<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!-- ********* WARNING! ********* This file is automatically built with a Perl script. DO NOT EDIT! --> <command>admin [target]</command> <programlisting> find information about the administrator of the server target: server </programlisting> <command>ame message</command> <programlisting> send a CTCP action to all channels of all connected servers message: message to send </programlisting> <command>amsg text</command> <programlisting> send message to all channels of all connected servers text: text to send </programlisting> <command>away [-all] [message]</command> <programlisting> toggle away status -all: toggle away status on all connected servers message: message for away (if no message is given, away status is removed) </programlisting> <command>ban [channel] [nickname [nickname ...]]</command> <programlisting> bans nicks or hosts channel: channel for ban nickname: user or host to ban </programlisting> <command>ctcp nickname type [arguments]</command> <programlisting> send a CTCP message (Client-To-Client Protocol) nickname: user to send CTCP to type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", ..) arguments: arguments for CTCP </programlisting> <command>cycle [channel[,channel]] [part_message]</command> <programlisting> leave and rejoin a channel channel: channel name for cycle part_message: part message (displayed to other users) </programlisting> <command>dehalfop [nickname [nickname]]</command> <programlisting> removes half channel operator status from nickname(s) </programlisting> <command>deop [nickname [nickname]]</command> <programlisting> removes channel operator status from nickname(s) </programlisting> <command>devoice [nickname [nickname]]</command> <programlisting> removes voice from nickname(s) </programlisting> <command>die</command> <programlisting> shutdown the server </programlisting> <command>halfop [nickname [nickname]]</command> <programlisting> gives half channel operator status to nickname(s) </programlisting> <command>info [target]</command> <programlisting> get information describing the server target: server name </programlisting> <command>invite nickname channel</command> <programlisting> invite a nick on a channel nickname: nick to invite channel: channel to invite </programlisting> <command>ison nickname [nickname ...]</command> <programlisting> check if a nickname is currently on IRC nickname: nickname </programlisting> <command>join channel[,channel] [key[,key]]</command> <programlisting> join a channel channel: channel name to join key: key to join the channel </programlisting> <command>kick [channel] nickname [comment]</command> <programlisting> forcibly remove a user from a channel channel: channel where user is nickname: nickname to kick comment: comment for kick </programlisting> <command>kickban [channel] nickname [comment]</command> <programlisting> kicks and bans a nick from a channel channel: channel where user is nickname: nickname to kick and ban comment: comment for kick </programlisting> <command>kill nickname comment</command> <programlisting> close client-server connection nickname: nickname comment: comment for kill </programlisting> <command>links [[server] server_mask]</command> <programlisting> list all servernames which are known by the server answering the query server: this server should answer the query server_mask: list of servers must match this mask </programlisting> <command>list [channel[,channel] [server]]</command> <programlisting> list channels and their topic channel: channel to list (a regexp is allowed) server: server name </programlisting> <command>lusers [mask [target]]</command> <programlisting> get statistics about the size of the IRC network mask: servers matching the mask only target: server for forwarding request </programlisting> <command>me message</command> <programlisting> send a CTCP action to the current channel message: message to send </programlisting> <command>mode { channel {[+|-]|o|p|s|i|t|n|b|v} [limit] [user] [ban mask] } | { nickname {[+|-]|i|w|s|o} }</command> <programlisting> change channel or user mode channel modes: channel: channel name to modify o: give/take channel operator privileges p: private channel flag s: secret channel flag i: invite-only channel flag t: topic settable by channel operator only flag n: no messages to channel from clients on the outside m: moderated channel l: set the user limit to channel b: set a ban mask to keep users out e: set exception mask v: give/take the ability to speak on a moderated channel k: set a channel key (password) user modes: nickname: nickname to modify i: mark a user as invisible s: mark a user for receive server notices w: user receives wallops o: operator flag </programlisting> <command>motd [target]</command> <programlisting> get the "Message Of The Day" target: server name </programlisting> <command>msg receiver[,receiver] text</command> <programlisting> send message to a nick or channel receiver: nick or channel (may be mask, '*' = current channel) text: text to send </programlisting> <command>names [channel[,channel]]</command> <programlisting> list nicknames on channels channel: channel name </programlisting> <command>nick [-all] nickname</command> <programlisting> change current nickname -all: set new nickname for all connected servers nickname: new nickname </programlisting> <command>notice nickname text</command> <programlisting> send notice message to user nickname: user to send notice to text: text to send </programlisting> <command>op nickname [nickname]</command> <programlisting> gives channel operator status to nickname(s) </programlisting> <command>oper user password</command> <programlisting> get operator privileges user/password: used to get privileges on current IRC server </programlisting> <command>part [channel[,channel]] [part_message]</command> <programlisting> leave a channel channel: channel name to leave part_message: part message (displayed to other users) </programlisting> <command>ping server1 [server2]</command> <programlisting> ping server server1: server to ping server2: forward ping to this server </programlisting> <command>pong daemon [daemon2]</command> <programlisting> answer to a ping message daemon: daemon who has responded to Ping message daemon2: forward message to this daemon </programlisting> <command>query nickname [text]</command> <programlisting> send a private message to a nick nickname: nickname for private conversation text: text to send </programlisting> <command>quit [quit_message]</command> <programlisting> close all connections and quit quit_message: quit message (displayed to other users) </programlisting> <command>quote data</command> <programlisting> send raw data to server without parsing data: raw data to send </programlisting> <command>rehash</command> <programlisting> tell the server to reload its config file </programlisting> <command>restart</command> <programlisting> tell the server to restart itself </programlisting> <command>service nickname reserved distribution type reserved info</command> <programlisting> register a new service distribution: visibility of service type: reserved for future usage </programlisting> <command>servlist [mask [type]]</command> <programlisting> list services currently connected to the network mask: list only services matching this mask type: list only services of this type </programlisting> <command>squery service text</command> <programlisting> deliver a message to a service service: name of service text: text to send </programlisting> <command>squit server comment</command> <programlisting> disconnect server links server: server name comment: comment for quit </programlisting> <command>stats [query [server]]</command> <programlisting> query statistics about server query: c/h/i/k/l/m/o/y/u (see RFC1459) server: server name </programlisting> <command>summon user [target [channel]]</command> <programlisting> give users who are on a host running an IRC server a message asking them to please join IRC user: username target: server name channel: channel name </programlisting> <command>time [target]</command> <programlisting> query local time from server target: query time from specified server </programlisting> <command>topic [channel] [topic]</command> <programlisting> get/set channel topic channel: channel name topic: new topic for channel (if topic is "-delete" then topic is deleted) </programlisting> <command>trace [target]</command> <programlisting> find the route to specific server target: server </programlisting> <command>unban [channel] nickname [nickname ...]</command> <programlisting> unbans nicks or hosts channel: channel for unban nickname: user or host to unban </programlisting> <command>userhost nickname [nickname ...]</command> <programlisting> return a list of information about nicknames nickname: nickname </programlisting> <command>users [target]</command> <programlisting> list of users logged into the server target: server </programlisting> <command>version [server | nickname]</command> <programlisting> gives the version info of nick or server (current or specified) server: server name nickname: nickname </programlisting> <command>voice [nickname [nickname]]</command> <programlisting> gives voice to nickname(s) </programlisting> <command>wallops text</command> <programlisting> send a message to all currently connected users who have set the 'w' user mode for themselves text to send </programlisting> <command>who [mask ["o"]]</command> <programlisting> generate a query which returns a list of information mask: only information which match this mask o: only operators are returned according to the mask supplied </programlisting> <command>whois [server] nickname[,nickname]</command> <programlisting> query information about user(s) server: server name nickname: nickname (may be a mask) </programlisting> <command>whowas nickname [,nickname [,nickname ...]] [count [target]]</command> <programlisting> ask for information about a nickname which no longer exists nickname: nickname to search count: number of replies to return (full search if negative number) target: reply should match this mask </programlisting>