doc: fix note about libncursesw5-dev dependency in user's guide

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2017-03-27 21:40:02 +02:00
parent 0fbca41d88
commit ee82ba7461
5 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Versionen und Paketnamen können für andere Distributionen abweichend sein. +
^(2)^ It is recommended to compile with libncurses**w**5-dev (the *w* is
important). WeeChat can compile with libncurses5-dev, but it is *NOT* recommended:
you may have display bugs with wide chars. +
you may experience display bugs with wide chars. +
^(3)^ Gnutls ≥ 3.0.21 wird benötigt um eine IRC SASL Authentifizierung mittels
ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE durchzuführen. +
^(4)^ Die empfohlene Version ist 2.7 (alle Skripten laufen mit der Version 2.7,

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@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ compile WeeChat.
names may be different in different distributions and versions. +
^(2)^ It is recommended to compile with libncurses**w**5-dev (the *w* is
important). WeeChat can compile with libncurses5-dev, but it is *NOT* recommended:
you may have display bugs with wide chars. +
you may experience display bugs with wide chars. +
^(3)^ Gnutls ≥ 3.0.21 is required for IRC SASL authentication with mechanism
^(4)^ Recommended Python version is 2.7 (all scripts run fine with version 2.7,

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@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ potrebbero essere differenti in versioni e distribuzioni differenti. +
^(2)^ It is recommended to compile with libncurses**w**5-dev (the *w* is
important). WeeChat can compile with libncurses5-dev, but it is *NOT* recommended:
you may have display bugs with wide chars. +
you may experience display bugs with wide chars. +
^(3)^ Gnutls ≥ 3.0.21 is required for IRC SASL authentication with mechanism

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@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ OS X では[Homebrew] を使ってください:
^(2)^ It is recommended to compile with libncurses**w**5-dev (the *w* is
important). WeeChat can compile with libncurses5-dev, but it is *NOT* recommended:
you may have display bugs with wide chars. +
you may experience display bugs with wide chars. +
^(3)^ IRC SASL 認証で ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE を使うには、Gnutls
バージョン 3.0.21 以上が必要です。 +
^(4)^ Python はバージョン 2.7 をお勧めします (全てのスクリプトはバージョン 2.7

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@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ mogą być inne w innych dystrybucjach. +
^(2)^ It is recommended to compile with libncurses**w**5-dev (the *w* is
important). WeeChat can compile with libncurses5-dev, but it is *NOT* recommended:
you may have display bugs with wide chars. +
you may experience display bugs with wide chars. +
^(3)^ Gnutls ≥ 3.0.21 jest wymagany dla uwierzytelnienia IRC SASL za pomocą
mechanizmu ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE. +
^(4)^ Zalecana wersja Pythona to 2.7 (wszystkie skrypty działają z wersją 2.7,