buflist: add default keys ctrl-F1/F2 to scroll up/down one page in buflist (same action as F1/F2)

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2019-01-20 01:27:12 +01:00
parent 9d6ebeda0d
commit e847068a3c
8 changed files with 29 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ New features::
* core: add command line option "-t" (or "--temp-dir") to create a temporary WeeChat home (deleted on exit)
* api: add functions string_base_encode and string_base_decode, remove functions string_encode_base64 and string_decode_base64
* api: add support of Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP), add infos "totp_generate" and "totp_validate"
* buflist: add default keys kbd:[Ctrl+F1]/kbd:[Ctrl+F2] to scroll up/down one page in buflist (same action as kbd:[F1]/kbd:[F2])
* buflist: add variable ${number2}, always set with the indented buffer number
* exec: add option exec.command.shell to customize the shell used with /exec -sh
* relay: add support of close frame in websocket connection (issue #1281)

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@ -1672,8 +1672,10 @@ und um eine Hilfe zu erhalten wie man es nutzt: `/help buffer_autoset`.
| kbd:[Alt+PgDn] | einige Zeilen im Verlaufsspeicher des Buffer nach unten blättern. | `/window scroll_down`
| kbd:[Alt+Home] | springt zur ersten Zeile des Verlaufsspeichers des aktuellen Buffer.s| `/window scroll_top`
| kbd:[Alt+End] | springt zur letzten Zeile des Verlaufsspeichers des aktuellen Buffers. | `/window scroll_bottom`
| kbd:[F1] | blättert eine Seite in der buflist hoch. | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] | blättert eine Seite in der buflist runter. | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[F1] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F1] | blättert eine Seite in der buflist hoch. | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F2] | blättert eine Seite in der buflist runter. | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[Alt+F1] | springt zum Anfang der buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * b`
| kbd:[Alt+F2] | springt zum Ende der buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * e`
| kbd:[Alt+←] +

View File

@ -1637,8 +1637,10 @@ with `/script install buffer_autoset.py` and get help with `/help buffer_autoset
| kbd:[Alt+PgDn] | Scroll down a few lines in buffer history. | `/window scroll_down`
| kbd:[Alt+Home] | Scroll to top of buffer. | `/window scroll_top`
| kbd:[Alt+End] | Scroll to bottom of buffer. | `/window scroll_bottom`
| kbd:[F1] | Scroll up one page in buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] | Scroll down one page in buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[F1] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F1] | Scroll up one page in buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F2] | Scroll down one page in buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[Alt+F1] | Go to the beginning of buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * b`
| kbd:[Alt+F2] | Go to the end of buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * e`
| kbd:[Alt+←] +

View File

@ -1690,8 +1690,10 @@ avec `/help buffer_autoset`.
| kbd:[Alt+PgDn] | Descendre de quelques lignes dans l'historique du tampon. | `/window scroll_down`
| kbd:[Alt+Home] | Aller au début du tampon. | `/window scroll_top`
| kbd:[Alt+End] | Aller à la fin du tampon. | `/window scroll_bottom`
| kbd:[F1] | Monter d'une page dans la liste des tampons. | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] | Descendre d'une page dans la liste des tampons. | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[F1] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F1] | Monter d'une page dans la liste des tampons. | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F2] | Descendre d'une page dans la liste des tampons. | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[Alt+F1] | Aller au début de la liste des tampons. | `/bar scroll buflist * b`
| kbd:[Alt+F2] | Aller à la fin de la liste des tampons. | `/bar scroll buflist * e`
| kbd:[Alt+←] +

View File

@ -1733,9 +1733,11 @@ with `/script install buffer_autoset.py` and get help with `/help buffer_autoset
| kbd:[Alt+Home] | Scorre in cima al buffer. | `/window scroll_top`
| kbd:[Alt+End] | Scorre alla fine del del buffer. | `/window scroll_bottom`
| kbd:[F1] | Scroll up one page in buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F1] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F1] | Scroll up one page in buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] | Scroll down one page in buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[F2] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F2] | Scroll down one page in buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[Alt+F1] | Go to the beginning of buflist. | `/bar scroll buflist * b`

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@ -1639,8 +1639,10 @@ irc サーバ "freenode" に含まれる全てのバッファに対して設定
| kbd:[Alt+PgDn] | バッファ履歴を数行分下方向にスクロール | `/window scroll_down`
| kbd:[Alt+Home] | バッファ履歴を最初までスクロール | `/window scroll_top`
| kbd:[Alt+End] | バッファ履歴を最後までスクロール | `/window scroll_bottom`
| kbd:[F1] | バッファリストを上方に 1 ページスクロール | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] | バッファリストを下方に 1 ページスクロール | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[F1] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F1] | バッファリストを上方に 1 ページスクロール | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F2] | バッファリストを下方に 1 ページスクロール | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[Alt+F1] | バッファリストを上端までスクロール | `/bar scroll buflist * b`
| kbd:[Alt+F2] | バッファリストを下端までスクロール | `/bar scroll buflist * e`
| kbd:[Alt+←] +

View File

@ -1648,8 +1648,10 @@ Można ją zapisać za pomocą skryptu _buffer_autoset.py_: można go zaintalowa
| kbd:[Alt+PgDn] | Przewiń w dół kilka linii w historii bufora. | `/window scroll_down`
| kbd:[Alt+Home] | Przewiń na górę bufora. | `/window scroll_top`
| kbd:[Alt+End] | Przewiń na dół bufora. | `/window scroll_bottom`
| kbd:[F1] | Przewiń do góry jedną stronę na liście buforów. | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] | Przewiń w dół jedną stronę na liście buforów. | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[F1] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F1] | Przewiń do góry jedną stronę na liście buforów. | `/bar scroll buflist * -100%`
| kbd:[F2] +
kbd:[Ctrl+F2] | Przewiń w dół jedną stronę na liście buforów. | `/bar scroll buflist * +100%`
| kbd:[Alt+F1] | Idź na początek listy buforów. | `/bar scroll buflist * b`
| kbd:[Alt+F2] | Idź na koniec listy buforów. | `/bar scroll buflist * e`
| kbd:[Alt+←] +

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@ -419,6 +419,10 @@ weechat_plugin_init (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin, int argc, char *argv[])
{ /* <f1> */ "meta2-11~", "/bar scroll buflist * -100%" },
{ /* <f2> */ "meta-OQ", "/bar scroll buflist * +100%" },
{ /* <f2> */ "meta2-12~", "/bar scroll buflist * +100%" },
{ /* c-<f1> */ "meta2-11^", "/bar scroll buflist * -100%" },
{ /* c-<f1> */ "meta2-1;5P", "/bar scroll buflist * -100%" },
{ /* c-<f2> */ "meta2-12^", "/bar scroll buflist * +100%" },
{ /* c-<f2> */ "meta2-1;5P", "/bar scroll buflist * +100%" },
{ /* m-<f1> */ "meta-meta-OP", "/bar scroll buflist * b" },
{ /* m-<f1> */ "meta-meta2-11~", "/bar scroll buflist * b" },
{ /* m-<f2> */ "meta-meta-OQ", "/bar scroll buflist * e" },