build: enable again build of man page and documentation on Cygwin (issue #722)

This commit is contained in:
Sébastien Helleu 2016-09-03 07:54:42 +02:00
parent 482a2209d1
commit fa9c17660f
2 changed files with 28 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ Documentation::
* cygwin: disable build of man page and documentation
* python: add detection of Python 3.5

View File

@ -23,14 +23,19 @@
# It must be used *ONLY* for a stable release (version "X.Y.Z"), not for
# a development version (version "X.Y.Z-dev" or "X.Y.Z-rcN").
# Instructions: execute these commands inside your build directory,
# after running cmake or configure script (replace X.Y.Z by WeeChat version):
# Instructions:
# $ cygport weechat-X.Y.Z-1.cygport fetch
# $ cygport weechat-X.Y.Z-1.cygport almostall
# 1. install asciidoctor (to build man page/docs):
# ==> packages are built in directory:
# ./weechat-X.Y.Z-1.<arch>/dist/weechat/
# $ gem install -n /usr/local/bin asciidoctor
# 2. execute these commands inside your build directory, after running cmake
# or configure script (replace X.Y.Z by WeeChat version):
# $ cygport weechat-X.Y.Z-1.cygport fetch
# $ cygport weechat-X.Y.Z-1.cygport almostall
# Packages are built in directory: ./weechat-X.Y.Z-1.<arch>/dist/weechat/
inherit cmake
@ -53,12 +58,13 @@ ruby tcl-devel zlib-devel"
# CMake compilation of WeeChat:
# 1. set prefix to /usr
# 2. disable Guile plugin because WeeChat requires Guile >= 2.0,
# 2. enable build of man pages and documentation
# 3. disable Guile plugin because WeeChat requires Guile >= 2.0,
# which is not yet available in Cygwin
# 3. disable Javascript plugin because libv8 is not available in Cygwin
# 4. disable Javascript plugin because libv8 is not available in Cygwin
# Build 8 Cygwin packages:
# weechat-lua
# weechat-tcl
# weechat-devel
# weechat-doc
PKG_NAMES="${PN} ${PN}-python ${PN}-perl ${PN}-ruby ${PN}-lua ${PN}-tcl \
PKG_HINTS="setup python perl ruby lua tcl devel"
${PN}-devel ${PN}-doc"
PKG_HINTS="setup python perl ruby lua tcl devel doc"
# Package "weechat": binary, all plugins except scripting languages,
# translations, icon
# translations, icon, man pages
weechat_SUMMARY="Fast, light and extensible chat client (IRC/XMPP)"
weechat_DESCRIPTION="WeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a fast, \
@ -97,6 +104,7 @@ weechat_CONTENTS="
@ -151,3 +159,10 @@ weechat_tcl_REQUIRES="weechat"
weechat_devel_CATEGORY="Net Devel"
weechat_devel_SUMMARY="Development files to build WeeChat plugins"
weechat_devel_CONTENTS="usr/include/ usr/lib/pkgconfig/"
# Package "weechat-doc": documentation
weechat_doc_CATEGORY="Net Doc"
weechat_doc_SUMMARY="Documentation for WeeChat"