""" :Author: Henning Hasemann <hhasemann [at] web [dot] de> :What it does: This script listens for messages beginning with a special token and appends these messages to a file. This way people can post you short assignments which you cant forget and dont have to look up in your look. (try appending "cat /path/to/mytodofile" at your .bashrc) :Usage: - Load this file - Make sure to set suitable configuration values. token: The piece of text that signals a TODO file: The file where the TODOs should be appended allowed_sources: A space-seperated list of nicknames which are allowed to send TODOs to you. - Whenever any allowed person sends a message beginning with your desired token, the rest of that message is append to the desired TODO-file. Released under GPL licence. """ __version__ = "0.1" import weechat as wc wc.register("todo", __version__, "", "automatic TODO") wc.add_message_handler("privmsg", "on_msg") default = { "token": "##todo ", "file": "/home/USER/todo", "allowed_sources": "", } for k, v in default.items(): if not wc.get_plugin_config(k): wc.set_plugin_config(k, v) def source_allowed(src): return src in wc.get_plugin_config("allowed_sources").split() def on_msg(server, args): # args looks like: # :foo!foo@host PRIVMSG #channel :Hello, how are you? token = wc.get_plugin_config("token") filename = wc.get_plugin_config("file") try: nothing, info, message = args.split(":", 2) hostmask, privmsg, channel = info.split(None, 2) source = hostmask.split("!")[0] except ValueError: # Parsing didnt work, # this happens mostly when strange messages # arrive that dont have the format described above return 0 if source_allowed(source) and message.lower().startswith(token): wc.print_infobar(5, "NEW TASK: " + str(message[7:])) f = open(filename, "a") f.write("%s (%s)\n" % (message[7:], source)) f.close() return 0