbolo de propietario de canal (especificado en unrealircd)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Color for chan owner symbol (specific to unrealircd)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_nick_chanadmin
Color para el s@'imbolo de administrador de canal (especificado en unrealircd)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Color for chan admin symbol (specific to unrealircd)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_nick_op
Color para el s@'imbolo de operador@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Color for operator symbol@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_nick_halfop
Color para el s@'imbolo de semi-operador@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightmagenta'@*
Color for half-operator symbol@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightmagenta'@*
@item col_nick_voice
Color para el s@'imbolo de voz@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'yellow'@*
Color for voice symbol@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'yellow'@*
@item col_nick_more
Color para '+' al desplazar nicks@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightmagenta'@*
Color for '+' when scrolling nicks@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightmagenta'@*
@item col_nick_sep
Color para el separador de alias@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'blue'@*
Color for nick separator@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'blue'@*
@item col_nick_self
Color para el alias local@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for local nick@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_nick_color1
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'cyan'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'cyan'@*
@item col_nick_color2
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'magenta'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'magenta'@*
@item col_nick_color3
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'green'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'green'@*
@item col_nick_color4
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'brown'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'brown'@*
@item col_nick_color5
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightblue'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightblue'@*
@item col_nick_color6
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_nick_color7
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightcyan'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightcyan'@*
@item col_nick_color8
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightmagenta'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightmagenta'@*
@item col_nick_color9
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_nick_color10
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'blue'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'blue'@*
@item col_nick_private
Color para el otro alias en la ventana privada@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for other nick in private window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_nick_bg
Color de fondo para los nombres de usuario@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Background for nicknames@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_chat_dcc_selected
Color para el DCC seleccionado (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for selected DCC (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_dcc_waiting
Color para el estado dcc "esperando"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightcyan'@*
Color for "waiting" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightcyan'@*
@item col_dcc_connecting
Color para el estado dcc "conectando"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'yellow'@*
Color for "connecting" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'yellow'@*
@item col_dcc_active
Color para el estado dcc "activo"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightblue'@*
Color for "active" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightblue'@*
@item col_dcc_done
Color para el estado dcc "terminado"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Color for "done" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_dcc_failed
Color para el estado dcc "fallo"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightred'@*
Color for "failed" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightred'@*
@item col_dcc_aborted
Color para el estado dcc "abortado"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightred'@*
Color for "aborted" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightred'@*
@item history_max_lines
Número m@'aximo de l@'ineas en el hist@'orico para un servidor/canal/privado (0 = ilimitado)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 4096@*
Maximum number of lines in history for one server/channel/private window (0 = unlimited)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 4096@*
@item history_max_commands
Número m@'aximo de comandos de usuario en el hist@'orico (0 = ilimitado)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 100@*
Maximum number of user commands in history (0 = unlimited)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 100@*
@item log_auto_server
Registrar autom@'aticamente los mensajes de servidor@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Automatically log server messages@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item log_auto_channel
Registrar autom@'aticamente las conversaciones de canal@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Automatically log channel chats@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item log_auto_private
Registrar autom@'aticamente las conversaciones privadas@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Automatically log private chats@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item log_plugin_msg
Registrar mensajes de plugins (scripts)@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Log messages from plugins (scripts)@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item log_path
Ruta para los archivos de registro (logs) de WeeChat@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '~/.weechat/logs/'@*
Path for WeeChat log files@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '~/.weechat/logs/'@*
@item log_timestamp
Fecha y hora para los registros (ver man strftime para el formato de fecha/hora)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S'@*
Timestamp for log (see man strftime for date/time specifiers)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S'@*
@item log_hide_nickserv_pwd
Ocultar contrase@~na mostrada por nickserv@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Hide password displayed by nickserv@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item irc_display_away
Mostrar mensaje en todos los canales cuando se vuelva del estado ausente@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display message to all channels when (un)marking as away@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item irc_default_msg_away
Mensaje por defecto para el estado ausente@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'away'@*
Default message when away@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'away'@*
@item irc_default_msg_part
Mensaje por defecto de salida (saliendo de un canal)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'WeeChat %v'@*
Default part message (leaving channel)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'WeeChat %v'@*
@item irc_default_msg_quit
Mensaje de fin por defecto ('%v' ser@'a reemplazado por la versi@'on de WeeChat en la cadena)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'WeeChat %v'@*
Default quit message ('%v' will be replaced by WeeChat version in string)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'WeeChat %v'@*
@item irc_notice_as_pv
Display notices as private messages@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item irc_away_check
Intervalo entre dos comprobaciones de ausencia (en minutos, 0 = no comprobar)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 0@*
Interval between two checks for away (in minutes, 0 = never check)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 0@*
@item irc_lag_check
Intervalo entre dos medidas de lag (en segundos)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 30 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 60@*
Interval between two checks for lag (in seconds)@*
Type: integer (values: between 30 and 2147483647), default value: 60@*
@item irc_lag_min_show
Lag m@'inimo a mostrar (en segundos)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 1@*
Minimum lag to show (in seconds)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 1@*
@item irc_lag_disconnect
Desconexi@'on tras un lag importante (en minutos, 0 = no desconectar nunca)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 5@*
Disconnect after important lag (in minutes, 0 = never disconnect)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 5@*
@item irc_fifo_pipe
Crea una tuber@'ia FIFO para control remoto@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Create a FIFO pipe for remote control@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item irc_highlight
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison, words may begin or end with "*" for partial match)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item dcc_auto_accept_files
Aceptar autom@'aticamente los ficheros dcc entrantes@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Automatically accept incoming dcc files@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item dcc_auto_accept_chats
Aceptar autom@'aticamente las peticiones de conversaci@'on dcc (¡utilizar con precauci@'on!)@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Automatically accept dcc chats (use carefully!)@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item dcc_timeout
Tiempo de espera para la petici@'on dcc (en segundos)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 1 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 300@*
Timeout for dcc request (in seconds)@*
Type: integer (values: between 1 and 2147483647), default value: 300@*
@item dcc_blocksize
Tama@~no de bloque para los paquetes dcc en bytes (por defecto: 65536)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 1024 y 102400), valor por defecto: 65536@*
Block size for dcc packets in bytes (default: 65536)@*
Type: integer (values: between 1024 and 102400), default value: 65536@*
@item dcc_port_range
Restricts outgoing dcc to use only ports in the given range (useful for NAT) (syntax: a single port, ie. 5000 or a port range, ie. 5000-5015, empty value means any port)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item dcc_own_ip
IP or DNS address used for outgoing dcc (if empty, local interface IP is used)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item dcc_download_path
Ruta para los ficheros recibidos con dcc (por defecto: directorio home del usuario)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '~'@*
Path for writing incoming files with dcc (default: user home)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '~'@*
@item dcc_upload_path
Ruta para la lectura de ficheros cuando se env@'ian a trav@'es de dcc (cuando no se especifica una ruta)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '~'@*
Path for reading files when sending thru dcc (when no path is specified)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '~'@*
@item dcc_convert_spaces
Convertir los espacios a subrayados cuando se env@'ian los ficheros@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Convert spaces to underscores when sending files@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item dcc_auto_rename
Renombrar los ficheros recibidos si ya existen (a@~nadir '.1', '.2', ...)@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Rename incoming files if already exists (add '.1', '.2', ...)@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item dcc_auto_resume
Continuar autom@'aticamente la transferencia dcc si se ha perdido la conexi@'on con la m@'aquina remota@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Automatically resume dcc transfer if connection with remote host is loosed@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item proxy_use
Utilizar un proxy para conectarse al servidor irc@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Use a proxy server to connect to irc server@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item proxy_type
Tipo de proxy(http (por defecto), socks4, socks5)@*
Typo: cadena (valores: 'http', 'socks4', 'socks5'), valor por defecto: 'http'@*
Proxy type (http (default), socks4, socks5)@*
Type: string (values: 'http', 'socks4', 'socks5'), default value: 'http'@*
@item proxy_ipv6
Conectar al proxy en ipv6@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Connect to proxy in ipv6@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item proxy_address
Direcci@'on del servidor proxy (IP o nombre de m@'aquina)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Proxy server address (IP or hostname)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item proxy_port
Puerto para conectarse al servidor proxy@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 65535), valor por defecto: 3128@*
Port for connecting to proxy server@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 65535), default value: 3128@*
@item proxy_username
Nombre de usuario para el servidor proxy@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Username for proxy server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item proxy_password
Contrase@~na para el servidor proxy@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Password for proxy server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item plugins_path
Path for searching plugins@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '~/.weechat/plugins'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '~/.weechat/plugins'@*
@item plugins_autoload
Comma separated list of plugins to load automatically at startup, "*" means all plugins found (names may be partial, for example "perl" is ok for "")@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '*'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '*'@*
@item plugins_extension
Standard plugins extension in filename, used for autoload (if empty, then all files are loaded when autoload is "*")@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '.so'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '.so'@*
@item server_name
Nombre asociado al servidor IRC (para mostrar solamente)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Name associated to IRC server (for display only)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_autoconnect
Conexi@'on autom@'atica al servidor cuando WeeChat est@'e arrancando@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Automatically connect to server when WeeChat is starting@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item server_autoreconnect
Reconexi@'on autom@'atica al servidor tras una desconexi@'on@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Automatically reconnect to server when disconnected@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item server_autoreconnect_delay
Espera (en segundos) antes de intentar de nuevo una reconexi@'on al servidor@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 65535), valor por defecto: 30@*
Delay (in seconds) before trying again to reconnect to server@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 65535), default value: 30@*
@item server_address
Direcci@'on IP o nombre de m@'aquina del servidor IRC@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
IP address or hostname of IRC server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_port
Puerto para conectarse al servidor@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 65535), valor por defecto: 6667@*
Port for connecting to server@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 65535), default value: 6667@*
@item server_ipv6
Usar el protocolo IPv6 para la comunicaci@'on del servidor@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Use IPv6 protocol for server communication@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item server_ssl
Usar SSL para la comunicaci@'on del servidor@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Use SSL for server communication@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item server_password
Contrase@~na para el servidor IRC@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Password for IRC server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_nick1
Nombre de usuario a utilizar en el servidor IRC@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Nickname to use on IRC server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_nick2
Nombre de usuario alternativo para el servidor IRC (si el nombre de usuario ya est@'a en uso)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Alternate nickname to use on IRC server (if nickname is already used)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_nick3
Segundo nombre de usuario alternativo a utilizar en el servidor IRC (si el nombre de usuario alternativo ya est@'a en uso)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
2nd alternate nickname to use on IRC server (if alternate nickname is already used)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_username
Nombre de usuario para el servidor IRC@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
User name to use on IRC server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_realname
Nombre real para el servidor IRC@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Real name to use on IRC server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_command
Primer comando a ejecutar cuando se conecte a un servidor@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
First command to run when connected to server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_command_delay
Espera (en segundos) despu@'es de que el comando sea ejecutado (ejemplo: dar algo de tiempo para la autenticaci@'on)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 5), valor por defecto: 0@*
Delay (in seconds) after command was executed (example: give some time for authentication)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 5), default value: 0@*
@item server_autojoin
Lista de canales (separados por comas) a unirse cuando se conecte a un servidor (ejemplo: "#chan1,#chan2,#chan3 key1,key2")@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Comma separated list of channels to join when connected to server (example: "#chan1,#chan2,#chan3 key1,key2")@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_autorejoin
Unirse de nuevo autom@'aticamente a los canales cuando sea expulsado@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Automatically rejoin channels when kicked@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item server_notify_levels
Lista separada por comas de niveles de notificaci@'on para canales de este servidor (formato: #canal:1,...)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Comma separated list of notify levels for channels of this server (format: #channel:1,..)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@end table
Los colores para el interfaz Curses son:@*
@ -1561,9 +1561,8 @@ them the plugin can't load):@*
@item functions for init and end of plugin:
@itemize @minus
@item weechat_plugin_init: function called when plugin is loaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
must return PLUGIN_RC_OK (0) if successful, PLUGIN_RC_KO (-1) if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded
@end itemize
@end itemize
@ -1579,7 +1578,7 @@ These functions are detailed below:@*
@command{int ascii_strcasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1602,7 +1601,7 @@ nul if chaine1 == chaine 2, positive if chaine1 > chaine2@*
@command{int ascii_strncasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2, int max)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1715,7 +1714,7 @@ Aucune.@*
char *server, char *channel, char *message, ...)}@*
Display a message on a WeeChat buffer, identified by server and
channel (both may be NULL).@*
channel (both may be NULL for current buffer).@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1809,10 +1808,25 @@ char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args,
void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "KICK received");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->msg_handler_add (plugin, "KICK", &msg_kick, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT or 1}: message will not be sent to
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS or 2}: message will not be sent to
other plugins
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_ALL or 3}: message will not be sent to
WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{t_plugin_handler *cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin
@ -1826,7 +1840,7 @@ Add a WeeChat command handler, called when user uses command
@itemize @minus
@item @option{plugin}: pointer to plugin structure
@item @option{commande}: the new command
@item @option{command}: the new command
@item @option{description}: command description (displayed by /help
@item @option{arguments}: short description of command arguments
@ -1850,11 +1864,20 @@ void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "test command,
file: %s", (arguments) ? arguments : "none");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "test", "Test command",
"[file]", "file: a file name", &cmd_test, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{void handler_remove (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
@ -2135,7 +2158,7 @@ char plugin_name[] = "Toto";
char plugin_version[] = "0.1";
char plugin_description[] = "Test plugin for WeeChat";
/* gestionnaire de commande "/hello" */
/* "/hello" command handler */
int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
char *command, char *arguments,
@ -2146,7 +2169,7 @@ int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
@ -2157,13 +2180,12 @@ int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
"msg: message",
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
/* on ne fait rien ici */
return 1;
/* nothing done here */
@end verbatim
@ -2290,8 +2312,20 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ ($null, $canal, $mensaje) = split ":",$_[1],3;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ ($mascara, $null, $canal) = split " ", $canal;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat::print ("masc=$mascara, canal=$canal, msj=$mensaje\n");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{weechat::add_command_handler ( nombre, funci@'on );}@*
@ -2327,6 +2361,14 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{weechat::remove_handler ( name, function );}@*
@ -2650,6 +2692,18 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ null, canal, mensaje = string.split(args, ":", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ mascara, null, canal = string.split(string.strip(canal), " ", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("masc="+mascara+", canal="+canal+", msj="+mensaje)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@ -2682,6 +2736,15 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{weechat.add_command_handler ("comando", mi_comando)}@*
@code{def mi_comando(servidor, args):}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("Servidor:"+servidor+" Par@'ametros:"+args)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Guide utilisateur
@subtitle Client IRC rapide, l@'eger et extensible
@subtitle Documentation pour WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 25 octobre 2005
@subtitle Documentation pour WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 28 octobre 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ Type: entier (valeurs: entre 0 et 2147483647), valeur par d@'efaut: 5@*
Cr@'eer un tube FIFO pour le contr@^ole @`a distance@*
Type: bool@'een (valeurs: 'on' ou 'off'), valeur par d@'efaut: 'off'@*
@item irc_highlight
Liste des mots pour la notification (s@'epar@'es par des virgules, le comparaison ne tient pas compte de la casse)@*
Liste des mots pour la notification (s@'epar@'es par des virgules, le comparaison ne tient pas compte de la casse, les mots peuvent commencer ou se terminer par "*" pour une comparaison partielle)@*
Type: cha@^ine (toute cha@^ine), valeur par d@'efaut: ''@*
@item dcc_auto_accept_files
Accepte automatiquement les fichiers dcc entrants@*
@ -1565,9 +1565,9 @@ obligatoires (sans quoi l'extension ne peut
@item fonctions d'initialisation et fin de l'extension :
@itemize @minus
@item weechat_plugin_init: fonction appel@'ee au chargement de l'extension,
qui doit renvoyer 1 en cas de succ@`es, 0 en cas d'erreur
@item weechat_plugin_end: fonction appel@'ee au d@'echargement de l'extension,
qui doit renvoyer 1 en cas de succ@`es, 0 en cas d'erreur
qui doit renvoyer PLUGIN_RC_OK (0) en cas de succ@`es, PLUGIN_RC_KO (-1)
en cas d'erreur
@item weechat_plugin_end: fonction appel@'ee au d@'echargement de l'extension
@end itemize
@end itemize
@ -1639,10 +1639,10 @@ Explose une cha@^ine en plusieurs selon un/des d@'elimiteur(s).@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{plugin}: un pointeur vers la structure de l'extension
@item @option{string}: la cha@^ine @`a exploser
@item @option{separators}: les d@'elimiteurs utilis@'s pour exploser
@item @option{separators}: les d@'elimiteurs utilis@'es pour exploser
la cha@^ine
@item @option{num_items_max}: nombre maximum de sous-cha@^ines
cr@'é@'ees (si 0, alors le nombre est infini)
cr@'e@'ees (si 0, alors le nombre est infini)
@item @option{num_items}: pointeur vers un entier qui contiendra le
nombre de sous-cha@^ines cr@'e@'ees en retour
@end itemize
@ -1725,7 +1725,7 @@ Aucune.@*
char *server, char *channel, char *message, ...)}@*
Affiche un message sur un tampon WeeChat, identifi@'e par le serveur et
le canal (tous deux pouvant @^etre NULL).@*
le canal (tous deux pouvant @^etre NULL pour le tampon courant).@*
@emph{Param@`etres :}
@itemize @minus
@ -1797,7 +1797,7 @@ Aucune.@*
*plugin, char *message, t_plugin_handler_func *handler_func,
char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer)}@*
Ajoute un gestionnaire de messages IRC, appel@'e d@`s qu'un message
Ajoute un gestionnaire de messages IRC, appel@'e d@`es qu'un message
IRC est re@,cu.@*
@emph{Param@`etres :}
@ -1823,10 +1823,26 @@ char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args,
void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "KICK re@,cu");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->msg_handler_add (plugin, "KICK", &msg_kick, NULL, NULL);}@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque le message est re@,cu doit renvoyer une
des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO ou -1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK ou 0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT ou 1}: le message ne sera pas transmis
@`a WeeChat
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS ou 2}: le message ne sera pas transmis
@`a d'autres extensions
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_ALL ou 3}: le message ne sera transmis ni @`a
WeeChat ni @`a d'autres extensions
@end itemize
@command{t_plugin_handler *cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin
@ -1834,7 +1850,7 @@ void *handler_pointer)}@*
char *arguments_description, t_plugin_handler_func *handler_func,
char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer)}@*
Ajoute un gestionnaire de commande WeeChat, appel@'e d@`s que
Ajoute un gestionnaire de commande WeeChat, appel@'e d@`es que
l'utilisateur utilise la commande (par exemple /commande).@*
@emph{Param@`etres :}
@ -1867,11 +1883,21 @@ void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "commande test,
fichier: %s", (arguments) ? arguments : "aucun");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "test", "Commande test",
"[fichier]", "fichier: un nom de fichier", &cmd_test, NULL, NULL);}@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque la commande est ex@'ecut@'ee doit
renvoyer une des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO ou -1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK ou 0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@end itemize
@command{void handler_remove (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
@ -2178,7 +2204,7 @@ int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
@ -2189,13 +2215,12 @@ int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
"msg: message a afficher deux fois",
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
/* on ne fait rien ici */
return 1;
@end verbatim
@ -2323,8 +2348,22 @@ RFC 2812 : @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ ($null, $canal, $message) = split ":",$_[1],3;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ ($masque, $null, $canal) = split " ", $canal;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat::print ("masque=$masque, canal=$canal, msg=$message\n");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque le message est re@,cu doit renvoyer une
des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@item @option{1}: le message ne sera pas transmis @`a WeeChat
@item @option{2}: le message ne sera pas transmis @`a d'autres extensions
@item @option{3}: le message ne sera transmis ni @`a WeeChat ni @`a
d'autres extensions
@end itemize
@command{weechat::add_command_handler ( nom, fonction, [description,
@ -2361,6 +2400,15 @@ param@`etres de la commande (affich@'ee par /help commande)
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque la commande est ex@'ecut@'ee doit renvoyer une
des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@end itemize
@command{weechat::remove_handler ( nom, fonction );}@*
@ -2692,6 +2740,20 @@ RFC 2812 : @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ null, canal, message = string.split(args, ":", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ masque, null, canal = string.split(string.strip(canal), " ", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("masque="+masque+", canal="+canal+", message="+message)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque le message est re@,cu doit renvoyer une
des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@item @option{1}: le message ne sera pas transmis @`a WeeChat
@item @option{2}: le message ne sera pas transmis @`a d'autres extensions
@item @option{3}: le message ne sera transmis ni @`a WeeChat ni @`a
d'autres extensions
@end itemize
@ -2724,6 +2786,16 @@ param@`etres de la commande (affich@'ee par /help commande)
@code{weechat.add_command_handler ("commande", ma_commande)}@*
@code{def ma_commande(serveur, args):}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("serveur:"+serveur+" param@`etres:"+args)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque la commande est ex@'ecut@'ee doit renvoyer une
des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@end itemize

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Guia do Utilizador
@subtitle Cliente de IRC rapido, leve e extencivel
@subtitle Documenta@,{c}@~ao do WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 25 de outubro de 2005
@subtitle Documenta@,{c}@~ao do WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 28 de outubro de 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 5@*
Create a FIFO pipe for remote control@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item irc_highlight
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison)@*
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison, words may begin or end with "*" for partial match)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item dcc_auto_accept_files
Automatically accept incoming dcc files@*
@ -1556,9 +1556,8 @@ them the plugin can't load):@*
@item functions for init and end of plugin:
@itemize @minus
@item weechat_plugin_init: function called when plugin is loaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
must return PLUGIN_RC_OK (0) if successful, PLUGIN_RC_KO (-1) if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded
@end itemize
@end itemize
@ -1574,7 +1573,7 @@ These functions are detailed below:@*
@command{int ascii_strcasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1597,7 +1596,7 @@ nul if chaine1 == chaine 2, positive if chaine1 > chaine2@*
@command{int ascii_strncasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2, int max)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1710,7 +1709,7 @@ Aucune.@*
char *server, char *channel, char *message, ...)}@*
Display a message on a WeeChat buffer, identified by server and
channel (both may be NULL).@*
channel (both may be NULL for current buffer).@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1804,10 +1803,25 @@ char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args,
void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "KICK received");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->msg_handler_add (plugin, "KICK", &msg_kick, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT or 1}: message will not be sent to
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS or 2}: message will not be sent to
other plugins
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_ALL or 3}: message will not be sent to
WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{t_plugin_handler *cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin
@ -1821,7 +1835,7 @@ Add a WeeChat command handler, called when user uses command
@itemize @minus
@item @option{plugin}: pointer to plugin structure
@item @option{commande}: the new command
@item @option{command}: the new command
@item @option{description}: command description (displayed by /help
@item @option{arguments}: short description of command arguments
@ -1845,11 +1859,20 @@ void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "test command,
file: %s", (arguments) ? arguments : "none");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "test", "Test command",
"[file]", "file: a file name", &cmd_test, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{void handler_remove (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
@ -2130,7 +2153,7 @@ char plugin_name[] = "Toto";
char plugin_version[] = "0.1";
char plugin_description[] = "Test plugin for WeeChat";
/* gestionnaire de commande "/hello" */
/* "/hello" command handler */
int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
char *command, char *arguments,
@ -2141,7 +2164,7 @@ int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
@ -2152,13 +2175,12 @@ int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
"msg: message",
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
/* on ne fait rien ici */
return 1;
/* nothing done here */
@end verbatim
@ -2282,8 +2304,20 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ ($null, $channel, $message) = split ":",@@_[0],3;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ ($hostmask, $null, $channel) = split " ", $channel;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat::print ("host=$hostmask, chan=$channel, msg=$message\n");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{weechat::add_command_handler ( nome, fun@,{c}@~ao );}@*
@ -2317,6 +2351,14 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{weechat::remove_handler ( name, function );}@*
@ -2638,6 +2680,18 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ null, channel, message = string.split(args, ":", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ hostmask, null, channel = string.split(string.strip(channel), " ", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("host="+hostmask+", chan="+channel+", msg="+message)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@ -2669,6 +2723,14 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{def my_command(server, args):}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("Servidor:"+server+" Argumentos:"+args)}@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{weechat.remove_handler ( name, function );}@*

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.6-cvs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-27 01:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-28 05:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-25 11:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jiri Golembiovsky <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -34,73 +34,73 @@ msgstr "%s nemůžu přidělit nový server\n"
msgid "%s error sending data to IRC server\n"
msgstr "%s chyba při zasílání dat na IRC server\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:486 src/irc/irc-server.c:499 src/irc/irc-server.c:543
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:489 src/irc/irc-server.c:502 src/irc/irc-server.c:549
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:562
#, c-format
msgid "%s not enough memory for received IRC message\n"
msgstr "%s nedostatek paměti pro získání IRC zprávy\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:675
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "%s Command '%s' failed!\n"
msgstr "%s Příkaz '%s' selhal!\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:680
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "%s No command to execute!\n"
msgstr "%s Žádný příkaz pro provedení!\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:685
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "%s Unknown command: cmd=%s, host=%s, args=%s\n"
msgstr "%s Neznámý příkaz: příkaz=%s, host=%s, parametry=%s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:736
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:734
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot read data from socket, disconnecting from server...\n"
msgstr "%s nemůžu přečíst data ze soketu, odpojuji se od serveru...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:819
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:817
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server in %d seconds\n"
msgstr "%s: Navazuji nové spojení se serverem za %d sekund\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:852
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:850
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls handshake failed\n"
msgstr "%s handshake s gnutls selhal\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:869
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:867
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresa proxy \"%s\" nenalezena\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:873
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:871
#, c-format
msgid "%s address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresa \"%s\" nenalezena\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:883
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:881
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s IP adresa proxy nenalezena\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:886
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:884
#, c-format
msgid "%s IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s IP adresa nenalezena\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:895
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:893
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s proxy odmítla spojení\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:898
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:896
#, c-format
msgid "%s connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s spojení odmítnuto\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:906
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:904
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s proxy fails to establish connection to server (check username/password if "
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s selhalo zjednání spojení s proxy serverem (zkontrolujte uživatelské jméno "
"a heslo pokud jsou vyžadovány)\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1383
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s cannot connect with SSL since WeeChat was not built with GNUtls support\n"
@ -117,57 +117,57 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nemohu se připojit pomocí SSL, protže WeeChat nebyl sestaven s podporou "
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1392
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1390
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: připojuji se k serveru %s:%d%s%s přes %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1398
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1396
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "Připojuji se k serveru %s:%d%s%s přes %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1408
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1406
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: připojuji se k serveru %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1412
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1410
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "Připojuji se k serveru %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1430
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1428
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls init error\n"
msgstr "%s chyba inicializace gnutls\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1445
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1443
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create pipe\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořit rouru\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1460
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1458
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create socket\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořit soket\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1471
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1469
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu nastavit nastavení sketu \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1482
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1480
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu nastavit nastavení soketu \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1513
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1511
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server...\n"
msgstr "%s: Připojuji se znovu k serveru...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1563 src/irc/irc-server.c:1572
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1561 src/irc/irc-server.c:1570
msgid "Disconnected from server!\n"
msgstr "Odpojen od serveru!\n"
@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ msgstr " (dočasný server, nebude uložen)"
msgid "(hidden)"
msgstr "(skrytý)"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4707
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4715
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "neznámý"
@ -1422,13 +1422,13 @@ msgstr "%s špatné parametry pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
msgid "%s \"%s\" command can not be executed on a server window\n"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz nemůže být spuštěn v okně serveru\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:491
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:499
#, c-format
msgid "%s nick \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s přezdívka \"%s\" nebyla nalezena pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1228
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2132
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1236
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2140
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new private window \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořít nové soukromé okno\"%s\"\n"
@ -1438,467 +1438,467 @@ msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořít nové soukromé okno\"%s\"\n"
msgid "%s, compiled on %s %s\n"
msgstr "%s, kompilováno na %s %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:347
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:355
msgid "You have been invited to "
msgstr "Byl jsi pozván na "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:350 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3983
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:358 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3991
msgid "by"
msgstr "od"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:361 src/irc/irc-recv.c:455 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1002
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1387 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1646 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3548
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3631 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3703
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:369 src/irc/irc-recv.c:463 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1010
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1395 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1654 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3639 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3711
#, c-format
msgid "%s channel \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s kanál \"%s\" nebyl nalezen příkazem \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:389
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořit nový kanál \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:408
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:416
msgid " has joined "
msgstr " se připojil "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:466
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:474
msgid " has kicked "
msgstr " byl vykopnut "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:470 src/common/command.c:1456
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:478 src/common/command.c:1456
msgid " from "
msgstr " z "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:564
msgid " has killed "
msgstr " byl zabit "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:570
msgid " from server"
msgstr " ze serveru"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:572
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
msgid " from server\n"
msgstr " ze serveru\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:588
#, c-format
msgid "%s host \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s host \"%s\" nenalezen pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:620
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:628
msgid "sets ban on"
msgstr "tě zakázal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:621
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:629
msgid "removes ban on"
msgstr "odebral zakázaní"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:645
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:653
msgid "sets exception on"
msgstr "nastavena vyjímka na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:646
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:654
msgid "removes exception on"
msgstr "odstraněna vyjímka z"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:670
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:678
msgid "sets mode +f"
msgstr "nastavil mód +f"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:671
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:679
msgid "removes mode +f"
msgstr "odstranil mód +f"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:703
msgid "gives half channel operator status to"
msgstr "dal poloviční status operátora na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:696
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:704
msgid "removes half channel operator status from"
msgstr "odebral poloviční status operátora z"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:723
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:731
msgid "sets invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "nastavil zančku kanálu: pouze na pování"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:724
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:732
msgid "removes invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "odebral značku kanálu: pouze na pozvání"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:741
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:749
msgid "sets channel key to"
msgstr "nastavil klíč kanálu na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:742
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:750
msgid "removes channel key"
msgstr "odebral klíč kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:773
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:781
msgid "sets the user limit to"
msgstr "nastavil limit uživatelů na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:774
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:782
msgid "removes user limit"
msgstr "odebral limit uživatelů"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:796
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:804
msgid "sets moderated channel flag"
msgstr "nastavil značku moderovaného kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:797
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:805
msgid "removes moderated channel flag"
msgstr "odebral značku moderovaného kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:807
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:815
msgid "sets messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "nastavil značku kanálu: zprávy pouze z kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:808
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:816
msgid "removes messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "odebral značku kanálu: zprávy pouze z kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:825
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:833
msgid "gives channel operator status to"
msgstr "dal status operátora na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:826
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:834
msgid "removes channel operator status from"
msgstr "odebral status operátora z"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:853
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:861
msgid "sets private channel flag"
msgstr "nastavil značku soukromého kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:854
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:862
msgid "removes private channel flag"
msgstr "odebral značku soukromého kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:871
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:879
msgid "sets quiet on"
msgstr "nastavil ticho na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:872
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:880
msgid "removes quiet on"
msgstr "odebral ticho z"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:889
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:897
msgid "sets secret channel flag"
msgstr "nastavil značku tajného kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:890
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:898
msgid "removes secret channel flag"
msgstr "odebral značku tajného kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:900
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:908
msgid "sets topic protection"
msgstr "nastavil protekci tématu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:901
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:909
msgid "removes topic protection"
msgstr "odebral protekci tématu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:918
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:926
msgid "gives voice to"
msgstr "dal voice na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:919
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:927
msgid "removes voice from"
msgstr "odebral voice z"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:962 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1465
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2199
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:970 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1473
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2207
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host\n"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz obdržen bez hosta\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:972
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel or nickname\n"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz obdržen bez kanálu nebo přezdívky\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1019
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1027
msgid "mode changed by"
msgstr "mód změnil"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1081
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1089
msgid "You are "
msgstr "Jsi "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1088
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1096
msgid " is "
msgstr " je "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1092
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1100
msgid "now known as "
msgstr "nyní známý jako "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1159
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "%s nickname not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s přezdívka nenalezena pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1207
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1215
msgid "reply from"
msgstr "odpověd od"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1210
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1218
#, c-format
msgid ": %ld.%ld seconds\n"
msgstr ": %ld %ld sekund\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1249 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2153 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1257 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2161 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#, c-format
msgid "Private %s> %s"
msgstr "Soukromý %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1312
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1320
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host or channel\n"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz obdržen bez hosta nebo kanálu\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1361
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1369
msgid " has left "
msgstr " opustil "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1513 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2068
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1521 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2076
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: * %s %s"
msgstr "Na %s: * %s %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1537
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1545
#, c-format
msgid "Received a CTCP SOUND \"%s\" from "
msgstr "Obdržen CTCP ZVUK \"%s\" od "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1601 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1705
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1745 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2108
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1609 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1713
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1753 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2116
msgid "received from"
msgstr "obdrženo od"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1597 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2104
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1605 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2112
msgid "Unknown CTCP "
msgstr "Neznámé CTCP "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1629
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1637
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: %s> %s"
msgstr "Na: %s: %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1761 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1798
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1814 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1840 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1861
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1877 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1902 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1923
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1939 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1964 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1985
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2000 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2519
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3907 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3922 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3937
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3952 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3965 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4020
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4034 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4274 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4332
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4491 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4506 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4521
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4536 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4549 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4603
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4617
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1769 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1790 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1806
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1822 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1848 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1869
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1885 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1910 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1931
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1947 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1972 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1993
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2008 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2527
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3915 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3930 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3945
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3960 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3973 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4028
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4042 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4282 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4340
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4499 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4514 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4529
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4544 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4557 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4611
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4625
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot parse \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu rozpársovat příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2013
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2021
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown DCC CHAT type received from "
msgstr "%s neznámý DCC CHAT typ obdržen od "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2230
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2238
msgid "has quit"
msgstr "ukončil"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2355
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2363
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel\n"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz obdržen bez kanálu\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2387
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2395
msgid " has changed topic for "
msgstr " změnil téma pro "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2392
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2400
#, c-format
msgid " to: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " pro: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2398
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2406
msgid " has unset topic for "
msgstr " zrušil téma pro "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2507
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2515
msgid "User mode"
msgstr "Uživatelský mód"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2570
#, c-format
msgid " is away: %s\n"
msgstr " je pryč: %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2644
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2652
msgid "Users online: "
msgstr "Uživatelů online: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3134
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
msgid "idle: "
msgstr "nečinný: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "days"
msgstr "dní"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "day"
msgstr "den"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hours"
msgstr "hodin"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hour"
msgstr "hodina"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minut"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minute"
msgstr "minuta"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekund"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "second"
msgstr "sekunda"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3169
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3177
msgid "signon at: "
msgstr "připojen: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3265
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3273
msgid "Channels: "
msgstr "Kanály: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3561
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3569
msgid "No topic set for "
msgstr "Není nastaveno téma pro "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3618
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3626
msgid "Topic for "
msgstr "Téma pro "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3622
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3630
#, c-format
msgid " is: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " je: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3641 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3730 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3783
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3649 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3738 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3791
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify channel for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu identifikovat kanál pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3691
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3699
msgid "Topic set by "
msgstr "Téma nasteveno "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3712
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3720
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify date/time for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu identofikovat datum/čas pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3721 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3792
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3729 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3800
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify nickname for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu identifikovat přezdívku pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3771
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3779
msgid "has invited"
msgstr "pozval"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3774 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4195 src/common/command.c:1449
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4203 src/common/command.c:1449
msgid "on"
msgstr "na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3829
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3837
msgid "Channel reop"
msgstr "reop kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3981
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3989
msgid "exception"
msgstr "vyjímka"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4320
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4328
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create nick \"%s\" for channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vztvořit přezdívku \"%s\" pro kanál \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4379
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4387
msgid "Nicks "
msgstr "Přezdívky "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4399
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4407
msgid "Channel "
msgstr "Kanál "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nicks"
msgstr "přezdívky"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nick"
msgstr "přezdívka"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "ops"
msgstr "ops"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "op"
msgstr "op"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfops"
msgstr "částeční-ops"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfop"
msgstr "částečný-op"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voices"
msgstr "voices"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voice"
msgstr "voice"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4445
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4453
msgid "normal"
msgstr "normální"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4566
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4574
msgid "banned by"
msgstr "zakázán"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4661
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4669
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 2nd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: přezdívka \"%s\" je již používaná, zkouším druhou přezdívku \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4673
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 3rd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: přezdívka \"%s\" je již používaná, zkouším třetí přezdívku \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4685
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4693
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: all declared nicknames are already in use, closing connection with "
@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: všechny deklarované přezdívky jsou již používány, zavírám spojení se "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4703
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 1st nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@ -2108,7 +2108,7 @@ msgstr "%s nedostatek paměti pro vytvoření ignorování\n"
msgid "Removing ignore:"
msgstr "Odebírám ignorování:"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:237
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:231
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for IRC command \"%s\" (not enough "
@ -2117,14 +2117,14 @@ msgstr ""
"%s plugin %s: nemůžu přidat obsluhovač pro IRC příkaz \"%s\" (nedostatek "
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:272
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:266
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (already exists)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s plugin %s: nemůžu přidat obsluhovač pro \"%s\" příkaz (již existuje)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:309
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (not enough memory)\n"
@ -2132,25 +2132,25 @@ msgstr ""
"%s plugin %s: nemůžu přidat obsluhovač pro \"%s\" příkaz (nedostatek "
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:547
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:550
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": %s\n"
msgstr "%s nemůžu načist plugin \"%s\": %s\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:558
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:561
#, c-format
msgid "%s symbol \"plugin_name\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_name\" nebyl v pluginu \"%s\" nalezen, načtení selhalo\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:569
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:572
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": a plugin with same name already exists\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nemohu načíst plugin \"%s\": plugin se stejným jménem již existuje\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:581
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:584
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_description\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
@ -2158,7 +2158,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_description\" nebyl v pluginu \"%s\" nalezen, načtení "
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:592
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:595
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_version\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
@ -2166,7 +2166,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_version\" nebyl v pluginu \"%s\" nalezen, načtení "
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:603
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:606
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s function \"weechat_plugin_init\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to "
@ -2175,32 +2175,32 @@ msgstr ""
"%s funkce \"weechat_plugin_init\" nebyla v pluginu \"%s\" nalezena, načtení "
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:657
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Initializing plugin \"%s\" %s\n"
msgstr "Inicializuji plugin \"%s\" %s\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:665
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:668
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to initialize plugin \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu načíst plugin \"%s\"\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:676
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:679
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu načíst plugin \"%s\" (nedostatek paměti)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:684
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:687
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" (%s) loaded.\n"
msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" (%s) načten.\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:824
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" unloaded.\n"
msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" odebrán.\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:830
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:833
#, c-format
msgid "%s plugin \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s plugin \"%s\" nenalezen\n"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.6-cvs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-27 01:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-28 05:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-25 11:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Roberto González Cardenete <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -34,74 +34,74 @@ msgstr "%s no ha sido posible crear un nuevo servidor\n"
msgid "%s error sending data to IRC server\n"
msgstr "%s error enviando datos al servidor IRC\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:486 src/irc/irc-server.c:499 src/irc/irc-server.c:543
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:489 src/irc/irc-server.c:502 src/irc/irc-server.c:549
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:562
#, c-format
msgid "%s not enough memory for received IRC message\n"
msgstr "%s memoria insuficiente para un mensaje IRC recibido\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:675
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "%s Command '%s' failed!\n"
msgstr "%s ¡Ha fallado el comando '%s' !\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:680
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "%s No command to execute!\n"
msgstr "%s ¡Ningún comando para ejecutar!\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:685
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "%s Unknown command: cmd=%s, host=%s, args=%s\n"
msgstr "%s Comando desconocido: cmd=%s, host=%s, params=%s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:736
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:734
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot read data from socket, disconnecting from server...\n"
msgstr ""
"%s no ha sido posible leer datos del socket, desconectando del servidor...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:819
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:817
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server in %d seconds\n"
msgstr "%s: Reconexión al servidor en %d segundos\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:852
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:850
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls handshake failed\n"
msgstr "%s el apretón de manos gnutls ha fallado\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:869
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:867
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s dirección proxy \"%s\" no encontrada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:873
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:871
#, c-format
msgid "%s address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s dirección \"%s\" no encontrada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:883
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:881
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s dirección proxy IP no encontrada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:886
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:884
#, c-format
msgid "%s IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s Dirección IP no encontrada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:895
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:893
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s conexión proxy rechazada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:898
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:896
#, c-format
msgid "%s connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s conexión rechazada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:906
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:904
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s proxy fails to establish connection to server (check username/password if "
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s el proxy ha fallado al establecer la conexión al servidor (comprueba el "
"nombre de usuario o la contraseña si es necesario)\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1383
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s cannot connect with SSL since WeeChat was not built with GNUtls support\n"
@ -118,57 +118,57 @@ msgstr ""
"%s No ha sido posible conectar con SSL debido a que Weechat no fue compilado "
"con soporte GNUtls\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1392
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1390
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: conectando al servidor %s:%d%s%s vía %s proxy %s: %d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1398
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1396
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "Conectando al servidor %s:%d%s%s vía %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1408
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1406
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: conectando al servidor %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1412
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1410
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "Conectando al servidor %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1430
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1428
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls init error\n"
msgstr "%s error de inicialización de gnutls\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1445
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1443
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create pipe\n"
msgstr "%s no ha sido posible crear la interconexión\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1460
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1458
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create socket\n"
msgstr "%s no ha sido posible crear el socket\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1471
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1469
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
msgstr "%s no ha sido posible configurar la opción socket \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1482
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1480
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
msgstr "%s no ha sido posible configurar la opción socket \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1513
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1511
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server...\n"
msgstr "%s: Reconectando al servidor...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1563 src/irc/irc-server.c:1572
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1561 src/irc/irc-server.c:1570
msgid "Disconnected from server!\n"
msgstr "¡Desconectado del servidor!\n"
@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ msgstr " (servidor temporal, no ser
msgid "(hidden)"
msgstr "(oculto)"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4707
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4715
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "desconocido"
@ -1430,13 +1430,13 @@ msgid "%s \"%s\" command can not be executed on a server window\n"
msgstr ""
"%s el comando \"%s\" no puede ser ejecutado en una ventana de servidor\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:491
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:499
#, c-format
msgid "%s nick \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s usuario \"%s\" no encontrado para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1228
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2132
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1236
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2140
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new private window \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible crear una nueva ventana privada \"%s\"\n"
@ -1446,470 +1446,470 @@ msgstr "%s no es posible crear una nueva ventana privada \"%s\"\n"
msgid "%s, compiled on %s %s\n"
msgstr "%s, compilado en %s %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:347
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:355
msgid "You have been invited to "
msgstr "Has sido invitado a "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:350 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3983
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:358 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3991
msgid "by"
msgstr "por"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:361 src/irc/irc-recv.c:455 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1002
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1387 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1646 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3548
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3631 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3703
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:369 src/irc/irc-recv.c:463 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1010
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1395 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1654 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3639 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3711
#, c-format
msgid "%s channel \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s canal \"%s\" no encontrado para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:389
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible crear un nuevo canal \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:408
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:416
msgid " has joined "
msgstr " se ha unido "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:466
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:474
msgid " has kicked "
msgstr " se ha expulsado "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:470 src/common/command.c:1456
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:478 src/common/command.c:1456
msgid " from "
msgstr " de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:564
msgid " has killed "
msgstr "ha matado"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:570
msgid " from server"
msgstr "del servidor"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:572
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
msgid " from server\n"
msgstr "del servidor\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:588
#, c-format
msgid "%s host \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s anfitrión \"%s\" no encontrado para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:620
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:628
msgid "sets ban on"
msgstr "establecer baneo en"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:621
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:629
msgid "removes ban on"
msgstr "quitar baneo en"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:645
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:653
msgid "sets exception on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:646
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:654
msgid "removes exception on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:670
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:678
msgid "sets mode +f"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:671
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:679
msgid "removes mode +f"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:703
msgid "gives half channel operator status to"
msgstr "dar estado de media operador de canal a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:696
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:704
msgid "removes half channel operator status from"
msgstr "eliminar el estado de media operador de canal a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:723
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:731
msgid "sets invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "define el canal sólo en modo invitado"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:724
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:732
msgid "removes invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "elimina el modo sólo invitado para el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:741
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:749
msgid "sets channel key to"
msgstr "definir clave de canal en"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:742
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:750
msgid "removes channel key"
msgstr "elimina la clave de canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:773
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:781
msgid "sets the user limit to"
msgstr "define el límite de usuarios en"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:774
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:782
msgid "removes user limit"
msgstr "elimina el límite de usuarios"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:796
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:804
msgid "sets moderated channel flag"
msgstr "establece la moderación en el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:797
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:805
msgid "removes moderated channel flag"
msgstr "elimina la moderación en el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:807
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:815
msgid "sets messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "establece el modo sólo mensajes de usuarios del canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:808
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:816
msgid "removes messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "autoriza a todos los usuarios a escribir en el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:825
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:833
msgid "gives channel operator status to"
msgstr "dar estado de operador de canal a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:826
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:834
msgid "removes channel operator status from"
msgstr "eliminar el estado de operador de canal a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:853
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:861
msgid "sets private channel flag"
msgstr "establece el canal como privado"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:854
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:862
msgid "removes private channel flag"
msgstr "elimina el modo privado para el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:871
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:879
msgid "sets quiet on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:872
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:880
msgid "removes quiet on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:889
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:897
msgid "sets secret channel flag"
msgstr "establece el canal como secreto"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:890
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:898
msgid "removes secret channel flag"
msgstr "elimina el modo secreto para el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:900
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:908
msgid "sets topic protection"
msgstr "activa la protección de tema"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:901
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:909
msgid "removes topic protection"
msgstr "elimina la protección de tema"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:918
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:926
msgid "gives voice to"
msgstr "da voz a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:919
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:927
msgid "removes voice from"
msgstr "quita la voz a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:962 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1465
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2199
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:970 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1473
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2207
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host\n"
msgstr "%s comando \"%s\" recibido sin host \n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:972
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel or nickname\n"
msgstr "%s comando \"%s\" recibido sin canal ó usuario\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1019
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1027
msgid "mode changed by"
msgstr "modo cambiado por"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1081
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1089
msgid "You are "
msgstr "Usted es "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1088
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1096
msgid " is "
msgstr "es "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1092
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1100
msgid "now known as "
msgstr "ahora conocido como"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1159
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "%s nickname not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nombre de usuario no encontrado para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1207
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1215
msgid "reply from"
msgstr "respuesta de"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1210
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1218
#, c-format
msgid ": %ld.%ld seconds\n"
msgstr ": %ld.%ld segundos\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1249 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2153 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1257 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2161 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#, c-format
msgid "Private %s> %s"
msgstr "Privado %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1312
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1320
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host or channel\n"
msgstr "%s comando \"%s\" recibido sin host o canal\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1361
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1369
msgid " has left "
msgstr " ha salido "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1513 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2068
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1521 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2076
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: * %s %s"
msgstr "En %s: * %s %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1537
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1545
#, c-format
msgid "Received a CTCP SOUND \"%s\" from "
msgstr "Recibido un sonido CTCP \\\"%s\\\" de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1601 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1705
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1745 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2108
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1609 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1713
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1753 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2116
msgid "received from"
msgstr "recibido de"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1597 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2104
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1605 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2112
msgid "Unknown CTCP "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1629
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1637
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: %s> %s"
msgstr "En %s: %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1761 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1798
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1814 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1840 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1861
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1877 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1902 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1923
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1939 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1964 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1985
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2000 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2519
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3907 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3922 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3937
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3952 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3965 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4020
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4034 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4274 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4332
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4491 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4506 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4521
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4536 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4549 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4603
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4617
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1769 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1790 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1806
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1822 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1848 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1869
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1885 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1910 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1931
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1947 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1972 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1993
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2008 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2527
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3915 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3930 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3945
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3960 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3973 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4028
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4042 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4282 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4340
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4499 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4514 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4529
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4544 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4557 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4611
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4625
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot parse \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible analizar el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2013
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2021
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown DCC CHAT type received from "
msgstr "%s tipo DCC CHAT desconocido recibido de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2230
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2238
msgid "has quit"
msgstr "ha salido"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2355
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2363
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel\n"
msgstr "%s comando \"%s\" recibido sin canal\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2387
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2395
msgid " has changed topic for "
msgstr "ha cambiado el tema por "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2392
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2400
#, c-format
msgid " to: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " a: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2398
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2406
msgid " has unset topic for "
msgstr " ha quitado el tema por "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2507
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2515
msgid "User mode"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2570
#, c-format
msgid " is away: %s\n"
msgstr " está ausente: %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2644
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2652
msgid "Users online: "
msgstr "Usuarios conectados: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3134
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
msgid "idle: "
msgstr "sin actividad: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "days"
msgstr "días"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "day"
msgstr "día"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hours"
msgstr "horas"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hour"
msgstr "hora"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minutos"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minute"
msgstr "minuto"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "segundos"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "second"
msgstr "segundo"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3169
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3177
msgid "signon at: "
msgstr "firmado el: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3265
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3273
msgid "Channels: "
msgstr "Canales: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3561
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3569
msgid "No topic set for "
msgstr "No hay tema definido para "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3618
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3626
msgid "Topic for "
msgstr "El tema para "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3622
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3630
#, c-format
msgid " is: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " es: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3641 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3730 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3783
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3649 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3738 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3791
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify channel for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible identificar el canal para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3691
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3699
msgid "Topic set by "
msgstr "Tema definido por "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3712
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3720
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify date/time for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible identificar la fecha/hora para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3721 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3792
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3729 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3800
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify nickname for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
"%s no es posible determinar el nombre de usuario para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3771
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3779
msgid "has invited"
msgstr "ha invitado"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3774 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4195 src/common/command.c:1449
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4203 src/common/command.c:1449
msgid "on"
msgstr "en"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3829
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3837
msgid "Channel reop"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3981
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3989
msgid "exception"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4320
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4328
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create nick \"%s\" for channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible crear el usuario \"%s\" para el canal \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4379
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4387
msgid "Nicks "
msgstr "Usuarios "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4399
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4407
msgid "Channel "
msgstr "Canal "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nicks"
msgstr "usuarios"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nick"
msgstr "usuario"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "ops"
msgstr "operadores"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "op"
msgstr "operador"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfops"
msgstr "semi-operadores"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfop"
msgstr "semi-operador"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voices"
msgstr "voces"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voice"
msgstr "voz"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4445
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4453
msgid "normal"
msgstr "normal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4566
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4574
msgid "banned by"
msgstr "baneado por"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4661
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4669
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 2nd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: el nombre de usuario \"%s\" ya está en uso, probando con el 2º nombre de "
"usuario \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4673
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 3rd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: el nombre de usuario \"%s\" ya está en uso, probando con el 3º nombre de "
"usuario \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4685
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4693
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: all declared nicknames are already in use, closing connection with "
@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: ¡todos los nombres de usuario declarados ya están en uso, cerrando la "
"conexión con el servidor!\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4703
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 1st nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@ -2118,86 +2118,86 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Removing ignore:"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:237
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:231
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for IRC command \"%s\" (not enough "
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:272
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:266
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (already exists)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:309
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:547
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:550
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:558
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:561
#, c-format
msgid "%s symbol \"plugin_name\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:569
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:572
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": a plugin with same name already exists\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:581
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:584
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_description\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:592
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:595
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_version\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:603
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:606
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s function \"weechat_plugin_init\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to "
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:657
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Initializing plugin \"%s\" %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:665
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:668
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to initialize plugin \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:676
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:679
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:684
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:687
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" (%s) loaded.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:824
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" unloaded.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:830
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:833
#, c-format
msgid "%s plugin \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.6-cvs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-27 01:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-28 05:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-27 01:13+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: FlashCode <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -34,74 +34,74 @@ msgstr "%s impossible d'allouer un nouveau serveur\n"
msgid "%s error sending data to IRC server\n"
msgstr "%s erreur d'envoi de données au serveur IRC\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:486 src/irc/irc-server.c:499 src/irc/irc-server.c:543
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:489 src/irc/irc-server.c:502 src/irc/irc-server.c:549
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:562
#, c-format
msgid "%s not enough memory for received IRC message\n"
msgstr "%s mémoire insuffisante pour un message IRC reçu\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:675
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "%s Command '%s' failed!\n"
msgstr "%s La commande '%s' a échoué !\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:680
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "%s No command to execute!\n"
msgstr "%s Pas de commande à exécuter !\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:685
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "%s Unknown command: cmd=%s, host=%s, args=%s\n"
msgstr "%s Commande inconnue: cmd=%s, hote=%s, params=%s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:736
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:734
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot read data from socket, disconnecting from server...\n"
msgstr ""
"%s impossible de lire des données sur la socket, déconnexion du serveur...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:819
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:817
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server in %d seconds\n"
msgstr "%s: Reconnexion au serveur dans %d secondes\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:852
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:850
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls handshake failed\n"
msgstr "%s le handshake gnutls a échoué\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:869
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:867
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresse du proxy \"%s\" introuvable\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:873
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:871
#, c-format
msgid "%s address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresse \"%s\" introuvable\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:883
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:881
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresse IP du proxy introuvable\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:886
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:884
#, c-format
msgid "%s IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresse IP introuvable\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:895
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:893
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s connexion au proxy refusée\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:898
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:896
#, c-format
msgid "%s connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s connexion refusée\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:906
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:904
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s proxy fails to establish connection to server (check username/password if "
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s le proxy n'a pas pu se connecter au serveur (vérifiez l'utilisateur/mot "
"de passe si utilisés)\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1383
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s cannot connect with SSL since WeeChat was not built with GNUtls support\n"
@ -118,57 +118,57 @@ msgstr ""
"%s impossible de se connecter en SSL car WeeChat n'a pas été construit avec "
"le support GNUtls\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1392
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1390
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: connexion au serveur %s:%d%s%s via le proxy %s %s:%d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1398
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1396
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "Connexion au serveur %s:%d%s%s via le proxy %s %s:%d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1408
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1406
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: connexion au serveur %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1412
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1410
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "Connexion au serveur %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1430
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1428
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls init error\n"
msgstr "%s erreur d'initialisation gnutls\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1445
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1443
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create pipe\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de créer le pipe\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1460
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1458
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create socket\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de créer la socket\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1471
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1469
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de paramétrer l'option socket \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1482
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1480
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de paramétrer l'option socket \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1513
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1511
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server...\n"
msgstr "%s: Reconnexion au serveur...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1563 src/irc/irc-server.c:1572
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1561 src/irc/irc-server.c:1570
msgid "Disconnected from server!\n"
msgstr "Déconnecté du serveur !\n"
@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ msgstr " (serveur temporaire, ne sera pas sauv
msgid "(hidden)"
msgstr "(caché)"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4707
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4715
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "inconnu"
@ -1433,13 +1433,13 @@ msgid "%s \"%s\" command can not be executed on a server window\n"
msgstr ""
"%s la commande \"%s\" ne peut pas être exécutée dans une fenêtre serveur\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:491
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:499
#, c-format
msgid "%s nick \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s pseudo \"%s\" non trouvé pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1228
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2132
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1236
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2140
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new private window \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de créer la fenêtre privée \"%s\"\n"
@ -1449,470 +1449,470 @@ msgstr "%s impossible de cr
msgid "%s, compiled on %s %s\n"
msgstr "%s, compilé le %s %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:347
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:355
msgid "You have been invited to "
msgstr "Vous avez été invité sur "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:350 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3983
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:358 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3991
msgid "by"
msgstr "par"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:361 src/irc/irc-recv.c:455 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1002
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1387 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1646 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3548
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3631 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3703
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:369 src/irc/irc-recv.c:463 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1010
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1395 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1654 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3639 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3711
#, c-format
msgid "%s channel \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s canal \"%s\" non trouvé pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:389
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de créer le nouveau canal \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:408
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:416
msgid " has joined "
msgstr " a rejoint "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:466
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:474
msgid " has kicked "
msgstr " a poussé dehors "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:470 src/common/command.c:1456
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:478 src/common/command.c:1456
msgid " from "
msgstr " de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:564
msgid " has killed "
msgstr " a tué "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:570
msgid " from server"
msgstr " du serveur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:572
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
msgid " from server\n"
msgstr " du serveur\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:588
#, c-format
msgid "%s host \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s la machine \"%s\" n'existe pas pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:620
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:628
msgid "sets ban on"
msgstr "instaure un bannissement sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:621
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:629
msgid "removes ban on"
msgstr "supprime le banissement sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:645
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:653
msgid "sets exception on"
msgstr "définit une exception sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:646
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:654
msgid "removes exception on"
msgstr "supprime l'exception sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:670
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:678
msgid "sets mode +f"
msgstr "définit le mode +f"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:671
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:679
msgid "removes mode +f"
msgstr "supprime le mode +f"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:703
msgid "gives half channel operator status to"
msgstr "donne le droit demi-opérateur à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:696
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:704
msgid "removes half channel operator status from"
msgstr "supprime le droit demi-opérateur à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:723
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:731
msgid "sets invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "définit le canal en mode invité seulement"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:724
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:732
msgid "removes invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "supprime le mode invité seulement pour le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:741
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:749
msgid "sets channel key to"
msgstr "définit la clé du canal à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:742
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:750
msgid "removes channel key"
msgstr "supprime la clé du canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:773
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:781
msgid "sets the user limit to"
msgstr "définit la limite d'utilisateurs à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:774
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:782
msgid "removes user limit"
msgstr "supprime la limite d'utilisateurs"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:796
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:804
msgid "sets moderated channel flag"
msgstr "instaure la modération sur le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:797
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:805
msgid "removes moderated channel flag"
msgstr "supprime la modération sur le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:807
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:815
msgid "sets messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "interdit aux utilisateurs en dehors du canal d'y écrire"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:808
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:816
msgid "removes messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "autorise tout utilisateur à écrire sur le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:825
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:833
msgid "gives channel operator status to"
msgstr "donne le droit opérateur à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:826
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:834
msgid "removes channel operator status from"
msgstr "supprime le droit opérateur à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:853
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:861
msgid "sets private channel flag"
msgstr "définit le canal comme privé"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:854
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:862
msgid "removes private channel flag"
msgstr "supprime le mode privé pour le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:871
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:879
msgid "sets quiet on"
msgstr "définit le mode muet sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:872
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:880
msgid "removes quiet on"
msgstr "supprime le mode muet sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:889
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:897
msgid "sets secret channel flag"
msgstr "définit le canal comme secret"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:890
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:898
msgid "removes secret channel flag"
msgstr "supprime le mode secret pour le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:900
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:908
msgid "sets topic protection"
msgstr "active la protection du titre"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:901
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:909
msgid "removes topic protection"
msgstr "supprime la protection du titre"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:918
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:926
msgid "gives voice to"
msgstr "donne la voix à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:919
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:927
msgid "removes voice from"
msgstr "supprime la voix de"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:962 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1465
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2199
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:970 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1473
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2207
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host\n"
msgstr "%s commande \"%s\" reçue sans host\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:972
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel or nickname\n"
msgstr "%s commande \"%s\" reçue sans canal ou utilisateur\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1019
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1027
msgid "mode changed by"
msgstr "mode changé par"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1081
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1089
msgid "You are "
msgstr "Vous êtes "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1088
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1096
msgid " is "
msgstr " est "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1092
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1100
msgid "now known as "
msgstr "maintenant connu sous le nom "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1159
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "%s nickname not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s utilisateur non trouvé pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1207
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1215
msgid "reply from"
msgstr "réponse de"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1210
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1218
#, c-format
msgid ": %ld.%ld seconds\n"
msgstr ": %ld.%ld secondes\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1249 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2153 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1257 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2161 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#, c-format
msgid "Private %s> %s"
msgstr "Prive %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1312
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1320
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host or channel\n"
msgstr "%s commande \"%s\" reçue sans host ou canal\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1361
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1369
msgid " has left "
msgstr " a quitté "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1513 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2068
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1521 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2076
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: * %s %s"
msgstr "Sur %s: * %s %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1537
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1545
#, c-format
msgid "Received a CTCP SOUND \"%s\" from "
msgstr "CTCP SOUND \"%s\" reçu de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1601 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1705
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1745 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2108
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1609 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1713
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1753 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2116
msgid "received from"
msgstr "reçu de"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1597 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2104
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1605 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2112
msgid "Unknown CTCP "
msgstr "CTCP inconnu "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1629
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1637
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: %s> %s"
msgstr "Sur %s: %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1761 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1798
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1814 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1840 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1861
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1877 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1902 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1923
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1939 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1964 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1985
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2000 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2519
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3907 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3922 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3937
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3952 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3965 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4020
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4034 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4274 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4332
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4491 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4506 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4521
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4536 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4549 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4603
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4617
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1769 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1790 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1806
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1822 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1848 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1869
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1885 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1910 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1931
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1947 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1972 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1993
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2008 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2527
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3915 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3930 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3945
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3960 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3973 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4028
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4042 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4282 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4340
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4499 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4514 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4529
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4544 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4557 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4611
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4625
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot parse \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s impossible d'analyser la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2013
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2021
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown DCC CHAT type received from "
msgstr "%s type de DCC CHAT inconnu reçu de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2230
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2238
msgid "has quit"
msgstr "a quitté"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2355
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2363
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel\n"
msgstr "%s commande \"%s\" reçue sans canal\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2387
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2395
msgid " has changed topic for "
msgstr " a changé le titre pour "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2392
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2400
#, c-format
msgid " to: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " en: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2398
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2406
msgid " has unset topic for "
msgstr " a retiré le titre pour "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2507
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2515
msgid "User mode"
msgstr "Mode utilisateur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2570
#, c-format
msgid " is away: %s\n"
msgstr " est absent: %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2644
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2652
msgid "Users online: "
msgstr "Utilisateurs en ligne: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3134
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
msgid "idle: "
msgstr "inactivité: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "days"
msgstr "jours"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "day"
msgstr "jour"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hours"
msgstr "heures"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hour"
msgstr "heure"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minutes"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minute"
msgstr "minute"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "secondes"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "second"
msgstr "seconde"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3169
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3177
msgid "signon at: "
msgstr "signé le: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3265
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3273
msgid "Channels: "
msgstr "Canaux: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3561
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3569
msgid "No topic set for "
msgstr "Pas de titre défini pour "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3618
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3626
msgid "Topic for "
msgstr "Le titre pour "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3622
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3630
#, c-format
msgid " is: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " est: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3641 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3730 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3783
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3649 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3738 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3791
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify channel for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de déterminer le canal pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3691
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3699
msgid "Topic set by "
msgstr "Titre défini par "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3712
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3720
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify date/time for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s impossible d'identifier la date/heure pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3721 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3792
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3729 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3800
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify nickname for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
"%s impossible de déterminer le nom d'utilisateur pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3771
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3779
msgid "has invited"
msgstr "a invité"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3774 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4195 src/common/command.c:1449
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4203 src/common/command.c:1449
msgid "on"
msgstr "sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3829
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3837
msgid "Channel reop"
msgstr "Canal reop"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3981
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3989
msgid "exception"
msgstr "exception"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4320
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4328
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create nick \"%s\" for channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de créer l'utilisateur \"%s\" pour le canal \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4379
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4387
msgid "Nicks "
msgstr "Utilisateurs "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4399
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4407
msgid "Channel "
msgstr "Canal "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nicks"
msgstr "utilisateurs"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nick"
msgstr "utilisateur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "ops"
msgstr "ops"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "op"
msgstr "op"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfops"
msgstr "halfops"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfop"
msgstr "halfop"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voices"
msgstr "voices"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voice"
msgstr "voice"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4445
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4453
msgid "normal"
msgstr "normal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4566
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4574
msgid "banned by"
msgstr "banni par"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4661
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4669
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 2nd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: l'utilisateur \"%s\" est déjà en cours d'utilisation, essai avec le 2nd "
"nom d'utilisateur \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4673
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 3rd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: l'utilisateur \"%s\" est déjà en cours d'utilisation, essai avec le 3ème "
"nom d'utilisateur \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4685
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4693
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: all declared nicknames are already in use, closing connection with "
@ -1921,7 +1921,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: tous les noms d'utilisateurs déclarés sont déjà en cours d'utilisation, "
"fermeture de la connexion avec le serveur !\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4703
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 1st nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@ -2127,7 +2127,7 @@ msgstr "%s pas assez de m
msgid "Removing ignore:"
msgstr "Suppression du ignore:"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:237
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:231
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for IRC command \"%s\" (not enough "
@ -2136,7 +2136,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s extension %s: impossible d'ajouter la fonction pour la commande IRC \"%s"
"\" (mémoire insuffisante)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:272
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:266
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (already exists)\n"
@ -2144,7 +2144,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s extension %s: impossible d'ajouter la fonction pour la commande \"%s"
"\" (existe déjà)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:309
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (not enough memory)\n"
@ -2152,19 +2152,19 @@ msgstr ""
"%s extension %s: impossible d'ajouter la fonction pour la commande \"%s"
"\" (mémoire insuffisante)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:547
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:550
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": %s\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de charger l'extension \"%s\": %s\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:558
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:561
#, c-format
msgid "%s symbol \"plugin_name\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
"%s le symbole \"plugin_name\" est introuvable dans l'extension \"%s\", échec "
"de chargement\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:569
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:572
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": a plugin with same name already exists\n"
@ -2172,7 +2172,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s impossible de charger l'extension \"%s\": une extension avec le même nom "
"existe déjà\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:581
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:584
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_description\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
@ -2180,7 +2180,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s le symbole \"plugin_description\" est introuvable dans l'extension \"%s"
"\", échec de chargement\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:592
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:595
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_version\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
@ -2188,7 +2188,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s le symbole \"plugin_version\" est introuvable dans l'extension \"%s\", "
"échec de chargement\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:603
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:606
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s function \"weechat_plugin_init\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to "
@ -2197,32 +2197,32 @@ msgstr ""
"%s la fonction \"weechat_plugin_init\" est introuvable dans l'extension \"%s"
"\", échec de chargement\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:657
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Initializing plugin \"%s\" %s\n"
msgstr "Initialisation de l'extension \"%s\" %s\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:665
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:668
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to initialize plugin \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible d'initialiser l'extension \"%s\"\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:676
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:679
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de charger l'extension \"%s\" (mémoire insuffisante)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:684
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:687
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" (%s) loaded.\n"
msgstr "Extension \"%s\" (%s) chargée.\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:824
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" unloaded.\n"
msgstr "Extension \"%s\" déchargée.\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:830
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:833
#, c-format
msgid "%s plugin \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s extension \"%s\" non trouvée\n"
@ -4117,7 +4117,10 @@ msgstr "liste de mots pour la notification"
msgid ""
"comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison, "
"words may begin or end with \"*\" for partial match)"
msgstr "liste des mots pour la notification (séparés par des virgules, le comparaison ne tient pas compte de la casse, les mots peuvent commencer ou se terminer par \"*\" pour une comparaison partielle)"
msgstr ""
"liste des mots pour la notification (séparés par des virgules, le "
"comparaison ne tient pas compte de la casse, les mots peuvent commencer ou "
"se terminer par \"*\" pour une comparaison partielle)"
#: src/common/weeconfig.c:690
msgid "automatically accept dcc files"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-27 01:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-28 05:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -34,136 +34,136 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s error sending data to IRC server\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:486 src/irc/irc-server.c:499 src/irc/irc-server.c:543
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:489 src/irc/irc-server.c:502 src/irc/irc-server.c:549
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:562
#, c-format
msgid "%s not enough memory for received IRC message\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:675
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "%s Command '%s' failed!\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:680
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "%s No command to execute!\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:685
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "%s Unknown command: cmd=%s, host=%s, args=%s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:736
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:734
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot read data from socket, disconnecting from server...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:819
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:817
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server in %d seconds\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:852
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:850
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls handshake failed\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:869
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:867
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:873
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:871
#, c-format
msgid "%s address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:883
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:881
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy IP address not found\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:886
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:884
#, c-format
msgid "%s IP address not found\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:895
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:893
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy connection refused\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:898
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:896
#, c-format
msgid "%s connection refused\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:906
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:904
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s proxy fails to establish connection to server (check username/password if "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1383
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s cannot connect with SSL since WeeChat was not built with GNUtls support\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1392
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1390
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1398
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1396
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1408
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1406
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1412
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1410
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1430
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1428
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls init error\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1445
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1443
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create pipe\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1460
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1458
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create socket\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1471
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1469
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1482
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1480
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1513
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1511
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1563 src/irc/irc-server.c:1572
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1561 src/irc/irc-server.c:1570
msgid "Disconnected from server!\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(hidden)"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4707
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4715
msgid "unknown"
msgstr ""
@ -1317,13 +1317,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s \"%s\" command can not be executed on a server window\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:491
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:499
#, c-format
msgid "%s nick \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1228
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2132
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1236
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2140
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new private window \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1333,472 +1333,472 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s, compiled on %s %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:347
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:355
msgid "You have been invited to "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:350 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3983
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:358 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3991
msgid "by"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:361 src/irc/irc-recv.c:455 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1002
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1387 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1646 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3548
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3631 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3703
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:369 src/irc/irc-recv.c:463 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1010
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1395 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1654 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3639 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3711
#, c-format
msgid "%s channel \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:389
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:408
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:416
msgid " has joined "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:466
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:474
msgid " has kicked "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:470 src/common/command.c:1456
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:478 src/common/command.c:1456
msgid " from "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:564
msgid " has killed "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:570
msgid " from server"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:572
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
msgid " from server\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:588
#, c-format
msgid "%s host \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:620
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:628
msgid "sets ban on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:621
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:629
msgid "removes ban on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:645
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:653
msgid "sets exception on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:646
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:654
msgid "removes exception on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:670
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:678
msgid "sets mode +f"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:671
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:679
msgid "removes mode +f"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:703
msgid "gives half channel operator status to"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:696
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:704
msgid "removes half channel operator status from"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:723
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:731
msgid "sets invite-only channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:724
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:732
msgid "removes invite-only channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:741
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:749
msgid "sets channel key to"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:742
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:750
msgid "removes channel key"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:773
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:781
msgid "sets the user limit to"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:774
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:782
msgid "removes user limit"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:796
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:804
msgid "sets moderated channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:797
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:805
msgid "removes moderated channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:807
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:815
msgid "sets messages from channel only flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:808
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:816
msgid "removes messages from channel only flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:825
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:833
msgid "gives channel operator status to"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:826
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:834
msgid "removes channel operator status from"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:853
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:861
msgid "sets private channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:854
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:862
msgid "removes private channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:871
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:879
msgid "sets quiet on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:872
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:880
msgid "removes quiet on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:889
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:897
msgid "sets secret channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:890
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:898
msgid "removes secret channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:900
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:908
msgid "sets topic protection"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:901
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:909
msgid "removes topic protection"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:918
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:926
msgid "gives voice to"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:919
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:927
msgid "removes voice from"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:962 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1465
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2199
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:970 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1473
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2207
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:972
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel or nickname\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1019
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1027
msgid "mode changed by"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1081
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1089
msgid "You are "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1088
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1096
msgid " is "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1092
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1100
msgid "now known as "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1159
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "%s nickname not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1207
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1215
msgid "reply from"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1210
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1218
#, c-format
msgid ": %ld.%ld seconds\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1249 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2153 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1257 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2161 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#, c-format
msgid "Private %s> %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1312
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1320
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host or channel\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1361
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1369
msgid " has left "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1513 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2068
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1521 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2076
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: * %s %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1537
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1545
#, c-format
msgid "Received a CTCP SOUND \"%s\" from "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1601 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1705
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1745 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2108
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1609 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1713
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1753 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2116
msgid "received from"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1597 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2104
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1605 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2112
msgid "Unknown CTCP "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1629
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1637
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: %s> %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1761 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1798
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1814 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1840 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1861
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1877 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1902 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1923
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1939 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1964 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1985
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2000 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2519
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3907 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3922 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3937
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3952 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3965 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4020
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4034 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4274 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4332
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4491 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4506 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4521
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4536 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4549 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4603
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4617
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1769 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1790 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1806
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1822 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1848 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1869
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1885 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1910 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1931
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1947 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1972 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1993
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2008 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2527
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3915 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3930 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3945
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3960 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3973 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4028
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4042 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4282 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4340
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4499 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4514 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4529
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4544 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4557 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4611
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4625
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot parse \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2013
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2021
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown DCC CHAT type received from "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2230
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2238
msgid "has quit"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2355
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2363
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2387
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2395
msgid " has changed topic for "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2392
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2400
#, c-format
msgid " to: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2398
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2406
msgid " has unset topic for "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2507
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2515
msgid "User mode"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2570
#, c-format
msgid " is away: %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2644
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2652
msgid "Users online: "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3134
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
msgid "idle: "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "days"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "day"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hours"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hour"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minute"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "second"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3169
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3177
msgid "signon at: "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3265
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3273
msgid "Channels: "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3561
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3569
msgid "No topic set for "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3618
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3626
msgid "Topic for "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3622
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3630
#, c-format
msgid " is: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3641 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3730 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3783
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3649 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3738 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3791
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify channel for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3691
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3699
msgid "Topic set by "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3712
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3720
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify date/time for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3721 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3792
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3729 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3800
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify nickname for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3771
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3779
msgid "has invited"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3774 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4195 src/common/command.c:1449
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4203 src/common/command.c:1449
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3829
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3837
msgid "Channel reop"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3981
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3989
msgid "exception"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4320
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4328
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create nick \"%s\" for channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4379
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4387
msgid "Nicks "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4399
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4407
msgid "Channel "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nicks"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nick"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "ops"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "op"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfops"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfop"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voices"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voice"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4445
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4453
msgid "normal"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4566
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4574
msgid "banned by"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4661
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4669
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 2nd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4673
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 3rd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4685
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4693
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: all declared nicknames are already in use, closing connection with "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4703
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 1st nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1992,86 +1992,86 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Removing ignore:"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:237
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:231
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for IRC command \"%s\" (not enough "
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:272
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:266
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (already exists)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:309
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:547
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:550
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:558
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:561
#, c-format
msgid "%s symbol \"plugin_name\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:569
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:572
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": a plugin with same name already exists\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:581
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:584
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_description\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:592
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:595
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_version\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:603
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:606
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s function \"weechat_plugin_init\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to "
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:657
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Initializing plugin \"%s\" %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:665
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:668
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to initialize plugin \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:676
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:679
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:684
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:687
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" (%s) loaded.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:824
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" unloaded.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:830
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:833
#, c-format
msgid "%s plugin \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -226,6 +226,21 @@ irc_recv_command (t_irc_server *server, char *entire_line,
if (irc_commands[i].recv_function != NULL)
command_ignored = ignore_check (host, irc_commands[i].command_name, NULL, server->name);
#ifdef PLUGINS
if (!command_ignored)
return_code = plugin_msg_handler_exec (server->name,
/* plugin handler choosed to discard message for WeeChat,
so we don't execute WeeChat standard handler for IRC message! */
if (return_code & PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT)
return 0;
/* make gcc happy */
(void) entire_line;
pos = (host) ? strchr (host, '!') : NULL;
if (pos)
pos[0] = '\0';
@ -235,13 +250,6 @@ irc_recv_command (t_irc_server *server, char *entire_line,
return_code = (int) (irc_commands[i].recv_function) (server, host, nick, arguments);
if (nick)
free (nick);
#ifdef PLUGINS
if (!command_ignored)
plugin_msg_handler_exec (server->name, irc_commands[i].command_name, entire_line);
/* make gcc happy */
(void) entire_line;
return return_code;

View File

@ -62,52 +62,46 @@ plugin_find_buffer (char *server, char *channel)
ptr_channel = NULL;
ptr_buffer = NULL;
if (server && server[0])
ptr_server = server_search (server);
if (!ptr_server)
return NULL;
/* nothing given => print on current buffer */
if ((!server || !server[0]) && (!channel || !channel[0]))
ptr_buffer = gui_current_window->buffer;
ptr_server = SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer);
if (!ptr_server)
ptr_server = SERVER(gui_buffers);
if (channel && channel[0])
if (ptr_server)
if (server && server[0])
ptr_channel = channel_search (ptr_server, channel);
if (ptr_channel)
ptr_buffer = ptr_channel->buffer;
ptr_server = server_search (server);
if (!ptr_server)
return NULL;
if (!channel)
ptr_server = SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer);
if (!ptr_server)
ptr_server = SERVER(gui_buffers);
if (channel && channel[0])
if (ptr_server)
ptr_buffer = ptr_server->buffer;
ptr_buffer = gui_current_window->buffer;
if (ptr_buffer->dcc)
ptr_buffer = gui_buffers;
ptr_channel = channel_search (ptr_server, channel);
if (ptr_channel)
ptr_buffer = ptr_channel->buffer;
if (ptr_server)
ptr_buffer = ptr_server->buffer;
ptr_buffer = gui_current_window->buffer;
if (!ptr_buffer)
return NULL;
return (ptr_buffer->dcc) ? NULL : ptr_buffer;
return (ptr_buffer->dcc) ? gui_buffers : ptr_buffer;
@ -315,7 +309,8 @@ plugin_cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *command,
* plugin_msg_handler_exec: execute a message handler
* return: number of handlers executed (0 means no handler found)
* return: code for informing WeeChat whether message
* should be ignored or not
@ -323,9 +318,10 @@ plugin_msg_handler_exec (char *server, char *irc_command, char *irc_message)
t_weechat_plugin *ptr_plugin;
t_plugin_handler *ptr_handler;
int count;
int return_code, final_return_code;
final_return_code = PLUGIN_RC_OK;
count = 0;
for (ptr_plugin = weechat_plugins; ptr_plugin;
ptr_plugin = ptr_plugin->next_plugin)
@ -338,20 +334,27 @@ plugin_msg_handler_exec (char *server, char *irc_command, char *irc_message)
if (ptr_handler->running == 0)
ptr_handler->running = 1;
if ((int) (ptr_handler->handler) (ptr_plugin,
return_code = ((int) (ptr_handler->handler) (ptr_plugin,
ptr_handler->running = 0;
if (return_code >= 0)
if (return_code & PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT)
final_return_code = PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT;
if (return_code & PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS)
return final_return_code;
return count;
return final_return_code;
@ -385,7 +388,7 @@ plugin_cmd_handler_exec (char *server, char *command, char *arguments)
ptr_handler->running = 0;
return (return_code) ? 1 : 0;
return (return_code == PLUGIN_RC_KO) ? 0 : 1;
@ -658,7 +661,7 @@ plugin_load (char *filename)
new_plugin->name, new_plugin->version);
/* init plugin */
if (!((t_weechat_init_func *)init_func) (new_plugin))
if (((t_weechat_init_func *)init_func) (new_plugin) < 0)
irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR);
gui_printf (NULL,

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ weechat_perl_exec (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
sv = GvSV (gv_fetchpv ("@", TRUE, SVt_PV));
return_code = 1;
return_code = PLUGIN_RC_KO;
if (SvTRUE (sv))
plugin->printf_server (plugin, "Perl error: %s", SvPV (sv, count));
@ -114,9 +114,8 @@ weechat_perl_handler (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
/* make gcc happy */
(void) command;
weechat_perl_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
return 1;
return weechat_perl_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
@ -211,6 +210,8 @@ static XS (XS_weechat_print)
message = SvPV (ST (0), integer);
channel_name = NULL;
server_name = NULL;
@ -221,7 +222,6 @@ static XS (XS_weechat_print)
server_name = SvPV (ST (2), integer);
message = SvPV (ST (0), integer);
perl_plugin->printf (perl_plugin,
server_name, channel_name,
"%s", message);
@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
weechat_script_auto_load (plugin, "perl", weechat_perl_load);
/* init ok */
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;

View File

@ -52,31 +52,41 @@ weechat_python_exec (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
PyObject *evMain;
PyObject *evDict;
PyObject *evFunc;
PyObject *rc;
int ret;
PyThreadState_Swap (NULL);
PyEval_AcquireLock ();
PyThreadState_Swap (script->interpreter);
evMain = PyImport_AddModule ((char *) "__main__");
evDict = PyModule_GetDict (evMain);
evFunc = PyDict_GetItemString (evDict, function);
if ( !(evFunc && PyCallable_Check (evFunc)) )
plugin->printf_server (plugin,
"Python error: unable to run function \"%s\"",
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_KO;
ret = -1;
rc = PyObject_CallFunction(evFunc, "ss", server == NULL ? "" : server, arguments == NULL ? "" : arguments);
if (rc)
ret = (int) PyInt_AsLong(rc);
PyObject_CallFunction(evFunc, "ss", server == NULL ? "" : server, arguments == NULL ? "" : arguments);
return 0;
if (ret < 0)
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
return ret;
@ -91,9 +101,8 @@ weechat_python_handler (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
/* make gcc happy */
(void) command;
weechat_python_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
return 1;
return weechat_python_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
@ -1104,7 +1113,7 @@ weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
plugin->printf_server (plugin,
"Python error: unable to launch global interpreter");
return 0;
return PLUGIN_RC_KO;
PySys_SetArgv(1, argv);
@ -1117,7 +1126,7 @@ weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
plugin->printf_server (plugin,
"Python error: unable to get current interpreter state");
return 0;
return PLUGIN_RC_KO;
PyEval_ReleaseLock ();
@ -1134,7 +1143,8 @@ weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
weechat_script_auto_load (plugin, "python", weechat_python_load);
return 1;
/* init ok */
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ weechat_ruby_exec (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
(void) arguments;
/* TODO: exec Ruby script */
return 0;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
@ -72,9 +72,8 @@ weechat_ruby_handler (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
/* make gcc happy */
(void) command;
weechat_ruby_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
return 1;
return weechat_ruby_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
@ -962,7 +961,8 @@ weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
weechat_script_auto_load (plugin, "ruby", weechat_ruby_load);
return 1;
/* init ok */
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;

View File

@ -22,6 +22,18 @@
/* return codes for init function and handlers */
#define PLUGIN_RC_KO -1 /* function/handler failed */
#define PLUGIN_RC_OK 0 /* function/handler ok */
/* return codes specific to message handlers: messages can be discarded for
WeeChat, for plugins, or both */
#define PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT 1 /* ignore WeeChat for this message */
#define PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS 2 /* ignore other plugins for this msg */
/* ignore WeeChat and other plugins */
typedef struct t_plugin_dcc_info t_plugin_dcc_info;
struct t_plugin_dcc_info

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@title WeeChat - User guide
@subtitle Fast, light and extensible IRC client
@subtitle Documentation for WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - October, 25 2005
@subtitle Documentation for WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - October, 28 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 5@*
Create a FIFO pipe for remote control@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item irc_highlight
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison)@*
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison, words may begin or end with "*" for partial match)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item dcc_auto_accept_files
Automatically accept incoming dcc files@*
@ -1558,9 +1558,8 @@ them the plugin can't load):@*
@item functions for init and end of plugin:
@itemize @minus
@item weechat_plugin_init: function called when plugin is loaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
must return PLUGIN_RC_OK (0) if successful, PLUGIN_RC_KO (-1) if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded
@end itemize
@end itemize
@ -1576,7 +1575,7 @@ These functions are detailed below:@*
@command{int ascii_strcasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1599,7 +1598,7 @@ nul if chaine1 == chaine 2, positive if chaine1 > chaine2@*
@command{int ascii_strncasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2, int max)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1712,7 +1711,7 @@ Aucune.@*
char *server, char *channel, char *message, ...)}@*
Display a message on a WeeChat buffer, identified by server and
channel (both may be NULL).@*
channel (both may be NULL for current buffer).@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1806,10 +1805,25 @@ char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args,
void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "KICK received");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->msg_handler_add (plugin, "KICK", &msg_kick, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT or 1}: message will not be sent to
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS or 2}: message will not be sent to
other plugins
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_ALL or 3}: message will not be sent to
WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{t_plugin_handler *cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin
@ -1823,7 +1837,7 @@ Add a WeeChat command handler, called when user uses command
@itemize @minus
@item @option{plugin}: pointer to plugin structure
@item @option{commande}: the new command
@item @option{command}: the new command
@item @option{description}: command description (displayed by /help
@item @option{arguments}: short description of command arguments
@ -1847,11 +1861,20 @@ void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "test command,
file: %s", (arguments) ? arguments : "none");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "test", "Test command",
"[file]", "file: a file name", &cmd_test, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{void handler_remove (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
@ -2138,7 +2161,7 @@ char plugin_name[] = "Toto";
char plugin_version[] = "0.1";
char plugin_description[] = "Test plugin for WeeChat";
/* gestionnaire de commande "/hello" */
/* "/hello" command handler */
int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
char *command, char *arguments,
@ -2149,7 +2172,7 @@ int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
@ -2160,13 +2183,12 @@ int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
"msg: message",
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
/* on ne fait rien ici */
return 1;
/* nothing done here */
@end verbatim
@ -2293,8 +2315,20 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ ($null, $channel, $message) = split ":",$_[1],3;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ ($hostmask, $null, $channel) = split " ", $channel;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat::print ("host=$hostmask, chan=$channel, msg=$message\n");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{weechat::add_command_handler ( name, function );}@*
@ -2330,6 +2364,14 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{weechat::remove_handler ( name, function );}@*
@ -2654,6 +2696,18 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ null, channel, message = string.split(args, ":", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ hostmask, null, channel = string.split(string.strip(channel), " ", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("host="+hostmask+", channel="+channel+", message="+message)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@ -2686,6 +2740,15 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{weechat.add_command_handler ("command", my_command)}@*
@code{def my_command(server, args):}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("server:"+server+" arguments:"+args)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Gui@'on de usuario.
@subtitle Cliente IRC r@'apido, peque@~no y extensible
@subtitle Documentaci@'on para WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 25 de octubre de 2005
@subtitle Documentaci@'on para WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 28 de octubre de 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@ -254,461 +254,461 @@ Enumeraci@'on de las opciones del fichero de configuraci@'on:@*
@table @kbd
@item look_set_title
Define el t@'itulo de la ventana (el terminal para la interfaz Curses) con el nombre y la versi@'on@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Set title for window (terminal for Curses GUI) with name & version@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_startup_logo
Mostrar el logotipo de WeeChat en el arranque@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display WeeChat logo at startup@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_startup_version
Mostrar la versi@'on de Weechat en el arranque@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display WeeChat version at startup@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_weechat_slogan
Esl@'ogan de WeeChat (si est@'a vac@'io, el esl@'ogan no ser@'a utilizado)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'the geekest IRC client!'@*
WeeChat slogan (if empty, slogan is not used)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'the geekest IRC client!'@*
@item look_charset_decode_iso
ISO charset for decoding messages from server (used only if locale is UTF-8) (if empty, messages are not converted if locale is UTF-8@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'ISO-8859-1'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'ISO-8859-1'@*
@item look_charset_decode_utf
UTF charset for decoding messages from server (used only if locale is not UTF-8) (if empty, messages are not converted if locale is not UTF-8@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'UTF-8'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'UTF-8'@*
@item look_charset_encode
Charset for encoding messages sent to server, examples: UFT-8, ISO-8859-1 (if empty, messages are not converted)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item look_charset_internal
Forces internal WeeChat charset (should be empty in most cases, that means detected charset is used)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item look_buffer_timestamp
Fecha y hora para las búfers@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '[%H:%M:%S]'@*
Timestamp for buffers@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '[%H:%M:%S]'@*
@item look_color_nicks
Mostrar nombres de usuario con colores diferentes@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display nick names with different colors@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_color_nicks_number
Number of colors to use for nicks colors@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 1 y 10), valor por defecto: 10@*
Type: integer (values: between 1 and 10), default value: 10@*
@item look_color_actions
Mostrar acciones con colores diferentes@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display actions with different colors@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_remove_colors_from_msgs
Quitar colores en los mensajes entrantes@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Remove colors from incoming messages@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_nicklist
Mostrar ventana de usuarios (para las ventanas de canal)@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display nicklist window (for channel windows)@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_nicklist_position
Posici@'on de la ventana de usuarios (arriba (top), izquierda (left), derecha (right, por defecto), abajo (bottom))@*
Typo: cadena (valores: 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'), valor por defecto: 'right'@*
Nicklist position (top, left, right (default), bottom)@*
Type: string (values: 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'), default value: 'right'@*
@item look_nicklist_min_size
Tama@~no m@'inimo para la ventana de usuarios (ancho o alto, dependiendo de look_nicklist_position (0 = sin tama@~no m@'inimo))@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 100), valor por defecto: 0@*
Min size for nicklist (width or height, depending on look_nicklist_position (0 = no min size))@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 100), default value: 0@*
@item look_nicklist_max_size
Tama@~no m@'aximo para la ventana de usuarios (ancho o alto, dependiendo de look_nicklist_position (0 = sin tama@~no m@'aximo, si min == max y > 0, entonces se fija el tama@~no))@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 100), valor por defecto: 0@*
Max size for nicklist (width or height, depending on look_nicklist_position (0 = no max size; if min == max and > 0, then size is fixed))@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 100), default value: 0@*
@item look_no_nickname
Texto a mostrar en lugar del nick cuando no se est@'a conectado@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '-cmd-'@*
Text to display instead of nick when not connected@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '-cmd-'@*
@item look_nickmode
Mostrar modo del usuario ((half)op/voice) antes de cada usuario@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display nick mode ((half)op/voice) before each nick@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_nickmode_empty
Mostrar un espacio si el modo de usuario no es (half)op/voice@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Display space if nick mode is not (half)op/voice@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item look_nick_completor
La cadena mostrada tras la finalizaci@'on de los nombres de usuario@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ':'@*
The string inserted after nick completion@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ':'@*
@item look_infobar
Activa la barra de informaci@'on@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Enable info bar@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_infobar_timestamp
Fecha y hora para las conversaciones guardadas@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '%B, %A %d %Y'@*
Timestamp for time in infobar@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '%B, %A %d %Y'@*
@item look_infobar_seconds
Mostrar segundos en la hora de la barra de herramientas@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display seconds in infobar time@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_infobar_delay_highlight
Retraso (en segundos) para la notificaci@'on de mensajes en la barra de informaci@'on (0 = desactivar las notificaciones en la barra de informaci@'on)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 7@*
Delay (in seconds) for highlight messages in infobar (0 = disable highlight notifications in infobar)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 7@*
@item look_hotlist_names_count
Max number of names in hotlist (0 = no name displayed, only buffer numbers)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 32), valor por defecto: 3@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 32), default value: 3@*
@item look_hotlist_names_level
Level for displaying names in hotlist (combination of: 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight, for example: 12=private+highlight)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 1 y 15), valor por defecto: 12@*
Type: integer (values: between 1 and 15), default value: 12@*
@item look_hotlist_names_length
Max length of names in hotlist (0 = no limit)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 32), valor por defecto: 0@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 32), default value: 0@*
@item look_day_change
Display special message when day changes@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item look_day_change_timestamp
Timestamp for date displayed when day changed@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '%a, %d %b %Y'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '%a, %d %b %Y'@*
@item col_title
Color para la barra de t@'itulo@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for title bar@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_title_bg
Color de fondo para la barra de t@'itulo@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'blue'@*
Background for title bar@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'blue'@*
@item col_chat
Color para el texto de conversaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for chat text@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_chat_time
Color para la hora en la ventana de conversaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for time in chat window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_chat_time_sep
Color para el separador de la hora (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'brown'@*
Color for time separator (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'brown'@*
@item col_chat_prefix1
Color para el primer o tercer car@'acter de prefijo@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightcyan'@*
Color for 1st and 3rd char of prefix@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightcyan'@*
@item col_chat_prefix2
Color para el car@'acter de en medio del prefijo@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for middle char of prefix@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_chat_join
Color for join arrow (prefix)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_chat_part
Color for part/quit arrow (prefix)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightred'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightred'@*
@item col_chat_nick
Color para los nombres de usuario en las acciones (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightcyan'@*
Color for nicks in actions (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightcyan'@*
@item col_chat_host
Color para los nombres de m@'aquina (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'cyan'@*
Color for hostnames (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'cyan'@*
@item col_chat_channel
Color para los nombres de canal en las acciones (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for channel names in actions (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_chat_dark
Color para los separadores oscuros (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'green'@*
Color for dark separators (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'green'@*
@item col_chat_highlight
Color para el alias subrayado (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'yellow'@*
Color for highlighted nick (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'yellow'@*
@item col_chat_bg
Color de fondo para la ventana de conversaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Background for chat window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_status
Color para la barra de estado@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for status bar@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_status_delimiters
Color para los delimitadores de la barra de estado@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'cyan'@*
Color for status bar delimiters@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'cyan'@*
@item col_status_channel
Color for current channel in status bar@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_status_data_msg
Color para una ventana con mensajes nuevos (barra de estado)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'yellow'@*
Color for window with new messages (status bar)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'yellow'@*
@item col_status_private
Color for window with private message (status bar)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightmagenta'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightmagenta'@*
@item col_status_highlight
Color para una ventana con resaltado (barra de estado)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightred'@*
Color for window with highlight (status bar)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightred'@*
@item col_status_data_other
Color para una ventana con nuevos datos (no mensajes) (barra de estado)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for window with new data (not messages) (status bar)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_status_more
Color para una ventana con nuevos datos (barra de estado)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for window with new data (status bar)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_status_bg
Color de fondo para la ventana de estado@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'blue'@*
Background for status window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'blue'@*
@item col_infobar
Color para el texto de la barra de informaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'black'@*
Color for info bar text@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'black'@*
@item col_infobar_delimiters
Color para los delimitadores de la barra de informaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'blue'@*
Color for infobar delimiters@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'blue'@*
@item col_infobar_highlight
Color para la notificaci@'on en la barra de informaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for info bar highlight notification@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_infobar_bg
Color de fondo para la ventana de la barra de informaci@'on@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'cyan'@*
Background for info bar window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'cyan'@*
@item col_input
Color para el texto de entrada@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for input text@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_input_channel
Color para el texto de entrada (nombre de canal)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for input text (channel name)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_input_nick
Color para el texto de entrada (alias)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightcyan'@*
Color for input text (nick name)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightcyan'@*
@item col_input_delimiters
Color for input text (delimiters)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_input_bg
Color de fondo para la ventana de entrada@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Background for input window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_nick
Color para los nombres de usuario@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for nicknames@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_nick_away
Color para los usuarios ausentes@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'cyan'@*
Color for away nicknames@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'cyan'@*
@item col_nick_chanowner
Color para el s@'imbolo de propietario de canal (especificado en unrealircd)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Color for chan owner symbol (specific to unrealircd)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_nick_chanadmin
Color para el s@'imbolo de administrador de canal (especificado en unrealircd)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Color for chan admin symbol (specific to unrealircd)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_nick_op
Color para el s@'imbolo de operador@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Color for operator symbol@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_nick_halfop
Color para el s@'imbolo de semi-operador@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightmagenta'@*
Color for half-operator symbol@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightmagenta'@*
@item col_nick_voice
Color para el s@'imbolo de voz@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'yellow'@*
Color for voice symbol@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'yellow'@*
@item col_nick_more
Color para '+' al desplazar nicks@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightmagenta'@*
Color for '+' when scrolling nicks@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightmagenta'@*
@item col_nick_sep
Color para el separador de alias@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'blue'@*
Color for nick separator@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'blue'@*
@item col_nick_self
Color para el alias local@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for local nick@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_nick_color1
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'cyan'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'cyan'@*
@item col_nick_color2
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'magenta'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'magenta'@*
@item col_nick_color3
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'green'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'green'@*
@item col_nick_color4
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'brown'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'brown'@*
@item col_nick_color5
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightblue'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightblue'@*
@item col_nick_color6
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_nick_color7
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightcyan'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightcyan'@*
@item col_nick_color8
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightmagenta'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightmagenta'@*
@item col_nick_color9
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_nick_color10
Color for nick@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'blue'@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'blue'@*
@item col_nick_private
Color para el otro alias en la ventana privada@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Color for other nick in private window@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_nick_bg
Color de fondo para los nombres de usuario@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'default'@*
Background for nicknames@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'default'@*
@item col_chat_dcc_selected
Color para el DCC seleccionado (ventana de conversaci@'on)@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'white'@*
Color for selected DCC (chat window)@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'white'@*
@item col_dcc_waiting
Color para el estado dcc "esperando"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightcyan'@*
Color for "waiting" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightcyan'@*
@item col_dcc_connecting
Color para el estado dcc "conectando"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'yellow'@*
Color for "connecting" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'yellow'@*
@item col_dcc_active
Color para el estado dcc "activo"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightblue'@*
Color for "active" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightblue'@*
@item col_dcc_done
Color para el estado dcc "terminado"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightgreen'@*
Color for "done" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightgreen'@*
@item col_dcc_failed
Color para el estado dcc "fallo"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightred'@*
Color for "failed" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightred'@*
@item col_dcc_aborted
Color para el estado dcc "abortado"@*
Typo: color (color Curses @'o Gtk), valor por defecto: 'lightred'@*
Color for "aborted" dcc status@*
Type: color (Curses or Gtk color), default value: 'lightred'@*
@item history_max_lines
Número m@'aximo de l@'ineas en el hist@'orico para un servidor/canal/privado (0 = ilimitado)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 4096@*
Maximum number of lines in history for one server/channel/private window (0 = unlimited)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 4096@*
@item history_max_commands
Número m@'aximo de comandos de usuario en el hist@'orico (0 = ilimitado)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 100@*
Maximum number of user commands in history (0 = unlimited)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 100@*
@item log_auto_server
Registrar autom@'aticamente los mensajes de servidor@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Automatically log server messages@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item log_auto_channel
Registrar autom@'aticamente las conversaciones de canal@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Automatically log channel chats@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item log_auto_private
Registrar autom@'aticamente las conversaciones privadas@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Automatically log private chats@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item log_plugin_msg
Registrar mensajes de plugins (scripts)@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Log messages from plugins (scripts)@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item log_path
Ruta para los archivos de registro (logs) de WeeChat@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '~/.weechat/logs/'@*
Path for WeeChat log files@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '~/.weechat/logs/'@*
@item log_timestamp
Fecha y hora para los registros (ver man strftime para el formato de fecha/hora)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S'@*
Timestamp for log (see man strftime for date/time specifiers)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S'@*
@item log_hide_nickserv_pwd
Ocultar contrase@~na mostrada por nickserv@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Hide password displayed by nickserv@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item irc_display_away
Mostrar mensaje en todos los canales cuando se vuelva del estado ausente@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Display message to all channels when (un)marking as away@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item irc_default_msg_away
Mensaje por defecto para el estado ausente@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'away'@*
Default message when away@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'away'@*
@item irc_default_msg_part
Mensaje por defecto de salida (saliendo de un canal)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'WeeChat %v'@*
Default part message (leaving channel)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'WeeChat %v'@*
@item irc_default_msg_quit
Mensaje de fin por defecto ('%v' ser@'a reemplazado por la versi@'on de WeeChat en la cadena)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: 'WeeChat %v'@*
Default quit message ('%v' will be replaced by WeeChat version in string)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: 'WeeChat %v'@*
@item irc_notice_as_pv
Display notices as private messages@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item irc_away_check
Intervalo entre dos comprobaciones de ausencia (en minutos, 0 = no comprobar)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 0@*
Interval between two checks for away (in minutes, 0 = never check)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 0@*
@item irc_lag_check
Intervalo entre dos medidas de lag (en segundos)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 30 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 60@*
Interval between two checks for lag (in seconds)@*
Type: integer (values: between 30 and 2147483647), default value: 60@*
@item irc_lag_min_show
Lag m@'inimo a mostrar (en segundos)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 1@*
Minimum lag to show (in seconds)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 1@*
@item irc_lag_disconnect
Desconexi@'on tras un lag importante (en minutos, 0 = no desconectar nunca)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 5@*
Disconnect after important lag (in minutes, 0 = never disconnect)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 5@*
@item irc_fifo_pipe
Crea una tuber@'ia FIFO para control remoto@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Create a FIFO pipe for remote control@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item irc_highlight
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison, words may begin or end with "*" for partial match)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item dcc_auto_accept_files
Aceptar autom@'aticamente los ficheros dcc entrantes@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Automatically accept incoming dcc files@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item dcc_auto_accept_chats
Aceptar autom@'aticamente las peticiones de conversaci@'on dcc (¡utilizar con precauci@'on!)@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Automatically accept dcc chats (use carefully!)@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item dcc_timeout
Tiempo de espera para la petici@'on dcc (en segundos)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 1 y 2147483647), valor por defecto: 300@*
Timeout for dcc request (in seconds)@*
Type: integer (values: between 1 and 2147483647), default value: 300@*
@item dcc_blocksize
Tama@~no de bloque para los paquetes dcc en bytes (por defecto: 65536)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 1024 y 102400), valor por defecto: 65536@*
Block size for dcc packets in bytes (default: 65536)@*
Type: integer (values: between 1024 and 102400), default value: 65536@*
@item dcc_port_range
Restricts outgoing dcc to use only ports in the given range (useful for NAT) (syntax: a single port, ie. 5000 or a port range, ie. 5000-5015, empty value means any port)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item dcc_own_ip
IP or DNS address used for outgoing dcc (if empty, local interface IP is used)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item dcc_download_path
Ruta para los ficheros recibidos con dcc (por defecto: directorio home del usuario)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '~'@*
Path for writing incoming files with dcc (default: user home)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '~'@*
@item dcc_upload_path
Ruta para la lectura de ficheros cuando se env@'ian a trav@'es de dcc (cuando no se especifica una ruta)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '~'@*
Path for reading files when sending thru dcc (when no path is specified)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '~'@*
@item dcc_convert_spaces
Convertir los espacios a subrayados cuando se env@'ian los ficheros@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Convert spaces to underscores when sending files@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item dcc_auto_rename
Renombrar los ficheros recibidos si ya existen (a@~nadir '.1', '.2', ...)@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Rename incoming files if already exists (add '.1', '.2', ...)@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item dcc_auto_resume
Continuar autom@'aticamente la transferencia dcc si se ha perdido la conexi@'on con la m@'aquina remota@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Automatically resume dcc transfer if connection with remote host is loosed@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item proxy_use
Utilizar un proxy para conectarse al servidor irc@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Use a proxy server to connect to irc server@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item proxy_type
Tipo de proxy(http (por defecto), socks4, socks5)@*
Typo: cadena (valores: 'http', 'socks4', 'socks5'), valor por defecto: 'http'@*
Proxy type (http (default), socks4, socks5)@*
Type: string (values: 'http', 'socks4', 'socks5'), default value: 'http'@*
@item proxy_ipv6
Conectar al proxy en ipv6@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Connect to proxy in ipv6@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item proxy_address
Direcci@'on del servidor proxy (IP o nombre de m@'aquina)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Proxy server address (IP or hostname)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item proxy_port
Puerto para conectarse al servidor proxy@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 65535), valor por defecto: 3128@*
Port for connecting to proxy server@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 65535), default value: 3128@*
@item proxy_username
Nombre de usuario para el servidor proxy@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Username for proxy server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item proxy_password
Contrase@~na para el servidor proxy@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Password for proxy server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item plugins_path
Path for searching plugins@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '~/.weechat/plugins'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '~/.weechat/plugins'@*
@item plugins_autoload
Comma separated list of plugins to load automatically at startup, "*" means all plugins found (names may be partial, for example "perl" is ok for "")@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '*'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '*'@*
@item plugins_extension
Standard plugins extension in filename, used for autoload (if empty, then all files are loaded when autoload is "*")@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: '.so'@*
Type: string (any string), default value: '.so'@*
@item server_name
Nombre asociado al servidor IRC (para mostrar solamente)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Name associated to IRC server (for display only)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_autoconnect
Conexi@'on autom@'atica al servidor cuando WeeChat est@'e arrancando@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Automatically connect to server when WeeChat is starting@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item server_autoreconnect
Reconexi@'on autom@'atica al servidor tras una desconexi@'on@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Automatically reconnect to server when disconnected@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item server_autoreconnect_delay
Espera (en segundos) antes de intentar de nuevo una reconexi@'on al servidor@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 65535), valor por defecto: 30@*
Delay (in seconds) before trying again to reconnect to server@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 65535), default value: 30@*
@item server_address
Direcci@'on IP o nombre de m@'aquina del servidor IRC@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
IP address or hostname of IRC server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_port
Puerto para conectarse al servidor@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 65535), valor por defecto: 6667@*
Port for connecting to server@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 65535), default value: 6667@*
@item server_ipv6
Usar el protocolo IPv6 para la comunicaci@'on del servidor@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Use IPv6 protocol for server communication@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item server_ssl
Usar SSL para la comunicaci@'on del servidor@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'off'@*
Use SSL for server communication@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item server_password
Contrase@~na para el servidor IRC@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Password for IRC server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_nick1
Nombre de usuario a utilizar en el servidor IRC@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Nickname to use on IRC server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_nick2
Nombre de usuario alternativo para el servidor IRC (si el nombre de usuario ya est@'a en uso)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Alternate nickname to use on IRC server (if nickname is already used)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_nick3
Segundo nombre de usuario alternativo a utilizar en el servidor IRC (si el nombre de usuario alternativo ya est@'a en uso)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
2nd alternate nickname to use on IRC server (if alternate nickname is already used)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_username
Nombre de usuario para el servidor IRC@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
User name to use on IRC server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_realname
Nombre real para el servidor IRC@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Real name to use on IRC server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_command
Primer comando a ejecutar cuando se conecte a un servidor@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
First command to run when connected to server@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_command_delay
Espera (en segundos) despu@'es de que el comando sea ejecutado (ejemplo: dar algo de tiempo para la autenticaci@'on)@*
Typo: entero (valores: entre 0 y 5), valor por defecto: 0@*
Delay (in seconds) after command was executed (example: give some time for authentication)@*
Type: integer (values: between 0 and 5), default value: 0@*
@item server_autojoin
Lista de canales (separados por comas) a unirse cuando se conecte a un servidor (ejemplo: "#chan1,#chan2,#chan3 key1,key2")@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Comma separated list of channels to join when connected to server (example: "#chan1,#chan2,#chan3 key1,key2")@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item server_autorejoin
Unirse de nuevo autom@'aticamente a los canales cuando sea expulsado@*
Typo: booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off'), valor por defecto: 'on'@*
Automatically rejoin channels when kicked@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'on'@*
@item server_notify_levels
Lista separada por comas de niveles de notificaci@'on para canales de este servidor (formato: #canal:1,...)@*
Typo: cadena (cualquier cadena), valor por defecto: ''@*
Comma separated list of notify levels for channels of this server (format: #channel:1,..)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@end table
Los colores para el interfaz Curses son:@*
@ -1561,9 +1561,8 @@ them the plugin can't load):@*
@item functions for init and end of plugin:
@itemize @minus
@item weechat_plugin_init: function called when plugin is loaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
must return PLUGIN_RC_OK (0) if successful, PLUGIN_RC_KO (-1) if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded
@end itemize
@end itemize
@ -1579,7 +1578,7 @@ These functions are detailed below:@*
@command{int ascii_strcasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1602,7 +1601,7 @@ nul if chaine1 == chaine 2, positive if chaine1 > chaine2@*
@command{int ascii_strncasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2, int max)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1715,7 +1714,7 @@ Aucune.@*
char *server, char *channel, char *message, ...)}@*
Display a message on a WeeChat buffer, identified by server and
channel (both may be NULL).@*
channel (both may be NULL for current buffer).@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1809,10 +1808,25 @@ char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args,
void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "KICK received");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->msg_handler_add (plugin, "KICK", &msg_kick, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT or 1}: message will not be sent to
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS or 2}: message will not be sent to
other plugins
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_ALL or 3}: message will not be sent to
WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{t_plugin_handler *cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin
@ -1826,7 +1840,7 @@ Add a WeeChat command handler, called when user uses command
@itemize @minus
@item @option{plugin}: pointer to plugin structure
@item @option{commande}: the new command
@item @option{command}: the new command
@item @option{description}: command description (displayed by /help
@item @option{arguments}: short description of command arguments
@ -1850,11 +1864,20 @@ void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "test command,
file: %s", (arguments) ? arguments : "none");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "test", "Test command",
"[file]", "file: a file name", &cmd_test, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{void handler_remove (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
@ -2135,7 +2158,7 @@ char plugin_name[] = "Toto";
char plugin_version[] = "0.1";
char plugin_description[] = "Test plugin for WeeChat";
/* gestionnaire de commande "/hello" */
/* "/hello" command handler */
int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
char *command, char *arguments,
@ -2146,7 +2169,7 @@ int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
@ -2157,13 +2180,12 @@ int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
"msg: message",
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
/* on ne fait rien ici */
return 1;
/* nothing done here */
@end verbatim
@ -2290,8 +2312,20 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ ($null, $canal, $mensaje) = split ":",$_[1],3;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ ($mascara, $null, $canal) = split " ", $canal;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat::print ("masc=$mascara, canal=$canal, msj=$mensaje\n");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{weechat::add_command_handler ( nombre, funci@'on );}@*
@ -2327,6 +2361,14 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{weechat::remove_handler ( name, function );}@*
@ -2650,6 +2692,18 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ null, canal, mensaje = string.split(args, ":", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ mascara, null, canal = string.split(string.strip(canal), " ", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("masc="+mascara+", canal="+canal+", msj="+mensaje)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@ -2682,6 +2736,15 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{weechat.add_command_handler ("comando", mi_comando)}@*
@code{def mi_comando(servidor, args):}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("Servidor:"+servidor+" Par@'ametros:"+args)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Guide utilisateur
@subtitle Client IRC rapide, l@'eger et extensible
@subtitle Documentation pour WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 25 octobre 2005
@subtitle Documentation pour WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 28 octobre 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ Type: entier (valeurs: entre 0 et 2147483647), valeur par d@'efaut: 5@*
Cr@'eer un tube FIFO pour le contr@^ole @`a distance@*
Type: bool@'een (valeurs: 'on' ou 'off'), valeur par d@'efaut: 'off'@*
@item irc_highlight
Liste des mots pour la notification (s@'epar@'es par des virgules, le comparaison ne tient pas compte de la casse)@*
Liste des mots pour la notification (s@'epar@'es par des virgules, le comparaison ne tient pas compte de la casse, les mots peuvent commencer ou se terminer par "*" pour une comparaison partielle)@*
Type: cha@^ine (toute cha@^ine), valeur par d@'efaut: ''@*
@item dcc_auto_accept_files
Accepte automatiquement les fichiers dcc entrants@*
@ -1565,9 +1565,9 @@ obligatoires (sans quoi l'extension ne peut
@item fonctions d'initialisation et fin de l'extension :
@itemize @minus
@item weechat_plugin_init: fonction appel@'ee au chargement de l'extension,
qui doit renvoyer 1 en cas de succ@`es, 0 en cas d'erreur
@item weechat_plugin_end: fonction appel@'ee au d@'echargement de l'extension,
qui doit renvoyer 1 en cas de succ@`es, 0 en cas d'erreur
qui doit renvoyer PLUGIN_RC_OK (0) en cas de succ@`es, PLUGIN_RC_KO (-1)
en cas d'erreur
@item weechat_plugin_end: fonction appel@'ee au d@'echargement de l'extension
@end itemize
@end itemize
@ -1639,10 +1639,10 @@ Explose une cha@^ine en plusieurs selon un/des d@'elimiteur(s).@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{plugin}: un pointeur vers la structure de l'extension
@item @option{string}: la cha@^ine @`a exploser
@item @option{separators}: les d@'elimiteurs utilis@'s pour exploser
@item @option{separators}: les d@'elimiteurs utilis@'es pour exploser
la cha@^ine
@item @option{num_items_max}: nombre maximum de sous-cha@^ines
cr@'é@'ees (si 0, alors le nombre est infini)
cr@'e@'ees (si 0, alors le nombre est infini)
@item @option{num_items}: pointeur vers un entier qui contiendra le
nombre de sous-cha@^ines cr@'e@'ees en retour
@end itemize
@ -1725,7 +1725,7 @@ Aucune.@*
char *server, char *channel, char *message, ...)}@*
Affiche un message sur un tampon WeeChat, identifi@'e par le serveur et
le canal (tous deux pouvant @^etre NULL).@*
le canal (tous deux pouvant @^etre NULL pour le tampon courant).@*
@emph{Param@`etres :}
@itemize @minus
@ -1797,7 +1797,7 @@ Aucune.@*
*plugin, char *message, t_plugin_handler_func *handler_func,
char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer)}@*
Ajoute un gestionnaire de messages IRC, appel@'e d@`s qu'un message
Ajoute un gestionnaire de messages IRC, appel@'e d@`es qu'un message
IRC est re@,cu.@*
@emph{Param@`etres :}
@ -1823,10 +1823,26 @@ char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args,
void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "KICK re@,cu");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->msg_handler_add (plugin, "KICK", &msg_kick, NULL, NULL);}@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque le message est re@,cu doit renvoyer une
des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO ou -1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK ou 0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT ou 1}: le message ne sera pas transmis
@`a WeeChat
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS ou 2}: le message ne sera pas transmis
@`a d'autres extensions
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_ALL ou 3}: le message ne sera transmis ni @`a
WeeChat ni @`a d'autres extensions
@end itemize
@command{t_plugin_handler *cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin
@ -1834,7 +1850,7 @@ void *handler_pointer)}@*
char *arguments_description, t_plugin_handler_func *handler_func,
char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer)}@*
Ajoute un gestionnaire de commande WeeChat, appel@'e d@`s que
Ajoute un gestionnaire de commande WeeChat, appel@'e d@`es que
l'utilisateur utilise la commande (par exemple /commande).@*
@emph{Param@`etres :}
@ -1867,11 +1883,21 @@ void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "commande test,
fichier: %s", (arguments) ? arguments : "aucun");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "test", "Commande test",
"[fichier]", "fichier: un nom de fichier", &cmd_test, NULL, NULL);}@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque la commande est ex@'ecut@'ee doit
renvoyer une des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO ou -1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK ou 0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@end itemize
@command{void handler_remove (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
@ -2178,7 +2204,7 @@ int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
@ -2189,13 +2215,12 @@ int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
"msg: message a afficher deux fois",
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
/* on ne fait rien ici */
return 1;
@end verbatim
@ -2323,8 +2348,22 @@ RFC 2812 : @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ ($null, $canal, $message) = split ":",$_[1],3;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ ($masque, $null, $canal) = split " ", $canal;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat::print ("masque=$masque, canal=$canal, msg=$message\n");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque le message est re@,cu doit renvoyer une
des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@item @option{1}: le message ne sera pas transmis @`a WeeChat
@item @option{2}: le message ne sera pas transmis @`a d'autres extensions
@item @option{3}: le message ne sera transmis ni @`a WeeChat ni @`a
d'autres extensions
@end itemize
@command{weechat::add_command_handler ( nom, fonction, [description,
@ -2361,6 +2400,15 @@ param@`etres de la commande (affich@'ee par /help commande)
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque la commande est ex@'ecut@'ee doit renvoyer une
des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@end itemize
@command{weechat::remove_handler ( nom, fonction );}@*
@ -2692,6 +2740,20 @@ RFC 2812 : @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ null, canal, message = string.split(args, ":", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ masque, null, canal = string.split(string.strip(canal), " ", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("masque="+masque+", canal="+canal+", message="+message)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque le message est re@,cu doit renvoyer une
des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@item @option{1}: le message ne sera pas transmis @`a WeeChat
@item @option{2}: le message ne sera pas transmis @`a d'autres extensions
@item @option{3}: le message ne sera transmis ni @`a WeeChat ni @`a
d'autres extensions
@end itemize
@ -2724,6 +2786,16 @@ param@`etres de la commande (affich@'ee par /help commande)
@code{weechat.add_command_handler ("commande", ma_commande)}@*
@code{def ma_commande(serveur, args):}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("serveur:"+serveur+" param@`etres:"+args)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
@emph{Notes :}@*
La fonction appel@'ee lorsque la commande est ex@'ecut@'ee doit renvoyer une
des valeurs suivantes :@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: la fonction a @'echou@'e
@item @option{0}: la fonction a r@'eussi
@end itemize

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Guia do Utilizador
@subtitle Cliente de IRC rapido, leve e extencivel
@subtitle Documenta@,{c}@~ao do WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 25 de outubro de 2005
@subtitle Documenta@,{c}@~ao do WeeChat v0.1.6-cvs - 28 de outubro de 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ Type: integer (values: between 0 and 2147483647), default value: 5@*
Create a FIFO pipe for remote control@*
Type: boolean (values: 'on' or 'off'), default value: 'off'@*
@item irc_highlight
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison)@*
Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison, words may begin or end with "*" for partial match)@*
Type: string (any string), default value: ''@*
@item dcc_auto_accept_files
Automatically accept incoming dcc files@*
@ -1556,9 +1556,8 @@ them the plugin can't load):@*
@item functions for init and end of plugin:
@itemize @minus
@item weechat_plugin_init: function called when plugin is loaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded,
must return 1 if successful, 0 if error
must return PLUGIN_RC_OK (0) if successful, PLUGIN_RC_KO (-1) if error
@item weechat_plugin_end: function called when plugin is unloaded
@end itemize
@end itemize
@ -1574,7 +1573,7 @@ These functions are detailed below:@*
@command{int ascii_strcasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1597,7 +1596,7 @@ nul if chaine1 == chaine 2, positive if chaine1 > chaine2@*
@command{int ascii_strncasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
char *string1, char *string2, int max)}@*
locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
Locale and case independent string comparison, for ``max'' chars.@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1710,7 +1709,7 @@ Aucune.@*
char *server, char *channel, char *message, ...)}@*
Display a message on a WeeChat buffer, identified by server and
channel (both may be NULL).@*
channel (both may be NULL for current buffer).@*
@itemize @minus
@ -1804,10 +1803,25 @@ char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args,
void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "KICK received");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->msg_handler_add (plugin, "KICK", &msg_kick, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT or 1}: message will not be sent to
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS or 2}: message will not be sent to
other plugins
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_ALL or 3}: message will not be sent to
WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{t_plugin_handler *cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin
@ -1821,7 +1835,7 @@ Add a WeeChat command handler, called when user uses command
@itemize @minus
@item @option{plugin}: pointer to plugin structure
@item @option{commande}: the new command
@item @option{command}: the new command
@item @option{description}: command description (displayed by /help
@item @option{arguments}: short description of command arguments
@ -1845,11 +1859,20 @@ void *handler_pointer)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ plugin->printf (plugin, server, NULL, "test command,
file: %s", (arguments) ? arguments : "none");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return PLUGIN_RC_OK;}@*
@code{plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "test", "Test command",
"[file]", "file: a file name", &cmd_test, NULL, NULL);}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_KO or -1}: function failed
@item @option{PLUGIN_RC_OK or 0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{void handler_remove (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
@ -2130,7 +2153,7 @@ char plugin_name[] = "Toto";
char plugin_version[] = "0.1";
char plugin_description[] = "Test plugin for WeeChat";
/* gestionnaire de commande "/hello" */
/* "/hello" command handler */
int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
char *command, char *arguments,
@ -2141,7 +2164,7 @@ int toto_cmd_double (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server,
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments);
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
@ -2152,13 +2175,12 @@ int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
"msg: message",
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
int weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
/* on ne fait rien ici */
return 1;
/* nothing done here */
@end verbatim
@ -2282,8 +2304,20 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ ($null, $channel, $message) = split ":",@@_[0],3;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ ($hostmask, $null, $channel) = split " ", $channel;}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat::print ("host=$hostmask, chan=$channel, msg=$message\n");}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@command{weechat::add_command_handler ( nome, fun@,{c}@~ao );}@*
@ -2317,6 +2351,14 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0;}@*
@code{@} }@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{weechat::remove_handler ( name, function );}@*
@ -2638,6 +2680,18 @@ RFC 2812: @uref{}
@code{@ @ @ @ null, channel, message = string.split(args, ":", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ hostmask, null, channel = string.split(string.strip(channel), " ", 2)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("host="+hostmask+", chan="+channel+", msg="+message)}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ return 0}@*
Function called when message is received has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@item @option{1}: message will not be sent to WeeChat
@item @option{2}: message will not be sent to other plugins
@item @option{3}: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
@end itemize
@ -2669,6 +2723,14 @@ arguments (displayed by /help command)
@code{def my_command(server, args):}@*
@code{@ @ @ @ weechat.prnt("Servidor:"+server+" Argumentos:"+args)}@*
Function called when command is executed has to return one of these values:@*
@itemize @minus
@item @option{-1}: function failed
@item @option{0}: function successfully completed
@end itemize
@command{weechat.remove_handler ( name, function );}@*

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.6-cvs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-27 01:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-28 05:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-25 11:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jiri Golembiovsky <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -34,73 +34,73 @@ msgstr "%s nemůžu přidělit nový server\n"
msgid "%s error sending data to IRC server\n"
msgstr "%s chyba při zasílání dat na IRC server\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:486 src/irc/irc-server.c:499 src/irc/irc-server.c:543
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:489 src/irc/irc-server.c:502 src/irc/irc-server.c:549
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:562
#, c-format
msgid "%s not enough memory for received IRC message\n"
msgstr "%s nedostatek paměti pro získání IRC zprávy\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:675
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "%s Command '%s' failed!\n"
msgstr "%s Příkaz '%s' selhal!\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:680
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "%s No command to execute!\n"
msgstr "%s Žádný příkaz pro provedení!\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:685
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "%s Unknown command: cmd=%s, host=%s, args=%s\n"
msgstr "%s Neznámý příkaz: příkaz=%s, host=%s, parametry=%s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:736
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:734
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot read data from socket, disconnecting from server...\n"
msgstr "%s nemůžu přečíst data ze soketu, odpojuji se od serveru...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:819
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:817
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server in %d seconds\n"
msgstr "%s: Navazuji nové spojení se serverem za %d sekund\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:852
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:850
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls handshake failed\n"
msgstr "%s handshake s gnutls selhal\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:869
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:867
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresa proxy \"%s\" nenalezena\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:873
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:871
#, c-format
msgid "%s address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresa \"%s\" nenalezena\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:883
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:881
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s IP adresa proxy nenalezena\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:886
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:884
#, c-format
msgid "%s IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s IP adresa nenalezena\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:895
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:893
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s proxy odmítla spojení\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:898
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:896
#, c-format
msgid "%s connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s spojení odmítnuto\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:906
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:904
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s proxy fails to establish connection to server (check username/password if "
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s selhalo zjednání spojení s proxy serverem (zkontrolujte uživatelské jméno "
"a heslo pokud jsou vyžadovány)\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1383
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s cannot connect with SSL since WeeChat was not built with GNUtls support\n"
@ -117,57 +117,57 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nemohu se připojit pomocí SSL, protže WeeChat nebyl sestaven s podporou "
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1392
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1390
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: připojuji se k serveru %s:%d%s%s přes %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1398
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1396
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "Připojuji se k serveru %s:%d%s%s přes %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1408
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1406
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: připojuji se k serveru %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1412
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1410
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "Připojuji se k serveru %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1430
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1428
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls init error\n"
msgstr "%s chyba inicializace gnutls\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1445
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1443
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create pipe\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořit rouru\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1460
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1458
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create socket\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořit soket\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1471
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1469
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu nastavit nastavení sketu \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1482
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1480
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu nastavit nastavení soketu \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1513
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1511
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server...\n"
msgstr "%s: Připojuji se znovu k serveru...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1563 src/irc/irc-server.c:1572
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1561 src/irc/irc-server.c:1570
msgid "Disconnected from server!\n"
msgstr "Odpojen od serveru!\n"
@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ msgstr " (dočasný server, nebude uložen)"
msgid "(hidden)"
msgstr "(skrytý)"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4707
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4715
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "neznámý"
@ -1422,13 +1422,13 @@ msgstr "%s špatné parametry pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
msgid "%s \"%s\" command can not be executed on a server window\n"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz nemůže být spuštěn v okně serveru\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:491
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:499
#, c-format
msgid "%s nick \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s přezdívka \"%s\" nebyla nalezena pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1228
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2132
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1236
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2140
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new private window \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořít nové soukromé okno\"%s\"\n"
@ -1438,467 +1438,467 @@ msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořít nové soukromé okno\"%s\"\n"
msgid "%s, compiled on %s %s\n"
msgstr "%s, kompilováno na %s %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:347
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:355
msgid "You have been invited to "
msgstr "Byl jsi pozván na "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:350 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3983
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:358 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3991
msgid "by"
msgstr "od"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:361 src/irc/irc-recv.c:455 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1002
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1387 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1646 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3548
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3631 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3703
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:369 src/irc/irc-recv.c:463 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1010
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1395 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1654 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3639 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3711
#, c-format
msgid "%s channel \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s kanál \"%s\" nebyl nalezen příkazem \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:389
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořit nový kanál \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:408
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:416
msgid " has joined "
msgstr " se připojil "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:466
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:474
msgid " has kicked "
msgstr " byl vykopnut "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:470 src/common/command.c:1456
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:478 src/common/command.c:1456
msgid " from "
msgstr " z "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:564
msgid " has killed "
msgstr " byl zabit "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:570
msgid " from server"
msgstr " ze serveru"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:572
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
msgid " from server\n"
msgstr " ze serveru\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:588
#, c-format
msgid "%s host \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s host \"%s\" nenalezen pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:620
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:628
msgid "sets ban on"
msgstr "tě zakázal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:621
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:629
msgid "removes ban on"
msgstr "odebral zakázaní"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:645
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:653
msgid "sets exception on"
msgstr "nastavena vyjímka na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:646
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:654
msgid "removes exception on"
msgstr "odstraněna vyjímka z"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:670
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:678
msgid "sets mode +f"
msgstr "nastavil mód +f"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:671
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:679
msgid "removes mode +f"
msgstr "odstranil mód +f"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:703
msgid "gives half channel operator status to"
msgstr "dal poloviční status operátora na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:696
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:704
msgid "removes half channel operator status from"
msgstr "odebral poloviční status operátora z"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:723
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:731
msgid "sets invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "nastavil zančku kanálu: pouze na pování"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:724
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:732
msgid "removes invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "odebral značku kanálu: pouze na pozvání"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:741
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:749
msgid "sets channel key to"
msgstr "nastavil klíč kanálu na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:742
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:750
msgid "removes channel key"
msgstr "odebral klíč kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:773
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:781
msgid "sets the user limit to"
msgstr "nastavil limit uživatelů na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:774
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:782
msgid "removes user limit"
msgstr "odebral limit uživatelů"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:796
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:804
msgid "sets moderated channel flag"
msgstr "nastavil značku moderovaného kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:797
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:805
msgid "removes moderated channel flag"
msgstr "odebral značku moderovaného kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:807
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:815
msgid "sets messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "nastavil značku kanálu: zprávy pouze z kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:808
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:816
msgid "removes messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "odebral značku kanálu: zprávy pouze z kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:825
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:833
msgid "gives channel operator status to"
msgstr "dal status operátora na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:826
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:834
msgid "removes channel operator status from"
msgstr "odebral status operátora z"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:853
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:861
msgid "sets private channel flag"
msgstr "nastavil značku soukromého kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:854
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:862
msgid "removes private channel flag"
msgstr "odebral značku soukromého kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:871
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:879
msgid "sets quiet on"
msgstr "nastavil ticho na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:872
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:880
msgid "removes quiet on"
msgstr "odebral ticho z"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:889
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:897
msgid "sets secret channel flag"
msgstr "nastavil značku tajného kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:890
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:898
msgid "removes secret channel flag"
msgstr "odebral značku tajného kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:900
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:908
msgid "sets topic protection"
msgstr "nastavil protekci tématu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:901
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:909
msgid "removes topic protection"
msgstr "odebral protekci tématu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:918
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:926
msgid "gives voice to"
msgstr "dal voice na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:919
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:927
msgid "removes voice from"
msgstr "odebral voice z"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:962 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1465
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2199
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:970 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1473
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2207
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host\n"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz obdržen bez hosta\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:972
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel or nickname\n"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz obdržen bez kanálu nebo přezdívky\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1019
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1027
msgid "mode changed by"
msgstr "mód změnil"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1081
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1089
msgid "You are "
msgstr "Jsi "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1088
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1096
msgid " is "
msgstr " je "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1092
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1100
msgid "now known as "
msgstr "nyní známý jako "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1159
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "%s nickname not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s přezdívka nenalezena pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1207
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1215
msgid "reply from"
msgstr "odpověd od"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1210
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1218
#, c-format
msgid ": %ld.%ld seconds\n"
msgstr ": %ld %ld sekund\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1249 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2153 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1257 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2161 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#, c-format
msgid "Private %s> %s"
msgstr "Soukromý %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1312
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1320
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host or channel\n"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz obdržen bez hosta nebo kanálu\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1361
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1369
msgid " has left "
msgstr " opustil "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1513 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2068
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1521 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2076
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: * %s %s"
msgstr "Na %s: * %s %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1537
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1545
#, c-format
msgid "Received a CTCP SOUND \"%s\" from "
msgstr "Obdržen CTCP ZVUK \"%s\" od "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1601 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1705
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1745 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2108
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1609 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1713
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1753 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2116
msgid "received from"
msgstr "obdrženo od"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1597 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2104
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1605 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2112
msgid "Unknown CTCP "
msgstr "Neznámé CTCP "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1629
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1637
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: %s> %s"
msgstr "Na: %s: %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1761 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1798
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1814 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1840 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1861
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1877 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1902 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1923
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1939 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1964 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1985
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2000 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2519
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3907 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3922 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3937
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3952 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3965 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4020
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4034 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4274 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4332
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4491 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4506 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4521
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4536 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4549 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4603
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4617
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1769 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1790 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1806
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1822 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1848 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1869
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1885 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1910 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1931
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1947 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1972 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1993
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2008 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2527
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3915 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3930 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3945
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3960 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3973 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4028
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4042 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4282 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4340
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4499 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4514 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4529
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4544 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4557 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4611
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4625
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot parse \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu rozpársovat příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2013
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2021
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown DCC CHAT type received from "
msgstr "%s neznámý DCC CHAT typ obdržen od "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2230
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2238
msgid "has quit"
msgstr "ukončil"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2355
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2363
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel\n"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz obdržen bez kanálu\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2387
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2395
msgid " has changed topic for "
msgstr " změnil téma pro "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2392
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2400
#, c-format
msgid " to: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " pro: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2398
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2406
msgid " has unset topic for "
msgstr " zrušil téma pro "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2507
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2515
msgid "User mode"
msgstr "Uživatelský mód"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2570
#, c-format
msgid " is away: %s\n"
msgstr " je pryč: %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2644
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2652
msgid "Users online: "
msgstr "Uživatelů online: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3134
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
msgid "idle: "
msgstr "nečinný: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "days"
msgstr "dní"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "day"
msgstr "den"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hours"
msgstr "hodin"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hour"
msgstr "hodina"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minut"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minute"
msgstr "minuta"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekund"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "second"
msgstr "sekunda"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3169
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3177
msgid "signon at: "
msgstr "připojen: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3265
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3273
msgid "Channels: "
msgstr "Kanály: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3561
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3569
msgid "No topic set for "
msgstr "Není nastaveno téma pro "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3618
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3626
msgid "Topic for "
msgstr "Téma pro "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3622
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3630
#, c-format
msgid " is: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " je: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3641 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3730 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3783
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3649 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3738 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3791
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify channel for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu identifikovat kanál pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3691
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3699
msgid "Topic set by "
msgstr "Téma nasteveno "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3712
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3720
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify date/time for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu identofikovat datum/čas pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3721 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3792
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3729 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3800
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify nickname for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu identifikovat přezdívku pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3771
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3779
msgid "has invited"
msgstr "pozval"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3774 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4195 src/common/command.c:1449
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4203 src/common/command.c:1449
msgid "on"
msgstr "na"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3829
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3837
msgid "Channel reop"
msgstr "reop kanálu"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3981
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3989
msgid "exception"
msgstr "vyjímka"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4320
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4328
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create nick \"%s\" for channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vztvořit přezdívku \"%s\" pro kanál \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4379
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4387
msgid "Nicks "
msgstr "Přezdívky "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4399
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4407
msgid "Channel "
msgstr "Kanál "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nicks"
msgstr "přezdívky"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nick"
msgstr "přezdívka"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "ops"
msgstr "ops"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "op"
msgstr "op"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfops"
msgstr "částeční-ops"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfop"
msgstr "částečný-op"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voices"
msgstr "voices"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voice"
msgstr "voice"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4445
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4453
msgid "normal"
msgstr "normální"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4566
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4574
msgid "banned by"
msgstr "zakázán"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4661
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4669
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 2nd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: přezdívka \"%s\" je již používaná, zkouším druhou přezdívku \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4673
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 3rd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: přezdívka \"%s\" je již používaná, zkouším třetí přezdívku \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4685
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4693
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: all declared nicknames are already in use, closing connection with "
@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: všechny deklarované přezdívky jsou již používány, zavírám spojení se "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4703
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 1st nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@ -2108,7 +2108,7 @@ msgstr "%s nedostatek paměti pro vytvoření ignorování\n"
msgid "Removing ignore:"
msgstr "Odebírám ignorování:"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:237
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:231
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for IRC command \"%s\" (not enough "
@ -2117,14 +2117,14 @@ msgstr ""
"%s plugin %s: nemůžu přidat obsluhovač pro IRC příkaz \"%s\" (nedostatek "
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:272
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:266
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (already exists)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s plugin %s: nemůžu přidat obsluhovač pro \"%s\" příkaz (již existuje)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:309
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (not enough memory)\n"
@ -2132,25 +2132,25 @@ msgstr ""
"%s plugin %s: nemůžu přidat obsluhovač pro \"%s\" příkaz (nedostatek "
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:547
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:550
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": %s\n"
msgstr "%s nemůžu načist plugin \"%s\": %s\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:558
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:561
#, c-format
msgid "%s symbol \"plugin_name\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_name\" nebyl v pluginu \"%s\" nalezen, načtení selhalo\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:569
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:572
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": a plugin with same name already exists\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nemohu načíst plugin \"%s\": plugin se stejným jménem již existuje\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:581
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:584
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_description\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
@ -2158,7 +2158,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_description\" nebyl v pluginu \"%s\" nalezen, načtení "
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:592
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:595
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_version\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
@ -2166,7 +2166,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_version\" nebyl v pluginu \"%s\" nalezen, načtení "
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:603
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:606
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s function \"weechat_plugin_init\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to "
@ -2175,32 +2175,32 @@ msgstr ""
"%s funkce \"weechat_plugin_init\" nebyla v pluginu \"%s\" nalezena, načtení "
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:657
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Initializing plugin \"%s\" %s\n"
msgstr "Inicializuji plugin \"%s\" %s\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:665
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:668
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to initialize plugin \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu načíst plugin \"%s\"\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:676
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:679
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu načíst plugin \"%s\" (nedostatek paměti)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:684
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:687
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" (%s) loaded.\n"
msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" (%s) načten.\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:824
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" unloaded.\n"
msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" odebrán.\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:830
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:833
#, c-format
msgid "%s plugin \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s plugin \"%s\" nenalezen\n"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.6-cvs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-27 01:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-28 05:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-25 11:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Roberto González Cardenete <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -34,74 +34,74 @@ msgstr "%s no ha sido posible crear un nuevo servidor\n"
msgid "%s error sending data to IRC server\n"
msgstr "%s error enviando datos al servidor IRC\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:486 src/irc/irc-server.c:499 src/irc/irc-server.c:543
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:489 src/irc/irc-server.c:502 src/irc/irc-server.c:549
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:562
#, c-format
msgid "%s not enough memory for received IRC message\n"
msgstr "%s memoria insuficiente para un mensaje IRC recibido\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:675
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "%s Command '%s' failed!\n"
msgstr "%s ¡Ha fallado el comando '%s' !\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:680
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "%s No command to execute!\n"
msgstr "%s ¡Ningún comando para ejecutar!\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:685
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "%s Unknown command: cmd=%s, host=%s, args=%s\n"
msgstr "%s Comando desconocido: cmd=%s, host=%s, params=%s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:736
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:734
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot read data from socket, disconnecting from server...\n"
msgstr ""
"%s no ha sido posible leer datos del socket, desconectando del servidor...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:819
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:817
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server in %d seconds\n"
msgstr "%s: Reconexión al servidor en %d segundos\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:852
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:850
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls handshake failed\n"
msgstr "%s el apretón de manos gnutls ha fallado\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:869
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:867
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s dirección proxy \"%s\" no encontrada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:873
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:871
#, c-format
msgid "%s address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s dirección \"%s\" no encontrada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:883
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:881
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s dirección proxy IP no encontrada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:886
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:884
#, c-format
msgid "%s IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s Dirección IP no encontrada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:895
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:893
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s conexión proxy rechazada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:898
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:896
#, c-format
msgid "%s connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s conexión rechazada\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:906
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:904
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s proxy fails to establish connection to server (check username/password if "
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s el proxy ha fallado al establecer la conexión al servidor (comprueba el "
"nombre de usuario o la contraseña si es necesario)\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1383
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s cannot connect with SSL since WeeChat was not built with GNUtls support\n"
@ -118,57 +118,57 @@ msgstr ""
"%s No ha sido posible conectar con SSL debido a que Weechat no fue compilado "
"con soporte GNUtls\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1392
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1390
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: conectando al servidor %s:%d%s%s vía %s proxy %s: %d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1398
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1396
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "Conectando al servidor %s:%d%s%s vía %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1408
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1406
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: conectando al servidor %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1412
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1410
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "Conectando al servidor %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1430
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1428
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls init error\n"
msgstr "%s error de inicialización de gnutls\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1445
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1443
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create pipe\n"
msgstr "%s no ha sido posible crear la interconexión\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1460
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1458
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create socket\n"
msgstr "%s no ha sido posible crear el socket\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1471
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1469
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
msgstr "%s no ha sido posible configurar la opción socket \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1482
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1480
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
msgstr "%s no ha sido posible configurar la opción socket \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1513
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1511
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server...\n"
msgstr "%s: Reconectando al servidor...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1563 src/irc/irc-server.c:1572
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1561 src/irc/irc-server.c:1570
msgid "Disconnected from server!\n"
msgstr "¡Desconectado del servidor!\n"
@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ msgstr " (servidor temporal, no ser
msgid "(hidden)"
msgstr "(oculto)"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4707
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4715
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "desconocido"
@ -1430,13 +1430,13 @@ msgid "%s \"%s\" command can not be executed on a server window\n"
msgstr ""
"%s el comando \"%s\" no puede ser ejecutado en una ventana de servidor\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:491
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:499
#, c-format
msgid "%s nick \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s usuario \"%s\" no encontrado para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1228
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2132
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1236
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2140
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new private window \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible crear una nueva ventana privada \"%s\"\n"
@ -1446,470 +1446,470 @@ msgstr "%s no es posible crear una nueva ventana privada \"%s\"\n"
msgid "%s, compiled on %s %s\n"
msgstr "%s, compilado en %s %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:347
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:355
msgid "You have been invited to "
msgstr "Has sido invitado a "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:350 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3983
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:358 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3991
msgid "by"
msgstr "por"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:361 src/irc/irc-recv.c:455 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1002
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1387 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1646 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3548
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3631 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3703
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:369 src/irc/irc-recv.c:463 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1010
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1395 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1654 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3639 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3711
#, c-format
msgid "%s channel \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s canal \"%s\" no encontrado para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:389
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible crear un nuevo canal \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:408
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:416
msgid " has joined "
msgstr " se ha unido "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:466
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:474
msgid " has kicked "
msgstr " se ha expulsado "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:470 src/common/command.c:1456
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:478 src/common/command.c:1456
msgid " from "
msgstr " de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:564
msgid " has killed "
msgstr "ha matado"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:570
msgid " from server"
msgstr "del servidor"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:572
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
msgid " from server\n"
msgstr "del servidor\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:588
#, c-format
msgid "%s host \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s anfitrión \"%s\" no encontrado para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:620
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:628
msgid "sets ban on"
msgstr "establecer baneo en"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:621
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:629
msgid "removes ban on"
msgstr "quitar baneo en"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:645
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:653
msgid "sets exception on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:646
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:654
msgid "removes exception on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:670
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:678
msgid "sets mode +f"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:671
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:679
msgid "removes mode +f"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:703
msgid "gives half channel operator status to"
msgstr "dar estado de media operador de canal a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:696
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:704
msgid "removes half channel operator status from"
msgstr "eliminar el estado de media operador de canal a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:723
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:731
msgid "sets invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "define el canal sólo en modo invitado"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:724
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:732
msgid "removes invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "elimina el modo sólo invitado para el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:741
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:749
msgid "sets channel key to"
msgstr "definir clave de canal en"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:742
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:750
msgid "removes channel key"
msgstr "elimina la clave de canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:773
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:781
msgid "sets the user limit to"
msgstr "define el límite de usuarios en"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:774
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:782
msgid "removes user limit"
msgstr "elimina el límite de usuarios"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:796
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:804
msgid "sets moderated channel flag"
msgstr "establece la moderación en el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:797
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:805
msgid "removes moderated channel flag"
msgstr "elimina la moderación en el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:807
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:815
msgid "sets messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "establece el modo sólo mensajes de usuarios del canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:808
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:816
msgid "removes messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "autoriza a todos los usuarios a escribir en el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:825
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:833
msgid "gives channel operator status to"
msgstr "dar estado de operador de canal a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:826
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:834
msgid "removes channel operator status from"
msgstr "eliminar el estado de operador de canal a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:853
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:861
msgid "sets private channel flag"
msgstr "establece el canal como privado"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:854
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:862
msgid "removes private channel flag"
msgstr "elimina el modo privado para el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:871
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:879
msgid "sets quiet on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:872
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:880
msgid "removes quiet on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:889
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:897
msgid "sets secret channel flag"
msgstr "establece el canal como secreto"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:890
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:898
msgid "removes secret channel flag"
msgstr "elimina el modo secreto para el canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:900
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:908
msgid "sets topic protection"
msgstr "activa la protección de tema"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:901
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:909
msgid "removes topic protection"
msgstr "elimina la protección de tema"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:918
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:926
msgid "gives voice to"
msgstr "da voz a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:919
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:927
msgid "removes voice from"
msgstr "quita la voz a"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:962 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1465
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2199
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:970 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1473
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2207
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host\n"
msgstr "%s comando \"%s\" recibido sin host \n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:972
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel or nickname\n"
msgstr "%s comando \"%s\" recibido sin canal ó usuario\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1019
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1027
msgid "mode changed by"
msgstr "modo cambiado por"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1081
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1089
msgid "You are "
msgstr "Usted es "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1088
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1096
msgid " is "
msgstr "es "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1092
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1100
msgid "now known as "
msgstr "ahora conocido como"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1159
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "%s nickname not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nombre de usuario no encontrado para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1207
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1215
msgid "reply from"
msgstr "respuesta de"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1210
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1218
#, c-format
msgid ": %ld.%ld seconds\n"
msgstr ": %ld.%ld segundos\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1249 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2153 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1257 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2161 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#, c-format
msgid "Private %s> %s"
msgstr "Privado %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1312
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1320
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host or channel\n"
msgstr "%s comando \"%s\" recibido sin host o canal\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1361
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1369
msgid " has left "
msgstr " ha salido "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1513 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2068
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1521 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2076
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: * %s %s"
msgstr "En %s: * %s %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1537
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1545
#, c-format
msgid "Received a CTCP SOUND \"%s\" from "
msgstr "Recibido un sonido CTCP \\\"%s\\\" de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1601 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1705
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1745 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2108
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1609 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1713
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1753 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2116
msgid "received from"
msgstr "recibido de"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1597 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2104
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1605 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2112
msgid "Unknown CTCP "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1629
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1637
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: %s> %s"
msgstr "En %s: %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1761 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1798
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1814 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1840 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1861
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1877 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1902 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1923
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1939 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1964 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1985
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2000 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2519
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3907 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3922 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3937
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3952 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3965 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4020
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4034 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4274 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4332
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4491 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4506 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4521
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4536 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4549 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4603
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4617
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1769 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1790 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1806
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1822 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1848 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1869
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1885 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1910 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1931
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1947 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1972 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1993
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2008 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2527
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3915 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3930 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3945
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3960 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3973 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4028
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4042 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4282 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4340
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4499 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4514 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4529
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4544 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4557 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4611
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4625
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot parse \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible analizar el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2013
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2021
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown DCC CHAT type received from "
msgstr "%s tipo DCC CHAT desconocido recibido de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2230
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2238
msgid "has quit"
msgstr "ha salido"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2355
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2363
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel\n"
msgstr "%s comando \"%s\" recibido sin canal\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2387
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2395
msgid " has changed topic for "
msgstr "ha cambiado el tema por "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2392
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2400
#, c-format
msgid " to: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " a: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2398
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2406
msgid " has unset topic for "
msgstr " ha quitado el tema por "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2507
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2515
msgid "User mode"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2570
#, c-format
msgid " is away: %s\n"
msgstr " está ausente: %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2644
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2652
msgid "Users online: "
msgstr "Usuarios conectados: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3134
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
msgid "idle: "
msgstr "sin actividad: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "days"
msgstr "días"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "day"
msgstr "día"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hours"
msgstr "horas"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hour"
msgstr "hora"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minutos"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minute"
msgstr "minuto"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "segundos"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "second"
msgstr "segundo"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3169
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3177
msgid "signon at: "
msgstr "firmado el: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3265
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3273
msgid "Channels: "
msgstr "Canales: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3561
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3569
msgid "No topic set for "
msgstr "No hay tema definido para "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3618
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3626
msgid "Topic for "
msgstr "El tema para "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3622
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3630
#, c-format
msgid " is: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " es: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3641 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3730 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3783
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3649 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3738 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3791
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify channel for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible identificar el canal para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3691
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3699
msgid "Topic set by "
msgstr "Tema definido por "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3712
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3720
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify date/time for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible identificar la fecha/hora para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3721 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3792
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3729 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3800
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify nickname for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
"%s no es posible determinar el nombre de usuario para el comando \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3771
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3779
msgid "has invited"
msgstr "ha invitado"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3774 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4195 src/common/command.c:1449
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4203 src/common/command.c:1449
msgid "on"
msgstr "en"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3829
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3837
msgid "Channel reop"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3981
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3989
msgid "exception"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4320
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4328
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create nick \"%s\" for channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible crear el usuario \"%s\" para el canal \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4379
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4387
msgid "Nicks "
msgstr "Usuarios "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4399
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4407
msgid "Channel "
msgstr "Canal "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nicks"
msgstr "usuarios"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nick"
msgstr "usuario"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "ops"
msgstr "operadores"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "op"
msgstr "operador"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfops"
msgstr "semi-operadores"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfop"
msgstr "semi-operador"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voices"
msgstr "voces"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voice"
msgstr "voz"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4445
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4453
msgid "normal"
msgstr "normal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4566
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4574
msgid "banned by"
msgstr "baneado por"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4661
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4669
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 2nd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: el nombre de usuario \"%s\" ya está en uso, probando con el 2º nombre de "
"usuario \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4673
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 3rd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: el nombre de usuario \"%s\" ya está en uso, probando con el 3º nombre de "
"usuario \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4685
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4693
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: all declared nicknames are already in use, closing connection with "
@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: ¡todos los nombres de usuario declarados ya están en uso, cerrando la "
"conexión con el servidor!\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4703
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 1st nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@ -2118,86 +2118,86 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Removing ignore:"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:237
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:231
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for IRC command \"%s\" (not enough "
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:272
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:266
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (already exists)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:309
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:547
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:550
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:558
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:561
#, c-format
msgid "%s symbol \"plugin_name\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:569
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:572
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": a plugin with same name already exists\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:581
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:584
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_description\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:592
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:595
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_version\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:603
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:606
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s function \"weechat_plugin_init\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to "
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:657
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Initializing plugin \"%s\" %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:665
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:668
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to initialize plugin \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:676
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:679
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:684
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:687
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" (%s) loaded.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:824
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" unloaded.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:830
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:833
#, c-format
msgid "%s plugin \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.6-cvs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-27 01:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-28 05:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-27 01:13+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: FlashCode <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -34,74 +34,74 @@ msgstr "%s impossible d'allouer un nouveau serveur\n"
msgid "%s error sending data to IRC server\n"
msgstr "%s erreur d'envoi de données au serveur IRC\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:486 src/irc/irc-server.c:499 src/irc/irc-server.c:543
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:489 src/irc/irc-server.c:502 src/irc/irc-server.c:549
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:562
#, c-format
msgid "%s not enough memory for received IRC message\n"
msgstr "%s mémoire insuffisante pour un message IRC reçu\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:675
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "%s Command '%s' failed!\n"
msgstr "%s La commande '%s' a échoué !\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:680
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "%s No command to execute!\n"
msgstr "%s Pas de commande à exécuter !\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:685
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "%s Unknown command: cmd=%s, host=%s, args=%s\n"
msgstr "%s Commande inconnue: cmd=%s, hote=%s, params=%s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:736
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:734
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot read data from socket, disconnecting from server...\n"
msgstr ""
"%s impossible de lire des données sur la socket, déconnexion du serveur...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:819
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:817
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server in %d seconds\n"
msgstr "%s: Reconnexion au serveur dans %d secondes\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:852
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:850
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls handshake failed\n"
msgstr "%s le handshake gnutls a échoué\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:869
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:867
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresse du proxy \"%s\" introuvable\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:873
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:871
#, c-format
msgid "%s address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresse \"%s\" introuvable\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:883
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:881
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresse IP du proxy introuvable\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:886
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:884
#, c-format
msgid "%s IP address not found\n"
msgstr "%s adresse IP introuvable\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:895
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:893
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s connexion au proxy refusée\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:898
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:896
#, c-format
msgid "%s connection refused\n"
msgstr "%s connexion refusée\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:906
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:904
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s proxy fails to establish connection to server (check username/password if "
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s le proxy n'a pas pu se connecter au serveur (vérifiez l'utilisateur/mot "
"de passe si utilisés)\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1383
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s cannot connect with SSL since WeeChat was not built with GNUtls support\n"
@ -118,57 +118,57 @@ msgstr ""
"%s impossible de se connecter en SSL car WeeChat n'a pas été construit avec "
"le support GNUtls\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1392
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1390
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: connexion au serveur %s:%d%s%s via le proxy %s %s:%d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1398
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1396
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr "Connexion au serveur %s:%d%s%s via le proxy %s %s:%d%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1408
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1406
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "%s: connexion au serveur %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1412
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1410
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr "Connexion au serveur %s:%d%s%s...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1430
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1428
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls init error\n"
msgstr "%s erreur d'initialisation gnutls\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1445
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1443
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create pipe\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de créer le pipe\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1460
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1458
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create socket\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de créer la socket\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1471
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1469
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de paramétrer l'option socket \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1482
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1480
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de paramétrer l'option socket \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1513
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1511
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server...\n"
msgstr "%s: Reconnexion au serveur...\n"
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1563 src/irc/irc-server.c:1572
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1561 src/irc/irc-server.c:1570
msgid "Disconnected from server!\n"
msgstr "Déconnecté du serveur !\n"
@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ msgstr " (serveur temporaire, ne sera pas sauv
msgid "(hidden)"
msgstr "(caché)"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4707
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4715
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "inconnu"
@ -1433,13 +1433,13 @@ msgid "%s \"%s\" command can not be executed on a server window\n"
msgstr ""
"%s la commande \"%s\" ne peut pas être exécutée dans une fenêtre serveur\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:491
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:499
#, c-format
msgid "%s nick \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s pseudo \"%s\" non trouvé pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1228
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2132
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1236
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2140
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new private window \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de créer la fenêtre privée \"%s\"\n"
@ -1449,470 +1449,470 @@ msgstr "%s impossible de cr
msgid "%s, compiled on %s %s\n"
msgstr "%s, compilé le %s %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:347
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:355
msgid "You have been invited to "
msgstr "Vous avez été invité sur "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:350 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3983
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:358 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3991
msgid "by"
msgstr "par"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:361 src/irc/irc-recv.c:455 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1002
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1387 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1646 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3548
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3631 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3703
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:369 src/irc/irc-recv.c:463 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1010
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1395 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1654 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3639 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3711
#, c-format
msgid "%s channel \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s canal \"%s\" non trouvé pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:389
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de créer le nouveau canal \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:408
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:416
msgid " has joined "
msgstr " a rejoint "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:466
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:474
msgid " has kicked "
msgstr " a poussé dehors "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:470 src/common/command.c:1456
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:478 src/common/command.c:1456
msgid " from "
msgstr " de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:564
msgid " has killed "
msgstr " a tué "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:570
msgid " from server"
msgstr " du serveur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:572
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
msgid " from server\n"
msgstr " du serveur\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:588
#, c-format
msgid "%s host \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s la machine \"%s\" n'existe pas pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:620
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:628
msgid "sets ban on"
msgstr "instaure un bannissement sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:621
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:629
msgid "removes ban on"
msgstr "supprime le banissement sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:645
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:653
msgid "sets exception on"
msgstr "définit une exception sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:646
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:654
msgid "removes exception on"
msgstr "supprime l'exception sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:670
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:678
msgid "sets mode +f"
msgstr "définit le mode +f"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:671
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:679
msgid "removes mode +f"
msgstr "supprime le mode +f"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:703
msgid "gives half channel operator status to"
msgstr "donne le droit demi-opérateur à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:696
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:704
msgid "removes half channel operator status from"
msgstr "supprime le droit demi-opérateur à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:723
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:731
msgid "sets invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "définit le canal en mode invité seulement"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:724
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:732
msgid "removes invite-only channel flag"
msgstr "supprime le mode invité seulement pour le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:741
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:749
msgid "sets channel key to"
msgstr "définit la clé du canal à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:742
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:750
msgid "removes channel key"
msgstr "supprime la clé du canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:773
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:781
msgid "sets the user limit to"
msgstr "définit la limite d'utilisateurs à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:774
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:782
msgid "removes user limit"
msgstr "supprime la limite d'utilisateurs"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:796
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:804
msgid "sets moderated channel flag"
msgstr "instaure la modération sur le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:797
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:805
msgid "removes moderated channel flag"
msgstr "supprime la modération sur le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:807
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:815
msgid "sets messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "interdit aux utilisateurs en dehors du canal d'y écrire"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:808
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:816
msgid "removes messages from channel only flag"
msgstr "autorise tout utilisateur à écrire sur le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:825
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:833
msgid "gives channel operator status to"
msgstr "donne le droit opérateur à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:826
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:834
msgid "removes channel operator status from"
msgstr "supprime le droit opérateur à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:853
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:861
msgid "sets private channel flag"
msgstr "définit le canal comme privé"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:854
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:862
msgid "removes private channel flag"
msgstr "supprime le mode privé pour le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:871
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:879
msgid "sets quiet on"
msgstr "définit le mode muet sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:872
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:880
msgid "removes quiet on"
msgstr "supprime le mode muet sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:889
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:897
msgid "sets secret channel flag"
msgstr "définit le canal comme secret"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:890
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:898
msgid "removes secret channel flag"
msgstr "supprime le mode secret pour le canal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:900
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:908
msgid "sets topic protection"
msgstr "active la protection du titre"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:901
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:909
msgid "removes topic protection"
msgstr "supprime la protection du titre"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:918
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:926
msgid "gives voice to"
msgstr "donne la voix à"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:919
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:927
msgid "removes voice from"
msgstr "supprime la voix de"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:962 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1465
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2199
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:970 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1473
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2207
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host\n"
msgstr "%s commande \"%s\" reçue sans host\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:972
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel or nickname\n"
msgstr "%s commande \"%s\" reçue sans canal ou utilisateur\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1019
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1027
msgid "mode changed by"
msgstr "mode changé par"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1081
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1089
msgid "You are "
msgstr "Vous êtes "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1088
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1096
msgid " is "
msgstr " est "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1092
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1100
msgid "now known as "
msgstr "maintenant connu sous le nom "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1159
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "%s nickname not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s utilisateur non trouvé pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1207
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1215
msgid "reply from"
msgstr "réponse de"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1210
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1218
#, c-format
msgid ": %ld.%ld seconds\n"
msgstr ": %ld.%ld secondes\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1249 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2153 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1257 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2161 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#, c-format
msgid "Private %s> %s"
msgstr "Prive %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1312
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1320
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host or channel\n"
msgstr "%s commande \"%s\" reçue sans host ou canal\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1361
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1369
msgid " has left "
msgstr " a quitté "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1513 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2068
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1521 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2076
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: * %s %s"
msgstr "Sur %s: * %s %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1537
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1545
#, c-format
msgid "Received a CTCP SOUND \"%s\" from "
msgstr "CTCP SOUND \"%s\" reçu de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1601 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1705
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1745 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2108
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1609 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1713
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1753 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2116
msgid "received from"
msgstr "reçu de"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1597 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2104
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1605 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2112
msgid "Unknown CTCP "
msgstr "CTCP inconnu "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1629
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1637
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: %s> %s"
msgstr "Sur %s: %s> %s"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1761 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1798
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1814 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1840 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1861
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1877 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1902 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1923
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1939 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1964 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1985
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2000 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2519
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3907 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3922 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3937
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3952 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3965 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4020
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4034 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4274 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4332
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4491 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4506 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4521
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4536 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4549 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4603
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4617
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1769 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1790 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1806
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1822 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1848 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1869
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1885 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1910 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1931
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1947 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1972 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1993
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2008 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2527
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3915 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3930 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3945
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3960 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3973 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4028
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4042 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4282 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4340
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4499 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4514 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4529
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4544 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4557 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4611
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4625
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot parse \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s impossible d'analyser la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2013
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2021
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown DCC CHAT type received from "
msgstr "%s type de DCC CHAT inconnu reçu de "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2230
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2238
msgid "has quit"
msgstr "a quitté"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2355
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2363
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel\n"
msgstr "%s commande \"%s\" reçue sans canal\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2387
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2395
msgid " has changed topic for "
msgstr " a changé le titre pour "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2392
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2400
#, c-format
msgid " to: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " en: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2398
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2406
msgid " has unset topic for "
msgstr " a retiré le titre pour "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2507
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2515
msgid "User mode"
msgstr "Mode utilisateur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2570
#, c-format
msgid " is away: %s\n"
msgstr " est absent: %s\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2644
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2652
msgid "Users online: "
msgstr "Utilisateurs en ligne: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3134
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
msgid "idle: "
msgstr "inactivité: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "days"
msgstr "jours"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "day"
msgstr "jour"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hours"
msgstr "heures"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hour"
msgstr "heure"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minutes"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minute"
msgstr "minute"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "secondes"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "second"
msgstr "seconde"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3169
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3177
msgid "signon at: "
msgstr "signé le: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3265
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3273
msgid "Channels: "
msgstr "Canaux: "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3561
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3569
msgid "No topic set for "
msgstr "Pas de titre défini pour "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3618
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3626
msgid "Topic for "
msgstr "Le titre pour "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3622
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3630
#, c-format
msgid " is: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr " est: \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3641 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3730 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3783
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3649 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3738 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3791
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify channel for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de déterminer le canal pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3691
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3699
msgid "Topic set by "
msgstr "Titre défini par "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3712
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3720
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify date/time for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s impossible d'identifier la date/heure pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3721 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3792
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3729 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3800
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify nickname for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
"%s impossible de déterminer le nom d'utilisateur pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3771
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3779
msgid "has invited"
msgstr "a invité"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3774 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4195 src/common/command.c:1449
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4203 src/common/command.c:1449
msgid "on"
msgstr "sur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3829
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3837
msgid "Channel reop"
msgstr "Canal reop"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3981
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3989
msgid "exception"
msgstr "exception"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4320
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4328
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create nick \"%s\" for channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de créer l'utilisateur \"%s\" pour le canal \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4379
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4387
msgid "Nicks "
msgstr "Utilisateurs "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4399
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4407
msgid "Channel "
msgstr "Canal "
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nicks"
msgstr "utilisateurs"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nick"
msgstr "utilisateur"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "ops"
msgstr "ops"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "op"
msgstr "op"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfops"
msgstr "halfops"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfop"
msgstr "halfop"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voices"
msgstr "voices"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voice"
msgstr "voice"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4445
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4453
msgid "normal"
msgstr "normal"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4566
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4574
msgid "banned by"
msgstr "banni par"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4661
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4669
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 2nd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: l'utilisateur \"%s\" est déjà en cours d'utilisation, essai avec le 2nd "
"nom d'utilisateur \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4673
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 3rd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: l'utilisateur \"%s\" est déjà en cours d'utilisation, essai avec le 3ème "
"nom d'utilisateur \"%s\"\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4685
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4693
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: all declared nicknames are already in use, closing connection with "
@ -1921,7 +1921,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s: tous les noms d'utilisateurs déclarés sont déjà en cours d'utilisation, "
"fermeture de la connexion avec le serveur !\n"
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4703
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 1st nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@ -2127,7 +2127,7 @@ msgstr "%s pas assez de m
msgid "Removing ignore:"
msgstr "Suppression du ignore:"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:237
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:231
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for IRC command \"%s\" (not enough "
@ -2136,7 +2136,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s extension %s: impossible d'ajouter la fonction pour la commande IRC \"%s"
"\" (mémoire insuffisante)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:272
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:266
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (already exists)\n"
@ -2144,7 +2144,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s extension %s: impossible d'ajouter la fonction pour la commande \"%s"
"\" (existe déjà)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:309
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (not enough memory)\n"
@ -2152,19 +2152,19 @@ msgstr ""
"%s extension %s: impossible d'ajouter la fonction pour la commande \"%s"
"\" (mémoire insuffisante)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:547
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:550
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": %s\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de charger l'extension \"%s\": %s\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:558
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:561
#, c-format
msgid "%s symbol \"plugin_name\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
"%s le symbole \"plugin_name\" est introuvable dans l'extension \"%s\", échec "
"de chargement\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:569
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:572
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": a plugin with same name already exists\n"
@ -2172,7 +2172,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s impossible de charger l'extension \"%s\": une extension avec le même nom "
"existe déjà\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:581
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:584
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_description\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
@ -2180,7 +2180,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s le symbole \"plugin_description\" est introuvable dans l'extension \"%s"
"\", échec de chargement\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:592
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:595
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_version\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
@ -2188,7 +2188,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s le symbole \"plugin_version\" est introuvable dans l'extension \"%s\", "
"échec de chargement\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:603
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:606
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s function \"weechat_plugin_init\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to "
@ -2197,32 +2197,32 @@ msgstr ""
"%s la fonction \"weechat_plugin_init\" est introuvable dans l'extension \"%s"
"\", échec de chargement\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:657
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Initializing plugin \"%s\" %s\n"
msgstr "Initialisation de l'extension \"%s\" %s\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:665
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:668
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to initialize plugin \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible d'initialiser l'extension \"%s\"\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:676
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:679
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de charger l'extension \"%s\" (mémoire insuffisante)\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:684
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:687
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" (%s) loaded.\n"
msgstr "Extension \"%s\" (%s) chargée.\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:824
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" unloaded.\n"
msgstr "Extension \"%s\" déchargée.\n"
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:830
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:833
#, c-format
msgid "%s plugin \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s extension \"%s\" non trouvée\n"
@ -4117,7 +4117,10 @@ msgstr "liste de mots pour la notification"
msgid ""
"comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison, "
"words may begin or end with \"*\" for partial match)"
msgstr "liste des mots pour la notification (séparés par des virgules, le comparaison ne tient pas compte de la casse, les mots peuvent commencer ou se terminer par \"*\" pour une comparaison partielle)"
msgstr ""
"liste des mots pour la notification (séparés par des virgules, le "
"comparaison ne tient pas compte de la casse, les mots peuvent commencer ou "
"se terminer par \"*\" pour une comparaison partielle)"
#: src/common/weeconfig.c:690
msgid "automatically accept dcc files"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-27 01:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-28 05:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -34,136 +34,136 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s error sending data to IRC server\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:486 src/irc/irc-server.c:499 src/irc/irc-server.c:543
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:489 src/irc/irc-server.c:502 src/irc/irc-server.c:549
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:562
#, c-format
msgid "%s not enough memory for received IRC message\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:675
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "%s Command '%s' failed!\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:680
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "%s No command to execute!\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:685
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "%s Unknown command: cmd=%s, host=%s, args=%s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:736
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:734
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot read data from socket, disconnecting from server...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:819
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:817
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server in %d seconds\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:852
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:850
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls handshake failed\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:869
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:867
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:873
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:871
#, c-format
msgid "%s address \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:883
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:881
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy IP address not found\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:886
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:884
#, c-format
msgid "%s IP address not found\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:895
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:893
#, c-format
msgid "%s proxy connection refused\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:898
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:896
#, c-format
msgid "%s connection refused\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:906
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:904
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s proxy fails to establish connection to server (check username/password if "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1383
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1381
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s cannot connect with SSL since WeeChat was not built with GNUtls support\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1392
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1390
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1398
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1396
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s via %s proxy %s:%d%s...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1408
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1406
#, c-format
msgid "%s: connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1412
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1410
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to server %s:%d%s%s...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1430
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1428
#, c-format
msgid "%s gnutls init error\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1445
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1443
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create pipe\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1460
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1458
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create socket\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1471
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1469
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_REUSEADDR\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1482
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1480
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot set socket option \"SO_KEEPALIVE\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1513
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1511
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Reconnecting to server...\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1563 src/irc/irc-server.c:1572
#: src/irc/irc-server.c:1561 src/irc/irc-server.c:1570
msgid "Disconnected from server!\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(hidden)"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4707
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:59 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4715
msgid "unknown"
msgstr ""
@ -1317,13 +1317,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s \"%s\" command can not be executed on a server window\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:491
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1031 src/irc/irc-send.c:1056 src/irc/irc-recv.c:499
#, c-format
msgid "%s nick \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1228
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2132
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1108 src/irc/irc-send.c:1416 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1236
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2140
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new private window \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1333,472 +1333,472 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s, compiled on %s %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:347
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:355
msgid "You have been invited to "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:350 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3983
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:358 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3991
msgid "by"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:361 src/irc/irc-recv.c:455 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1002
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1387 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1646 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3548
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3631 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3703
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:369 src/irc/irc-recv.c:463 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1010
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1395 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1654 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3639 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3711
#, c-format
msgid "%s channel \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:389
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create new channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:408
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:416
msgid " has joined "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:466
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:474
msgid " has kicked "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:470 src/common/command.c:1456
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:478 src/common/command.c:1456
msgid " from "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:556
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:564
msgid " has killed "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:570
msgid " from server"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:572
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
msgid " from server\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:580
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:588
#, c-format
msgid "%s host \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:620
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:628
msgid "sets ban on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:621
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:629
msgid "removes ban on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:645
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:653
msgid "sets exception on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:646
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:654
msgid "removes exception on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:670
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:678
msgid "sets mode +f"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:671
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:679
msgid "removes mode +f"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:703
msgid "gives half channel operator status to"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:696
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:704
msgid "removes half channel operator status from"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:723
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:731
msgid "sets invite-only channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:724
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:732
msgid "removes invite-only channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:741
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:749
msgid "sets channel key to"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:742
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:750
msgid "removes channel key"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:773
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:781
msgid "sets the user limit to"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:774
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:782
msgid "removes user limit"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:796
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:804
msgid "sets moderated channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:797
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:805
msgid "removes moderated channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:807
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:815
msgid "sets messages from channel only flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:808
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:816
msgid "removes messages from channel only flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:825
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:833
msgid "gives channel operator status to"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:826
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:834
msgid "removes channel operator status from"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:853
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:861
msgid "sets private channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:854
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:862
msgid "removes private channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:871
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:879
msgid "sets quiet on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:872
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:880
msgid "removes quiet on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:889
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:897
msgid "sets secret channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:890
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:898
msgid "removes secret channel flag"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:900
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:908
msgid "sets topic protection"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:901
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:909
msgid "removes topic protection"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:918
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:926
msgid "gives voice to"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:919
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:927
msgid "removes voice from"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:962 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1044 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1465
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2199
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:970 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1052 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1473
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2207
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:972
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel or nickname\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1019
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1027
msgid "mode changed by"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1081
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1089
msgid "You are "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1088
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1096
msgid " is "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1092
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1100
msgid "now known as "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1159
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "%s nickname not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1207
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1215
msgid "reply from"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1210
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1218
#, c-format
msgid ": %ld.%ld seconds\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1249 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2153 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1257 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2161 src/irc/irc-dcc.c:1128
#, c-format
msgid "Private %s> %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1312
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1320
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without host or channel\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1361
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1369
msgid " has left "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1513 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2068
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1521 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2076
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: * %s %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1537
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1545
#, c-format
msgid "Received a CTCP SOUND \"%s\" from "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1570 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1601 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1705
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1745 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2108
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1578 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1609 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1713
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1753 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2116
msgid "received from"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1597 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2104
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1605 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2112
msgid "Unknown CTCP "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1629
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1637
#, c-format
msgid "On %s: %s> %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1761 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1798
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1814 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1840 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1861
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1877 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1902 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1923
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1939 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1964 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1985
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2000 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2175 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2519
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3907 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3922 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3937
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3952 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3965 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4020
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4034 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4274 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4332
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4491 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4506 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4521
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4536 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4549 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4603
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4617
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1769 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1790 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1806
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1822 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1848 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1869
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1885 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1910 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1931
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:1947 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1972 src/irc/irc-recv.c:1993
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2008 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2183 src/irc/irc-recv.c:2527
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3915 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3930 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3945
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3960 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3973 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4028
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4042 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4282 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4340
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4499 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4514 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4529
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4544 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4557 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4611
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4625
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot parse \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2013
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2021
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown DCC CHAT type received from "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2230
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2238
msgid "has quit"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2355
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2363
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" command received without channel\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2387
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2395
msgid " has changed topic for "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2392
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2400
#, c-format
msgid " to: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2398
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2406
msgid " has unset topic for "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2507
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2515
msgid "User mode"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2562
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2570
#, c-format
msgid " is away: %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2644
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:2652
msgid "Users online: "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3134
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
msgid "idle: "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "days"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3142
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3150
msgid "day"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hours"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3152
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3160
msgid "hour"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3158
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3166
msgid "minute"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3164
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3172
msgid "second"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3169
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3177
msgid "signon at: "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3265
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3273
msgid "Channels: "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3561
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3569
msgid "No topic set for "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3618
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3626
msgid "Topic for "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3622
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3630
#, c-format
msgid " is: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3641 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3730 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3783
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3649 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3738 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3791
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify channel for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3691
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3699
msgid "Topic set by "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3712
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3720
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify date/time for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3721 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3792
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3729 src/irc/irc-recv.c:3800
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot identify nickname for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3771
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3779
msgid "has invited"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3774 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4195 src/common/command.c:1449
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3782 src/irc/irc-recv.c:4203 src/common/command.c:1449
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3829
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3837
msgid "Channel reop"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3981
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3989
msgid "exception"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4320
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4328
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot create nick \"%s\" for channel \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4379
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4387
msgid "Nicks "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4399
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4407
msgid "Channel "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nicks"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4410
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
msgid "nick"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "ops"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4418
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4426
msgid "op"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfops"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4427
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4435
msgid "halfop"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voices"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4436
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4444
msgid "voice"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4445
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4453
msgid "normal"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4566
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4574
msgid "banned by"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4661
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4669
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 2nd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4673
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 3rd nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4685
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4693
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: all declared nicknames are already in use, closing connection with "
msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4695
#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:4703
#, c-format
msgid "%s: nickname \"%s\" is already in use, trying 1st nickname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1992,86 +1992,86 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Removing ignore:"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:237
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:231
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for IRC command \"%s\" (not enough "
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:272
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:266
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (already exists)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:309
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s plugin %s: unable to add handler for \"%s\" command (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:547
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:550
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:558
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:561
#, c-format
msgid "%s symbol \"plugin_name\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:569
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:572
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s unable to load plugin \"%s\": a plugin with same name already exists\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:581
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:584
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_description\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:592
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:595
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s symbol \"plugin_version\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to load\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:603
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:606
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s function \"weechat_plugin_init\" not found in plugin \"%s\", failed to "
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:657
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Initializing plugin \"%s\" %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:665
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:668
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to initialize plugin \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:676
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:679
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to load plugin \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:684
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:687
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" (%s) loaded.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:824
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:827
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" unloaded.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:830
#: src/plugins/plugins.c:833
#, c-format
msgid "%s plugin \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -226,6 +226,21 @@ irc_recv_command (t_irc_server *server, char *entire_line,
if (irc_commands[i].recv_function != NULL)
command_ignored = ignore_check (host, irc_commands[i].command_name, NULL, server->name);
#ifdef PLUGINS
if (!command_ignored)
return_code = plugin_msg_handler_exec (server->name,
/* plugin handler choosed to discard message for WeeChat,
so we don't execute WeeChat standard handler for IRC message! */
if (return_code & PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT)
return 0;
/* make gcc happy */
(void) entire_line;
pos = (host) ? strchr (host, '!') : NULL;
if (pos)
pos[0] = '\0';
@ -235,13 +250,6 @@ irc_recv_command (t_irc_server *server, char *entire_line,
return_code = (int) (irc_commands[i].recv_function) (server, host, nick, arguments);
if (nick)
free (nick);
#ifdef PLUGINS
if (!command_ignored)
plugin_msg_handler_exec (server->name, irc_commands[i].command_name, entire_line);
/* make gcc happy */
(void) entire_line;
return return_code;

View File

@ -62,52 +62,46 @@ plugin_find_buffer (char *server, char *channel)
ptr_channel = NULL;
ptr_buffer = NULL;
if (server && server[0])
ptr_server = server_search (server);
if (!ptr_server)
return NULL;
/* nothing given => print on current buffer */
if ((!server || !server[0]) && (!channel || !channel[0]))
ptr_buffer = gui_current_window->buffer;
ptr_server = SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer);
if (!ptr_server)
ptr_server = SERVER(gui_buffers);
if (channel && channel[0])
if (ptr_server)
if (server && server[0])
ptr_channel = channel_search (ptr_server, channel);
if (ptr_channel)
ptr_buffer = ptr_channel->buffer;
ptr_server = server_search (server);
if (!ptr_server)
return NULL;
if (!channel)
ptr_server = SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer);
if (!ptr_server)
ptr_server = SERVER(gui_buffers);
if (channel && channel[0])
if (ptr_server)
ptr_buffer = ptr_server->buffer;
ptr_buffer = gui_current_window->buffer;
if (ptr_buffer->dcc)
ptr_buffer = gui_buffers;
ptr_channel = channel_search (ptr_server, channel);
if (ptr_channel)
ptr_buffer = ptr_channel->buffer;
if (ptr_server)
ptr_buffer = ptr_server->buffer;
ptr_buffer = gui_current_window->buffer;
if (!ptr_buffer)
return NULL;
return (ptr_buffer->dcc) ? NULL : ptr_buffer;
return (ptr_buffer->dcc) ? gui_buffers : ptr_buffer;
@ -315,7 +309,8 @@ plugin_cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *command,
* plugin_msg_handler_exec: execute a message handler
* return: number of handlers executed (0 means no handler found)
* return: code for informing WeeChat whether message
* should be ignored or not
@ -323,9 +318,10 @@ plugin_msg_handler_exec (char *server, char *irc_command, char *irc_message)
t_weechat_plugin *ptr_plugin;
t_plugin_handler *ptr_handler;
int count;
int return_code, final_return_code;
final_return_code = PLUGIN_RC_OK;
count = 0;
for (ptr_plugin = weechat_plugins; ptr_plugin;
ptr_plugin = ptr_plugin->next_plugin)
@ -338,20 +334,27 @@ plugin_msg_handler_exec (char *server, char *irc_command, char *irc_message)
if (ptr_handler->running == 0)
ptr_handler->running = 1;
if ((int) (ptr_handler->handler) (ptr_plugin,
return_code = ((int) (ptr_handler->handler) (ptr_plugin,
ptr_handler->running = 0;
if (return_code >= 0)
if (return_code & PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT)
final_return_code = PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT;
if (return_code & PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS)
return final_return_code;
return count;
return final_return_code;
@ -385,7 +388,7 @@ plugin_cmd_handler_exec (char *server, char *command, char *arguments)
ptr_handler->running = 0;
return (return_code) ? 1 : 0;
return (return_code == PLUGIN_RC_KO) ? 0 : 1;
@ -658,7 +661,7 @@ plugin_load (char *filename)
new_plugin->name, new_plugin->version);
/* init plugin */
if (!((t_weechat_init_func *)init_func) (new_plugin))
if (((t_weechat_init_func *)init_func) (new_plugin) < 0)
irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR);
gui_printf (NULL,

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ weechat_perl_exec (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
sv = GvSV (gv_fetchpv ("@", TRUE, SVt_PV));
return_code = 1;
return_code = PLUGIN_RC_KO;
if (SvTRUE (sv))
plugin->printf_server (plugin, "Perl error: %s", SvPV (sv, count));
@ -114,9 +114,8 @@ weechat_perl_handler (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
/* make gcc happy */
(void) command;
weechat_perl_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
return 1;
return weechat_perl_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
@ -211,6 +210,8 @@ static XS (XS_weechat_print)
message = SvPV (ST (0), integer);
channel_name = NULL;
server_name = NULL;
@ -221,7 +222,6 @@ static XS (XS_weechat_print)
server_name = SvPV (ST (2), integer);
message = SvPV (ST (0), integer);
perl_plugin->printf (perl_plugin,
server_name, channel_name,
"%s", message);
@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
weechat_script_auto_load (plugin, "perl", weechat_perl_load);
/* init ok */
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;

View File

@ -52,31 +52,41 @@ weechat_python_exec (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
PyObject *evMain;
PyObject *evDict;
PyObject *evFunc;
PyObject *rc;
int ret;
PyThreadState_Swap (NULL);
PyEval_AcquireLock ();
PyThreadState_Swap (script->interpreter);
evMain = PyImport_AddModule ((char *) "__main__");
evDict = PyModule_GetDict (evMain);
evFunc = PyDict_GetItemString (evDict, function);
if ( !(evFunc && PyCallable_Check (evFunc)) )
plugin->printf_server (plugin,
"Python error: unable to run function \"%s\"",
return 1;
return PLUGIN_RC_KO;
ret = -1;
rc = PyObject_CallFunction(evFunc, "ss", server == NULL ? "" : server, arguments == NULL ? "" : arguments);
if (rc)
ret = (int) PyInt_AsLong(rc);
PyObject_CallFunction(evFunc, "ss", server == NULL ? "" : server, arguments == NULL ? "" : arguments);
return 0;
if (ret < 0)
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
return ret;
@ -91,9 +101,8 @@ weechat_python_handler (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
/* make gcc happy */
(void) command;
weechat_python_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
return 1;
return weechat_python_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
@ -1104,7 +1113,7 @@ weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
plugin->printf_server (plugin,
"Python error: unable to launch global interpreter");
return 0;
return PLUGIN_RC_KO;
PySys_SetArgv(1, argv);
@ -1117,7 +1126,7 @@ weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
plugin->printf_server (plugin,
"Python error: unable to get current interpreter state");
return 0;
return PLUGIN_RC_KO;
PyEval_ReleaseLock ();
@ -1134,7 +1143,8 @@ weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
weechat_script_auto_load (plugin, "python", weechat_python_load);
return 1;
/* init ok */
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ weechat_ruby_exec (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
(void) arguments;
/* TODO: exec Ruby script */
return 0;
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;
@ -72,9 +72,8 @@ weechat_ruby_handler (t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
/* make gcc happy */
(void) command;
weechat_ruby_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
return 1;
return weechat_ruby_exec (plugin, (t_plugin_script *)handler_pointer,
handler_args, server, arguments);
@ -962,7 +961,8 @@ weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
weechat_script_auto_load (plugin, "ruby", weechat_ruby_load);
return 1;
/* init ok */
return PLUGIN_RC_OK;

View File

@ -22,6 +22,18 @@
/* return codes for init function and handlers */
#define PLUGIN_RC_KO -1 /* function/handler failed */
#define PLUGIN_RC_OK 0 /* function/handler ok */
/* return codes specific to message handlers: messages can be discarded for
WeeChat, for plugins, or both */
#define PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT 1 /* ignore WeeChat for this message */
#define PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS 2 /* ignore other plugins for this msg */
/* ignore WeeChat and other plugins */
typedef struct t_plugin_dcc_info t_plugin_dcc_info;
struct t_plugin_dcc_info